(From the Town of Orleans Historian's office)

Roll of Company K Ninety fourth Regiment
Fild Aug 15th, 66

J.D. Flansburg
Town Clerk

List of Names of "K" Company

Ninety fourth Regiment

D. Henry Lingenfelter
(---) Van Camp
Byron Dixon
James Forebs
Sylvester Bauter
Moses Petrie
William Snyder
George Sloat
Franklin Sloat
Charles Wetterhahn
Eugene Smith
Thomas Mornitz
John Wetterhahn
Augustus Wetterhahn
Menzo Lawton
Avery Forbs
James Franhan
Amos Fort
Adison Wagoner
Gilbert Spicer
William H. Harks
Charles E. A. Booth
Valentin Door
Charles S. Lingenfelter
Andrew Nugent
Stephen Getman
John Kluts
Erwin R. Devendorf
Edwin N. Giles
Georg W. Lagraves
James C. Vanepps
Willard Jenkins
Warren Smith
John Fetterly
Charles Lagraves
Joseph Jorg

I do hereby testify that the above is a true list of names of Company K.
D. Henry Lingenfelter

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