(Jefferson County.)
A station on the Cape Vincent branch of the R.W. & O.R.R. Is situated on the Bay at the mouth of the Chaumont river. Distance from Watertown 13 miles.
Adams John Q. steam saw mill.
Baker J. agent Merchants Union Express Co.
Baker Wm. ticket agent R.W. & O.R.R., also agent American Express Co.
Copley DeWitt, grist mill.
Dewey A.J. grocer, fish and salt dealer.
Enos W.W. dry goods, groceries, &c.
Green Lyman, Hotel.
Horton Stephen, rake maker and painter.
Hoyt Rev. Wm. Presbyterian clergyman.
Inman Ira, dry goods, groceries, &c., also post master.
Jewett H.W. physician.
Johnson & Co. stone quarries.
Lawton Wm. H. shoe maker.
McPherson & Winch, druggists and grocers.
Scott P.C. Union Hotel.
Smith O.J. blacksmith.
Stebbins T.P. dry goods, groceries, &c.
Swind George, harness maker.
Thompson S.K. & Son, carriage makers.
Union Hotel, P.C.Scott, proprietor.
Yoran James, turner.
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