(Jefferson County)
Situated on Black River, four miles below Watertown, incorporated 1828.
Alexander Wilbert, livery stable.
Bartlett Charles H. grist mill.
Bell Chandler, ticket agent R.W.& O.R.R., also agent American Express.
Brown Wm. H. lawyer and insurance agents.
Brownville Hotel, A.A.& M.S. Gardinier, proprietors.
Codman G. cabinet maker and agricultural implement manufacturer.
Countryman & McGowin, blacksmiths andcarriage makers.
Gardinier A.A. & M.S. Brownville Hotel.
Gibbs Alvin A. post master.
Gibbs & Steele, dry goods, groceries &c.
Hunt James M. boot, shoe and harness maker, also agent Merchants Union
Johnston's Hotel, John Johnston, proprietor.
Keenan F. manufacturer of ladies' toilet glasses.
Lord A.E. dry goods, groceries &c.
Lord Wm. Jr. insurance agent and justice of the peace.
Lutze S. boots and shoes.
Mallory Wm. stoves and tinware
Parker & Bro. dry goods, groceries, &c.
Pratt L.S. & Son, manufacturers of cotton sheeting.
SKINNER BROTHERS iron founders and machinists, (see advertisement).
Spafford S. harness maker.
Turner Rev. Isaac, Methodist clergyman.
Warren L.M. grist, saw and shingle mills, also wool carder.
Wood, Rev. Enos, Presbyterian clergyman.
Younger Robert, grocer.
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