for the


from The Growth of a Century

by JOHN A. HADDOCK, 1895

These biographies and family sketches are copied exactly as found. Undoubtedly there will be minor variations found in later research.

Andrew Cornwall, the ancestor of Andrew Cornwall of Alexandria Bay, emigrated to this country from England, with his family, somewhere about 1710, and settled in Old Chatham, Conn. (now Portland), where three generations of the same name lived and died. The third Andrew Cornwall, grandfather of our subject, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and died after the close of that war, from a wound received at Bennington.

Andrew Cornwall, the father of our subject with two brothers, William and Ancil, left Connecticnt [sic] about 1800, and came to what at the time was called the Far West, or Genesee country. Their first stop was at what is now the city of Rochester, where there was a small settlement; but thinking it was not a good place to locate, they went to what is now Pultneyville, Wayne county, N.Y., where there was another small settlement with a saw mill and grist mill. Here they located and married, and here our subject was born, March 25, 1814. After attending the district school winters, and working on the farm summers, until 13 years old, he entered the country store of John Reynolds, and continued in his employ for 13 years as clerk and book-keeper. His health failing him, from a too close application to business, he purchased a small vessel and went on the lakes as a sailor. After three years of this business, his health being fully restored, he sold his vessel and left the water. In January, 1843, he was married to Mary C. Calhoon. She was a daughter of Capt. Calhoon, of Williamson, Wayne county, who was a pensioner of the War of the Revolution, and a captain in the war of 1812.

In July, 1844, he moved to Redwood, N.Y., and entered the employ of DeZeng & Burlingame, manufacturers of glass. He was in charge of their store for two and a half years. In November, 1846, at the solicitation of Azariah Walton, he moved to Alexandria Bay, and took an interest in the firm of L.A. Walton & Co., which continued until 1853, when L.A. Walton died. A new firm was then organized under the name of Cornwall & Walton (John F. Walton being the junior partner), which partnership continued April 1, 1877, when both Cornwall and Walton retired from business, and the firm of Cornwall Brothers was established, consisting of the four sons of Andrew Cornwall, viz: Andrew C., Charles W., John I. and Harvey A. This firm is still in business, and very popular, dealing in everything required in a country store.

Andrew Cornwall was supervisor from 1852 to 1856, and again from 1861 to 1865. Being a war Democrat, he was made a member of the war committee of the county, though the board was largely Republican. He served the committee faithfully in recruiting and filling the quotas of his own town and the county. In 1867 he was nominated by his party for member of Assembly, and although his competitor was elected the year previous by a large majority, Mr. Cornwall was successful. While in the Legislature of 1868 he was a member of the Committee of Ways and Means, of the Manufacture of Salt,and of the Sub-committee of the Whole. In 1868 he was a candidate for Congress against Hon. A. H. Laflin; his party largely in the minority he was defeated by a very small majority, though he couldhave been elected if his friends hadhad 10 more days for work.

In 1845 Azariah Walton bought of HenryYates, of the well-known firm of Yates & McIntyre, of New York city, the north half of Wells Island, and all the small islands in the river St. Lawrence in the American waters, from Round Island, in Clayton to the village of Morristown, St. Lawrence county. At his death, the firm of Cornwall & Walton bought them from his estate, for the timber, and for many years they cut steamboat wood from them, some years getting as high as 16,000 cords. After the wood was mostly cut off the larger ones were sold for farms. In 1860 wood began to give way to coal, and they determined to sell their lands at a nominal price to induce people to build summer homes, and thus make the St. Lawrence river a famous watering place, in which plan they succeeded to a remarkable extent.

Mr. Cornwall commenced his business career with very limited means, but with a determination to succeed. With close attention to every detail, and a constant care that no debt should be made that could not be met when due, and no unnecessary expense incurred, he has succeeded in his determination to attain a reasonable competency.

He has never been an ostentatious man, though in business matters he has always been energetic and prompt, exacting from others only what he would himself do if in their place. The example of such a life is a benefit to any community.

Mrs. Cornwall died August 13, 1890, after she had seen her four sons located in business at her home for 13 years, and enjoyed her grandchildren playing about her knees.

John W. Fuller, long and favorably known at Alexandria Bay, was the son of Simeon Fuller, a Revolutionary soldier from Massachusetts, who afterwards settled in Oneida county, N. Y., where John W. was born, receiving his early education in the public schools of that time. He was one of the earliest settlers of Alexandria, having come on in 1820. The following incident, related to the author by his daughter Mrs. W.M. Thomson, forcibly illustrates the condition of the country as that time. Mr. Fuller, with one companion, both on horseback, in attempting to reach Alexandria from the military road near Theresa, were overtaken by night. While plodding along, uncertain as to the route, they came to what, in the deceptive moonlight, appeared like a sheet of water. This they believed to bar their further progress in that direction, and they were considerably disconcerted. They dismounted, not knowing which way would be best to take in continuing their journey, when one of the horses became restless, and his iron-shod hoof stuck what they supposed to be the water but the ringing sound demonstrated it to be rock. They were upon the border of that flat, outcropping sandstone rock, which first gave the name "Flat Rock" to the locality now called Plessis; the later name given by Mr. LeRay. Much comforted, they rode on, reaching the river before midnight.

Mr. Fuller's first wife was Maria Barnes, sister of Mrs. Lull, a pioneer home-maker of Theresa. His young wife died in 1825, while Mr. Fuller was absent at Montreal looking after his lumber. He married Marietta Shurtliff in 1832, and they reared a a large family, some of whom yet survive.

Mr. Fuller's business career was a long one, beginning as a partner with Jere Carrier, then with Azariah Walton, whom he succeeded in 1840, and thenceforth in business by himself. He was collector of customs under President W.H. Harrison, and was postmaster under President Zachariah Taylor. In1849 he built the first steam saw-mill upon that part of the river.

During his long residence in the town of Alexandria, he was known throughout the county as a prominent and reliable business man, of unswerving integrity; a lumberman, a merchant and a farmer -- in all of which business relations he gained the respect and confidence of those with whom he delt. He was liberal in trusting the poor, and remarkably lenient with his debtors, and the losses in consequence he bore with unexampled good humor.

In polticis he was an old-time Whig, a "Silver Gray", and in the palmy days of Whigery a man commanding influence in the Whig party, and through residing in a strong Democratic town, was repeatedly chosen to act as supervisor and justice of the peace. He left a memory that his family may be proud of - for there was nostain or smirch upon it.

Wm. J. Woolworth, who was formerly a partner of John W. Fuller, the well-known merchant at Alexandria Bay, was a son of James Woolworth, who came into Alexandria from Montgomery county late in the thirties. William J. was his father's assistant on the farm, but finally began a clerkship with Mr. Fuller in 1846, becoming a partner in 1850, so continuing till 1859, when he began business for himself. He retired from trade several years since, and continues to reside at the Bay. He is a member of the Reformed Church, and enjoys the respect of his neighbors in his old Age.

Frank W. Barker, present postmaster at Alexandria Bay, was born in 1846 in Bloomingrove, Orange county, N.Y. He was educated in the common schools, coming to Alexandria Bay in 1862. He learned harness-making, which business he followed until 1889. In 1875 he was appointed postmaster and has held the office for 10 years. Under Cleveland's first administration he was out of office exactly four years, being re-appointed in 1889, and still holding the place. In 1876 he married Miss Fanny Walton, daughter of Captain Charles Walton. Miss Walton's mother was one of the beautiful Hersey girls, a well-known and much respected family of Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. Barker have two children, Eva L. and George - both living at home. Mr. Barker has been president of Alexandria Bay two years, trustee one year, street commissioner four years, and has always been a popular, useful citizen. When he came to the Bay he was accompanied by his mother and her seven children. These Mr.Baker [sic] has done his full duty by, aiding his mother in caring for the children who were younger than himself. Perhaps that was his dutifulness as a son and brother that has commended him so thoroughly to public favor.

Samuel Benjamin Miller, was born in Camden, N.Y., June 22, 1835. At an early age he was left an orphan. He was left precious little else, and as in those days orphan homes were not very plentiful in his immediate neighborhood, for a time it seemed to him that Providence had made a sad mess of it. But he had muscle and grit, which qualities being recognized by a kind neighbor, they took him in, assigned him a bed under a crack in the roof, and a narrow place at their table - for which act of charity the orphan performed the work of a man 365 days in the year. Although thus heavily handicapped, he attended school, and being an apt pupil, he soon became proficient in the "three R's," as well as in declamation and "rough-and-tumble." To this very day he quotes his Ruger with a degree of assurance that commands silent respect.

In 1862, fearing a draft, he enlisted, and went to fight for his country - not to gain rank distinctions, but to uphold the principles of his country. "We will fight it out on this line," he said, as he took his position in the mess-room. And he returned to relate some thrilling single-handed engagements he had while drawing rations.

In business, he always aimed to please - please alike the man who paid cash and he who had it charged. Too many have had it charged. It's a sorry specimen indeed who is denied space on the debit side of his books.Prompt to grant credit, he has rarely refused to accept credit when offered; indeed, he has even been known to ask for time, and if not on time, he has never refused to renew his promise.

He has gained a degree of local popularity; twice he has been called upon to assume the duties of village mayor. Through it all he has been the same congenial, rough-and-ready "Sam" - persistently, if not pains-takingly, putting the worst side out, sometimes to the exasperation of his friends. W.E.M.

Jason Clark was perhaps more closely identified with the landed interests of Alexandria than any other individual away from the river. For many years he was the agent of Woodruff & Stocking, who held large tracts of land in Orleans and Alexandria, purchased at the final closing up of the LeRay estate. Mr. Clark stood very high in the confidence of the people. He was several times supervisor, for many years justice of the peace, and nearly all his life was a prominent citizen and at one time county judge. His later years were clouded by business reverses which were to most of his friends unexpected and inexplicable. He bore himself proudly for many years, to die at last a disappointment to his friends and to himself.

William M. Thomson, of Scotch parentage was born in Canada, July 24, 1834. His father being a rebel, emigrated to the United States and settled in Alexandria Bay immediately after the battle at the Windmill, which resulted so disastriously to the Patriots. Receiving a district school education. Mr.Thompson, at the age of 15 years, entered the store of John W. Fuller as clerk, with whom he remained six years. He married Mr. Fuller's daughter in January, 1861, and has always resided in Alexandria Bay. He has been twice elected to the office of town clerk, has served three years as supervisor, 12 years as justice of the peace, and was elected a member of Assembly in 1877 and 1882, having been defeated for that office in 1878 and again in 1883. He is at present engaged in mercantile business, and is at present supervisor of the town of Alexandria. He has two sons, graduates from Cornell University. In 1856 he was made a Master Mason; in 1864 he became a member of Theresa Royal Arch Chapter, and in 1866 made a Knight Templar. He is a member of the Jeffersonian Club, a political organization of Watertown, and a trustee of the Alexandria Bay Young Men's Library Association.

William Edward Miller is one of the young citizens of Alexandria Bay, the son of Samual Benjamin Miller, whose unique biography appears on page 419. He is a successful writer, but is so very modest and so entirely indifferent to the world's praise or blame that he is about one of the last persons to get acquainted with by a sojourner at Alexandria Bay. Were it not for the kindest of Hon. Andrew Cornwall, the author of this History would never have formed the acquaintance of Mr. Miller. He was born in Plessis in 1859, only six miles from that distinguished town where the celebrated Flower family resided, and where our own beloved Roswell P. was born. Young Miller, in 1873, accompanied his father to Alexandria Bay, having previously attended a school at Plessis, where he is remembered as being very retired in disposition and "odd" in manner, but he developed a ready facility in acquiring any learning that related to language or literature. Mathematics he persistently eschewed. At Alexandria Bay he also attended school, some times falling asleep under the very nose of the teacher, but he was wide awake at night when he had some favorite novel to read in his room.

In talking with Mr. Miller lately about our personal experiences, at home and abroad, after alluding to his going to sleep in school, He thus pleasantly dwelt upon those school days, when his mind, like other boys, was in its chrysalis state: "I say I slept in school. This is not true: I hovered on the border line - I was neither awake nor asleep - though on one occasion, at least, I really selpt in school. How vividly I recall the occasion - the awakening! The teacher personally superintended the waking. She asked me why I slept. I was tempted to tell her I had been up the night before studing my lesson - which would have constituted a lie. I dared not tell the truth, and I could not (at that time) tell a lie - that is, lying was a moral impossibility. I made no reply. Taking my silence for obstinacy, she threatened to trounce me if I delayed offering a good excuse for sleeping in school. So near as I recall circumstances, I took a trouncing, administered effeminately, tremulously, gently. Having grown older and bolder, I may now confess that on the night before I had retreated to a novel as usual, and reveled there until a stillness had settled over the house that was broken only by the click of the clock and the revels of mice. The crowing of a neighboring cock called me out of my book. I got up and laid it aside, but in doing so my attention was called to another book - or, more correctly a pamphlet, which I had gained possession of that day, laid aside and forgotten. I picked it up, and while I yawned, opened its pages at randon. It contained a few illustrations, one of which depicted two pale, emaciated beings, clothed in rags, in the act of catching frogs, - not with rod, line and hook, temptingly baited with red flannel; but, after the style of primitive man, they were using their hands only. I saw at once that these men were either, desperately placed or were unskilled in the art of frogging. I became wakeful, interested; I turned to the title page. The pamphlet recounted an adventure - thrilling adventure - of an aeronaut named LaMountain, accompanied by one John A. Haddock. Notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, I read that pamphlet through, from cover to cover, returning to civilization just in time for breakfast. I had read "Robinson Crusoe," and I have since accompanied Jules Verne on his perilous flight to that Mysterious Island in an unknown sea, and was his constant companion Five Weeks in a Balloon, but there is wanting in these products of the imagination the flavor of reality which rendered the Haddock and LaMountain adventure so fascinating. It was thrilling, and yet I wanted those two adventurers carried farther - not much short of the North Pole; and how I did wish they had had more sand - not "grit," but sand - to throw out; I even hoped that one of them would throw the other out into some soft tree-top and go sailing up and away, thereby making their return more complicated, giving greater variety to the adventure. And the frogs were not lively enough; they were too easily captured; I suspected they had been "loaded." And how I did want that man Haddock dropped among a band of fierce Indians and scalped for his temerity - I didn't want him to lose all of his scalp, but just enough to make him contented to remain at home among civilized people. I have often wondered what became of those adventurers; living, if the spirit of adventure in them were quelled, or if still rampant. I have always wanted to thank them for the exquisite pleasure they unwitttingly afforded me, - but it must be toolate; they cannot live, as they had their adventure so long, long ago - before I was born, and I am - growing bald."

But to get back, after progressing from one degree of learning to another, he was a matriculate at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the city of New York. But that was only part of his education, for he had learned to see and think and write for himself, and when a young man has reached that point his friends may conclude that he is upon a road that will lead to fame or mediocrity.

Mediocrity was not in Mr. Miller's vocabulary, for he has written many beautiful things. The love of literature inspired a love of travel Young Miller has seen all the leading countries of the world. Like Bayard Taylor, he crossed the Alps afoot, lingering amid the glorious foothills of Italy, and becoming familiar with that land which grew up from the she-wolf's suckled infants. He traversed Syria, saw Jerusalem and Damascus and swam the Jordan. He was an omniverous, observant and cool-headed traveller, and has since been able to depict in words the scenes he saw abroad and sees at home. His writings bear evidence of an educated mind, and he has the bearings and characteristics of a cultivated gentleman. Some of his articles, when sent to the magazines have, likethe household cat, returned. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes that that was precisely his experience when he was unknown to fame. Mr. Miller has never written an article over his own name, choosing seclusion rather than notoriety, and the peace which comes with contentiment - using his literary ability as a means and not as an end. Being unmarried, he has a free foot. Alexandria Bay may be proud of a young author of estalished literary ability. The writer of this History regards him as the most promising young writer of his acquaintance.

Solomon Makepeace, one of the early pioneers of Jefferson county, died at his residence in Alexandria, January 24, 1869, in his 87th year. He came into Jefferson county in 1804, from Worcester, Mass., in the company of his parents, settling in Brownville, where he married and reared a large family. He was a sincere Christian, a type of the better class of emigrants to the Black River country, who "first explored, through perils manifold, the shores and mountains, the valleys and plains of this new land; who levelled forests, cleared fields, made paths by land and water and planted commonwealths."

Leonard Bickelhaupt, farmer, was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany. He came into Alexandria in 1853, with his parents. He lives on the first place his father bought in this county. At the age of 23 he was married to Miss Susan Betz. Their family consists of Maggie, (wife of Adam Hofferberth); Henry, (husband of Catherine Hofferberth); Elizabeth, (wife of Henry Haas); Emma (wife of Philip Hofferberth); Rosetta (wife of John Stein); Mary, Adam and Leonard remainwith their parents. By steady industry and careful management Mr. Bickelhaupt has become the possessor of two of the finest farms in the town of Alexandria, comprising 450 acres. The family are all communicants of the Lutheran Church, and are highly respected by all with whom they are acquainted.

Levi A. Butterfield, 69 years of age, unmarried (retired farmer), was born in Antwerp, Jefferson county. His father was Francis Butterfield, who married Polly McAllaster in 1817. His early youth and manhood were spent in such employment tn the store and counting-room and on the farmer [sic] as developed the fair minded man, and wherever engaged, he became popular for those traitsthat mark the earnest worker for the bettering of mankind. When the Civil War got "settled down to business," Levi enlisted as a private in Company F, 10th N.Y. Heavy Artillery, and was immediately advanced to a 2d lieuenant. With that company he remained about a year. The impression that the 10th would remain at or near Washington during its entire service, caused no little restlessness among the men as well as officers, and because of such opinion Levi resigned. No officer in the company was more esteemed than Lieut. Butterfield. At the close of the war he engaged in farming near Omaha, Nebraska, where he continued until eight years ago. In then returning to Jefferson county, he has made his home in Alexandria continuous, excepting the time spent in travelling throughout the Nothern and Central States.

Jacob Zoller, born in the town of Alexandria, February 15, 1857, has had a life full of adventure, yet he retains all the characteristic traits of his father's family -- they are genial, generous, whole-souled people. They settled in Jefferson county 66 years ago, coming to Alexandria from Pamelia. The father's farm was near the St. Lawrence, at the head of Goose Bay. The history of events transpiring on this bay are related on a previous page. Very many of these events Jacob readily recalls to mind. The get-rich-quick spirit broke out in him nine years age, when he shouldered his belongings and went to Arizona and New Mexico. Before returning to Jefferson county he visited very many of the Western States and Territories, gathering a vast fund of information. He was married in 1880 to Marion Jewett, daughter of Hon. M.C. Jewett, once a representive man of Alexandria. Guy and Glen, their children. are home-children as yet. Mr. Zoller has been engaged in the hotel business nearly seven years, coming to Redwood three yearsago with Mr. Cornelius Springer, buying the lease of the old Dollinger Hotel, and by zealous attention to duty, and having an extended acquaintance, has increased the patronage of the house to the extent that the proprietors have added to the already commodious house another story, making 16 large rooms, and put in a hot-water heating arrangement second to none in use. Mr. Zoller is a Republican in politics.

Marcus J. Jewett, was born April 21, 1855, at the old homestead, about a mile and a-half north of Redwood, built by Hon. M.C. Jewett, his father. In 1846 M.C. Jewett and wife came from Vermont, bought the Chaffey farm, then mostly a wilderness, and commenced their new life in a very comfortable log house, in which many a belated traveller found rest and refreshment; the road from Jewett's Corners being somewhat dangerous over the crossway, and it was many miles to go around. M.C. Jewett was Master of Alexandria Masonic Lodge No. 297 for many years; and he advanced to the Theresa Chapter in due time. M.J. Jewett retains the old farm, and is following in the steps of his respected father, whose life was blameless. Moses C. Jewett was member of Assembly in 1859-60.

The early life of Mr. J. developed an accurate knowledge of the fur-bearing animals of the Northern forests, and he receives consignments of furs from all sections of Canada and the United States. He married Libbie M. Markley, September 10, 1879. To these parents have been born five children, Frank G., Morris H., Ina C., Carl J. and Ray L., all of whom are at home with their parents, a much-respected family.

Joseph Pickert was born in the town of Harrisburg, Lewis county, New York, in 1822. He settled in the town of Hammond in 1838, was married, in 1844, to Samantha Franklin, of the latter town. To these parents were born seven children, four of whom are yet living. Abel, farmer and mechanic, residence, Hammond; Viola, wife of Martin Ripley; Manuel, a mechanic; Gertrude, wife of Wells Dygert, of Clayton, Pickert lost his first wife in 1875. A few years thereafter he removed to Redwood, leaving his farms in the town of Hammond to be worked by his sons Abel and Manuel. For his second wife he married, in 1879, Mrs. Ann LaFavre, widow of Joseph LaFavre. Mr. Pickert is one of the landmarks of this northern country; ever, by his example, teaching industry, sobriety and contenment, with a gradual accumulation of a competency to satisfy all of his needful wants.

Nelson R. Cook was born in the town of Alexandria, in 1821, his parents having found their way through the almost trackless wilderness some years before. With the exception of about a year in the West, Nelson R. continued to reside in the towns of Theresa and Alexandria. His early life was spent on the farm. In 1854 he was married to Miss Lydia Ann Marshall, daughter of Romeo Marshall, one of the earliest settlers of Alexandria. Mr. Cook thought to better his worldly condition by removing west with his family some 20 years ago; not finding the expected benefits, he returned to Redwood, where he has since resided. Purchasing the saw mills in Redwood, he with Mr. Levi Suits, converted the upper mill into a planing, sash and blind mill, keeping the lower one in good repair as a custom saw mill, also for manufacturing shingles. Mr. Cook is also engaged in the flour and grist mill business at Dexter. The children are Misses Helen L., Ada L. and Harris V., John M., Benton M. and Clarence N. With one exception, these are all living in Redwood, and have contributed much to the happiness of that community, the young ladies in church music, and the young men in organizing and keeping up one of the best cornet bands in the county.

Michael W. Farley was born in Plainfield, New Hampshire, May 22, 1850. When two years of age his parents moved to Granby, province of Quebec, where his father now resides. Up to the age of 17 he remained with his parents on the farm. A desire to know more of the world took possession of him and becoming fascinated with railroad business, he engaged with the Central Vermont Railroad Company at St. Albans, Vt., and remained with them 20 years, filling many important positions. Thence he went to Syracuse, engaging with the West Shore Company, where he remained until he came to Redwood in May, 1891. He married Miss Mary A. Clark in 1873, at St. Albans, Vt. Mr. F's living children are Cora M., now engaged as assistant teacher in the Redwood graded School; Ada A. and Edna C. are yet pupils. Mr. Farley took possession of the hotel in Redwood, known as the American, in May 1891. He has made various changes therein, adding to the many pleasant and homelike rooms, thus making it one of the most comfortable hotels on the border for a week's stay or for a permanent home.

Dr. Martin J. Hutchins was born November 7, 1825, in Schuyler, Herkimer county, N.Y. He was educated at the common and select schools, and read medicine with Drs. Davison & Brewster, of Theresa, with whom he continued three years, attending medical lectures at Castleton Medical College, of Vermont; and in May, 1846, he commenced the practice of his profession at Plessis; remaining there until 1853. In May, 1846, he was granted a license to practice by the Jefferson County Medical Society, and in 1852 he received an honorary diploma from the Burlington Medical College. Being a pronounced Democrat and party leader, he received the appointment of custom house inspector in June 1853, and removed to Alexandria Bay, where he assumed the responsibility of that position, the duties of which he continued to exercise with satisfaction to the "powers that be," as he held the office under both Presidents Pierce and Buchanan until 1861, in all eight years. He then settled at Redwood and resumed the active practice of his profession, where he has continued up to the present time, having practiced for 44 years in the town of Alexandria. He is still hale and hearty, and we trust he may yet be spared for many years. He is an example to the younger members of the profession, as one who has lived and toiled to elevate the standard of medical practice. He has always been considered one of the most active and useful members of the county society, and has contributed mamy papers to its archives. He was elected county superintendent of the poor, serving three years, and has held many positions of honor and usefulness in his town, and as a representative of the re-organized Jefferson County Medical Society. He was president of that Society in 1873, and at the close of his offical term delivered an interesting lecture upon "Medical Etiquette," which elicited much praise and extended comment.The Doctor has two talented sons, the eldest of whom, Martin J. Jr., was educated at Hamilton Collece, and has chosen journalism as his life-work. The younger, Frank F., received his professional education at the New York Medical University, and is now in active practice.

Lewis Cass Watson, son of Alonzo M. Watson, was born June 14, 1836, at Watertown. His father, Alonzo M. Watson, was a student with John Clark at the time James F. Starbuck, Levi Brown, L. Ingalls, L.J. Dorwin, John A. Haddock and others, were students in Watertown. Samuel Watson, the father of Alonzo M., was one of four brothers who came to Jefferson county at an early day. Samuel Watson kept an hotel on the Pamelia side of the river in Watertown for many years, removing from Watertown to Cape Vincent, where he died at a good old age. Alonzo M. Watson became a convert to Fourierism in the Forties, and attempted to prove the social problem at Cold Creek, two miles east of Watertown. A year's trial proved a failure. From Cold Creek he went to Sodus Bay, in Wayne county, to take charge of a society organized on the Fourier plan, remaining there a year; thence he went to Rochester, where, in about two and one-years, he died.

On the death of A.M. Watson, his family returned to Theresa, where Lewis Cass attended the High School, conducted by W.T. Goodnough, O.L. Haddock and one or two Flower boys being his contemporaries. There he commenced the study of medicine with John D. & Nathan Davidson, and when the Civil War broke out he immediately went to the front, and was placed on a transport hospital boat, where he remained until 1863, when he enlisted as hospital steward of the 20th N.Y. Cavalry, with which regiment he remained until the close of the war - in all, about four and a half years of continuous work with the sick and wounded. The clinics of no medical college could present such a variety in surgery or disease.

Before his discharge from the service, he was promoted to lieutenant in the 20th Cavalry. Immediately after his discharge he entered the Medical College at Geneva, whence he graduated. He entered upon the practice of medicine at Alexandria Bay, where, wiht the exception of one winter (1892-3), he spent in Chicago, he continued to practice medicine until his death, in the fall of 1893. He left a wife and two children.

The author of this History knew the father of Captain Don A. Watson, and the Doctor Watson named above. They sprang from good stock, and have "justified the honors they have gained" in many ways - as patriotic and able soldiers, as professional men of decided ability, and as high-minded and excellent citizens. In any community they would have come to the front, for they were men who made friends by showing themselves friendly, and have honored their callings by giving to it honest service.

Don Alonzo D.M. Watson was born at Evans Mills, March 5, 1835. The peculiar name given the subject of our sketch dates back to the 18th century, and within the knowledge of the writer has never loaded down more than three separate individuals. The name seemed to affect them differently - for some of the men who bore it were poor, while others were rich. Two of them died at Rochester, N.Y., including the father of our subject, who departed nearly 45 years ago. The youngest Don M. (now the old one), spent most of his early life in Watertown, attending school in the old stone school house at the corner of Jay and Sterling streets. His father had died and left a large family, and the children were deprived of collegiate advantages. But when 20 years of age, Don M. commenced attending W.T. Goodnough's school at Theresa, where he had a fellow-student in Orison Lull Haddock, the boy orator. Continuing in Mr. Goodnough's school several terms, he at the same time began to study law, and then, when his money was exhaused, taught school to recuperate his finances. He taught for the second year at the Ox Bow, giving good satisfaction.

During the second year of the Rebellion, he enlisted as a private in Company F, 10th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. He was promoted to be commissary sergeant, then to be lieutenant. He was recommended for promotion by Major Campbell, on the field, for bravery at Petersburg.

Here is a little incident whish shows how green troops were regarded by some of the regular army officers. Lieutenant Watson's company was one of those in the front line whose duty it was to aid in making the first charge upon Petersburg. The 10th's boys looked rather gay, for they had been in garrison and kept their clothing neat and clean. One Gen. Brown a fussy little martinet, who commanded a brigade right in the rear of the 10th's line, was heard to say to some of his officers; "If those greenhorns in our front break or run, push them forward on your bayonets." When the word came to "advance," General Brown must have been astonished as he saw the line in his front move forward as one man, preserving its alignment after having passed through underbrush for a distance of perhaps 30 rods. The 10th reached the low rifle pits, halting as the skirmish line rallied, and passing around in the rear of the fortification, quickly scooped the garrison, and were marching the Confederate prisoners away as Gen. Brown's line came out of the underbush 80 rods distant. They didn't push anybody forward on their bayonets that day.

At the close of the war, Mr. Watson entered the law office of Hubbard & Wright, in Watertown, and in 1868 was admitted to the bar. He was at a later day also admitted to practice in the National Courts in South Dakota.

Since being admitted to the bar he has taught schools at intervals, and holds a State certificate. He was first elected justice of the peace of the town of Alexandria, in 1873, and has since continuously held the office, with the exception of about five years - three of those years being spent in Dakota, where he was also justice of the peace during all the time of his residence there. He returned to Redwood in 1884, where he has since resided. He married for his first wife, Miss Julia Haskell, whose parents came from Vermont. His second wife was Miss Nancy Cosgrove. He had two sons, John G. and Aurthur M., both bright young men, giving promise of unusual usefulness.

Lieutenant Watson served three years as school commissioner of the third district of Jefferson county, and his labors in behalf of the higher elevation of the common school system of the State has been constant and effective. He enjoys the unchallenged respect and regard of his fellow-townsmen, as a good soldier, a just judge, an exemplary man.

Azariah Walton, born in Chesterfield, N.H., August 20, 1784, was of English descent. He emigrated to Jefferson county previous to the War of 1812, and superintended the construction of the cotton-mills at Brownville, as an expert mechanic. In 1824 he removed from Brownville to Theresa, where he was a merchant until 1828, when he received the appointment of deputy collector of customs for the port of Alexandria Bay, which office he held for nearly 19 years, and lived there until his death, June 10, 1855. Mr. Walton became owner of a large part of the American islands in the St. Lawrence river, and through life was a prominent man of the town and county. Although Mr. Walton passed away nearly 40 years ago, his personality was so marked that he is yet well-remembered in Alexandria and many anecdotes are told of him.

William P. Wescott ws born in Alexandria Bay, April 28, 1859. He attended the graded school until 17. In September, 1887, he married Miss Jane A. Crabb, and they resided in Alexandria Bay. Mr. Wescott is proprietor and captain of the steamer Minnie.

Alfred A. Holmes came to Redwood in the year 1864. He had formerly resided at Philadelphia and Theresa, in which places he was engaged in the general merchandise business. He bought out M.W. & G.T. White, and M.W. White's residence in Redwood. Mr. Holmes parents came from England, and settled in Schenectady county, where relatives now live. He has been a hard working man, never lacking enterprise and industry in whatever he undertook.

In politics, a Democrat of the Jeffersonian stamp. He met with reverses at his start in business, which he overcame by close attention to the little things pertaining thereto, and he soon took a position ennabling him to reach out and gather in the grain left by the wayside. He was thrice elected supervisor of the town of Alexandria, the last time without opposition. In building the Morristown and Black River Railroad, from Morristown to Carthage, from its inception to completion he was one of the foremost, and upon the road's completion, was chosen secretary and treasurer of the company. Since the completion of the railroad his entire attention has been given to his merchandise. Some 10 years since he received into partnership his eldest son, Fred T., upon whose shoulders the indoor work is now carried; while the father indulged in speculations outside, in which he was successful to such a remarkable degree that the competency gathered allowed him to turn over his share of his store interest to his second son, W.W. Holmes. In the fall of 1892 he concluded to see a little more of the world, and to learn of the business way of Antipodeans. In the company of his wife and daughters, Misses Ada and Sarah, he made a trip to Australia and Tasmania, spending the winter abroad and returning in the following summer.

Notwithstanding the many drafts upon his energies, Mr. Holmes looks much younger than he really is. He has three farms, upon which he keeps 90 cows; the Redwood grist-mill, which he purchased of H.S. White some years ago, and much other real estate and personal property. Fred T., the eldest son, is a young man of great perserverance and remarkable executive ability. Five years he has served the town on the board of supervisors, and was accounted one of the most active in that body. The future for him is certainly bright.

Adam Bickelhaupt, one of the principal merchants of Redwood, is deserving of a good record in the History of Jefferson county, for he is on of those toilers who commenced his career as chore-boy with Holmes & Reed, 28 years ago. Notwith standing the funny jokes and side thrusts at his verdancy, he kept right on climbing to the top. Before leaving the employ of Holmes & Reed, his capacity was recognized. The business problems of this firm he took a deep interest in, and sought a proper solution, not only for the welfare of his employers, but as safe guides when he began carrying on the same kind of business for himself. In the year 1872 he formed a co-partnership with Bryon Briggs, in general merchandise. That partnership continued four years. Since 1876 he has continued the mercantile business alone, adding such outside business as his means allowed, until now he is conducting 12 cheese factories, three of which he owns. In those 12 factories he manufactures into cheese the milk of 1,500 cows.

Mr. Bickelhaupt was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany. His father came to this country in 1853, bringing his entire family with him. They settled first in the town of Alexandria, where the father died in 1875, leaving a wife and three children, of whom Adam and Leonard are the only ones surviving. The mother resides with Leonard on the old homestead. In 1874 Adam married Miss M. Olney. They have three children, two boys and a girl.

Mr. Bickelhaupt was elected supervisor of the town of Alexandria three successive years, the last time without opposition. So well did he manage the affairs of the town upon the board of supervisors, that did not his personal matters demand all his spare time, he would have been continued as long as he could serve.

Henry S. White commenced business in Redwood in 1842, when there were but six families living there. A co-partnership had been previously formed between Judge Micah Sterling, of Watertown, John W. Fuller, of Alexandria Bay, Joseph Butterfield, of New Hampshire, and Henry S. White. This firm bought out what was known as the Redwood Glass Works. They only ran one fire, and sold out to Dezeng & Co. Messrs. White & Butterfield still continuing in partnership, they started a country store, connected with a potash and pearling oven. At that time only the produce that could be exchanged for money was the product of these potash works. The Dollinger hotel was built about the time (or a little before) Mr. White came to Redwood. The firm of White & Butterfield continued in business until 1852; in that time they had built the Redwood grist-mill and upper saw-mill, and made many improvements in and about the village. At the dissolution of the partnership, Mr. White kept the grist-mill and quite a quantity of real estate surrounding Redwood. In the fall of 1856 he bought out the Dollinger store, and remained in the business of general merchandize until his eldest son became of age, when the business had increased from the few dollars first received for potash, to $70,000 per year. Mr. White had in the meantime purchased a thousand acres of timber-land in Hammond, St. Lawrence county, and a steam saw-mill. He successfully carried on the mill until 1865, when he sold out to Charles Lyon, of Ogdensburg, continuing in possession of the Redwood grist-mill property until 1882, when he sold it to Alfred A. Holmes. In February, 1884, Mr. White buried his wife, a very estimable lady, who had shared all his successes and sorrows. Since then he has been living in Chicago most of the time. The last year he has spent in Redwood.

Anson Harder, of Redwood, was born August 4, 1834, at Newville, Herkimer county, N.Y. His parents were both born in Hertimer county. His great-grandfather came from Holland, and as the country opened up, drifted north with the tide, and his descendants have since lived in Columbia and the intervening counties, and at last in Herkimer. They were among the first settlers north of New York, and along the upper Hudson and Mohawk. His maternal predeccessors were by name Thompson, who first settled in Connecticut, and with the tide went westward to New York.

Anson Harder received his early education in the common schools, and at Clinton, Fairfield and Fort Plain. He studied law and entered the class of 1856, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., graduated and took up the practice of his profession. He entered the office of Judge Harder at Little Falls, there perfecting himself in practice. He then removed to Leonardsville, Madison county, where he practiced three years - thence to Redwood, where he opened an office in 1862, and has continued the practice of his profession up to the present time.

He has been an active Republican, and has always labored for the success of his party. Living in a town largely Democratic, by strenuous work and with good men at the front, he has sometimes had cause to rejoice in the election of their candidates. He has invariably represented the town in various conventions, district, county and judicial.

He was married to Mary E. Crumb in 1861. She died in March, 1871. In 1874 Mr. Harder married his second wife, Miss Jennie Hutchins, sister of Dr. Martin J. Hutchins. Mr. Harder's labors are more diversified just now, for he has quite an extensive farm, on which he spends a large part of his time in the summer season. Clarence Harder, his only son, aged 19, superintends his father's land possessions during the latter's absence.

Mark R. Wilcox was born in the town of Alexandria, April 11, 1859. His parents came to this town carrying their packs in the single path through the wilderness. Mark R. first entered upon general mercantile business in 1883, at Plessis, occupying the old stone store once occupied by Jasan Clark. He was married to Miss Mary Corlis, in October, 1884, and to these parents were born two children, Charlotte and Lena Wilcox. Mr. Wilcox is one of the denizens of the town of Alexandria, whom it is safe to pattern after. He has been a staunch Republican since attaining his majority. He is yet in active business, and much respected by the entire community.

Byron Ostrander, born in the town of Theresa, May 20, 1843, was the son of Jacob and Fanny Ostrander. His mother's maiden name was Fanny Cole, who was the first white child born in the town of Theresa. But Mary F. Lull, now Mrs. Haddock, was the first white child born in the village of that name. Byron moved to Plessis in 1886, and was married soon after to Bellona Augsbury, daughter of George Augsbury, one of the pioneers of the town. Mr. Ostrander has been engaged in active business as a merchant, farmer, and at the present time is the undertaker of Plessis. He also deals in agricultural implements. He was elected justice of the peace in 1891 - the only Republican elected to that important office in many years, Alexandria being Democratic by a large majority, and has been so for a long time.

John Donald and Mary Frater were united in holy wedlock in Scotland, coming to the town of Hammond about 59 years ago. Thomas H. Donald, the youngest child, was born April 9, 1844. He lived with his parents on the farm until he was 20 years of age, when he enlisted in Company B, 71st New York Volunteers, joining the regiment at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Was in engagements at Gravelly Run, Five Forks, and in all the subsequent engagements with the regiment up to the surrender of General Lee. In October, 1868, Mr. Donald engaged in business with Dr. C.A. Carlin, as druggist, at Redwood.

He was married to Abbie M. Caltin, January 19, 1869. To them have been born two sons, Myrem H. and Charles C. Myrem is a graduate of the Potsdam Normal School, and is now engaged in the insurance business at Antwerp, N.Y. Charles C., after taking a thorough business course at different schools, graduated with honors at the Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

James Dillin is the son of Lodwick Dillin, who was born in Brownsville in 1813, and married Julia Ann Suits. James was born in the town of Alexandria in 1842. He married Corintha Augsbury, daughter of George Augsbury, November 1, 1866. They have one child, Miss Georgia Dillin, now in attendance at the Normal School at Potsdam. James enlisted into the Union army October 21, 1861; re-enlisted December 21, 1863, and was in the following engagements: Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Hatcher's Run and Petersburg, and followed up Lee to the surrender at Appomattox. He was severely wounded at Antietam by a gun-shot wound through the lower jaw, breaking the jaw; was also wounded at the Weldon Railroad; was commissioned 2d lieutenant June 1, 1854; [sic] breveted first lieutenant July, 1865, in Company G, 59th N.Y. Vol. Infantry.

Delos Herrick was born in the town of Brownsville, N. Y., April 23, 1838. His parents came to this country at a very early day. His father, Edward Herrick, married Miss Elmira Thurston in the early thirties. Delos married Sophrona Curtis, grand-daughter of Dudley Chapman, April 9, 1861. From this union came Edward Herrick, who married Lillie Babcock; Cheeseman A. Herrick, born July 23, 1855, and at a very early age gave evidence of such a liking for books that his parents, to the extent of their ability, gave him every advantage. Cheeseman commenced teaching school and using the salary earned to further his desire to acquire knowledge. He first attended school at Ives Seminary, at Antwerp, two terms of three months each. Then he took up teaching in the State of Illinois, and subsequently graduated in the English course at the Normal School, at Normal, Illinois. Thence he went to Philadelphia, Pa., and entered the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in the clinical course in June, 1894. He is now engaged in extension work for that University.

Mr. Herrick is one of the most interesting lecturers in the field, a quiet, unassuming young man; was one of the debaters who met the Cornell University class and defeated them, April, 1894. The question debated related to the annexation of the Sandwich Islands.

The only girl, Mina, born July 25, 1868, married James Houghton, now living in the town of Antwerp. Delos Herrick has spent his life in the town of Theresa and Alexandria, excepting the time spent in Company K, 14th Heavy Artillery. His record as a member of this organization is such as to cause his children happiness. He is looked upon as an upright and honorable man. He was elected road commissioner in the spring of 1894, for a term of two years. Mr. Herrick is a Democrat in Politics.

Charles Louis Millot settled in the town of LeRay in the early part of the present century. Several years thereafter he married Martila Border, of German descent. George L. Millot was the fourth child from this union. George's early life was like most of the young men who lived in his vicinity. When the call to arms came, George shouldered his gun in Company A, 35th New York Vol. Infantry, and, during the regiment's entire service in the field, he was with them. When stationed at Camp Rufus King, near Falmouth, General Patrick called for the appearance of every man in his brigade who was able to walk, to fall in line for review. The 35th in line presented a fine appearance, every soldier dressed excepting George, who was minus a cap, that head-dress having been appropriated by some other soldier. There was not a cap in the quartermaster's department that George could wear, for his head was large; but true to the call, after making known the fact to his captain, he took his place in line. General Patrick discovered the bearheaded soldier boy at the head of Company A. The General halted directly in front of him, grabbing him by the hair and screamed out; "Scoundrel, do you want to make a black-guard of me?"

The author of this History witnessed this action on the part of General Patrick, and regarded it as the most brutal thing he witnessed in the whole of his long service with the enlisted men. George Millot bore his treatment like a hero, but the men expected to see him run his bayonet through the General's body. This matter was hushed up afterwards, but it made a lasting impression upon the men, and lowered General Patrick immensely in the eyes of every beholder. George married Miss Jane Carman, July 24, 1863, and lost his wife in 1886. He remains unmarried.

Daniel Eddy settled in Jefferson county in 1832, at Orleans Corners, and married Miss Mary C. Strough. He lost his first wife in 1844, and subsequently married Miss Mary Francisco, of Orleans, and moved to Lafargeville, in 1858. He served as justice of the peace for 24 years, occupying that position when he died. Dr. Elmer E. Eddy is the youngest child by the second wife. The Doctor commenced to study medicine in 1885, in Dr. C.L. Jones' office at Lafargeville; was one year at the Ann Arbor University, of Michigan, and completed his course at Buffalo, graduating in 1890. He settled in Redwood in July, 1890; married Miss Sadie L. Mitchell, daughter of Issac Mitchell, of Orleans, a representative man in his section, March 30, 1892. The Doctor's practice is fast making inroads into lines of the old school. He was elected coroner in 1891, and at the Jefferson county Republican convention, he was re-nominated for that responsible position the second time, in 1894.

John B. George was born in the town of Alexandria, March 13, 1838, and is still living on the old homestead. He graduated at an early age from the old No. 6 school house, continuing his work upon the farm until the war broke out, in 1861 and became a member of Company I, 35th New York Vol. Infantry. Very soon after commencing active service he was promoted to sergeant; contracted typhoid malaria, but continued with his company. He was discharged in 1863, returned home and continued his farm work. He was married to Miss Martha A. Peck, daughter of Alexander D. Peck (who was one of the early settlers of this section), on December 29, 1863. Mr. George was elected assessor in 1886, and has served every year since that date. Mr. George has four children; William, John, Mrs. Frank Northup and Harrison. William was graduated, and John is attending the Potsdam Normal School.

Nathaniel W. Freeman, born Febuary 2, 1842, is the only son living of Friend S. Freeman. While his father was engaged in the ministry, Nathaniel, after he arrived at the age of 15 years, did the most of the hard work upon the farm, and, assisted by his grandfather, the entire work was performed. Nathaniel Freeman, grandfather of N. W., was one of the very earliest settlers, having emigrated to this section from Connecticut. He took part in the battle of Sackets Harbor. Nathaniel W. commenced his early education at home, but finished his school work under the tuition of W.T. Goodnough, at Theresa. In 1866 he took up the study of medicine, which he had to give up in consequence of the close confinement. Yet his services were called for in the schoolroom, wherein he continued as an active worker for nearly 30 years. He was elected justice of the peace in 1887, and has now filled that office for the second term. He was married to Ucetta S. Card, November 9, 1882. Two children, a girl and a boy, have blessed this union.

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