Jefferson County, New York

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Farm Cemetery on the Roberts Corners - Smithville Rd. Town of Henderson

COON, CAPT. JOSHUA d 11 Dec. 1818 at 54 years, 6 months
 wife, MARY d 11 Nov. 1852 at 76 years

GILBERT, MOSES - Co. G. 188 Regt. N.Y.Vol. b 17 July 1847 d 22 Sept. 1894
 wife, MAUDE C. KRAK d 15 June 1859
GILBERT, FORWARD C. d 16 Sept. 1885
GILBERT, FREDDIE A. d 17 Aug. 1883

GROW, ALVAH d 8 May 1856 at 71 years
 wife, POLLY BOYDEN d 25 June 1850 at 60 years
GROW, NATHANIEL d 9 July 1838 at 88 years
 wife, SUSANNA DOW - d 31 Jan. 1814 at 62 years
GROW, JOHN B. d 3 Jan. 1895 at 72 years
 wife, ADELAIDE A. CHURCH d 22 May 1895 at 70 years
GROW, TERESA, dau. ALVAH & POLLY d 12 Jan. 1831 at 16 years

HARRINGTON, BROOKS d at Smithville 5 Sept. 1826 at 45 years

McNITT, HANNAH, wife of Capt. SAMUEL McNITT d 18 Oct. 1814 at 45 years, 1 month, 4 days

MORRIS, JOHN d 22 June 1844 at 85 years
 wife, DESIRE d 14 April 1890 at 69 years
MORRIS, WILLIAM d 6 March 1823 at 37 years, 5 months, 3 days

PERSON, ELVIRA, dau. NATHAN & BETSEY d 2 April 1825 at 21 years

PENNEY, RHODA, wife of ZEPHANIAH d 10 March 1815 at 23 years, 6 months

SMITH, ASA d 31 Oct. 1834 at 61 years
 wife, ELIABETH d 7 Oct. 1844 at 71 years, 7 months, 22 days
SMITH, MARIAH d 24 March 1839 in the 26th year

WEBB, ORISSA GROW d 23 Feb. 1906 at 89 years

Information contributed by volunteer Marilyn Sapienza.

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