Lifetime Resident of Depauville, Jefferson County, New York

Part: 1, Part: 2, Part: 3, Part: 4, Part: 5



Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Sovie of 112 Gill street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Emma Sovie to Floyd Hamilton of 1108 Gill street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton of Stone Mills. The marriage will take place on Monday, May 6, at Holy Family church. The bride will be attended by Miss Lulu Pickett and Norman William Sovie, brother of the bride, will act as the best man.

Miss Sovie has lived in Watertown for the past eight years coming here from Ogdensburg where she attended school. She is connected with the Watertown Silk Manufacturing company. Mr. Hamilton comes from Stone Mills and is associated with the Circle Tire and Supply company of this city.


HAMILTON-SOVIE -- In this city, May 6, 1929, by Rev. Joseph P. Heslin, in the rectory of Holy Family church, Floyd Hamilton, 1108 Gill street and Miss Emma Sovie, 1113 Gill street.



Three Mile Bay. Aug. 5. -- The marriage of Miss Eunice S. Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Knight, Three Mile Bay, to Harry William Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gould, Depauville, was solemnized at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Rev. G. A. Foote, performed the ceremony. Miss Dorothy W. Hart of Clayton was the bride's attendant while Floyd S. Gould acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Gould left on a wedding trip to Toronto.


ANDERSON-BOVEE -- In this city, Oct. 5, 1929, by Rev. Cassius J. Sargent, at the manse of Hope Presbyterian church. Walter W. Anderson, Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Miss Stella Aleta Bovee, 619 West Main street.


They will Reside at 222 Stafford Avenue, Syracuse, After Wedding Trip Through Adirondacks

Sandy Creek, June 22.--Today at noon the marriage of Miss Gertrude Dorland of Sandy Creek and Clyde E. Heyl of Syracuse was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jessie Dorland, on East First street. Rev. T. T. Davies performed the ceremony. Only the immediate families were invited.

The home was attractively decorated with flowers and the bridal party, proceeded through an arch of running pine and syringa to the parlor which was decorated as a garden. Miss Dorland wore light blue georgette and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Doris Dorland, who was gowned in white flowered chiffon and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Little Helen Dorr carried the ring. Mr. Heyl was attended by his brother, George Heyl of Lafargeville. Mrs. William J. Potter played the wedding march from Lohengrin and Miss Doris Brown sang, "All For you."

After the wedding a luncheon was served by Miss Doris Ackerman and Hazel Ackerman of Albany. The bride's table was decorated with white tapers, place cards and baskets, the wedding cake was in the center of the table.

The bride's going away costume was a dark blue transparent velvet coat, blue hat, and tan shoes and gloves. Her gifts to her attendants were necklaces and bracelets.

Mr. and Mrs. Heyl left immediately for a wedding trip through the Adirondacks. They will be at home after July 15 at 222 Stafford avenue, Syracuse.

Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. William Heyl, George Heyl, Mr. and Mrs. Dorr, Miss Helen Dorr, Lafargeville; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Osborne, Chaumont; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ellis, Camden.



Chaumont, Oct. 28 -- Miss Ethel E. Armstrong daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong of Stone street, became the bride of Marcus D. Sterling sic) at 10:30 Saturday morning, Oct. 26, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage here. Rev. Alexander Scott performed the ceremony. They were attended by Miss Agnes Kluge and Fred J. Armstrong, both of Syracuse.

The bride was becomingly attired in Venetian blue transparent velvet with hat to match. Miss Kluge wore brown chiffon.

Miss Armstrong is a native of Chaumont and Mr. Sternberg a member of the firm of Sternberg Brothers of Depauville.

Mr. and Mrs. Sternberg left by auto for a trip to Montreal, returning by the way of Plattsburgh and the Adirondacks. They will be at home in Depauville after Nov. 5. at 10:30 Saturday morning, Oct. 26, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage here. Rev. Alexander Scott performed the ceremony. They were attended by Miss Agnes Kluge and Fred J. Armstrong, both of Syracuse.

The bride was becomingly attired in Venetian blue transparent velvet with hat to match. Miss Kluge wore brown chiffon.

Miss Armstrong is a native of Chaumont and Mr. Sternberg a member of the firm of Sternberg Brothers of Depauville.

Mr. and Mrs. Sternberg left by auto for a trip to Montreal, returning by the way of Plattsburgh and the Adirondacks. They will be at home in Depauville after Nov. 5.



Adams, July 22. -- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall was the scene of a quiet wedding Saturday evening at 9 when their daughter, Mildred D. Hall, became the bride of Howard V. Dewyer of Depauville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. Gardner.

The bride was dressed in a white flowered silk and carried sweet peas. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony. After a short wedding trip they will be at home in Depauville.

Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. G. Gowing and daughter, Mrs. Grace Davis of Watertown; Miss Annette Solar and Martina Gillick of Clayton, Rev. W. A. Gardner of Adams, N. Y.

The couple secured their license at Clayton.


VAN ALSTYNE-ALLEN -- In this city, July 6, 1929, by Rev. J. Jefferson Neal, at Emmanuel Congregational church, Leslie Edwin Van Alstyne, Chaumont, and Miss Dorothy Mae Allen, 1685 State street.



The marriage of Miss May Thompson of Depauville to Merle R. Dailey, son of Mrs. Irwin Dailey, 228 North Orchard street, occurred at Belleville, Tuesday, friends of this couple learned today.

Mr. Dailey is a stock clerk in the employ of Quick Motors. After a wedding trip to New York, the couple will reside at 228 North Orchard street.


DAILEY-THOMPSON -- At Belleville, Sept. 10, 1929, Merle R. Dailey, 228 North Orchard street and Miss May Thompson, Depauville.



(Special to The Times.)

Three Mile Bay, Oct. 26. -- A marriage license was issued Friday to Marcus Darwin Steenberg(sic), cheese box manufacturer of Depauville and Miss Ethel Etta Armstrong, Chaumont. They will be married today.


Elm Flats News

February 21, 1935

The Elm Flats School was formerly located about halfway between Clayton and Depauville. When the Town of Clayton centralized the schools in the district, the Elm Flats building was sold to Lewis Carr, Town of Clayton Highway Superintendent. He moved the structure to his farm yard next door.

Barbara Landon, a former pupil at Elm Flats, sent us a copy of the newspaper published monthly at the school. Following are excerpts from the February 21, 1935 issue:



On February 9th the members of the Elm Flats Rural Aces held their first meeting at the schoolhouse. The meeting was mostly for organization and the planning of a Program of instruction for the Club year. Officers were elected: President--Morton Palmer. Secretary--Charles Palmer. Treasurer -- Robert Schnauber. Vice President -- Leslie Palmer. Club Reporter -- Medford Schnaumber. Cheer Leader -- Winifred Palmer. Local Leader -- Miss Johndrow.

Three different Projects are being carried on by different members of the club. These are Gardening, Poultry raising and the Calf Club project.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held Saturday p.m., March 2. The topic to be discussed is "The Value of 4-H" by Medford Schnauber.



The month of February seems to be the month of sickness on Elm Flats. The attendance has been very poor at school. Those now absent are Morton Palmer, Winifred Palmer, Stanley Palmer and Evans Van Alstyne. Of course you can guess the cause of their absence. They all have the MUMPS!! Leslie Palmer was also absent last week because of the same visitor.

It would be too much to let so many of the people in the neighborhood have mumps without some of the school officials having them. None other than the trustee, J. C. Palmer, is ill at his home with the same malady.

Easter is late this year and we are all hoping that by the time it arrives everyone will have had the Mumps.



The contest or check-up during morning inspection had ended. The losers must serve the winners with a warm dinner. The dinner has been postponed until all return to school. Those on the winning side are Charles Palmer, Robert Schnauber and Winifred Palmer. Two other members were on the winning side but they have moved away.

The Captain of the losing side was Evans Van Alstyne.

We are sorry to say that Evelyn, Roswell and Gerald Frizzell have moved away. We will miss them. But we do welcome Earl and Clinton Baker and hope they enjoy working with us.



February 14, the Elm Flats School gave a Pedro party for those in the district and their friends. Four tables of Progressive Pedro were played. First prizes went to Mrs. Jessie Schnauber and Medford Schnauber; Consolation went to Helen Schnauber and Edwin Matthews.

A covered dish supper was served to nineteen. After refreshments stunts and mind twisters were enjoyed.

It is thought that the bad weather and the prevalent visitor "MUMPS" was the cause of so few being present.



Friday night, January 25, Vernet Schnauber, as truck driver, and nineteen others in the district including the teacher attended the picture "Wagon Wheels".

The picture proved very interesting throughout the entire time it appeared on the screen. It is believed that the History classes will now appreciate the hardships of the early pioneers and some of the trials that faced them on their western journey. The smaller children certainly enjoyed the Indian war cry and the attacks made on the caravan.

The trip down was one of fun and lots of merriment but the one returning was similar to the scene in the movies where the pioneers crossed the snowcapped Rockies.

Among those enjoying the trip were: Charles, Hilda, Morton, Winifred, Leslie and Stanley Palmer; Roswell, Gerald and Evelyn Frizzell; Medford, Robert, Barbara and Helen Schnauber; Margaret Smitty; Charles and Alden Hyde; Evans Van Alstyne, Miss Johndrow, and Vernet Schnauber.


Mr. Lewis gives dollar

The Elm Flats school was given a donation with which to buy new material for the newspaper printer. It was much needed but funds were lacking. Mr. Lewis gave the money and now we are printing this copy of the "News" on new material.

We certainly (appreciate ?) his interest and kindness and take this opportunity to thank him.



Two yards of burlap has been purchased for use as a bulletin board. It is something that the school has wanted for some time. Work now displayed on the board has to do with English and Science. There are pictures representing carelessness and the accidents which they often lead to. Pictures on Lincoln and Washington and booklets made by the pupils are also displayed.

It is the object of the school to bring in any worthwhile material and place it on the board where all may refer to it.


Being a reporter.

Collecting news for a paper is a job which must be done carefully. A good reporter must be sure that his statements are true. He must be careful of all details. People do not like to have their names misspelled or facts misstated. Here is a verse written by Rudyard Kipling that is a good guide for reporters.

I keep six honest serving men,
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What? and Why? and When"
An (sic) How? and Where? and Who?

A good news article answers those six questions.



J. C. Palmer and three children,

Morton, Winifred and Stanley are ill with the Mumps.

Vernet Schnauber and William Hyde motored to Watertown February 15.

Medford and William Schnauber went with the Bus load Tuesday evening, February 19, to see the picture, "White Parade".

Samuel Matthews, Fred Palmer and Vernet Schnauber attended the Funeral of Charles Gibbons, February 20.

Only six pupils have been in school the past week.

Raymond Sawyer, Acting 4-H Club Agent was a recent visitor at the Elm Flats School.

Mrs. Jessie Schnauber had the misfortune to bruise several ribs when she slipped and fell on the icy steps at the school house on the evening of February 14.

Clinton and Earl Baker are now attending the Elm Flats School. They are in First and Third Grade.



New Facilities in Depauville Community Hall Are Read.

Depauville, Jan. 31. -- The Depauville Free library will be opened to the public at an open house Friday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The public will inspect the new library room in the basement of the Community hall.

Cards will be issued to all who are desirous of obtaining books.

The project of a library for the village was started by Supervisors Vernet Schnauber and Mrs. Ethel Spencer about two years ago.

During the last year a library board was appointed by the Clayton town board with Mrs. Ella Dillenbeck, president; Mrs. Pauline Flick, secretary-treasurer; Rev. William O. Douglas, Mrs. Adelaide Jones and Miss Flora Lee, directors. Mrs. Ethel Spencer was appointed librarian.

A room has been built with shelves which will hole 500 to 600 books, furnished by the Regional Library center of Watertown.

The librarian has announced that for the winter months the library will be opened after Friday on Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.



Jack L. Best, 71, Dies at Central Square While Pruning Trees.
(with photo)

Jack L. Best, 71, of Central Square, died yesterday afternoon about 2:30 while he was pruning trees at the home of Dr. A. J. Spire in that village. The cause of death was not immediately determined.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Watson and Hilton funeral home, Central Square. Burial will be made in St. Lawrence cemetery, Central Square.

Surviving besides his wife, Mrs. Ruth Phillips Best, are three sons, Lionel, Evans Mills, Walter, Lowville, and Calvin Best, Clayton, R. D. 2.; a daughter, Mrs. Bessie Kafalas, Lake Peekskill; a half-brother, Joseph Masters, Clayton; a half-sister, Mrs. Frank Allen, South Wales, and seven grandchildren.

Mr. Best was born in Somerset, England. He came to this country in 1912 and settled in Clayton. On Feb. 20, 1918, he married Miss Ruth Phillips of Clayton. He farmed in the Clayton and Rodman areas until 1942. From the fall of 1942 until the spring of 1950 he was sexton of Trinity Episcopal church in this city. Three years ago he accepted a position as caretaker for Dr. Spire, who is a prominent Syracuse surgeon.

Mr. Best was a member of the First Methodist church, Watertown.


Ernest M. Ingram, 67, Dies In Depauville (1955)

DEPAUVILLE -- Ernest M. Ingram, 67, a farmer in the Depauville area the greater part of his life, died Oct. 4 at the House of the Good Samaritan, where he had been a patient since Sept. 11. He had been in failing health for the past three years.

The funeral was held Saturday at the Ingram home in Depauville and at the Depauville Methodist church, Rev. Roberts Mallabar, pastor of the church officiating. Burial was in the St. Lawrence cemetery. A Masonic service was held at the home Friday evening, conducted by members of the Depauville lodge.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Catherine S. Ingram; a sister, Mrs. Beulah Boyden of Syracuse, and an aunt, Mrs. Charles Dorr of Orleans Four Corners.

Mr. Ingram was born at DeKalb Junction Jan. 26, 1888, a son of Caleb and Susan Miles Ingram. He married Miss Catherine Spencer of the town of Clayton, Jan. 26, 1916, at the First Methodist church, Watertown.

Mr. and Mrs. Ingram had operated a farm near Depauville since their marriage until three years ago, when they moved into the village.

Mr. Ingram was a member of the Depauville Methodist church and a trustee of the church, and was also a member of the Depauville lodge, F. & A. M.



Depauville, Nov. 23. -- The Home Bureau held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. E. G. Dintelman Wednesday. An all day meeting will be held soon at the home of Mrs. Jay Hartman. --Mrs. Edna Gordanier of Hermon is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Eigabroadt and family. --Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Easton are moving into the house they recently purchased from Mrs. Alice Hatch and recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Johndrow, who are moving into the house they purchased of Charles Uhl. --Mrs. Marcus MacFarland was called to Canada last Monday morning by the death of her father. His son Lloyd of Watertown accompanied her. Word was received here Wednesday morning of the sudden illness of Mrs. Amy Sherman at the home of her brother-in-law, C. A. Sherman, of Brownville. Her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Lingenfelter and Mrs. A. L. Lingenfelter left at once to Brownville. In the afternoon she was somewhat better so they moved her to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Cross (sic), at Glen Park, where she is resting quite comfortably.



(Special to The Times)

Depauville, Dec. 3. -- Miss Florence Jones, teacher at District No. 5 school two miles from this village on the Brownville road, was painfully burned about the face and neck Monday at noon when a pail of hot cocoa exploded.

Miss Jones had been making cocoa for the pupils' lunch in a two quart pail. As she attempted to remove the cover, the pail exploded, the hot liquid searing her face and neck.

She was removed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jones, in this village. Dr. J. T. Fowkes was summoned from Clayton to treat her injuries. Her eyes were swollen shut, but the doctor said the sight was not impaired.

Miss Barbara Farmer of Watertown is teaching the school in Miss Jones' place.


Mrs. Carlisle Better. (1929)

Depauville, Dec. 16. -- Mrs. Mary E. Carlisle of Depauville, formerly of Watertown, who has been ill with pneumonia, is much improved and is able to be about her home. She was attended by Dr. Emmett Dunlay of Watertown.



Depauville, Nov. 30. -- The condition of Mrs. Amy Sherman who suffered a stroke at the home of her brother-in-law, A. C. Sherman, at Brownville, on Nov. 20 and later in the day was removed to the home of Mrs. Ethel Corss at Glen Park, remains critical. Miss Nellie Lowe, a trained nurse, is caring for her. --The home bureau will hold an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Jay Hartman, Wednesday, Dec. 4.


(November 22, 1929) On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Milford Haas entertained in honor of the 74th birthday of Mrs. Haas' father, Myron C. Daniels. Covers were laid for 14. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peck, Mr. and Mrs. John Lingenfelter of Depauville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas and Junior Haas.



Depauville, June 6. -- District Deputy President Mrs. Lola M. Lingenfelter of Jefferson district No. 2 entertained her suite of officers at her home Saturday afternoon and evening. Dinner was served at 6:30. A social time was enjoyed by those present and gifts from the suite were presented to Mrs. Lingenfelter by Deputy Marshal Miss Mabel E. Dwyre (sic). The district deputy president responded with thanks for the gifts and also thanked her suite for their cooperation with her during the year's pleasant term.

Those attending were D. M. Miss Mabel E. Dwyre, D. M. Mrs. Nina C. Johndrow, D. S. Mrs. Millie E. Failing, D. Chap. Mrs. Georgia Clemons, D. G. Mrs. Nettie Lowe, D. H. Mrs. Lula M. Tiernan, Noble Grand Mrs. Edith Nims and Vice Grand Mrs. Ethel Spencer of Valley View Rebekah Lodge No. 304, the Misses Fern Lingenfelter and Ella Clemons.

D. D. P Mrs. Lingenfelter will be the invited guest of Valley View Rebekah lodge No. 304 at their next regular meeting Thursday, June 6. A covered dish supper will be served.



Depauville, Jan. 22. -- The members of I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 848, and the members of Valley View Rebekah Lodge, No. 304, will hold a public social evening in the Community Hall Friday evening, Jan. 24. --On Saturday evening, Jan. 25, the Depauville basketball team will play the Evans Mills basketball team here in Community Hall. --The condition of Mrs. Clara Putnam Haas, who has been sick for some time, remains serious. --Mrs. Howard Lee is seriously ill. --Miss Ferne Lingenfelter, who works in Watertown, was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lingenfelter.



Depauville, Oct. 12. -- Friday evening, Oct. 18, the grange will hold a public social evening in the Community hall. --The trustees of Depauville public school are having a new heating and ventilating system installed in the village school. --Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashley and son, Howard, jr., of Morrisville, Vermont, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gill of Crary's Mills, N. Y., were the guests of Fred Leach, Mrs. Emily Gillette and Mrs. Pearl Spencer, a short time this week. --Mrs. Olla Collins, Miss Mabel Dwyer, Mrs. Howard Dwyer, Mrs. Francis Dwyer and Mrs. Nettie Gillette were business callers in Watertown Monday. --Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lake of Ithaca, have been visiting Mrs. Lakes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Halladay. --The condition of Mrs. Sarah Burton, who has been seriously ill for some time remains critical. --Mrs. Nettie Lowe, Ava Lewis, Melva Dintelman, Lola Lingenfetler, Lillian Lingenfelter, Merele Stadler and Miss Geraldine Lewis attended the all days meeting of the home bureau at Chaumont Wednesday. --Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boshamuell of Brooklyn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Greet. --Mrs. Fred Sternberg, Mrs. Charles Fluckiger and Miss Mabel Dwyer motored to Potsdam Wednesday. Miss Margorie Sternberg, who attend(s) Crane Institute accompanied them home. --Mrs. Fan Seeber of Brownville, is spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. Ellen Grabler. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vincent and Mrs. Clara Vincent attended the funeral Wednesday of Everett Vincent, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vincent at Poolville, N. Y.



Three Mile Creek, Aug. 28. -- The third community picnic held in honor of B. G. Whitney was held at Cedar Point Sunday. Mr. Whitney has reached the age of 75 years and is in remarkably good health.

Mr. Whitney took this opportunity to invite one of his friends, Merritt Lingenfelter, whose birthday was also celebrated that day. Burton is just one day older than his neighbor, Merritt. Others who celebrated birthdays on this occasion were: Mrs. Frances Lingenfelter of Clayton and Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn of Depauville. The oldest member present was Burton Whitney and the youngest was Leslie Webert. Dinner was served about 12:30.

Myrtle Wetterhahn, president, called the business meeting to order. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Kate Ingram; vice president, Frank W. (torn off); secretary, Miss Helen W. (torn off); treasurer, Julia Wood; historian, Myrtle Wetterhahn; (torn off) committee, Mrs. Julia Wood and Mrs. Myrtle Wetterhahn.

It was voted to hold the community meeting next year at the same place the last Sunday in August.



(Special to The Times.)

Depauville, Dec. 23.--Mrs. Sarah Mount Burton, 69, widow of Dr. R. J. F. Burton, died at 7 p.m. Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Huchzermeir, in this village after a long illness.

She was born in Depauville, a daughter of John and Lucinda Blodgett Mount. She had resided in this section all her life. Thirty-eight years ago she married Dr. Burton who died in 1927. She was a member of the Baptist church and the Rebekah lodge.

Besides her daughter she is survived by three grandsons, William Francis and Walter Huchzermeir of this village.

Funeral services will be held from the home of her daughter at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Lawrence of this village officiating. The body will be placed in the vault at the local cemetery to await burial in the spring.



(Special to The Times.)

Chaumont, Jan. 21. -- Frank Armstrong, sr., died at 3:30 p.m. Monday at his home in this village.

He was born in Pittsburgh, Ont., a son of Frank and Ann Summerville Armstrong. He had been a resident of this section for many years. He conducted a farm near here until he retired and moved in to the village. In 1884, he married Mary Cummings of Pittsburg (sic), Ont.

Surviving besides his wife are three daughters, Miss Helen Armstrong, Hempstead, L. I., Mrs. Arnold Northrup, Hammond, and Mrs. Morris Sternberg, Depauville; three sons, Burt of Watertown, Fred of Syracuse and Frank, jr., of Chaumont, and one granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Armstrong of Watertown.

Funeral services will be held from the home Thursday at 2 p.m.



Funeral services for H. J. Corbin, who died at Berlin, Md., last Thursday, were held at 11 this morning from the home of his brother-in-law, William Littlefield, 413 Flower aenue east., Rev. Paul Boller, pastor of Stone Street Presbyterian church, officiated. Interment was made in the family plot at Brookside cemetery.

The bearers, members of the Odd Fellows lodge of Depauville of which Mr. Corbin was a member were: A. Stotler, E. Dingman, A Lingenfelter, H. LaPatra, E. Eckert, and E. Johndrow. There were many floral tributes.

Mr. Corbin's sons, Werner Corbin and Earl Corbin, of Berlin, and Hermon Burbage and Miss Rena Turner, also of Berlin, were here for the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Corbin and Mr. Burbage will return home Wednesday.



Depauville, Dec. 23 -- Miss Emeline I. Lingenfelter, 79, Clayton, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn, in this village Saturday at 4 p.m. after a long illness.

She was born in Clayton on June 14, 1850, a daughter of William H. and Mary Wilson Lingenfelter. Nearly all her life had been spent in Clayton.

Surviving are her brother, Merritt E. Lingenfelter, Clayton, with whom she had made her home for 20 years; four sisters, Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn, Depauville, Mrs. Kate Daniels, Clayton, Mrs. Elma Dillenbeck, Clayton Center, and Mrs. Nellie Calderwood, Johnstown, N. Y., and several nephews and nieces.

Funeral services were held from the home of Mrs. Wetterhahn today at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Lawrence of this village officiating. The body was placed in the vault here to await burial in the spring.

Typist's Note: A family story is that Emma, as she was called, was married when young and shortly thereafter lost her husband to a hunting accident. She never recovered from the shock of losing her husband. No one knows her married name.



Peter Schultz, 63, who formerly resided at Theresa and Lafargeville, died Wednesday morning at 5:30 at the Masonic home in Utica according to information received here by relatives. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 10:30 from the home in Utica. Interment will be made there.

Mr. Schultz was a native of New York city and came to northern New York with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Adams Schultz, when a boy and lived in this section practically all of his life. He was engaged for the greater part of his life as a farmer, having farms in Theresa and Lafargeville.

He married Mrs. Minnie Hyle (sic) of Lafargeville. She died a few yeas ago. For the past four years Mr. Schultz had resided at the Utica Masonic home.

Mr. Schultz is survived by three brothers: George of Theresa, Adam of Watertown and John of Fonda.



Walter Walrath, 60, a farmer at Perch River for many years, died this morning at the St. Lawrence state hospital, Ogdesnburg, where he had been a patient a week.

Mr. Walrath had no near relatives. His wife died two years ago at Perch River. Mr. Walrath was born at Perch River and had resided there all his life. He was engaged as a blacksmith at Perch River for a time. He was a cousin of Sheriff Frank D. Walrath.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist Episcopal church at Perch River. Interment will be made at Perch River.



Depauville, Jan. 22.--Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Howse, 70, wife of Charles E. Howse, who died Sunday morning at her home in this village after an illness of three years, were held from the home Tuesday at 1 p.m. The body was placed in the vault at Depauville cemetery to await burial in the spring.

She was born near Smith Falls, Ont. on June 10, 1859. She came to New York state 30 years ago. She married Mr. Howse on Nov. 28, 1921. She was a member of the Depauville Baptist church.

Surviving are two sons and two daughters by a former marriage, David Clifford Hogoboom, Depauville, William Milburn Hogoboom, Minnesota, Mrs. William E. Elliott, Washington, D. C.; one sister, Mrs. George Edwards, Detroit; 15 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.



(Special to The Times.)

Clayton, Dec. 27.--Mrs. Marion Frances Graham, 31, wife of Harold F. Graham, died Thursday at 4 p.m. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Decker, Clayton, R. F. D. 2.

She was born Dec. 18, 1888, in the town of Hammond, a daughter of Wallace and Sarah Baldock Decker. Besides her husband and parents she is survived by five brothers, George A. Decker, Morristown, John A., Theresa, Wallace O., Lafargeville, Leland, Clayton, and Lloyd of Clayton, and seven sisters, Mrs. Archie Nicol, Hammond, Mrs. Wallace Walti, Clayton, Mrs. Earl Hunneyman, Lafargeville, Mrs. Martin Shaber, Lafargeville, Mrs. Ernest Marino, Lafargeville, Mrs. Fred Weller, Clayton, and Miss Vera Decker, Clayton.

Prayer services will be held from the home of her parents Monday at 1 p.m., and the funeral home will be held later in the day at the Lafargeville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. B. G. Miller of Clayton officiating, assisted by Rev. Mr. Eddy, a former Lafargeville pastor. Interment will be made at Lafargeville.



(Special to The Times.)

Cape Vincent, Sept. 23. -- Mrs. Minnie Justine Cheeseman Seeber, 64, wife of DeAlton V. Seeber, cashier at the Citizens' National bank, died at her home here shortly before noon today. She had been ill for some time.

Mrs. Seeber was born in Mannsville, Dec. 25, 1866, a daughter of Rev. Anson and Mary Stowell Cheeseman. She received her education at Ives Seminary, Antwerp, where Mr. Seeber was also a student.

She was married to Mr. Seeber Sept. 25, 1889, at Brookfield, N. Y., where her father was pastor of the Methodist church there.

She moved to Cape Vincent with her husband several years ago, and has been active in civic and church affairs. She was a member of the Cape Vincent Methodist church, and was at one time matron of the Order of Eastern Star. At the time of her death she was a trustee of the Eastern Star here.

Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alice Seeber Winn, Boston, Mass.; one sister, Mrs. W. Deakin, Plainfield, N. J.; two grandchildren, Lea and Frances Winn, Boston, Mass.



Depauville, Nov. 25. -- Mrs. Fannie Teresa Russell, 24, wife of John J. Russell, town of Clayton, died at 3 this morning the Jefferson county sanatorium.

Mrs. Russell was born in the town of Clayton March 4, 1907, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bovee. She was graduated from the Dexter High school and the Dexter training school. She also taught school for two terms.

On May 29, 1926, she was married to John J. Russell.

Surviving besides her husband and parents are two children, Josephine, four, and Hiram, two. A brother, Harold Bovee, three sisters, Leota, Ada and Mrs. Florence Farr, town of Clayton, also survive, with many uncles and aunts.

Mrs. Russell was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of this village and a member of the Valley View Rebekah lodge.

Funeral services will be held from the home of her parents Saturday afternoon at 2, Rev. Edgar O. Spaven, pastor of the Bethany Methodist Episcopal church of Watertown, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot at Depauville.


MRS. JULIA D. EMPIE, 75, DIES (1931)

(Special to The Times)

Three Mile Bay, May 26. -- Mrs. Julia Douglas Empie, 75, wife of Charles M. Empie, died at her home in this village about 4:15 this morning after an illness of three years.

She was born in the town of Clayton, July 24, 1855, a daughter of Robert and Orrilla Simpson Douglas and she married Mr. Empie in 1900. Mrs. Empie had spent her entire life in the towns of Cape Vincent, Clayton and Lyme and was a member of the Baptist church of Three Mile Bay. She was also a member of the Chaumont Eastern Star, No. 225(?).

Besides her husband she is survived by two brothers, J. L. Douglas and Robert Douglas, both of Los Angeles, Cal., and two nephews William H. Spencer of Frankfort, Ind., and George S. Spencer of Troy.

Funeral services will be held from the late home Thursday afternoon at 2, Rev. E. H. Conrad, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in Three Mile Bay cemetery.


(Special to The Times)

Depauville - November 17 (1931)

Mrs. Mary Ann Walrath, 71, wife of Merritt S. Walrath died at her home in this village, Monday at 11 p.m. She had been ill since Friday night.

Born in the Town of Clayton May 31, 1860, Mrs. Walrath was a daughter of Gustave & Elizabeth L. Wetterhahn. She married Mr. Walrath, March 15, 1893. She spent her entire life in the Town of Clayton. Since she and Mr. Walrath retired from their farm twenty years ago, she had resided in this village. She was a member and officer of the Depauville Chapter No. 125 Order of the Eastern Star.

Besides her husband, she leaves one daughter, Mrs. Lorinda Eckert, Depauville; one grandson, Ernest Merrit Eckert, Depauville; one sister, Mrs. Ellsworth Swartout, Depauville; one brother, William Wetterhahn; two nieces and three nephews.

Funeral services will be held from the home, Thursday at 2 p.m. Members of the Order of the Eastern Star will attend. Interment will be made in Depauville.


Passes Away At House of the Good Samaritan
In Failing Health Four Years
She Was the Widow of Earl A. Dorland, Sandy Creek Feed Merchant Who Died in 1921.

Sandy Creek, June 29. -- Mrs. Jessie O. Dorland, 54, died at the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, at 10 a.m. Sunday. She had been in ill health for the past four years and she had failed rapidly during the past six weeks.

She was taken to the Watertown hospital about ten days ago. Mrs. Dorland was born in Depauville, June 22, 1877, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Osborn. During her girlhood
she resided at Depauville, Dexter and Woodville where her father was a miller.

She was educated in the public schools of the villages in which she resided. In 1899 she married Earl A. Dorland, feed merchant of this village. She had since resided here. Mr. Dorland died in 1921.

She was a member of the local Methodist Episcopal church and had been especially active in the church affairs during her residency here. She was also a member of the Ontario Chapter, No. 124, Order of the Eastern Star.

She is survived by her father, P. A. Osborn, Chaumont; three daughters, Mrs. Marguerite D. Ellis of Camden, Mrs. Gertrude D. Heyl of Binghamton and Miss Doris Dorland of this village, a teacher in the schools of Port Jarvis, and a sister, Mrs. M. O. Fuller of Bethlehem, Pa. She is also survived by one grandson, Warren D. Ellis of Camden.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from her home on First street, Rev. T. T. Davies, pastor of the local Congregational church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Walter F. Dobbie, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church here. Interment will be made in the family plot in Woodlawn cemetery.


Walrath Rites Held.

Depauville, Nov. 20. -- The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Walrath, which was held from her home Wednesday at 2 p.m. was largely attended. The members of the Eastern Star Chapter attended in a body.

A. E. Schnauber, W. D. Valley, F. W. Herkimer, W. F. Sternberg, H. O. Easton and E. J. Stadler acted as bearers. Rev. Frank Brown of Copenhagen officiated, assisted by Rev. C. A. Robinson. Interment was made in Depauville Cemetery.



Chaumont, Mar.24 ,- Mrs. Emmerett Osborn, 78, wife of Phineas Alden Osborn, died at the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, on Sunday after an illness of three months. She had been a patient at the hospital for four weeks.

Born in Vermont, on May 3,1851, she was the daughter of Conrod and Elizabeth Lingenfelter. She came to Depauville with her parents and on Jan. 1, 1872, married Phineas Alden Osborn at Three Mile Bay. They resided at Depauville, Dexter and Sandy Creek, coming to Chaumont and building a home in 1906. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Jan.1, 1922.

Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Dorland, Sandy Creek and Mrs. Ethel Fuller, Bethlehem , Pa. one sister, Mrs. Myron Daniels, Chaumont; three brothers Myron Lingenfelter, Watertown, Charles Lingenfelter, Brownville and John Lingenfelter, Depauville and six grandchildren, Mrs. Marguerite Ellis, Pulaski, Miss Doris Dorland, Penn Yan, Mrs. Gertrude Hyle, Syracuse, Osborn Fuller, Robert Fuller and Marjorie Fuller all of Bethlehem, Pa.

Mrs. Osborn made arrangements for her own funeral and selected the following to act as bearers; Perl and Arthur Lingenfelter, Depauville, James Lingenfelter, Brownville, and Burt Lingenfelter, Watertown. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 P.M. Rev. G. A Foote, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Methodist Episcopal Church officiating.

Typist's Note: Most accounts spell Emmerett as Emorette.



(Special to The Times.)

CHAUMONT -- Feb. 13. Mrs. Isabel Walrath, 74, widow of Eugene Walrath, died at her home here 10:45 Thurday evening. She had been ill four months.

Mrs. Walrath was born Jan. 30, 1857 at Stone Mills, a daughter of Henry and Nancy Harter Lingenfelter. She married Eugene Walrath fifty-three years ago. He died January 27, 1928.*

Mrs. Walrath resided all her life in Stone Mills until twenty years ago when she came to Chaumont. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by several cousins.

Funeral services will be held from the home Sunday at 2 p.m., Rev. R. C. Dunn, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Interment will be made in the family plot at Dexter cemetery.

Typist's Note: *We Lingenfelter researchers believe the date of Mr. Walrath's death is in error.



(Special to The Times.)

Depauville, April 5. -- Miss Addie C. Horning, 73, died at her home in the town of Clayton, near Depauville, about 6 Friday evening. She suffered a heart attack about two months ago and had since been ill.

Miss Horning was born April 13, 1856, in the town of Clayton, a daughter of John and Catherine Fry Horning, and had always resided on the farm where she was born. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star of Depauville and of the Patrons of Husbandry of Depauville.

She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Laura Spencer, whose husband died a number of years ago and who had resided with Miss Horning. She also leaves several nephews and nieces.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. from the home and at 2 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. C. A. Lawrence, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot, this village.



Adams, Feb. 17.-- Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips McNett, widow of Ethelbert B. McNett, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milton Hoan, Adams R. D. 4, Sunday evening, Feb. 16, at 10:30.

Mrs. McNett was nearly 87 years old, having been born April 7, 1843, the daughter of John L. and Jane Phillips of St. Lawrence. Up to about three weeks ago she had been remarkably well and about the house as usual when suddenly she was taken with a shock and from that time had gradually failed until her death.

Ethelbert B. McNett and Elizabeth Phillips were married Oct. 17, 1861. They had two sons, Anson David, who died July 9, 1885, and John Winfred, who died May 5, 1887, and two daughters, Mrs. Haddock L. Hayes, who died Oct. 19, 1924 and Mrs. Milton Hoan, who survives. There are also one brother, O. D. Phillips and eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren who survive. Mrs. McNett was a member of Three Mile Bay Baptist church.

There will be prayer service at the home of her daughter at 10:30 a.m. and funeral at Three Mile Bay Baptist church at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19. Interment will be in St. Lawrence cemetery.



(Special to The Times.)

Chaumont, March 24.-- Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Halladay, 78, widow of George W. Halladay, died suddenly at her home in Macomb settlement Sunday at 5 a.m.

She was born on April 7, 1851, in the town of Lyme, a daughter of Charles and Catherine Lenininger (sic) Knapp. She married George Halladay on Jan. 1, 1873. He died in 1894. All her life had been spent in the town of Lyme.

Surviving are one son, Sylvester C. Halladay, Macomb settlement; one sister, Mrs. Len McDermott, Utica; three brothers, William Knapp, Rosiere, John Knapp, Brownville, and George Knapp, Utica, and one granddaughter, Mrs. W. R. Barter, New York city. She also leaves Catherine and Rosemary Branche, daughters of the late Mrs. Frank Branche, whom Mrs. Halladay brought up.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from St. Paul's Catholic church of Rosiere, Rev. Father Sweeney officiating. Interment will be made at St. Lawrence cemetery.


MRS. CELIA LOWE DIES (May 12, 1930)

Mrs. Celia Lowe Herkimer, 66, sister of Frank D. Lowe, prohibition agent of this city, died Thursday at 5 p.m. at the home of her son, Frank Herkimer, at Depauville, following an illness of six weeks.

Born July 22, 1843, in the town of Clayton, a daughter of Isaac Lowe and Zelliah Antwerp Lowe, Mrs. Herkimer passed her entire life in Jefferson county. With her husband, D. C. Herkimer, who died Sept. 27, 1906, she resided on a farm in the town of Clayton. After the death of her husband, she had resided with her son, Frank Herkimer, at Depauville. Her husband was a veteran of the Civil war, and served with Company K (?), 10th New York Heavy Field Artillery.

She was an active member of the Depauville-Methodist Episcopal church and was interested in the various societies of the church.

Mrs. Herkimer is survived by one son, Frank Herkimer of Depauville, one granddaughter, Mrs. Rolla Whitman of Bernardsville, N. J.; two brothers, A. D. Lowe of Depauville and Frank D. Lowe of Watertown.

Funeral services will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. from the home of her son, Frank Herkimer of Depauville and at 2 p.m. from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Mr. Lawrence officiating. Interment will be made at the Cedarville cemetery of Chaumont.


Blaze Also Consumes Horse Barn and Five Tons of Hay in the Hay Barn--Defective Wiring Is Believed the Cause.

(Special to The Times.)

Depauville, Aug. 25 00 Fire completely destroyed the creamery and horse barn, and burned about five tons of hay in the hay barn as well as damaging the roof, at the Perl W. Devendorf farm about three miles from this village on the Depauville-Gunns Corners highway shortly after 8 (E.S.T.) this morning, causing damage estimated at about $15,000.

The blaze which is thought to have originated from defective wiring in the horse barn leveled this building and then spread to the creamery which is a short distance away and connected. At the time of the fire no one was in the horse barn and Mr. Devendorf and James Clifton, son of Clifford Clifton who operates the farm, were in the creamery churning butter.

Mr. Devendorf, on leaving the creamery, saw the smoke and flames coming from the barn. Michael Deline, who was waiting for him to go to Fishers Landing to deliver a load of soft drinks, was in the farm house at the time. Mr. Devendorf notified Mr. Deline about the fire and Mr. Deline called the fire department of this village.

When the fire department arrived at the farm, the sparks from the blaze were just spreading to the roof of the hay barn. Efforts were made to stop the fire on the hay barn first and the blaze was not extinguished until a large hole in the roof had been burned and about five tons of hay had been destroyed.

The Lafargeveille fire company was called to the scene and work was turned toward the creamery which was completely enveloped in fire. The building was reduced to a shell and the horse barn was burned to the ground.

Mr. Devendorf and Mr. Clifton managed to remove from the creamery building a refrigerator and a harness from the horse barn. At the time of the fire the horses were out in the pasture.

A small barn adjoining the hay barn was also threatened but firemen were able to keep the blaze from this structure. This barn was used for the young livestock.

The fact that an east wind was blowing kept the fire from reaching the hay barn which is located about 30 feet from the horse barn, any sooner than it did. The wind at the time was blowing towards the farm house which is several hundred feet away.

The pumper and squad car came from the Depauville fire department.

The Lafargeville department was represented by a pumper.

Mr. Devendorf said after the fire that there was about $10,000 worth of equipment destroyed in the creamery. The remaining damage of $5,000 included the loss of the buildings. The horse barn was about 40 feet long and 20 feet wide and the creamery was a small one story structure, and has been reduced to a shell.

Mr. Devendorf was formerly an automobile dealer in Watertown and recently he has been selling milk and butter from his farm there. He also makes a line of soft drinks and Mr. Deline was at the farm waiting for a load of these drinks to take to Fishers Landing.



Depauville, June 7. -- Fire destroyed the barn on the old Walrath place under the bluff about 3 p.m., Tuesday. The farm is owned by James Hilburn and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Perley Edmonds.

Depauville fire company quickly responded with the fire engine and hose and managed to save the house. Mr. Hilburn had some farm machinery in the barn that burned. The origin of the fire is unknown. No insurance was carried.



Depauville, Nov. 13. -- Sunday morning about 8 o'clock fire broke out in the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis from an overheated stove pipe in the living room. It was discovered by Mrs. Davis. The firemen quickly responded to the call and soon had the fire under control. The damage is covered by insurance.


Newly Constructed Barn and Other Buildings Are Saved

No. 3 Company Speeds to Blazing Dwelling Near Three Mile Bay and Prevents Spread--Two Years Ago Judge's Barn and Creamery Were Destroyed by Fire.

(Special To The Times.)

Three Mile Bay, April 28. -- The two story farmhouse and contents on the farm owned by Supreme Court Justice Edward N. Smith of Watertown, four miles north of this village, were destroyed this morning, with an estimated loss between $7,000 and $8,000.

The origin of the fire is undetermined, but it is believed defective wiring was the cause. The loss is nearly covered by insurance, it is said.

Justice Smith, who was holding a term of supreme court in Syracuse, was notified about 11:15 a.m., and started for the scene of the blaze. The fire was discovered about 11 a.m.

Although there was a strong wind, and the house rapidly burned, the sparks were not carried toward the new large modern barn and other nearby buildings which did not catch afire.

The Clayton, and Watertown fire departments were called, and Clayton's pumper arrived shortly before noon, to be followed by No. 3 pumper from Watertown, in charge of Captain W. J. Morrison. The house was nearly burned to the ground when the fireman arrived. Streams were pumped from a nearby spring, and the fire checked and confined to the house.

This is the second big fire on the Smith farm in less than two years. On June 3, 1929, the modern dairy bar, creamery and small tool shed were destroyed at a loss of $30,000.

At the time Justice Edward N. Smith was holding court in Watertown and No. 1 company responded. Justice Smith rode out with the firemen, where he supervised the work of caring for the stock.

The fire in the house today was discovered by Earl Shangrow, tenant, when he entered the house about 11 a.m. Going into the kitchen he saw flames on the wall and ceiling, which were spreading rapidly in the attic above the kitchen.

Mr. Shangrow ran from the house and yelled "fire." Two hired men in the barn responded. They grabbed pails and filled them at the spring and threw the water off (sic) the fire.

George H. Pettit, nearby farmer, was attracted and hurried to help. He returned to the house and telephoned the Clayton and Watertown fire department. With other neighbors he tried to help extinguish the fire. Their efforts were useless and the house was soon in flames. A few articles of furniture were saved from the front of the house.

The men removed all stock and valuable machinery and tools from the barn, so they would be saved if that structure ignited.

Mr. Shangrow, who was tenant at the time the barn was burned in 1929, said that there had been no fire in the kitchen stove this morning. He though the only cause could have been from the wiring, as the fire apparently had started between the flooring of the attic and the kitchen ceiling.

Mrs. Shangrow is visiting relatives in Boston, Mass., and the daughter, Ruth, 14, is in school.

The Smith farm is located on a cross road which leads to the Three Mile Bay-Clayton highway. It is a model dairy farm. Justice Smith, is a member of the Clayton Dairy Improvement association. He has a large number of pure bred Holstein cattle.

Following the burning of the big barn in 1929, Justice Smith immediately started arrangements for replacing it. The new structure is regarded as one of the most up-to-date dairy barns in this section of New York state. Justice Smith put every modern convenience into it. The estimated cost of the new structure is around $30,000.


$30,000 BARN OF E. N. SMITH BURNS (1929)
Large, Modern Structure on Farm of Supreme Court Justice Destroyed
Most of Cattle Out of Barn When Fire Starts--Justice Smith Hurries to Farm From This City to Supervise Care of Livestock.

(Special To the Times.)

Three Mile Bay, June 3. -- Fire discovered at 7:30 this morning destroyed a large barn and a creamery on the farm owned by Supreme Court Justice E. N. Smith of Watertown and located four miles north of this village, with a loss estimated at $30,000. The origin of the blaze has not been determined but it is believed defective wiring was the cause. The loss is partially covered by insurance, it was aid this afternoon.

Fanned by a brisk north wind, the flames rapidly ate into the large barn and threatened the house and a nearby garage. The Clayton fire department was summoned. A pumper with a dozen men in charge of Marshall Farrell was dispatched to the scene. Clayton is between eight and ten miles from the farm, but the firemen made a quick run.

Prior to the arrival of the pumper, a bucket brigade was formed. Farmers from a large area had hurried to fight the fire when the alarm was sounded and there were many ready to pump water and carry buckets. Despite their efforts, the fire gained steadily and soon the garage was ignited. When the Clayton pumper arrived the garage was burning briskly. A hose line was run to the well near the house, and a strong stream was played on the garage. There was plenty of water in the well and in a short time the garage was out of danger.

The fire in the barn started in the center of the building just above the lower floor. Farm hands smelled rubber burning for some time before the flames broke out and for this reason it is believed the fire was due to a defective electric wire. The fire burned rapidly, but all of the livestock was taken to safety. Most of the cows had been milked and were out of the building.

The barn was a wooden structure, containing modern farming equipment. There was a cement floor throughout the structure. Attached to the barn was an ice house. This, too, was destroyed. The barn was one of the largest in this section. Justice Smith had spent a large sum of money in repairing it, and it was designed to house a large number of cattle. There were upwards of 75 heads of cattle on the farm, it was said today.

Earl Shangrow, the tenant, was away when the fire was discovered by members of his family. The furniture was removed from the house when it seemed that it, too, was doomed. However, the efficient work of the firefighters saved this structure.

Justice Smith was notified, and he went to the farm this morning to supervise the work of caring for the stock. The farm is located on a cross road which leads to the Three Mile Bay-Clayton highway.

No. 2 fire company of the Watertown department was summoned. By the time Watertown firemen reached the scene, the fire was nearly burned out.


Former Pastors of Methodist Episcopal Church and Assistant District Attorney Speak at Celebration.

St. Lawrence, Aug. 27. -- After having sent out 350 invitations to our old Home Day, Friday by (sic) the 250 were present and registered. Despite numerous showers an excellent roast pork dinner was served on the parsonage lawn at noon. At the church suitable exercises were held. Several selections were given by the orchestra and community singing which was followed by an address by Howard B. Donaldson, assistant district attorney of Watertown and remarks by several former pastors, including Rev. Phillip Mang of Constable; Rev. W. A. Gardiner, Adams; Rev. B. G. Miller, pastor of the church sang a solo entitled, "The Lost Chord" and also gave an interesting account of the building of the church. Letters of request were received from many former residents. The twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Cornwell were baptized by Rev. William Gardner, assisted by Rev. Mr. Mang and Rev. Mr. Miller. Proceeds were $165. The following were present:

Samuel Adams, Rosiere, Oute 1, Edith Adams, Rosiere, Route 1; Hester Adams, Rosiere, Route 1; Harold Adams, Rosiere, Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Stone Mills; C. D. Mang, Constable; Mrs. P. D. Mang, Constable; Adela E. Mang, Constable; Olive B. Man, Constable; Mrs. Gertrude Kelly, Hartford, Conn.; Mrs. Alice W. Calkins, Depauville; Mrs. Nellie C. Reed, Watertown; Mrs. A. L. Stone, Watertown, Box 97; Mrs. E. K. Brown, Brownville; Marion E. Brown, Brownville; James D. Powell, Cape Vincent; Mrs. James D. Powell, Cape Vincent; Dr. O. H. Manhard, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. O. H. Manhard, St. Louis, Mo.; E. M. Ingram, Clayton; Mrs. E. N. Ingram, Clayton; Arthur Wood, Clayton; Mrs. A. Wood, Clayton; Mrs. Charles Sherman, Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burnham, Clayton; William Chisholm, Clayton; Miss Nina M. Ackel, St. Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cornwell and daughters, Clayton; Roy Patchin, Clayton; Harold Glass, Clayton; Nina L. Garnsey, Clayton; J. H. Comins, St. Lawrence; Mrs. Allen Castell and son, St. Lawrence; Mrs. Roy C. Gibbs and daughters, Chaumont; Mrs. Lizzie Parker and daughter, Brownville; Mrs. L. F. Garnsey, Watertown; Mrs. W. E. Dwyer, Brownville; Wallace J. Beadle, St. Lawrence.

Mr. L. W. Reff, Cape Vincent; John Donald, Garnsey (sic), Clayton; C. W. Nims, Chaumont; Albert Pond, Cape Vincent; Beulah M. Humphrey, Cape Viincent; John Humphrey, Cape Vincent; Joe Buechel, Clayton; Elmer Consaul, Clayton; William Halladay, Clayton; Ethel Comins, Clayton; Hazel Hyde, Clayton; Bettie Rix, Herkimer; C. W. Seeley, Smithville; Mrs. C. W. Seeley, Smithville; Quincy Beadle, St. Lawrence; Ethel Kelley, Watertown; Mrs. Cyrus L. Ackut, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. E. H. Wuerpel, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Harold Williams and daughter, Brownville; Mrs. Elmer Consaul, Clayton; Mrs. Della Lee, Clayton; Mrs. Emma L. Phillips, St. Lawrence; Mrs. A. E. Rice, Chaumont; Mrs. C. A. Putnam, Clayton; William Dwyer, Brownville; Mrs. A. B. Cornwell, Clayton; Mrs. Alice Comins, Clayton; Milo Cummings, Clayton; Mrs. George Cornaire, Rosiere; Mrs. Ruth Donaldson, Rosiere; Mrs. Leon Reff, Cape Vincent; Elton D. Irvine, Little Rock, Ark.; Mrs. Elton D. Irvine, Little Rock, Ark.; A. A. Wood, Clayton.

V. P. Comins, Hanniball; A. Be. Cornwell, Clayton; Hendrick Comins, Clayton; W. H. Barker, Brownville; Mrs. H. F. Eselin, Three Mile Bay; H. T. Eselin, Three Mile Bay; Nina O. Comins, St. Lawrence; Hubert N. Johnson, St. Lawrence; Manley E. Johnson, St. Lawrence; R. A. Halladay, St. Lawrence; Mrs. J. E. Northrup, Clayton; J. L. Garnsey, Clayton; Sophia Glass, Clayton; Ernest Glass, Clayton; Mrs. Ray Glass, Clayton; Eugene Swartwout, Clayton; E. L. Swartwout, Depauville; Alvaretta Putnam, Clayton; Kate Swartout, Depauville.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Phillips, Watertown; Mrs. L. H. Irvine, Watertown; Ruth Howe, Clayton; Mrs. W. A. Howe, Clayton; Mrs. W. A. Gardner, Adams; Viola Gardner, Adams; Mrs. Florence Comins, Clayton; Daisy Comins, Clayton; Edith Best, St. Lawrence; Esttes Best, St. Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Irvine and son, Cape Vincent; Marion Devine, Watertown; Charles Sherman, Clayton; James Phillips, Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, St. Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Putnam, Clayton; Mrs. May Lingenfelter, Watertown; Mrs. Adelbert Horning and son, Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and family, Watertown.

B. G. Whitney, Clayton; Mrs. B. G. Whitney, Clayton; Mrs. M. A. Powell, Three Mile Bay; Mrs. Albert Pond, Cape Vincent; Mrs. C. E. Swartwout, Rosiere; Mrs. Erma Swaartout, Rosiers; Ethel Halladay, Clayton; Gerald Halladay, Clayton; Shepard Halladay, Clayton; Claude Swartout, Rosiere; W. E. Comins, St. Lawrence; Harry Lewis, St. Lawrence; Mrs. Newton Loomis, Three Mile Bay; Mrs. C. W. Nims, Chaumont; Mrs. H. C. Irvine, Chaumont; H. C. Irvine, Chaumont; Mr. George N. Liddy, Chaumont; Mrs. George N. Liddy, Chaumont; Mrs. BNertha Wright, Clayton; Mrs. Catherine Tryon, Watertown; Mrs. F. W. Herkimer, Depauville; Rev. W. A. Gardener, Adams; Rev. B. G. Miller, Clayton; Mrs. B. G. Miller, clayton; John W. Lingenfelter, Brownville; L. H. Irvine, Watertown; Miles E. Commins, Syracuse; Mrs. George Bass, St. Lawrence; Mrs. Tifft, Henderson; Cornelia E. Lennox, Clayton; Eleanor M. Garnsey, Clatyon; Arlie Cummings, Clayton; Anita L. Garnsey, Clayton; Margery Cummings, Clayton; Arsula Shaw, Clayton; L. F. Garnsey, Watertown; F. A. Miller, St. Lawrence; E. R. Farr, Cape Vincent; Sigfred Johnson, St. Lawrence; Harold Humphrey, Cape Vincent.

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker, Clayton; Darwin Mulcahy, Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson, St. Lawrence; G. Wesley Donaldson, St. Lawrence; Mrs. R. L. Halladay, Cleveland, Ohio; Harriet Neil (incomplete)

Typist's Note: The following paragraph of names was found on the same page in which the above item commenced. However, the paragraph doesn't collate into the text typed above nor does it mesh with the pages of continuation typed above, but it seems plausible that the FOLLOWING LIST was part of the above article.

Cleveland, Ohio; Mary Laird, Cleveland, Ohio; Lessie M. Halladay, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Dora Little, Wolfe Island; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herkimer, Depauville; Earl Fitzgerald, Brownville; Eugene Parker, Brownville; Mrs. R. Saunders, Cape Vincent; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cummings and family, St. Lawrence.



Lafargeville, May 15. -- Mrs. Christina Whittier observed her 95th birthday today. She resides with her brother, Lowell Whittier, at Omar.

Mrs. Whittier was born in Depauville in 1835, and has always lived in this vicinity. She was married when 19 and has five step-children living. At 95 she very active, doing all her own work in the care of the home and but recently finished weaving a large rag rug.

Her children and their families will gather at the home of Ed Hall and family near Omar on Sunday in honor of their mother's 95th birthday.



Lafargeville, June 4. -- Mrs. Christina Whittier Hall of Omar tripped over a rug in her home and fell fracturing her hip. Mrs. Hall observed her 95th birthday May 15 and up to the time of the accident had been very active. She did all her own work in keeping house for her brother, Lowell Whittier, at Omar.


Photo of Mrs. Christina Hall included here - accompanied by the following:

Lafargeville, May 19. -- Mrs. Christina Hall celebrated her 95th birthday last Thursday. Mrs. Christina Hall celebrated her 95th birthday last Thursday. Mrs. Hall resides with her brother, Lowell Whittier, at Omar.



Charles Ward Dillenback (sic), of the town of Clayton, died at 6:10 this morning at the House of the Good Samaritan where he had been a patient since Sunday. He had been ill two weeks.

Dr. N. L. Hawkins, his attending physician, announced after an autopsy had been performed that death was due to cerebral embolism and passive congestion of the lungs.

Mr. Dillenback was born in the town of Clayton, Jan. 25, 1882, a son of James C. and the late Mary Solomon Dillenback, and had always resided in that town. By occupation he was a farmer. He married Clara S. George May 26, 1908.

Surviving, besides his widow, are a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Hyde, Clayton; two sons, Clifford and Frederick Dillenback, town of Clayton; his father and a sister, Miss Mildred Dillenback, town of Clayton; a brother, Harry Dillenback, Syracuse, and two grandchildren.

Mr. Dillenback was a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church; the Depauville Lodge, I. O. O. F.; the Rebekah lodge; Patrons of Husbandry; Pomona grange and the state grange. At the time of his death he was vice grand of the Depauville lodge of I. O. O. F.

The Depauville lodge of Odd Fellows will have charge of the funeral Friday at 1:30 p.m. from his residence on the Gunns Corners-Depauville road and at 2 from the Methodist Episcopal church at Depauville. Rev. C. A. Robinson will officiate. Interment will be at Depauville.

Typist's Note: The spelling of "Dillenbeck" differed between the heading and the text. Typed as written.



David Blanchard, 76, who resided in Depauville 50 years ago and worked there in the general store of Martin Ranny, died in St. Paul, Minn., Thursday, according to word received by friends and relatives in this section. The funeral was held at the home of a daughter, Mrs. N. C. Brink, at St. Paul Saturday.

Mr. Blanchard last visited this section four years ago. He had been a resident of St. Paul for 49 years. He is survived by two sons, H.C. Blanchard of Clayton, and Cecil Blanchard of St. Paul; and three daughters, Mrs. Brink, Mrs. M. G. Spauling and Mrs. Coy Asp, all of St. Paul.



Mrs. Violet Maples Smith, wife of F. Horace Smith of Clayton, Route 2, died at 6:46 this morning at the House of the Good Samaritan where she had been a patient since July 14. Death was attributed to dropsy. Mrs. Smith underwent an operation some months ago from which she never fully recovered.

Mrs. Smith was born in Stoney Stanton, England, Dec. 8, 1890, a daughter of the late Thomas and Betsey Chesterton Maples and came to this country in 1914. She was married on April 5, 1914, the day of her arrival in this country, to F. Horace Smith, also of England who had migrated to this country the year before.

The ceremony was performed at Christ Episcopal church at Clayton. Mrs. Smith had resided in the town of Clayton with her husband ever since she came to his (sic) country. She was a member of Christ Episcopal church of Clayton; Valley View Rebekah Lodge of Depauville; the Grange of Depauville and of the Parent-Teachers' association of the Liberty Pole school district, town of Clayton.

Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Stanton and Howard, who reside at the Smith home; four sisters and three brothers in Warwickshire, England.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:15 p.m. at the home and at 2 at the Christ Episcopal church at Clayton, Rev. Ian A. R. MacDonald, rector, officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in Depauville cemetery.


W. H. LITTLEFIELD, 64, PLUMBER, DIES (December 10, 1931)
Death Occurs After Illness of Three Months
He Resided in City For 42 Years and Had Been in Plumbing Business Over 40 Years

William H. Littlefield, 64, resident of this city for 42 years and plumber here for more than 40 years, died at 8:30 Wednesday evening at the family residence, 413 Flower avenue east, following an illness of about three months. Mr. Littlefield had been confined to bed about six weeks.

He was born Feb. 10, 1867, at Clayton, a son of the late Wallace and Susan Lingenfelter Littlefield. His father was a native of Belleville and his mother was born at Clayton.

Mr. Littlefield spent his early life at Clayton, moving to this city when he was 22 years old. Shortly after coming to Watertown, Mr. Littlefield and Fred B. Wilson formed a partnership and their plumbing and heating firm became known as Wilson & Littlefield.

The firm is widely known in this section. The business was for three years located in King street, but for the past 25 years it has been located at 217 Court street.

Mr. Littlefield married Miss Allie M. Miser of Watertown, Aug. 10, 1891. He was a member of the Watertown Lodge of Elks and attended Stone Street Presbyterian church.

Besides his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. E. C. Alguire and Mrs. Allen F. Nelson, Watertown, Mrs. H. Duane Parish, South Rutland and Mrs. L. B. Graves of Rochester; a brother, Merritt Littlefield, Chaumont; four grandchildren, Francis A. and William A. Nelson, Watertown, and Emily R. and Herbert D. Parish, South Rutland, and several nephews and nieces.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 from the residence, Rev. Paul F. Bolier, pastor of Stone street Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be in Brookside cemetery.



(Special to The Times.)

Lafargeville, Dec. 8. -- Mrs. Christine Hall, 92, died about 6 a.m. today at the home of Mrs. Belle Tamlin, in this village. Death was due to the infirmities of old age.

She spent her entire life in this vicinity, the greater share of her life near Omar. She is survived by four step-children, Edward Hall, Omar; Merrick Hall, Tanners Corners; Mrs. Frank Augsbury and Mrs. George Hotis, Lafargeville; one brother, Noel Whittier, Lafargeville, and seven nieces and one nephew.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. from the home of her step-son, Merrick Hall, Tanners Corners, and from the Omar Methodist church at 2 p.m., Rev. C. V. Sparling, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Omar cemetery.



Lafargeville, Oct. 19. -- The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Kissel, aged 86, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin W. Beckwith, of Lafargeville, where she died suddenly Saturday. Rev. F. K. Vogt, pastor of Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church of Watertown, will officiate. Burial will be made at Depauville cemetery.

Mrs. Kissel was born at Habilzheim, Hess Damstadt, Germany, Christmas Day, 1844. When eleven, with her paretns, she crossed the Atlantic in a sailing vessel landing in New York city. The family settled on a farm near Orleans Four Corners.

Mrs. Kissell, in 1862, was married to Peter Kissel of Depauville, who died in July, 1909. She and Mr. Kissel were active in the Evangelical Lutheran church, which was situated not far from their home. There she taught a Sunday school class. Rev. Mr. Vogt, at one time was one of her pupils. Later, after the congregation disbanded, Mrs. Kissel joined the Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church of Watertown. She also was a member of Depauville grange.

The survivors are: two daughters, Mrs. Charles A. Haller and Mrs. Alvin W. Beckwith of Lafargeville, and one son, Charles Kissel of Chaumont; two sisters, Dr. Anna W. Bryant, of Denver, Col., and Mrs. Rena Gillette of Depauville; three granddaughters, Mrs. N. H. Brown of Lafargeville, Mrs. Charles Cean, Watertown, and Mrs. Alton H. Adams of 174 Bishop street, Watertown; four grandsons, Norris B. Haller and F. Kenneth Bretch, of Lafargeville; Lawrence Kissel, a student at Syracuse University and Paul W. Bretch of Cleveland, O.

Twenty great-grandchildren and one great-great grandson, Allen W. Brown, jr., son of Rev. Allen W. Brown, of Philadelphia, also survive.



Joe Spratt Post, G. A. R., at its regular meeting held Saturday afternoon in the Jefferson County Historical building, draped the charter in memory of Comrade Charles Lingenfelter, Brownville, who died last week.

Past Commander, Rev. A. H. Beebe, who presided in the absence of Commander Charles D. Bingham, made appropriate remarks as the charter was draped.


AGED 83, EXPIRES (January 13, 1932)
Retired Farmer of Brownville
Served in the Civil War--Formerly Lived in Town of Clayton

Charles G. Lingenfelter, 83, a Civil war veteran, died suddenly this morning in bed at the home of his son, James H. Lingenfelter, Brownville, of heart trouble. Mr. Lingenfelter had suffered from heart attacks for the past few months. He visited friends in Brownville Monday and was apparently in good health Tuesday night.

Mr. Lingenfelter was a native of Burlington, Vt., and he had lived the greater part of his life in Jefferson county. He moved to the town of Clayton when about four years of age. He made his home in that village until 18 years ago when he and his wife went to reside with their son, James H. Lingenfelter, and daughter, Mrs. E. K. Brown, of Brownville. Mr. Lingenfelter retired when he went to Brownville to live. He married Miss Georgiana Putman (sic) of the town of Clayton years ago.

During the last nine months of the Civil war Mr. Lingenfelter served with Company D, 186th regiment, New York infantry. He was 16 or 17 of age when he enlisted at Clayton. He was discharged at Alexandria, Va., June 2, 1865.

After the war he began farming. For a few summers he sailed the Great Lakes and then returned to farming in the town of Clayton.

Mr. Lingenfelter was a member of the Methodist church at St. Lawrence Corners. He kept his membership in that church after moving to Brownville. He was also a member of the Three Mile Bay post of the G.A.R.

Surviving besides his widow, Mrs. Lingenfelter, are: two sons, James H. Lingenfelter, R. A. Lingenfelter, and a daughter, Mrs. E. K. Brown all of Brownville. four grandhildren, Mrs. Ruth Williams of Brownville, Miss Marion Brown of Brownville, Frances Lingenfelter of Brownville and Jean Esther Lingenfelter of Brownville; two brothers, Myron of Limerick and John of Depauville; one sister, Mrs. Myron Daniels of Chaumont and several nieces and nephews.

The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 from the home of his son, at Brownville. The Rev. C. M. Smith and the Rev. P. G. Miller, Methodist ministers, will officiate. Interment will be made at Brownville. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of Brownvlle will hold a short military service at the cemetery.

Typist's Note: Charles was the son of Conrad and Elizabeth Padgett Lingenfelter.



(Special to The Times.)

Depauville, Jan. 4.--William Wetterhahn, 71, died at his home in this village Saturday afternoon at 4 after a brief illness. Mr. Wetterhahn suffered a shock about two weeks ago and his condition had gradually become worse since that time.

He was born at Clayton Jan. l, 1861, a son of Gustave and Elizabeth Leinenger (sic) Wetterhahn. He had spent most of his life in this locality as a farmer, and in June 1899, he married Miss Agnes Collins, who survives him.

Mr. Wetterhahn is also survived by two daughters, Miss Bernice Wetterhahn, who resides at home, Mrs. Leola Everett, 730 West Main street, Watertown; two sons, Clark and Loren, both of Depauville, and one sister, Mrs. Ellsworth Swartwout, of Depauville. He is also survived by three grandchildren, one niece and one nephew.

Funeral services will be hled Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the home. Interment will be made in the family plot in Depauville cemetery.



Mrs. Lily Ann Carr, 63, of 223 Coffeen street, wife of Alexander Carr, died at her home at 10:15 a.m. Sunday after an illness of five years. She underwent four operations five years ago for gall stones and had been in ill health since.

Mrs. Carr was born in Depauville Jan. 24, 1869, a daughter of the late Alonson and Delilah Rogers Gould and had been a resident of Watertown for the past 13 years. Previous to coming to Watertown, she resided at Depauville and Grindstone Island.

She was married to Alexander Carr, June 23, 1889, at Cape Vincent. She was formerly a member of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church.

Surviving besides her husband are four children, Charles, Ray Carr, of Utica, Henry A. Carr of Norwich, James E. Carr of Amsterdam, and Mrs. Lawrence J. Fish of Rochester; two grandchildren, two brothers, Eugene Gould of Depauville and Gilbert Gould of Michigan; and a sister, Mrs. Newton Loomis of Three Mile Bay.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 at the family home. The body will be taken to Depauville for burial.



Depauville, Jan. 29. -- Miss Harriet Hartman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hartman, and Gerald Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gould, were married Saturday evening at the parsonage of the Methodist church by Rev. Clark A. Robinson.

They were attended by Miss Edna Gould, sister of the bridegroom, and Lyle Hartman, brother of the bride.

Mrs. Gould is a member of Depauville O. E. S. and grange, and Mr. Gould is an active member of the Depauville volunteer fire department.

They are expected to make their home in Depauville where Mr. Gould is now employed.



(Special to The Times.)

Depauville, March 26. -- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Margaret, to Willard Dillenbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dillenbeck of Dexter.

Miss Lee is a graduate of the Clayton High school, class of June, 1935. She is an active member of the Depauville Methodist church where she teaches in the Sunday school department. For the past few months she has been attending the Watertown School of Commerce.

Mr. Dillenbeck attended the Dexter High school and is a member of the Dexter Presbyterian church. He is now employed by Karl Dorr, Limerick.

The date of the wedding has not been announced.


J. H. COSSELMAN MARRIED (February 26, --?--)

The marriage of John H. Cosselman, 243 Stuart street, and Miss Virginia Dewitt Kelly of Syracuse, took place Sunday afternoon, Feb. 26, at the Grace Episcopal church at Carthage. Rev. Henry W. Bell, rector of the church, officiated.

The couple was attended by Angus Cardinal and Miss Mary Majo, both of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Cosselman have established their residence in this city.

Mr. Cosselman is a son of Mrs. Mattie Cosselman and the late Albert Cosselman. Mrs. Cosselman is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Kelly of 303 Marshall street, Syracuse. She attended the College of Fine Arts, Syracuse university.


Couple To Reside at Millen's Bay Upon Their Return From a Wedding Trip Through the Adirondacks

Cape Vincent, Oct. 20. -- The parsonage of the Episcopal church at Cape Vincent was the scene of a quiet wedding Thursday at 11:30 a.m. when Miss Doris Aleatha Putnam of Clayton, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stanton A. Putnam and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Wood, with whom she has resided for the past 15 years, was married to Werner Everett Dodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Dodge of Cape Vincent.

They were attended by Miss Mildred Phillips, a close friend of the bride, and Merlin Dodge, brother of the bridegroom.

The bride was attired in a brown ensemble with matching accessories. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Phillips also wore brown and carried a bouquet of large yellow chrysanthemums.

After the ceremony the bridal party motored to Watertown where luncheon was served at the Hotel Woodruff. Immediately following luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Dodge left on a short wedding trip through the Adirondacks. Upon their return the couple will reside at Millen's Bay.

Mrs. Dodge is a graduate of Clayton High school in the class of '32 and attended Watertown School of Commerce for one year. Mr. Dodge is a graduate of Cape Vincent High school in the class of '28. For the past three years he has been employed by the Hygienic Dairy company of Cape Vincent.


Shower is Held

Mrs. Merle Dailey, 355 Winslow street, held a shower at her home on Thursday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Dorothy Thomson, Three Mile Bay, whose marriage to Harold Warner, also of Three Mile Bay, will take place in a few months. A course dinner was served and a social program was enjoyed.

Those present at the shower were: Miss Dorothy Thompson, Harold Warner, Mrs. Burton Dodge, Mrs. Ezra Thompson, Three Mile Bay; Mrs. Harold Van Alstyne, Chaumont; Rev. and Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Ruth Henderson, Miss Jessie Duten, Miss Thelma Harmer, Mrs. Ellen Dailey and Mrs. Merle Dailey.



Depauville, Feb. 18. -- Miss Mabel Aleen Cardiff, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cardill of Depauville, was quietly married at 7:30 this morning to George Kidd Hutcheon, formerly of Syracuse. The ceremony, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, was performed by Rev. A. A. Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The couple was unattended.

A wedding gown of blue de royale flat crepe was worn by the bride. Immediately following the ceremony the couple left for Brockville, Canada, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, the latter of whom is a sister of the bridegroom. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hutcheon of Dunbarton, Ont., the former of whom is a brother of the bridegroom. For travelling the bride wore a costume of brown velvet.

The former Miss Cardiff has always made her home in Depauville and has cared for her invalid mother. Mr. Hutcheon was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and came to Toronto, Canada, in 1913. Recently he has been engaged as an engraver with W. H. H. Chamberlain of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Hutcheon will make their future home in Depauville.



Depauville, Nov. 22. -- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Swartout today announced the marriage of their niece, Miss Bernice A. Wetterhahn to Lawrence W. Snell of Lafargeville. The ceremony took place at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage at Tupper Lake June 11, 1932, and was performed by Rev. J. A. Syphert.

Mr. Snell is a merchant, conducting a grocery store in Lafargeville. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, a granger, a member of the Masonic order, and holds the office of patron of Ruhamah chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.

Mr. and Mrs. Snell will soon take up their residence on Sunrise avenue, Lafargeville.



Howard B. Jeffers of Rutland Hollow and Miss Florence R. Eisenhauer of Depauville were married, Wednesday at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Charles Bollinger officiating.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eisenhauer of Depauville. For the last year she has resided with her sister, Mrs. George McNitt.

Mr. Jefferson is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Jeffers of Rutland Hollow. Those present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eisenhauer, Mrs. and Mrs. Brayton Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. George McNitt, Lyle B. Jeffers, Miss Elgitha F. Jeffers,. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson will reside at the home of the bridegroom's parents.



Lafargeville, Oct. 22. -- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nash have returned from a wedding trip in the central part of the state.

They were united in marriage Oct. 8 by Rev. W. A. Gardner, pastor of Adams Methodist Episcopal church. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Heyl of Lafargeville. On October 10, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Heyl, they motored to Rochester where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nash, uncle of the bridegroom for a few days. They are at home in Lafargeville, where Mr. Nash has been a life long resident. Mrs. Nash was formerly Mrs. Bertha Plato of Clayton. She has been a teacher in that vicinity for a number of years. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rusho of Clayton.



Depauville, Feb. 10.--John Austin of Watertown and Beatrice Hart of Depauville were quietly married at the Baptist personage last Saturday evening by the Rev. Harvey Perry. Mrs. Harvey Perry and Mrs. Riley Brown, witnessed the ceremony.

The couple went to Mrs. Austin's home about two miles from the village Saturday evening and it is understood that they expect to reside at Mr. Austin's home on Francis street in Watertown. This is the second marriage for both.



Clayton, Aug. 12. -- A pretty home wedding took place at high noon Sunday when Miss Fern Swartout became the bride of Raymond Ormsby at the bride's home here.

The bride was gowned in white chiffon with hose to match. She wore silver pumps and carried sweet peas and maiden hair fern.

Miss Edith Mabel Allen, bridesmaid, wore pale green chiffon and blonde shoes and hose and carried snowball hyderangeas and flox (sic). Jay Perry Ormsby acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. A. Lawrence, pastor of Depauville church. The wedding march, On the Lake, was played by Miss Flora Elvira Ormsby, sister of the bridegroom. Following after the ceremony Grace Lawrence of Depauville sang, "Somwhere a Voice Is Calling," and O Promise Me," accompanied by Mrs. Isabel Thomson of Depauville.

The house was decorated with lilies and golden glow, forming an arch under which the ceremony was performed. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served.

Mrs. Ormsby is a graduate of the Clayton high school of the class of 1930, and holds a position in Watertown. The bridegroom attended local schools and at present is a farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Ormsby expect to make their home in Watertown.


(with photo of Leona)

(Special to The Times.)

Clayton, Oct. 5. -- Miss Leona Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ellis, and Carl McKinley, son of Mrs. Mary McKinley, both of this village, were united in marriage at 8:45 p.m. Friday at the St. Mary's church rectory, by Rev. George E. Racette.

The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Bertram. The bride wore a black satin chiffon gown, with hat and shoes to match. The bridesmaid wore black chiffon with hat and shoes to match.

Mrs. McKinley is a graduate of Clayton High school, class of 1930, and for the past three summers has been employed in the office of George Bates, town clerk.

Mr. McKinley attended Clayton High school and St. Mary's academy.

Mr. and Mrs. McKinley left after the ceremony for Montreal by motor. They will make their home here upon their return this week.



Legend: Miss Janis Exford, who will be married Sunday, Nov. 27, in Holy Family church to Frank Debevic of Waukeegan, Ill., was honored at a shower Friday night at the home of Miss Menetta Morgia, 703 Academy street. Fromt left to right are: Miss Morgia, hostess; Mrs. Suzanne Exford, bridesmaid-to-be; Mrs. Francis Dorr, to be matron of honor; Miss Exford, the bride-to'be; Mrs. Karl Exford, mother of the bride-to-be, and Miss Shirley Castro, bridesmaid-to-be.



Depauville, Nov. 25. -- Miss Barbara Sheley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sheley and Gerald Hill, son of Brayton Hill and the late Mrs. Rachel Hill, were married Tuesday evening at 8 at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Robert E. Wright. The double ring ceremony was used.

The bride wore a green suit and a corsage of yellow roses. Her only ornament was a pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom when she was graduated from high school.

The maid of honr, Miss Anna Hill, sister of the bridegroom wore a gold wool street length dress with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow pompons.

Earl Hill, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man.

Mrs. Sheley, mother of the bride, was attired in a green street length dress and wore a corsage of white pompons.

Following the ceremony a reception and informal dinner were held. Mrs. Robert Eckert and Miss Amanda Bitz served. The house was decorated with white and yellow pompons.

After a wedding trip to Detroit, Mich., the couple will reside near Clayton on the Alexandria Bay road.

Mrs. Hill was graduated from the Clayton Central school in 1945.

Mr. Hill is employed in Clayton.



Depauville, Aug. 31. -- Walter C. Mitchell, 68, farmer in this area all of his life, died at 10:30 this morning. Mr. Mitchell had been ill for the past 15 years, suffering from multiple sclerosis.

The funeral will be Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the family home here, Rev. Harold H. Niles, pastor of All Soul's Universalist church, Watertown, officiating. Burial will be in North Watertown cemetery.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia M. Mitchell, one daughter, Mrs. Edward (Hilda) Wright, 314 Sherman street, Watertown; a son, Neil E. Mitchell, and five grandchildren.

Mr. Mitchell was born Dec. 27, 1886, in the town of Pamelia, a son of Frank and Marion Cole Mitchell. On July 5, 1913, he married the former Miss Julia Moffett in the Universalist church, Watertown. He had lived all his life in this area, where he was employed as a farmer.

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