He Was Born in Town of Lorraine 74 Years Ago
Ilion, Jan. 30. - The death of Rev. M. L. Baker of Fulton occurred at the home of William Lucey, 877 Otsego Street, at a late hour yesterday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Baker came here to visit his daughter, Mrs. William Lucey, about three weeks ago and the illness which has caused his failing health for the past year, became more aggravated and he failed rapidly.
The deceased was born in Lorraine, Jefferson County, 74 years ago, and for the past 40 years had been engaged in the ministry. For a time he was in charge of the North Columbia church, going from here to the charge at Oswego. He was a man well liked and during his local pastorate exerted much good influence and increased the membership of his church. He is survived by five children: George Baker of Oakland, Cal.; Rev. Mrs. F. C. Vielle of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. H. A. Cooper of Wolcott; and Mrs. William Lucey of this village; also by two sisters; Mrs. R. Casler of Lorraine and Mrs. Edgar Doch of Sandy Creek.
Also Once Associated With Brother in Operating Stores at Theresa and Fishers Landing-Had Summer Cottage at Latter Place
Theresa, Feb. 11 - The body of Floyd H. Bretsch, 57, arrived here Monday evening from Gary, Ind., coming by train to Watertown and from that city to his home town by the C. A. Giltz funeral car. Mr. Bretsch, who had been in poor health for the past three years, died in the Midwest city that had been his home for the past quarter of a century late Saturday.
He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bretsch and his entire early life was spent in this place. His father was the owner of the Commercial House and for a time Floyd was associated with him in operating the hotel. He relinquished the management of the hotel, where he had developed a large Sunday dinner patronage, at the entry of the United States into the World War in 1917, and took 16 Theresa men to Fort Slocum, N.Y. for enlistment. There he was commended as the champion volunteer recruiter and later presented a recruiting scheme of his won to the war department. He sought a captain's commission in the army for himself.
As a young man he was in the army during the Spanish-American war.
Mr. Bretsch was also once associated with his brother, Clarence, in operating stores in this village and at Fishers Landing. They also had at one time a mail order house. Mr. Bretsch studied law and when the city of Gary, Ind. Was started in full swing as a center for the steel industry, he located there and opened offices, also buying real estate.
He made frequent trips here and spent a portion of his summers at Fishers Landing where he had a cottage.
He is survived by his wife of Gary, Ind.; two daughters, a brother, Clarence, Gary, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Horner, of the central part of the state.
Funeral services will be held from the Giltz funeral home Wednesday afternoon.
Burial will be in the family plot in Oakwood cemetery.
Huron J. Bretsch, son of the late Jacob and Mary L. Bretsch, was born at LaFargeville, Jefferson county, N.Y., August 24, 1873, and died at his home in LaFargeville, June 16, 1923, at the age of forty-nine years, following about six years of failing health, from Bright's disease and hardening of the arteries. However Mr. Bretsch had been able to carry on his business, and was very active in the home, community and church life right up to within about four weeks of his death, when the disease seemed to assume a more acute form, and never for a day did it give way to the very best of medical science and skill, or to faithful nursing and perfect care.
His passing followed within about two months that of his mother and came as a severe shock to the village, and to all the country for miles about.
No man could be more highly esteemed and more dearly beloved, by all who knew him, than this great Christian gentleman.
He was married to Miss Harriet M. Sargent, of LaFargeville, N.Y., July 5, 1905. In these short years of weeded life there has been more of true devotion and faithfulness than is often seen in a long domestic lifetime.
Mr. Bretsch was certainly ideal in his home; a home of Bible-reading and prayer; a home of sunshine and cheer; a home of hospitality and welcome. To this home was given two fine sons, Lawrence and Howard. Mr. Bretsch was a family of two sons also, himself and his brother, Homer L. Bretsch, now of Hastings-on-the-Hudson, and this brother is one of leading educators of the State of New York.
Mr. Bretsch received his education in the high school at LaFargeville and at the Oswego Normal School and for some time was a teacher. He served as principal of the school at Cutchogue, L.I. He was for two years assistant superintendent of a large brick industry at Tarrytown, N.Y. Fourteen years ago he came back to his native community and, together with a cousin, Mr. Webster L. Bretsch, entered the mercantile business, known far and wide through this northern country as the H.J. & W. L. Bretsch general store.
In business, as in all other walks of life, Mr. Bretsch was very successful. He had been one of the leading laymen of the LaFargeville Methodist Protestant Church for several years. No one could be more faithful to his church and pastors. He was always ready, with heart, hand and purse, for any call of his church, or any other good cause. He was constantly doing things for the promotion of his church and the help of his pastor, often when no one knew about it; yet in all his loving deeds, he was quiet, modest and unassuming.
He was one of the most truly polished, courteous, Christian gentlemen and all-round men of God I have ever known. He has been true to all of his pastors, and was appreciated by all of them.
Well Known Cheesemaker Died Sunday at the Age of 80.
Charles W. Cheney, 80, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. D. Shettleton, Carthage, Sunday, following two years of poor health, due to heart disease. He was born at Antwerp, September 29, 1851, and at the age of 10 years started cheesemaklng and had since been engaged in that work.. He Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Eli. D. Shettleton and Mrs. John Bauer, of Carthage, and Mrs. George Day, of Watertown, and two sons, William, of Fayetteviile, and Eber, of Croghan.
From a newspaper article in the Lowville Journal and Republican, Thursday January 22, 1931
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 22 May 1919:
The people of Cape Vincent and vicinity were greatly shocked on Friday last to learn of the death of Mrs. Mary Louise Crevolin Clark, widow of W. J. Clark, aged 59 years. Mrs. Clark was found dead in her room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Winslow, in Watertown, late Thursday afternoon, and it is supposed that she had expired several hours previous.
Mrs. Clark, who was a daughter of the late Henry J. Crevolin, was well and favorably known in this village, where she had made her home from many years. She had a host of friends in this vicinity who will regret her demise.
For sometime past Mrs. Clark had been employed as a clerk in the department store of Frank A. Empsall & company, and was at her place in the store on Wednesday.
Mrs. Clark is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Charles J. Short, who is now in England, and four sisters, Mrs. E. D. Fox, of New York; Mrs. L. W. Soule and Mrs. Frank Dezengremel, of Watertown, and Mrs. Lannie [sic, Lainie] Higgs, of Chicago.
The funeral, which was private, was held from the home of Mrs. Soule on Saturday afternoon at half past one o'clock.
According to IGI MR extraction, Marie Louise Crevolin m. William John Clark, 01 Dec 1890, Manhattan, New York Co., NY. He was born abt 1863, Mechanicsburg, Champaign Co., OH, son of John H. Clark, M.D., & Ellen Nora Williams [Ellenora, per 1880 Mechanicsburg census [E.D. #20, p. 230B].
Mrs. Mary Ann Dano, a widow of John Dano, died at the home of her son, John H. Dano, 709 Lansing Street, Sunday afternoon. She had been in ill health for some time, recently suffering a stroke.
She was born on Wellesley Island, May 10, 1844, daughter of Kalip and Lucinda Patterson Simmons. Her early life was passed on Wellesley Island where she received her education. She had been a resident of this city for the pat two years.
Surviving are two sons, John H. of this city, and George W. of Calgary, Canada; two daughters, Mrs. Emma King of Long Island City, and Mrs. Sylvia Shirclift of Gananoque, Ontario; two brothers, William Simmons of Missouri and Lidia Simmons of Rodman; and two half-sisters, Mrs. D. J. Hewitt of Adams Center and Mrs. Caroline Adkins of Reedesburg, Wisconsin.
She was a member of the Free Methodist Church.
The funeral will be held from the Free Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Fish officiating. The body will be placed in the vault, interment to take place in the spring at North Watertown Cemetery.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 15 Oct 1914:
Had Been Ill Since Last February With Bright's Disease.
Frank Dezengremel, one of Cape Vincent's respected citizens, died shortly after 10 o'clock Sunday night at No. 905 Boyd street, Watertown, where he and his family had taken up their residence for the winter. Mr. Dezengremel's death was due to Bright's disease, with which he had suffered for some time.
Mr. Dezengremel was born at Rosiere on May 24, 1860. After completing a course at Ives Seminary, Antwerp, he came to this village, his parents having moved here from their farm at Rosiere, and entered the drug store of the late Dr. Hanley N. Bushnell. Later he engaged in the grocery business with Wallace Gray, the firm being known as Dezengremel and Gray. After Mr. Gray retired he conducted the business alone, and subsequently disposed of the same to Joseph C. Gregor, and retired from active business.
For the past eight or ten years, Mr. Dezengremel had been the efficient secretary of the Cape Vincent Agricultural Society; and to his energetic efforts, in a great measure, is due the success of the organization. It was mainly through his efforts that the fair society was able to secure for the past few years the large exhibits of live stock and poultry from Fulton, Oswego, Sandy Creek and several places in Jefferson county. He had a wide acquaintance with horsemen of Northern New York and the border towns in Canada, and the races at each fair since he had been secretary were always satisfactorily filled.
A couple of years ago he engaged in the insurance business and at his death represented a number of companies writing life and accident policies.
Mr. Dezengremel was a member of the Cape Vincent Yacht Club and the Cape Vincent Motor Boat Club. He served the village as trustee for several terms and was identified with the Scotch Brook cheese factory.
Besides his widow, who is a daughter of the late Joseph and Cornelia [Calvin] Crevolin, he is survived by two daughters, the Misses Edna Marie and Harriet Blanche Dezengremel. The body of Mr. Dezengremel arrived at the Cape on the 1:15 train to-day [Wednesday] and the funeral was held from St. John's Episcopal church, of which he was a member, the Rev. Walter E. Cook, of Marcellus, officiating. The remains were placed in the vault at Riverside cemetery.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 9 Dec 1926:
The people of this village were greatly shocked Tuesday evening when word was received that Mrs. Harriet Dezengremel, widow of Frank Dezengremel, had died at her home in Watertown at shortly after six o'clock, forllowing an illness of several months.
Mrs. Dezengremel was born in this village, a daughter of H. Joseph and Cornelia R. [Calvin] Crevolin, and made her home here for a great many years. Shortly after the death of Mr. Dezengremel she took up her residence in Watertown. She was a woman who had the respect and esteem of a large circle of acqaintances, all of who will regret to learn of her demise.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Gerald Austin, of Watertown, and three sisters, Mrs. Edwin D. Fox of White Plains, Mrs. L. W. Soule, of Watertown, and Mrs. Blanche Higgs of Chicago.
As we go to press this [Wednesday] morning, arrangements for the funeral are incomplete.
Watertown Daily Times [Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY], Monday, 16 Aug 1915, p. 5:
She Was 21 Years of Age and Was to Have Been Married Next December to Young Man from Texas
As a result of poisoning that set in after an operation for appendicitis, Miss Edna Marion Dezengremel, aged 31 years, passed away at St. Joachim's hospital, late Saturday afternoon. Miss Dezengremel was taken will with appendicitis on Monday, July 12, and was brought immediately to the City hospital, but due to her serious condition an operation could not be performed.
After remaining in the hospital for five days her condition grew somewhat improved, and it was thought that she might recover without the necessity of an operation. The attending physician recommended a change however, in view of her nervous condition, and three weeks ago she left with a few friends and the members of her family for a cottage on Point Salubrious. She apparently was improving rapidly after the removal to the cottage. On Saturday, July 31, Miss Dezengremel was suddenly taken with a second attack and she was hurried in an automobile to this city. Upon arrival at the family home, 903 Boyd street, a physician was immediately summoned. After a few hours at her home, the girl was removed to St. Joachim's hospital.
A seemingly successful operation was performed by Dr. F. R. Calkins, assisted by Dr. N. L. Hawkins, on Wednesday, Aug. 11. Miss Dezengremel began to improve following the operation, but poisoning set in Thursday, and she became worse. A consultation of doctors was held early Saturday morning, However, nothing could be done to save her, and she passed away Saturday afternoon at 3. The death was a great blow to the family and friends, for Miss Dezengremel was always in the best of health, being seriously ill upon only one other occasion during her life. She was the picture of perfect health at all times.
Miss Dezengremel was to have been married to Edwin M. Gudger of Texas next December. They were planning to make their future home in North Carolina.
Miss Dezengremel was born at Maple Grove, Cape Vincent, the daughter of the late Frank and Harriet Crevolin Dezengremel, on April 19, 1884. Her father, frank Dezengremel, passed away in this city, ten months ago. The Dezengremels made their winter home in this city, and their summer home at Cape Vincent. Miss Dezengremel spent all of her early life in Cape Vincent. She was educated in the public schools there and graduated from the Cape Vincent High school. She was an attendant at the Lady Jane grey school at Binghamton, New York, but was forced to leave before graduation, due to an overworked, run down condition. This illness was the only other illness that Miss Dezengremel ever experienced.
She was one of the leaders of the younger set in Cape Vincent. She was a member of the St. John's Episcopal church of Cape Vincent, and was librarian for a number of years of the St. John's Sunday school. She was a member of the Daughters of the King of Cape Vincent and of the LeRay de Chaumont Chapter, D. A. R., of this city.
She had been employed since the opening of the Y. M. C. A. building as assistant to Dr. W. C. Smith, a dentist in the building.
She is survived by her mother, and one sister, Harriet Blanche Dezengremel, who graduated from Watertown High school last June.
The funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 at St. John's Episcopal church of Cape Vincent, shortly after the arrival of the noon train. Interment will be made in the family plot at Cape Vincent cemetery.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 19 Aug 1915:
Passes Away After Undergoing An Operation for Appendicitis
The announcement of the death of Miss Edna Marion Dezengremel, eldest daughter of the late Frank and Mrs. Harriet Dezengremel, which occurred at the Sisters' hospital, Watertown, Saturday afternoon, was received with profound sorrow by the people of Cape Vincent and vicinity. Death followed an operation for appendicitis. Miss Dezengremel was first stricken with the disease on Monday, July 12, and it was the opinion of the physicians in charge that her condition was too serious to safely permit of an operation. Her condition, however, improved very much during the following five days, and it was confidently hoped that she might be restored to health without an operation. The attending physician recommended a change, however, in view of her nervous condition, and three weeks ago she left with a few friends and the members of her family for a cottage on Point Salubrious. She apparently was improving rapidly after the removal to the cottage. On Saturday, July 31, Miss DezengremeEllisl was suddenly taken with a second attack and she was hurried in an automobile to Watertown. Upon arrival at the family home, 903 Boyd street, a physician was immediately summoned. After a few hour at her home, she was removed to St. Joachim's hospital.
A seemingly successful operation was performed by Dr. F. R. Calkins, assisted by Dr. N. L. Hawkins, on Wednesday, August 1. Miss Dezengremel began to improve following the operation but poisoning set in Thursday, and she became worse. A consultation of doctors was held early Saturday morning, but nothing could be done to save her and she passed away Saturday afternoon at 3.
Miss Dezengremel, who was 31 years of age, was born at Maple Grove, Cape Vincent, on April 19, 1884. Her father, Frank Dezengremel, passed away in Watertown, ten months ago. The Dezengremels made their winter home in that city and their summer home at Cape Vincent, but for the past two years they had been living the year around in Watertown. Miss Dezengremel spent all of her early life in this village. She was educated in the public school here and was graduated from the Cape Vincent High school.
Miss Dezengremel was a member of St. John's Episcopal church and for a number of years was the librarian of the Sunday school connected with that church. She was a member of the Daughters of the King of Cape Vincent, and of the LeRay de Chaumont Chapter, D. A. R., of Watertown.
Miss Dezengremel was to have been married to Edwin M. Grudger, of Texas, next November.
She is survived by her mother and one sister, Miss Blanche Dezengremel, who have unstinted sympathy because of the great affliction they have sustained.
The remains were brought to the Cape on the 1:15 o'clock train Tuesday and taken to St. John's church, where the funeral services were conducted by the rector, the Rev. Chas. T. Raynor. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The floral offerings were very beautiful. The bearers consisted of Harry Vincent, Dr. Bentley, Norman Hinckley, Leon Peo, F. W. Sacket and Mr. Boyd.
Lloyd Barney Dana 1924-1989; posted by RD Calhoun-Eagan Posted: 14 May 2009
BELLEVILLE -- Lloyd B. Dana, 65, of 4914 S. Main St., North Rose, formerly of BELLEVILLE, died Friday evening in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Canandaigua after an extended illness.
The funeral will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Carpenter-Stoodley Funeral Home with the Rev. Virgil Hager, pastor of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church, officiating. Spring burial will be in Ellisburg Cemetery.
There will be no calling hours. Contributions may be made to the Huntington's Society Fund in care of the family or a charity of one's choice.
Surviving are his wife Arlene, one son, Dale, Phelps; two granddaughters; one sister, Mrs. Al (Arlene) Luciano, Niagara Falls, and one niece.
He was born Aug. 15, 1924 in Henderson, the son of Harrison and Laura Hubbard Dana. He attended Mannsville School. He served with the Army in World War II in Company B of the 793rd military police battalion in the European Theater. He married Arlene Tifft Oct. 31, 1948 in BELLEVILLE with the Rev. Oliver Baker officiating. He worked on the Beryl Snider farm in BELLEVILLE for two years and the Tony Greco farm in Adams Center until 1955 when the couple moved to North Rose. He worked at the Clyde Milling Feed Co. until 1965 and then worked for the Xerox Corp. in Webster until his retirement.
Mr. Dana was a member of North Rose Fire Department.
Machine Brought to Stop Only After It Plunges Into Lot-Prominent Retired Farmer
LaFargeville. Oct. 30.-With a dead man at the steering wheel, a Ford touring car driven by Duane H. Ellis, 59, a retired farmer of Fisher's Landing, plunged from the highway a few miles from here at about 2 yesterday afternoon and a fatality was narrowly averted by the presence of mind of the other occupant. Mrs. Ellis, who shut off the power and applied the brakes, bringing the machine to a stop. Mr. Ellis was a victim of heart disease.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis motored from Fisher's Landing Friday morning to visit Mr. Giles, a farmer of this village. Mr. Ellis was in his usual health although he had long suffered from heart trouble. Following dinner, the two started back for home. Mr. Ellis had driven a car for about two years and was perfectly familiar with the operation of one. When near the residence of Eugene Nash, about a mile and a half from LaFargeville, Mr. Ellis' hands dropped from the steering wheel and he fell over dead.
Luckily, this road was muddy at the spot where Mr. Ellis was stricken and he had been driving slowly, in low gear. His wife is somewhat familiar with the operation of the machine and she reached over to stop it but not before the light car had veered from the road and ran into a lot. No damage was done, however. Mrs. Ellis called for help and the body of her husband was carried to the Nash farm home, Dr. J. T. Fowkes being summoned in the meantime. He pronounced death due to heart disease and said that Mr. Ellis had probably died Instantly. The body was removed to the Ellis home later in the day.
Mr. Ellis was born in the town of Clayton, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ellis, pioneer residents of that vicinity. He lived on the same farm until two years ago when he retired and moved to Fisher's Landing. His marriage to Mrs. Maude Way of Fisher's Landing took place nine years ago.
Mr. Ellis was an active member of LaFargeville grange and was its master at one time. He was also a member of the Methodist Protestant church.
He la survived by his widow, one brother, Hanley Ellis of LaFargeville; a half-sister, Mrs. Ellas Putnam of Clayton: two half brothers, Edward Walrath of LaFargeville and Edson Walrath of Taberg.
The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 from the home. Rev. Mr. Richards of LaFargeville officiating. Burial will be made at Clayton.
Had Been in Ill Health For Some Time
Was At One Time Employed as Engineer For O. G. Staples, at That Time Connected With Thousand Islands House
(Special to the Times).
Alexandria Bay, April 14.---Alonzo E. Elmore, 81, long time prominent citizen of this village, died at his home here in Walton street at 8:30 this morning. He had been in ill health for some time. For the past several weeks he had been confined to his bed.
He was born in Theresa May 24, 1844, a son of Hyle and Mary Wood Elmore. He was twice married. His first wife was Lucy Woods, and 33 years ago he married Josephine Gissin. Practically all his life was spent in this vicinity. He retired from work about 12 years ago. Before that time he was employed as engineer for O. G. Staples, who was then connected with the Thousand Islands House. Prior to that he worked for J. W. Jackson at his Island residence.
He was a member of Alexandria Lodge, No. 297, F. & A. M., and of the Theresa Chapter, No. 154, Royal Arch Masons. He served as a member of the local fire department for 15 years.
He is survived by his wife, Josephine Ellmore; one sister, Mrs. Melissa Hubbard, Theresa; one niece, Mrs. Youngs, Theresa; three nephews, Mancel Kellar, Alexandria Bay; H. H. Hubbard, Theresa; Dr. Woode, Redwood.
The funeral services will be held from the home in Walton street at 3 Friday afternoon. Rev. Oliver F. Raymond and Rev. Paul Malfyt, will officiate. The Masonic lodge will have charge of the ceremony. Interment will be made in the Walton Street cemetery.
Cape Vincent Eagle 21 Sep 1933 Thursday
On Friday evening of last week, Captain Manville Evans died at the Gretchwick hospital, in Buffalo, following an illness that began in February last. He was 58 years old, and had been intimately connected with steamship traffic on the St. Lawrence River for over forty years. Captain Evans was well known in Cape Vincent, he having married Miss Emma Roseboom, of this village. She died about twenty years ago.
An Alexandria Bay correspondent writes as follows concerning Captain Evans:
"Captain Evans was born in the Goose Bay section of the town of Alexandria in 1875, a son of Jason and Anna McLean Evans. After completing school he started his career on the steamboat Massena under Captain Frank Dana. Captain Dana took a liking for the young man and by the time he was 21 years old he was qualified for the papers of a full-fledged captain and became the youngest captain on the St. Lawrence river.
"Since the beginning of his captaincy he had been in charge of the St. Lawrence, the Empire State and the Island Belle. For 15 years he was captain of the Vesta, one of the best vessels on the St. Lawrence. He had also been captain of the Ruma, a steam yacht belonging to H. W. Smith, of Syracuse, and for the last five years he was master of the steamboat Roosevelt, one of several ferry boats belonging to the Hudson Ferry line plying between this village and Lockport, Ont. Because of ill health he retired, however, in February of this year.
"He was first married to Miss Emma Roseboom. Shortly after the death of his first wife he was married to Miss Agnes Cornwall. His only survivors are his wife, Mrs. Agnes Cornwall Evans, and a first cousin, Mrs. Wellington Willix, both of Alexandria Bay.
"The body of Captain Evans was brought to Alexandria Bay for interment."
NOTE from transcriber: Parents were Jason Evans & Anna McLean
Grandparents: Urial Evans & Hanna Sophia Carnegie
Great-Grandparents: Columbus Evans & Friendly Fisher
Mary L. Elliott, one of a family of four daughters and two sons of Andrew and Mary Elliott, was born at Alexandria Bay, July 16, 1848. Her father, early in the '60s, enlisted in the service of his country and became a soldier in the Civil War, and from this terrible struggle never returned to his home or family, having died on the battlefield. In this same war she lost her brother, William, and her other brother died many years ago. She was married to Jacob L. Bretsch, October 5, 1869, and to this home were given two sons: Homer L. Bretsch, now of Hastings-on-the-Hudson, N.Y., who is principal of a school and one of the directors of the work of education in New York City and Huron J. Bretsch, of LaFargeville, N.Y., a former school teacher, and now one of the firm of H.J. & W.L. Bretsch, general merchants, of LaFargeville. So close were the happy relations that the two daughters-in-law were counted daughters indeed. There are five grandchildren: three granddaughters, Gladys, Eleanor and Marion, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Homer L., Bretsch, and two grandsons, Lawrence and Howard, children of Mr. and Mrs. Huron J. Bretsch.
The home of Brother and Sister Bretsch was one with a wonderful record of good. First, it was a home of prayer, where God was honored in all things. The days were never too busy, or hired help too plenty, or thrashers too many, but what time was taken and the men all invited in for the "family altar". Then it was a home of mighty influence: first, upon the sons, both of whom are following the Christian paths of their parents - men of worth, integrity and ability. This home of church-loving people spread its influence out over all this great country for Christ and righteousness, and this influence still lives today.
It was January 22, 1909, that this home was broken by the very sudden death of Bro. Bretsch. Ten years ago the 5th of last February, Sister Bretsch was married to Martin Fetterly, and in this home relation there has been nothing but kindness, helpfulness and good will. Her very last labors of love were for her husband, through his very severe illness, in the winter. Her church record is most blessed indeed. She and Bro. Bretsch were baptized by immersion, May 26, 1872, in the early days of their married life. In the same conference year, 1873, she was received into full membership in the church of her choice, where she has remained in faithful service for fifty years. Rev. G. D. Ellis, of precious memory, was pastor at this time. Fifty years for her Master in loving service, prayers, testimony, attendance, co-operation; and she was faithful to the very end. The pastors and their families, through all these years, she counted as a part of her own family. She was always ready with her financial support; but more than this was her thoughtfulness in a practical way. With her wonderful art of cooking, the pastor and family were always being invited to her great dinners; and then the dainties of her kitchen were always shared with the parsonage family. What a mother she has been to us all! Her last call outside her home was at the parsonage. The church paper (Methodist Recorder) has been a welcome weekly visitor at her home all these years.
After many years of rather frail health, the victory was won over the last great enemy at 1 o'clock, Monday morning, April 23, 1923. She had recently suffered from an attack of grip, which greatly weakened her; and when other complications set in, caused by a weak heart, all that medical skill, good nursing and loving hands could do were of no avail. She retained her splendid mental vigor and strength until almost the last. Both sons were with her when the end came. Hers was a wonderful voyage of 74 years, 9 months and 7 days. Besides those already mentioned, she is survived by three sisters and their families: Mrs. Estella Sheley, of Fishers Landing, N.Y.; Mrs. Sarah Hardy, Philadelphia, N.Y.; and Mrs. Jennie Britton, of Omar, N.Y; several nephews and nieces, and host of friends, to miss her and mourn her loss.
She had expressed a desire to be buried from her church, and thus, on Wednesday, April 25, the services were held at 1 o'clock at her late home in the village of LaFargeville and at 1:30 from the Methodist Protestant Church. These services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Ivan J. Howland, assisted by Rev. William Eddy, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A beautiful poem, composed by Mrs. Alice Bretsch, was read. This poem accompanies this letter for the Recorder. Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs. Agnes Smith, daughters of a former pastor, Rev. H. L. Huffstater, of precious memory, sang three beautiful selections. These sisters sang at the funeral of Bro. Bretsch, also, fourteen years ago. The funeral was largely attended by interested, sympathetic neighbors and friends. The floral offering of several beautiful pieces spoke their silent message of love and esteem. The Scripture text, suggested by one of the family, was from 2 Tim. 4A: 6-8. Interment was in Grove Cemetery.
Our hearts are sad and full of grief;
A mother dear has left our home,
To enter in a higher sphere;
No more on earth her steps will roam.
How can we in submission bow
To God's own will? It must be done!
His way is best; his plans are right;
We must not falter, as the sun
Goes down upon our loved ones here,
And they are taken from our view.
Earth's dearest ties are sundered oft,
But to life's duties we'll be true.
Three-score-and-ten long years ago
She entered on life's duties here;
She labored hard for those she loved,
And in her home she brought good cheer.
We'll miss her as the days go by,
But trust our loss will be her gain;
That in a better, fairer world,
There'll be no sickness, sorrow, pain.
We bid her our last "good-bye,"
And fold her hands upon her breast;
Life's battle fought, the victory won,
She enters her eternal rest.
By Mrs. Alice Bretsch
The Pulaski Democrat [Pulaski, Oswego Co., NY], Thursday, 26 May 1966, p. 2:
Lester A. Flagg, 58, of Woodville, died Friday at the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, where he had been admitted on Thursday. He had been in failing health for two years.
Mr. Flagg, a former resident of Pulaski, had open heart surgery in 1960 at Boston, Mass., and was in good health following the operation.
Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Carpenter-Stoodley Funeral Home in Belleville. The Rev. Earl E. Hartley, pastor of the Woodville Congregational Church, officiated with burial in Woodside Cemetery at Belleville.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence Kelsey Flagg; a son, Richard D., of Woodville; a daughter, Mrs. William [Joyce] Case, Henderson; a brother, Earl V. of Stratford, Conn.; two sisters, Mrs. John [Alice] Worden of Florida and Mrs. Anthony [Pearl] Bontomase of Pulaski and eight grandchildren.
Mr. Flagg was born in Pulaski on Dec. 67, 1905, the son of Alonzo and Grace Colvin Flagg. He attended Pulaski schools and was married to Florence Kelsey on Aug. 17, 1926, at Sandy Creek.
A tool maker at the brake shop of New York Air Brake company for 13 years, Mr. Flagg later became an electrical conductor. He retired two years ago having served as an inspector for the New York Board of Fire Underwriters for 17 years previous to his retirement.
He was a member of the Pulaski Methodist Church, Rising Light Lodge, 637, F. & A. M. of Belleville and the Belleville O. E. S. 136.
Social Security Death Index:
Name: Lester Flagg
Born: 6 Dec 1905
Died: May 1966
Last Residence: Zip 13698, Woodville, NY
SS #079-14-9549 issued New York [Before 1951]
Watertown Daily Times" [Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY], 15 Oct 1992:
Woodville -- The funeral for Florence K. Flagg, 85, formerly of Woodville, Route 3, will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Carpenter-Stoodley Funeral Home, Belleville, with the Rev. William Harkins, pastor of the Belleville United Church, officiating. Burial will be in Woodside Cemetery, Belleville.
Mrs. Flagg died at 5:20 a.m. Wednesday in the House of Good Samaritan, Watertown.
Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home with an Order of the Eastern Star service at 3:30.
Contributions may be made to the Belleville Chapter 136, Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving are a son, Richard E., Woodville; a daughter, Mrs. William (Joyce) Case, Henderson; 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Two brothers, Rex and Lewis Kelsey, died before her.
Born March 27, 1907, in the town of Ellisburg, daughter of Floyd and Linda Harris Kelsey, she attended Union Academy of Belleville and married Lester A. Flagg Aug.18, 1926, at Sandy Creek. Following their marriage, the couple lived in Syracuse, where Mr. Flagg was employed be Easy Washing Machine Co. In 1930, they moved to Woodville, where they lived on Route 3. Mr. Flagg died May 20, 1966.
Mrs. Flagg worked for Dr. Paul Reed, Henderson Harbor, for 13 years, and for 11 years she was a toll booth attendant for the Thousand Islands State Park Commission. She retired in 1977.
Mrs. Flagg was a member and past matron of Belleville Chapter 136, Order of the Eastern Star, a charter member of the Willing Workers, Ellisburg, and a member of the Woodville Congregational Church.
Social Security Death Index
Name: Florence K. Flagg
Born: 27 Mar 1907
Died: 14 Oct 1992
Last Residence: Zip 13698, Woodville, NY
SS #133-22-8260 issued New York [Before 1951]
Vault is Chiseled From Boulder At Alexandria Bay
Carrying out wishes that were expressed many years ago when the late Dr. Charles Forsythe, of Alexandria Bay, was driving by the Church Street Cemetery, the body of the former Bay physician was placed in a vault in a mammoth boulder at the cemetery last week.
Many years ago Dr. Forsythe and his wife were driving through Church street and he noticed the immense rock in the cemetery. He expressed a wish that after his death this be made into a vault and his body placed therein.
The top of the big boulder was removed with such care that the moss was not even disturbed. A deep channel was then cut in the rock. The rock is about five feet high and nearly ten feet in length. The channel through the rock is wide enough for two caskets to be placed in it. The inside of the vault is lined with white cement and finished off smoothly. The natural rock forms at one end, while two doors made of stone taken from the local quarry protect the opposite end. The stones for the doors were sent to Carthage, where they were finished. The top of the rock has been replaced and it is almost impossible to see where the rock was cut.
There were many friends at the vault Tuesday afternoon when Dr. Forsythe's body was placed in the natural vault.
Dr. Forsythe died early last summer.
"Cape Vincent Eagle" [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 30 Oct 1924:
It is with much regret that we chronicle the passing of one of our former well known residents, Edwin Duane Fox, who died at his home, at Elmsford, Westchester county, on October 25, following an illness of pneumonia
Edwin Duane Fox, who was 75 years old, was born in Watertown, a son of the late Herny [sic] L. and Eliza [Dodge] Fox. For many years the Fox family was prominent in the hotel business in Cape Vincent, conducting the old St. Lawrence, the Rathbun House, and the Hotel Algonquin, which was built by Mr. Fox's father-in-law, the late Joseph Crevolin. After retiring from the hotel business Mr. Fox moved to New York with his family, where he became engaged in the real estate business. At the time of his death he had extensive real estate interests in Westchester county.
"Ed" Fox, as he was commonly called by the people of Cape Vincent, was a man who possessed many friends in this locality and who will regret to learn of his demise and all will extend their sympathy to the bereaved family.
Besides his widow, Cornelia Crevolin Fox, he is survived by three sons, Cornelius F. Fox, Ned Raymond Fox and Edwin Tunnicliff Fox, and two daughters, Miss Aline Kate Fox and Mrs. Robert K. Potter.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 15 Aug 1935, p. 1:
Mrs. Edward [sic] Duane Fox, 85, of White Plains, a native of this village, died in her sleep last Thursday morning at her room in the Hotel Carleton, where she had been a guest since Monday, July 15. Bruce Robinson, hotel employe, and Mrs. Louise Fitzgerald, a nurse at White Plains, found Mrs. Fox dead in the bed about 6:30.
Mrs. Fox had been in the habit of having her breakfast served in her room. Mr. Robinson went to the room at 6:30 last Thursday morning as usual with her tray and rapped on the door. Mrs. Fitzgerald, who was sleeping in an adjoining room, heard that Mrs. Fox did not tell the waiter to enter the room so she investigated with Mr. Robinson and they found the woman dead. Death was due to heart trouble.
Mrs. Fox had been an invalid for about a year and spent most of her time in a wheel chair. Her son, E. T. Fox, and grandson, E. T. Fox, jr., Locust Valley, spent the weekend with her recently and another son, N. R. Fox, of White Plains, was a guest at the hotel at the time of her death.
Mrs. Fox was born in this village in 1850. She was the daughter of Joseph and Eileen [sic*] Calvin Crevolene [sic*]. She attended the local schools and was a member of St. John's Episcopal church. Mrs. Fox was born in the house which is now known as "Beechwood," the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Phinney, of Buffalo.
She was married to the late Edward [sic] Duane Fox, of the village in 1876, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Wm. Perrine, then rector of St. John's Episcopal church.
Mr. Fox was in the hotel business most of his life. He owned the St. Lawrence hotel, which stood on the corner of Market street and Broadway, and later owned the Algonquin hotel. After the Algonquin hotel was destroyed by fire Mr. and Mrs. Fox left Cape Vincent and moved to White Plains, where Mr. Fox entered the real estate business. They made their home in Elmsford, a suburb of White Plains. After her husband's death in 1924, Mrs. Fox continued to live in White Plains.
For several years after Mr. and Mrs. Fox left this village they continued to return here and stay at the Hotel Carleton. After her husband's death, Mrs. Fox continued to come here. She had been coming to this village for the past twenty years during the summer.
She is survived by two sons, E. T. Fox, of Locust Valley, and N. R. Fox of White Plains; a grandson, E. T. Fox, jr., Locust Valley; two daughters, Miss Kate Fox, of Elmsford, and Mrs. Robert K. Potter, of Colorado Springs Col,; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Soules [sic*], of Watertown, and Mrs. Grant [sic*] Higgs, of Paupau [sic*], Mich.
Thomas M. Mannigan, local undertaker, took charge of the body and, accompanied by Gordon Webster, left for Elmsford Thursday afternoon. N. R. Fox, accompanied by Allen S. Davis, of this village, also left for Elmsford Thursday. Funeral services were conducted at that place Saturday last, with burial at White Plains.
* Cornelia [Crevolin] Fox was the daughter of Henry Joseph Crevolin and Cornelia Rosette Calvin. Her surviving sisters were Caroline Josephine, widow of Lawton Soule, and Blanche, widow of Lainie Higgs, of Paw Paw, Van Buren Co., MI.
Fell and Broke Her Hip Thanksgiving Day--Rites on Tuesday
Mrs. Tillie Helmer Hough, 75, of 18 Burdick block, 114 Franklin street, widow of Rufus H. Hough, of this city, died suddenly early Sunday morning in the Mercy hospital, where she had been a patient since Nov. 24, Thanksgiving day. Funeral services will be held at 2 Tuesday afternoon at the Northam & Fox funeral home. Burial will be made in the Calcium cemetery.
Surviving Mrs. Hough are two sons, Harry Hough, Ogdensburg, and Clifford Hough, Syracuse; a sister, Mrs. Frank J. (Marie) Lancor, Watertown Center, and nephews, nieces, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Hough fractured her right hip when she fell while visiting at the home of a neighbor, Mrs. Lillian Brown, in the Burdick block on Thanksgiving night. Removed to the hospital, she suffered a stroke two days later. On Sunday morning at 6:15 a nurse entering her room to give a medication found her dead. She was last known to be alive at 4 a. m. Death was attributed to an attack of coronary thrombosis.
She was born on Wolfe Island, Ont., Jan. 2, 1874, a daughter of the late Gordon and Minerva Sweetman Helmer. When she was about nine years old, she came to this country with her parents and in early life she lived at Cape Vincent, Watertown and Sulphur Springs.
On June 14, 1892, she was married to Rufus H. Hough, also a native of Wolfe Island. They lived at Sulphur Springs for a time and then on Wolfe Island. Their daughter, Mrs. Harold (Alta) Weaver, who died at Calcium Nov. 30, 1938, was born on Wolfe Island in 1896.
Later, Mr. and Mrs. Hough resided on various places in this section, including Chaumont, Copenhagen, Calcium and Barnes Corners. They came to this city about 27 years ago. Mr. Hough died suddenly March 4, 1932, at 7 Plum avenue, where the family then lived.
Watertown Daily Times March 4, 1932
Rufus H. Hough, 63, died suddenly at 5 this morning at his home, 7 Plum avenue, as the result of a heart attack. While he had been in poor health since last fall and although he had suffered a shock a few weeks ago, Mr. Hough was in his usual health when he retired at about 10 Thursday evening after having visited at the home of a neighbor, Percy J. Berrigo, 1 Plum avenue.
According to members of his family, he was feelng as usual when he got up at 4:30 this morning and then returned to the bed. Shortly before 5 he was suddenly stricken and died almost instantly. Dr. R. F. Gates of Brownville was summoned.
Mr. Hough was born in 1868 on Wolfe Island, Ont., the son of Asa Hough and Merrinda Rankin Hough, and had been a resident of this country for the last 33 years. At one time he lived on a farm near Adams Center. Later he moved to a farm on the Calcium road and about ten years ago came to Watertown.
Surviving, besides his widow, Mrs. Tillie Helmer Hough, are a daughter, Mrs. Harold Weaver, Calcium; two sons, Harry and Clifford Hough, this city; three sisters, Mrs. William Britt and Mrs. Charles Riley, both of Collins Bay, and Mrs. Matt Riley, Kingston, Ont.; a brother, Asa Hough, Wolfe Island; and seven grandchildren, Dorothy and Robert Weaver, Calcium; Gerald, Richard, Beverly, Kent and Francis Hough, this city.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p. m., from the family home in Plum avenue. George W. Bovee of the International Bible Students' association will officiate. Burial will be made at Calcium.
Watertown Daily Times 13 Dec 1918
Theresa, Dec. 13.---News has reached here of the death of Elmer E. Hubbard, at his home in Taylor, N. Y., Saturday of pneumonia following influenza. He was born and spent nearly all his 66 (?) years in this town, and has many relatives here. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard. At Kelsey Bridge he conducted a large farm and for several seasons operated a threshing machine, and winters operated a sawmill at Kelsey Bridge. At one time, he conducted an implement store in this village. Five years ago he purchased a farm in the central part of the state and had lived there since.
He married Jennie Timmerman and she and their two children survive, Maude Hubbard, a nurse, and Stanley Hubbard, also his mother and two brothers and one sister. His brothers are H. H. Hubbard, of this place, and Frank, of the central part of the state. His sister, Mrs. Elsie Young, and mother reside here. The funeral services will be held Tuesday from his home in Taylor.
NOTE: His correct name was Elmore E. Hubbard. His mother, Melissa Elmore Hubbard, was a daughter of Hial Elmore & Mary Ann Wood, a granddaughter of Alpheus Elmer/Elmore & Electa Evans, and great-granddaughter of John Evans & Rhoda Gibbs Putnam of Hinsdale, Cheshire, NH.
Suddenly Summoned to his Eternal Home
LaFargeville, March 9 - Rev. J. R. Huffstater died last evening at his home at 5:45. He was taken with severe pain through his stomach and chest Sunday morning about 10:30 as he was leaving his house for church and suffered much during the day. Sunday evening he apparently was feeling much better. On Monday no great change had taken place in his condition. Just a short time before his death he felt very badly and laid down on the bed. Just before he expired, he said to his wife: "I cannot stand it. Where are those doctors?" and was gone.
The news soon went out that cast a gloom over our little village as he was much respected and highly esteemed to all who knew him. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death. The condolence of all is extended to them in this hour of affliction.
Local Chapter of Daughters of 1812 Did Not Know a Real Daughter Mived in City Until Newspaper Article Last December Told About Mrs. Keeler - Long a Madrid Resident
Mrs. Mary A. Keeler, widow of John O. Keeler and one of the three real daughters of the War of 1812 in New York State, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Doyle, 171 Winthrop street, at 12:30 this afternoon. Mrs. Keeler was the last surviving cousin of the late A. Barton Hepburn, banker and philanthropist.
Mrs. Keeler had been in failing health since Dec. 1 and during that period was confined to her bed. She noted her 88th birthday Dec. 12. For the past two years she had been blind. At the time of her birthday among those sending congratulations was Mrs. Emily Eaton Hepburn, widow of the philanthropist.
Mrs. Keeler was born in Madrid, Dec. 12, 1846, a daughter of Roderick and Mary Miller Burlingame Hepburn. Her father, a distinguished north country attorney practicing his profession in Madrid, was a soldier in the War of 1812. Roderick Hepburn was the second of Mrs. Mary Miller Burlingame Hepburn. They were married in Madrid in 1845 and lived on a farm near the village, where they died. A grandfather of Mrs. Keeler, Captain Deodatus Miller, was an officer in the Revolutionary War. Captain Miller was originally from the town of Washington, Mass., but came some time about 1820 and bought a farm on the Grasse River, opposite Chamberlain's Corners in the town of Madrid. He died on his farm March 17, 1826.
On Jan. 16, 1863 Mrs. Keeler was married to John O. Keeler in Madrid. Upon her husband's death on Feb. 8, 1917 she resided with the daughter at whose home she died.
Mrs. Ada Massey Moore, 27, wife of Carl Moore, died Monday evening at Orwell sanatorium, following an illness of three months. Mrs Moore was the daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Massey 215 West Fourth Street. Surviving besides her husband and mother, are two children, Ina and Carl Moore, Jr.; three sisters, Mrs. Stella Krise, Mrs. Dorothy Rappleye and Miss Mary Massey; four brothers, Hubert, Howard, Alfred and Woodrow Massey.
Funeral will be held at the family home, 215 West Fourth street, time to be announced. Burial will be made in Philadelphia, N. Y.
1934 Oswego Paladium
Miss Nellie Massey died in Oswego Hospital late Saturday night following an Illness of three weeks.
Miss Massey was a native of Theresa, N. Y.. and had resided in Oswego for 18 years. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Massey of Theresa, who survive, with five brothers, Cyrus Massey, Alfred Massey, Woodrow Massey and Hubert Massey, Oswego, and Howard Massey, Syracuse, also three sisters, Mrs. Mary Weeks, Castile, N. Y. Mrs Stella Krise, Watertown and Mrs. Dorothy Ackley, Oswego.
Funeral will be held Tuesday at the home of her brother Woodrow Massey, 227 East First Street. Interment will be in Riverside Cemetery.
1941 Oswego Paladium
Frank W. McClary of Utica, formerly of this city, died Wednesday at a hospital in Utica, according to work received here by R. S. Newton of 811 Myrtle Avenue, a brother of Mr. McClary.
Mr. McClary is well known in this city where he resided for many years prior to leaving for New York and Utica. He conducted a studio in the Smith building for several years and was an instructor of music. He also was organist at several of the Watertown churches, including the First Methodist Episcopal church, Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, All Souls Universalist church and the Stone Street Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McClary, who was in the 70's, had resided in Utica for the past year. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the McClary home in Utica.
Daniel T. O'Connor died Tuesday morning. May 19, at 6:45 at the family residence in Worth Centre, aged 84 years, 8 months, and 5 days. He was the son of Thomas and Mary McCarty O'Connor, and was born in Inessmoore. County Kerry. Ireland. He came to the United States. July 4. 1857. For some time he resided In New York, and New Jersey. Later he came to Jefferson county and became a citizen.
He was a Democrat In politics, and was always interested in the affairs of his town and county. In Clayton, he met and married Aug. 29. 1864 in St Patrick's Church in Watertown, Alice Hayes who was born May 29, 1843 in Piersetown, Ireland. On Nov. 18. 1865 with bis wife and one infant daughter, he moved to the farm where he died, residing there nearly 49 years.
Of this union were born eleven children Mrs Mary Butler, Catherine Helen Austin, Thomas Francis O'Connor, Alice Elizabeth Brady, John Michael O'Connor, Caroline Margaret Brady, Julia-May Feisthamel, Agnes Abble Hadley, Ellen Loretta Hadley, Daniel Cornelius, and Gertrude Cecil O'Connor. His widow Alice H. survives along with two sons and four daughters: John M., Worth Centre; Daniel C., the old homestead; Mary Butler of Watertown; W C Austin of Manassas, VA; Mrs E G Feisthamel, Albany; and Mrs J E Hadley, Black River. There are twelve grandchildren Eugne Daniel Butler, Kathryn M Austin, Veronica and Everette Feisthamel, Alice and Edward Brady, Herbert Lawrence Hadley, Gladys M. Thomas, N. Alice, Edna J. and Bernice A. O'Connor.
The funeral was held Friday morning at 10. at St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic church, New Boston, of which he had been a member more than 50 years. The pall bearers were four nephews, Timothy, Earl, and Frank Hayes, and John Francis Donley. Interment was made In the family plot in New Boston cemetery.
Transcribed from Watertown Herald
LaFargeville Man Was Last Survivor of Company I, Tenth Heavy Artillery
(Special to The Times)
LaFargeville, May 10 - Levi Edward Ostrander, 89, Civil War veteran, died this morning at 8:15 at his home here on Maple Street after a long illness. He was the last surviving member of Company I, Tenth New York Heavy Artillery.
He entered the Civil War in 1864, enlisting at Watertown and was mustered out at the end of the war at Sackets Harbor.
Mr. Ostrander was born in the Town of Antwerp, Dec. 22, 1845, a son of John and Ann Rogers Ostrander. He moved with his parents at the age of eight to Brownville. His marriage to Miss Cornelia Rogers of Omar took place at Omar Jan. 1, 1872. Mrs. Ostrander died May 30, 1931.
After their marriage the couple lived on a farm at Tanners Corners until about 21 years ago when they removed to this village where they since have resided.
Mr. Ostrander was a member of the LaFargeville grange and of the LaFargeville lodge, No. 171, F. & A.M.
The Civil War veteran took part in the battle of Cedar Creek. With his brother, the late Charles Ostrander of Perch River, he joined Company I at Fort Cass in Washington and was there about a week when he went down the Shenandoah Valley with Sheridan's raid.
Surviving Mr. Ostrander are two daughters, Mrs. Maggie Clark of LaFargeville and Mrs. William Schultz of Limerick; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Osterhout of Herkimer and Mrs. Eliza Northrup of South Columbia, N.Y., three half-brothers, Eugene and Miles Ostrander of Watertown and Frank Ostrander of Beacon; one half-sister, Mrs. Addie Howard of Watertown; three granddaughters and four grandsons and eleven great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 Sunday from the Ostrander home here with Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, D.D., minister of All Souls Universalist church at Watertown, officiating. There will be Masonic and military rites at the cemetery. Interment will be made at Omar Cemetery.
Clayton Man Passes Away in Hepburn Hospital After Severe Breakdown
Lived in Calcutta, India Until 12 and Later Came to Canada -
Was Active in Many fraternal Circles
CLAYTON, Aug. 8 - Dr. William J. Ross, 59, one of the best known general medical practitioners and surgeons in northern New York, died at the A. Barton Hospital, Ogdensburg last night about 9:30. He had been suffering from anemia and a general breakdown for sometime and a week ago went to Ogdensburg to be treated by Dr. Grant C. Madill, but he was unable to undergo blood transfusions and failed rapidly.
Dr. Ross was born in Pennalia, Wales, September 22, 2869, a son of the late Captain and Mrs. John Ross. Captain Ross was attached to the 34th Border Regiment of the Imperial Army of Great Britain. Dr. Ross lived in Wales and England until 12 years of age when he went to Calcutta, India with his parents, his father being stationed with the 90th Scottish Rifles there. After residing in Calcutta for two years, the family returned to the homeland, going to Fleetwood, Lancashire, England, where Dr. Ross attended the Howard school for boys. A few years later the family removed to Parkhill, Ontario, Canada, where Dr. Ross completed his preliminary education.
From the Parkhill schools Dr. Ross went to Trinity College, Toronto, where he took up the study of medicine and was graduated with the class of 1893. He accepted a position shortly after his graduation as house surgeon in the Winnipeg Manitoba General Hospital where he remained one year. He then went to the Huntsville Muskoka District, Manitoba where he was house surgeon in the hospital and attending surgeon of the Canadian Pacific Railway for that district. October 19, 1897 Dr. Ross was granted a license to practice medicine in this state and settled in Clayton where he had since resided.
Enlisting in the United States Army in 1917 Dr. Ross was commissioned a first lieutenant in the United States Medical Corp and was ordered to Plattsburgh Barracks which were converted into General Hospital 30. HE served on the hospital staff for two years before returning to resume his practice.
Dr. Ross was prominent in fraternal circles and was one of the most active members of the American Legion organization of this county. He was a 32nd degree Mason, being a member
(rest of article missing)
Former Resident of Cape Vincent, Chaumont and Massena
Watertown, July 19 - Following an illness since October, Mrs. Mary E. Sheley, 80, died at 6 o'clock tonight at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Sheley Armstrong, No., 220 Flower avenue, west. Mrs. Sheley was the widow of Captain William Sheley, a well-known lake navigator, and a daughter of the late William and Mrs. Adams King.
She was born in Orleans and resided for the greater part of her life in the town of Cape Vincent and at Chaumont. Educated in the Cape Vincent schools, she became a teacher in that town. Her marriage to Captain Sheley took place in 1858 at Cape Vincent.
Upon the death of Captain Sheley nine years ago Mrs. Sheley went to Massena to reside with her daughter, coming to this city last November. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Besides her daughter, she is survived by six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Two grandchildren, Stowell W. Armstrong, assistant paymaster, who was on board the ill-fated Covington, and Lawrence Armstrong of the hospital at Comfort were recently home to visit.
Funeral services will be at the Armstrong house Monday at 1:30 o'clock. Interment will be at Cape Vincent.
th Was Caused by Infirmities of Old Age - For Many Years He Conducted Boat Livery at Fishers Landing - Funeral Will Be Wednesday Afternoon
(Special to The Times)
LaFargeville, May 2 - Robert H. Sheley, 90, Civil war veteran, died about 7:30 Sunday morning at his home in Omar after a long illness, his death being due to the infirmities of old age.
He was a member of the Tenth New York Heavy Artillery, which was organized on Dec. 31, 18-from three battalions recruited at Sackets Harbor in the previous year. The regiment was mustered out on June 23, 1865 at Petersburg.
For many years Mr. Sheley conducted a boat livers at Fishers Landing and was well known in this section. He is survived by his wife and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2, Rev. Bernard DeGraw, pastor of the Methodist Protestant church at LaFargeville, will be officiating. Interment will be made in Omar cemetery.
LaFargeville, May 3 - The funeral of Robert H. Sheley, 90, Civil War veteran, who died at his home in Omar Sunday, was held from his home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Bernard DeGraw, pastor of the Methodist Protestant church, officiated.
Mr. Sheley was born in 1841 in the town of Alexandria where he spent his youth. Besides serving in the army during the Civil War, he served in the navy, enlisting in 1863 and serving a year. Upon his discharge he enlisted in the army, serving with Company A, Tenth New York Heavy Artillery.
In 1873 he was married to Miss Estelle Elliott. For many years he conducted a boat livery at Fishers Landing.
He is survived by his widow and several nieces and nephews.
RD Calhoun-Eagan Posted: 14 May 2009 9:14AM
ELLISBURG -- Maxine T. Snider, 83, of 65 North St., Pulaski, a native of Ellisburg, died Thursday at her home.
Mrs. Snider worked at Selkirk Shores State Park for several years.
Born Dec. 18, 1916, in Ellisburg, a daughter of Percy and Leila Noble Tifft, she was a 1932 graduate of Union Academy, Belleville. She lived in Belleville before moving to Pulaski in 1952. She married Kenneth B. Snider on Dec. 8, 1939, in Hyde Park. Mr. Snider died in 1997.
Mrs. Snider was a member of Park United Methodist Church, Pulaski, and the Women's Relief Corps.
Surviving are a sister, Arlene Dana, North Rose, and several nieces and nephews. A brother, Edward Tifft, died in 1984.
The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at Foster-Hax Funeral Home, Pulaski. Spring burial will be in Ellisburg Cemetery.
Calling hours will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.
Contributions may be made to Park United Methodist Church, Hubble Street, Pulaski, N.Y. 13142.
Cape Vincent Eagle 09 Jan 1936 Thursday
The funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Calhoun Solar, 55, who died at her home in Three Mile Bay Sunday, December 29, was held last Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from R.S. Clark undertaking rooms at Chaumont.
Mrs. Solar was born in the town of Clayton September 23, 1880, a daughter of Mrs. Emogene House Calhoun and the late Joshua Calhoun. On February 17, 1903, she was married at Brownville to John Solar. They were divorced on May 11, 1922.
Besides her mother, of Chaumont, she is survived by one daughter, Emogene Solar, of Three Mile Bay; two sons, Matthew and Sylvester Solar, also of Three Mile Bay; three sisters, Mrs. Nathan Walrath, of Brownville; Mrs. Wm Rusho, of Adams and Mrs. Milford Goodfriend, of Three Mile Bay, and four brothers, Ernest, of Watertown; Claude, of Chaumont; Elmer, of Grindstone Island and Arthur Calhoun, of Clayton.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 8 Feb 1917 [in locals column]:
Lawton W. Soule, for a number of years a druggist in the employ of the late L. O. Woodruff, in Cape Vincent died in Ogdensburg on Sunday morning.
Mr. Soule, who was 68 years of age, was born in Clayton, the son of the late Thomas and Harriet Cole Soule. When a boy he moved to Watertown, where he spent practically his entire life with the exception of the years he resided at the Cape.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Caroline Crevolin Soule, he is survived by three daughters, the Misses Josephine, Cornelia and Leila Soule, all of Watertown. The funeral was held from St. Paul's Episcopal church [part of line missing from page image] Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. John L. Oldham, rector of the church, officiating. The body was placed in the vault, and later will be brought to Cape Vincent for burial.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 16 Apr 1936, p. 1:
Mrs. Caroline Josephine Soule, 82, widow of Lawton W. Soule and descendant of pioneer French settlers of Cape Vincent, died at 2:30 Sunday morning at the family home in Watertown after a long illness. Mrs. Soule had been in poor health for a number of years and had been confined to her bed for several weeks. Death was attributed to the infirmities of old age and diabetes, from which she had suffered for a long time.
She was born January 2, 1854, in the historical Cup and Saucer house in this village, a daughter of the late Henry Joseph and Cornelia Rosetta Calvin Crevolin. The Cup and Saucer house, according to tradition, was built by French settlers of this section for their chief, Napoleon Bonaparte.
The original Crevolin house, which was known as "Beechwood," was destroyed by fire shortly before Mrs. Soule's birth and the family moved to the Cup and Saucer house. Later "Beechwood" was rebuilt.
Mrs. Soule's maternal grandparents were the late Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Calvin. Mr. Calvin, a native of Lafargeville, became a member of the Canadian parliament, owner of Garden Island and a prominent boat builder.
She was married to Lawton William Soule, druggist of this village and native of Watertown, on January 21, 1880. The ceremony was performed in St. John's church, this village. They continued to live here for many years, where Mr. Soule was associated with the late L. O. Woodruff as druggist.
Her father, the late Henry Crevolin, was well known here where he was a large landowner. He moved to this village from New York with his parents in his youth.
Mrs. Soule was a member of the LeRay de Chaumont chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and was also a member of the Northern Frontier chapter, Daughters of 1812.
Surviving are two sisters, the Misses Caroline Josephine Soule and Leila Grace Soule, of Watertown, and a sister, Mrs. Lainie Higgs, of Paw Paw, Mich.; also a niece, Mrs. Gerald W. Austin, of Watertown.
Funeral services were held Tuesday with a private prayer service at the home at 1:30 p.m., followed by funeral services half an hour later at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. C. N. Eddy, rector of the church, officiating. Burial was made in the Episcopal cemetery in this village.
Cape Vincent Eagle [Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY], Thursday, 15 Feb 1934, p. 1:
Miss Cornelia Harriet Soule, 50, resident of Watertown for 28 years, died Saturday morning at the family home in that city. Miss Soule had been ill for about a week. Death was due to pneumonia which developed from a slight cold.
Miss Soule was born in Cape Vincent, July 31, 1883, a daughter of Lawton W. and Caroline J. Crevolin Soule. Her education was received in the schools here. She removed to Watertown in 1905 and had since resided there.
She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Watertown, and of the Girls' Friendly society of the church.
Surviving her are her mother; two sisters, Miss Caroline J. Soule and Miss Leila G. Soule, all of Watertown, and several cousins.
Prayer services were held at the home Monday at 1:30 and funeral services were held half an hour later from St. Paul's church, Rev. Condit N. Eddy, rector of the church, officiating.
Burial will be made at Cape Vincent in the spring.
(Special To the Times)
Omar, April 26, - Sanford V. Steele, 88, retired carpenter and resident of this community for more than 50 years, died at 10 Wednesday night at the home of his son, Elton Steele, Alexandria Bay, after a long period of failing health. He retired a stroke a week ago.
Born in Clayton on Oct. 6, 1845, he was one of eleven children of Ebenezer and Louisa Holt Steele. But two of these children now remain, Mrs. Laura Baron of Clayton and George W. Steele of Michigan. He moved to Omar more than 50 years ago and had resided there until about a month ago when he went to the home of his son.
In addition to his brother and sister, he is survived by his son, Elton, and one grandson, Harold of Alexandria Bay.
The funeral will be held from the Omar church Saturday afternoon at 2, Rev. Clyde Sparning officiating. Burial will be in the Omar Cemetery.
Aged Woman Suffers Flu and Then Pneumonia - Was Widely Known
LAFARGEVILLE, March 8 - The death of Mrs. Sarah Swanton, aged 93, occurred at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Norman Hill, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Swanton had been in her usual good health until recently, when she contracted grip, which terminated in pneumonia.
Mrs. Swanton had resided in this section for many years and was highly esteemed for her many excellent qualities and cheerful disposition. She was a member of St. John 's Catholic Church, this village. Some time in January Mrs. Swanton celebrated her 93rd birthday, a dinner being served in her honor at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Hill.
Mrs. Swanton leaves a son, William Curran, of this place and New Jersey and three grandchildren, Charles Curran of Derby, Conn.; Clark Curran of Jersey City, N.J.; and Mrs. Sarah Hill of this place.
Funeral arrangements not complete.
Watertown Daily Times 01 Dec 1938
Calcium, Dec. 1.---Mrs. Alta Hough Weaver, 42, wife of Harold Weaver, died at here home here last night at 9:50 after having been ill a year.
Mrs. Weaver was born on Wolfe Island on Aug. 18, 1896, the daughter of Rufus and Matilda Helmer Hough. She was brought to this country by her parents 35 years ago, and they resided on farms around Chaumont, Adams Center, and Watertown. She had resided in Calcium for 21 years.
She was married to Mr. Weaver of Chaumont Dec. 24, 1914, in a ceremony performed in Watertown by Rev. Winfred P. Moody, former pastor of Stone Street Presbyterian church.
She was a member of Pine Grove grange here.
Besides her husband and her mother, who resides in Watertown, she leaves a daughter, Dorothy, and a son, Robert, both residing at the home here.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Calcium Presbyterian church. Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, pastor of All Souls Universalist church, Watertown, will officiate, assisted by Rev. E. Earle Eaton, pastor of the Philadelphia Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Sanford Corner's cemetery.
Friends may call at the home Friday afternoon and evening.
2/25/1926 Lowville Republic
Mrs. Oliva Wiser, aged 91 years, widow of Hiram Wiser, died Saturday(2/20/26) at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Roberts, West Carthage. Surviving are one son, Dexter Wiser, of Binghamton, and one daughter, Mrs. Fred Roberts of West Carthage.
On the 1920 census, for Champion NY there is a Fred Roberts age 58 (b.1862), wife Helen age 53 (b.1867) and Oliva Wiser age 85, mother-in-law.
Gouverneur, Oct. 7 - The death of Mrs. Tinnie L. Woodward, aged 74 years, widow of the late James Spencer Woodward, died at her home in Spragueville Wednesday evening at 7:15 after six weeks' illness. Mrs. Woodward was born in the Town of Pamelia, Jefferson County, the daughter of Silas and Eliza Loadwick Bacon.
Mrs. Woodward is survived by one son, Claude Woodward of Spragueville: two brothers, Caspard Bacon of Muncie, Ind., and George Bacon of Brockport: and one sister, Mrs. Emma Ackerman of Harrisville: also five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The funeral will be held from her late home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. C. Culligan, pastor of the Spragueville Methodist Church, will officiate and burial will be made at Antwerp.
Findagrave Memorial 88108313
Watertown Daily Times, Wednesday, June 4, 1975, page 13, column 5
Roswell W. Kinnie Dies
Roswell W. Kinnie, 84, of 12 Maple Court Apts., city pharmacist, died at 3:30 p.p. Tuesday in the House of the Good Samaritan where he was admitted earlier in the day. He had been in failing health for the last month. The funeral will be Thursday at 11 a.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church. The body will be cremated following the services. Friends may call at the Cummings Funeral Home 7 to 9 this evening. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle T. Kinney, a son, Atty. Richard T. Kinnie 137 Mullin St., a partner in the law firm of Kinnie, Brown and Dierdorf: a sister, Mrs. Ruth Deline, Tripp City, Ohio, and six grandchildren. A daughter, Mrs. Dorothy A. Kinnie, wife of John G. (Jack) Keegan, 211 Harewood Ave., died Feb. 2, 1972 at the age of 48 years.
Born at Rossie, May 6, 1891, a son of Gilbert and Mary Mulholland Kinnie, he was graduated from Gouverneur High School. He was graduate4d from the University of Buffalo in 1914, and following graduation worked for the Cooke Drug Co., Alexandria Bay, and later at Liggett’s Drug Store, Syracuse, moving to Watertown in 1916 when he became associated with the Worden Drug Co.
A World War 1 veteran, he served in the Navy as a pharmacist with overseas duty. In July, 1923 he was appointed a chief pharmacist’s mate of the Fourth Division, Third Battalion, New York Naval Militia.
He married Miss Myrtle T. Truell, of Cape Vincent, April 26, 1921, at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Cape Vincent, with Rev. Ernest R. Ladbrooks officiating.
He later became associated with the Balcomb Pharmacy, serving as vice president of the firm for 25years, and he was later associate with the Baker pharmacy, Watertown, and Graves pharmacy, Clayton. He continued to do part-time pharmaceutical work following his retirement about 13 years ago. He was a long-time member of the Unite Commercial Travelers, one of the original members of the local chapter of SCORE, a charter member of the Watertown Golf Club, and was twice commander of Army and NAVY Post 61, American Legion.
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