Part: 1, Part: 2, Part: 3, Part: 4, Part: 5
Depauville Man Was
Star Route Mail Carrier 26 Years--Rites Friday.
(Special to The Times)
Depauville, April 2.--Leon L. Gillette, 66, former Star Route mail carrier, died of a heart ailment this morning at 12:30 at his home on the Depauville-Gunn's Corners road. He had been ill since Nov. 13, 1950, when he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Clark Memorial funeral home, Chaumont, Rev. H. Roberts Mallabar, pastor of Depauville Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Daniel Evans, pastor of Stone church, officiating. Burial will be at Depauville.
Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stoner, Depauville; two brothers, Perl, Depauville, and DeEsting, Ossining.
Mr. Gillette was born in the town of Clayton, Nov. 29, 1885, a son of Levi and Rena Dorr Gillette. He had always lived in this area. He served as a mail carrier for 26 years, retiring because of an illness. Mr. Gillette never married.
Depauville Man, 66, Collapses in Barn--Funeral
On Thursday. (1956)
The funeral for Elmer L. Haas, 66, of Depauville, who died suddenly Tuesday morning in a barn on the farm owned by his son, Keith L. Haas, on the Gunns Corners-Depauville road, near Depauville, will be held at his home Thursday afternoon at 2.
Rev. Frank I. Smith, pastor of the Depauville Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Depauville cemetery.
A Masonic service will be held at the family home tonight at 8 under the auspices of Depauville Lodge, 688, F. & A.M., of which he was a member. Mr. Haas was also a member of Depauville Grange, 59.
Surviving Mr. Haas are his wife, Mrs. Iva Burgen Haas; five children, Elmereen W. Haas, Cato, N. Y. Mrs. Earl (Evelyn) Charlebois, Mattydale, W. Wilson Haas, Randalph, N. Y., Kent E. Haas, Fayetteville, and Keith L. Haas, Depauville, and eleven grandchildren.
Mr. Haas was found dead in the barn, near the entrance, late Tuesday morning a few minutes after he had collapsed, evidently of a heart attack. He had not been well for about two months. He had gone to the barn earlier in the morning to feed the young stock and had finished his chore when he was stricken.
He was born June 19, 1889, at Depauville, a son of William and Violet Schnauber Haas. A life-long resident of Depauville and vicinity, he had been a farmer and truckman.
For years he owned and operated a threshing machine and hay baler, conducting a business that took him to various farms in this section.
Mr. Haas married Miss Iva Burgen June 14, 1913, in a ceremony solemnized at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burgen of the Limerick road. Rev. George Ernst, then pastor of the Chaumont Methodist church, performed the ceremony.
Typist's Note: The date, March 20, 1956, which was handwritten on the clipping may be in error -- because in close proximity to the end of this obit was a segment of the typewritten date of "....afternoon, March 5, 1956."
Mrs. Hazel I. Eigabroadt, Depauville, is named sole legatee and executrix of the $10,000 estate left by her husband, Clayton E. Eigabroadt, who died April 7, according to the petition filed with Judge Leon Schwerzmann, surrogate, for the probate of his will.
The will was drawn by Attorney Ellsworth J. Carter, Clayton, and was executed Oct. 25, 1951. It names Mrs. Eigabroadt sole executrix and is witnessed by Attorney Carter and Ella M. Dillenbeck, Clayton. Attorney Carter represents the estate, which consists of an estimated $6,000 personalty and about $4,000 realty, all of which is jointly owned with the widow.
Clayton, Aug. 27. -- Robert Reff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reff, Clayton-Depauville road married Miss Shelah Eileen Wilkie, daughter of Mrs. Persis Wilkie, Depauville, and the late Mr. Lemon Wilkie, Aug. 20 in St. Mary's church, with Very Rev. George E. Racette, pastor, performing the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Mollie Fulmer, sister of the bride was matron of honor. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Reff, sister of the bridegroom. The best man was Otis Reff. Gareth Wilkie, Paul Reff and Richard Locke were ushers.
A reception was held at the Depauville town hall following the wedding.
The bride has been employed at C and C bakery in Clayton.
After a trip through the Adirondacks, the couple will be at home at the Reff farm on the Clayton-Depauville road.
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, Jan. 16.--Miss Gertrude Phillips, 86, former school teacher, died Sunday night about midnight at the home of Fred Casler, near this village after being ill but a few weeks.
She was born in the town of Lyme in 1846, daughter of Abraham and Mary Dickey Phillips. After training from the Oswego Normal School, she taught for many years. She was a member of the Presbyterian church at Chaumont.
The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 at the Casler home with Rev. Kenneth Huggins, pastor of the Presbyterian church here, officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery at St. Lawrence.
There are no near relatives.
(Special to The Times.)
Three Mile Bay, June 5.--Miss Hattie Sponable, 58, died at 8:30 this morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Seigal Becker, near here. She suffered a shock a week ago.
Born in the town of Lyme, the daughter of Alonzo and Sarah Crouse Sponable, she had spent her life therein. She had at times been employed as a housekeeper.
Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Milton Lance, Mrs. William Bates, Mrs. Seigal Becker, Mrs. Ralph Warner, all residents here; a brother, John Sponable, Endicott.
Miss Sponable belonged to the local Rebekah lodge.
The funeral will be held from the home of the sister where she died at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday and at 2 p.m. from the local Baptist church. Rev. E. H. Conrad, the pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in the family plot in the cemetery here.
Mrs. Adeline LaVanchard Casselman, 89, widow of Donald Casselman, 28 years a resident of the Jefferson county home, near this city, died there Tuesday evening at 8:15.
She was a native of this country, being born on April 1, 1844, a daughter of Frederick and Mathilda LaPoint LaVanchard. For many years she was a resident of the town of Lyme, living with her husband on the north shore of the Chaumont river. He died 30 years ago.
Funeral services will be held from the R. S. Clark undertaking parlors at Chaumont Thursday afternoon at 2 with burial in the Morris Tract cemetery, near that village.
Three Mile Bay, Nov. 24.--After a week's illness of low blood pressure and heart disease, John Sponable, 61, only son of the late Alonzo and Sarah Crouse Sponable, died at Endicott Thursday.
He was born on the Sponable farm just east of this village, and obtained his education at the village union free school. At his father's death the farm came into his possession and in early life he was married to Gertrude Hemstreet, who died several years ago.
Three children were born to this union, Grace, wife of Harold Smith, of Lisle, N. Y.; Laura, wife of Frank Campbell of Endicott, and Floyd Sponable of Endicott, who with three grandchildren survive him. He is also survived by four sisters, Mrs. Milton Lance, Mrs. William Bates, Mrs. Segal Becker and Mrs. Ross Warner of Three Mile Bay. Fourteen years ago he moved to Endicott where he resided until the time of his death.
He was a member of I. O. O. F. and Foresters.
Funeral services will be held from his former home now the home of his sister, Mrs. William Bates, Sunday, at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Frank Mindham, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, Nov. 10.--Adam Webber, 71, farmer, died at 8 this morning at his home near this village after being ill for seven weeks with heart disease.
He was born in Rosiere, May 24, 1862, a son of Conrad and Anna Knapp Webber, and married Della Withey in Rosiere on Nov. 16, 1887.
Besides his widow he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Haggerty of Point Peninsula, and Mrs. David Mount of Milton, Pa.; three grandchildren, Mrs. Florence Klock of Oswego, June and Catherine Haggerty of Point Peninsula; one great-granddaughter, three sisters, Miss Anna Webber of Rochester, Mrs. Rose Mortimer of Rochester and Mrs. Elizabeth Failing of Watertown, and one brother, Joseph Webber of Clayton.
The funeral will probably be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. from the home, Rev. C. A. Robinson of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be at St. Lawrence.
Webber Rites Held
Depauville, Nov. 13. -- The funeral of Adam Webber was held from his home Sunday at 1:30. Rev. C. A. Robinson officiated. E. J. Stadler, A. L. Lingenfelter, E. G. Dintelman and Clarence Eckert acted as bearers. Interment was made in St. Lawrence Cemetery.
Mrs. Carrie A. Cutler Bennett, 73, wife of Fred E. Bennett, died about 11:45 this morning at her home, 340 Flower avenue east, of double pneumonia. She was taken ill with the grip about two weeks ago and later pneumonia developed. Her condition had been serious since Sunday.
She was born at Champion, March 15, 1860, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Cutler. She lived at Champion until 13 years ago when she moved to this city, where she had since resided.
She was married to Fred E. Bennett of Brownville Feb. 16, 1881, at Champion. She was a member of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church.
Surviving are her husband, a son, Earl C. Bennett of Detroit, a granddaughter, Mrs. Dorothy Bennett Hosterman of Carthage, and a great-grandchild, Fred Hosterman of Carthage.
Funeral arrangements were incomplete this afternoon. Burial will be made at Champion.
Occasion Quietly Celebrated at
Home of Son in Lafargeville--Both Are in Fairly Good Health.
(individual photos of Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine appeared on this page)
Lafargeviille, Feb. 11. -- On Saturday, Feb. 9, Mr. and Mrs. George Sourwine observed their 68th wedding anniversary.
Their wedding date was postponed as the date they had set was Feb. 7, 1861. But on that day it was so stormy, and as the guests were unable to reach the appointed place, the wedding was postponed until the following Saturday, Feb. 9.
The day dawned clear and Miss Mary Baltz and the bridegroom, George Sourwine, were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Schafer, at the home of the bride's father, Andrew John Baltz. Miss Caroline Dorr and Andrew Baltz, brother of the bride, stood up with them. It was a large wedding and of the many guests who attended only a brother of Mrs. Sourwine, Charles Baltz of Chicago, is living.
Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine started on their wedding trip to Rodman on the following Monday. They drove a team hitched to a long sleigh, and traveling was slow due to the heavy fall of snow. At Watertown it began to rain and this made the going still slower and harder for the horses and they were obliged to stop and rest within four miles of their destination. They stayed with a minister and family by the name of Spaulding. The rain storm increased and they were compelled to wait with them two days before they could complete their journey.
Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine started housekeeping on a farm near Depauville. Here they lived for six years, and then moved to a farm nearer Lafargeville where they made their home until within the last six years when they moved to this village to reside with their only son, Charles Sourwine. Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine are still in possession of a cherry drop leaf table which was one of their wedding gifts.
Mr. Sourwine is 93. He was born in New York city in 1836. When very young he went to work for his uncle, John Dorr and remained there until 18, receiving for his labors only his board and clothes. Mr. Sourwine has always lived on a farm. Now in his advanced years, he is very active.
Mrs. Sourwine is 91. She was born in 1838 near Stone Mills and up until six years ago has cared for her own home. She still is busy knitting and piecing quilts, but has had to forego these pastimes of late to some extent because of failing eye sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine are members of the Evangelistic church and both interested in politics.
Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sourwine, Mrs. Anna Kemper, of Chicago, Mrs. Stella Fares of Detroit, Mrs. Eva Brady of Watertown, and Charles A. of this village. They have nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Their 68th anniversary was celebrated quietly at the home of their son, Charles Sourwine, the only guests being their grandson, George Sourwine, jr., and family, who were there for dinner.
Married Miss Mary Baltz on Feb. 9,
1861. -- They Observed 70th Wedding Anniversary
Marriage and Honeymoon Delayed by Stormy Weather
-- Funeral is Monday.
(this obit was incomplete on the copy sent to this typist)
Lafargeville, Sept. 13.--Wendal J. Heyl Thursday observed his 85th birthday. He had a birthday dinner with his daughter, Mrs. Georgia Jerome, and the day passed much as usual. Mr. Heyl is enjoying the best of health, and slight deafness is his only impairment of faculties.
Mr. Heyl prefers to live alone and is perfectly contented with his garden, household duties, reading and violin. He was a famous fiddler of early days playing and calling for all the country and barn dances in this section.
He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity more than 60 years, joining the Depauville Lodge December 16, 1868. He is a great reader, liking stories of adventure and western thrillers best.
Mr. Heyl has owned for 50 years the large double house of stone, built shortly after the LaFarge mansion, and patterned somewhat like it. The house was originally built by a man who endeavored to build as fine a place as LaFarge, and who ruined himself in the endeavor.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, June 12.--Mrs. Sarah Gloyd Fox, 86, widow of Byron Fox, died at her home in this village at 2 this morning after a brief illness.
She was born in the town of Clayton, a daughter of Gordon and Sarah Rogers Gloyd. She married Mr. Fox in January, 1867. He was a well known grain dealer in this village. Most of her life had been spent in this place.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mary J. Durfee, West Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. Grace G. Dale, wife of Dr. Frederick Dale of Depauville, and a son, Harry Fox, who resides at home. Another son, Wilbur A. Fox, died last summer.
Funeral services will be held from the home Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. Mr. Lawrence of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be made in Depauville cemetery.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, July 7.-- Benjamin E. Clemons, 71, died Sunday evening at 6 at the home of his son, Earl E. Clemons in this village. He had been ill since last January.
Born Oct. 4, 1858, in the town of Lee, Oneida county, he was the son of Roderick and Mary McNett Clemons. With his parents he came to this vicinity when a boy. He had resided here since, following the occupation of a farmer. He married Ella M. Webb in December, 1881. She died in September, 1899. Later he married Mrs. Victoria Bidwell, who survives. Two sons, Earl R. and John W. Clemons, also survive.
Funeral services will be held from the home of his son, Earl R. Clemons, Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. A. a. Lawrence of the local Methodist
Episcopal church officiating. Interment will be made at Perch River.
Charles A. Fox, 85, of 105 Maple street, Black River, died at 6 Friday night at the House of the Good Samaritan. Mr. Fox suffered a shock a week and a half ago, shortly after moving to Black River from this city. He fractured his hip in a fall at his home a week ago. Three days ago he was brought to the House of the Good Samaritan. Pneumonia, which developed, was the cause of his death.
Mr. Fox was born on a farm near Depauville, in May, 1845, a son of Alfred and Alice Bent Fox. He spent his early life in Depauville and was graduated from the Belleville academy. Mr. Fox taught school for two years at Reynolds Corner.
He was first married to Miss Cynthia Lee of Depauville. He followed the occupation of farming for about 20 years after his marriage. She died many years ago.
Mr. Fox later married Miss Alice Meyer in 1876. He purchased a store in Depauville after he stopped farming, retiring from active work six years ago. He resided on Washington street in this city since then up to a year and a half ago when he went to Black River to reside.
Surviving are his widow, Alice Meyer Fox of Black River; three children, Mrs. Nellie Schryver, Syracuse, Miss Elsie Fox, Washington, D. C., and Ross Fox of Syracuse; a brother, Alfred Fox of 1114 Franklin street, and two sisters, Mrs. James Lee and Miss Mary Jane Fox of Buffalo. Mrs. Schryver is a daughter of Mr. Fox and Cynthia Lee Fox.
Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 from Howland funeral parlors on State street, Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, D. D., pastor of All Souls' Universalist church, officiating. Burial will be made in Depauville.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, July 16.--Daniel W. Sprague, 68, died at 8 this morning at his home in this village after an illness of two months.
He was born in Cape Vincent, Jan. 2, 1862, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sprague. Most of his life had been spent in the town of Clayton where he operated a farm. He retired some years ago and moved to this village. He was a member of the K. K. K.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Agnes Proven Sprague; two sons, Earl of Philadelphia and Milton of Depauville; two daughters, Mrs. Elmer Elnors (?), Brooklyn, and Miss Pearl Sprague of Brownville.
Funeral services will be held at the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church Friday at 2 p.m., Rev. A. A. Lawrence, officiating. Interment will be made at Depauville.
Well Known Physician, Ill Only
Two Weeks
He Settled in Depauville After
Graduating From Medical School and Practiced
There 42 Years.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, June 23.--Dr. Frederick T. Dale, 71, died at his home in this village this morning about 4:20 after an illness of two weeks. Death was due to a shock.
Dr. Dale had practiced medicine here for 42 years. He was widely known in this vicinity and had a large practice in the rural sections. He was active until his last sickness and treated patients the day before he was stricken ill.
Born in Springfield, Mass., on Aug. 4, 1858, he received his early education in that city. He attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, Md., graduating in 1888.
After his graduation he was advised to settle here by the late Dr. H. G. Spencer of Watertown. Dr. Spencer was then a leading physician of Watertown and Dr. Dale followed his advice. Dr. Dale made many friends here during the years. He was a member of the Depauville lodge, No. 688, F. A. & M.
In June 1891, Dr. Dale married Miss Grace G. Fox of this place, who survives. Other survivors are a daughter, Josephine, the wife of Lieut. Col. William A. Johnson of the army engineer corps who is now stationed in California, and a grandson, William A. Johnson, Sr., of California.
Funeral services will be held from the home Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. A. A. Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, Officiating. Interment will be made in Depauville cemetery.
Depauville, June 27. -- The funeral of Dr. F. T. Dale was held from his late home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Arthur Lingenfelter, Edward Dintelman, Harold Easton, Everett Vincent, Edwin Sternberg and Marcus Sternberg acted as bearers. Rev. A. A. Lawrence officiated. Interment was made in Depauville cemetery.
Had been Road Superintendent of
Town of Clayton Since 1911 --
Last Rites To Be Saturday
Afternoon at 2.
(Special to The Times)
Chaumont, July 3. -- Byron W. Hart, 71, president of the County Association of Town Highway Superintendents, died at his farm home in the town of Clayton, near Depauville, this morning at 7:45 from a cerebral hemorrhage. He had been ill since Feb. 1. He had been superintendent of roads of the town of Clayton since 1911.
Mr. Hart suffered a shock about midnight of Feb. 1 which paralyzed his left side.
He was born Feb. 26, 1859, at Leraysville, and came to the town of Clayton with his parents, Asa E. Hart and Hannah Hart, when he was four years old. He had since resided in that town. On Feb. 18, 1896, he married Miss Ella Faire, who died in 1910. On Sept. 12, 1911, he married Beatrice M. Rees.
Mr. Hart was a farmer virtually all his life and owned the farm where he died. His father, Asa E. Hart, was the inventor of the first pegging machine.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge, Odd Fellows lodge, Rebekah lodge and the Order of the Eastern Star (typed as written!), all of Depauville.
Besides his wife, he is survived by a niece, Mrs. Eugene Gould. He had no children.
Funeral services will be held from his late home Saturday afternoon at 2. Rev. Mr. Perry and Rev. A. A. Lawrence of Depauville and Rev. Frank J. Brown of Harrisville will officiate.
Depauville, July 7. The funeral of Byron W. Hart which was held from his home Saturday at 2 p.m., was largely attended. The I. O. O. F. lodge, No. 848, and the Masonic lodge, No. 688, attended in a body.
Rev. H. A. Perry, Rev. A. A. Lawierra of Depauville, and Rev. Frank Brown of Harrisville officiated. Ernest Failing, Arthur Lingenfelter, Edward Dintelman, Vernet Schnauber, Samuel Mathews and Harold Easton acted as bearers.
Thomas J. McMichael, 86, died this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilder at Depauville where he had been residing since April. Mr. McMichael had been in failing health for several years and ill for the past three months. Death was attributed to the infirmities of old age.
Mr. McMichael was born Jan. 13, 1844, in Ireland, and migrated to this country with his parents, the late Daniel and Catherine Mooney McMichael, when he was about six years old. The family resided for years in the town of Champion. Later Mr. McMichael moved to the town of Rutland. For a number of years he conducted a butter and cheese store in Rodman. He was a butter and cheese merchant in Copenhagen as well as Rodman for some time.
For the last 20 years he resided in Syracuse with Mr. and Mrs. Wilder and when the couple moved to Depauville he came with them. He had been retired for many years. He never married. He was a charter member of the Knights of Columbus.
Surviving are a sister, Miss Mary McMichael of Albany, and several nephews and nieces, among whom are George L. and Miss Maude L. Smith of the town of Rutland. A number of his nephews and nieces reside in Utica and Syracuse.
The body was brought to the Guilfoyle company and undertaking parlors where services will be held Friday morning. Interment will be in Fairview cemetery at Carthage.
Depauville, Feb. 25.--Mrs. Susan A. Sprague, 60, wife of Daniel W. Sprague, died suddenly at her home here at 6 p.m. Tuesday. District Attorney Howard B. Donaldson of Watertown was notified and he named Dr. O. J. LaFontaine of Chaumont, coroner's physician to investigate. Dr. LaFontaine said he believed death due to a heart attack.
Mrs. Sprague was born in Harrisville, Sept. 29, 1870. She resided in Lewis county for many years and for the past few years had resided in this section. She leaves her husband, Daniel W. Sprague; two brothers, Oliver and Andrew Closs, Harrisville; one sister, Mrs. Sarah Yerdon, Harrisville, and eight children.
The body was taken to Chaumont and funeral services will be held from the Clark undertaking parlors there Friday at 2 p.m., Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. The body will be placed in the vault at Depauville.
(Special to The Times.)
Clayton, Aug. 27. -- Mrs. Margaret Casselman, 79, died at her home, 307 State street, Clayton, at 2 this morning. Mrs. Casselman had been ill for several weeks and her death was due to the infirmities of her age.
Mrs. Casselman was born in Montpelier, Vt., May 31, 1851, daughter of James and Mary Mullin Fitzgerald. Her parents moved to a farm about two miles from Clayton when she was eight years old. She had resided on this farm and in the village of Clayton since that time. She was a member of St. Mary's church and the League of the Sacred Heart of the church.
Her marriage to Mr. Casselman took place in 1908. She is survived by two sons, Clarence M., and William J. Casselman, and one daughter, Miss Gertrude Casselman, all of Clayton, and twelve grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 9 Friday morning at St. Mary's church.
Depauville, June 7. -- Mrs. Will Gale last Tuesday entertained a number of girls in honor of the ninth birthday of her daughter, Alberta. Supper was served at 5:30 p.m. Those present were: Doris Mexdorf, Betty Green, Betty Denny, Roberta Daron, Ruth Kasler, Ferne Eigabroadt, Alberta Lawrence, Genevieve Lewis, Geraldina Lewis, Janette Sprague, Verda Scott, Gladys Sherman, Margaret Ayrest, Alberta Gale. --Mr. and Mrs. Buford Stoner of Massachusetts were the week-end guests of Mrs. Stoner's mother, Mrs. Rena Gillette. --Miss May Kennedy of Watertown is the guest of hr niece, Mrs. E. J. Stadler and family.
Three Mile Creek, May 8. -- Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Whitney gave a surprise party at their home on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Etta Putnam, the occasion being her 70th birthday. Her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Sheldon, with whom she resides, and Mrs. Catherine Ingram arranged a complete surprise at the home of one of her old neighbors.
The table was decorated for the occasion in pink and white with favors to match. After supper the Matthews children gave Mrs. Putnam a basket filled with greetings and gifts from her friends and neighbors.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Swartout, Bernice Wetterhahn and Miss Minnie Wetterhahn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews and children, Depauville; Mrs. Anna Dygert, Mrs. Minnie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mattis and son, Howard, Clayton; Mrs. Frannie Cole and son, Ross, of St. Lawrence; Mrs. Margaret Knight, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Whitney, Mrs. Etta Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sheldon, Miss Jennie Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ingram, Harold Richer, Mr. and Mrs. George Swartout, Fern and Lyle, Eugene Swartout, Mr. and Mrs. Perl Ormsby, Perry, Flora and Raymond Ormsby, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood and Miss Doris Putnam.
Worst November Blizzard in Years Sweeps Six
Counties (Nov. 30, 1929)
(only the headlines were inserted in this scrapbook)
Honored on Birthday (1930)
Depauville, April 28. -- Mrs. Leroy W. Priest was surprised at her home in Depauville Thursday evening, April 24, the occasion, being her 49th birthday.
Dinner was served at 7 p.m. after which cards and dancing were enjoyed. Mrs. Priest was the recipient of numerous gifts.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Heyl and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White and Earl, Teddy and Carol White of Lafargeville; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hart and Dorothy and James Hart of Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Percy and son, Jack, of Watertown and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Priest of Depauville.
125 PRESENT AT OLD HOME DAY (8-12-1930)
About 125 residents and former residents were present for the Old Home Day program in Depauville Tuesday. The program was in charge of Rev. A. A. Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the Men's Bible class of the church.
Speakers were Attorneys Howard B. Donaldson and Henry J. Kimball of this city who spoke on the value of annual get-together meetings. A. D. Lowe of Depauville gave a short address on the history of Depauville.
Regrets at their inability to attend were received from two former Depauville residents, C. A. Winslow of New York and Fred Dorr of Illinois. In their letters were contributions to further the success of the day. Selections were played by the Depauville orchestra.
A dinner was held at noon in the town hall.
* * * * *
(From the Times Records - 1912)
Mon. April 15. -- A thunder storm today. The Titanic went down at 2:20 this morning. There were over a thousand on board.
* * * * *
Amos Lewis, 53, Depauville, employe of the town of Clayton, was granted an award totaling $2,216 for the loss of his right eye. The award was the largest on the calendar.
Lewis was injured on June 16, while quarrying at the stone quarry at Clayton Center, pieces of stone flew into his eye, destroying his sight. The eye was removed by Dr. W. S. Atkinson and an artificial eye fitted. The eye ball was cut by the accident.
W. T. Holmes represented the county at the hearing. Mr. Lewis will receive compensation for 160-weeks at $13.85 a week. The case was closed.
Depauville, July 1. -- Mrs. Alice Gloyd of Syracuse is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe. --Mrs. Nettie Lee and daughter, Flora, left for New York Monday night to spend some time with Mrs. Lee's sister, Alberta Horan. --Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes, sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Washburn and Mrs. Annie Zimmerman of Sackets Harbor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stadler and family, Sunday. --Mr. and Mrs. Myron Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Haas and son of Chaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lingenfelter and daughter, Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dintelman and son, Carl of Depauville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Lingenfelter. --Mrs. Dell Kissel and daughter, Mrs. Brown of Watertown, were the guests of Mrs. Minnie Moulds Sunday
Depauville, June 11. -- The Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Muriel Gale last Wednesday. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Chairman, Mrs. Lilly Gale; vice chairman, Mrs. Muriel Gale; recording secretary, Mrs. Gladys Dorr; treasurer, Mrs. Lillian Lingenfelter.
The next meeting will be an all day session at the home of Mrs. Lillian Lingenfelter. A picnic dinner will be served at noon. This will be the last meeting until September.
Depauville, June 11. -- The following officers were elected at the last meeting of the P. T. A. on May 27: President, Edith Nims; vice president, Melva Dintelman; secretary, Ava Lewis; treasurer, Gladys Gould; financial secretary, Lily Gale.
Samuel Greer, 60, of Depauville, was admitted at the Mercy hospital at 7:30 Tuesday night, suffering from a fractured right let sustained when he fell from the top of a hay mow at his farm. He was brought here by motor and was reported resting comfortably today. Dr. H. G. Farmer is attending him.
Depauville Girl Better. (1931)
Depauville, Jan. 15. -- The condition of Ferne Lingenfelter who came home from Watertown last Thursday sick with a relapse of the grip is improved. Dr. O. J. La Fontaine of Chaumont, attended her.
Moving in Order
DEPAUVILLE, Nov. 2. -- Mrs. Nettie Brown of Syracuse, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Thompson.
Edwin Sternberg has been confined to his bed for the past two days with a severe attack of the grippe.
Charles Fluckiger has moved to Clayton. Mrs. Frank Armstrong of Chaumont, mother of Mrs. Marcus Sternberg will move into the Nettie Lowe house left vacant by the Fluckiger's.
Fred Flick who at present in living on the Heyle place, will move into the Christena Hatline house as soon as the Sternbergs move into their new home, some time before Thanksgiving day.
Fred Van Alstyne is moving into the village in the Frank Diefendorf house.
Mrs. Millie Failing, Mrs. Clarence Bates, Mrs. Art Lingenfelder (sic) and Mrs. Ethel Spencer spent Saturday night in Watertown attending lodge.
Sternberg Brothers Manager of Glen Easton Garage
The Glen (sic) Eastin (sic) garage, successively operated by Ed. Jarvis, Charles Fluckiger and Carl Fry is now under the management of Sternberg Brothers. Milton (Mick) Sprague has closed his garage and is employed by the Sternberg Brothers as chief mechanic. A full line of repairs and accessories will be carried, gas and oil to be dispense, repairing at reasonable prices and a general garage, is at your service early and late.
Master Teddy Green has been ordered to bed by his family physician. An attack of bronchitis is the cause.
Mrs. Ferne Lingenfelder (sic) has returned to the employ of Doctor Bertha Thompson, in the Charlebois Building in Watertown.
Depauville, Sept. 6. --Las Monday afternoon about 4, Perl Gillette, who lives about three miles from here on the Watertown road, caught his left hand in an ensilage cutter, severing the first three fingers. He was taken to Dexter to Dr. Clarence Fowler who sent him to Mercy hospital where the hand was dressed.
Depauville, Aug. 29. -- About 1,200 people attended the field day in this village today. Prizes were awarded at the close of a parade. Mrs. Florence Cummings of St. Lawrence won the 50-yard dash for women and Loren Shaver captured the honors in the fat man's race.
The girls' race was won by Nina Cummings of St. Lawrence and Philander Grant of Reynolds Corners won the children's race. Robert Wetterhahn of Depauville won the greased pole award and Eleanor IaRoad (not clear) won the potato race. Joseph Hafner received the prize in the wheel barrow race. The honors in the chinning pole event went to Herman Dorr of Depauville. First prize in the best appearing saddle horse and rider event went to a Miss Van Alstyne of Lafargeville and Deo (sic) McFarlane of Depauville won second place.
John Lingenfelter Has Served Depauville Grange as Treasurer for Score of Years
--Deputy Merrill Installs Officers.
There was a good attendance at the meeting of Depauville grange, held Saturday, Jan. 7. The meeting was called to order at 11 a.m. County Deputy Merrill was present and was escorted to a seat of honor.
The secretary and treasurer gave their annual reports. One withdrawal card was granted.
Our retiring treasurer, Brother John Lingenfelter, who has served in the office for 20 years, was given a vote of thanks for the service he had rendered. At noon a picnic dinner was served, after which Deputy Merrill installed the officers of the Subordinate and Juvenile granges. He was given a vote of thanks.
The lecturer presented the following program: Recitation, Earl Bates; tableaux, "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep," "Tidley Winks' Ride," "Measuring His Generosity" and "Rock of Ages," reading, Sister Clara Dillenback; music, Marion Haas, reading, Sister Sadie Smith; song, Brother Fred Palmer; remarks, County Deputy Merrill; tableaux, "Father Time" and "The New Year."
The next meeting of both Subordinate and Juvenile granges will be held on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 21, at 2 p.m.
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, Jan. 29.--Mrs. Clara B. Diefendorf, 74, died at the farm home of her son, Earl R. Brown, near this village at 12 a.m. today. She had been in failing health for five years.
Mrs. Diefendorf was born in the town of Orleans, the daughter of Spencer and Sarah Sheldon Reed. Most of her life was spent in the towns of Clayton and Lyme. She had spent the past 42 years in the town of Lyme. She was married twice. Her first husband was Nelson Brown. Following his death she married David Diefendorf who is also now dead. Mrs. Diefendorf was a member of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, the Chaumont O. E. S., and the Chaumont Sunshine Society.
Surviving besides her son are one sister, Mrs. Sarah Frances Cole, Rosiere, and several nephews and nieces.
Mrs. Diefendorf selected her own bearers before her death. They will be as follows: Leslie and Wesley Daniels, Milford Haas, William Hentze, Walter Johnson, and Aaron Gross. Funeral services will be held from the home of her son Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Interment will be made in the family plot at Chaumont cemetery. Please omit flowers.
(Special to The Times.)
Limerick, July 20. -- Miss Edith Mabel Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Allen, this village, and Jay Perry Ormsby, Clayton, were married at 11 this morning at the Allen home, here. Rev. Frederick K. Vogt, pastor of Concordia Lutheran church, Watertown, performed the ceremony.
They were attended by Miss Carrie Irene Allen, sister of the bride, and Frank Clemmons, Depauville.
(with photo of Leona)
(Special to The Times.)
Clayton, Oct. 5. -- Miss Leona Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ellis, and Carl McKinley, son of Mrs. Mary McKinley, both of this village, were united in marriage at 8:45 p.m. Friday at the St. Mary's church rectory, by Rev. George E. Racette.
The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Bertram. The bride wore a black satin chiffon gown, with hat and shoes to match. The bridesmaid wore black chiffon with hat and shoes to match.
Mrs. McKinley is a graduate of Clayton High school, class of 1930, and for the past three summers has been employed in the office of George Bates, town clerk.
Mr. McKinley attended Clayton High school and St. Mary's academy.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley left after the ceremony for Montreal by motor. They will make their home here upon their return this week.
Reception and Tea Which Followed
Attended by 130 Guests-- House Prettily Decorated for Wedding
(photo of Mrs. Walton included)
Miss Dorothy Elinor Potter, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. L. Potter of the Arsenal street road, became the bride of Lawson Grant Walton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Walton of the Arsenal street road, at a ceremony performed this afternoon at 4 at the Potter residence. Rev. James W. Wilson, pastor of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, officiated.
The ceremony was performed in the living room before a large arbor with trellis and gate. The arbor was decorated with evergreen and black-eyed susans. A basket of wisteria and sweet peas was suspended at the left of the arbor.
One hundred and thirty guests attended the reception and tea held at the Potter home at the close of the ceremony.
Miss Potter was attended by Mrs. Raymond Mills of Redwood as matron of honor and Miss Virginia Ayers of this city, niece of the bride, and Miss Adelaide Potter of Pulaski, cousin of the bridegroom, were the bridesmaids. Miss Jean Ives, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ives of the Arsenal street road, was flower girl. Raymond Mills acted as best man.
Mrs. R. B. Ives presided at the piano and for the processional played the wedding march from Lohengrin by Wagner.
The bride was gowned in white satin fashioned Princess style, the bodice of which was of Chantilly lace. The puffed sleeves and ruffles on the skirt were also of Chantilly lace. A tulle veil was caught to a cap trimmed with orange blossoms. Miss Potter wore orange blossoms. Miss Potter wore long white kid gloves, white satin slippers and sheer white hose. She carried a bouquet of white roses and spirea.
Mrs. Mills, the matron of honor, wore a gown of orchid chiffon fashioned with a cape effect and trimmed with lace. Her shoes and hose were white. Mrs. Mills carried yellow rose buds.
The gowns of the Misses Ayers and Potter, bridesmaids, were made alike of Hydrangea blue taffeta in Princess style. A wide border of tulle on the edge of the skirt completed their gowns. They wore white shoes and hose and carried bouquets of pink rose buds.
Little Miss Jean Ives, flower girl, wore a frock of yellow organdie made with many ruffles. She carried a basket of rose petals.
Mrs. Potter selected for her daughter's wedding a gown of figured crepe with harmonizing slippers and hose. She wore a corsage of sweet peas. Mrs. Walton, mother of the bridegroom, wore a gown of King's blue georgette trimmed with French lace. She wore matching shoes and hose. Her flowers were American Beauty roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Walton left by motor for a wedding trip to the Adirondacks and White mountains and upon their return July 21 will be at home at 134 Pearl avenue north.
For a traveling costume the bride chose an ensemble of King's blue with a red blouse. Her shoes were of King's blue kid and she wore atmosphere chiffon hose. A Panama hat trimmed with a red band, a red leather purse and tan gauntlets completed her costume.
Mrs. Walton received her education at the Watertown High school and Empire State business school. For the past few months she has been associated with the New York Life Insurance company office in this city.
Mr. Walton is a native of Depauville and before removing to this city, resided for some time in Pulaski. He attended the local high school, and St. Lawrence university where he is a member of the Theta Gamma fraternity. He is employed by Frederick C. Carter, local automobile dealer.
Out of town guests at the wedding included Mrs. John Walton and son, Donald, of Elmira; Lillian Bisnett of Buffalo; Orla Potter and family of Pulaski; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mulhaffy, Fred Potter; Mrs. Susie Olin and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Olin, Utica; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stagg, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard of New York Mills; Mr. and Mrs. George Walton of Syracuse; Mrs. Maude Bennett of New York.
(Special to The Times.)
Carthage, Oct. 7. -- E. A. Martin, clerk of the town of Wilna, today issued a marriage license to Clifford L. Peebles, 142 Shady avenue, Lowville, and Miss Frances M. Bourcy, Carthage, R. F. D. 6. They will be married here Tuesday.
Mr. Peebles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace D. Peebles. He is a florist. Miss Bourcy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Bourcy. She is a school teacher. They will reside at Lowville after their marriage.
The wedding of Miss Marvel C. Corss, daughter of Mrs. Ethel A. Corss of Glen Park, and Carleton M. Gibbs of Syracuse took place March 12 in Camillus, Rev. Edward J. W. Burston officiating.
The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Weyland of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs have established their residence in Syracuse where Mr. Gibbs is associated with the Niagara Hudson Power company.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs are graduates of the Brownville-Glen Park High school and the Watertown School of Commerce.
Depauville, Oct. 27. -- A variety shower was given in honor of Mrs. Kathryn Fluckiger Lingenfelter, whose marriage to Elton Lingenfelter occurred Oct. 2, by Miss Ferene Lingenfelter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lingenfelter. The evening was spent by playing progressive pedro. First prize was awarded to Miss Mille Failing and consolation prize to Mrs. Marion Wallace. Refreshments were served.
The guests were: Mrs. Kathryn Lingenfelter, Mrs. Amy Sherman, Mrs. Effie Griffin, Mrs. Lillian Lingenfelter, Mrs. Millie Failing, Mrs. Melva Dintelman, Mrs. Merle Stadler, Mrs. Ethel Spencer, Mrs. Marion Fluckiger, Mrs. Ruth Fry, Mrs. Marion Wallace, Mrs. Vera Gross, Mrs. Louise Vincent, Miss Mabel Dwyer, and Mrs. Vera Stadler.
Chaumont, Nov. 29. -- Mr. and Mrs. George Van Alstyne of Chaumont recently announced the marriage of their daughter, Ella Marion, to Ralph D. Wallace of Chaumont. The wedding took place Sept. 6 at the parsonage of the Woolworth Memorial church, Great Bend. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Alexander Scott. They were attended by Miss Fern Lingenfelter of Depauville and Karl Van Alstyne, brother of the bride. A few near relatives were also present.
Both the young people are well known in Chaumont where they have spent the most of their lives.
Mr. Wallace is a civil engineer and is employed by the state highway department. Mrs. Wallace is assistant historian in the record room of the House of the Good Samaritan.
Depauville, Dec. 10. -- Last Friday evening Ferne Lingenfelter gave a variety shower in honor of Mrs. Marion Wallace. Twenty-one were present.
The evening was spent playing bridge and bunco. A lunch consisting of fruit salad, rolls and coffee, sherbet and fancy cookies was served. Miss Lingenfelter than rolled in a barrel full of gifts for Mrs. Wallace.
Those present were: Mrs. R. D. Wallace, Mrs. Everett Vincent, Mrs. George Van Alstyne, Mrs. Carl Fry, Mrs. Sherman Wallace, Mrs. Merle Dailey, Mrs. Harold Van Alstyne, Mrs. E. G. Dintelman; Mrs. Aaron Gross, Miss Leatha Adams, Mrs. Perl Spencer, Miss Elizabeth Allen, Miss Ione Van Alstyne, Miss Clare Schnauber, Miss Mabel Dwyer, Miss Vera Stadler, Miss Ferne Lingenfelter, Mrs. E. B. Failing, Mrs. P. J. Lingenfelter, Mrs. E. J. Stadler, Mrs. A. L. Lingenfelter.
Mrs. Louise Vincent won first prize and Miss Elizabeth Allen second price playing bridge and Mrs. Vera Gross first prize and Miss Ione Van Alstyne second prize playing Bunco.
A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Witt of Brownville Oct. 17 at 3 p.m. when their eldest daughter, Melva J. Mowry, was united in marriage to Gary S. Smith of Watertown by Rev. W. H. Bury, pastor of the M. E. church in the presence of a few immediate friends. (October 17, 1931)
Whereas, my wife, Mollie Halladay, having left my bed and board without just cause, I hereby forbid anyone trusting her or harboring her on my account as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date.
Sude Halladay.
Depauville, N. Y., June 20, 1931.
ENGAGED - Miss Vernice Wood. (1930)
(photo of Miss Vernice Wood included)
Brownville, Jan. 14. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood have announced the engagement of their only daughter, Vernice, to W. Harwood Huffcut of Carthage. Mr. Huffcut is a student at Colgate university and a member of the Colgate debating team. Miss Wood is a graduate of Brownville-Glen Park High school and Russell Sage college.
Carthage, Aug. 12. -- Announcements have been sent out of the approaching marriage of Miss Vernice Evelyn Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of Brownville and W. Harwood Huffcut, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Huffcut of this village.
The wedding will take place Friday noon, Aug. 27, at the Methodist Episcopal church at Brownville. Miss Wood was graduated from the Brownville High school and later from Russell Sage college at Troy. She is now employed as secretary to the dean of Colgate university.
Mr. Huffcut is a graduate of the local high school and is at present a senior at Colgate university. During his school years both here and at college he has played a prominent role in debating and oratory.
Miss Carmen A. Lingenfelter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Lingenfelter, 418 Arsenal street, and Harold S. Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Powell, 861 West Main street, were united in marriage on Sunday, March 25, in Syracuse, according to announcement made Monday evening at a shower given at the Lingenfelter residence.
The marriage was solemnized at the manse of the Park Central Presbyterian church, Rev. Freeman Jenny, minister of the church officiating. The couple was attended by Mrs. Freeman Jenny and Miss Lois Jenny.
Mr. Powell and his bride have returned from a two weeks' trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, and announcement of their marriage three and a half months ago was made upon their return (blurry words followed).
Mrs. Powell is a graduate of Watertown High school, class of 1933. For a time she was employed at the W. T. Grant Co. store.
Mr. Powell has been associated with his father and younger brother, William B. Powell, in the H. Powell & Sons, distributors, American Oil Company, with offices at 222 North Massey street.
He is a native of Los Angeles. Mr. Powell was graduated from Watertown High school, class of 1929, and has been connected with his father and brother in business since his graduation.
Guests at the announcement party were Mrs. Harry S. Powell, Miss Dorothy Strieff, Miss Marie Wing, Miss Bertha Greene, Miss Doris Wilder; Miss Mable Vautrin, Miss Betty Charlebois, Miss Katherine Stumpf, Miss May Castro, Miss Genevieve Dermady, Miss Katherine Hoffman, Miss Catherine Countryman, Miss Blanche McGraw, Miss Olive McFarland, Miss Freda O'Connor, Miss Dorothy Voodre, Miss Catherine Blondin, Miss Julia Wiley, Miss Beverly Powell, Mrs. Myron Lingenfelter, Mrs. Bert Lingenfelter, Mrs. Harold Powell and Miss Doris Jones.
Couple to Reside in Pulaski Upon
Their Return From Wedding Trip--Bride Has Been Teacher in Pulaski High
(Special to The Times.)
Lafargeville, July 11. -- Miss Margaret Elizabeth Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Daniels of Lafargeville, became the bride of Attorney Lynn W. Smith of Pulaski at a ceremony solemnized at noon today at the Garden Tea House at Philadelphia.
Rev. Oliver E. Raymond, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Ogdensburg, officiated. Invitations were extended only to the immediate families of the bride and bridegroom.
The bride was attended by Mrs. Carl Lewis Forshee of Senaca Falls as matron and Dimon W. Benson of Pulaski acted as best man for Attorney Smith.
A wedding luncheon was served at the Garden Tea House at the close of the ceremony.
Miss Marjorie Sternberg. (1931)
(with photo)
Depauville, June 19. -- Miss Marjorie Sternberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sternberg of Depauville, was graduated from the Crane Department of the Potsdam State Normal School, June 16. Miss Sternberg is a graduate of Clayton High school, class of 1927.
(Special to The Times)
Clayton, Oct. 5 -- Miss Kathryn Fluckiger, daughter of Mrs. Effie (Fluckiger) Griffin, this village, and Elton Lingenfelter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lingenfelter, Depauville, were married Friday evening, at the Methodist parsonage at Copenhagen by Rev. Frank Brown, pastor, formerly of Depauville.
After the ceremony the bridal party motored to Canajoharie where a wedding dinner was served at the Hotel Wagner.
Mrs. Lingenfelter is a graduate of Clayton High school and Clayton training class. She has taught in the rural schools for a few years.
Mr. Lingenfelter for the past five years has been associated with the Good Chevrolet company, this village. After a trip of ten days the couple will make their home in this village.
SMITH -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, July 22, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Smith of Pulaski, a son, Walter Wallis, weighing six and half pounds. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Margaret E. Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Daniels of Lafargeville.
Depauville, Dec. 15. -- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Daron of Depauville announced the engagement of their youngest daughter, Margaret E., to Gerald J. Switzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Switzer of Redwood.
Miss Daron (sic) is a graduate of Clayton Central school, class of '44. Mr. Switzer recently returned from overseas where he served with the 15th Armored Infantry division. Hr received his medical discharge at Camp Upton, L. I., Nov. 3, 1945. He is employed at Frink Sno Plow, Clayton.
No date has been set for the wedding.
Typist's Note: The surname was incorrectly spelled throughout this write-up. I believe it should have read "DAROU."
WED -- (with a wedding photo of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Eckert (1947)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Eckert leave Emmanuel Congregational church following their marriage Saturday afternoon at 2. Mrs. Eckert is the former Miss Betty L. Chapman of 1009 Bronson street.
(Special to The Times)
Depauville, Jan. 13.-- Mrs. Hattie Bamford Dwyer, 72, wife of Francis Dwyer, died suddenly Saturday night at her home here.
Mrs. Dwyer was born in Clayton on April 25, 1868, a daughter of Delavan and Elizabeth Percy Bamford. She was married to Mr. Dwyer in Cape Vincent on Oct. 16, 1889 by Rev. Aaron Thompson, and spent almost her entire life in Depauville.
She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, Valley View Rebecca lodge and the Depauville grange.
Surviving besides her husband, are three daughters, Miss Ola Dwyer, Depauville; Mrs. Maude McKinley, Clayton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Sternberg, Depauville; two sons, Edwin Dwyer of Depauville and Howard Dwyer of Adams; a brother, Capt. F. P. Bamford, Ashtabula, Ohio; and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sternberg, Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 with Rev. Albert Walker, of the Natural Bridge Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be in the Depauville cemetery.
Returned Home from Hospital April 21 -- Funeral Services Will Be Thursday
Depauville, April 26.-- Mrs. Jennie Elizabeth Denesha, 61, wife of Forest Denesha, died at 2 a.m. today at her home here.
Mrs. Denesha's death was unexpected. She entered the House of the Good Samaritan in Watertown on Easter Sunday, underwent an operation and returned home April 21.
Funeral services will be Thursday afternoon with
a prayer service at 1 at the home and services at the First Methodist church at
1:30. Rev. Albert Walker, of Hamlin, Monroe county, former pastor of the local
church, will officiate. Burial will be in Richville cemetery.
are her husband, Forest Denesha; one son, Glyndon F. Denesha, Depauville; four
daughters, Mrs. James (Grace) Nims, Fulton, Mrs. Robert W. (Doris) Cantwell,
Mrs. Carlton H. (Bertha) March and Mrs. Wayne E. (Marjorie) Youngs, all of
Clayton, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Pickert, address unknown.
Denesha was born April 27, 1893, at Depeyster, daughter of George C. and
Margaret Williams Reddick. She and Mr. Denesha were married Jan. 15, 1918, at
Richville by Rev. F. E. Loan. The couple lived at Gouverneur until 1987 when
they moved to Watertown where they resided until 1934 at 418 West Mullin street.
In 1934, they moved to Depauville where they lived since that time.
Depauville, May 31.-- Mrs. Clara Putnam Haas, 73, widow of George Haas, of Depauville, died at 3:40 Sunday morning in the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, where she had been a patient since May 26. Mrs. Haas had been suffering from heart trouble for some time and was under treatment in the Watertown hospital in April.
She was born in the town of Clayton, March 26, 1859, the daughter of the late Arlow and Caroline Henry Tracey, both of whom were born in the town of Clayton also. Mrs. Haas had always resided in the town of Clayton. For the last 15 years she had lived in Depauville.
She was married twice. On Dec. 6, 1877, she was married to Hoton T. Putnam. He died Aug. 28, 1905. The only child born to the couple, Stanton Putnam, died about five years ago. In 1917 she was married to George Haas. Mr. Haas died in 1921.
Mrs. Haas was a member of the Depauville grange. The only near survivor is a granddaughter, Miss Doris Putnam of the town of Clayton.
Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 from her home here, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in Depauville cemetery.
The bearers were Ernest Eckert, E. L. Stotler, William Valley, H. G. Jones, Fred Sternberg and Peter Cardiff.
* * * * *
Photo - CAPT. CARLETON R. BATES died Wednesday, July 10, 1957) in Walter Reed hospital, following several months illness. (story found later in the scrapbook)
* * * * *
Dr. John W. Thompson (1933)
(handwritten note above the photo "Where Fern Is."
* * * * *
(with photo of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Clemons)
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Clemons celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house Sunday afternoon, at their home in Depauville. Miss George Cook and Earl Clemons were married May 10, 1911, in the Depauville Methodist parsonage. They have always lived in Depauville where Mr. Clemons operated a milk route and was school custodian before his retirement in 1955.
Clayton, April 3.--Hiram David Bovee, 80, retired carpenter who has built many barns in the area, died Monday evening after an illness of three years. He had been seriously ill and confined to his bed for the past three weeks.
He was born Dec. 25, 1864, one of a family of ten sons and two daughters of William and Elizabeth Roat Bovee, town of Clayton. His childhood was spent in Chaumont and he married Miss Mae Johndrow of Chaumont on Jan. 28, 1907, at the home of her parents here.
The couple purchased a farm on the Three Mile Creek road, between Depauville and St. Lawrence Corners, where they resided until they sold the farm in November, 1943, and came to live with their daughter, Mrs. Perry Sheley, Clayton. Mr. Bovee operated the farm on a small scale and established a carpenter contracting business.
He had been a member of the Depauville Odd Fellows lodge for 45 years and his medal had been sent for by the lodge to be awarded next month.
Mr. Bovee is survived by his widow, a son, Carpenter's Mate First Class Harold Bovee, who was called from San Diego, Calif., last Tuesday and arrived home Saturday evening, and three daughters, Mrs. Perry (Leota) Sheley, with whom he made his home; Mrs. Stanley (Florence) Farr and Miss Adah Bovee, all of Clayton. Ten grandchildren also survive.
The body was removed to the Butts funeral home and will be returned to the Sheley residence, corner of Merrick and Jane streets, this afternoon. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 at the residence, with Rev. Thomas J. Williams, pastor of the Clayton Methodist church, and Rev. Daniel E. Evans, pastor of the Stone church of Depauville, officiating. Burial will be in Depauville cemetery. The Odd Fellows will attend the services in a body.
CASSELMAN -- In Clayton, Aug. 27, 1930, Mrs. Margaret Casselman of 307 State street, Clayton, aged 71 years. Funeral services will be held at 1l Friday morning at the St. Mary's church, Rev. George E. Racette, the pastor, officiating. Burial in St. Mary's cemetery.
FOX -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, June 20, 1930, Charles A. Fox, 105 Main street, Black River, aged 85 years. Funeral services Monday afternoon at 2 from Howland funeral parlors. Rev. Dr. Harry Westbrook Reed, officiating. Burial in Depauville.
DALE -- At Depauville, June 23, 1930, Dr. Frederick T. Dale, aged 71 years. Funeral from home at Depauville Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. A. A. Lawrence, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
HART -- In the town of Clayton, near Depauville, July 3, 1930, Byron W. Hart, aged 71 years. Funeral services at his late home Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. Mr. Perry and Rev. A. A. Lawrence of Depauville and Rev. F. J. Brown of Harrisville officiating. Masons and Odd Fellows from Depauville will attend in a body. Interment at Depauville.
SPRAGUE -- At Depauville, July 16, 1930, Daniel W. Sprague, aged 61 (?) years. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m., from the Methodist Episcopal church, Depauville, Rev. A. A. Lawrence officiating. Interment at Depauville.
CLEMONS -- At Depauville, July 6, 1930, Benjamin E. Clemons, aged 71 years. Funeral from home of son, Earl R. Clemons, Depauville, Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. A. A. Lawrence of Depauville officiating. Interment at Perch River.
WALRATH -- At Perch River, Aug. 7, 1930, Mrs. Hulda Paddock Walrath, wife of Walter J. Walrath, Perch River, aged 56 years. Funeral services at the Perch River church, Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. Albert A. Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Depauville, officiating. Interment in family plot at Perch River cemetery.
HEYL-- In Lafargeville, Aug. 8, 1930, Wendal J. Heyl, of this village, aged 86 years. Funeral services Sunday afternoon at 1 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Georgia Jerome, Rev. Ian A. R. McDonald officiating. Burial in Grove cemetery.
LUCAS -- In this city, Aug. 28, 1930, Mrs. Juliette Clemons Lucas, widow of George W. Lucas of Three Mile Bay, aged 88 years. The body was removed to the home of a daughter, Mrs. Walter Hayes, Three Mile Bay, this afternoon. Funeral arrangements incomplete.
IRVINE -- In the town of Cape Vincent, Aug. 26, 1930, Elton D. Irvine, of Little Rock, Arkansas, aged 63(?) years. Funeral services will be held from the old family homestead in the town of Cape Vincent Thursday afternoon at 2. Burial will be made in family plot in Cape Vincent cemetery.
M'WAYNE -- In the town of Cape Vincent, Jan. 24, 1932, Fred E. McWayne, town of Cape Vincent, aged 76 years. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home. Remains will be placed in the vault to await interment in spring in the St. Lawrence cemetery.
COVEY -- At the Jefferson County home, June 1, 1931, Robert Covey, aged 65 years. Funeral arrangement incomplete.
FUNERAL (1930)
M'MICHAEL -- Funeral services for Thomas J. McMichael, 86, who died at the home of W. L. Wilder, Depauville, Tuesday morning, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at the Guilfoyle undertaking parlors and at 9:30 at the Holy Family church. Interment at Fairview cemetery at Carthage.
DIEFENDORF -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Nov. 30, 1930, Mrs. Myrtle Smith Diefendorf, wife of Clarence N. Diefendorf, Perch River, aged 28 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at her late home and 2 at the Methodist Episcopal church of Perch River, Rev. G. A. Foote, pastor, and Rev. Frank Brown of Harrisville, former pastor, officiating. Interment in the family plot at Dexter.
FUNERAL (9-22-1930)
CONKLIN -- Funeral for Mrs. Sarah A. Conklin, 89, widow of John T. Conklin, who died Friday morning at her home at Brownville will be held next Monday afternoon at 2 at her home, Rev. Henry J. Carey, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal church of New York Mills and former pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Brownville, officiating, assisted by Rev. W. H. Bradley, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Brownville. Interment in Brownville cemetery.
(Typist's Note: Sarah died September 19, 1930. She was the daughter of Othaniel and Mary Wilson Edwards of Depauville, N. Y. She was married to John T. Conklin of Brownville, N. Y.)
ERNST -- At Rome, N. Y., March 23, 1931, Rev. George Ernest, retired Methodist Episcopal minister, formerly of Chaumont, Cape Vincent, Brownville, Martinsburg and Lorraine, aged 81 years.
CORBIN -- At Berlin, Md., March 12, 1931, Herman J. Corbin, aged 60 years, formerly of Clayton and Watertown. Funeral arrangements are incomplete but burial will be made in Watertown.
HENRY -- At Theresa, March 17, 1931, Goodrich W. Henry, of Theresa, aged 83 years. Funeral at home Thursday at 2 p.m., Rev. John Stoddard, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Theresa, officiating. Interment in Oakwood cemetery, Theresa.
GEORGE -- At Chaumont, Jan. 4, 1931, John F. George, aged 75 years. Masonic funeral from the home Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. R. C. Dunn, pastor of the Chaumont Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
BABCOCK -- In this city, April 9, 1931, at the Mercy hospital, John R. Babcock of Depauville, aged 93 years. Funeral arrangements incomplete.
WALRATH -- At Chaumont, Feb. 12, 1931, Mrs. Isabel Walrath, widow of Eugene Walrath, aged 74 years. Funeral from home at Chaumont, Sunday at 2 p.m., Rev. R. C. Dunn, pastor of the Chaumont Presbyterian church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church. Interment at Dexter cemetery.
FRYE -- At Brownville, Dec.10, 1930, James W. Frye of Brownville, aged 71 years. Funeral services Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at his home, Rev. E. B. Doolittle of Brownville, retired Episcopal minister, officiating.
HURST -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Nov. 20, 1930, Dr. Henry Joseph Hurst of Merrick street, Clayton, aged 86 years. Prayers at the home at 1:30 p.m., Sunday and funeral service at the Methodist Episcopal church at Clayton at 2, Rev. B. G. Miller, pastor, officiating. Members of Depauville lodge of Masons will have charge of funeral and burial services. Members of Clayton lodge will attend in a body. Interment in St. Lawrence cemetery.
AUSTIN -- In this city, Aug. 27, 1930, Mrs. Nancy Mary Austin, wife of Abel G. Austin, 444 South Hamilton street, aged 72 years. Funeral services Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the home of her son, Chester B. Austin, 745 Lansing street, Rev. C. J. Sargent, pastor of the Hope Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in the family plot in North Watertown cemetery.
LONGWAY -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Oct. 15, 1930, Rosalind Helen Longway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Longway, R. D. 2, Clayton, aged 8 years. Funeral services Friday at 9 a.m. at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Longway, R. D. 2, Clayton, and at 9:30 at St. Mary's Catholic church, Clayton, Rev. George Racette, pastor, officiating. Interment at Clayton.
SPRAGUE At Depauville, Feb. 214, 1931, Mrs. Susan A. Sprague, wife of Daniel W. Sprague, aged 60 years. Funeral from Clark undertaking parlors at Chaumont Friday at 2 p.m., Rev. Emily Harland officiating. Body will be placed in Depauville vault.
DIEFENDORF -- In the town of Lyme, near Chaumont, Jan. 29, 1931, Mrs. Clara B. Diefendorf, aged 74 years. Funeral from home of a son, Earl R. Brown, near Chaumont, Sunday at 1;30 p.m. Interment in family plot at Chaumont. Please omit flowers.
HAMILTON -- At East Dedham, Mass., March 3, 1931, Charles Hiram Hamilton, aged 91 years. Funeral Saturday, March 7, from the home of Fred Hamilton, Three Mile Bay at 2 p.m. and from the Three Mile Bay Methodist Episcopal church at 2:30 p.m., Rev. G. R. Foote officiating. Burial at Three Mile Bay.
PHELPS -- At Chaumont, May 31, 1931, Mrs. Addie Mount Phelps, wife of Capt. Perl Phelps of Chaumont, aged 61 years. Funeral from home Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. R. C. Dunn, pastor of the Chaumont Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment at Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
HYDE - John C. Hyde of Clayton, aged 30 years. Funeral services from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hyde, St. Lawrence, on Friday at 8 a.m., and from ST. Mary's church, Clayton, at 8:30 a.m., with Rev. George Racette, officiating. Interment in St. Lawrence cemetery.
KISSEL -- At Lafargeville, Oct. 17, 1931, Mrs. Elizabeth Kissel, aged 86 years. Funeral from home of daughter, Mrs. Alvin W. Beckwith, Lafargeville, Tuesday at 2 p.m., Rev. F. K. Vogt, pastor of Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church of this city, officiating. Interment in Depauville cemetery.
CHEEVER -- On Morris Tract road, near Chaumont, April 25, 1931, William M. Cheever, aged 60 years. Funeral from home Monday at 1:30 p.m. and from Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m., Rev. Emily Harland officiating. Interment at Depauville.
WIGGINS -- At Chaumont, April 30, 1931, Frank M. Wiggins, aged 72 years. Services Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Wiggins residence on Mill street, Chaumont, Rev. R. C. Dunne, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Chaumont, officiating.
WALRATH -- At Ogdensburg, Sept. 15 (or 16 ?), 1931, at the St. Lawrence State hospital, Walter Walrath, farmer of Perch River, aged 60 years. Funeral Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Perch River Methodist Episcopal church. Interment at Perch River.
BROWNE -- At Chaumont, Oct. 20, 1931, Mrs. May Browne, wife of Eugene Browne. Funeral from the home Sunday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in family plot, Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
WRIGHT -- At Rochester, Sept. 12, 1931, Clara E. Wright, aged 77 years. Funeral services this afternoon at 2:30 from home of daughter, Mrs. Herbert R. Redfern, 311 Aldine street, Rochester. Interment in Riverside cemetery, Rochester.
EMPIE -- At Three Mile Bay, May 26, 1931, Mrs. Julia Douglas Empie, wife of Charles M. Empie, aged 75 years. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2 from the late home, Rev. E. H. Conrad, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church officiating. Interment in the family plot in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
DILLENBECK -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Sept. 16, 1931, Charles Ward Willenback of town of Clayton, aged 49 years. Funeral services in charge of I. O. O.F., Depauville, Friday at 1:30 p.m. from the home and at 2 from the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville, Rev. C. A. Robinson, officiating. Interment at Depauville.
SEEBER -- At Cape Vincent, Sept. 23, 1931, Mrs. Minnie Justine Cheeseman Seeber, wife of DeAlton V. Seeber, aged 64 years. Funeral arrangements incomplete.
SHERMAN -- At Brownville, Oct. 14, 1931, Asa C. Sherman of Brownville, aged 70 years. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p.m. from his home, Rev. Mr. Campbell, of the Brownville Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in Brownville cemetery.
COMBS -- At Chaumont, July 12, 1931, Charles Combs, aged 85 years. Funeral from home in Chaumont, Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. R. C. Dunn, of Chaumont officiating. Interment at Three Mile Bay.
POWELL -- At Chaumont, June 26, 1931, Morris A. Powell, Three Mile Bay, aged 86 years. Funeral services Monday at 2 p.m. at his home, Rev. G. A. Foote, pastor of Three Mile Bay Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment at St. Lawrence.
STOWEL -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, June 1, 1931, William H. Stowel, Rural Hill, near Belleville, aged 66 years. Funeral from the late home at Rural Hill Thursday, June 4, at 2 p.m., Rev. Allen Moore officiating. Burial at Woodside cemetery, Belleville.
COMINS -- At St. Lawrence, June 1, 1931, James H. Comins, aged 86 years. Funeral from home of son, Walton Comins, St. Lawrence, with Masonic rites, Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment in St. Lawrence cemetery.
SHERMAN -- At Bwana Kubwa, North Rhodesia, South Africa, Truman J. Sherman, formerly of Clayton, aged 75 years.
KNIGHT -- In this city, March 25, 1932, Mrs. Margaret Anne Knight, widow of Charles Nelson Knight, 165 Highland avenue, and at 2:30 at the Methodist Episcopal church at St. Lawrence. Rev. Charles Bollinger, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of this city, officiating. Interment at St. Lawrence.
FRYE -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Dec. 25, 1931, Mrs. Mary C. Gayer Frye, widow of James Frye, Brownville, aged 67 years. Funeral services Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from the W. R. Box company parlors, Rev. E. B. Doolittle, of Brownville, retired Episcopal clergyman, officiating. Burial in Brownville cemetery.
BALDWIN -- At Clayton, Sept. 13, 1931, Lynn M. Baldwin, aged 26 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 2 from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Baldwin, town of Orleans, Rev. Ernest Scott, pastor of the Alexandria Bay Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Lafargeville cemetery.
HILL -- In this city, May 12, 1931, Mrs. Eliza Jane Hill, widow of Alfred D. Hill, 309 Waltham street, aged 58 years. Funeral services at her home Thursday at 2 p.m., Rev. E. O. Spaven, pastor of Bethany Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in North Watertown cemetery.
SOURWINE -- At Lafargeville, May 25, 1931, Mrs. Mary Baltz Sourwine, wife of George Sourwine, aged 93 years. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. C. V. Sparling officiating. Interment will be made in Lafargeville cemetery.
HEYL -- At Lafargeville, Aug. 24, 1931, Roy Heyl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyl, aged 24 years. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the home of his parents, Rev. C. V. Sparling, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
McFarland Rites Held. (1931)
Funeral services for Lloyd McFarland, 23, of Depauville, who was drowned Nov. 30, 1930, while duck hunting in Guffins Bay and whose body was recovered Saturday morning, were held today at 2 p.m. at the home of his parents in Depauville. Interment was in Depauville cemetery. (Monday, June 22)
HAAS -- At Trenton, Mich., Nov. 20, 1931, Frederick Henry Haas, formerly of Chaumont and Watertown, aged about 55 years. The body will arrive Tuesday at 9:20 a.m. by train and be removed to the W. R. Fox, company parlors here. Funeral services probably Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. in Methodist Episcopal church at Chaumont. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery at Chaumont.
COMBS -- At Chaumont, Feb. 13, 1932, Mrs. Joannah Block Combs, widow of Charles Combe, aged 84 years. Funeral at 2:30 this afternoon from home. Burial in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
WETTERHAHN -- At Depauville, Jan. 2, 1932, William Wetterhahn, aged 71 years. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 from the home. Interment in the family lot in Depauville cemetery.
LITTLEFIELD -- In this city, Dec. 30, 1931, William H. Littlefield, 413 Flower avenue east, aged 64 years. Funeral services from the home Friday at 2 p.m., Rev. P. F. Boller, pastor of Stone Street Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in Brookside cemetery.
VAN DORN -- At Chaumont, April 2, 1932, Peter Van Dorn, aged 92 years. Funeral from the home in Chaumont Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. J. Sargent, pastor of the Hope Presbyterian church, city, and Rev. K. L. Huggins, pastor of the Chaumont Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in family plot in Cedar Grove Cemetery.
M'CLEA?* - At Chaumont, April 1, 1932, John T. McClea ?, aged 76 years. Funeral from home at 2 p.m. Monday, Rev. Emily Harland, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, assisted by Rev. E. O. Spaven, pastor of Bethany Methodist Episcopal church, Watertown, officiating. Burial at Evans Mills. (Typist's Note: I believe the name was misspelled here -- it should have been M'CREA - McCrea.)
DORLAND -- -- Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie O. Dorland, 54, Sandy Creek, who died at the House of the Good Samaritan Sunday morning, will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m., instead of Tuesday, as previously announced, from her home on First street, Sandy Creek, Rev. T. T. Davies, pastor of the Sandy Creek Congregational church, assisted by Rev. Walter F. Dobbie, pastor of the Sandy Creek Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Woodlawn cemetery at Sandy Creek.
JEWETT -- Near this city, July 25, 1931, Mrs. Gladys M. Jewett, Burrville, wife of Abram W. Jewett, aged 36 years. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. McKinley, 408 South Massey street, city. Rev. Paul F. Boller, pastor of Stone Street Presbyterian church, will officiate. Interment in North Watertown cemetery.
CLARK -- At Clayton, Nov. 2, 1931, William Deloss Clark, aged 79 years. Funeral from home at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Rev. A. O. Davis officiating.
FAWDRY-- In this city, Nov. 2, 1931, Dr. David Fawdry, 136 North Rutland street, aged 53 years.
HELMS -- At Massena, April 14, 1931, Mrs. Mary E. Shea Helms, wife of Albert J. Helms of Massena, aged 65 years. Funeral from Sacred Heart church, Massena, Friday at 10 a.m., Rev. Timothy P. Holland, pastor, officiating. Interment at Massena.
WALRATH -- At Depauville, Nov. 16, 1931, Mrs. Mary Ann Walrath, wife of Merritt S. Walrath of Depauville, aged 71 years. Funeral from home Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment at Depauville.
HALL -- At LaFargeville, Dec. 8, 1931, Mrs. Christine Hall, aged 92 years. Funeral from the home of her stepson, Merrick Hall, Tanners Corners, Thursday at 1 p.m., and from the Omar Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m., Rev. C. V. Sparling, pastor, officiating. Interment in Omar cemetery.
LINGENFELTER -- At Brownville, Jan. 13, 1932, Charles G. Lingenfelter of Brownville, aged 83 years. Funeral services Friday afternoon at 2 from the home of his son, James H. Lingenfelter, of Brownville. Rev. C. M. Smith and Rev. B. G. Miller will officiate. Interment in the Brownville cemetery.
CARR -- In this city, Jan. 31, 1932, Mrs. Lily Ann Carr, wife of Alexander Carr, 223 Coffeen street, aged 63 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the family home. Interment at Depauville.
CASWELL -- At Plessis, Jan. 24, 1932, Mrs. Sarah McOmber Caswell, aged 69 years, wife of Horace D. Caswell. Funeral at the Methodist Episcopal church, Plessis, Wednesday at 11 a.m., Rev. W. J. Hancock officiating. Burial in Brookside cemetery, Plessis.
SOURWINE -- At Lafargeville, March 10, 1932, George H. Sourwine, aged 96 years. Funeral from the home of Charles Sourwine, Theresa street, Lafargeville, at 2 p.m. Monday, Rev. C. V. Sparling officiating. Burial at Grove cemetery, Lafargeville.
DONOGHUE -- In Clayton, May 9, 1932, Joseph Donoghue, aged 62 years, of Franklin street, Clayton.
LINGENFELTER -- At Clayton, May 31, 1932, Merritt E. Lingenfelter, aged 77 years. Private funeral from the home of his sister, Mrs. Elma Dillenbeck, Clayton Center, Monday at 1 p.m., Rev. Mr. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Clayton cemetery.
HAAS -- In the Lankenau hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., July 11, 1932, Miss Celia Frances Haas of Atlantic City, N. J., formerly of Depauville and Clayton, aged 46 years. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon at the home of a brother, Ward Haas, Philadelphia, Pa. Burial in the family plot in Depauville cemetery Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Rev. F. K. Vogt, pastor of the Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church of this city, officiating.
SCHENCK -- At Arcadia, Cal., April 16, 1932, Mrs. Sadie A. Schenck, aged 53 years. Funeral at Arcadia, Cal., at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Burial in California. (Typist's Note: Mrs. Schenck was the former Sadie A. Hasner, daughter of George and Cora Putnam Hasner.)
WELLS -- At Glen Park, June 27, 1932, John Wells, aged 62 years. Funeral from the Wells home, Glen Park, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Rev. B. G. Miller, pastor of the Brownville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
LOWE -- In this city, Aug. 4, 1932, Mrs. Gertrude A. Plumb Lowe, wife of Frank D. Lowe, 934 Franklin street, aged 70 years. Private prayer services at the home Saturday at 12:30 p.m. a funeral services at 2 p.m. in the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial at Depauville.
LINGENFELTER --In this city, Aug. 16, 1932, William O. Lingenfelter, 206 California avenue, aged 71 years. Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. Dr. H. W. Reed, pastor of All Souls Universalist church, officiating. Burial in North Watertown cemetery.
ORMSBY -- At Dexter, Aug. 16, 1932, Audrey June Ormsby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ormsby, aged four days. Funeral from Ormsby home at Dexter Wednesday at 2 p.m.
BARBER -- At Auburn, Oct. 5, 1932, Frederick H. Barber, native of Three Mile Bay, aged 74 years. Funeral at Auburn at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Burial in Fort Hill cemetery.
GREEN -- At Sunmount, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1932, Harold C. Green of Depauville, aged 40 years. Funeral services privately Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville, officiating. Friends may call Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m. Burial at Depauville with services by Colon-Couch Post of American Legion, Clayton.
M'CREA -- At Chaumont, Nov. 24, 1932, Mrs. Addie Grappotte McCrea, widow of John T. McCrea, aged 77 years. Funeral from the home in Chaumont Sunday afternoon at 2, Rev. Arthur T. Gould, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in the family plot in the Evans Mills cemetery.
HERBRECHT -- Near Stone Mills, Jan. 16, 1933, Joseph A. Herbrecht, aged 72 years. Funeral from St. John's Catholic church, at Lafargeville Wednesday morning at 10. Burial in Clayton cemetery.
KENNEDY -- In this city, March 8, 1933, at the Henry Keep Home, Miss May E. Kennedy, retired dressmaker, aged 68 years. Funeral Friday at 10:30 a.m. from the Henry Keep Home, Rev. Walter C. Middleton, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in the Henry Keep Home (incomplete)
DIXON -- In the town of Clayton, Nov. 5, 1932, Mrs. Jennie Duggin Dixon, wife of William C. Dixon, aged 71 years. Funeral services privately Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville, officiating. Burial in the family plot at Depauville.
CROUSE -- At Ellisburg, Oct. 8, 1932, Mrs. Georgiana Beckwith Crouse of Ellisburg, widow of Lewis Crouse of Chaumont, aged 66 years. Funeral services Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Methodist Episcopal church at Ellisburg, Rev. Roger F. Williams, pastor, officiating. Burial at Three Mile Bay.
FLANSBURG At Adams, Aug. 26, 1932, Mrs. Inez E. Flansburgh of Adams, widow of Amasa M. Flansburgh, aged 76 years. Funeral services Monday at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Mark T. Flansburgh, Adams, Rev. A. T. Cort of Boonville, former pastor of the Presbyterian church of Adams, officiating. Burial in Elmwood cemetery at Adams.
DILLENBECK -- In the town of Clayton, Nov. 11, 1932, James C. Dillenbeck, aged 75 years. Funeral Sunday with prayer from Chaumont Methodist church at 2 p.m. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
VAN OSTRAND -- At Three Mile Bay, Sept. 19, 1932, Mrs. Marion Van Ostrand, aged 63 years. Funeral from home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment at Three Mile Bay.
WHITNEY -- Near Clayton, Nov. 23, 1932, Mrs. Helen Charlebois Whitney, wife of Burton G. Whitney, aged 73 years. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m. from Whitney homestead near Clayton, Rev. Clark Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist church, officiating. Interment in family plot in the Depauville cemetery.
TANNER -- At Cape Vincent, Nov. 15, 1932, Frederick Tanner, aged 42 years. Funeral services from home Friday at 1:30 p.m. and from St. John's Episcopal church, Cape Vincent, at 2 p.m. Rev. William Barnes, rector, officiating. Interment in Riverside cemetery, Cape Vincent.
ELMERS -- At Brooklyn, Nov. 7, 1932, Mrs. Eleanor Hartman Elmers, wife of Fred Elmers, 158 12th street, Brooklyn, formerly of Chaumont, aged 42 years. Funeral services Friday afternoon at 2 from the Clayton Baptist church, with Rev. Mr. Fowler, pastor of the church, officiating.
JUBY -- At the Mercy hospital, Dec. 4, 1932, William H. Juby, 411 Jay street, aged 77 years. Funeral services Wednesday at 9 a.m. from the home of his son, Henry C. Juby, and at 9:30 in Holy Family church. Burial in Glenwood cemetery.
PHILLIPS -- Near Chaumont, Jan. 15, 1932, Miss Gertrude Phillips, former school teacher, aged 86 years. Funeral from Fred Casler home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Kenneth Huggins officiating. Burial in St. Lawrence.
ZIMMER -- In this city, Dec. 30, 1932, Miss Lucy Emma Zimmer, aged 39 years, of 1164 Academy street. Funeral at 9:30 Sunday morning, Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, D. D., officiating. The body will be placed in the Lafargeville vault until spring.
CORBIN -- At Berlin, Md., Feb. 15, 1933, Mrs. Ottilie A. Corbin, widow of Herman J. Corbin, and former resident of Watertown, aged 61 years.
SEEBER -- In the town of Clayton, Dec. 22, 1932, Sylvenus H. Seeber, aged 80 years. Funeral this afternoon from his home in charge of the Depauville Masonic lodge. Interment in Depauville cemetery.
DANIELS -- At Glen Park, March 11, 1933, Truman F. Daniels of Glen Park, aged 66 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. C. M. Smith of Brownville, retired Methodist Episcopal minister, officiating. Burial in Depauville cemetery.
M'FARLAND -- Near Depauville, April 1, 1933, Deo McFarland, aged 17 years.
KIRBY -- At Depauville, May 22, 1933, Mrs. Sarah Jane Kirby, aged 70 years. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2:30 from the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Vogt, Depauville, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in family plot at Depauville cemetery.
HALLADAY -- At Depauville, April 27, 1933, Alvin Halladay, aged 70 years.Funeral from home of daughter, Mrs. Ray Hatch, Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial in Clayton.
ALLEN -- At St. Joseph's hospital, Syracuse, May 24, 1932, Ora B. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Allen, route two, Watertown, aged 38 years.
ADAMS -- At Chaumont, Feb. 25, 1933, Hector Adams of Chaumont, aged 74 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 2 p.m. at his home at Chaumont, Rev. Kenneth Huggins, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Chaumont, officiating. Services by the Masonic lodge of Chaumont. Burial in Cedar Grove cemetery at Chaumont.
MILLER _- In this city, June 28, 1933, George John (crossed out in pen) Miller, 531 Bradley street, aged 72 years. Funeral services Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the home, Rev. C. J. Sargent, pastor of the Hope Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial at North Watertown cemetery with services at the grave by Depauville Lodge of Masons.
CASSELMAN _- At the Jefferson county home, Aug. 29, 1933, Mrs. Adeline LaVanchard Casselman, widow of Donald Casselman and formerly of the town of Lyme, aged 89 years. Funeral from R. S. Clark funeral home at Chaumont Thursday afternoon at 2. Burial in Morris Tract cemetery, near Chaumont.
CROUSE -- At Ogdensburg, March 31, 1934, Mrs. Minnie G. Crouse, wife of Phillip Crouse, formerly of Cape Vincent and Three Mile Bay, aged 64 years. Funeral from St. John's Episcopal church at Cape Vincent Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial in Riverside cemetery.
EIGABROADT -- At Brownville, June 13, 1934, William T. Eigabroadt, aged 93 years. Funeral probably Saturday at 2 p.m. from the home. Burial in Brownville cemetery.
WALRATH -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, June 7, 1934, George Franklin Walrath of Adams, aged 44 years. Funeral services probably Sunday at 2:30 at the Methodist Episcopal church at Chaumont, following a prayer service at 2 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Walrath, Chaumont. Burial in Cedar Grove cemetery at Chaumont.
DILLENBECK -- At Clayton, April 3, 1933, Roy Clifford Dillenbeck, aged 19 years. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 1 from the home of his sister, Mrs. Perl Hyde, near Clayton, and at 2 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the church, officiating. Burial in the family plot of the Depauville cemetery.
MATTIS -- At Smith's Corners, June 30, 1933, Conrad Mattis, aged 79 years. Funeral services Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the home, Rev. William O. Thomas, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Clayton, officiating. Burial at Clayton.
HERRICK -- At his home in Chaumont, Jan. 19, 1934, George H. Herrick, aged 72 years. Funeral Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Chaumont Presbyterian church, Rev. Kenneth L. Huggins officiating. Chaumont lodge, No. 172, F. & A. M. in charge. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery.
LUCAS -- At The house of the Good Samaritan, Feb. 11, 1934, Mrs. Ida May Herrick Lucas, 333 Sterling street, widow of Frank G. Lucas, aged about 65 years. Funeral services privately Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Cummings Place, 212-214 Sterling street, Rev. William Eddy, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Boonville, officiating.
LOTT -- At Three Mile Bay, March 9, 1934, Mrs. Harriet Cerena Lott, widow of Cyrus J. Lott, aged 74 years. Funeral from home of daughter, Mrs. Ralph Rogers, Three Mile Bay, Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
MOUNT -- At Three Mile Bay, Feb. 12, 1934, Byron Ward Mount, aged 83 years. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from home. Burial in Three Mile Bay.
FISH -- At Three Mile Bay (date unclear), 1934, at the residence of Walter C. Hayes, C. Edward Fish of Three Mile Bay, Chaumont and Watertown, aged 64 years. Services private Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the residence of Walter C. Hayes at Three Mile Bay, Rev. William Eddy, pastor of the Boonville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in the family plot at the Three Mile Bay cemetery.
LIDDY -- At Chaumont, March 22, 1934, Mrs. Edith Eva Liddy, wife of George M. Liddy, aged 63 years. Private funeral Sunday at 2 p.m. from the home. Burial in Dexter cemetery.
LOWE -- At Glen Park, April 4, 1934, Mrs. Kate Cummings Lowe, Bridgeport, Conn., widow of Abel F. Lowe, aged 64 years.
TAYLOR -- At Los Angeles, Cal., April 6, 1934, Bertrand LeRoy Taylor, formerly of Three Mile Bay and Watertown, aged 72 years. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery, New York city.
MILLER -- Funeral services for Earl B. Miller, 42, 210 Arlington street, will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the home. Rev. F. H. Lamon, Christian Science reader, officiating. Burial at Depauville with military honors at the grave.
GEORGE -- At Chaumont, Nov. 11, 1934, Henry L. George, aged 74 years. Funeral from the home at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Kenneth L. Huggins, pastor of the Chaumont Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Ellis Munyon of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
HAGGART -- At Bentley's Corners, June 7, 1934, Mrs. Annie Litterman Haggart, wife of James Haggart, aged 47 years. Funeral Sunday at 2 p.m. from the home. Burial in Grove cemetery, Lafargeville.
NOLAN -- In this city, May 16, 1933, Edward B. Nolan, 807 Burchard street, aged 71 years.
SPONABLE -- At Endicott, Nov. 23, 1933, John Sponable, formerly of Three Mile Bay, aged 61 years. Funeral from home of sister, Mrs. William Bates, Three Mile Bay, Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Burial in Three Mile Bay.
BENNETT -- In this city, Jan. 3, 1934, Mrs. Carrie A. Cutler Bennett, wife of Fred E. Bennett, 240 Flower avenue east, aged 73 years. Burial at Champion.
WELLS -- At Limerick, Jan. 4, 1934, Mrs. Lillian G. Wells of Limerick, widow of Clarence Wells, aged 74 years. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Luke Wells, Limerick, Rev. Dr. H. W. Reed, minister of the Dexter Universalist church, officiating. Burial at Dexter.
BELLINGER -- At Three Mile Bay, Feb. 16, 1934, Mrs. France (sic) Roof Bellinger, wife of Ephriam Bellinger, aged 66 years. Funeral services Monday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. William Eddy, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Boonville, officiating. Burial at Three Mile Bay in the spring.
GEORGE -- At Plessis, Feb. 20, 1934, Charles Arthur George, aged 56 years.
SCHNAUBER -- At Depauville, April 16, 1934, George B. Schnauber, aged 72 years. Funeral services from the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles Lowe, Depauville, at 2 Thursday afternoon with Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Depauville cemetery.
OSBORN -- At Chaumont, May 17, 1934, Phineas Alden Osborne (sic), aged 87 years. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from the home of Mrs. Milford Haas, Chaumont, officiating. Interment at Depauville.
BENNETT -- Funeral of Mrs. Carrie A. Cutler Bennett, wife of Fred E. Bennett, will be held from family residence, 340 Flower avenue east, at 1 Saturday afternoon. Rev. J. W. Wilson, pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be made in Champion cemetery.
DULMAGE -- At Three Mile Bay, Sept. 10, 1934, at the residence of Mrs. H. E. Smith, Thomas Dulmage of Three Mile Bay, Civil war veteran, aged 88 years. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Smith residence at Three Mile Bay, Rev. Clark A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment at Depauville cemetery with the Masonic lodge in charge of services at the grave.
FRYE -- In Three Mile Bay, Nov. 6, 1934, Eugene Harmon Frye, aged 78 years, Three Mile Bay. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the family home. The Rev. Frank Mindham, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Interment in Three Mile Bay cemetery. Friends may call this evening.
FLANSBURGH -- At the Mercy hospital, July 15, 1929, Amasa M. Flansburgh, of Adams, aged 71 years. Funeral services will be conducted at the home of his son, Mark Flansburgh, in Adams Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. W.A. Wager, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Adams.
GRANT -- At Reynolds Corners, near Lafargeville, Sept. 21, 1933, Mrs. Sarah L. Sternberg Grant, aged 91 years. Funeral from the home at 2 Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor officiating. Burial at Depauville.
WEBBER -- Near Depauvlle, Nov. 10, 1933, Adam Webber, aged 71 years. Funeral from home near Depauville probably Sunday afternoon at 1:30. Burial at St. Lawrence.
FRY -- At Depauville, Dec. 12, 1933, Clinton Fry, aged 78 years. Funeral services from home at 2 Friday afternoon. Burial in Depauville.
EASTON -- At Mercy hospital, Jan. 31, 1934, Mrs. Rosella Mary Hoan Easton, Chaumont, aged 63 years. Funeral from the Howland funeral chapel at 9:30 Saturday morning and half an hour later from Holy Family church. Burial in the Depauville cemetery.
LOWE -- At Depauville, Feb. 16, 1934, Mrs. Emma Smith Lowe, wife of ___(unclear)___, Depauville, aged 84 years. (incomplete).
SPENCER -- Near Depauville, March 12, 1934, Mrs. Laura Horning Spencer, aged 82years. Funeral from Depauville Methodist Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon at 2, Rev. C. A. Robinson officiating. Interment at Depauville.
ELLIS -- At Clayton Center, April 2, 1934, Mrs. Cora A. Barney Ellis, widow of Preston A. Ellis, aged 77 years. Funeral services at 1 Thursday afternoon with Rev. Mr. Thomas of the Clayton Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial in the family plot of the Lafargeville cemetery.
LUTHER -- At Clayton Center, May 17, 1934, George B. Luther, aged 72 years.
VINCENT -- In Depauville, May 30, 1934, Mrs. Clara Ross Vincent, widow of Leonard Vincent, aged 80 (?) years. Funeral services at 2 Friday afternoon from her home. Burial in Depauville cemetery.
DORR -- Near Depauville, August 23, 1934, Mrs. Lucy A. Haas Dorr, widow of John Dorr, aged 86 years. Funeral from the home of a son, Edwin Dorr, near Depauville, Friday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment at Lafargeville.
EISENHAUER -- At Ogdensburg, Oct. 14, 1934, Mrs. Minnie Eletha Eisenhauer, aged 57 years, wife of Jacob Eisenhauer of Depauville. Funeral from the home at Depauville Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 and from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church at 2.
CARR -- In the town of Orleans, Aug. 8, 1934, Alexander Carr, 223 Coffeen street, aged 68 years. Funeral Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Carr residence at 323 Coffeen street, Rev. Herbert Moore of Sandy Creek, officiating. Interment in the Depauville cemetery.
BAXTER -- At Theresa, hospital, Jan. 24, 1935, Millard C. Baxter, of Lafargeville, aged 78 years. Funeral services from his home in Sunrise avenue, Lafargeville, Monday at 2 p.m., conducted by the Lafargeville Masonic lodge, assisted by Elder Reed of the Alton Methodist Protestant church.
FAIRMAN -- At Perch River, Nov. 13, 1934, Mrs. Ina Fox Fairman, widow of Everett W. Fairman, native of Three Mile Bay and formerly of Chaumont, aged 74 years. Funeral from home of her son, Pitt F. Fairman, Chaumont, Friday afternoon at 2. Burial in North Watertown cemetery.
HASNER -- In this city, Dec.5, 1934, Mrs. Cora E. Hasner, 336 South Indiana avenue, widow of George Hasner, aged 74 years. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Martin G. Hasner, 336 South Indiana avenue. Burial at Depauville.
SAMPSON -- At Clayton, April 11, 1935, Warner T. Sampson, retired farmer, aged 77 years. Prayers from the home in Jane street, at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and funeral services from the Clayton Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m., with Rev. W. O. Thomas, pastor, officiating. Interment in Clayton cemetery.
VINCENT -- At Three Mile Bay, July 18, 1935, Dr. Waterman A. Vincent of Three Mile Bay, aged 78 years. Funeral services Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. W. A. Herzog, pastor of the First Baptist church of Three Mile Bay, officiating. Burial at Three Mile Bay.
DORR -- In Dexter, Aug. 1, 1935, William Dorr, formerly of Lafargeville, aged 84 years. Friends may call at the home of his son, H. William Dorr, Dexter, from 8 to 9 this evening and at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. G. Baltz, Lafargeville, from 8 to 9 Friday evening. Funeral services will be held from the home of his daughter in Lafargeville at 2 Saturday afternoon with Rev. F. K. Vogt, Watertown, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot of the Depauville cemetery.
GOULD -- At Depauville, Aug. 13, 1935, Mrs. Clara E. Gould, wife of Eugene Gould, aged 71 years. Funeral from home at 1 p.m. Thursday, Rev. J. H. Fowler, pastor of the Clayton Baptist church, officiating. Burial in Depauville.
JACKSON -- Funeral services for Leon Jackson, 48, of Clayton, F. D., will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church. Burial will be made at Depauville.
NIMS-- In this city, May 15, 1936, Mrs. Mary Edith Nims, wife of Lawrence Nims, wife of Livingston Nims, (as written), 350 Van Dusee street, aged 61 years. Funeral services Monday at 10:30 a.m. from the Cummings funeral place and at 11 in the Church of the Redeemer, Rev. D. D. Douglas, rector of the church, officiating. Burial at Depauville.
DECKER -- At Mercy hospital, May 15, 1936, Mrs. Wallace Decker, Moon lake section, near Theresa, aged 69 years. Funeral from home Tuesday at 1 p.m. Burial in Hammond cemetery.
GREENEY - Near Three Mile Bay, May 31, 1936, Mrs. Melvina Bellinger Greeney, wife of George W. Greeney, aged 54 years. Funeral from home on North Shore Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
STONER -- At Depauville, Jan. 3, 1935, at the home of Mrs. Rena Gillette, Duford M. Stoner, retired railroad man, aged 61 years. Funeral Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Gillette home, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Body to be placed in the vault until spring.
SHAVER -- Near Depauville, March 20, 1935, William Shaver, aged 79 years. Funeral services Friday at 10 a.m. at the Cummings & Kittle undertaking rooms, Clayton. Burial at Clayton.
GIBBONS -- At Lafargeville, Feb. 27, 1935, Charles Gibbons, Depauville farmer, aged 58 years. Prayer services from home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Lafargeville, at 1 p.m. Wednesday and funeral services from Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Clark A. Robinson, pastor officiating. Interment in Clayton cemetery.
BROWN -- At Chaumont, July 28, 1935, Eugene H. Brown, aged 76 years. Funeral services from the home Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Roger William, pastor of the Methodist Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in the family plot in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
HART -- At Clayton, June 7, 1935, Mrs. Emma Patchin Hart, widow of Peter B. Hart, aged 71 years. Funeral services from the Hart farm homestead, near Clayton, Monday at 2:30 p.m., with Rev. William Williams, pastor of the Evans Mills Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in the family plot, Clayton cemetery.
MOULD -- In Depauville, Aug. 12, 1935, Donald Lloyd Mould, aged 15 years. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from home of Mrs. Minnie Mould in Depauville, Rev. Mr. Luscombe, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville, officiating. Burial in North Watertown cemetery.
LEACH -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, April 16, 1936, Fred H. Leach of Depauville, aged 76 years. Funeral services at the home of his sister, Mrs. Emily Gillette, Depauville, Sunday at 1 p.m., Rev. Clark Robinson, pastor of the Harrisville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial at Gouverneur at 3 p.m. Sunday.
EDMONDS -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, June 28, 1936, Miss Blanche Leona Edmonds, Clayton, Route 2, aged 31 years. Funeral services Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. (E. S. T.), from the home and at 2 in the Methodist Episcopal church, Depauville, Rev. Frank J. Browne, Richland, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Depauville church, officiating. Burial in the St. Lawrence cemetery.
Entered Into Rest.
PHILLIPS -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, June 17, 1936, Mrs. Kate C. Phillips, wife of O. Devilyle Phillips, town of Brownville, near Perch Lake, aged 73 years. Funeral services Saturday at 1:15 p.m. from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carroll D. Tyron, 737 Cadwell street, and at 2:30 D. S. T. in the Methodist Episcopal church, St. Lawrence, Rev. Dr. J. A. Leach, pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial in St. Lawrence cemetery.
WETTERHAHN -- At Bronx, N. Y., March 10, 1935, Gustavus C. Wetterhahn, formerly of the town of Orleans and Depauville, aged 83 years. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon from his home.
VAN ALSTYNE -- At Hannibal, April 24, 1935, Mrs. Sarah Empey Van Alstyne, widow of Secord Van Alstyne, formerly of Depauville, aged 88 years. Funeral from Methodist Episcopal church at Depauville on Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial in Depauville.
FOX -- At Hepburn hospital, Ogdensburg, June 27, 1935, Mrs. Estella Ingerson Fox, wife of Chauncey D. Fox, Three Mile Bay, aged 70 years. Funeral from home at Three Mile Bay Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
CHAPMAN -- At Three Mile Bay, Sept. 5, 1935, Mrs. Jennie Wells Chapman, widow of John Chapman, aged 78 years. Funeral from home of Mrs. Charles Yerdon Sunday at 2 p.m. Burial in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
WELLS -- At Three Mile Bay, Aug. 12, 1935, Miss Jessica Wells, aged 80 years. Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m. at the R. S. Clarke funeral parlors, Chaumont. Burial in the Three Mile Bay cemetery.
CARNES -- At Lafargeville, Aug. 22, 1935, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Emma L. Devendorf, on Main street, Mrs. Mable Devendorf Carnes, wife of Lyman H. Carnes, aged 49 years.
LEITERMAN -- At Reynolds Corners, Oct. 6, 1935, Phillip Leiterman, aged 67 years. Funeral services from the home at 2 Wednesday afternoon with Rev. F. K. Vogt, pastor of the Concordia Lutheran church, Watertown, officiating. Burial in Lafargeville.
LUFFMAN -- In the town of Clayton, near Lafargeville, March 1, 1936, Mrs. Mabel B. Luffman, wife of William Luffman, aged 56 years. Funeral services at the home Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Green of Copenhagen officiating. Burial at Depauville.
OSTERHOUT -- Funeral services for Wilbur D. Osterhout, 90, of 348 High street, will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Wilcox & Van Ness parlors, Rev. Dr. H. W. Reed, minister of All Souls Universalist church, officiating. Burial at Brownville.
MOUNT -- At Three Mile Bay, Dec. 9, 1935, John Schuyler Mount, aged 77 years. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the P. C. Vosler home, Rev. William A. Herzog, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church, officiating. Interment in the family plot in Three Mile Bay.
DICK -- At Catawba, O., Jan. 12, 1936, Hugh S. Dick, native of Three Mile Bay, aged 79 years. Funeral today at Catawba with interment there.
HENTZE -- At Chaumont, Jan. 19, 1936, Chester A. Hentze, retired farmer, aged 84 years. Funeral from home of son, William Hentze, Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial in Cedar Grove cemetery.
GEORGE -- Near Plessis, Sept. 13, 1935, Fred P. George, retired farmer, aged 62 years. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. from the family home in Plessis, Rev. M. A. Darling, pastor of the Antwerp Methodist Episcopal church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Allan Moore, pastor of the Plessis Methodist Episcopal church. Interment in Brookside cemetery at Plessis. Masonic services at the grave.
SCHAFER -- At Depauville, Jan. 3, 1936, George Philip Schafer, aged 73 years. Funeral services from his home Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. F. K. Vogt, pastor of Watertown Concordia Lutheran church, officiating. Interment in Depauville cemetery.
EASTON -- At Depauville, Aug. 4, 1936, Nelson O. Easton, aged 83 years. Funeral at 2 p.m. Thursday from the home of Mrs. W. Fred Sternberg, Depauville. Please omit flowers.
LOWE -- At Depauville, Aug. 24, 1936, Alfred D. Lowe, aged 85 years. Funeral from home at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Please omit flowers.
GRABBER -- In Depauville, Aug. 28, 1936, Mrs. Ellen O. Grabber, wife of the late A. D. Grabber, aged 81 years. Funeral from family home at 2 p.m. Monday, Rev. Mr. Albert Walker officiating.
HATCH -- At Massena, Sept. 1, 1936, Mrs. Alice G. Fulton Hatch, wife of Arthur Hatch, Clayton, aged 64 years. The body will arrive in Clayton Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2 from home of Mrs. Harriet Patch, Clayton, Rev. George Dudley Barr, rector of Christ Episcopal church, officiating.
BALDWIN -- At Mercy hospital, Sept. 4, 1936, James Baldwin, Theresa, aged 68 years. Funeral from Depauville Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m. Sunday, Rev. A. W. Walker, officiating. Burial in Depauville cemetery.
PLUMPTON -- In Mercy hospital, Jan. 16, 1937, Charles A. Plumpton, 1404 State street, aged 49 years. Prayer service Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the home and funeral services at 2 in the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Dr. J. M. Leach, pastor of the church, officiating. Burial in Brookside cemetery.
DILLENBECK -- At St. Lawrence state hospital at Ogdensburg, Jan. 21, 1937, Bertine A. Dillenbeck, aged 74 years. Funeral services Sunday afternoon at 2 from the home of his sister, Mrs. Nellie Lingenfelter, 349 Arsenal street, this city, Rev. James H. Keeling, retired Presbyterian minister, officiating. Interment in St. Lawrence cemetery.
LOOMIS -- In this city, Nov. 15, 1936, Newton Loomis, resident of Three Mile Bay, aged 37 years. Funeral from Clark Funeral home at Chaumont, Wednesday at 2 p.m., Rev. William H. Herzog, pastor of the Baptist church of Three Mile Bay, officiating. Interment in Three Mile Bay cemetery. (Age ??)
ORMSBY -- In this city, Dec. 1, 1936, Mrs. Nellie Dodge Ormsby of Clayton, wife of Perl Ormsby, aged 54 years. Funeral services Friday afternoon at 1 from her home in Clayton and at 2 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Royal Fishbeck, pastor of the Clayton Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Depauville.
HILTS -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Jan. 10, 1937, Dayton E. Hilts, Chaumont, aged 66 years. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 from the home and at 2 from the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Roger Williams, pastor, will officiate. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery.
In Memoriam.
His smiling way and pleasant face,
Are a pleasure to
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all
day, we hope to meet him,
Some day we know not when,
To clasp his hands in
the better land.
Never to part again.
LINGENFELTER -- At Depauville, Oct. 10, 1936, John W. Lingenfelter, retired farmer, aged 80 years. Funeral from home Wednesday afternoon at 2, Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Methodist church at Depauville, officiating. Interment in family plot at Three Mile Bay.
BATES -- At Three Mile Bay, Jan. 29, 1937, Mrs. William Bates, aged 72 years. Funeral srvices Sunday afternoon at 2 from the home, Rev. William H. Herzog, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church, officiating. Interment in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
LAPATRA -- At Depauville, Jan. 8, 1937, Henry LaPatra, well driller, aged 70 years. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the home, Rev. (name not mentioned because of scrambled up type), ____ville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in Depauville.
GUERNSEY -- At Depauville, Feb. 10, 1937, Mrs. Martha Bass Guernsey, widow of Eugene Guernsey, St. Lawrence, aged 74 years. Funeral Saturday at 1:30 p.m. from the home of a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Schnauber at Depauville, and at 2:30 from the St. Lawrence Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Roy Fishbeck, pastor of the Clayton Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment in St. Lawrence cemetery.
LONGWAY -- At Clayton, Feb. 19, 1937, Mrs. Matilda A. Longway, wife of John H. Longway, aged 63 years. Funeral services from the home at 1:30 and from the Methodist Episcopal church at 2, Rev. Royal Fishbeck, pastor, officiating. Burial in Clayton cemetery.
HAMILTON -- In Adams Center, R. D., March 10, 1937, Mrs. Elizabeth Schwartz Hamilton, wife of Fred J. Hamilton, aged 63 years. Funeral services Saturday at 1 p.m. at the home, with Rev. Fred Vogt, pastor of the German Lutheran church of Watertown, officiating. Burial in Adams Center cemetery.
VAN NESS -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, Feb. 11, 1937, Mrs. Ida Dulmage VanNess, wife of Lawrence Van Ness, Pillar Point, aged 38 years. Funeral services Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dulmage, Pillar Point, Rev. P. A. Roy, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church Dexter, officiating. Burial Depauville.
HAAS -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, March 3, 1937, Glenn Alderman Haas, Chaumont, aged 29 years. Prayer services Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Haas, Chaumont, and services at 2 p.m. in the Presbyterian church, Chaumont, Rev. W. C. Middleton, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, Watertown, officiating. Masonic services in the church. Burial in Cedar Grove cemetery at Chaumont.
VAN ALSTYNE -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, March 8, 1937, Mrs. Donna Dayon Van Alstyne, wife of Harold J. Van Alstyne, town of Lyme, aged 33 years. Funeral services Thursday at 1:30 p.m. from the home and at 2:30 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. William Herzog, pastor of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church, and Rev. Albert Walker, pastor of the Depauville church, will officiate. Body to be placed in the vault at Depauville to await burial in the spring.
WHITNEY -- At Depauville, May 23, 1937, Burton G. Whitney, aged 82 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 1 p.m. (E.S.T.), from the home of his son, Miles S. Whitney, 421 Prospect avenue, and at 2:30 (E. S. T.) in the Methodist Episcopal church, Depauville. Burial at Depauville.
EASTON -- At Depauville, April 16, 1937, Mrs. Margaret E. Easton, former Watertown resident, aged 76 years. Funeral services Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from the home, Rev. Albert Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be in Depauville cemetery.
LANCE -- At Three Mile Bay, April 18, 1937, Mrs. Elizabeth Sponable Lance, wife of Milton Lance, Three Mile Bay, aged 73 years. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the home, Rev. Clarence Stearns, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial at Three Mile Bay.
EMPIE -- In Dexter, May 27, 1937, Charles M. Empie, aged 91 years. Prayer services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 (E. S. T.) from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Burt W. Wood of Dexter, and funeral services at 3:30 (E. S. T.) from his home in Three Mile Bay, Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, D. D., pastor of the Dexter Universalist church, officiating. Interment in the Three Mile Bay cemetery. Masonic services at the grave.
HENTZE -- At Chaumont, June 15, 1937, Mrs. Julia Clark Hentze, aged 89 years, widow of Chester Hentze. Prayer service at the home Friday at 1:30 p.m., E. S. T., and funeral from the Chaumont Methodist church at 2, Rev. Roger V. Williams and Rev. W. H. Pullen, Methodist ministers, officiating. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
He Served With Company K in the Tenth New York Heavy Artillery--
Lived With Granddaughter, Mrs. Sadie Smith.
Three Mile Creek, Sept. 10. -- Thomas Dulmage, sr., 88, veteran of the Civil war, died about 6:30 this morning at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. H. E. Smith, this village, after a six months' illness.
Mr. Dulmage had been in failing health for some time and yesterday (incomplete)
(photo of Mr. Dulmage included at this point)
(remainder of obit not visible to typist -- looks like the obit became unglued and the underside was flipped up when copied - if anyone has the remainder of this obit, please write the typist and it will be inserted on her copy of this scrapbook.)
Lafargeville, Dec. 19. -- Mrs. Margaret Gibbons was honored at the home of her son, Charles Gibbons, on the Clayton Center-Depauville road, on Sunday, Dec. 14, the occasion being her 89th birthday.
Mrs. Gibbons was born in a log cabin on the shore of the St. Lawrence river near Spicer's Bay. The land surrounding the cabin was covered by a dense forest which later was cleared by her parents, the late Lawrence and Margaret Fox Fetterly. The farm is now owned by May Irwin.
Mrs. Gibbons' great-grandfather, Henry Fetterly, fought during the Revolutionary war and was last seen at the Battle of Oriskany, where he was wounded and left by his comrades in the thickest of the fight. After the battle he was not to be found and it was supposed that he had been scalped by the Indians.
Of a family of twelve children, only one besides Mrs. Gibbons is living, Martin Fetterly, at the Masonic Home in Utica. Mrs. Gibbons is enjoying good health and is able to be about by the aid of a cane, her lameness having been caused by an automobile accident several years ago. She does most of her own work and all of the household baking. She reads a great deal and during good weather takes many long auto trips.
Four generations were present at her birthday celebration, Edna Grant and Reuben Carter being the 4th generation.
A roast pork dinner was served at noon. Two birthday cakes were made for the occasion; one a large decorated cake made by her daughter, Mrs. Fannie Carter, and one with 89 candles on it, made by her son's wife, Mrs. Fred Gibbons.
Those present besides Mrs. Gibbons and her son, Charles, were Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Carter, Gerald, Fred and Dorothy Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter and son, Reuben; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grant, jr., and daughter, Edna, William De Laney, William Rankin, James White and Robert Lane of Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbons and daughters, Ruth and Dorothy of Theresa, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dillon of Lafargeville.
Bernice Wetterhahn Entertained On Seventeenth Birthday
DEPAUVILLE, March 2, -- A birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Swartout tendered to Miss Bernice Wetterhahn on her seventeenth birthday was well attended. The guests were: Misses Gladys Gould, Harriett Nims, Edna Gould and Master Milton Wetterhahn. They played cards and games. Then followed a light repast. Miss Wetterhahn received various pretty presents.
* * * * *
A surprise birthday party in honor of Glenn Spencer's fifteen birthday was held at his home here Wednesday evening. The invitations were limited to his local fellow students attending (incomplete)
Clayton, Jan. 5.-- Mrs. Harriet Powell Putnam observed her 90th birthday quietly at home on Dec. 30. She received many greetings from neighbors and friends. She got 75 cards and letters in all, the St. Lawrence Sunday school giving her a shower. They also gave her a bouquet of vari-colored carnations. Among other flowers she was presented with a large pot of pure white hyacinths from Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lingenfelter and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Brown, grandchildren, Brownville, and a large plant of scarlet Cleveland cherries by her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Rice and family.
Mrs. Putnam retains her full faculties and is keenly interested in the affairs of the day. In the early 60's she was a teacher.
Among those who were at her home to greet her on her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Putnam and son, Miles, of Clayton, R. D. 2, with whom she resides, Mrs. Charles Lingenfelter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lingenfelter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rice of Point Salubrious.
MARRIED ON FEB. 21, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dingman Have
Always Resided on Point Peninsula--Dinner Given Them By Daughter, Mrs. John
Cheal--Receive Purse of Gold.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dingman of Point Peninsula, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Tuesday and were guests of their daughter, Mrs. John Cheal, Point Peninsula, at a dinner party.
The couple were united in marriage on Three Mile Point, at the home of the bride's paaarents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fox, Feb. 21, 1883. They have always resided on Point Peninsula.
Dinner was served to 25 guests and the day was devoted to singing old time songs, cards and dancing. The couple received a purse of gold.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Cheal, Miss Audrey Cheal, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dingman and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt, Jeanne, Virginia and William Hewitt, Mrs. Cora Hewitt, Mrs. Jennie Dingman, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Austin, B. N. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mepham, Clarence and Maynard Cheal, Mr. and Mrs. William Cean, and Miss Marian Cean, Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Dingman.
Clayton, Jan. 10. -- Mrs. Hollis G. Easton of Depauville celebrated her 70th birthday, Jan. 8.
She was honored at a surprise party. A buffet luncheon, including chicken, pie, and ending with ice cream and a birthday cake decorated with whipped cream instead of candles, was served. Mrs. Easton was made quest of honor.
She received gifts and greetings from many friends. Games were played and radio entertainment enjoyed. Mrs. Easton has lived in Depauville a number of years. Mr. Easton is shut in with a fractured ankle.
Those present at the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haas, Mrs. Martha Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Easton, and son, Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Campbell and daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Easton and son, Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Easton and Earl.
Brownville, March 1. -- Mr. and Mrs. Hollis G. Easton observed the 50th anniversary of their marriage at their home Thursday, Feb. 25. They received beautiful gifts and cards of congratulation from friends. Among the gifts were cut flowers, plants in bloom, and quite a number of gold pieces.
Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Easton called upon them during the afternoon and evening. Their children and 9 grandchildren surprised them with special features. Refreshments were served to the guests who called, by their daughter and granddaughters, Mrs. Lois M. Osborne, Mrs. Francis B. Cavanagh and Miss Mildred O. Osborne. A pyramid cake made by Mrs. Osborne and decorated by Mrs. Cavanagh was presented to the bride.
Miss Mildred O. Osborne entertained the guests with readings of her own composition. Another special feature was a poem, which came with a gift from Mrs. Florence Noble Worlock and Edward W. Warlock. The poem was read on the 50th anniversary of Mrs. Worlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble.
Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Miller and Mrs. (sic) and Mrs. Eugene McOmber (1933)
Lowville, Jan. 10. -- Anniversaries of local couples during the past week included: The 46th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Miller, Dayan street, who were married on Jan. 4, 1886; the 26th wedding anniversary of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McOmber, who were married on the same date, Jan. 4, 1906.
Chaumont Resident Meets Death on Three
Mile Bay-Chaumont Road
Limerick Resident, Friend of Victim, Says He Was
Blinded By Lights of Approaching Machine--
Arnold Suffers Broken Back and
Internal Injuries
Chaumont, Nov. 19. -- William H. Arnold, 61, farmer of this village, was fatally injured about 6 Tuesday evening when he was struck by a car driven by a friend, Ernest Allison of Limerick. The accident occurred a short distance from the corporation limits of Chaumont on the Three Mile Bay-Chaumont highway.
After the accident, Mr. Arnold was taken to his home about six rods from where the accident happened. Dr. O. J. LaFountain of this village was summoned but he pronounced the man dead when he arrived. It was said by the physician Mr. Arnold suffered internal injuries and a broken back.
Sheriff Frank D. Walrath and Deputy Sheriff James A. Rafferty investigated following a report made to the sheriff's office. After questioning Mr. Allison the sheriff said the accident had been unavoidable due to glaring headlights of a car approaching. These lights blinded Mr. Allison so he could not see Arnold who was walking on the edge of the road with a team of horses.
At the time of the accident Mr. Allison was driving toward Chaumont. He had not reached the corporation limits when his Dodge car struck Mr. Arnold. Mr. Arnold had just finished plowing in a field near his home and was driving his team back to the barn. He was not carrying a lantern.
Allison told the sheriff he had just passed one car coming toward him and another appeared with blinding headlights. He said when he did see Mr. Arnold he tried to avoid an accident but he was too near him to stop.
Mr. Arnold was hit by the front bumper on the car. A horse was knocked to the road but was not injured. As soon as Mr. Allison stopped his car he got out and found Mr. Arnold on the bumper. He lifted his friend from the bumper and laid him by the side of the road. John Dillenbeck of this village, a friend of the two men, came along in his car about the same time and with Mr. Allison they carried the injured man home in a blanket.
Mr. Allison told the sheriff after he had placed Mr. Arnold on the side of the road, he said, "Is your leg broken, Will?"
Mr. Arnold replied, "No, I guess not." After that he did not speak again, according to Mr. Allison.
After Dr. LaFountain pronounced the man dead he went to the barn where Mrs. Arnold was milking and notified her of her husband's death.
William H. Arnold was born on Galloups Island, Feb. 15, 1869, a son of the late Jacob H. and Ellen Arnold. He lived on the island until he was 14 years of age and then came to this section where he had since lived.
He was married to Miss Minnie Cameron of this village on Oct. 5, 1898. Mr. Arnold was a member of the Presbyterian church here.
Surviving besides his widow, Mrs. Minnie Cameron Arnold, of this village, are three daughters, Mrs. Chester Priest of Nyack, Mrs. George Lince and Miss Edith Arnold of Watertown; a son, Henry Arnold of Watertown; a brother, Charles Arnold of Chaumont; three sisters, Mrs. Edith Armstrong of Chaumont, Mrs. Mark Steele of Adams and Mrs. Oliver Medsger of Arlington, N. J., and two grandchildren, Helen and Jean Lince, of Watertown.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Passes Away at Hospital Here Eight Hours After Being Knocked Down
She Runs Into Path of Car After Jumping from Grandfather's Truck
School Girl Hit Nearly in Front of Her Residence on Clayton-Depauville Road--Suffers
Fracture of Skull and Legs--Inquest Held Today.
Rosalind Helen Longway, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Longway, Clayton, R. D. 2, died at 12:40 this morning at the House of the Good Samaritan from injuries she received Tuesday afternoon about 4:30 when she was struck by a car about three miles north of Depauville and only a few rods from her home on the Clayton-Depauville road.
The girl suffered a fracture of the skull, fractures of both legs above the knees and cuts and bruises. She was unconscious from the time of the accident until her death.
The automobile which struck the Longway girl, a Ford Tudor sedan, was owned and driven by Perley Edmonds, 28, of Depauville, employe of the Warner Knitting company of Clayton. Edmonds left Clayton about 4 Tuesday afternoon and was driving on the new cement road.
Edmonds was questioned this morning by Assistant District Attorney Howard B. Donaldson at the latter's office. Mr. Donaldson was informed of the fatality by authorities of the House of the Good Samaritan at 1 this morning.
According to testimony Edmonds gave at the inquest, the Longway truck, driven by John Longway, grandfather of the dead girl, was parked on the right hand side of the road opposite the Longway farm, facing the approaching Edmonds' machine. Edmonds said he was proceeding at a rate of about 35 miles an hour at the time of the accident.
When the front part of his car was even with the rear end of the Longway truck, Edmonds testified two girls, Rosalind and her sister, Pern, 10, darted across the street from the rear of the truck. The right head light of the Edmonds car struck the younger girl, Pern, who followed her sister, stepped back in time to avoid being struck. The two girls were returning home from school.
Edmonds was alone in the car at the time. Questioned by Assistant District Attorney Donaldson, John Longway, the grandfather of the girl and the driver of the truck .........(missing sentences).........said there were other men in the truck, but did not know their names.
Following directly behind the Edmonds machine was a Buick driven by John Goldthswaite, traveling salesman of Somerville, Mass., who stopped, picked up the injured girl and brought her to the office of Dr. Frank Henne, Clayton, followed by Edmonds. After administering first aid, Dr. Henne ordered the girl to be removed to a hospital.
Troopers Hennessey and Schneider of Clayton, who were patrolling the Clayton-Depauville highway at the time of the accident, investigated. A report was made to them by Edmonds. The two troopers, with troopers from Theresa are continuing the investigation and will make a report to Assistant District Attorney Donaldson. The inquest will be continued, Mr. Donaldson said.
The remains of the Longway girl were removed to the William R. Box company undertaking parlors and this morning Walter P. Cummings, Clayton, took them to his parlors and later to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Longway, Clayton-Depauville road, about three miles from Clayton.
The girl was born May 29, 1922, at Clayton, a daughter of Roy and Florence Washer Longway. She attended a district school in the town of Clayton near her home. Besides her parents, her sister, Pern, and her grandparents, she is survived by several aunts and uncles. Her parents resided next door to the grandparents.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 9 at the home of her grandparents and at 9:30 at the St. Mary's Catholic church at Clayton, Rev. George Racette, pastor, officiating. Burial will be at Clayton.
Buried Under Tons of Gravel in
Cave-in at Sand Pit Near Lafargeville
Efforts of Fellow Workers To Save Him From Death are
Young Man Dead When Workmen Carry Him
from Chute After Digging Away Gravel Which
Him--Two Doctors Summoned But They Are Unable to Aid
Lafargeville, Aug. 25.--Caught in a gravel chute when several tons of gravel caved in around him, Lloyd Heyl, 28 (sic), son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyl of this village, was smothered to death about 8 last night before he could be extricated.
The accident occurred when Heyl climbed above the chute in a gravel pit near here to shovel the loose stone near the opening so that it could be poured into a truck waiting below.
The gravel suddenly caved in and Heyl was carried partially through the chute so that his legs protruded above the box of the truck below. The sliding gravel poured around him in such fashion as to prevent him from breathing and by the time he could be dragged out he was dead.
When the driver of the truck, whose name was not learned, saw Heyl's legs come through the chute he seized them and attempted to pull the man through. The weight of the wet gravel, however, prevented this and then several men working in the pit attempted to get above the chute and shovel the gravel away.
In this they were unsuccessful because of the fact that the gravel caved in as rapidly as they shoveled. There are several chutes in the pit and after Homer Nellis, of Lafargeville had opened one of the other chutes permitting the gravel to flow off it was possible to get Heyl out.
Dr. J. T. Fowkes, sr., of this village and Dr. J. T. Fowkes, jr. were both summoned and attempted to revive the man. A pulmotor was brought from Clayton and the physicians worked for two (unclear) without success.
He had been in an accident about 12 years ago when he lost his right hand and the thumb on his right hand. It is thought that the stump of his right hand may have caught in the chute as he slid through preventing him from passing into the truck below. The chute is about 12 inches square.
The sand pit is owned by Elmer Haller and is located on the Black Creek road between Clayton and Lafargeville about three miles from this village. Heyl was employed as a truck driver hauling (incomplete).
Search Begun After He
Vanishes in Guffins Bay
Missing Man Seen Standing in Boat, Waving Arms Wildly For Aid
Between Mainland and Cherry
Island Sunday--Relatives
Think He May Have Reached Island.
Roy MacFarland, 23, Depauville, is believed to have drowned Sunday afternoon while duck hunting off the north shore of Guffins Bay when his rowboat was swept out to the middle of the bay during a windstorm.
It is the opinion of county authorities and those who last saw the young man that the boat was swamped by the heavy sea and that the hunter was drowned.
He was last seen by Mrs. Nettie Herrick, who resides on a farm near Adams Cove. At that time the man stood up in the boat which was a half mile from the mainland and waved his arms in the air. The boat then drifted out of sight.
Louis Majo, farmer, residing near the Herrick farm, and Howard Cossleman, Brownville, also watched the movements of the boat. They saw it in the bay. It was headed towards Cherry Island, a mile and a quarter from the shore. When it was about half way over it vanished from sight, they said, and they summoned aid at once.
Seven miles of the shore was patrolled, including the south shore of Point Salubrious, but no trace of the boat was found. A theory is advanced that MacFarland might have reached Cherry Island but it is scouted by Pillar Point residents.
Marcus MacFarland, father, and brother arrived at Pillar Point early this morning. They wanted to be sure Roy was not at Cherry Island. They went to Point Salubrious to get a boat and go over to Cherry Island. The waves were rolling high in the lake this morning.
MacFarland started early Sunday morning to hunt ducks. He went first to Dexter but because of the ice there was unable to get his boat into position.
Early in the afternoon he arrived at Adams Cove and arranged with Fred H. Utter for decoys and a boat. Mr. Utter said today that he gave the young man three live decoys and some wooden ones.
According to Mr. Utter the man got into the boat and started to set out the decoys.
There was a high wind from the south and the waves were about five feet high. It is believed that when MacFarland attempted to row back, he was unable to advance against wind and current. The fact that Mrs. Herrick saw him waving his arms is considered an indication that he became frightened.
Mr. Utter today said that one of the wooden decoys was picked up near the Ivan J. Gotham cottage shore Sunday night. Fisherman in the vicinity expressed the belief that the flat bottomed boat filled with water and sank. Mr. Utter retrieved the two remaining live decoys.
Roy MacFarland is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus MacFarland, Depauville. Mr. MacFarland married Miss Ann Fuller of Adams about a year ago. They had resided in Depauville for about a month where Mr. MacFarland conducted a shoe repair shop and Mrs. MacFarland, a restaurant, both in the same building.
Anchor on 30 Feed of Rope Dragging Bottom--Lloyd MacFarland, 23,
Depauville, Still Missing--Plan to Drag For Remains Today.
(with photo of Mr. MacFarland)
First definite proof that Lloyd MacFarland, 23, of Depauville, was drowned Sunday afternoon while hunting ducks from a row boat off Pillar Point was revealed when the boat he used was found bottom up at 5 Wednesday afternoon, about 300 feet off Point Salubrious in Guffins Bay. The body is still missing.
The boat was discovered by Arthur Fuller of Adams, father-in-law of the youth, and E. G. Williams, 624 Mundy street, city. The boat's anchor was dragging from about 30 feet of rope. It kept the boat from drifting ashore sooner. The men experienced difficulty in getting the boat to shore, because of ice formations along the shore line.
Marcus MacFarland, father of the drowned man, arrived on the scene shortly after the boat was found and, with those present, made plans for dragging the bay today for the body. Because of a strong northeast wind blowing the waves high, it was impossible to start dragging proceedings this morning.
Sheriff Frank D. Walrath spent Tuesday afternoon aiding in the search. He will have deputy sheriffs assist in dragging when weather conditions permit.
Fred H. Utter, proprietor of the store at Adams Cove, who rented the boat to Mr. MacFarland Sunday afternoon, identified his craft late Wednesday.
The boat had drifted about three (blurred) ____ from the spot where it is thought it overturned. On the day of the drowning the wind blew from the south and the waves are believed to have carried the boat into the bay. Since then the wind has been from the southwest. It would tend to blow the boat toward Point Salubrious, it is said.
About 25 persons aided in the search Wednesday. On Tuesday one of the oars of the boat drifted ashore near Adams Cove.
Seen Floating This Morning Near Morehouse
(sic) Cottage, Point Salubrious
NOV.30, 1930
Body Found a Mile From Where the Boat Sunk Seven Months
Ago--Believe Electrical
Storm Brought Remains to Surface
During Night.
The body of Lloyd MacFarland, 23, of Depauville, who was drowned Sunday afternoon, Nov. 30, 1930, while duck hunting in Guffins Bay, was recovered this morning a mile from where he was last seen in his boat when it was swamped in a heavy sea. The body was found floating near the Charles Moorehouse (sic) cottage on Point Salubrious.
Although the youth's body was badly decomposed, it was identified by his father, Marcus MacFarland of Depauville, who was summoned by county authorities when it was reported the body had been found. The father identified the youth by his hunting license, which was still fastened to his coat, and the clothing.
Charles Moorehouse, who is staying at his cottage on the south side of Point Salubrious, saw the body this morning at 6:30 when he left his cottage to come to this city. He saw it floating about eight feet from shore in about a foot and a half of water.
When questioned by county authorities, Moorehouse said he had been around the cottage Friday but did not see the body. It is believed that the heavy sea Friday night and the electrical storm that swept over the bay brought the body to the surface.
Sheriff Frank D. Walrath detailed Deputy Sheriff Roy Schuyler and Deputy Sheriff Ray Johndrow to investigate.
The district attorney's office appointed Dr. A. J. LaFountaine to act as coroner's physician. When the two deputies and the physician arrived at the Moorehouse cottage, the body was still in the water. The coroner's physician ordered it taken from the water. Deputies Harrington and Schuyler, in a skiff, brought the body to shore.
After Dr. LaFountaine had completed his investigation he ordered the body removed to the I. S. Clark funeral chapel in Chaumont.
The county authorities said the body was found a short distance from where the youth's pocketbook was found last spring. The watch in his pocket today had stopped.
MacFarland was duck hunting off the north shore of Guffins bay on Nov. 30, 1930, at the time of the tragedy. There was a heavy sea rolling that day and it is believed that the boat was swamped.
The young man was last seen by Mrs. Nettie Herrick, who resides on a farm near Adams Cove. At that time he stood up in the boat, a half mile from the mainland. He was seen to wave his arms in the air. The boat then drifted out of sight.
For several days after MacFarland disappeared a search was made by the county authorities for the body. They dragged the bay several times and dynamite was used.
Lloyd MacFarland was the son of Alice Card and Marcus MacFarland. He was born at Chaumont, but later moved to Depauville with his parents.
As a young man, MacFarland left home and traveled extensively through the United States and Canada. He had twice sailed from coast to coast and spent a season in Hawaii and traveled through the Philippine Islands.
Besides his wife, Mrs. Anna Fuller MacFarland, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus MacFarland; two brothers, Rollo and George MacFarland, all of Depauville, and one sister, Shellah, of Depauville.
MAN, 28, CRUSHES ARM IN ACCIDENT (January 22, 1931)
Carl W. Van Alstyne, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Alstyne of Main street, Chaumont, was admitted to the House of the Good Samaritan at 9:30 this morning with a severe fracture of his right forearm, suffered in an accident at the house of the Dairymen's league plant at Chaumont. Dr. D. G. Gregor attended him.
Mr. Van Alstyne, with other employees, was filling the ice house at the plant and was operating a hoist on the platform on the front part of the building. Inadvertently he placed his hand on the cable on a drum of the hoist. His arm was drawn between the drum and the cable and twisted just below the elbow.
Frank Celleni, who was working nearby, went to the assistance and John Dillenbeck, another employe took him to the office of Dr. O. J. LaFountaine. Dr. LaFountaine, after giving first aid, advised the man's removal to the hospital. It was stated at the hospital that the bone was badly crushed, but that an amputation will probably be unnecessary.
FARMER'S ARM BROKEN (Feb. 6, 1931)
Fred K. Bretch, 34, Lafargeville farmer was admitted to the House of the Good Samaritan Wednesday at 4:45 p.m. with a fracture of the left arm at the elbow suffered in a fall Tuesday at his farm home. Dr. F. R. Calkins is his attending physician. Mr. Bretch fell several feet from a ladder while climbing to the roof of his barn.
Mrs. Martha Easton of Depauville who has been in the employ of Mrs. R. P. Grant here for a short time, had the misfortune of falling in front of the local post office last week and breaking her arm. She was taken to her home in Depauville. (Dec. 1930)
Depauville, Sept. 20. -- Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Stoner of Boston, are the guests of Mrs. Stoner's mother, Mrs. Rina Gillette, and last Wednesday they went to Lafargeville to call on relatives and while at the home of Mrs. Anna Beckwith, Mrs. Stoner had the misfortune to fall down the last three steps when coming down stairs, breaking both bones in her left ankle.
She was taken at once to the office of Dr. J. T. Fowkes in Clayton where X-ray pictures were taken and the bones set and placed in a cast. At present she is resting as comfortably as can be expected.
Undergoes Operation.
Depauville, Dec. 7. -- Miss Blanche Edmonds, a clerk in E. G. Eckerts' store, became ill last week with appendicitis. Dr. J. T. Fowkes took her to the House of the Good Samaritan, where she was operated upon at once. Her condition is satisfactory.
Patrick Cassidy, City, Receives
Lump Sum Award of $700 for Decreased Earnings Since
17, 1928--Accident to Back Occurred in 1925.
Carl VanAlstyne, 29, of Chaumont, who was seriously injured Jan. 22, 1931, while working for the Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, received an award of $4,923.24 for 90 per cent loss of the use of his right arm at the compensation court session held in the state armory Tuesday afternoon. The award was made by Referee James P. Richardson of Syracuse.
Mr. Van Alstyne, employed at the Chaumont plant of the league at the time of the accident, was harvesting ice at Chaumont Bay. In some manner while ice was being hoisted his arm became caught in a hoisting drum, badly crushing it.
For some time he was a patient both in the House of the Good Samaritan here and Faxton hospital in Utica, and underwent numerous operations and considerable treatment. His arm, however, was not amputated.
After an examination at the hearing Tuesday, Dr. W. S. Cooke, Syracuse, examiner for the state industrial commission, recommended the 90 per cent loss of use of the arm, announced that the loss was permanent and said that further surgical treatment would be a "hazardous and useless matter." No improvement in the condition of the arm could be expected, he said. The young man was examined jointly by Dr. Cooke and Dr. D. G. Gregor.
The award compensated the young man was for 301.8 weeks at $16, 34 a week and will be paid him weekly. Mr. VanAlstyne is unmarried. The Utica Mutual Insurance Company carried the case, which was closed with the making of the award.
Brownville, March 13. -- Mrs. Charles Lingenfelter had the misfortune to fall in her room. Dr. Clarence Fowler was summoned and discovered that her hip was broken and she was taken to the House of the Good Samaritan where her condition is serious. No attempt has been made yet to set the broken bone. (1932)
Clayton, Oct. 17. -- Funeral services for Rosalind Helen Longway, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Longway, R. D. 2, who died after she was struck by an automobile in front of her home Tuesday afternoon, were held this morning at 9 from the home and 9:30 from the St. Mary's church. Rev. George Racette, pastor of St. Mary's church, officiated. Interment was made in the local cemetery.
The services were largely attended and the home was banked with floral tributes of friends and relatives. The child was well known in this section as an entertainer. She was adept at singing and playing the guitar.
According to Mrs. Longway today the accident occurred when the dead girl and her sister were crossing the road after they had been given a ride home in their grandfather's truck. The truck was said to have been parked on the right side of the road and the grandfather, John Longway, had gone ahead on foot some distance.
Mrs. Longway aid the two girls waited for two automobiles to pass and that they evidently misjudged the distance the car of Perley Edmonds of Depauville which struck Rosalind.
Mrs. Longway picked up the child immediately after she was struck, she said.
A photo of Everett Vincent appeared on the page with the above items. There was no accompanying text.
Depauville Man Suffers
Fracture of Both Legs Below the Knees When He Is Pinned
Truck and Wall in Barn--Frank L. Clemons, 20,
Stricken With Appendicitis.
Earl R. Clemons, 47, of Depauville, was admitted to the House of the Good Samaritan Sunday morning about 7 with both legs fractured below the knees when he was pinned between the front of his truck and the wall in the barn of his home.
About 8 Sunday night his son, Frank L. Clemons, 20, of Depauville, was admitted to the same hospital and immediately underwent an operation for appendicitis. Dr. H. G. Farmer is attending both father and son, having performed the operation on Frank Clemons.
The father was reported as resting more comfortably this morning and is expected to recover. The condition of Frank Clemons was described as good this morning.
The elder Mr. Clemons draws milk by truck from Depauville to the station of the Dairymen's League plant at Clayton. Early Sunday morning he went to the barn of the Clemons' home to make preparations for his trip to Clayton with the milk.
The truck was in gear at the time and as he cranked it the truck started forward, pinning the man between the front bumper and the wall.
The injured man called for aid. His daughter, Ella, hearing his calls, notified her mother. She hurried to the barn and then summoned Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lewis and Milton Sprague, neighbors, who went to Mr. Clemons' rescue.
Dr. R. L. Gray of Clayton was summoned to the Clemons' residence and he accompanied the injured man to the hospital.
The elder Mr. Clemons was called home Saturday night from a meeting at Depauville of Dairymen's League producers by the illness of his son, Frank, a truck driver for the state highway department, who suddenly suffered an acute attack of appendicitis. At that time Dr. Gray was called. He was removed to the hospital in the evening after his condition failed to improve. Later an operation was decided upon.
Believed To Have Suffered Fainting
Brother of Lloyd McFarland Who Drowned While Duck Hunting in Guffins Bay in 1930, Loses Life
While Inspecting Traps
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, April 1.--Deo McFarland, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus McFarland, was drowned in a branch of the Chaumont river on the family farm near this village at 7 a.m. today when he fell in the stream while inspecting his traps.
He was the brother of Lloyd McFarland, 23-year-old Depauville duck hunter who was drowned in Guffins Bay on Nov. 30, 1930. His body was not found until the following year.
Deo McFarland had not been in good health and is believed to have suffered a fainting spell and toppled into the shallow water where he drowned.
The stream is not far from the house which is located on the Depauville-Lafargeville road, and when members of the family discovered that the boy was not in sight, his father went to investigate.
Mr. McFarland saw his son's hat floating in the stream and then discovered the body in shallow water near the shore. The boy was dead when removed from the water. Dr. O. J. Lafontaine of Chaumont was called and he was appointed to act as coroner's physician by District Attorney Howard B. Donaldson who was notified.
Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, Rolla, and one sister, Sheila.
Depauville, April 5. -- The funeral of Deo McFarlane, which was held from the home of his parents Monday at 1:30 p.m. and the Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m., was very largely attended.
The bearers were Glen Johndrow, Elmereen Haas, Howard Brown, Thurston Haller, Robert Wetterhahn, William Wetterhahn, former schoolmates, and the rest of his schoolmates and members of the Epworth League attended in a body. Rev. C. A. Robinson officiated. Burial was made in the family plot in Depauville cemetery where Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane have three other boys buried.
CLAYTON YOUTH, AGED 19, DEAD (1933)(Special to The Times.)
Clayton, April 4.--Roy Clifford Dillenbeck, 19, a student at the Clayton High school, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Perl Hyde, near here, at 10:30 Monday evening following an illness of about a month. The cause of his death could not immediately be learned.
The youth, known about Clayton as Clifford Dillenbeck, was born at Depauville, June 19, 1913, a son of Clara George Dillenbeck and the late Ward Dillenbeck. His father died about a year ago at his farm home in Depauville.
He was a member of the Epworth League and of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church. He had lived with his sister, near Clayton, since he entered the Clayton High school.
Surviving besides his mother, who lives at Depauville and the sister at whose home he died, is a brother, Frederick of Depauville and a grandfather, Fred George, of Syracuse.
Funeral services will be held at 1 Thursday afternoon from the home of his sister and at 2 from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church with Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the church, officiating. Burial will be made in the family plot of the Depauville cemetery.
Depauville, May 31.-- Mrs. Clara R. Vincent, widow of Leonard Vincent, 80, passed away in her sleep Wednesday morning. Death was attributed to heart trouble.
She was the daughter of the late William and Clarissa Ross of the town of Cape Vincent.
She was married to Leonard Vincent in 1872 and had been a resident of the town of Clayton since.
She was a member of the Baptist church at Three Mile Bay, the Order of Eastern Star, No. 125, and Grange No. 59, of Depauville, and of the P. T. A. at Three Mile Creek.
She is survived by seven children, Mrs. Blanche Hayes of Depauville, Mrs. Ella Littlefield of Chaumont, Seaten Vincent of Watertown, Arthur Vincent of Woodville, Lansing Vincent, Otto Vincent and Everett Vincent, of Depauville; two step-children, Dr. W. A. Vincent, Three Mile
Bay, and Mrs. Ida Phillips of St. Lawrence, 15 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Ed Crawford of Lafargeville; one brother, John Ross of Three Mile Bay. There are also several nieces and nephews.
Her funeral will be held Friday at 2 at her home. Burial will be made in Depauville cemetery.
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