Jefferson County, New York

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Kimball Cemetery, Town of Brownville, Jeff. Co., NY

copied by Mrs. Chas. Gruman, Comfort Tyler Chapter D.A.R.

Many of the burials listed here are also listed in Parish Cemetery, Town of Pamelia, located on the west side of County Route 16, approximately 2 miles northeast of the intersection of County Route 16 and Route 12. It appears too be the same cemetry with a different name.

ALLEN, RAMISH - b April 11, 1796 - d Nov. 1814 at 18 years. Served at Sacketts Harbor 1812. Granted furlough, died & buried on Cyrus Allen farm, Perch River, NY, Town of Brownville, Jeff. Co., NY

BONNEY, MADISON 0 1843- 1902
  wife, ELLA HORR - 1850-1932
BONNEY, WALTER - d July 24, 1857 at 40 years, 9 months
  wife, ELIZABETH - d Mar. 19, 1892 at 60 years

BUCKMINSTER, EVE ANN, wife of C. B. - d Oct. 18, 1850 at 27 years, 1 month, 20 days

COLE, ZERVIAH, dau. of WALTER & CHARLOTTE COLE - d April 25, 1862 at 43 years
COLE, WALTER (G.A.R. Marker) - d Dec. 16, 1850 at 62 years, 11 months, 14 days
  wife, CHARLOTTE - d May 19, 1878 at 89 years, 10 months, 6 days

CRAWFORD, LAURENTRICE P. wife of S. H. - d Feb. 27, 1848 at 27 years

COLE, JOHN M. - d Mar. 8, 1881 at 71 years
  wife, MARY ANN - d Oct. 20, 1856 at 74 years, 6 months
COLE, MARY M., wife of HARRISON COLE - d Feb. 7, 1850 at 31 years

DAVENPORT, BETSEY B., wife of J. H. DAVENPORT - d April 27, 1873 at 55 years, 9 months

DOXTATER, LETITITA - b May 7, 1811 d May 1, 1854

ELLSWORTH, WESLEY - d Nov. 13, 1884 at 70 years, 9 months

FAILING, JOHN - d Feb. 26, 1890 at 92 years, 1 month, 29 days
  wife, CATHERINE - d Oct. 6. 1891 at 92 years, 3 months, 9 days
FAILING, JOHN D. - d May 27, 1838 at 83 years
  wife, ELIZABETH - d 22 Sept. 1851 at 92 years

  wife, RUBY LEAVITT - 1830 - 1917
KEITH, FLEURY - d Sept. 17, 1850 at 65 years
  wife, PAMELIA d Mar. 14, 1857 at 81 years

MAKEPEACE, d Mar. 13, 1813 at 60 years
  wife, LUCY B. - d Dec. 8, 1842 at 90 years

VANDEWATER, LAURA L., wife of AUSTIN - d Feb. 27, 1874 at 33 years, 22 days

  wife, LOTTIE M. 1882-1916

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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