Part: 1, Part: 2, Part: 3, Part: 4, Part: 5
Catfish Creek
Attractive at Depauville
Old Indian Burying Ground
Is Located Opposite
By Frank D. Lowe
(Photograph included, captioned "Falls of Catfish Creek")
Catfish creek, it is said, derived its name from the abundance of catfish found in the stream by the first settlers in the locality. A dear friend of mine, the late William Dorr, used to say that the headwaters of this creek came from "out back of Lafargeville."
In early times at least four mills were dependent for their power upon this stream. There was one or more at Lafargeville, near the (?blurred) Schneider's place and there was a grist mill and a saw mill located at Depauville where the water passed over a fall (sic) of about 15 feet and there unites with Chaumont river.
On the west bank, opposite the falls, the old Indian burying ground is located. At times of high water these falls make an interesting picture as shown by a photo, the original of which was taken by my old schoolmate, S. A. Devendorf, and a reproduction is herewith presented.
This stream extends from Lafargeville to Depauville, a distance of about seven miles. The saw mill at the latter place is now owned and operated by Fred Sternberg, who also conducts a manufacturing business in connection with the mill for which purpose water power from the streams is used.
At times of low water, there was insufficient power for the operation of the grist mill and under the management of Harry Fox electric power was installed and is now successfully used at all periods of the year.
The catfish of early times were caught out and nearly disappeared. However, big mouth bass still exist there in quite large numbers and many are caught each season. In the year 1916-17 the state stocked the creek with pike-perch but it was not a success for they went downover the falls into the river. The stream should now be restocked with big mouth bass which have thrived there for all these years.
Mr. "Hub" Rogers, who was in charge of the grist mill along about 1882, called me one time to see the fish in the flume. He had shut down the headgate and as the water went through the rack it kept the fish in the flume, where we picked out a panful of big mouth bass.
During the fall of 1878, I attended a select school at Depauville and boarded with my uncle, William C. Atwood, who resided at that time under the bluff, on the place now owned by E. J. Johndrow. That fall an Indian by the name of Peter Cole came in his log canoe or dugout on a trapping expedition and camped on the creek almost directly in front of the house, where the glimmer of his camp fire could be seen in the distance each night.
Under the above circumstances it was a pleasure for me to make the acquaintance of an Indian trapper, and to see him handle the log canoe with his paddle was a thrill not to be forgotten. He was about 35 years of age and knew well the art of trapping the "Musquash," as he called the muskrat. Also he caught several mink during the season. For some time I thought of joining him and becoming a mighty trapper. However, my people did not approve of the idea and I remained a student at the "Depauville hillside Academy," as we called it at that time, and I lost out on my special course of training with the Indian.
(With photo)
Founder of Coal Co. And Former Bank Head Dies
Served on Board of Supervisors 12 Years and Was Once Village President--Started Business
Career By Buying Threshing Machine.
(Special to The Times)
Clayton, Sept. 21. -- William H. Consaul, 89, prominent Clayton business man, died at 5:10 Friday afternoon at his home in this village. Mr. Consaul had been ill since last April when he suffered a heart attack. His recovery seemed certain after the first illness but he fell at his home last May and since that time had failed gradually.
Mr. Consaul had been a leader in the business and civic life of this village for many years. His was a generous nature and he leaves many who remember his acts of kindness and charity.
He was born on a farm in the town of Clayton on May 17, 1840, a son of Lewis and Jane Anne Lingenfelter Consaul. He attended the schools in this village and later studied at a private school.
His early years were spent in farming but this did not exactly suit him. At the age of 20 he purchased a threshing machine and embarked on his first business venture. He operated the machine on farms around Clayton for 12 years.
In 1872 he moved to this village and established a hay and grain business. This business prospered. In 1888 he decided to expand his activities and purchased the property on which the buildings of the Consaul-Hall Coal company now stands. In 1903 he entered the coal and wood business.
A large warehouse was constructed for his new venture and he purchased several boats to haul coal. One of these boats was the famous Cornelia which, plied the lake and river many years. It was junked a few years ago. He operated the firm as the W. H. Consaul company supplying freighters at his large coal elevator. On April 1, 1925 the name was changed to the Consaul Hall Coal company, Clarence F. Hall and Roy F. Hall being taken into the firm.
Mr. Consaul was president of the First National Bank of this village for 22 years. He was also president of the Consaul-Hall Coal company and the Thousand Island Publishing company, publisher of the weekly paper "On the St. Lawrence." When his health failed last spring he resigned all of these offices. However, his resignation as president of the coal company was not accepted.
In 1863 Mr. Consaul married Julia M. Barrett. Two daughters were born to them, Cornelia who died on November 24, 1898, and Eliza Jane, who died on May 7, 1874.
A staunch Democrat all of his life, he served on the board of supervisors for twelve years. He had served as delegate to many political conventions and was Democratic candidate for assembly in 1912. He served as town highway commissioner for six years, deputy collector of customs for two years and town assessor one year.
His interest in the affairs of the village was keen. For many years he actively supported projects for civic improvement and served on the village board of trustees. He was also president of the village at one time.
He was a member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows for 45 years and a member of the local Baptist church.
Surviving are four nieces, Miss Delia Consaul, who made her home with him, Mrs. Paul Potter, Mrs. Arthur Wood, all of Clayton, and Mrs. Charles Williams of Fulton and six nephews, Herbert, Elgin, Elmer and Pearl Consaul of Clayton and Albert and Louis Deroshia of Mankato, Minn.
Funeral services will be held from the late home, 307 Riverside Drive, Monday, at 2 p.m., Rev. William Adam, pastor of the local Baptist church, officiating, assisted by Rev. W. A. Gardner of Adams, former pastor of the Clayton Methodist Episcopal church. Members of the local lodge of Odd Fellows will escort the remains to Clayton cemetery and conduct the rites of the lodge at the grave. Herbert, Elgin, Elmer, and Pearl Consaul will act as bearers. The flag in the local park was at half mast today as a tribute to Mr. Consaul.
DR . H. J. HURST, 66, OF CLAYTON, DIES (1930)
Death Occurs at Home of Good Samaritan Early Today-Doctor's Skill With Horses' Diseases Widely Known
Clayton, Nov. 20 -- Dr. Henry Joseph Hurst, 86, of Merrick street, this village, veterinarian for the last 69 years and one of the best known men in northern New York, died at 5:55 this morning at the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, where he had been a patient since October 30.
Dr. Hurst, who was the oldest veterinarian in Northern New York, both in point of service and age, has been in good health until August. During that month he underwent an operation at the Watertown hospital for bladder trouble and although he was much improved when discharged from the institution, he failed to filly regain his health.
On Oct. 30 he returned to the (incomplete
(Special to The Times.)
Ogdensburg, Nov. 20 -- Turkeys sold for 20 to 30 cents a pound at the Thanksgiving market at Lisbon today. Ten tons of birds were offered. The final St. Lawrence county turkey sale will be held at Heuvelton Friday.
William Shaver, 79, was found dead in his bed at about 10:30 Wednesday morning at the Lingenfelter farm on the Chaumont road, about a quarter of a mile from Depauville. Death was due to heart disease, Dr. J. T. Fowkes of Lafargeville, who was summoned, said Mr. Shaver has been in poor health. When found he was clothed and was lying across his bed. The man was believed to have died an hour and a half before. He was seen alive about 8 a. m. Wednesday and was heard moving about his room. Evidently he was suddenly stricken with a heart attack and dropped across the bed.
He was born at Perch River, a son of the late Charles and Betsy Shaver. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Kernehan, and a son, Glenn Shaver, both of Alexandria Bay.
Funeral services will be held from the Cummings & Kittle undertaking parlors at Clayton at 10 a. m. Friday. Burial will be made in the Clayton cemetery.
Clayton, May 20. -- A variety shower was given by Miss Harriette Blanchard at the home of Mrs. Alvah Dillenback on Wednesday evening, May 14, in honor of Miss Madelynne Dillenback, whose marriage of Leonard Dorr of Depauville takes place soon.
A mock wedding was performed by: Bride, Harriette Blanchard; bridegroom, Alvera Dillenback; bridesmaid, Melba Rees; best man, Lois Spalsbury; minister, Mrs. Ross Burgess; flower girls, Grace and Esther Burgess; ring bearer, Elva Scott; bride's mother, Mrs. Clive Spalsbury; bride's father, Mrs. John Meeks; bridegroom's mother, Louise Gonseth; bridegroom's father, Grayce Loveland, Miss Dillenback received many presents.
Those present were: Mrs. George Daniels, Mrs. Alma Dillenback and granddaughter, Elva Scott, Mrs. Alfred Dorr, Mrs. Frank Reed, Mrs. John Longway, Mrs. Charles Young, Mrs. Ernest Loveland, Mrs. George Luther, Mrs. John Meeks, Mrs. Charles Gould and daughter, Betty, Mrs. A. Bertrand, Mrs. Owen Bertrand and daughter, Shirley, Mrs. F. Schmitte, Mrs. Harry Blanchard, Mrs. Ross Burgess and daughters, Grace and Esther, Mrs. Clive Spalsbury and daughters, Lois and Evelyn, Mrs. Robert Ducolon of Edwards, Mrs. Alvah Dillenback and the Misses Louise Gonseth, Melba Rees, Lucy Larose, Ruth Warren, Pauline Schmitte, Grace Loveland, Harriette Blanchard, Ethel Daniels, Madelynne Dillenback and Alvera Dillenback.
Celebrate 27th Wedding Anniversary (1932)
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Dorr
Surprised at Depauville
Depauville, Feb. 1 -- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Dorr of Depauville, were pleasantly surprised by a party of over fifty neighbors, friends and relatives who gathered at their home Saturday evening, January 30, in honor of their 27th wedding anniversary.
The evening was spent playing progressive pedro, after which music was enjoyed. Following this, a luncheon was served, the chief feature being a large bride's cake made by Mrs. Fred Gould. The cake was topped with a miniature bride and groom surrounded by 27 candles.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorr were presented with several gifts including a purse of money.
A very enjoyable evening was spent by all present.
The following attended: Mr. and Mrs. David Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dorr and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. Comins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hartman, Dorothy and Lyle Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Dennte (sic) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hogaboom, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gale and children, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haas, Elmereen, Evelyn, Kent and Keith Haas, Mrs. Alma Dillenbeck, Mrs. Edna Dillenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hayes, Mrs. Emma Hayes, Alvera Dillenbeck, Lena Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Johndrow, Pauline, Doris and Glenn Johndrow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dorr and son, Herman Dorr.
Depauville, June 7. -- The 55th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eckert was celebrated at their home in Depauville, June 3, when a surprise party was held.
There were four children born to them: Clarence Eckert, of Depauville, Ernest Eckert of Depauville, Bert Eckert of Watertown and Earl, who died in infancy. There are five grandchildren.
Dinner was served at 9 p.m. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyde of Lafargeville, Mr. and Mrs. Perl Hyde and son of Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Hyde and son, Hubert, of Watertown, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eckert and son Carl, and daughter, Grace, all of Watertown. Mrs. Clarence Goodfriend and daughter, Edith of Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eckert of Depauville, Mrs. Gardenar (sic) of Lafargeville, and Miss Bertha Lalonde of Rochester.
They received many beautiful gifts.
Depauville, Jan. 18. -- The condition of Mrs. Frank Herkimer who has been ill for the past ten days remains serious. --Mrs. Minnie Mould of Watertown was called here Monday to help care for Buford Stoner who died Tuesday. --Mr. and Mrs. John Lingenfelter quietly celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary last Tuesday, Jan. 15. --Mrs. Grace Hawn of Clayton was a caller at the home of Mrs. Rena Gillette last Tuesday. --E. B. Failing and his mother, Mrs. Almeda Failing, attended the funeral of the late Norman Hind of Dover, Del., held in Plessis Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Three Mile Creek, March 2. -- On Monday night about 60 friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wood gathered at their home and surprised them, the occasion being their 26th wedding anniversary and incidently (sic) surprised their niece, Miss Doris Putnam, the occasion being her 18th birthday.
Eleven tables of progressive pedro were played and prizes awarded. Refreshments were served about midnight. After luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Wood were presented with a chair.
Valentine Parties at Depauville (1932)
Miss Ferne Lingenfelter Entertains at Bridge
Depauville, Feb. 15. -- Miss Ferne Lingenfelder (sic) entertained at a valentine bridge party at her home Tuesday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wallace of Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Lingenfelder and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fluckiger of Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fry, Miss Ferne Lingenfelder, Karl Van Alstyne and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lingenfelder. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Elton Lingenfelder, Mrs. Chas. Fluckiger, Wallace and Carl Fry. Refreshments were served.
Mrs. Emma Satchwell Hayes, 94,
Remembers Getting News of Lincoln's Death
Depauville, Nov. 27. -- "I remember well when the Civil war broke out, and was a girl 13 years old when we got the news that our president, Abraham Lincoln, had been shot. You know I have seen four wars with which the United States was connected in my day." So spoke Mrs. Emma Satchwell Hayes, 94, when she was interviewed at her home on the Under-the-bluff road, from Depauville to Lafargeville, on Saturday. But the strange feature of the location, it seems to be the only house on the road that is located high up on top of the bluffs, that is on the road. The house actually looks down on the highway, far below.
Mrs. Hayes has many interesting stories to tell of her girlhood. For instance, she remembers that the Methodist church at Pillar Point, where she was born, had great Christmas exercises in her girlhood. And it probably did, for the same Methodist church once had a membership of nearly 200, it is stated.
"Those were great days," continued Mrs. Hayes, "and we youngsters used to look forward to Christmas for months ahead. We used to have some great parties out there on the Point. Nothing dull about those pioneer days, as I recall them. And when Lincoln was shot, we got the news right away, for our neighbor, Mrs. Adams, came right over to tell us about it, but I don't know where she got her news."
"My parents were Ruben and Mary Vandewalker, and I was born at the Point on Sept. 29, 1852. I went to school some in Brownville and for a time I worked for Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas, very nice people and they were good church people. They were the parents of the well known Douglas men, such as John P. Douglas, James Douglas and Norvel. The Douglas family were Scotch and they landed in America the very day that the tea was thrown overboard in Boston Harbor.
"I married Ezra Hayes, going to Watertown for the ceremony and we didn't have any honeymoon trips in those days, we went right to where we were to live at East Rodman. That's the way we used to do things. I was married in 1875, and now I live with my son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hayes. I guess I have been here for all of 50 years. I like it here first rate. Nice people live out here.
"Yes, I like out of door living and I work in the garden each summer, and have a pretty good garden I think. I do quite a little plain sewing and do read a little from The Watertown Times. That is the only paper I read because my eyesight is none too good. I wear---well I call them 'window-lights,' for I don't think they are real glasses. Just window-lights, I call them."
Mrs. Hayes had stories to tell about incidents in her life in different parts of the North Country where she had resided, but gave to the people of Pillar Point warm praise. Mrs. Hayes could not get clear the names of her ancestors, but stated that she was a descendent of the pioneer Satchwells of Pillar Point. This being the case she would trace back to Josiah Satchwell, son of Thomas Satchwell, who came from England with Burgoyne's army in 1776. At the close of the Revolutionary war Thomas settled in Dutchess county, where Josiah was born April 27, 1789. When he was 12, the family moved to Montgomery county. There Josiah married Catherine Bellinger, and in 1837 he came north and located in Pillar Point. He probably came north for he saw the section when he served in the war of 1812 and fought at the battle of Sackets Harbor. He was a very active Methodist, serving as a class leader and steward. He was the father of eleven children.
Mrs. Hayes is already making plans for her garden next year and says she has never been visited by a newspaper man, but enjoyed the visit very much.
* * * * * * * * *
Mrs. Margaret Walter, 446 Mill street, who has been seriously ill, has left to reside with her daughter, Mrs. George McMillan, 15 Kincaid street, Brockville, Ontario.
Depauville, Jan.27 -- A number of relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John Lingenfelter gathered at their home for a 6 o'clock dinner in honor of their 55th wedding anniversary on Monday.
They have one son, Arthur Lingenfelter, and one daughter, Melva Dintelman; one granddaughter, Ferne Lingenfelter, and one grandson, Carl Dintelman. Mr. and Mrs. Lingenfelter are in good health. Thise present were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lingenfelter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dintelman, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Lingenfelter, Mr. and Mrs, Elton Lingenfelter, Mrs. Amy Sherman, Miss Ferne Lingenfelter, Carl VanAlstyne, Carl Dintelman.
Typist's Note: Mrs. Lingenfelter was the former Miss Lizzie Casselman of Three Mile Bay.
Many Guests Present at Affair Held at
Home at 540 James Street, Clayton, Tuesday.
Clayton, Jan. 24.--Mr. and Mrs. George E. Daniels celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday at their home, 540 James street. The ceremony of 50 years ago was a double wedding performed at the farmhouse of Mrs. Daniels father, William H. Lingenfelter, two miles from Clayton on the Watertown road. The couple married at the same time was (sic) the late Gustave and Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn of Depauville. Two hundred guests were present.
The anniversary party was of the nature of a reunion of the Daniels and Lingenfelter families. A turkey dinner was served at 12:30.
Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Myron Daniels of Chaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daniels and E. M. Daniels of Watertown, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Daniels and J. L. Bank of Lafargeville, Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn and Nelson Easton of Depauville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calderwood of Johnstown, Mrs. F. A. Dillenback, W. T. Sampson, Miss Ethel Daniels and Emmett Daniels of Clayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were the recipients of many cards, flowers and a purse of money.
Typist's Note: The year of this event was 1934. Mrs. Daniels was the former Kate Lingenfelter, daughter of Wm. H. and Mary Wilson Lingenfelter.
Chaumont, Jan. 15. -- Miss Mary Elizabeth Lingenfelter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lingenfelter of the town of Clayton, was united in marriage on Jan. 8, 1879, to Myron C. Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daniels, of the town of Lyme. They have just celebrated their 56th anniversary.
The wedding took place at the home of the bride and the Rev. S. F. Danforth, pastor of the Depauville Methodist church, performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (sic) have two daughters, Mrs. J. Stewart Dascomb of Bath and Mrs. Milford Haas of Chaumont. They also have five grandchildren. Mr. Daniels recalls that at the time they were married the snow was several feet deep and that the roads were almost impassable.
For 19 years Mr. and Mrs. Daniels resided on his father's farm. Later, they moved to an adjoining farm which Mr. Daniels purchased and where they lived for seven years. They came to Chaumont to live about 30 years ago.
Photo - Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Hutcheon
WED AT CLAYTON---Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Hutcheon, Depauville, were married Sept. 11 in St. Mary's Catholic church, Clayton. Mrs. Hutcheon is the former Miss Ruth B. Burrows of Clayton Center. Mr. Hutcheon is from Depauville.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, Sept. 28. -- Mrs. Alice McFarland, 63, wife of Marcus McFarland of this village and a former resident of Chaumont, died at 6:30 this morning at her home after an illness of a year.
She was born in Copenhagen on Dec. 4, 1877, a daughter of Hiram and Charlotte Godfrey Card. She was married to Mr. McFarland on July 4, 1902, at Ogdensburg. They resided at Chaumont for a time and came to Depauville 30 years ago.
Mrs. McFarland was a member of the Depauville Methodist church.
Survivors are her husband, one son, Rolla McFarland of Depauville; one daughter, Mrs. Don (Shelah) Norton, jr., of Depauville; one grandson, Don Norton 3rd, Depauville; three sisters, Mrs. John Moore of Black River, Mrs. Malcomb Townsend of Canada and Mrs. Jennie Wood of Cleveland, O., and one brother, Leonard Sard (sic) of Canada.
Funeral services will be held from the home Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and from the Depauville Methodist church, Rev. Robert Wright, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Depauville cemetery.
DEPAUVILLE, Apr. 13 -- Wallace Patch, 20, died at 2 yesterday morning at his home in Clayton. He was born here and had lived here until five years ago. He was a graduate of the Clayton high school. He was a son of Mrs. Alice Hatch and the late Prescott Patch. He leaves his mother, his only near surviving relative. Funeral services will be held at 3 Monday morning (sic) at Clayton and burial will be in the Depauville cemetery.
Old Watertown and Vicinity In Pictures - No. 496
A photograph: "Many of Depauville's best known residents appear in today's picture of the Depauville Old Home Day club taken Aug. 23, 1916, by Charles H. Scott, well known local commercial photographer."
The following names appeared under the photo. (Typist note: The text is very blurry making some of the names very unclear. Occasionally, a name is possibly spelled incorrectly.)
First row, left to right: Mrs. Sarah Burton, Mrs. Charles Fox, Mrs. Charles Moyer, Mrs. Ruth Howk, Mrs. George Haas, Mrs. Byron Hart, unknown, Mrs. Addie Horning, unknown, Mrs. Louis Fox, Mrs. Mary Whittier, Mrs. Emma Wiggings, Mrs. Edward Wright, Mrs. Ella Howell, Miss Fannie Graber, Gust. Wetterhahn, Mrs. Clinton Fry, Olin Winslow, Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn, Mrs. Lelie Herkimer, Mrs. Elias (?) Cadwell, Mrs. Henry D. Petrie, Mrs. Edith Herkimer, -----?-----, ---?--- Secord;
Second row: ---?--- Babcock, Merritt Walrath, William Howk, Mrs. ---?--- Wright, Byron Hart, Mrs. John Lingenfelter, Mrs. Mary Dillenbeck, Mrs. Amy Daniels, Mrs. Mary Baltz, Mrs. Amelia Haller, Mrs. Laura Horning Spencer, Mrs. Bertha Miller, S. Schermerhorn, Frank Wiggings, unknown, Mrs. John Allen, John Allen, Charles Haller, T. Daniels, Jefferson Baltz, Frank Miller, Henry Wetterhahn, Menzo Dillenbeck, Horace Caswell, William Bergen, Mrs. William Bergen, Mrs. Mary Rose.
Third row: Frank Seeber, Mrs. Nettie Lowe, Mrs. Mary Walrath, Mrs. Kate Swartout, Mrs. Minnie Sylvester, Clinton Fry, unknown, Charles Moyer, unknown, unknown, George Patchin, Kenneth Whittier, Mrs. George Patchin, Mrs. Ella Wetterhahn, unknown; unknown, Myron Daniels, W. ? Lowe, John Lingenfelter, Chase Rose, Dr. F. J. Burton, J. Cadwell.
Miss Ella Marion Clemons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clemons of Depauville, was married Saturday evening at 8 in the parsonage of the First Methodist church to Pfc. Frederick Luther Dillenbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dillenbeck of Dexter, R. D. 2. Rev. Albert Abbott, pastor of the church, officiated.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Corp of this city. The bride wore a navy blue crepe dress with white accessories. Her maid of honor was similarly attired. The bridegroom, who is now on furlough, will return to his station in California on March 2. Mrs. Dillenbeck will continue to hold her position as stenographer in the law office of Attorney Ellsworth J. Carter in Clayton.
She was graduated from the Clayton high school in 1937 and from the Watertown school of commerce in 1938.
The bridegroom attended the Dexter schools. Before entering the army on Oct 1, 1942, he was employed by the Brownville Paper company.
April 9 -- Pvt. Everett Gale, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gale, Depauville, has been advanced to corporal technician at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. He entered the service on Jan. 21, 1933, and is a graduate of the Clayton Central School.
After being sent to Europe in September 1944, he was assigned to an infantry unit of the First Army. His parents were notified by the War Department that he was missing in action effective April 8, 1945, in Germany.
He advised him (sic) parents differently in a letter within a few days. Good news for you all! Right now I am O.K. and on my way to rejoin my buddies. If you should get any communication from the government concerning my welfare previous to the date April 17, 1945, please pay no attention to it. Everything is back to normal once more.
"Good news for you all! Right now I am O. K. and on my way to rejoin my buddies. If you should get any communication from the government concerning my welfare previous to the date of April 17, 1945, please pay no attention to it. Everything is back to normal once more."
Haas Funeral Held.
Depauville, June 1. -- The funeral of Clara Putman Haas which was held from her home Tuesday at 2 p.m., was largely attended. Rev. C. A. Robinson officiated. W. F. Sternberg, E. J. Stadler, E. G. Eckert, H. G. Jones, W. D. Valley and P. Cardiff acted as bearer. Interment was made in Depauville cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lingenfelter, Mr. and A. L. Lingenfelter, Mrs. E. G. Dintelman, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lingenfelter, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Lingenfelter at Brownville Wednesday. (1932)
Clayton Native Passes Away
Funeral of Mrs. G. P. Lingenfelter Held
Wednesday (1932)
Watertown July 26-Funeral services for Mrs. Georgiana Putnam Lingenfelter, 77, of Brownville, who died Monday afternoon at the House of Good Samaritan, were held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Brownville home. Rev. B. G. Miller officiating. Burial was in the Brownville cemetery.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Earl K. Brown and two sons, Ross A. and James H. Lingenfelter, all of Brownville; a brother, Amos Putnam of Clayton, and a sister, Mrs. A. E. Rice of Chaumont.
She was a native of Clayton, daughter of Amos T. and Eliza Sheldon Putnam. Her husband, Charles G. Lingenfelter, to whom she was married in 1875 at Clayton, died last January at Brownville. She had lived in the town of Lyme prior to coming to Brownville 18 years ago.
Merritt E. Lingenfelter (sic), 77, retired farmer, died about 9:30 p.m. Friday at the home of his son, Lee Lingenfelter, near Clayton. Mr. Lingenfelter had been ill for some time and his death was due to infirmities of old age.
He was born in the town of Clayton, Aug. 22, 1854, son of William Henry and Mary Wilson Lingenfelter. He spent his entire life in this vicinity, retiring from farming several years ago. When a young man he married Miss Frances Barney, who died several years ago. Mr. Lingenfelter was a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church.
He is survived by one son, Lee Lingenfelter, Clayton; five sisters: Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn, Depauville, Mrs. George Daniels, Clayton, Mrs. Nellie Caulderwood, Johnstown, Mrs. Elma Dillenbeck and Mrs. James Bretch, Clayton Center.
A private funeral was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. Elma Dillenbeck, Clayton Center, Monday at 1 p.m. Rev. M. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiated. The bearers were Adam Danawaldt, Floyd Danawaldt, Elton May, Earl Fulmer, Charles Youngs, and B. A. Hart.
Floral offerings were many and beautiful.
Burial was made in Clayton cemetery.
Mrs. Georgiana Putnam Lingenfelter, 77, of Brownville, widow of Charles G. Lingenfelter, Civil war veteran, died at 2:28 this afternoon at the House of the Good Samaritan where she had been a patient since May 10. Mrs. Lingenfelter suffered a fracture of her hip in a fall at her home May 10 and since that time she had been under treatment at the hospital. Mr. Lingenfelter died last Jan. 13.
Mrs. Lingenfelter was born in Clayton, Aug. 9, 1854, the daughter of the late Amon T. and Eliza Sheldon Putnam. She was married to Charles G. Lingenfelter at Clayton Dec. 3, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Lingenfelter lived in the town of Lyme until about 18 years ago when they moved to Brownville.
She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal churches of St. Lawrence and Brownville.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Earl K. Brown, of Brownville, with whom she lived; two sons, Ross A. and James H. Lingenfelter, of Brownville; a brother, Amos Putnam, of Clayton; a sister, Mrs. A. L. Rice, of Chaumont; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild and several nephews and nieces.
Funeral services will be held from the Brown residence at Brownville Wednesday afternoon at 9:30, Rev. B. G. Miller, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Brownville, officiating. Burial will be made in Brownville cemetery.
MISS CELIA F. HAAS, 46, DIES (July 11, 1932)
Teacher Expires in
Philadelphia, Pa., Hospital
After Her
Graduation from Cornell University in 1908, She Taught School in Nevada
Two Years and Then Went to Atlantic City Where She Had
Taught Since.
Miss Celia Frances Haas, 46, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
formerly of Depauville and Clayton, died Monday night about 11 in the Lankenau
hospital at Philadelphia, Pa., where she underwent an operation five weeks
Miss Haas was born at Depauville, April 9, 1886, the daughter of
Fred and Sarah Blodgett Haas. She was graduated from the Clayton High school and
entered Cornell university from which institution she was graduated in
After her graduation from Cornell university, she taught school for
two years in Nevada. Since that time she had been teaching biology in the
Atlantic City High school, a period of about 19 years.
Miss Haas spent
her summers at Three Mile Point, near Three Mile Bay, where she maintained a
summer home.
Surviving her are two brothers, Carl Haas of Depauville and
Ward Haas of Philadelphia, Pa., and six nieces and nephews.
services will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of her brother, Ward Haas,
at Philadelphia, Pa. The body will be brought to Depauville where burial will be
made in the family plot Thursday morning at 11:30, Rev. Frederick K. Vogt,
pastor of the Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church of this city,
Depauville, Aug. 15.
-- The funeral of Donald Lloyd Mould, grandson of Mrs. Minnie Mould who came
here July 27 from his home in Detroit, Mich., was held at the home of his
grandmother Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Donald Norton, William Wetterhahn, Glenn
Spencer, Clarence Easton, William Huchzermeier and Frances Huchzermeier were the
Rev. Mr. Duscombe, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church
Interment was made in the family lot at the North Watertown
William O. Lingenfelter, 71, of 206 California Avenue, died
Tuesday afternoon at 3:05 at the family residence after an illness of more than
three years. He had been confined to his bed for about eleven weeks. Death was
due to hardening of the arteries.
Mr. Lingenfelter was born January 28,
1861, on the Lingenfelter homestead in the Town of Clayton, a son of the late
Obediah and Catherine Harter (Lingenfelter). While still a young man he moved to
the town of Brownville. About forty years ago, he came to Watertown and had
since lived here.
For many years Mr. Lingenfelter was employed at the New
York Air Brake Company serving as mechanic. He retired about four years ago
because of his health.
He married Miss Martha H. Hubbs of this city
September 21, 1921., Surviving him are is widow, a sister Mrs. Martha Sanford of
this city, and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held
from the residence Thursday afternoon at 2, Rev. Dr. Harry W. Reed, pastor of
the All Souls Universalist Church of which Mr. Lingenfelter was a member,
officiating. Burial will be made in North Watertown Cemetery.
H. C. GREEN, 40, VETERAN, DIES (1933)
Colon-Couch Post, American Legion., of Clayton, will have services at the grave at Depauville at 2:30 p. m. Sunday
Depauville, April 26.--Mrs. Clinton Fry has received word of
the death of her brother, Henry Filhart, 78, at Pasadena, Cal. He was a native
of Depauville.
He is survived by two sons, Clarence of Pasadena, Calif.,
and Fred of San Francisco, Calif.; also one brother, Leonard Filhart of
Belleville and one sister, Mrs. Clinton Fry of Depauville, N. Y.
William H. Juby,
77, father of Henry C. Juby, city court clerk, 411 Jay street, with whom he
lived, died a 7 Sunday evening at the Mercy hospital after an illness of six
weeks. He had been a patient at the hospital after an illness of six weeks. He
had been a patient at the hospital for three days. Mr. Juby had been suffering
from kidney trouble and had not been well for some time.
Mr. Juby was
born Aug. 15, 1855, at Belleville, Ontario, Can., the son of the late Mitchell
and Salome Whittier Juby. He had lived in this city about 70 years, coming here
from Canada with his parents as a boy.
In his early life Mr. Juby was
employed at the plant of the H. H. Babcock company here. Later he entered the
employ of the Taggart Brothers company and was employed there for about 40
years, serving as shipping clerk. Seven years ago he retired.
Mr. Juby
married Miss Hannah Mary Halferty, daughter of James and Catherine Fitzpatrick
Halferty of Watertown, April 25, 1873, in this city. Mrs. Juby died March 12,
1917, at 676 Leray street, where the famiy then lived.
Mr. Juby belonged
to the Holy Family church.
Surviving besides his son, Henry V. Juby, are
a daughter, Mrs. Catherine Bonner of Ridgefield Park, N. J.; a granddaughter,
Miss Mary Elizabeth Juby, this city, and a sister, Mrs. D. L. Wilder, of
The body was removed to the S. J. Payne & Son (funeral
home) and was taken this afternoon to the home of his son, 411 Jay
Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9 from the
Juby residence and half an hour later in Holy Family church. Burial will be made
in Glenwood cemetery.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, Dec. 13.--Clinton Fry, 78, died at his home in this village at 5 Tuesday afternoon after an illness of three weeks. Heart trouble was given as the cause of death.
Mr. Fry was born in this village April 22, 1855, a son of the late Frederick and Lavina Smith Fray (sic) He was married at Watertown on Feb. 13, 1890, to Miss Elizabeth Fillhart (sic) at Depauville.
Mr. Fry was a retired farmer and had spent practically all of his life in and around this village.
Surviving besides his widow is one son, Carl Fry, of this village. A daughter died on Oct. 11, 1918.
Funeral services will be held from the family home at 2 Friday afternoon with Rev. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be made in Depauville.
(Special To The Times)
Depauville, Feb. 16-Mrs. Emma F. Smith Lowe, 84, wife of Alfred D. Lowe, prominent resident of this village, died about 5:30 this morning at her home after an illness of about five years.
She was born in the town of Clayton, Aug. 12, 1849, a daughter of the late Abner and Elma Wheeler Smith. Abner Smith was born in Brownville, a son of Abner Smith, who came to Brownville and erected a stone house near the Starr school house about 1800. It was used as a rendezvous by Masons during the anti-Masonic period of about 1820. Elma Wheeler Smith, mother of Mrs. Lowe, was born in Russia, Herkimer county, a daughter of Myron and Sally Paine Wheeler, her father being an early settler of Clayton.
Mrs. Lowe had always lived in the town of Clayton. She was married to Alfred D. Lowe Aug. 12, 1873, at the Smith homestead at Smith Corners, between Depauville and Clayton.
Mr. Lowe for many years has served as postmaster and also has held the offices of town clerk, justice of the peace and deputy post master. He is a prominent Odd Fellow, Mason and business man and has long played a prominent part in affairs of the village.
Mrs. Lowe's father taught school for many years and is said to have held the first state teacher's certificate ever issued in Jefferson county. He later operated a large farm about three miles from this village on the Clayton road. He served as town superintendent of schools, justice of the peace and assessor.
Mrs. Lowe's only near survivor is her husband.
Funeral services will be held at her home Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church will officiate. The body will be placed in a vault to await burial in the spring at Depauville.
Mrs. Rosella Mary Hoan Easton, 63, Chaumont, died at 11 this morning at Mercy hospital where she had been a patient for the past month. She had undergone an operation for gall bladder trouble upon entering the hospital and that and heart trouble caused her death.
Mrs. Easton was born at Rosiere, Aug. 1, 1870. She was the widow of William I. H. Easton, who died 36 years ago. She resided in Depauville until 1906 and from there moved to Adams where she made her home for many years. About four years ago she went to Chaumont and had resided there since.
Surviving her are two sons, Wilbur E. of Brooklyn and William I. of Rochester; two grandchildren, Rosemary of Brooklyn, and Ruth Elaine of Rochester, three sisters, Mrs. Nettie Lee, Depauville; Mrs. Estella Aryest and Mrs. Elberta Horen, Brooklyn, and one brother, Miller Hoan, Adams.
She was a member of the Chaumont Roman Catholic church.
The body was removed to the Howland Funeral chapel where prayers will be said at 9:30 Saturday morning with the funeral from Holy Family church at 10. Interment will be made in the Depauville cemetery
(Special To The Times)
Depauville, March 13,-Mrs. Laura Horning Spencer, 82, widow of George H. Spencer, died at the house where she was born, near here, about 4:30 yesterday after-noon. She had been ill for some time.
She was born Jan. 25, 1852, a daughter of John L. and Catherine Frey Horning. Her husband died Oct. 19, 1894. She was a member of the Depauville Order of the Eastern Star.
Surviving are five nieces, Miss Claudia Blodgett of Seattle Wash., Mrs. Laura Olson, Mrs. Margaret Thorndike, Mrs. Flossie Cropp and Mrs. Maude Stanfford, all of Long Beach Calif., and two nephews, William Blodgett of Crestline, S. D, and LaVant Blodgett of Sidney, Mont.
The funeral will be held at the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon at 2, Rev. C. A. Robinson officiating. Interment will be in the Depauville cemetery.
Spent Almost Entire Life in Town
of Clayton
School Teacher Years Ago
While Teaching at Three Mile Creek in
Civil War Days She Came to Her School One
Morning to Find
Indians Picking Chickens There -- Her Husband, Amon T. Putnam Dead 30
(Special to The Times.)
Clayton, March 6.--Mrs. Harriet Carter Putnam, 93, who as the teacher of the Three Mile Creek school of Civil war days chased Indians from the school house on at least on occasion, died at her home on the Bluff road in this township at 2:30 p.m., Monday. She had been ill six weeks but had enjoyed good health previous to her sickness.
Educated in the town's district schools and at a select school, she taught for several years before her marriage to the late Amon T. Putnam at Cape Vincent June 4, 1867. One morning she arrived at her school to find that it had become the rendezvous of a gang of Indians after a successful raid on neighborhood farmers' chicken houses. They were cleaning the birds there. At her arrival they departed though, leaving only feathers to be cleaned up.
She was the youngest and the last of ten children of Isaac and Mary Babcock Carter and was born on Wolfe Island, Dec. 30, 1840. While she was teaching school four of her brothers were away fighting with the Union armies in the Civil war. One, John, died, starved to death, at Andersonville prison.
Her parents were natives of the town of Clayton where they had been pioneer settlers and soon after her birth they returned to the township from Wolfe Island. The rest of her life was spent therein. When a child she and her family lived in the village. At her marriage she and her husband settled on the farm, where she died, and spent the rest of their lives there. Mr. Putnam died 20 years ago.
Mrs. Putnam was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and the St. Lawrence grange.
Surviving are one son, C. A. Putnam, Clayton; one daughter, Mrs. A. E. Rice, Chaumont; six grandchildren, Mrs. R .S. Holliday, St. Lawrence; Leland Rice, Chaumont; Miles Putnam, Clayton; Ross and James H. Lingenfelter, Brownville; Mrs. E. K. Brown, Brownville; six great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Another daughter died when she was five years old.
The funeral will be held from the home at 2 p.m. Thursday, Rev. W. O. Thomas, pastor of the Clayton Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in St. Lawrence.
C. A. GEORGE, 56, PLESSIS, DIES (1933)
(Special to The Times.)
Plessis, Feb. 21.--Charles Arthur George, 56, farmer, in poor health for two years and seriously ill for three months from heart disease, died at his home in this village last night at 8:30.
He was born in Gananoque, Ont., on May 14, 1877, a son of Sanford and Melvina Cosselman George, and came here with his family when a small child. Since that time he resided on the family homestead near this village until three years ago when ill health forced him to move to the village.
He married Miss Catherine Stephenson of Theresa July 1, 1897, in Lafargeville. He was a member of the Theresa Masonic lodge and the Alexandria Bay chapter of the Royal Arch Masons.
Besides his widow he is survived by one brother, Fred Geroge of Plessis.
The funeral will be held from the home Friday afternoon at 1:30 and from the M. E. church here at 2, Rev. Fred Lewis officiating. Theresa Masonic lodge will hold services. The body will be placed in the vault at Brookside cemetery to await burial there in the spring.
Plessis -- Fred P. George, one of this vicinity's prominent men, died Friday night at his home here after a month's illness. Death was caused from toxic poisoning after an illness from jaundice.
Mr. George was born at Gananoque, Ontario, 6 Apr 1874, a son of Sanford and Melvina [Casselman] George. When a youth he came to this vicinity with his parents and spent the remainder of his life in this section. He attended the public schools in the vicinity of Plessis.
Mr. George was a farmer by occupation and lived for years on the George farm which was situated between Plessis and Theresa [a short way along what is now the Hyde Lake road.] He married Miss Lillian Sykes of Plessis on 7 Apr 1898. Two daughters were born to the couple, Mrs. Earl [Geneva] Bretsch of Plessis and Mrs Gilson [Myrtle] Clyde of Theresa.
More than 20 years ago Mr. George left the homestead and moved to the Beckwith place on the Plessis-Alexandria Bay road. Later he moved to the Sykes place [sic] above the village of Plessis where he resided until his death. [Note: the house where he lived just outside Plessis near the turn on to the Creek Road is not known to have ever been called the Sykes place. There is a place on the Plessis-Omar road which was called the Sykes place, where his wife Lillian Sykes grew up, and their marriage was performed there - ds.]
For many years Mr. George was a patrolman of the state road. He was widely known throughout this vicinity. He was a member of the Masonic lodge No. 297, Alexandria Bay, and of the Plessis Grange. He was a communicant of the Methodist-Episcopal church.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Earl Bretsch of Plessis and Mrs. Gilson Clyde of Theresa; five grandchildren, Richard, Ethel and Shirley Bretsch, and Joyce and Roger Clyde.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 P.M. from the home, Rev. M. A. Darling, pastor of the Antwerp Methodist-Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. Allan Moore, pastor of the Plessis Methodist-Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment will be made in Brookside cemetery at Plessis. Masonic services will be held at the grave.
Bearers will be Lyman Foster, Charles Reynolds, Claude House, and Gordon Snell of Plessis, and William Bassette of Watertown and Fred Weaver of Antwerp.
Friends are requested to call at the house before Monday.
(Special To The Times.)
Depauville, April 16.--George B. Schnauber, 72, for the past 24 years an invalid, died at 7:40 this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles Lowe, this village. He had been seriously ill for some time and for a while he was a patient at the House of the Good Samaritan at Watertown.
Mr. Schnauber was born in the town of Clayton, June 30, 1861, a son of Augustus and Elizabeth Swind Schnauber. He had always resided in Depauville where he was engaged in farming until 24 years ago when he was stricken with paralysis and had since been an invalid, confined to a wheel chair.
He was a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, the Masonic lodge and also of the Depauville grange.
Surviving him besides his wife, Mrs. Anna Whittier Swind Schnauber, Ogdensburg, and one daughter, Miss Clare Schnauber, Ogdensburg; two sisters, Mrs. Lowe, at whose home he died, and Mrs. Elizabeth Linnell of Clayton, and one brother, Augustus Schnauber, Depauville.
Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. Lowe at 2 Thursday afternoon with Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in the local cemetery.
Phineas A. Osborn, late of Sandy Creek, left an estate valued at $5,000 personal and $2,500 real. Bequests of $500 each were made to Marguerite D. Ellis, Camden, and Gertrude D. Heyl, Syracuse; $1,000 to Doris E. Dorland, Sandy Creek, and $100 each to Warren Ellis, J. Osborn Fuller, Robert W. Fuller and Marjorie E. Fuller of Bethlehem, Pa., all of the foregoing being grandchildren of the testator. The residuary estate is left to Ethel Osborn Fuller, a daughter.
Resident of village for past 26 years.
Funeral for Native of Clayton to be held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from the home of Mrs. Milford Haas, his daughter. ( wrong she was his niece as stated farther into the obit.)
(Special to the Times) Chaumont, May 17 - Phineas Alden Osborn ( I add Jr.) 87, was for years proprietor of the old custom grinding mill which still stands on the south bank of Sandy Creek, died here about 8 this morning of heart trouble at the home of his niece, Mrs. Milford Haas. He retired from business 26 years ago and came to this village to live.
Mr. Osborn was born in Clayton Dec, 21, 1846, a son of Phineas and Clarissa Wells Osborn ( wrong again should be Ann Frame) He was married to Emmorette Lingenfelter at Three Mile Bay Jan.1, 1871. She died here about 4 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Osborn had two daughters. One of them, Mrs. Jessie M. Dorland, died recently in Sandy Creek. Their surviving daughter, Mrs. Ethel Fuller, lives in Bethlehem, Pa. Several grandchildren also survive.
Mr. Osborn was a member of the local F and A. M. No 172.
The Masons will have charge of the funeral at the home of Mrs. Haas Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Rev. T. T. Davis of the Sandy Creek congregational church and old friend of Mr. Osborn will officiate. Internment will be in the ( no more of the obit was sent to me.) this city during the winter, will get three and a half cents a game. The pin setter have been paid five cents a game in other years but the managers of the Black River Valley club, Knights of Columbus and Y. M. C. A. alley decided to make the price here conform with the rate that prevails in Syracuse and other large cities. In Syracuse the boys get ten cents for setting three games.
Jesse W. Clark, Syracuse, chief of the field division of the internal revenue department, will be in Watertown on business Monday.
Harison (sic) J. Angley, secretary of (incomplete)
G. B. LUTHER, AGED 72, DIES (1934)
Special to The Times.)
Clayton Center, May 18. -- George B. Luther, 72, lifelong farmer in this vicinity, died at his home in this village at 8:30 Thursday evening after an illness of three months.
He was born in the town of Lyme, Nov. 22, 1861, a son of Jeremiah and Margaret Henry Luther. His entire life had been spent in this section as a farmer. He was a member of the Depauville grange. On Jan. 21, 1888, he was married to Miss Addie Putnam at Clayton.
Surviving him besides his wife is one daughter, Mrs. Harold Gillick, of Clayton.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The funeral will be Monday at 2 p.m. from the home at Clayton Center, Rev. W. O. Thomas of the Clayton M. E. church officiating. Interment will be in the family plot at St. Lawrence cemetery.
(Special to The Times)
Depauville, Jan. 14. -- Mrs. Maggie Schnauber, 63, wife of Augustus Schnauber, died at her home here about 4:30 p.m. Saturday, following a brief serious illness.
She was born in the town of Clayton, Feb. 24, 1871, daughter of Albert and Susan Lingenfelter Putnam, and spent her entire life in this vicinity. She received her education in the rural schools.
On Oct. 4, 1893, she was married to August Schnauber in Depauville. She was active in church and civic duties as well as active in organizations. She was a member of the local Methodist Episcopal church and was a past matron of Depauville O. E. S., as well as a member of Depauville grange.
She is survived by her husband at Depauville; one sister, Mrs. Ernest Diefendorf, Chaumont; three nieces, Mrs. Mabel Sheldon, Clayton; the Misses Susan and Fanny Diefendorf, Chaumont, and one nephew, Fred Diefendorf.
Funeral services will be held from the home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, with Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. The body will be placed in the vault and burial will be made in Depauville cemetery next spring.
Harold Edwin Lewis,
32, Depauville, died this morning at 1 at the Hepburn hospital at Ogdensburg
where he had been a patient for one week and where he had undergone an
operation, last Saturday.
Mr. Lewis for seven years was employed as a
driver by the Eastern Greyhound lines and had the Watertown-Syracuse run. He had
worked until last September although he had been ill for the past
Mr. Lewis was born Sept. 8, 1902, at Depauville, the only son of
Amon and Harriet Collins Lewis. He was married to Miss Florence Meeks of
Chaumont on April 11, 1925, at Stone Mills.
His wife and parents survive,
as do one young son, Carl, and one sister, Mrs. Vera Gross of Depauville. Mr.
Lewis was a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church.
will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Clark Funeral home at Chaumont with Rev.
Ellis Munyon of the Chaumont Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment
will be made in the Dexter cemetery.
Bearers will be six drivers for the
Greyhound lines.
(Special to The
Depauville, Oct. 15. -- Mrs. Minnie Eletha Eisenhauer, 57, wife
of Jacob Eisenhauer, died Sunday at an Ogdensburg hospital after a ten days'
illness. She was a life-long resident of the town of Clayton.
She was
born in the town of Clayton Jan. 19, 1877, a daughter of Louis and Angeline
Halladay Schnauber. She was married to Mr. Eisenhauer Jan. 3, 1894.
was a member of the Depauville grange.
Surviving besides her husband are:
three daughters, Mrs. Florence Jeffers of Syracuse, Mrs. Francis Stearns of
Niagara Falls and Mrs. George McNett of Watertown; one son, Emery of Clayton; a
sister, Violette Haas of Syracuse, and six grandchildren, Leslie, Wesley,
Tressie, Roscoe and Aubry Eisenhauer and Howard McNett.
The funeral will
be held from the home here Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 and from the local
Methodist Episcopal church at 2. Interment will be made in the Depauville
MRS. LUCY A. DORR, 86, DIES (1934)
(Special to The
Depauville, Aug. 28. -- Mrs. Lucy A. Haas Dorr, 86, lifelong
resident of the town of Clayton, died at the home of her son, Edwin Dorr, near
this village about 7 this morning after an illness of two weeks. Her death was
attributed to a general physical breakdown.
She was born in the town of
Clayton, near where she died, Aug. 10, 1848, a daughter of Valentine and Rhoda
Giddings Haas. She married the late John Dorr Dec. 21, 1865.
She was a
member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church.
Surviving are a son,
Edwin; four grandchildren, Lyle and Floyd Dorr of Watertown; Mrs. Murray Street
of Syracuse and Glen P. Dorr of Riverside, Conn., and three
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30
from the home, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal
church officiating. Interment will be made at Lafargeville.
E. H. FRYE, 78, FARMER, DIES (1934)
(Special to The Times.)
Three Mile Bay, Nov. 6. -- Eugene
Harmon Frye, aged 78 years, six months and two days, who lived in the town of
Lyme his entire life, died Monday afternoon at 6 at his home. He had been in
failing health for the past four years. Death was attributed to a complication
of diseases.
Mr. Frye spent the great part of his life as a farmer in
this section. He retired a few years ago and came to live in this village. He
made his home here until the time of his death.
He was born in the town
of Lyme, May 3, 1856, a son of the late Harmon and Sally Perkins Frye. He
married Miss Jessie Donohue of Chaumont on March 4, 1897, at
There were two children born to the union. A daughter, Miss
Flossie Frye, died in 1901. A son, Elmer Frye, resides on a farm at Point
Peninsula. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Everett Klock, at Three Mile
The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the
home. The Rev. Frank Minham, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Three
Mile Bay, will officiate. Interment will be made in the family plot at the Three
Mile Bay cemetery.
Gustavus C.
Wetterhahn, 83, former resident of the town of Orleans and Depauville, died
Sunday morning at his home, 4346 Matilda avenue, Bronx, N. Y., according to word
received here by his nephew, Police Sergeant Sidney B. Cornwell. Mr. Wetterhahn
had been in ill health for several months. Death was attributed to the
infirmities of old age.
He was born in the town of Orleans, March 6,
1852, a son of the late Jacob and Mary Paul Wetterhahn. He married Sarah Dorr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dorr of Depauville.
The early part of his
life was spent in Depauville where he was a cheesemaker. Then he went to New
York about 50 years ago and was engaged in the milk and grocery business. He
retired several years ago, but was secretary of a milk dealers' association. His
wife died several years ago.
Surviving him are a son, Albert Wetterhahn,
New York; a grandson, Albert Wetterhahn, jr., New York; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah
Cornwell of this city and Mrs. David Dorr of Depauville, and a brother, Henry F.
Wetterhahn, 102 West Main street.
He was a brother of Lewis Wetterhahn,
who dropped dead near Evans Mills, Aug. 18, 1931.
Funeral services will
be held Wednesday afternoon from his home.
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, April 26 -- Mrs. Sarah Empey VanAlstyne, 88, formerly of Depauville, died Wednesday night at the home of her son, Empey VanAlystyne (sic), in Hannibal where she had made her home the past three months.
Formerly she lived on a farm near Depauville and following the death of her husband resided with a son in the village. Three months ago she went to Hannibal.
Born in the town of Clayton, June 28, 1846, she was a daughter of William and Sarah Leroy Empey. She was married to Secord VanAlstyne in Theresa in 1869, Rev. Mr. Cheeseman performing the ceremony. She was the last of the Empey families.
The survivors are six sons, C. H. VanAlstyne and M. E. VanAlstyne of Watertown, F. E. VanAlstyne of Hannibal, S. L. VanAlstyne of Lafargeville, George L. VanAlstyne of Chaumont and Fred VanAlstyne of Depauville, and two daughters, Mrs. W. G. Beckwith of Hannibal and Mrs. Fred A. George of Lafargeville.
She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville from which the funeral will be held on Sunday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. A. Robinson, officiating. Burial will be in the Depauville cemetery.
HOME DAMAGED IN $1,500 FIRE (1933)
Depauville, May 8. -- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lewis, was badly damaged by fire Sunday morning about 11:30. The damage is estimated at 1,500.
The cause of the fire is unknown. The fire was first discovered by Mrs. Lewis and neighbors soon noticed the smoke and blaze. One side of the house, the upper story and roof was badly damaged.
The fire company was called and a hose was laid to the creek. There was plenty of water and the fire was soon put out. The men carried nearly all the furniture out doors.
The loss is covered by insurance.
Barn, Shed and Two Ice Houses,
Besides Blocks Leveled.
Barking of Dog Awakens Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case Who
Gave the Alarm at 2:45 This Morning--
Neighboring Fire
Departments Called to Assist in Fighting the Blaze.
(the article was missing -- above headlines only appeared on this scrapbook page)
$100,000 Blaze Hits Chaumont; One Man Is Dead (1930)
Nine Boathouses and Valuable Motor Boat Also Prey to Flames
From Watertown, Cape Vincent, Chaumont and Dexter Fight Flames in
Mills, Madison, and Main Streets--Blaze Not Yet Under
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, Aug. 21. -- One man, Louis Crouse, 69, lost his life and property damage estimated at $100,000 was caused in a disastrous fire which swept this village this afternoon. Twelve houses were burned to the ground, the Catholic church was destroyed and nine boat houses, one of them containing a cabin cruiser belonging to T. Fred Goodwin, city auditor, of Watertown, were burned.
The houses destroyed were all in the Mill, Main and Madison street sections. Fire companies from Watertown, Cape Vincent, Dexter, and Chaumont were summoned about 1:30 this afternoon to fight the blaze which, fanned by a strong wind jumped across Main street and swept down toward the Crescent Yacht Club.
Homes owned by the following were burned to the ground: Oliver Pennock, Madison street; Uriel Devendorf, Madison street, Mrs. Cornelia Herrick, Madison street, James Dillenbeck, Madison street; Lansing G. Peck, Madison street; Frank Wiggins, Madison street, Hattie Devendorf, also Madison street.
Nine boat houses at the end of Mill street on Sawmill bay were burned to the ground. Six of them were owned by T. Fred Goodwin, city auditor.
One of the boat houses destroyed was owned by Lansing Peck and one by Major F. E. Uhle, an officer at Madison Barracks. The cabin cruiser owned by Mr. Goodwin valued at $1,500 was completely destroyed together with the cottage owned by Mr. Goodwin located above his boat house. The cottage had just been repaired and redecorated.
Fire Starts in Roger's Barn.
It is reported that the fire started in Austin Rogers' barn on the righthand side of Mill street coming into Chaumont from Watertown. The fire was discovered shortly after noon.
Sparks flew from the barn, which is believed to have been empty, towards the bay. The Crescent hotel was threatened for a short time, but the flames on it were extinguished before they gained any considerable headway.
Sparks From Shifter.
Sparks were blown towards Mill street an eighth of a mile away.
While it is believed that the Rogers barn was ignited by sparks from a shifter which has been working back and forth through the village during the day, this report is unverified.
Fire departments from Watertown, Clayton, Three Mile Bay, Dexter and Chaumont are working, and 15 streams of water, drawn from the bay are being played to the blaze in sections of Mill and Madison streets.
Business Section Not Threatened.
The business section of the village is not threatened and the west end of the village towards Three Mile Bay is out of danger. All of the buildings thus far burned are two-story frame structures.
At mid-afternoon the conflagration was still raging and it was not then expected that it would be brought under control before late afternoon or tonight.
The Rogers barn was near Horse creek and but a short distance from the railroad tracks. It was burned to the ground.
Lewis Crouse, 69, who lost his life, was a well known business man in Chaumont having conducted a billiard parlor and soft drink place for several years.
His death came about when he went to the garage in Mill street where he had his car, in an effort to get the car out. He was overcome by the smoke, and men who saw him rushed to get him out. They started to carry him to the office of Dr. LaFountain, but on examination the doctor declared that death had come to the man on the way, his constitution not having been strong enough to withstand the suffocation from the smoke. His death occurred about 1:30.
Scores of people speeded to the village, where the streets are crowded with automobiles on either side. This afternoon Chaumont presents a scene of havoc. Many residents have removed the furnishings from their homes and are prepared to get to locations of safety at a moment's notice.
Woman Reported Missing
This afternoon it was reported that Mrs. James Dillenbeck was missing, and although there is no assurance that she is not safe, there is a possibility that she may have gone back into the store of her mother, Mrs. Bessie Hentze, and have been overcome by smoke.
It was also reported that a Mrs. McFay had suffered a severe shock as the result of the fire.
Coming to Chaumont from the direction of Watertown, the dense clouds of black smoke which form the pall hanging over the village, may be seen from the hills of Dexter.
Residents Help Fight Fire.
All of the residents of the town, summer cottagers and people from all the nearby communities and farm residents turned out to help fight the flames.
All of the electrical lines on Madison street are down. Three truckloads of Northern New York Utilities employes arrived at 3:27 this afternoon to repair the lines so that Chaumont will be lighted tonight.
Chaumont is about 14 miles from the city and has a population of about 500. It is the home port of the Crescent Yacht club and has considerable distinction as a summer resort. It is in the center of a prosperous farming community and a large amount of farm produce is shipped from there annually.
A large number of Watertown people have summer homes on both sides of the (incomplete).
Mrs. Isabel Walrath, Chaumont, who died Feb.. 12, left an estate of $12,000 personal property and about $2,000 real property, according to the petition for probate of her will, executed Oct. 12, 1929. Roy Dodge, St. Lawrence, named executor, is to receive $2,000, "my bedroom suit in the room over the sitting room in the house where I reside," the house which is located on Washington street, Chaumont, and divide the residuary estate equally with James Frye.
The latter, of Brownville, is also given $500 and "my set of dishes other than the Dresden set."
Lafargeville Cemetery association is given $50 in trust to provide perpetual care of the lots of her father, mother and sister. Florence Haas, Chaumont is bequeathed $100, "my piano, and the bedroom suits and bedding now in the front room over the parlor."
Lillian Irvine, Chaumont, is given $500 and "my safe, the dresser in the hall and the piece quilt made by my mother." George D. Fuller, city, is left $200 and Adelbert Walrath, Chaumont, $100.
Elizabeth Daniels, Chaumont, is willed "my rose-in-the-bud quilt," Livia Dascomb, Chaumont, three bed quilts to be selected by her.
The will was witnessed by Mildred E. Horton and Oleta C. Stewart, both ofChaumont, Judge George W. Reeves represents the estate.
Note: *The typist, being a Lingenfelter descendent and researcher, has records which indicate that Mrs. Walrath, the former Isabel Lingenfelter, died in 1931. Mrs. Walrath was the daughter of Daniel Henry Lingenfelter and Nancy Elizabeth Harter Lingenfelter, of Lafargeville, N. Y., Nancy being from Stone Mills, N. Y. Mr. Lingenfelter was a wagonmaker in LaFargeville and Carthage, N. Y.
Mrs. Walrath was married to Eugene Walrath, of Stone Mills. Mr. Walrath was a an "expert blacksmith and wheelwright" in Stone Mills where they lived for 32 years.
Chaumont, Aug. 25 -- The 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hentze was observed very quietly, Aug. 21 at the home of their son, William O. Hentze, with whom they have resided for the past two years.
On account of the poor health of Mr. Hentze there was no public celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Hentze were married Aug. 21, 1873, at Three Mile Bay and they havealways resided here.
Washington, Feb. 10 (AP) -- President and Mrs. Hoover observed their 34th wedding anniversary today in a quiet way.
A few close friends were invited for dinner tonight.
It was on February 10, 1899, that Herbert Hoover, a young mining engineer, married Miss Lou Henry at Monterey, California. He took his bride to China and together they traveled the road that led to the White House.
Previously She Had Been Secretary
to Senator George H. Cobb--Funeral Services to Be
Sunday Morning at 9:30
Miss Lucy Emma Zimmer, 39, private secretary to H. Edmund Machold of the New York financial house of F. L. Carlisle & company, died shortly after midnight at the home of her mother, Mrs. Kate Spaeth Zimmer, 1164 Academy street. While the cause of death is not given it is believed that Miss Zimmer, who had been in serious condition at the home of her mother for the past two years, suffered from a tumor so located at the base of the brain that it could not be removed by operation.
Miss Zimmer was one of the most rapid and efficient stenographers in this city, and after serving several years with the local law firm of Cobb, Cosgrove & Kimball, she became private secretary to Senator George H. Cobb when he became chairman of New York state's motion picture censorship commission. At the end of that service which had required her residence in New York city, she became private secretary to Mr. Machold, a position she held at the time of her death.
Miss Zimmer was born at Evans Mills, Oct. 24, 1893, a daughter of Mrs. Kate Spaeth and the late George Zimmer. She attended the Evans Mills schools and later removed to this city, where she became a student of the Northern Business College, from which she graduated.
Her first employment was as stenographer in the office of Judge Brayton A. Field in the Jefferson County National Bank building. At the end of two years she left Judge Field's office to accept a similar position in the offices of Cobb, Cosgrove & Kimball in the same building and was seven years with that firm, leaving it Aug. 1, 1921, to become private secretary to Chairman Cobb of the state censorship commission of motion pictures, with headquarters in New York. She remained in that capacity during the life of the commission and in January, 1926, accepted the private secretaryship to Mr. Machold, vice president of F. L. Carlisle & company.
Early in the fall of 1930 she developed an illness so serious that she was compelled to cease her duties in New York and return to the home of her mother in this city. Within several weeks she was taken to the Strong Memorial hospital which specializes in head troubles, but it was found inadvisable to operate and she returned to the home of her mother, in this city. Here she made a material improvement and was possessed of a determination to recover, which was of much benefit to her. During the past few weeks, however, her condition had become markedly worse and death resulted between 12 and 1 this morning.
Senator Cobb paid a high tribute to her today. "She was one of the most wonderful girls I have ever known," he said. "She was unusually efficient, she was keen, loyal and friendly. I deeply regret her illness and death."
The parents of Miss Zimmer were natives of Germany, but spent the greater part of their lives in this country, where they were substantial citizens.
Besides her mother, she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fred Riordan of Evans Mills and Miss Bertha Zimmer of this city.
Friends may call at the home between 3 and 5 Saturday afternoon. The funeral will be held from the residence at 9:30 Sunday morning, Rev. Harry Westbrook Reed, D.D., pastor of the All Souls Universalist church officiating. The body will be placed in the vault at Lafargeville for the balance of the winter. It was removed to the Howland Funeral Chapel following death this morning.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, July 8.--Mrs. Mary Wetterhahn Dorr, 74, wife of David Dorr, died at 7:15 this morning at their farm home here after an illness of nearly seven years.
She was born in the town of Clayton on July 18, 1861, a daughter of Jacob and Mary Wetterhahn. On Dec. 30, 1880 she was married to Mr. Dorr. They moved to South Dakota where they resided for 13 years and then returned to Depauville where they had since resided on a farm. They celebrated their golden wedding five years ago.
Mrs. Dorr was a member of the Depauville O. E. S. and the grange.
Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Clarence and Alfred Dorr, both of Lafargeville; one daughter, Mrs. C. Columbus Cumins of Clayton; one sister, Mrs. Sarah Cornwell of Watertown; one brother, Henry Wetterhahn of Watertown; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the home Friday at 1:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) and from the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church at 2 p.m., Rev. Mr. Walker officiating. Burial will be in the Depauville cemetery.
Dorr Rites Held (1936)
Depauville, July 15. -- The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dorr was held from the Methodist Episcopal church Friday at 2 o'clock. Members of the Eastern Star Chapter, No. 125 attended in a body. Will Palmer, Elmer Haas, Howard Cheever, Harold Easton, Samuel Mathews and Earl Clemons acted as bearers. Rev. A. W. Walker officiated. Interment was made in Depauville cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Edith Nims, 51, wife of Livingston Nims, died Friday afternoon at about 5 at the family residence, 350 VanDuzee street, after an illness of about (unclear) years.
Mrs. Nims was born at Clayton, Aug. 29, 1884, a daughter of William and Julia Howarth Denny. She had resided here for three years, coming to this city from Depauville, where she resided about 30 years. Mr. Nims was engaged in the hotel business in Depauville.
Mrs. Nims was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, the Rebekahs and the Order of An---ranth (unclear). She was a past noble grand of the Rebekahs.
Surviving her, besides her husband, are two children, Harriet and Duiston Nims, city; her mother, Mrs. Julia Denny, Depauville, three sisters, Mrs. Anthony DePaul, Rochester, Mrs. Charles Darous, Depauville, and Mrs. Walter Mackey, Detroit, Mich.
The body was removed to the Cummings Funeral Place. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10:30 from there at 11 in the Church of the Redeemer. Rev. D. D. Douglas, pastor of the church, will officiate. Burial will be made at Depauville.
Typist's Note: *According to this typist's research records, Mrs. Nims died May 15, 1936.
(likely from a Looking Back Column)-- 1887
A. Daniels and Miss Emma Diefendorf, both of Clayton, were married in that village on April 5 by Rev. J (unclear) Kenyon.
Typist's Note: According to typist's records, Mr. Daniels was the son of Truman Daniels and Miss Diefendorf was the daughter of Jacob Diefendorf.
Typist's Note: Mrs. Flick, the compiler of this scrapbook, apparently collected Christmas seals. On this page was displayed a 1927 stamp, reading, "Christmas Greetings and Good Health." No denomination appeared, so it can be assumed these were not postage stamps.
The marriage of Miss Eleanora C. Daab of Alexandria Bay and Frank E. Steacy of Theresa took place at the First Methodist Episcopal church of Watertown at noon today. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Bollinger. The couple was attended by Miss Rachel Merritt as bridesmaid and Robert G. Matthews as best man. Other members of the bridal party were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daab of Lafargeville, Mr. and Mrs. Burnette P. Ward, Miss May Truman of Watertown, Miss Grace Daab of Theresa and Ralph and Edwin Matthews of Depauville.
The bride wore a dress of navy blue crepe with blue accessories and carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The bridesmaid's dress was beige crepe with accessories to match and carried a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas.
After the services at the church the bridal party took luncheon at the Cheerio dining room in the Paddock Arcade. Mr. and Mrs. Steacy left for Washington, D. C., this afternoon. They will return about April 26. Mrs. Steacy will finish the school year at Alexandria Bay and will be at home to her friends at Theresa after July 1.
Mrs. Steacy spent her early life in the town of Clayton. She attended Chaumont High school and was graduated from Clayton training class in 1906. She has also had teacher training at Potsdam Normal. She taught a number of years in the rural schools of northern Jefferson county. Mrs. Steacy is completing her sixth year as teacher in the fourth grade of Alexandria Bay High school. This is Mrs. Steacy's 22nd year of service in the public school of Jefferson county.
Mr. Steacy lived at Theresa in his early life, obtaining his education in the school of this section. Mr. Steacy served 14 months in Company G, 310th Infantry, in the World war. He was wounded in the battle of St. Mihiel. Following the World war, he became a machinist at the J. B. Wise plant in Watertown. He was employed in their shop for five years. He also served four years as an inspector for the New York Air Brake company at Watertown. Mr. Steacy was in the employ of the Willis-Morrow Automobile plant at Elmira, Corning Glass Works at Corning and Taggart Paper company at Oswego. In 1931, Mr. Steacy purchased the John Wood farm near Kelsey Bridge. He is operation this farm.
Clayton, Nov. 30. -- Robert Hayes of Clayton and Miss Fern Dwyer of Depauville were married at 8 Thursday morning at St,. Mary's rectory by Rev. George E. Racette, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hayes of Clayton were witnesses.
Mr. Hayes is the son of Jack Hayes of Clayton and Mrs. Hayes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Dwyer of Depauville and a graduate of Clayton High school. The bridal party motored to Watertown where they were served a turkey supper at the Woodruff hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes left this morning for Sarasota, Fla., where they will spend the winter.
Three Mile Bay, July 1. -- Royal James Ludlow of Chaumont and Miss Lucy May Rose of Clayton were married June 28 at Three Mile Bay by B. E. Rickett, justice of peace.
LINGENFELTER - WILSON --- In this city, Aug. 12, 1935, by Rev. James H. Keeling at his home, 119 Ten Eyck street, Miss Florence Vivian Lingenfelter of Evans Mills and Paul David Wilson of the Town of Leray.
Mrs. Arthur Hatch Surprised on Birthday (1932)
Mrs. Arthur Hatch was pleasantly surprised on the evening of her birthday, Thursday, Sept. 29, when neighbors gathered at her home. Cards and a social evening were enjoyed and she was presented with an attractive gift.
Birthday Party Held. (1936)
Depauville, March 5. -- The 39th birthday of Mrs. Edgar La Rose was celebrated in the Community Hall Monday evening, March 2, by giving her a surprise party instigated by her husband, Edgar La Rose. Dancing was enjoyed until 12. Thirty-eight were present.
A nice lunch (was) served and a large birthday cake presented to Mrs. La Rouse (sic) by Mrs. Frank Daniels and Mrs. George Ludlow.
Depauville, Aug. 20 -- The Do Your Best Class and the Golden Key class of the Methodist Episcopal church met and cleaned the church last Tuesday and held a picnic dinner in Mrs. Nettie Gillett's yard. --Floyd Gould is building a new house on Chaumont street. --Ferne Lingenfelter entertained two tables of bridge Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lingenfelter. Those present were: Hazel Welsh of Watertown, Vera Stadler of Watertown, Marion Wallace of Cahumont, Marion Fluckiger of Clayton, Katherine Lingenfelter of Clayton, Mabel Dwyer of Depauville, Ruth Fry of Depauville, Ferene Lingenfelter of Depauville, Marion Fluckiger won first prize, Marion Wallace, second prize, and Hazel Welsh, consolation. Refreshments were served. --Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas of Watertown were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis. --Fred Leach attended the Gouverneur fair. --Miss Alberta Gale spent the week at the home of her uncle, George Schafer, jr., in Clayton. --Mrs. Nettie Lee and daughter, Flora, Mr. and Mrs. Perl Spencer and son, Glen, spent a few days at Mrs. Lee's cottage on Point Salubrious.
Notes First Birthday (April, 1934)
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, 549 Morrison street, entertained at dinner at their home Sunday in honor of the first birthday of their daughter, Patricia M. Johnston.
The following wee present: Mrs. E. J. Kennedy, Depauville; Mrs. J. Johnston, Sackets Harbor; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stadler, Depauville; Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan, Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. William MacCaughn (unclear), Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston, Sackets Harbor, Ferne Lingenfelter, Depauville, Carl Van Alstyne, Chaumont, and William Nolan, jr., Watertown.
Depauville, June 5. -- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eckert of Depauville, celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary Tuesday.
They were married in Redwood. Mrs. Eckert, before her marriage, was Miss Addie Suits of Redwood. They were married by Rev. T. P. Bradshaw of the Methodist Episcopal church of Redwood performed the ceremony. Mr. Eckert is 85 years old and Mrs. Eckert is 81.
Four sons were born to the union, Clarence and Ernest of Depauville, Bert Eckert of Watertown and Earl who died when five months old. There are five grandchildren, Ernest, jr., of Depauville and Earl of Antwerp and Wilbert Eckert of Natural Bridge and Grace and Carl Eckert of Watertown.
DR. W. A. VINCENT EXPIRES, AGED 78 (July 19, 1935)
Death Due to
Myocarditis, Heart Disease--Funeral to Be Held Sunday Afternoon at 2 at
(Placed alongside the obit were
photographs of both Dr. and Mrs. Vincent.)
(Special to The Times)
Three Mile Bay, July 19.--Dr. Waterman A. Vincent, 78, for 53 years a practicing physician and long a prominent member of the medical profession in Jefferson county, died at 9:50 last night at his home here. Death was due to myocarditis, a heart disease, and followed a brief illness.
The veteran local physician was stricken with a severe heart attack early on the afternoon of July 11 at his office here and since that time had been critically ill at his home.
The doctor had been in usual good health and on the morning of the day he was stricken ill he had made professional calls in Chaumont, Three Mile Bay and vicinity. In the afternoon he was at his office. Suddenly, he felt ill and went to lie down in the rest room of his office.
While he was resting there, Mrs. Vincent discovered that the doctor was very ill. He immediately asked that his son, Dr. Leonard M. Vincent, practicing physician in Watertown, be summoned. The son came here from Watertown at once.
During the afternoon, Dr. Vincent responded somewhat to treatment. Unable to move because of his condition, he was carried on a stretcher to his home next door where he was put to bed.
Several physicians were called in consultation. Among them were Dr. Wardner D. Ayer, Syracuse, a leading neurologist, and Dr. H. C. Montgomery, of Watertown. Dr. Ayer had been summoned to Watertown to consult in another case.
Dr. Vincent, however, failed to rally. Members of his family were at his bedside when he died.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 at the family home. Rev. W. A. Herzog, pastor of the First Baptist church of this village, will officiate. Burial will be made in the Three Mile Bay cemetery.
While not a member of the church, Dr. Vincent had served as a trustee of the First Baptist church for many years. For years he had also been treasurer of the Three Mile Bay board of education. The doctor had also served as health officer of the town of Lyme.
>Clayton, Aug. 14. -- Clara E. Gould, 71, wife of Eugene Gould, died Tuesday morning at 4:15 at her home in Depauville.
She had been in failing health for several years but was able to be about her home until about ten days ago. Her death was attributed to the infirmities of old age.
She was born in the town of Champion Nov. 18, 1863, the daughter of William and Ella Plante Hart. She has resided in the town of Clayton since she was a small child. She was a member of the Depauville Baptist church.
Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. J. Carscadden of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. H. J. Bartlett of Watertown and Mrs. W. A. Clark of Clayton. There are also several grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the home in Depauville Thursday afternoon at 1 with Rev. J. H. Fowler of the Clayton Baptist church officiating. Burial will be in Depauville cemetery.
Expires at Hospital of Injuries
Received at Depauville
Sheriff's Office Begins Investigation to Learn Cause of
Man Was Facing Traffic--Car Knocks Down Pole and
Comes to
Stop Against Stone Wall--
Occupant of Car Has
Possible Skull Fracture
Fred H. Leach, 76, of Depauville, janitor of the Depauville High school, died at 9:15 Thursday evening in the House of the Good Samaritan of injuries received when he was struck by an automobile driven by Richard F. Jones, 27, Adams Cove, former Dexter resident, in the village of Depauville, about 5:15 p.m. Thursday.
Shock from the loss of his left leg, completely severed in the accident, caused his death. The man, admitted to the hospital at 5:30 p.m., was attended by Dr. D. G. Gregor. His condition was so critical that he was not expected to recover.
Jack Wager, 49, Pillar Point farmer, who was a passenger in the Jones car, is in the Mercy hospital with a possible fracture of the skull, but his condition is not regarded serious and he is expected to recover. X-ray pictures will be taken to determine the extent of his head injuries. He sustained a severe scalp laceration. He is conscious.
Mr. Jones was bruised and cut about the head, but his injuries are not serious.
In addition to the loss of his leg, Mr. Leach suffered a severe fracture of the pelvis, an internal hemorrhage produced by the fracture and a dislocation of the right hip.
District Attorney Howard B. Donaldson, who was notified of the tragedy, announced that an inquest would be held some time today.
Mr. Jones, accompanied by his counsel, Attorney Roy A. Fuller, appeared at the sheriff's office after the accident and made a partial report of the accident. He is not being held. Sheriff Brayton E. Peck said that Mr. Jones stated he has an operator's license but did not have it on his person at the time of the accident.
The sheriff also said that the cause of the accident is not known, but a thorough investigation is being made by his office.
The accident happened in the village of Depauville near the residence of Deputy Sheriff E. J. Stadler. Mr. Leach was walking along the left side of the highway, headed west on his way to the village postoffice for his newspaper. He had been accustomed to walking to the postoffice about the same time every day for his mail.
The victim left his home, located on the main highway, almost directly across from the Stadler home, at about 5:15 p.m. and had proceeded a distance of only about 100 feet from his home when the accident happened, county authorities said.
Mr. Leach, who has been lame for several years, was walking either on the edge of the concrete highway or on the shoulder of the road, Sheriff Peck said. Villagers said he was walking on the shoulder.
Although Mr. Leach and the approaching automobile were facing each other, the accident is unaccounted for, the sheriff stated. Mr. Jones, driving a 1936 couple owned by his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Bayley Jones, was proceeding in an easterly direction--toward Watertown. He had been in the vicinity of Rosiere and St. Lawrence.
The front of the Jones car, which, the driver said in his accident report, was travelling at a speed of between 30 and 35 miles an hour, struck Mr. Leach. The machine then left the right side of the highway, crossed a 4-1/2 foot embankment, struck an electric light pole, snapping it off near the base, and then crashed into the solid stone retaining wall in the driveway of the Stadler home.
The car travelled a distance of 70 feet from the point where it struck the man before it came to a rest against the wall.
The pole is located beside the driveway of the Stadler home, about 20 feet from the wall.
Neither Mr. Jones nor Mr. Wager was thrown from the car, but the latter was kinocked unconscious. He later regained consciousness.
Mr. Wager, badly cut about the head was brought to the Mercy hospital by Eugene Albertson, who operates a gasoline station at Depauville. Edgar LaFrose and Gerald Gould, both of Depauville, accompanied the injured man and Mr. Albertson to the hospital. Dr. H. N. Cooper attended Mr. Wager at the hospital.
The fact that the front part of the car was pushed backward indicates that the car struck either the pole or the wall with a terrific impact, authorities said.
Mr. Leach was found lying on the shoulder of the highway, about three feet from the edge of the road and about 70 feet from the car.
Lawrence G. Kingsley, 704 Arsenal street, driving a bread truck, came upon the scene of the accident shortly afterward. The truck was the first vehicle to arrive there. Mr. Kingsley, accompanied by William Gale of Depauville, brought Mr. Leach to the hospital in the truck. Mr. Gale then proceeded to the sheriff's office to inform authorities of the accident.
Although no actual witnesses of the accident were found, Sheriff Peck said that several village residents heard the crash. Their statements were that they did not see the car.
The first person to arrive at the scene of the accident was Frank Bailey, who operates a gasoline station nearly opposite the scene.
Mr. and Mrs. Baily, Eugene Albertson, Edwin Dwyer, who also operates a gasoline station in the village, and Mrs. Dwyer made statements to county authorities.
Deputy Sheriff Fred V. Jackson was the first officer on the scene. He was later joined by Sheriff Peck and Deputy Stadler, who assisted in the investigation.
Mr. Jones is a salesman for Griffin Roofing and Contracting company of this city. The car he was driving was purchased a few weeks ago.
The accident, occurring in Depauville's business section, was the second automobile fatality in Jefferson county in two days. Oliver M. Beckstead, 46, Mannsville, was fatally injured Tuesday when he was struck by a car driven by William R. Smith, 73, of Sandy Creek as he was walking across the state highway about two miles south of Adams.
Native of Gouverneur.
Mr. Leach was born at Gouverneur, Oct. 13, 1859, a son of the late Andrew and Julia Smith Leach. He was married to Ida Gill on Feb. 24, 1889, at Richville. She died in July, 1901.
Mr. Leach had lived in Depauville for about 25 years. He formerly resided for a short time in Watertown, coming to this city from Gouverneur, and moving to Depauville from here.
He had been janitor of the Depauville High school for about seven years.
Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Perl Spencer, Depauville, and Mrs. Milton Anderson, Clayton; a sister, Mrs. Emily Gillette, with whom he resided; a half-sister, Mrs. Jesse Collins, city, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at the Gillette home at 1 Sunday afternoon and burial will be made at Gouverneur two hours later. Rev. Clark Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Harrisville, will officiate.
Depauville, April 20 -- The funeral of Fred H. Leach, which was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. Emily Gillette, Sunday at 1 p.m. was largely attended.
Rev. C. A. Robinson, a former pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church here, officiated, assisted by Rev. David McVeigh of Norfolk. William Huchzermeier, Ernest C. Radley, Edwin Dorr and William Gale acted as bearers.
Burial was made near Gouverneur, his former home. He was buried beside his wife who died 35 years ago.
(Special to The Times.)
Chaumont, May 11.--Mrs. Nortia Mae LaRose, 40, wife of George LaRose, died at 11:45 Saturday morning at her home near Reynolds' corners after an illness of a year. Heart trouble was the cause of her death.
Mrs. LaRose was born in the town of Oswegatchie, April 6, 1896, the daughter of the late John and Jennie McNeil Barber. Her mother resides in Fort Etkins, Wis. On Jan. 29, 1915 her marriage to George LaRose took place at Clayton.
Surviving besides her mother and husband are five children, Mrs. Lucy Ludlow, Audrey, Elmer, George and William LaRose, all residing at home; one sister, Mrs. William Neal, Rossie, and a half-sister, Mrs. John Mode, Fort Etkins, Wis.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon from Clark's funeral home in this village. Rev. Roger Williams, pastor of the Chaumont Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Morris Tract cemetery.
Funeral services for William H. Lingenfelter, 26, Clayton, whose death occurred Wednesday afternoon, March 10 at Mercy hospital, Watertown, were held last Friday afternoon from the home of his aunt, Mrs. Alma Dillenback, Clayton Center. Rev. B. A. Wilson, pastor of Clayton Baptist church officiated. The floral tributes were numerous and the funeral was one of the largest home funerals ever held in this vicinity.
The bearers were Gerald Fluckiger, Harold Schmitte, James Hart, Emmet Green, Clarence Poth and Ralph Metcalf.
The remains were placed in the vault awaiting burial later.
"Billie" Lingenfelter was a favorite about town where he was well known, attended high school and worked in garages about the village. A lad born with energy, ability, and a likable disposition that won folks, old and young alike, he was always willing to please and do for others, thereby making a host of friends who sincerely mourn his seemingly untimely death. Many hearts ache for poor Billy and extend the deepest sympathy to the sorrowed family.
LOCAL COUPLE WED 50 YEARS (September 15, 1930)
Will Observe Anniversary On
Both Are 73 Years of Age and Both Are in
Good Health--Were Married in Depauville in 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fox will quietly observe their 50th wedding anniversary Monday at their residence, 1114 Franklin street. No celebration as yet has been planned. Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Folsom, son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fox, will come from their home in Buffalo to this city Monday for the anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox are both 73 years of age and are both in good health. Mr. Fox has never been seriously ill, although he was seriously injured about 15 years ago when he fell off a barn in Black River. Although retired, he is still very active.
The couple was married on Sept. 15, 1880, at Depauville by the late Rev. Charles Dorr, then pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of that village. The ceremony was performed at the farm home of Mrs. Fox's uncle, the late Milo McCumber. The farm was once owned by Mrs. Fox's father, the late Franklin McCumber.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of Depauville acted as best man and bridesmaid at the wedding which was attended also by Mr. and Mrs. William Esselstyne of Syracuse. The late Mrs. King was a sister of Mrs. Fox. Mrs. Esselstyn is a sister of Mrs. King. Mr. King now resides in Depauville and Mr. and Mrs. Esselstyn reside in Syracuse. The three are the only survivors of the attendants at the wedding.
Mr. Fox purchased a home at Depauville and established himself in business, buying the flour and feed store in Depauville owned by E. J. Seeber, now of Adams.
Mr. Fox operated the business for about eight years and then sold it back to Mr. Seeber in exchange for the latter's farm, located about a mile from Depauville.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox resided on that farm for about eleven years. It was sold to Ellsworth Swartout of Depauville, who still owns and operates it. The couple then purchased from the Christopher Middleton farm at Black River. Mr. and Mrs. Fox owned and operated that farm for eight years. It was sold to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knutty of Black River, who later sold it to their son, Leslie Knutty.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox moved to this city in April 1910, and bought their present residence at 1114 Franklin street, where they have since lived.
Mr. Fox learned the carpentry trade as a young man from the late Stephen Eigbroadt of Depauville and followed that occupation for some time, retiring about three years ago. For several years he was employed by Frederick W. Oakes, of this city, building contractor. For about eight years, he was also a watchmaker, having a business of his own at Depauville.
Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Fox. They are: Mrs. Jack F. Folsom of Buffalo, Mrs. Fred Knutty of Black River and Mrs. Steven Porter, of this city, and one great-grandchild, Helen Lois Knutty, of Black River. (another article was located which shows Mrs. Steven Porter as a grand-daughter, and the Fox's third child as G. Roy Fox, 134 North Indian avenue)
Mrs. Fox was formerly Mrs. (sic) Lois A. McCumber, daughter of the late Frank and Lucy Alverson McCumber of Depauville. She was born Dec. 9, 1856, at Three Mile Creek, near Depauville. Her early life was spent at Depauville, where she attended school. Mr. McCumber was a native of Henderson.
Mr. Fox was born April 11, 1857, at Depauville, a son of the late Alfred and Olive Bents (sic) Fox, and was also educated at Depauville. His father was born in Herkimer county.
A separate article, unknown date, appeared in the same newspaper. This one included separate photos of Mr. and Mrs. Fox. Under the photos was the following paragraph:
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fox, 1114 Franklin street, today observed their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married on Sept. 15, 1880, at Depauville by the late Rev. Charles Dorr, then pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church there. Both are 73 years old and both are in good health.
From "Looking Back"
May 11, 1882
Depauville horsemen are constructing a half-mile track on the farm of David Whittier, near that village.
Dies at Summer Home Near Massena--Husband
and Two Nephwews, Robert Hatch, Waddington,
and Herbert
Hatch, Massena, Survive.
Massena Bureau
Watertown Daily Times
Massena, Sept. 1. -- Mrs. Alice G. Hatch, 64, Clayton, died at 12:10 this morning at Louisville Landing after an illness of two weeks with heart trouble. She was the wife of Captain Arthur Hatch, of Clayton. Captain and Mrs. Hatch bought a camp on the St. Lawrence just east of Louisville Landing, about six miles from Massena, last fall and this was the first season they had spent at Louisville Landing.
On Sunday, Aug. 16, Mrs. Hatch was taken sick. She apparently recovered within a few days but last night was again stricken and died within a short time.
The body will be taken to Clayton Wednesday where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 from the residence of Mrs. William Patch. Rev. George Dudley Barr, rector of Christ Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be made at Depauville.
Alice G. Hatch was born in Winooski, Vt., Sept. 29, 1871, a daughter of William and Juliet Montgomery Fulton. Her father was a millwright and she grew up in Waddington and Ogdensburg.
On Jan. 5, 1907 she was married to Prescott Patch of Depauville who died in February of 1924. They had one son, Wallace. After Mr. Patch's death she and her son moved to Clayton where the son died in 1927 at the age of 20 years. In October of 1925 she was married to Captain Arthur Hatch of Clayton, and they lived there until coming to Louisville Landing for the summer.
She was prominent in Eastern Star circles, was past matron of the Depauville chapter, O. E. S., past royal matron of the Order of the Amaranth, Watertown, and was a member of the Watertown White Shrine and Watertown Daughters of the Nile.
Surviving are the husband, Captain Arthur Hatch, Clayton, and two nephews, Robert W. Hatch, Waddington, and Herbert H. Hatch, Massena.
Four Generations of Family Present--Turkey
Dinner Is Served to 45 Guests.
Clayton, Jan. 2. -- Mr. and Mrs. David Dorr of Depauville observed their 50th anniversary Tuesday, Dec. 30.
They were married in Depauville Dec. 30, 1880, by Rev. Charles Schisling of Watertown, a brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Rev. Mr. Schisling was assisted by Rev. Henry Bean who was at that time pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Lafargeville. Mr. and Mrs. Dorr are both active members of the grange. Mr. Dorr is (a) member of the Masons while Mrs. Dorr is a member of the Eastern Star. After they were married they went to South Dakota, where they lived for twelve years. They returned here and took up residence on the Jacob Wetterhahn homestead near Depauville. Eight years ago they moved into Depauville where they now reside. A 7 o'clock turkey dinner was served to 45 guests in the Masonic Hall, which was decorated with gold and white. The wedding cake which was made and decorated by Mrs. Dorr's daughter, Mrs. C. C. Cummings, was also gold and white with 50 gold colored candles on it.
The entertainment consisted of old-fashioned songs and recitations. One of the recitations was by Mrs. Sarah Cornwall, sister of Mrs. Dorr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Columbus Cummings played and sang "When You and I Were Young, Maggie." There was a mock wedding given by the nieces and nephews. Most of them were dressed in costumes of 50 years ago and the remainder were in comic dress. Four gold colored candles were lighted and all other lights were turned out, and one of each of the four generations was seated in front of the candles.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorr were presented with many gifts. Among them were $37.50 in gold, a mahogany table, gold salad dish and a picture from the Order of the Eastern Star.
Those present were G. G. Wetterhahn of New York city; Lewis Wetterhahn of Cacium, Henry Wetterhahn of Watertown, Mrs. Sarah Cornwall of Watertown, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dorr and children, Lyle, Hubert and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dorr and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dorr and son, Hermon, Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Walrath, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorr, Mrs. Lucy Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. L. Swartout and Mrs. Minnie Wetterhahn, all of Depauville, Mr. and Mrs. C. Columbus Cummings and children, Daisy and Morris, of St. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Polly of Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. George Eiss of Lafargeville, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wetterhahn, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornwall and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Monroe of Watertown.
Mrs. Merrick Walrath and Henry Wetterhahn served at the wedding 50 years ago, Mrs. Walrath as bridesmaid and Mr. Wetterhahn as best man. Congratulations were received over the radio Tuesday morning from ______. (not clear)
>Brownville, Feb. 18. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sherman were surprised on their 50th wedding anniversary Monday evening by the appearance at their home of about 50 relatives and friends who spent the evening with them. They were presented with a substantial purse of money.
During the evening they had a telephone message from their son from Calgary, Canada.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. James Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyneman, Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. Sproul, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Albert White, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Scott, Mr. and Mrs. William Walrath, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schults, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Gordon, Mrs. A. J. Allen, Miss Grace Allen, Mrs. Melissa Farrington.
William Ingerson, Mrs. Meeks, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Anna Mallet, Miss Clark, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Elva Maynard, Mrs. Ella Pluche, Mrs. Essington, Mr. and Mrs. N. Walrath, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Galloway, Richard Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paige, Mrs. Bernice Halloran, Francis Halloran, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. C. Banford and daughters, Mrs. L. F. (?) Hagar, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sherman, L. E. Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Boynton, a sister, Mrs. Moore of Fine View and Mrs. Amy Sherman of Depauville.
A feature of the evening was a mock wedding with Mrs. Ford Gordon as bridegroom, Mrs. Floyd Hardy as bride, and D. V. Sherman as officiating clergyman.
Honored on Anniversary
Lafargeville, March 6. -- On Saturday evening, Feb. 28, about 55 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dorr, the event being a surprise party in honor of their twelfth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in playing progressive pedro, after which luncheon was served.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ellingsworth and children, Alice, Winifred, Aimy (sic) and Warren, Miss Mary Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Haller and children, Irene, Marioin, Ralth and Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bretch and children, Fred, Robert, Lester, Rodger (sic) and Elizabeth, Louis Simmons, Mrs. Albert Haas, Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zach and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bates and children; Lucy, John, Carleton, Carol and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Door, Lawrence Schaver (sic), Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mexdorf and children, Doris, Evangeline and Geraldine, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. David Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dorr and sons, Herman and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dorr and children, Lyle, Hubert and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Dorr were presented with a lamp.
Honored on Anniversary
A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hatline (sic) Wednesday night on the occasion of their 14th wedding anniversary. Progressive pedro was played at their home. Prizes were awarded.
Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Getman, Dr. and Mrs. John Fowkes, Mr. and Mrs. William Pillow, Miss Vivian Eagin, Mrs. Margaret Haller, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart VanAlstine and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byington, Mr. and Mrs. James Haggart and Mr. and Mrs. Verent Schnauber.
Also Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Baltz, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Decker, Mrs. Mary Schnauber, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schnauber and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Morrison, Watertown, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kendra, Watertown.
Photo: The Late Asa C. Sherman - date noted was October 14, 1931.
Notes 56th Birthday.
Rutland, Sept. 22. -- Forty-five friends and relatives attended a surprise party given Mrs. James R. Harter Monday evening, the occasion being her 56th birthday.
The evening was spent playing progressive pedro and flinch. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Raymond Bull and Philo Rexford and the consolation prizes by Mrs. George Woodruff and Milton Andrus.
Refreshments were served. The birthday table was decorated in pink and white. Mrs. Harter received gifts.
The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. James R. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cummings, Mrs. Jennie Dean, Mrs. Harry Horton, Mr. and Mrs. George Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. Elon Andrus, Mr. and Mrs. Aleo Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Lyng Stoddar, Mrs. Hattie Randles, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Eguene Doge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Philo Rexford, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Andrus and daughters, Doris and Muriel; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gragg, Mrs. George Randles, Kenneth Randles, Edward Stuart, Mrs. Jennie Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harter, Miss Gladys Harter, Niles Harter, Carl Harter, Ralph Harter, Earl Harter and Reginald Allen.
Depauville, Aug. 15. -- Mrs. Ethel Spencer, Mrs. Lorinda Eckert, Mrs. Melva Drutelman (sic), Mrs. Florence Whitman, Mrs. Sadie Smith, Mrs. Louise Vincent and the Misses Lottie and Winifred Snell of Woodmere, L. I., who were schoolmates when they attended Depauville public school met recently at Crystal Springs for a 6:30 dinner followed by bridge.
A short business meeting preceded the bridge. Miss Winifred Snell was chosen president, Mrs. Lorinda Eckert, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Louise Vincent, historian. The door prize was won by Mrs. Lorinda Eckert and bridge prizes by Mrs. Louise Vincent, first, and Sadie Smith, second.
Surprise Party Held.
Depauville, Sept. 22. -- A group of friends surprised Miss Drusilla Halleday by a farewell party at her home Thursday evening, Sept. 14. Miss Halladay was the valedictorian of the class of 1933 at Lafargeville High school. She left Saturday morning for Albany, where she will attend Teachers'
State college, specializing in mathematics.
Those present were: Druisilla and Esther Halladay, Hilda Lee, Fern Dwyer, Sheelah McFarlane (sic), Alvera Dillenback, Alice Johndrow, Frances Norton, Mary Campbell, "Lou" Bates, Helen Hallar, Mayfred Hughto, Evelyn Haas and Ruth Lee, Howard and Clarence Easton, Stanley and Wilbur Robinson, John and Don Norton, Glenn Spencer, Billy and Bob Wetterhahn, Kenneth Lampe, John and Carleton Bates, Thurston Haller, Elmerveen (sic) Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Halladay, Frances and Richard Halladay.
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, Jan. 10. -- Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Campbell, Depauville, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary D. Campbell, to J. W. Westcott, jr., Freeport, L. I., on July 18, 1935, in New York.
Mrs. Westcott is a graduate of Clayton High school and for the past one and one half years has been a student in Potsdam Normal. She is a native of Depauville.
Mr. Westcott, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Westcott, Freeport, L. I., is a sophomore in Ithaca college, where he is specializing in music.
The couple became acquainted at Potsdam where Mr. Westcott was a student in the Crane school of music for a year before transferring to Ithaca. Both will continue their education
John Ernest Cornaire of Rosiere and Miss Dorothy Whittier Hart of Clayton were married at Rossiere, Nov. 1, at the rectory of St. Paul de Vincent's Catholic church by Rev. Father Kelley.
They were attended by Miss Laura Cornaire, sister of the bridegroom and James Burton Hart, brother of the bride.
Mrs. Cornaire is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burton Hart of Clayton. Mr. Cornaire is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cornaire of Rosiere.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornaire will make their home in Rosiere.
Depauville, May 7. -- Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Norton of Depauville have announced the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Jane, to Merlin A. Dodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dodge of Cape Vincent. The marriage will take place June 5 at the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church.
Miss Norton attended the Depauville public school and was a graduate of Clayton High school, class of 193?. For the past two years she has been employed at the residence of Fred T. Mott at 532 South Hamilton street, Watertown.
Mr. Dodge is a native of Millen's Bay. He attended the Millen's Bay school and the Cape Vincent High school. He is employed as a mechanic in the Conshafter and Farr garage in Buffalo.
After a short wedding trip the couple will reside in Buffalo.
MRS. CORA A* HASNER DIES (12-5-1934)
Mrs. Hasner, Widow of George Hasner, Was Born in the Town of Clayton--
Lived at Son's House Here For Three Years
Mrs. Cora E. Hasner, 74, widow of George Hasner, died at 6:15 Wednesday evening at the home of her son, Martin G. Hasner, 336 South Indiana avenue, bookkeeper at the Jefferson County Savings bank. Mrs. Hasner had been an invalid for seven years following a stroke. For the past seven years, she had been confined to a wheelchair, her left side being paralyzed. She had been confined to her bed only since Saturday.
Mrs. Hasner was born Jan. 10, 1860, in the town of Clayton, a daughter of the late Alvin and Alida Lingenfelter Putnam. She was married to George Hasner at Clayton, Nov. 29, 1877. Mr. Hasner died at Glen Park in 1928.
Most of her life had been spent at Brownville. For the past three years she had resided with her son here.
Surviving her are two sons, Martin G. Hasner, with whom she resided, and Alvin C. Hasner, Watertown, Route 1; two daughters, Mrs. Lewis Buckminster of Brownville and Mrs. William B. Conklin, Dexter, Route 2, two half-sisters, Mrs. Truman Daniels of Glen Park, and Miss Elizabeth Harter of Watertown; a half brother, James Harter of Burrville, and eleven grandchildren.
Two daughters are dead. They were Nina Hasner, who died 33 years ago, and Mrs. Sadie Schenck, who died two years ago in California. A sister of Mrs. Hasner, Mrs. Prudence Bent of Limerick, died in 1929.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 at the home of her son here. Burial will be made at Depauville.
Typist's Note: *Cora's middle initial is incorrect in the headline - her middle initial is "E" for Estella - she was this typist's grandmother.
Death Follows Operation For Adhesions--Native and Life Long Resident of Town of Clayton
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, June 29.--Miss Blanche Leona Edmonds, 31, of Clayton, Route 2, died at 8:40 last night in the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, where she had been a patient since 9:30 Sunday morning. Death followed an operation for adhesions. She was stricken ill at her home Friday.
Miss Edmonds was born in the town of Clayton, Sept. 19, 1904, a daughter of Jessie Guernsey Edmonds Schnauber and the late John Edmonds She had always resided in the town of Clayton.
For several years until the time of her death she was employed as clerk in Eckert's general store at Depauville.
Miss Edmonds resided with her mother.
Surviving her, besides her mother, are her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Martha Guernsey, St. Lawrence; a sister, Mrs. Edith Baldwin; a brother, Perley Edmonds; a half-brother, William Schnauber; two step-brothers, Horace and Vernet Schnauber, and a step-sister, Mrs. Josephine Hartline, all of the town of Clayton.
Funeral services will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 (E.S.T.) and at 2 in the Methodist Episcopal church at Depauville. Rev. Frank J. Brown, Richland, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor at Depauville, will officiate. Burial will be made in the St. Lawrence cemetery.
Depauville, Aug. 29.--Mrs. Ellen O. Grabber, 81, widow of A. D. Grabber of this village, died Friday night at about 8 after a six-weeks' illness.
She was born in the house she died in, the daughter of the late Sullivan and Sara Wheeler Smith, Sept. 2, 1854. She spent her early girlhood in this village and married Mr. Grabber in her home Jan. 29, 1884.
She is survived by two daughters and one sister. Her daughters are Mrs. Arminda S. Fox, Depauville, and Mrs. Fanny L. Fuller, Buffalo. Her sister is Mrs. Fanny Seeber, Brownville. A brother and sister died several years ago.
Mr. Grabber was the proprietor of the Grabber hotel here, and she lived in the hotel with him for 30 years. They moved to the home where she died about 20 years ago.
Mrs. Grabber was a charter member of chapter No. 125, Order of the Eastern Star.
Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 in the home with Rev. Mr. Albert Walker of the Methodist Episcopal church of this village officiating. Interment will be in the family plot in the Depauville cemetery. R. S. Clark, Chaumont undertaker, is in charge of the funeral arrangements. Her daughters have asked friends to call whenever convenient.
A follow-up clipping - same newspaper - Sept. 1, 1936
Depauville, Sept. 1.--The funeral of Mrs. Ellen O. Grabber, which was held from her home Monday at 2 p.m., was largely attended. Rev. A. W. Walker officiated.
Leon Gillette, Pearl Lingenfelter, Fred Stienberg (sic) , W. F. Huckzermeier, Ernest Eckert and H. G. Jones acted as bearers.
Depauville Man Was State Highway
Patrolman After Retiring From Farming -- Funeral Wednesday.
(Special To The Times)
Depauville, Oct. 12 -- John W. Lingenfelter, 80, retired farmer, died at his home Saturday evening following an illness of 18 days. Death was caused by a cerebral hemorrhage.
He was born Feb. 12, 1856, in the town of Clayton, the son of Conrad and Elizabeth Padget Lingenfelter. He spent most of his life in the town of Clayton, although he had lived in the village of Depauville the past 29 years. He married Miss Lizzie Casselman of Three Mile Bay on Jan. 15, 1879, in the Methodist church at Three Mile Bay.
Mr. Lingenfelter was a farmer for a number of years. Upon his retirement from farming he became a state highway patrolman, a position he held until four years ago. He was also an active member of the Depauville grange No. 59.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lizzie C. Lingenfelter; one son, Arthur L. Lingenfelter of Depauville; one daughter, Mrs. Melva A. Dintelman of Depauville; two grandchildren, M. Ferne Lingenfelter and Carl G. Dintelman, both of Depauville; one brother, Myron Lingenfelter, Watertown, and one sister, Mrs. Myron Daniels of Chaumont.
Funeral services will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at . (sic) Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Methodist church at Depauville, will officiate. Burial will be made in the family plot at Three Mile Bay.
* * * * * * * * *
Photo: Alfred D. Lowe
Depauville, Aug. 26. -- (1936) - Funeral services for former Assemblyman Alfred D. Lowe, 85, will be held at the home on Chaumont street, Thursday at 2 p.m. (E. S. T.)
The bearers will be Horace Jones, Fred Sternberg, Ernest Eckert, Peter Cardiss, Roy Priest, and E. L. Swartout, all of Depauville.
HENRY LAPATRA, AGED 79, Dies (1936)
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, Feb. 1.--Henry LaPatra, 79, died at his home in this village at 7 Sunday evening following an illness of about two weeks.
He was born in Brownville on Dec. 24, 1857, a son of the late Frank and Lucy LaPatra.
Mr. LaPatra operated a well drilling business for over 60 years. He was a member of the Depauville I. O. O. F. for many years.
He married Miss Ida Garner, of Theresa, on Feb. 13, 1883, in a ceremony performed at Plessis by Rev. D. T. White. There was born to the union one child who expired at infancy.
Surviving besides his wife are two sisters, Mrs. Addie Allen and Mrs. Ella Baker, both of Lowville.
Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the home. Rev. Albert Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be made in the Depauville cemetery.
B. A. DILLENBECK EXPIRES, AGED 74 (Jan. 21, 1937)
Bertine A. Dillenbeck, 74, died Thursday evening at 7:30 at the St. Lawrence State hospital, Ogdensburg, where he had been a patient since Dec. 9, 1936. Death was attributed to a complication of diseases and infirmities of old age.
Mr. Dillenbeck had been residing with his sister, Mrs. Nellie Lingenfelter, 349 Arsenal street, for the past four years.
He was born in the town of Lyme, Feb. 8, 1862, a son of the late Alvah and Amelia McCombs Dillenbeck. Most of his early life was spent in that vicinity.
He was employed as an engineer for about 21 years by the International Paper company at Glen Park. During that time he lived in that village. He was a member of the Odd Fellows for over 40 years. He never married.
Surviving besides his sister are several nephews and a niece.
Funeral services will be conducted from the home of his sister, Mrs. Lingenfelter, Sunday afternoon at 2; Rev. James H. Keeling, retired Presbyterian minister, will officiate. Burial will be made in the St. Lawrence cemetery.
Three Mile Bay, April 2.--Jerome C. Mount, 83, a lifelong resident of Three Mile Bay, died Thursday morning at about 1 a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Hayes with whom he had lived since Oct. 1. Death was due to the infirmities of old age and heart trouble.
Mr. Mount was born in this village Dec. 20, 1853, the son of Wilson and Harriet Calhoun Mount. He married Miss Annie Smith on June 4, 1876. She died May 5, 1877. Later he married Miss Mary Jane Dick who died several years ago. He was a paper-hanger and painter by trade.
Surviving are one son, Albert W. Mount of Kansas City, Kan., and one daughter, Mrs. Harry N. Graff of North Syracuse, besides nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at two from the home of Mrs. Hayes with whom he lived, Rev. W. A. Herzog, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating.
Past Noble Grand of Pleasant Bay Lodge
Also Served For Many Years as Lady Assistant Steward of Three Mile Bay
(Special to The Times.)
Three Mile Bay, Jan. 29.--Mrs. William Bates, 72, died at her home located about a quarter of a mile east of this village, at 12:30 this morning. Death was caused by a cerebral hemorrhage.
Mrs. Bates had been in apparent good health and was able to be about the house. She suffered a stroke at about 9 Thursday morning and was discovered lying on the floor in an unconscious condition by her son, Walter Bates. She never regained consciousness.
She was born in the town of Lyme Dec. 15, 1865, the daughter of the late Alonzo and Sarah Crouse Sponable. Most of her life was spent in the vicinity of Three Mile Bay.
She was married to Mr. Bates Oct. 15, 1886, at Three Mile Bay. Mrs. Bates was a prominent member of many societies. She served for many years as lady assistant steward of the Three Mile Bay grange. She was also a member of the New York State grange and the Pomona grange.
Mrs. Bates was a long member of the Pleasant Bay Rebekah lodge, in which she at one time held the office of past noble grand. She was a member of Bay Side Rebekah lodge of Chaumont and of the Past Noble Grands' association of Rebekahs of Watertown. She had been a member of the Philathea class of the Baptist church at Three Mile Bay for many years.
Surviving besides her husband, is one son, Walter Bates; three sisters, Mrs. Rose Warner, Mrs. Seigal Becker, Mrs. Milton Lance, and several nieces and nephews, all of Three Mile Bay.
Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 from the home. Rev. William Herzog, pastor of the Baptist church here, will officiate. Burial will be made in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
After Week's Illness of Heart
Funeral to be Saturday at 2 p.m. From
Home of Son, Luke Wells in Limerick
(Special to The Times.)
Limerick, Jan. 4.--Mrs. Lillian G. Wells, 74, widow of Clarence Wells, died this morning about 9 at the residence of her son, Luke Wells, Limerick, after an illness of about a week. Death was attributed to heart disease. Mrs. Wells' condition was thought to be improving.
She was a niece of Edward Frazier Weaver, 86, of Lafargeville who died Wednesday morning at the home of his son, Bernard E. Weaver of Watertown and Lafargeville, at 829 Boyd street, Watertown. She was a granddaughter of Edward Weaver, who during the War of 1812 served as a bootblack for Major General Jacob Brown, commander-in-chief of the U. S. army and hero of the battle of Sackets Harbor.
Mrs. Wells was born at Depauville, Feb. 4, 1859, a daughter of the late Edwin and Elizabeth Weaver Halliday. Before her marriage she taught in district schools and was also a private music teacher.
She had resided at Limerick for 40 years, moving to this village from Three Mile Bay.
She was married to Clarence Wells at Fulton, Dec. 16, 1885. Mr. Wells died Nov. 8, 1926. Mrs. Wells was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Dexter Universalist church.
Surviving her are a son, Luke Wells, with whom she lived, and a grandson, Leon W. Wells, Limerick. She was a cousin of Bernard E. Weaver of Watertown and Lafargeville, president of the Jefferson County Agricultural society.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Wells home. Rev. Dr. Harry Westbrook Reed, minister of the Dexter Universalist church, will officiate. Burial will be made in the Dexter cemetery.
Was at Murdock Farm in Town of Orleans
When Stricken--Managed the Farm--Suffered
from Angina Pectoris.
Alexander Carr, 68, manager of the W. H. Cook Medicine company of this city, 223 Coffeen street, died suddenly Wednesday noon at the Murdock farm in the town of Orleans, from angina pectoris.
Mr. Carr had been in ill health for the past one and a half years and had been feeling ill since Saturday. He arose as usual Wednesday morning and completed plans to go to the Murdock farm which belonged to the Carr family.
With Gerald Farmer and Joseph Barlow, Mr. Carr left for the farm. He had prepared dinner for the three at the farm home and the three men were about to partake of the food when Mr. Carr was stricken and died within five minutes. Both Mr. Farmer and Mr. Barlow were with him when death came.
Dr. J. E. Fowkes, Sr., Lafargeville, was summoned and acted as coroner's physician.
Mr. Carr was born on March 29, 1866, a son of James and Hannah Clark Carr. He was associated with the W. H. Cook Medicine company of this city and had been the company's manager for years.
he also spent considerable time managing the Murdock farm of 150 acres.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice Murdock Carr; three sons, Ray Carr of Utica, Henry Carr of Norwich and James E. Carr of Amsterdam; and one daughter Mrs. Hilda Fish of Syracuse.
Funeral services will be held from the Carr residence at 223 Coffeen street, Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. Herbert Moore of Sandy Creek will officiate at the services. Interment will be made at the Depauville cemetery.
Funeral Sunday at 2 P. M. From Home of
Daughter, Mrs. Ralph Rogers, Three Mile Bay.
(Special to The Times.)
Three Mile Bay, March 10.-- Mrs. Harriet Cerena Lott, 74, widow of Cyrus J. Lott, prominent local resident, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Rogers, in this village at 11:30 Friday evening after a long illness.
She was born in the town of Cape Vincent Nov. 9, 1859, eldest daughter of the late George E. and Sally Wells Herrick. When twelve years of age she moved with her parents to Three Mile Point, where she resided until her marriage to Cyrus J. Lott Sept. 10, 1878. The young couple took up residence on the Lott farm. Three Mile Point, where two children, Eva May and Mary L. Rogers, were born.
On Mary 4, 1878, she was united with the Three Mile Bay Baptist church, her membership covering a period of 56 years. She was a member of the Philathea class, the Ladies' Aid and Missionary societies; also a member for 50 years of the local grange.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Rogers; two brothers, William Herrick of Colton, and Arthur Herrick of Three Mile Bay; five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral services will be held from the home of daughter, Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. W. A. Herzog, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Interment will be made in Three Mile Bay cemetery.
D. M. STONER, 61, LONG ILL, DIES (1935)
(Special to The Times.)
Depauville, Jan. 16.--Duford M. Stoner, 61, died Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of his wife's mother, Mrs. Rena Gillette, this village, after an illness of one year. Mr. Stoner was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage on Jan. 14, 1934.
He had resided in this village only for the past nine months, having resided before that at Wollaston, Mass., Chicago, Springfield and Galesburg, Ill.
For 34 years Mr. Stoner was associated with the C. B. & Q. railroad and for 14 years was city passenger agent at Boston and during that time made his home at Wollaston, Mass.
Mr. Stoner was born at McLean, Ill., on Oct. 14, 1873, a son of Amos R. and Lucy J. Sparks Stoner. He married Miss Elizabeth Gillette of this village on Oct. 17, 1917, at Wollaston, Mass.
He was a member of Aletto Temple of the Shrine at Boston and of the Blue lodge at Galesburg, Ill. His mother died Jan. 15, 1918, 17 years before the death of her son.
Surviving are his wife; three brothers, H. R. Stoner and A. J. Stoner, both of Galesburg, Ill., and Joseph T. Stoner of Long Beach, Calif.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Gillette home here, Rev. C. A. Robinson, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. The body will be placed in the vault until spring.
WALLACE -- In Chaumont, Aug. 31, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Delancy Wallace of Chaumont, a daughter, Ellen Jane.
WALTON -- At Mercy hospital, Sept. 12, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawson G. Walton, Arsenal street road, a daughter.
Daughter Is Born
Evans Mills, July 17. -- A daughter, Karen, was born Sunday, July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Lingenfelter.
HAMILTON -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Aug. 19, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hamilton, Adams Center, a son, Robert Frank, weighing seven pounds and thirteen ounces.
GREER -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, May 18, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. William S. Greer, Depauville, a son, Francis Allan.
A son was born Nov. 12 (1936) at Mercy hospital, Watertown, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ludlow. Congratulations.
Depauville, March 3. -- After five years of married life, on Feb. 19, Mrs. Charles Luffman gave birth to a bby boy whose weight is eight and one-half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Luffman have named the child, George William, in honor of the two grandfathers. Dr. Henne of Clayton is the attending physician.
LUDLOW -- In Mercy hospital, Feb. 10, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ludlow, Chaumont, a daughter.
Chaumont, Nov. 26. -- Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Haas entertained at a family dinner on Friday in honor of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Haas' father, Myron C. Daniels.
Mr. Daniels was born in the town of Clayton Nov. 22, 1855, a son of Truman and Elizabeth Edmonds Daniels. He was the oldest of a family of eight children.
PAGE OF 16 Christmas seals or stamps (?) - one each for the years 1922 through 1936 and a second for 1936.
PAGE 128 of Mrs. Flick's scrapbook went political as she displayed newspaper clippings portraying segments of the life of Alfred E. Smith. The captions included: 1) The Future Governor - Alfred E. Smith at four, on a glorious visit to Coney Island, 2) An Old Tintype From the Family Album - dating from about 1880. "Here we see Alfred E. Smith's father, Alfred himself (then about six) his uncle, Peter Mulvihill, and his cousin, Tommy Mulvihill,"
3) A YOUNG BREAD-WINNER - "At sixteen, when the above photograph was taken. Alfred E. Smith was holding down his first job as a "truck chaser" (business hunter for a truckman)," 4) AS AN ASSEMBLYMAN AND PATERFAMILIAS - "When the century was young, the studious legislator was pictured thus with his wife and youngsters at Far Rockaway, Long Island," 5) Photo of Mr. Smith - marked 1929.
Mrs. Flick continues with her interest in politics and controversy by clipping out a few articles, parts of which are missing. Typist's Note: It appears these articles were not chronologically placed.
An Admirer of Smith.
To the Times:
I have been a reader of your paper for some years and have always enjoyed reading it until recently. I can not understand how in all fairness to Al Smith and the party he represents you can assume such an antagonistic attitude.
As to Wednesday's speech which you criticize so freely; I have read several speeches and addresses and I certainly call Al Smith's nominating speech a masterpiece--so forceful and sincere, like the man himself. You had nothing but praise for Hoover's why not bestow a little of it on one just as worthy.
Permit me to say that you attitude is a detriment to yourself from a financial standpoint as I and others I know personally will not continue subscribing for a paper which slaps them in the face every time they open it. Such remarks as you print along with the speeches of Heflin, White and others are only scoring votes for Al Smith.
Such people must know better, as any one who has ever attended grade school knows that one man can not alter the Constitution, neither can he make the laws.
I say and I would like to impress it upon people's minds, the Democrat party is not as the vulgar term goes, "wet." It is for law enforcement and the 18th amendment has never been enforced. All the good that law has done is to enrich Canada and the bootlegger.
In closing I wish to leave this thought with you. We are not perfect neither is any political party. So why not in fair play and justice to each party give to the man and the party he represents a word now and then of praise and commendation?
I am, with best wishes for fair play. V. A. D. Potsdam
Typist's Note: Mrs. Flick, our scrapbook compiler, via newspaper clippings, gives us insight of the political issues of the day (1928) -- prohibition, immigration, the woes of the farmers, homelessness, etc. And if you'll notice, the collection suggests a strong essence of the northern New Yorker's bitterness towards New York City. (sound familiar?)
(incomplete).........Herbert Hoover, possibly one of the greatest Good Samaritans in modern times, and a public servant who has done much to bring order out of chaos since the World War, I sincerely believe you will have made a choice which will spell better times on your farm and for your loved ones. I know one great blessing you can count on if Hoover is elected and that is the blessing of keeping rum and ruin from your offsprings. Yes, I know of another great blessing which will follow Hoover's election. He will not permit our immigration laws to be tampered with for the benefit of a bunch of foreigners who want to come to our shores for no other apparent reason than to do as they please, when they please, and where they please. I have no objections to extending the hand of brotherhood to men and women of other nations but we have enough now to last us for some time to come. Otherwise, we will soon be facing thousands more walking the streets of our cities out of work and daily visitors to free soup kitchens.
WE tell our city folks that when agriculture is not prospering, all the rest of the country will suffer also, and that is wellnigh the gospel truth, but, friends, the opposite is true also. If we have our cities filled up with a lot of human beings out of work, we'll pretty soon find that prices of farm products will be going down, because no city market can keep up higher than the public demand for food places it. So, after all, we human beings of this world are a great deal like one big family, interdependent upon each other to a large degree. Now if you decide to vote for Governor Alfred Emanuel Smith, looking only at what he has said himself, you will be taking on a contract that can only spell moral and financial disaster. It's too bad we cannot discuss the issues of this campaign without some fellow standing up on his hind legs and crying intolerance. Al Smith's religious beliefs don't bother me half as much as his pronouncements concerning liquor and immigration and his direct connection with Tammany Hall, the rottenest political organization in this country.
BY the way, I spent three days over in New York City last week. If I could only have had you there with me and been able to lead you around a bit, there isn't any doubt n my mind that I could very soon have convinced you that what we really needed was a more drastic immigration law rather than a letting down of the bars at Ellis Island. I travelled quite a little around the city, looking after office business, but wherever I went I heard more foreign language spoken that I did good old, Anglo-Saxon American. Once or twice I almost caught myself thinking that I was not in America at all but in some foreign port. Listening to a bunch of these fellows, riding on the subway, I overheard their conversation. It ran something like this: "Vell, fen Al Smith gets in, veel have plenty of beer and vine. Yes, veal haf any kind of drink we vant."
I DON'T like to smear up a place that I lived in for nearly a quarter of a century but, friends, New York City is not an American city any more. It is fully eighty per cent foreign or those whose parents came over here as immigrants a short while ago. They don't seem to respect those old time doctrines of pure Americanism that you and I learned at our mother's knee. Sunday is not much different from any week day. Rum is being sold right under the noses of the police. Why, I was told by a most reliable man that they were so rotten minded in some parts of New York that they would cut the tires of any automobile that carried a Hoover sign. Do you want this sort of "sprouts" to come down here to your nation's capital and camp out on the White House steps? If you do, I don't. And they would certainly come if Alfred E. Smith is elected, for he could not keep them away. They made him politically.
Miss Lucy E. Zimmer, former secretary to Senator George H. Cobb when he was chairman of the state movie censorship commission, and later secretary to H. Edmund Machold, willed her entire estate of about $5,700 to her sister, Miss Bertha Zimmer, city. The estate consists of about $700 personal property and about $5,000 real property, the latter of which she owned jointly with her sister.
Miss Zimmer died Dec. 30, after a long illness. Her will was admitted to probate by Judge Fred A. Grant, surrogate, Tuesday afternoon. In giving her property all to her sister, the testator stated in her will, "I do this knowing she will always care for my mother during her lifetime."
Page 130 was consumed by a photo from the past--one taken of the DEPAUVILLE CORNET BAND. The text beneath the photo of the bandsmen, numbering 16 follows:
Four or five decades ago the Depauville Cornet band, was one of the leading musical organizations in the county. Today's photograph, contributed by Miss Ruby C. Howk, city, whose father, the late W. C. Howk, was one of the band members, was taken about 45 years ago and shows the 16 members in striking uniforms.
They are, front row, left to right: Former Supervisor C. Fred Sternberg, Manchester Whittier, Arthur Norton, William C. Howk, Edwin Sternberg, Eugene Brown, Henry La Patra.
Back row, left to right: Jay Cadwell, Will Seeber, Clarence Van Alstyne, Eugene Sspencer, Frank Tracy, Robert Scott, Frank Devendorf, Frank Miller, Brayton Rogers,
All were residing at Depauville at the time the photograph was taken.
Ailment Brought On By Brain
MRS. H. J. VanAlstyne, 33
Town of Lyme Resident Dies in House of
the Good Samaritan--Rites To Be Thursday
(Special to The Times)
Chaumont, March 9.--Mrs. Emma Dayon Van Alstyne, 33, wife of Harold J. VanAlstyne, town of Lyme, died at 7:45 Monday night at the House of the Good Samaritan following a three day illness with an acute sleeping sickness.
Mrs. Van Alstyne had been in failing health for several weeks. However, three days ago she was stricken with the unusual illness which caused her to intermittedly lapse into a coma.
She was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and her condition was described as serious. Dr. V. T. Rear, Chaumont, her attending physician, diagnosed the ailment as the result of a brain tumor.
Mrs. Van Alstyne was born in Chaumont, Jan. 29, 1904, a daughter of Ezra and Grace Silver Thompson. She spent most of her life in that vicinity. She was married to Mr. Van Alstyne on March 15, 1921, in a ceremony performed in the Methodist Episcopal church by Rev. William Eddy, pastor.
She was a member of the Three Mile Bay Baptist church.
Among the survivors besides her husband and parents are two sons, Robert and George Van Alstyne, Chaumont; five sisters, Mrs. Nina Dodge, Chaumont; Mrs. Nettie Brown, Syracuse; Mrs. Matilda Love, Three Mile Bay; Mrs. Mae Dailey, Hollywood, Fla., and Mrs. Dorothy Warner, Chaumont; her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Silver, Chaumont.
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