ALEXANDRIA BAY (Jefferson County.)
A pleasant village situated on the River St. Lawrence, in close proximity to the Thousand Islands; and within a few years has become a favorite resort for fishing and excursion parties.
Bates S.S. wagon maker.
Barker Frank W. harness maker.
Campbell A.E. carpenter.
Carter James, shoe maker.
Cornwall James H. carpenter
Cornwall & Walton, forwarding and commission merchants; also, agents N.T.Co., and
steamboat express
Crossman's Hotel.
Cummings Peter, blacksmith.
Dillenback Peter, dry goods, groceries, &c.
Estes J.B. Mansion House.
Eiverson John I. grocer and shoe maker.
Fuller J. W. saw mill.
Leonard Isaac, shoemaker.
Mansion House, J.B.Estes, proprietor.
Plimpton Horace, stage proprietor.
Rockwell Rev. George, pastor Reformed Dutch Church.
Sisson & Fox, dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, &c.
Spalsbury, R.M. St. Lawrence Hotel.
St. Lawrence Hotel, R.M. Spalsbury, proprietor.
Thompson, Wm. H. stoves and tinware.
Thomson, Wm. M. deputy collector of customs.
Watson, D.A. deputy collector of customs.
Woodworth, D. boots and shoes.
Woodworth, W.J. post master, and justice of the peace.
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