(Postoffice is designated in parentheses)

Index and Abbreviations

Abbott, John, (Chaumont) laborer, h Lyme st.

Ackerman, Ruth, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Lorenzo D., h William.

Adams, Ashton W., (Chaumont) (Adams Brothers) (Enos & Adams) h James.

Adams Brothers, (Hector and Ashton W.) props. stone quarry, manufs. of lime and cut stone, off James.

Adams, Frank, (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Adams, Hector, (Chaumont) (Adams Brothers) h James.

Adams, John Q., (Chaumont) retired lumberman, h James.

Allen, John, (Three Mile Bay) retired farmer 40, h Main.

Allen, Orville, (Three Mile Bay) r 8, butcher.

Angel, David W., (Point Peninsula r 62, farmer 80.

Angel, Lester C., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of R. C. Baird 105.

Angel, Lillie M., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, school teacher.

Angel, Mamie E., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, school, teacher.

Angel, Windsor C., (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer 86, and leases of D. W. 80.

Armstrong, Robert, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer 54.

Armstrong, William, (Chaumont) r 26, farmer 125.

ARNOLD, JACOB, (Chaumont) teamster, served in Co. D, 20th N. Y. Cav., h and lot Madison.

Arnold, William H., (Chaumont) farm laborer, h Madison.

ATWOOD, CHARLES W., (Chaumont) r 48, farmer 164, h Madison.

Atwood, Isaac T., (Chaumont) r 28, farmer 116.

Atwood, William, (Chaumont) student, h Madison.

Bacon, George, (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer, leases of George Rickett 50.

BAIRD, ROBERT C., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, 6 cows, farmer 105.

Banks, Ira 0., (Chaumont) farmer in Brownville 110, h Academy.

Barber, David, (Three Mile Bay) r 23, carpenter.

Barber, Fred, (Three Mile Bay) boat builder and fisherman, h Wheeler.

Barber, John C., (Three Mile Bay) wagonmaker and boat builder. h Main.

BARBER, MARK, (Three Mile Bay) wagonmaker and boat builder, Main, h do.

Barber, William M., (Three Mile Bay) wagonmaker, h Main.

BARNES, DANIEL H., (Point Peninsula) r 63, 1 brood mare, farmer 70.

BARNES, GEORGE A., (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer 243, and leases of the W. I. Enders estate 159.

Barnes, Lansing, (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer with his father, George A.

Barnes, Myron A., (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer, leases of George A. 85.

Barron, John, (Chaumont) laborer, bds. James.

BARRON, JOHN J., (Three Mile Bay) dealer in marble and granite monuments, Main, h do.

Barron, Richard, (Chaumont) stone mason, h James.

Barron, Walter, (Chaumont) student, h James.

BASINGER, JACOB B., (Three Mile Bay) retired baker, h Wells.

Bates, Helen, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, widow of Nathan, farmer 60.

Becker, Almenzo F., Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer, leases of F. Getman 163.

Becker, David C., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of John 127.

Becker, F. Seigel, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer.

BECKER, JOHN, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, 1 brood mare, farmer 127.

Bellinger, Ephraim, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 92.

Bellinger, Peter, (Chaumont) r 34, farmer 100.

Berry, Herman, (Chaumont) laborer, h James.

Biloue, Joseph, (Chaumont) r 18, laborer.

Bishop, Moses, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 6.

Bismett, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 10.

Black, Betsey, (Chaumont) r 46, widow of Silas, resident.

Blodgett, Bruce, (Chaumont) r 31, farmer 77.

BLODGETT, MARSHALL H., (Chaumont) teamster, served in Co. I; 94th Regt., in Maine Independent Bat., and reenlisted in Co. L, 1st N. Y. Lt. Art., h Academy.

Blodgett, Nancy Mrs., (Chaumont) dealer in millinery and fancy goods, James, h do.

BLODGET, DIANA, A., (Chaumont) r 31, widow of W. Scott, 12 cows, farmer 110.

Bortals, Eliza, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, widow of Frederick, resident, aged 80.

BOVEE, GEORGE, (Chaumont) carpenter, h Academy.

BOVEE, GEORGE, (Chaumont) r 27, farmer 100.

Bovee, William, (Chaumont) quarryman, h Madison.

BRAY, ELECTA Mrs., (Chaumont) milliner and dressmaker, h James.

Bray, Henry W., (Chaumont) laborer, h Main.

BREADSELL, LUCENA, (Three Mile Bay) widow of William, resident, aged 74, h and lot Main.

BRIANT, JOHN J., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 55.

Brockham, Frank, (Chaumont) carpenter, h Madison.

Brooks, Ellsworth, (Chaumont) carpenter, bds. Academy.

Brooks, William, (Point Peninsula) r 55. sailor.

Brougham, Aaron, (Chaumont) blacksmith, Mill, h Madison.

Brougham, Frank, (Chaumont) carpenter, h Madison.

Brougham, William, (Three Mile Bay) r 37 cor. 50, blacksmith, owns shop and 2 acres.

Brown, Lawrence, (Chaumont) r 48, steamboat engineer.

Brown, H. Nelson, (Chaumont) r 30, 10 cows,farmer 100.

Brown, William, (Three Mile Bay) school teacher, h Main.

Brown, William, (Chaumont) r 48, shoemaker, James.

BUCHANAN, JAMES, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, 8 cows. served in Co. B, 35th N.Y. Vols., farmer 80.

Buckman, Henry, (Chaumont) r 32, farmer, leases of Rogers Brothers 360.

Buford, Frank, (Chaumont) stonecutter and quarryman, h James.

Buford, Joseph, (Chaumont) stonecutter, h James.

Bushnell, Theodore, (Chaumont) barber, Wilcox House.

Byam, Adelbert M., (Chaumont) clerk for E. Jaqua, h Madison.

Byam, Alonzo, (Chaumont) laborer, h Academy.

Byam, Jennie M., (Chaumont) school teacher, h Madison.

Byam, John, (Chaumont) carpenter and farmer, owns in Orleans 100.

Byam, Solomon M., (Chaumont) deputy sheriff, constable, harnessmaker, h Madison.

Cahoon, Daniel J., (Chaumont) r 33, retired farmer 100.

Calhoun, Ruby Miss, (Three Mile Bay) dealer in millinery, Main, h do.

Carey, David, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2 farmer, leases of J. Dillenback 30.

Carey, Morris J., (Chaumont) r 27, farmer 218.

Carl, Joseph R., (Three Mile Bay) r 7, farmer 20.

Carpenter, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, laborer.

Casey, Patrick, (Three Mile Bay) farm laborer, h Main.

Casler, William A., (Chaumont) depot agent and telegraph operator, h James. [Removed to Cape Vincent.]

Caswell, ---, (Chaumont) widow of George, h and lot Washington.

Cato, John, (Chaumont) quarryman, h Water.

Cato, John, Jr., (Chaumont) quarryman, h Water.

Central House, (Three Mile Bay) C. A. Hall, lessee, Main.

Chapman, Gilbert, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 25.

Chapman, James, (Chaumont) r 34, laborer.

Chapman, Mary A., (Three Mile Bay) widow, farmer 115.

Charlebois, Joseph M., (Chaumont) stonecutter, h Washington.

CHAUMONT HOTEL, (Chaumont) G. C. McLean, prop., James.

Chavoustie, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer 55.

Chavoustie, Vincent G., (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer with his father, Henry.

Cheevers, Alonzo, (Chaumont) r 28, 25 cows, farmer, leases of H. Copley 500.

Cheevers, Montraville, (Chaumont) r 28, farmer with his father, Alonzo.

Clarey, Marvin J., (Chaumont) r 27, farmer 100.

Clark, Betsey Miss, (Point Peninsula). r 61, postmistress.

Clark, Leroy, (Point Peninsula) r 61, retired farmer.

Clark, Mariette Miss, (Point Peninsula) general merchant.

Clement, William, (Chaumont) farmer in Brownville 120, h Madison ave.

Clemons, John S., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, fisherman and peddler.

Clemons, Nelson, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, stone mason.

Coburn, Samantha, (Chaumont) widow of Sylvanus B., resident, aged 72.

Cole, Harvey D., (Chaumont) prop. billiard parlors and restaurant, Mill cor. Main.

Collins, Adelbert, (Chaumont) r 41, farmer with his father, Henry.

Collins, Albert D., (Point Peninsula) r 61, clerk for his father.

Collins, Alva N. Dr., (Point Peninsula) r 58, allo. physician.

Collins, Carlton, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 150.

Collins, Emmet, (Point Peninsula) r 58, 11 head cattle, farmer 77.

Collins, Frank, (Point Peninsula) r 59, farmer with his father, Lester.

COLLINS, HENRY, (Chaumont) r 41, 48 head cattle, farmer, leases of Hiram Copley 300.

Collins, Lester, (Point Peninsula) r 59, farmer 100.

Collins, Lester, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 125.

Collins, Linus, Sr., (Point Peninsula) r 55, 20 head cattle. farmer 170.

Collins, Linus, Jr., (Point Peninsula) r 55, farmer with his father, Linus, Sr.

Collins, Linus H., (Point Peninsula) r 61, general merchant

Collins, Lyman, (Point Peninsula) r 58, retired farmer.

Collins, Schuyler B., (Point Peninsula) r 55,farmer. leases of Linus 170.

Collins, William R., (Chaumont) r 41, student.

Colwell, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 14, farmer 50.

Combs, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) r 40, farmer 231.

Combs, Fanny M., (Three Mile Bay) r 40, widow of George W., resident, aged 75.

Combs, John, (Three Mile Bay) clerk, h and lot.

Comerford, Andrew J., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 55.

Comerford, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer.

Cook, John. (Cbaumont) r 30, Limburger cheese manuf., 13 cows, farmer 113.

COOLEY, CLOANTHUS G., (Point Peninsula) r 61. farmer 50.

Copley, Allen, Chaumont) (H. Copley & Sons.) bds. Wilcox House.

Copley, H. & Sons, (Chaumont) (George A., of New York, and Allen) dealers in lumber, lime stone. and produce.

Copley, Hiram, (Chaumont) (H. Copley & Sons) farmer, owns 7,000 acres of land.

Cornaire, James, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, farmer 86.

Cossleman, Adelbert, (Chaumont) r 18, laborer.

Cossleman, Alvin, (Chaumont) r 18, laborer.

COSSLEMAN, DANIEL, (Chaumont) r 18, 9 cows, farmer 330.

Cossleman, Harrison, (Chaumont) r 18, farmer, leases of W. C. Cummings 400.

Cossleman, Van Rensselaer, (Three Mile Bay) r 34. farmer 90.

Cranson, Martha, (Point Peninsula) r 56, farmer 60.

Crouse, Ezra, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, laborer.

Crouse, George, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer 210.

CROUSE, GEORGE, JR., (Three Mile Bay) prop. eating saloon, Main, h do.

Crouse, Lewis, (Three Mile Bay) carpenter, h Main.

Crouse, Philip, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer for his father, George.

Crumb, Grant E., (Chaumont) book-keeper, h Academy.

Crumb, Waitstill, (Chaumont) dealer in hay, owns 918 acres of land, h James.

Cummins, Watson, (Chaumont) r 48, teamster.

Curtis, Albert D., (Three Mile Bay) dealer in furniture, agricultural implements, and sewing machines. Main h do.

Curtis, Edwin, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer, leases of A. Sayer 130.

Daniels, Adelbert A., (Chaumont) school teacher, h James.

Daniels, Emma Mrs., (Chaumont) teacher of vocal and instrumental music, h James.

DANLEY, LEWIS D., (Three Mile Bay) owns Central House, h Main.

Davis, Joseph L., (Three Mile Bay) carpenter, h Main.

Davis, Silas, (Chaumont) r 48, stonecutter, h and 19 acres.

Delany, John T., (Chaumont) supervisor, prin. graded school, h Madison.

Delany, John T. Mrs., (Chaumont) school teacher, h Madison.

Dewey, Allwin H., (Three Mile Bay) telegraph operator and station agent R., W. & 0. R. R., lives in depot.

DEWEY, ANDREW J., (Chaumont) dealer in groceries and ready-made clothing, James, h do.

Dewey, Clara M., (Chaumont) widow of Frank C., h James.

Dick, Andrew, (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, h Wells.

Dick, Andrew, (Three Mile Bay) clerk for G. R. Wilcox, h Church.

Dick, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, h Wells.

DICK, HUGH, (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, Main, h and lot Wheeler.

Dick, John, (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, h Wheeler.

Dick, Will, (Three Mile Bay) photographer and crayon and India ink artist, Main, bds. Wheeler.

Diefendorf, Alonzo, (Chaumont) r 47, custom house officer, farm 25.

Diefendorf, Ernest, (Chaumont) r 47, farmer 78.

Diefendorf, Jacob K., (Chaumont) r 5, 20 cows, retired farmer, owns in Brownville 225. h James.

Dietz, Maria K.. (Chaumont) r 31, widow of Peter, resident.

DILLENBACK, ANDREW J., (Chaumont) r 33, dealer in coal, farm implements, wagons, and carriages, owns one-half of Peck Hotel, farmer 512, h and lot.

Dillenback Bert, (Chaumont) r 1, (Dillenback, Brothers).

Dillenback, Brothers, (Chaumont) r 1, (Bert and Fred) 12 cows, farmers 200.

Dillenback, Fred, (Chaumont) r 1, (Dillenback Brothers).

DILLENBACK, JACOB J., (Chaumont) r 30, dealer in coal and seeds, raises $800 worth of garden seeds annually, farm 250, h James.

Dingman, Abram B., (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer 118.

Dingman, Hanly, (Point Peninsula) farmer, leases of W. Angel 100.

Dingman, Randall, (Three Mile Bay) r 10, farmer 75.

Dixon, Robert, (Chaumont) r 48, farmer.

Doane, Hiram E., (Chaumont) engineer, h Washington.

Douglass, Leander, (Chaumont) r 48, laborer.

Dual, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, laborer.

Duford, Francis, Sr., (Chaumont) (Duford & Son) stonecutter, h James.

Duford, Francis, Jr., (Chaumont) (Duford & Son) stonecutter, h James.

Duford, & Son, (Chaumont) (Francis, Sr., and Francis, Jr.) props. stone quarry.

Dunham, Faud, (Chaumont) quarryman, h Water.

Dunham, Fordice, (Chaumont) sailor, h Water.

Edick, Jacob, (Point Peninsula) r 56, fisherman.

Elliot, John, (Chaumont) r 33, section foreman R., W. & 0. R. R.

ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH, (Chaumont). r 33, widow of William, aged 65.

ELLIOTT, WILLIAM J., (Chaumont) butcher and prop. meat market, h James.

Emery, Brayton, (Point Peninsula) r 54, farm laborer.

Empie, Augustus G., (Three Mile Bay) off r 35; 11 cows. 50 sheep, farmer 100.

Empie, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 25.

EMPIE, CHARLES M., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, 8 cows, farmer 130.

Empie, Frank B., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 100.

Enders, James W., (Point Peninsula) r 56, farmer, leases of Nelson L. 104.

Enders, Nelson L., (Point Peninsula) r 56, farmer 104.

Enos, William W., (Chaumont) (Enos & Adams) retired merchant, h James.

Enos & Adams, (Chaumont) (William W. E. and Ashton W. A.) props. lime stone quarry 16 acres.

Failing, Alexander, (Point Peninsula) r 54, 25 head cattle, farmer 300.

Failing, John P. (Point Peninsula) r 53 cor. 57, 25 grade Holstein cattle. 1 brood mare, farmer 200.

Farr, Harvey H., (Three Mile Bay) journeyman harnessmaker, Main.

Faulkner, S. Van Rensselaer, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Wheeler.

Faulkner, Simon, (Chaumont) laborer, h Lyme st.

Favret, Peter, (Three Mile Bay) r 21, 7 cows, farmer 177.

Favry, Frank B., (Chaumont) r 43, farmer, leases of Lucy M. Ryder 173.

FAVRY, JOHN, (Chaumont) quarryman, h and lot Water.

Ferney, Napoleon, (Point Peninsula) r 53, farmer, leases of J. Sherman 100, and of A. Van Doren 100.

FISH, ORVILLE, (Three mile Bay) stone cutter and laborer, served in Co. M, 20th N. Y. Cav., h and lot Wheeler.

Fish, Samuel M., (Three Mile Bay) ship carpenter, h Wheeler.

Fisher, Curtis, (Chaumont) r 47, carpenter and joiner, h and 7 acres.

Fisher, Delatus (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Fisher, George, (Chaumont) r 45 cor. 46, farmer 100.

Fisher, Webster D., (Chaumont) r 48, stonecutter and blacksmith.

Flanders, Hiram. (Three Mile. Bay) r 49, farmer.

Flanders, Irvin D., (Three Mile Bay) dealer in furniture, Main, h do.

Flanders, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer.

Flanders, Keziah, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Christopher, resident, owns farm in Cape Vincent 80.

Flanders, Margaret, (Three Mile Bay) r 52, widow of Jeremiah, resident, aged 83.

Flanders, Mary, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, widow of Solomon, farmer 75.

Flanders,, Menzo, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of B. Curtis 60.

Flanders, Minot. (Three Mile Bay) laborer.

FLANDERS, STEPHEN, (Three Mile Bay) farmer and carpenter, h Wells.

Fluno, Orange. (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Forbes, Francis, (Chaumont) retired farmer, owns in Clayton 88.

Ford, Charles, (Chaumont) laborer, h off James.

Ford, John, (Chaumont) r 48, farmer 50.

Foster Jackson, (Chaumont) r 48, laborer.

FOSTER, MARGARET J., (Chaumont) r 31, widow of Thomas, aged 66.

FOSTER, WILLIAM T., (Chaumont) r 31, 26 cows, farmer, leases of H. Copley 400.

Fox, ---, (Point Peninsula) r --, widow of Timothy, farm 8.

Fox, Clara, (Three Mile Bay) dealer in millinery and fancy goods, h Main.

FOX, JACOB. (three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer 513, and 3 houses and lots Main.

Fox, Jane, (Three Mile Bay) r 38, widow of Christopher, farmer 70.

Francis, Nicholas, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer 55.

Fredenburg, John, (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Freeman, Francis, (Chaumont) retired farmer, h Madison.

Freeman, John, (Chaumont) laborer, h Madison ave.

Fry, Eugene H., (Three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer, leases of Harmon 100.

Fry, Harmon, (Three Mile Bay) r 34. farmer 100.

Fry, Peter, (Chaumont) sailor, h James.

Fuller, Charles E., (Three Mile Bay) sailor, h William.

Gage, George W., (Limerick) r 44, laborer, served 3 years in 10th N. Y. H. A.

Garlock, James, (Chaumont) r 28, laborer.

Garner, Charles H., (Chaumont) r 31, laborer.

George Brothers, (Chaumont) (John F. and Henry L.) dealers in hardware and stoves, James.

George, Henry L., (Chaumont) (George Brothers) h James.

George, John F., (Chaumont) (George Brothers) h James.

GETMAN, ADELBERT A., M. D.. (Chaumont) allo. physician and surgeon, h James.

Getman, Charles, (Chaumont) r 19, farmer for his father 100.

GETMAN, CHRISTOPHER, (Chaumont) r 31, 20 cows, 4 horses, farmer 194.

Getman, Fred B., (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer for his father, Henry, 100.

GETMAN, FREDERICK, (Point Peninsula) r 62, 12 head cattle, farmer 163.

Getman, Henry, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 100.

Getman, William, (Chaumont) r 19, farmer 100.

Getman, William B., (Chaumont) farmer with his father.

GIBBONS, EDWARD C., (Chaumont) r 25, 8 head cattle, farmer leases of Thomas 165.

Gibbons, Thomas, (Chaumont) r 25, farm 165.

Giles, Charles, (Chaumont) retired, h Lyme st.

Giles, Charles, (Chaumont) r 28, farmer 25.

Giles, Charles, Jr., (Chaumont) laborer, h Lyme st.

Giles, Frank, (Chaumont) quarryman, h Water.

Giles, Frederick, (Chaumont) laborer, h Academy.

Goodell, James, (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Goodfriend, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 25.

Gordon, Charles, (Chaumont) blacksmith, h James.

Govro, Edward, (Chaumont) stonecutter, h and lot James.

Graham, Charles, (Chaumont) stonecutter, h and lot.

Grant, Hiram, (Three Mile Bay) r 40, farmer 14.

Graves, Edward, (Point Peninsula) r 55, farmer with his father, William.

Graves, William, (Point Peninsula) r 55, farmer 50.

Green, Walter, (Point Peninsula) r 56, laborer.

Guile, George, (Three Mile Bay) farmer 100.

Haas, Frank, (Chaumont) r 47, farmer with his father, Henry.

HAAS, HENRY, (Chaumont) r 47, 10 cows, farmer 160.

Haas, Jennie E. Miss, (Chaumont) r 47, school teacher.

Haas, Sarah E. Miss, (Chaumont) r 47, school teacher.

Haas, William. (Chaumont) r 48, farmer 75.

Hall, C. A., (Three Mile Bay) leases Central House, Main.

HALL, WALEY P. Rev., (Point Peninsula) Methodist clergyman, h Main.

Hamilton, Alexander, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, butcher, 12 cows, farmer 100.

Hamilton, Charles H., (Three Mile Bay) r 24, market gardener and dealer in farm produce, farmer 63.

Hamilton, Franklin, (Three Mile Bay) bookkeeper for his father, h Main.

Hamilton, Martin O., (Three Mile Bay) clerk, h and lot.

Hardy, Byron, (Three Mile Bay) lumberman, farm 75.

Harrington, Emeline, (Chaumont) r 28, widow of David, farm 50

Harris, Dyer, (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer, leases of his father, James, 175.

Harris, Orange R., (Three Mile Bay) off r 13, farmer 100.

Harter, Jacob, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, retired farmer.

Hartman, David, (Chaumont) r 27, farmer 100.

Hawes, William. (Chaumont) r 48, farmer 60.

HAYES, A. MENZO, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, prop. livery stable, retired farmer 50, served in Co. H, 144th N. Y. Frontier Cav. Vols., h Hayes.

Hayes, Alfred D., (Three Mile Bay) foreman stonecutter, h Main.

HAYES, ALVIN C., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer 95.

Hayes, Burton S., (Three Mile Bay) com. traveler, h Main.

Hayes, Catharine, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Solomon, dressmaker, h Main.

Hayes, Chancey D., (Three Mile Bay) (Wheeler & Hayes) h Main.

Hayes, Dora Miss. (Three Mile Bay) school teacher, h Main.

Hayes, Edgar, (Chaumont) laborer, h James.

Hayes, Edward L., (Three Mile Bay) student, h Main.

Hayes, Edwin J., (Three Mile Bay) off r 37, farmer 110.

HAYES, FRANKLIN B., (Three Mile Bay) r 52, farmer, leases of James S. 190.

Hayes, Haddock L., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of J. H. Flanders 100.

Haves, James S., (Three Mile Bay) r 52, 7 cows, farmer 190.

Hayes, Martin, (Three Mile Ray) student, h Hayes.

Hayes, Ophelia, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, widow of Horatio.

HAYES, SUSAN, (Chaumont) widow of Alexander, who served in the 28th Bat. at Fort Schuyler, h James.

Haynes, Elijah, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 30.

Haynes, James, (Three Mile Bay) barber, Main, h do.

Hellicos, George, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, laborer.

Hentze, Chester. (Chaumont) r 16, retired farmer 286. h James.

HERKIMER, DORUS C., (Chaumont) carpenter and retired farmer 82, served in Co. K, 10th N. Y. H. A., h James.

Herkimer, Edward, (Chaumont) farmer for his father, Warner.

Herkimer, Edwin. (Chaumont) with his father, Warner.

Herkimer, Frank W., (Chaumont) student, h James.

HERKIMER, WARNER, (Chaumont) 10 cows, owns Point Independent and 4 houses and lots, farmer 100.

Herrick, Chastina, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, widow of Hiram.

Herrick, Clarence, (Three Mile Bay) r 25, 7 head cattle, farmer, leases of Jerry Shaver 10.

Herrick, George E., (Three Mile Bay) r 39, dealer in farm implements, farm 180.

Herrick, George H., (Three Rile Bay) r 40, school teacher and farmer with Charles Combs 54.

Herrick, Hiram, (Three Mile Bay) r 22, farmer 40.

Herrick, Lorenzo, (Three Mile Bay) r 40, farmer, leases of George 190.

Hewitt, Eliza, (Point Peninsula) r 63, widow of Anson, farmer 22.

Hewitt, Frank E., (Three Mile Bay) r 38, farmer, leases of Jane Fox 70.

Hewitt, Oliver V., (Three Mile Bay) r 24, farmer 175.

HEWITT, WILLIAM H., (Point Peninsula) r 61, 6 head cattle, farmer 100.

Higgins, Joseph, (Chaumont) laborer, h Water.

HOGEBOOM, PETER, (Chaumont) blacksmith, Mill. h Madison.

Holbrook, Asa B., (Point Peninsula) r 61, blacksmith.

Holbrook, Daniel, (Point Peninsula) r 61, justice of the peace, farmer, leases of L. Northrop 100.

Holbrook, Daniel C., (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer, leases of L. Northrop 118.

Holladay, George, (Three Mile Bay) r 9, 12 cows, farmer 200.

Horning, Laura, (Chaumont) r 30, farm 38.

Horton, Dorr, (Chaumont) r 45, farmer 1.

Horton, George B., (Chaumont) dealer in fish, h Washington.

Horton, Heloise D., (Chaumont) widow of Henry, h Mill.

Horton, Henry, (Chaumont) r 46, laborer and farmer 15.

Horton, John McRea, (Chaumont) r 49, farmer 21.

Horton, Levi, (Chaumont) r 46, laborer.

Horton, Riley E., (Chaumont) r 41, (Horton & Wheeler) farmer 150, h James.

Horton, William, (Chaumont) r 48. laborer, h and 2 acres.

Horton & Wheeler, (Chaumont) (Riley E. H. and Dempster W.) general merchants.

Houghton, Charles, (Chaumont) laborer.

Houghton, James, (Chaumont) r 15, farmer 50.

Houghton, James, Jr., (Chaumont) r 16, farmer 283.

Houghton, Joseph, (Chaumont) r 16, farmer 99.

Howard, Wallace E., (Point Peninsula) r 56, house painter, leases 8 acres of S. Fox.

HOXIE, HIM0N, (Chaumont) retired Methodist clergyman, h James.

Huck, Albert. (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 85.

Hubbard, Deforest J., (Chaumont) school teacher, h James.

Hubbard, Janette E. Mrs., (Chaumont) dressmaker, h James.

Hubbard, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, laborer.

HUBBARD, JOHN S., (Chaumont) carpenter, h James.

Hurdle, James, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, laborer

Hurst, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 1, 6 cows, farmer 80.

Inman, Ira, (Chaumont) retired merchant, h James.

Jackson, William, (Limerick) r 44, farmer 47.

Jaqua, Eugene, (Chaumont) general merchant, James. h do.

Jewett, Henry W., M. D., (Chaumont) allo. Physician and surgeon. h James.

Johnson, Birtron, (Chaumont) r 48, ins. agent and farmer.

Johnson, Harriet, (Three Mile Bay) widow of John, resident.

Johnson, Jotham, (Chaumont) farmer, leases of Hiram Copley 400.

Johnson, Lorenzo, (Chaumont) r 48, farmer 60.

Johnson, Lydia, widow of William, h Lyme st.

Johnson, William (Chaumont) r 48, farmer, leases of Dr. Getman 94.

JOHNSON, WILLIAM M., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 6, and leases of Mrs. Eliza Warner, 120.

JONES, ASA S., (St. Lawrence) r 1, 13 head cattle, farmer 130.

Jones, Charles W., (St. Lawrence) r 1, farmer with his father, Asa S.

Joy ---. (Chaumont) M. E. clergyman, parsonage Madison ave.

Kingsley, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) laborer.

KINGSLEY, CHARLES L., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, apiarist 50 colonies, farmer 100.

Kitts, William, (Chaumont) laborer, h Herkimer .

Klock, Catharine, (Three. Mile Bay) widow of Thomas, resident.

Klock, George H., (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer 50.

KLOCK, JAY C., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 50.

Klock, Kate, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, widow of Thomas, farmer 83.

Klock, Thomas E (Three Mile Bay) r-, farmer, leases of A. Sayers 35.

Knapp, Charles. (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer 80.

Knapp,, Charles R.. (Chaumont) telegraph operator at Amsterdam, N. Y., grain and stock broker, h James.

KNAPP JOHN JASON CAPT., (Chaumont) lake steamboat captain, h James.

Knapp, Moses, (Chaumont) house painter, h James.

Knowlton, Hart M., (Three Mile Bay) peddler, h Main.

Knowlton, Jennie Miss, (Three Mile Bay) school teacher. h Main.

Kratzer, Jacob, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 27.

LAKE, THEODORE, (Three Mile Bay) carpenter, wagonmaker and sailor, served in Co. M. 10th N. Y. H. A., h Main.

Lake, Thomas L., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer, leases of J. M. Wilcox 160.

Lance, Lemuel, (Three Mile Bay) r 38, farmer 170.

Lance, Milton, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer 100.

Lance, Peter, (Point Peninsula) r 62, farmer 195.

Lance, Windsor. (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 120

LANSING, MARIA G., (Three Mile Bay) widow of Henry, resident, aged 67.

Larne, Frank, (Three Mile Bay) r 42 1/2, farmer 82.

Larue, William, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 100.

Lassell, Mary, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, widow of Daniel, resident, aged 79.

Lawrence, James, (Chaumont) r 16, laborer.

Lawton, Katie. (Chaumont) r 46, widow of Philo, resident.

Lawton, Silas. (Chaumont) r 46 laborer

Lince, James, (Chaumont) laborer, h James.

Lindsley, Charles A., (Chaumont) r 26, farmer, leases of his father 265.

LINDSLEY, DANIEL H., (Chaumont) r 26, 10 head cattle, served in Co. L, 10th N. Y. H. A.. farmer 265.

Lingenfelter, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) r 14, farmer. leases of H. Copley.

LINGENFELTER, NELSON. (Chaumont) r 47, 50 cows, farmer in Clayton 71, and leases of George Copley. of New York. 300.

Linnell, Charles A., (Chaumont) r 16, 22 cows, farmer, leases of C. Hentze 286.

Loomis, Albert, (Three Mile Bay) cooper, h Church.

Loomis, George, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Church.

Loomis, Jay M., (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Main.

Lott, Cyrus, Three Mile Bay) r 38, farmer, leases of Samuel 75.

Lott, Cyrus G., (Three Mile Bay) r 38, farmer, leases of Samuel 75.

Lott, Firman. (Three Mile Bay) r 38, farmer 128.

Lott, Marion Miss, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, dressmaker.

Lott, Samuel, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer 210.

Loucks, Margaret, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, widow of Dr. John, resident.

Lowe, Deloss, (Chaumont) teamster, h James.

Lucas, Andrew J., (Three Mile Bay) prop. restaurant and billiard parlor, Main, h do.

Lucas, Benjamin F., (Three Mile Bay) carriagemaker and brick mason. h Main.

Lucas, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) wagonmaker, h Main.

Lucas, Charles E., (Three Mile Bay) carriagemaker and repairer, Main, h Church.

Lucas, Edward J., (Three Mile Bay sailor, h Main.

Lucas, Frank G., (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, h Main.

Lucas, George W., (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, Main, h and lot do.

Lucas, Janett Mrs., (Three Mile Bay) dressmaker, h Main.

Lucas, May Miss, (Three Mile Bay) school teacher, h Main.

Lucas, Minott, (Three Mile Bay.) carpenter, h Main.

Lucas, Nellie Miss, (Three Mile Bay) dressmaker, h Main.

Lucas, William O., (Three Mile Bay) clerk for his father, Andrew J., h Main.

Luther, George, (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer for his father, Jeremiah, 42.

Luther, Jeremiah, (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer 42.

Lynback, Daniel, (Three Mile Bay) r 18, farmer, leases of George 50.

Lynts, Eugene, (Chaumont) r 33, farmer, leases Of J. Dillenbeck 84.

Lyon, Elizabeth, (Chaumont) widow of William, resident.

Lyon, Fred, (Chaumont) r 46, clerk for A. J. Dewey.

Macumber, Eliza. (Three Mile Bay) widow of David, resident, aged 78, h Main.

Madden, Marshall, (Chaumont) r 18, farmer, leases of J. T. York 50.

Main, Joshua, (Chaumont) r 41, retired sailor, farm 50. [Deceased.]

Main, William H .9 (Dexter) ins. agent, bds. Wilcox House.

Mayhew, Theodore V., (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 116.

MAYHEW, THOMPSON, (Point Peninsula) r 61 farmer 50, bds. Putnam House.

McCombs, Emily, (Three *Mile Bay) r 1, widow Of Andrew, resident, farm 155.

McKinsie, Daniel. (Chaumont) r 33, laborer.

McKINSTRY, CHARLES W., (Three Mile Bay) postmaster, general merchant, Main, h Wells.

McLEAN, GEORGE C., (Chaumont) prop. Chaumont Hotel, dealer in groceries and produce, James.

MCMULLEN, JOHN, (Three Mile Bay) tailor and dealer in custom-made clothing, Main.

McPherson, Angus, (Chaumont) r 34, farmer, leases of P. Van Doren 100.

McPherson, Childs, (Chaumont) undertaker, dealer in drugs and medicines, James, h do.

McPherson, James, (Chaumont) prop. meat market, James, h Academy.

McPherson, William, (Chaumont) butcher and prop. meat market, h James.

MERRELL, MARYETT, (Point Peninsula) r 58, widow of Steward, farmer 90.

Merriman, William H., (Three Mile Bay) pastor Baptist Church, owns 10 acres of land, h Wells.

MILLER, HOGLE I., (Three Mile Bay) carpenter and mason, h and lot Wells.

Miller, Isaac H., (Three Mile Bay) retired farmer, h Church.

Miller, Louis, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, laborer.

MILLER, MARTHA A., (Three Mile Bay) school teacher, h Church.

Miller, Stanley, (Three Mile Bay) stage driver, h Church.

Miller, William J., (Three Mile Bay) engineer, h Wells.

MINOR, BRITELL, (Three Mile Bay) r 23, retired lake captain, aged 87.

Minor, Brittell, (Point Peninsula) r 63, farmer 80.

Minor, Charles, (Point Peninsula) r 61, laborer.

Minor, Rosetta, (Three Mile Bay) r 51, widow of Giles C., farmer 92.

Moffett, Wells, (Three Mile Bay) r 11 cor. 12, laborer.

Monty, Elizabeth, (Chaumont) r 31, widow of' William, resident.

Moore, Ed. M., (Point Peninsula) r 56, farmer, leases of Nelson L. Enders 104.

Moore, Edward B., (Three Mile Bay) farmer, leases of Jacob Fox 150, h Main

Moore, William, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Hayes.

Moore, William S., (Three Mile Bay) farmer, h Main.

Morehouse, Frank, (Chaumont) laborer, h Lyme st.

Morehouse, Warren, (Chaumont) laborer.

Morey, Charles, (Three Mile Bay) r 40, gardener 29.

Mount, Byron, (Three Mile Bay) house painter, h Wheeler.

MOUNT, DAVID M., (Three Mile Bay) clerk in dry goods store, served in Co. B, 35th N. Y. Vols., h Church.

Mount, Dudley D., (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Main.

Mount, Frederick, (Three Mile Bay) dry goods clerk, h Church.

Mount, Jerome C., (Three Mile Bay) barber, Main, h Wells.

Mount, Kate, (Three Mile Bay) widow of William. dressmaker, h Wells.

Mullen, Daniel, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, farmer 87.

Northrop, Lewis, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 118.

NORTHROP, OSCAR S., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, carpenter and builder, farmer 167.

Nugent, Lester, (Chaumont) r 48, cooper and fisherman, h and 6 acres.

O'Hara ,Patrick, (Chaumont) r 30, farmer. leases of Levi Allen 195.

Osterhout, Wilber D., (Three Mile Bay) carpenter and engineer, h Main.

Parker, Charles, M. D., (Three Mile Bay) physician and surgeon, farm 49, h Main.

Parker, William A., (Three Mile Bay) medical student with his father, Charles.

PATTERSON, SARAH, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Lewis, resident, aged 63, h Church.

Peck House, (Chaumont) B. J. Saxe, prop., livery stable connected, Main.

Peck, Jason J., (Chaumont) clerk.

Peck, Newton E., (Chaumont).

PECK, THADDEUS O., (Chaumont) owns Peck House and 2 houses and lots, grain, hay, and live stock dealer. James. [Hay dealer in New York city.]

Pennock, David J., (Chaumont) prop. livery stable, Mill, h do.

PENNOCK, GEORGE W., (Chaumont) r 41, farmer 50.

PERSONS, BYRON G., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, 4 cows. served in Co. M, 10th N. Y. Art., and in 10th N.Y. consolidated H. A., farmer 206.

Petrie, Martin. (Three Mile Bay) r 40, laborer.

PETTIT, JOHN, (Chaumont) r 41, 24 cows, farmer, leases of Hiram Copley 300

Phelps, Abbie H., (Chaumont) widow of George W., resident, h Madison.

Phelps, Frank, (Chaumont) sailor, h Water.

Phelps, Gouverneur, (Chaumont) r 33, laborer, and owns 3 acres.

Phelps, John, (Chaumont) retired farmer, owns in Clayton 117.

PHELPS, LEWIS P., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, justice of the peace, prop. grist-mill, h and lot.

Phillips, Abram, (Three Mile Bay) r 20, 16 head cattle, farmer 271.

Phillips, John L., (St. Lawrence) r 1, 23 cows, 10 head young cattle, 1 brood mare, farmer 288.

PHILLIPS, TH0MAS J., (Three Mile Bay) r 1, 14 head cattle, farmer, leases of E. T. Rattray 107.

Pierce, Charles W., (Chaumont) resident.

PLIMTON, MARY Mrs., (Chaumont) music teacher, h Mill. [Removed to Depauvillej

Pluche, Isidore C., (Chaumont) dealer in groceries and crockery, Mill. h do.

Pomeroy, De Lacour, (Chaumont) r 47, farmer 100.

Pomeroy, Oren, (Chaumont) r 47, farmer with his father. De Lacour.

Pratt, William, (Three Mile Bay) blacksmith, Main, h do.

Provan, Andrew, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Main.

PUTNAM, GEORGE C., (Point Peninsula) r 55, prop. Putnam House, farmer 97.

PUTNAM HOUSE, (Point Peninsula) r 55, G. C. Putnam, prop.

Rabin, John. (Three Mile Bay) r 14, cheesemaker, owns 6 acres.

Radley, Ferdinand, (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer leases of Angust Solor 104.

Ragot, Nicholas, (Chaumont) retired farmer, owns in Cape Vincent 105.

Reading, William, (Chaumont) Am. Ex. and station agent and telegraph operator, bds. with E. Jaqua.

Reasoner, George H., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer 116.

Rector, James P., (Point Peninsula) r 61, Shuler & Rector) farmer 338.

Reed, Abner, (Three Mile Bay) retired lake captain, owns 2 houses and lots.

Reed, Charles, (Three Mile Ray) laborer, h Wells.

REED, DELOS D., (Chaumont) prop. Wilcox House, James.

Reed, Dyer C., (Chaumont) steamboat captain and boat carpenter, h Madison.

Reed, Frederick, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Main.

Reed, Frederick, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, laborer.

REED, MINERVA A., (Chaumont) r 18, farm 18.

REED, OWEN P., (Chaumont) patent roofer and hay dealer, bds. Wilcox House.

Reed, William, (Three Mile Bay) r 11, farmer 62.

RICKETT, CHARLES G., (Three Mile Bay) r 8, 12 cows, 1 Holstein bull, reg., farmer 100, and leases of George 100, served in Co. E, 186th N. Y. Inf.

Rickett, Clarence E., (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer with his father Charles G.

Rickett, George B., (Three Mile Bay) r 8, farmer 100, and with his father, Charles G.

Rickett, George W., (Three Mile Bay) dealer in stoves, tinware, and hardware, Main, h do.

Rider, James, (Three Mile Bay) teamster, bds. Central House.

Rider, Lucy M., (Chaumont) r 43, widow of Joseph, Jr. 12 cows, farmer 173.

Roats, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer 65.

Robins, Bruce, (Three Mile Bay) laborer.

Rodgers, Austin, (Chaumont) (Rodgers Brothers) h James.

Rodgers, Brothers, (Chaumont) (Austin and Everett) dealers in seeds and props. custom grist-mill, farm 360, James.

Rodgers, Cyrus, (Chaumont) r 47, farmer 25.

Rodgers, Eliza, (Chaumont) r 47, widow of Ralph, resident. aged 91.

Rodgers, Everett, (Chaumont) (Rodgers Brothers) h Washington.

Rodgers, Fordice M., (Chaumont) retired farmer, owns in Cape Vincent 80, h Washington.

Rodger, Fortis, (Chaumont) emp. Rodgers Brothers. h Madison.

Rogers, Minot I., (Chaumont) r 47, farmer 20.

ROOF, ABRAM, (Point Peninsula) r 61, carpenter, served in Co. M, 10th N. Y. H. A.

Roof, Alice, (Point Peninsula) r 61, school teacher.

Roof, Levi, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, peddler.

Rose, Roswell T., (Three Mile Bay) r 12, ]aborer.

Ross, John, (Three mile Bay) clerk for Dr. W. A. Vincent, Main.

Ross, William, (Three Mile Bay) r 24, farmer 30.

Rutan, George, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer.

Rutan, Lucelia, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 91.

Rutan, Mary, (Chaumont) r 34, farm 100.

Rutan, William, (Chaumont) r 34, farmer, leases of Mary 100.

Ruttan, Margaret, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, widow of John S., farm 95.

Ruttan, William, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer, leases of Margaret 95.

RYDER, DALLAS, (Three Mile Bay) lake captain, h Church.

Ryder, Dallas G., (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h and lot Church.

Ryder, F. W., (Three Mile Bay) widow of Frank, h and lot.

Sagers, Fanny, (Three Mile Bay) widow of George H., resident, h Main.

SALSBEARY, MARTIN, (Point Peninsula) r 58, 12 head cattle, farmer 135.

Salsbury, Andrew, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 100.

Salsbury, Fred, (Point Peninsula) r 56, laborer, owns 8 acres.

Salsbury, Fred E., (Point Peninsula) r 58, farmer with his father.

Salsbury, James R., (Point Peninsula) r 58, farmer with his father.

Salsbury, Schuyler, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer,, leases of C. G. Cooley 50.

Saxe, Brayton J., (Chaumont) prop. Peck House and livery stable, Main.

Sayers, Henry A., (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer 156.

Schermerhorn, Schuyler W., (Chaumont) carpenter, h and lot Water.

Schuyler, Andrew, (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 50.

SCHUYLER, JOHN L., (Three Mile Bay) general merchant, owns one-half of farm on r 38, Three Mile Point, Main. h do.

Schuyler, Peter, (Three Mile Bay) farmer.

Schuyler, Philip. (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer, leases of Jacob Fox 210.

SEELEY, ADDISON H., (Point Peninsula) r 54, 43 head cattle, 3 brood mares, farmer with Thomas Emery, of Cape Vincent, 465.

SELTER, AARON, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, 5 cows, farmer 222.

Selter, Austin H., (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer.

Selter, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of Jeremiah.

Selter, Jeremiah, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer 210.

SELTER, JONATHAN, (Three Mile Bay) r 50, farmer, leases of Jeremiah.

Selter, Josiah C., (Three Mile Bay) carpenter, h Church.

Selter, Leon D., (Three Mile Bay) farmer with his father, Jeremiah.

Shaw, Herbert, (Three Mile Bay) clerk for G. R. Wilcox, h Wells.

Shaw, Sophia, (Three Mile Bay) widow of David, h Wells.

Shay, Edward B., (Three Mile Bay) sailor, h Main.

Shay, Ella Miss, (Three Mile Bay) tailoress, h Main.

Shay, Mary A.., (Three Mile Bay) widow of Philip, resident, h Main.

Shelden, Peter, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer, leases of Abigail 20.

Shell, Elizabeth, (Chaumont) r 48, widow of Harvey, farmer 4.

SHEPARD, ADOLPHUS J., (Chaumont) dealer in groceries, tobacco, and cigars, James, h do.

Shields, James, (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Water.

Shields, John (Three Mile Bay) laborer, h Water.

Shuler & Rector, (Point Peninsula) r 61, (Milford W. S., of Utica, and James P. R.) 18 cows, farmers 327.

Simmons, Chancey Rev., (Three Mile Bay) wagonmaker, h Water.

SMITH, GARDNER. (Three Mile Bay) carpenter, served in Co. G, 10th N. Y. H. A., h Mill.

Smith, Herbert H., (Three Mile Bay) medical student, bds. Parker.

Smith, James B., (Three Mile Bay) r 5, farmer, leases of Rosetta Minor 92.

SNELL, CHARLOTTE E. Miss, (Three Mile Bay) teacher of vocal and instrumental music. h Church.

Snell, Jacob R., (Chaumont) house painter, h Academy.

SNELL, MARGARET, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Jacob, resident, aged 75, h Church.

Solor, Augustus, (Chaumont) carpenter, h Water.

SOUTHWELL, LYMAN W., (Three Mile Bay) r 11, 70 grade Holstein cattle, farmer, leases of J. P. Douglass 700, served in Co C, l0th N. Y. H. A.

Spicer, Costello, (Three Mile Bay) farmer.

Sponable, Adelaide, (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer 50.

Sponable, Henry, (Chaumont) carpenter, h Madison.

Sponable, John, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, farmer.

Sponable, Mary A., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, widow of John, resident.

SPONABLE, PHILIP, (Chaumont) r 28, 15 cows, farmer, leases of H. Copley 180, h Lyme st. [Removed to Brownville.]

SPONABLE, SARAH , (Three Mile Bay) r 34, widow of Alonzo, farmer 100.

Sponable, William, (Chaumont) farm laborer, h James.

Stebbins, Charles, (Chaumont) engineer for Rodgers Brothers, h Washington.

STEBBINS, MARIETTE, (Chaumont) widow of James, resident, aged 67. h Washington.

Steele, Emery, (Three Mile Bay) sewing machine agent, h Main.

Stevens, Oren, (Point Peninsula) carpenter and sailor, owns 9 acres.

STEVENS, THEOPHILUS CAPT., (Point Peninsula) r 61, retired sailor.

Stewart, Ann, (Three Mile Ray) widow of Charles, resident.

Stewart, William S., (Three Mile Bay) com. traveler, h Wells.

Stratton, Minerva, (Point Peninsula) r 61, 11 and lot.

Swind, Charles, (Chaumont) r 48, farmer, leases of H. Copley about 200.

Swind, George P., (Chaumont) harnessmaker and dealer in saddlery hardware, Main, h Madison.

SYKES, LEWIS, (Chaumont) r 42, 16 cows, farmer, leases of H. Copley 160, served in Co. F, 10th N. Y. H. A., and promoted to commissary sergeant. [Removed to Alexandria, Omar P. 0.]

TAFT, OLIVER C., (Chaumont) r 26, farmer 250, h James.

Taylor, John L.. (Three Mile Bay) harnessmaker and dealer in saddlery hardware, farm implements, carriages, sleighs, and cutters, owns 2 houses, Main, h do.

TERRILL, FREEMAN W., (Three Mile Bay) farmer, h Main.

Thompson, William, (Chaumont) carpenter, h James.

Timmerman, V., (Chaumont) on Cherry Island, farmer 100.

Tremper, John, (Chaumont) retired farmer, h and lot Water.

Tucker, Edmond W., (Three Mile Bay) harnessmaker, Main, h do.

VALLEY, JERRY, (Three Mile Bay) r 52, farmer, leases of Elbridge Lewis 216.

Vandewalker, Addison, (Chaumont) carpenter, h James.

Van Doren, Isaac, (Chaumont) r 34, farmer 130.

VAN DOREN, JOSEPH, (Three Mile Bay) r 34, retired farmer 50.

Van Doren, Peter, (Chaumont) r 33 cor. 32, farmer 150.

Vanness, Melvin, (Point Peninsula) r 53 cor. 57, farmer, leases of J. P. Failing 200.

Van Woert, John, (Three Mile Bay) retired farmer, h Main.

VAUTRIM, VICTOR M., (Three Mile Bay) house painter, paper hanger, and carpenter, h Main.

Vincent, Fred, (Point Peninsula) r 58, farmer 137.

VINCENT, WATERMAN A., M. D., (Three Mile Bay) allo. physician and surgeon, dealer in drugs and medicines. Main, h do.

Vosler, Clarence. (Three Mile Bay) laborer.

Vosler, Elizabeth, (Three Mile bay) widow of George, resident, h Water.

Vroman, V. L., (Chaumont) prop. saw-mill, h Washington.

Wadley, Aaron J., (Three Mile Bay) r 23, 9 cows, farmer 140.

WALLACE, HIRAM, (Chaumont) r 46, carpenter and sawyer, served in Co. K, 94th N. Y. Vols., and reenlisted in Co. A, 1st V. R. Corps, h and lot.

Wallace, Sherman D., (Chaumont) r 40, emp. in shingle-mill.

Wallace, William, (Limerick) r 44, farmer 50.

WALRAD, ALONZO W., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, 9 head cattle, 2 brood mares, 14 sheep, farmer 226.

Walrath, Alexander, (Chaumont) well driller, h James.

Walrath, Asa, (Chaumont) well driller, bds. James.

Walrath, Dellavan, (Chaumont) well driller, h James.

Walt, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 11 cor. 12, farmer 21.

Warner, Alanson, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, farmer 40.

Warner, Alvah W., (Chaumont) r 48, prop. Salubrious Springs summer boardinghouse, farmer 50.

Warner, Ambrose, (Three Mile Bay) r 40, farmer 100.

Warner, Bert, (Chaumont) liveryman with his father h Mill.

WARNER, BARTLETT N., (Chaumont) prop. livery stable, farm 125, h Madison.

Warner, Daniel, (Chaumont) r 48. farmer 72.

Warner, Ely, (Three Mile Bay) r 24, farmer 73.

Warner, Harvey, (Three Mile Bay) dealer in furniture and agricultural implements, farm 25, Main, h Parker.

Warner, Horatio, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, 2 brood mares, farmer 144.

Warner, Nelson, (Three Mile Bay) r 52, 2 brood mares, farmer 140.

Warner, Nina Miss, (Three Mile Bay) r 36, school teacher.

Warner, Permelia, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, widow Of Bingham.

WARNER, WILLIAM B., (Chaumont) clerk for H. Copley & Sons, bds. Wilcox House.

Watkins, Elizur A., Point Peninsula) r 60, farmer leases of R. D. 300, and of T. Mayhew 50.

WATKINS, JARED E., (Three Mile Bay) dealer in flour and feed, prop. steam grist-mill, off Main, h do.

WATKINS, RANSOM D., (Point Peninsula) r 60, 25 head cattle, farmer 300.

WATROUS, SAMUEL, (Chaumont) farmer 42, and owns in Brownville 113, h James.

Weaver, Addis E., (Chaumont) r 31, 6 cows, farmer, leases of C. A. Fox, of Depauville, 132.

Weaver, Henry, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer, leases of A. Menzo Hayes 50.

Webber, Charles, (Chauumont) r 28, 25 cows, farmer, leases of H. Copley 300.

Wells, Charles B., (Three Mile Bay) clerk for C. W. McKinstry, h Main.

Wells, Clarence, (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer. leases of Gilbert, and of the C. Wells estate 150.

Wells, Esther Miss, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, school teacher.

Wells, George W., (Three Mile Bay) r 21, farmer 100.

Wells, Gilbert, (Three Mile Bay) r 23, 6 head cattle, farmer 75.

Wells, Harriet M. Miss, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, school teacher.

Wells, Ithamar, (Three Mile Bay) r 21, farmer 40.

Wells, Jessica Miss, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, school teacher.

WELLS, JERRY, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, constable, teamster, and farmer, h Main.

Wells, John M., (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer 54.

Wells, John M., Jr., (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer with his father. John M.

Wells, Lewie I., (Three Mile Bay) r 23, farmer with his father, John 31.

WELLS, REMOS, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, live stock breeder, dealer in sheep, lambs, cows, and fat cattle, farmer 81.

Wheeler, Dempster, (Chaumont) (Horton & Wheeler) h Washington.

Wheeler, Menzo, (Three Mile Bay) (Wheeler & Hayes) prop. saw-mill and lumberman, owns 6 acres. Main, h do.

Wheeler, Victor, (Three Mile Bay) r 9, bookkeeper.

Wheeler & Hayes, (Three Mile Bay) (Menzo W. and Chancey D. H.) general merchants, Main.

Whitmore, Albert, (Three Mile Bay) r 24 1/2, farmer 15.

Wiggins, Ella J. Miss, (Point Peninsula) r 56, school teacher.

Wiggins, Frank M., (Point Peninsula) r 56, student.

Wiggins, James H., (Point Peninsula) r 56, 11 head cattle, farmer 164.

Wiggins, Mattie D. Miss, (Point Peninsula) r 56, school teacher.

Wiggins, Willard M., (Point Peninsula) r 65, school teacher.

WILCOX, GREEN R., (Three Mile Bay) general merchant, Main, h do.

Wilcox House, (Chaumont) D. D. Reed, prop., James.

WILCOX,JOHN M., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, farmer 185, served in Co. M, 10th N. Y. H. A.

Wilcox, Minerva, (Point Peninsula) r 61, resident .

Wilcox, Oliver C., (Three Mile Bay) r 37, lake captain.

Wilcox, Thurston J., (Point Peninsula) r 61, farmer 100.

Wilcox, Welcome, (Point Peninsula) r 55 cor. 56, 10 head cattle, farmer 100.

Williams, Edgar, (Chaumont) laborer, h Madison.

Williams, Stephen, (Chaumont) quarryman, h Water.

Wilson, John, (Chaumont) r 48, emp. in Adirondack fish hatchery, h and lot.

Wilson, John A., (Chaumont) r 48, cooper.

Wilson, Lucretia, (Three Mile Bay) widow of Aura, resident, h Main.

Winch, Charles, (Chaumont) retired merchant, h James.

Witt, Mary, (Chaumont) widow of William, h James.

Wood, Alonzo, (Three Mile Bay) r 1, farmer with his father 104.

Wood Samuel, (Three Mile Bay) r 1, 7 head cattle, farmer 104.

Wright, Alton. (Three Mile Bay) r 11, farmer, leases of W. Ford 150.

Wright, Jordan D., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, farmer.

Wright, Polly, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, widow of George.

Wright, Silas, (Three Mile Bay) r 49, farmer 100.

Yerdon, Charles H., (Chaumont) teamster, h Water.

York, Jotham T., (Chaumont) r 18, farmer 50.

Young, James A., (Three Mile Bay) r 35, laborer.

Young, Stephen, (Three Mile Bay) r 35, laborer.

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