Three Mile Bay
(Jefferson County.)
A station on the Cape Vincent branch of the R.2. & O.R.R. 16 miles from Watertown.
Allen John, stoves and tinware.
Barber Mark, carriage maker.
Barber Wm. cabinet maker.
Bellinger Peter, grocer.
Blanden Rev. J.S. Baptist clergyman.
Central House, Favret & Benway, proprietors.
Dick Hugh, blacksmith.
Farr Zimri, blacksmith.
Favret & Benway, Central House.
Francis A.H. attorney and counselor at law.
Frame S.V. physician.
Hayes C.D. post master.
Lake Mrs. W. milliner.
Loucks John, physician.
Lucas A.J. billiard saloon.
McMullen John, merchant tailor.
Parker Charles, physician.
Parker Lewis, fish and commission merchant.
Phelps L.P. grist mill.
Polley Wm. H. shoe maker.
Schuyler, McKinstry & Co. dry goods, groceries, &c.
Taylor John L. harness maker.
Vincent Mrs. E. music teacher.
Wheeler & Hayes, dry goods, groceries, &c.
Whitney John, saw mill.
Wilcox Asa, blacksmith and boat builder.
Wilcox A. & G.R. dry goods, groceries, &c.
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