
Depauville, Jefferson County, N. Y.

Births . Weddings . Anniversaries .
Graduations . Deaths .
Miscellaneous Community Happenings .

1930s and 1940s

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8


One of Oldest Town Of Clayton Residents
Retired Depauville Farmer
Death Occurs at Chaumont Following a
Stroke Two Weeks Ago---Mr. King Was
Formerly Assessor in Town of Clayton

(Special to The Times.)

Chaumont, Oct. 30. -- Frederick G. King, 83, retired farmer of Depauville and widely known resident of the town of Clayton, died at 6:30 last night at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Oliver Pennock, Chaumont, with whom he had spent the summers for the past several years.

Mr. King had been confined to his bed for the past two weeks following a stroke. Prior to that time and despite his advanced age, he always enjoyed excellent health.

He was one of the oldest residents of the town of Clayton. He was a charter member of Depauville lodge, 848, I. O. O. F., and a member of the Masonic lodge, the Order of Eastern Star, the Rebekah lodge and the grange, all of Depauville.

For many years Mr. King served as assessor of the town of Clayton.

Mr. King was born Dec. 24, 1853, at Stone Mills, a son of Dr. Ferdinand and Maria Haas King. His father, a native of Germany, was a well known physician of the town of Clayton for many years. His mother, a noted pianist and music teacher, gave music lessons in Watertown and vicinity for more than 50 years.

The King family came to the town of Clayton when Frederick King was a child. He had since lived in that town.

In his younger days Mr. King was a well known tenor singer.

He was a brother of the late F. P. King, who operated the Great Wardrobe in Watertown. He died in 1910. Another brother, Henry King, died in Austin, Texas, at the age of 32 years.

Mr. King married Miss Flora McCumber In 1879. She died in 1906. Mr. and Mrs. King resided on the McCumber homestead in the town of Clayton from the time of their marriage until Mrs. King’s death.

Surviving Mr. King are a son, H. M. King, Adams; a granddaughter, Miss Flora Irene King, librarian at Middleburg, N. Y., and several cousins.

Funeral services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church in Depauville Monday afternoon at 2 following a prayer service at 1 at the Pennock home. Burial will be made in the family plot at Depauville.

Rev. William H. Pullen, pastor of the Methodist Presbyterian church of Chaumont, assisted by Rev. James Walker, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville, will officiate.


Item: Rev. Fred M. Tiffany, former pastor of the First Baptist church and Mrs. Tiffany of Richmond Hill, L. I., are spending the weekend as the guests of Miss Mildred L. Foley at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Curry, 705 Mill street. Rev. Mr. Tiffany will conduct the services at the First Baptist church Sunday morning at 10:30.


Underwent Emergency Operation--Son Serving Army In Korea.

Mrs. Esthel (sic) M. Mould Randall, 55, wife of Charles M. Randall, 339 Arlington street, died this morning at 12:26 in the House of the Good Samaritan, where she had been a patient since Wednesday.

Mrs. Randall underwent an emergency operation Wednesday evening for an intestinal obstruction. She failed to rally from the operation.

Funeral services will be held at the home, the arrangements pending the arrival of her son, Lieut. Roland F. Randall, U. S. army, from Korea, where he is stationed. Notified Friday of his mother’s critical illness, Lieutenant Randall was granted an emergency leave and planned to fly to the United States from Korea.

Surviving Mrs. Randall, besides her husband, a custodian of the federal building for the postoffice department, and her son, Lieutenant Randall, who has been on duty in the Pacific for the past 18 months, are another son, Everett C. Randall, Elizabettown, Ky.; two brother, Norris R. Mould, city, manager of the local Mohican company store, and W. Raymond Mould, Rochester, and an uncle, Frederick H. Grant, city.

Mrs. Randall was born Oct. 12, 1890, at the Mould family home, 145 Winslow street, a daughter of the late William H. and Ida M. Grant Mould. Her father was for years a local grocery merchant here and was once a member of the firm of Grant & Mould, whose store was located in the old Taggart block on Public Square.

Mrs. Randall’s maternal grandfather, Philander B. Grant, was Mr. Mould’s partner in the firm of Grant & Mould.

Mrs. Randall’s mother, Mrs. M. Mould, died Feb. 9, four months ago, at the Winslow street home.

A life-long resident of this city, Mrs. Randall was educated in the local public schools and was a graduate of the Watertown High school.

She was an active member of the First Methodist church, where for the past 20 years she was superintendent of the beginners’ department of the church school. She was also a member of the Garland Rebekah Lodge.

She was married to Charles M. Randall of Watertown Sept. 27, 1919, in this city.


BOOTH-ARMSTRONG -- In this city, Oct. 11, 1946, to Carl W. Booth, 527 Mundy street, private first class, United States army, and Miss Augusta Marie Armstrong, 422 Lincoln street.


Rev. Richard L. Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milo A. Hudson, 128 South Meadow street, began his work today as assistant to the Rev. Dr. Alvin C. Goddard, pastor of the Rome First Methodist church. He will become director of the young people’s program of the church in Rome.

Rev. Mr. Hudson attended the Arsenal street school and was graduated from the Watertown High school with the class of 1938. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Syracuse university in 1943 and has since been a student at the Yale Divinity school. He is a member on probation in the Northern New York Conference of the Methodist church.


Item: Leon C. Derouin, fireman first class, arrived Sunday at his home, 829 Cooper street, after receiving his honorable discharge from the navy at Jacksonville, Fla., on Saturday.

Honored At Shower
Depauville, Aug. 23. -- Mrs. Edwin Dwyer gave a shower for her niece, Mrs. Clarence Swallia, the former Miss Doris Mexdorf, Friday evening. There were 17 guests present and the guest of honor received many gifts. Games were played and refreshments served.

Visits Parents
Depauville, Aug. 21. -- Mrs. Fern Giles of Schenectady is spending a week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Eigabroadt.

Item: Richard J. Miller, seaman second class, is spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Miller, of 419 Broadway avenue west. Seaman Miller, a former employe in the advertising department of The Watertown Daily Times, is stationed at the naval air station at Lakehurst, N. J. He entered the navy in February.


Photo: Lt. (j.g.) Genevieve S. Jones

Depauville, July 25. _- Lieut. (j.g.) Genevieve S. Jones, nurse corps, U. S. N. R., arrived in San Francisco, Calif., this week after 13 months’ service on Guam, and is spending her terminal leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Jones, this village. On Guam she was attached to the U. S. naval military government hospital, now known as the Guam Memorial hospital, in the capacity of a teacher of public health nursing.

Miss Jones is a veteran of 36 months’ service in the U. S. navy, having been stationed at St. Albans Naval hospital and the U. S. Naval hospital, San Diego, Calif., prior to going overseas.

At the expiration of her leave, she will return to her former position in the New York city department of health.


Photo: Mrs. Charles M. Randall

Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Mould Randall, 55, wife of Charles M. Randall, 339 Arlington street, who died Monday morning in the House of the Good Samaritan, will be held Friday afternoon at 2 from the home and at 2:30 in the First Methodist church.

Rev. Robert W. Anthony, pastor of the church, will officiate. Burial will be made in Brookside cemetery.

Members of the family today still awaited the arrival of Mrs. Randall’s son, Lieut. Roland F. Randall, U. S. army, from Korea, where he is stationed. Lieutenant Randall, who had been notified of his mother’s critical illness, planned to fly to this country.

Mrs. Randall was the former Miss Ethel M. Mould and was married to Charles M. Randall Sept. 27, 1910.


Miss Lucy M. Bates Wed To C. M. Hutchinson, Jr.
Ceremony Performed at Depauville Methodist Episcopal Church
Photos Included:
Under caption “Wed At Church” - Mrs. C. M. Hutchinson, Jr. and C. M. Hutchinson, Jr.
(Special to The Times.)
Clayton, June 23. -- Miss Lucy Margaret Bates and Claude Maurice Hutchinson, jr. of Clayton were married today at high noon at the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Albert W. Walker, pastor, officiating. The bridal music was played by Mrs. Michael Schatz.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Bates of Depauville, her father giving her in marriage. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Hutchinson of Clayton.

The church rostrum was decorated with ferns and white and pink roses. Miss Carol Bates was her sister’s only attendant and Norman Hutchinson, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were Carlton Bates and Roland Hutchinson.

The bride was gowned in white pointed lace fashioned in empress style. Her veil was of white tulle with lace roses. She carried an arm bouquet of white killarney roses. The maid of honor was dressed in pink pointed lace with pink accessories and carried a bouquet of talisman roses.

The wedding marches were played by Mrs. Michael Schatz and she accompanied Mrs. James Patch as she san “I Love You Truly” and “At Dawning.”

Following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served to members of the immediate families at the home of the bride’s parents. Seated at the bride’s table were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Hutchinson, jr., Rev. and Mrs. Albert W. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Hutchinson, Miss Carol Bates, Norman Hutchinson, Roland Hutchinson and Carlton Bates.

Mrs. Hutchinson was graduated from Clayton High school with the class of 1934. She is a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church. Since her graduation she has been employed by the Clayton Manufacturing Co. and James Jones in this village.

Mr. Hutchinson was graduated from the local school in 1930, the Clayton Training class, 1931, and Potsdam Normal, 1934. Since his graduation from the state normal school he has held the position as vice-president and instructor in the junior high school at Lafargeville. He also was coach of the girls’ basketball team and boys’ baseball team representing the school.

Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson left on a two weeks’ wedding trip through the Adirondack mountains and New England states following the luncheon and reception. For traveling the bride wore a maroon-flowered chiffon dress, trimmed with velvet with white accessories.

Upon their return they will reside in Lafargeville where Mr. Hutchinson has been engaged to teach for the 1937-38 school year.


Ceremony Performed by Bride’s Uncle In Church
Married to Merlin A. Dodge of Buffalo--Reception Held After Service--
Couple Will Live in Buffalo

Depauville, June 7 -- Miss Sarah J. Norton of Depauville became the bride of Merlin A. Dodge of Buffalo at the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church at noon Saturday. Rev. William K. Bradshaw of Carthage, uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony.

Miss Frances C. Norton, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor and Werner E. Dodge, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. D. Wilson Norton, father of the bride, gave his daughter in marriage. The ushers were Ralph Ames of Buffalo, Leland Dodge of Cape Vincent, Don W. Martin, jr., and Glenn Spencer of Depauville. Mrs. Marian Schatz played the piano and Mrs. Mary C. Westcott, cousin of the bride, sang, “O Promise Me” and “I Love You Truly,” during the service.

The bride wore a white embroidered net dress over while satin. Her veil was of tulle surmounted by a coronet caught at each side by a white flower. She carried a bouquet of white roses. The maid-of-honor wore a pink chiffon dress and carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The bride’s mother and the bridegroom’s mother wore corsages of sweet peas. The pianist and the soloist also wore corsages of sweet peas.

The altar of the church was banked with ferns and wild flowers for the occasion.

After a brief reception in the hall of the church, the bride and bridegroom were given a reception in the Masonic hall at Depauville. About 50 relatives attended. The luncheon was served by members of the Golden Key class with Mrs. Elizabeth Stoner as chairman.

The relatives and friends who attended were Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Norton, Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Bradshaw, Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Walker, Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dodge, Don Norton, Miss Frances Norton, Miss Margaret Campbell, Miss Nellie Kozial, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schatz, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Corp, Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris, Mrs. Blanche Howe, Miss Ruth Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, Miss Sheila MacFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Olin W. Clark, Miss Jessie Clark, Miss Doris Clark, Miss Marybelle Clark, Mrs. J. A. Russell.

Following the reception the newly married couple left on a short wedding trip. They will make their home in Buffalo where Mr. Dodge is employed.

The bride is a graduate of the Clayton High school. For two years she was employed as housekeeper for Fred T. Mott, 532 South Hamilton street, Watertown, leaving the position about two weeks ago.


GETMAN-LEITERMAN -- At Reynolds Corners, town of Clayton, June 23, 1937, by Rev. Frederick K. Vogt, pastor of the Evangelical Concordia Lutheran church, city. Elbert Getman of Chadwick, and Miss Calla Leiterman of Reynolds Corners.

BENOIT-WELLS -- At Fairhaven, Aug. 11 (?), 1946, at the tabernacle of the Ontario Bible conference by Rev. Dr. Robert Shaper of Bob Jones college, Tennessee, Donald P. Benoit, Adams Center, and Miss June I. Wells, 668 Cooper street.


Ceremony At Brownville Church Rectory
Bride Is Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee of Clayton
and Is Telephone Operator in That Village.

Clayton, June 15. -- Miss Hilda Della Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee of Clayton, and Raymond Lewis Hagan, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hagan of Brownville, were married at the rectory of the Catholic church, Brownville, Wednesday evening by Rev. J. J. McGowan. The couple was attended by Mrs. Leo Aldrich and Thomas Hagan, aunt and uncle of the bridegroom.

The bride is a graduate of Clayton High school with the class of 1936. She is a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, Queen Esthers Standard Bearers and the Epworth League. For the past year she has been employed by the New York Telephone company in this village as operator.

Mr. Hagan was graduated from the Brownville-Glen Park High school in 1935. He is employed by the J. J. Newberry company in the Watertown store.

After a short wedding trip they will make their home at 516 Webb street.

Miss Ruth Lee, sister of Mrs. Hagan, gave a variety shower Saturday evening at her home at Reynolds Corners. The evening was spent in the performing of a mock wedding and various games and jokes. Miss Lee’s guests were: Miss Fannie Clough, Mrs. Hugh Favret, Mrs. Robert Guyette, Miss Katherine Wood, Mrs. Howard Easton, Mrs. Edwin Dwyer, Miss Mae Gardner, Miss Alice Longmate, Miss Carol Bates, Miss Hilda Cleaver, Miss Lucy Bates, Miss Pauline Johndrow, Mrs. Howard Lee and Mrs. Hagan.

Typist’s Note: The headlines spelling of the name, “Hagen,” was spelled differently in the text of the write-up.


Photo: Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fields, jr., are shown cutting the wedding cake following their marriage Friday evening. (2-5-46)


(photo included)

Mrs. Rosina Wolf, 614 Hancock street, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Rose Wold, to Martin Horeth, 614 Water street, son of Mrs. Marie Horeth, and the late George Horeth, of Austria. The wedding will take place in the Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church July 27 at 2 p.m.

Miss Wolf is a graduate of Watertown High school and was a member of the National Honor society. She is employed in the purchasing department of the New York Air Brake company.

Mr. Horeth served in the U. S. army for four and a half years, three years of which were served overseas. He received his discharge last September and is now employed in the core room of the New York Air Brake company.



Mrs. Lois R. Arndt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Derouin, 829 Cooper street, and Roy E. Fields, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fields, 351 Pawling street, were married Friday evening at 8 at the home of the bride’s parents. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Lisle B. Caldwell, pastor of Bethany Methodist church. A reception was held at the home following the ceremony. The couple left on a wedding trip and will be home at 829 Cooper street after March 4.

The bride was attired in an ice blue wool street length dress with white accessories. She wore a corsage of white gardenias.

Miss Leah Moose was the bride’s only attendant. She was attired in a light yellow wool dress, with white accessories and wore a corsage of pink rose buds.

Arnold Thorigal served as best man.

Mrs. Fields attended the local schools and was graduated from the Watertown High school with the class of 1942. She was formerly married to Sgt. Robert C. Arndt, who was killed in France, Sept. 21, 1944, while serving with the Fourth Armored Division.

Mr. Fields attended the local schools and is a graduate of the Watertown High school. He is employed by the Bell Telephone company. He is a veteran of World War II, having served in the South Pacific with the army.



Mrs. Violet Dano Nulty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Dano, Thousand Island Park, will become the bride of Arthur W. Crosby, son of James C. Crosby, 315 North Rutland street, in a ceremony to be performed in the Fine View Methodist church at 4 Sunday afternoon, Aug. 25, Rev. Wesley E. Baker, pastor of the church, will officiate.

A reception will be held at the home of the bride-to-be’s parents following the ceremony.

Mrs. Nulty was previously married to Norman Nulty, who died Jan. 4, 1941, at Thousand Island Park.


Widow Of Gustavebr, Clayton Native
MRS. MINNIE L. Wetterhahn
Former Depauville Resident Expires at Home of Her Son at Three Mile Creek
--Funeral Wednesday.
Three Mile Creek, April 11. -- Mrs. Minnie Lingenfelter Wetterhahn, 76, widow of Gustave Wetterhahn, died Sunday morning about 10 at the home of her son, Norris Wetterhahn, Three Mile Creek, where she had been living for the past year and a half. Mrs. Wetterhahn had been in failing health for over a year and a half.

She was born in Clayton Aug. 27, 1861, one of eleven children born to William and Mary Wilson Lingenfelter. On Jan. 23, 1884, she was married to Mr. Wetterhahn during a double wedding ceremony at which her sister, Kate, was married to George Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels are both dead. Mr. Wetterhahn died Oct. 30, 1920.

Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wetterhahn resided in this vicinity until 1902 when they moved to the Wetterhahn homestead. They lived there until 1910 when they moved to Depauville. Following her husband’s death, Mrs. Wetterhan made her home with her son, Norris, in Depauville.

She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Depauville unit and was a past matron of the organization. She was a communicant of the Methodist Episcopal church of Depauville and was a member of the Ladies Aid society of the church. She was also a member of the Depauville grange and the Jefferson county Pomona grange.

Surviving are a son, Norris, with whom she had lived; two grandsons, Gustave Wetterhahn, a freshman at St. Lawrence university; Gerald Wetterhahn, Three Mile Creek; three sisters, Mrs. Jennie Bretch, Depauville; Mrs. Alma Dillenbeck, Clayton, and Mrs. Robert Calderwood, Johnstown.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the home of her son. Rev. Albert Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate. Burial will be in the family plot at Depauville.


COTY-GREENIZEN -- In this city Aug. 19, 1946, to Richard T. Coty, 914 Franklin street, an engineer, and Miss Janet Greenizen, 244 Winslow street, school teacher.


MRS. E. B. JOHNON EXPIRES, AGED 80 (with photo)
Pneumonia Is Fatal To Chaumont Woman
Native of Three Mile Bay,
Mrs. Johnson Had Lived in
Chaumont Since She Was 16 Years Old--Her Husband Is Former County Clerk.

(Special to The Times.)

Chaumont, March 4. -- Mrs. Jessica Main Johnson, 80, wife of Eli B. Johnson, prominent business man of this village, died at 7:35 last night in the House of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, where she had been a patient since early Tuesday morning. Death was attributed to pneumonia.

Mrs. Johnson became ill with a cold Sunday, symptoms of which were first noticed Saturday. Her condition became serious and by Monday night she had developed pneumonia. During that night she was removed to the Watertown hospital in a critical condition.

Early yesterday morning she lapsed into a coma and members of her family were summoned to her bedside.

Her husband, president of the Adams & Duford company of this village and clerk of Jefferson county from 1907 to 1913, is widely known as a farmer and leader in the dairy industry.

Mrs. Johnson was born Jan. 29, 1858, at Three Mile Bay, a daughter of William H. and Elizabeth Fellows Main. Her education was received in the schools of the town of Lyme. She is a lifelong resident of the town of Lyme.

She was married to Eli B. Johnson in Chaumont on Sept. 28, 1881, by Rev. J. V. Shurts, then pastor of the Presbyterian church of this village.

Mrs. Johnson came to this village with her parents when she was about 16 years old, her father at that time entering the mercantile business here. After her marriage, she and Mr. Johnson lived on the Johnson homestead at Point Salubrious until 1905 when they returned to Chaumont.

Mrs. Johnson was an active member of the Presbyterian church of this village. She belonged to the Ladies’ auxiliary of the church and also to the Sunshine society of this village.

Surviving besides her husband are two sons, George F. Johnson, town superintendent of highways, and Lorenzo H. Johnson, race secretary of the Jefferson County Agricultural society, both of Chaumont; a granddaughter, Mrs. Kenneth L. (Elizabeth J. Johnson) Huggins, Forestport; two sisters, Mrs. John L. (Adelle) Schuyler, Three Mile Bay, and Mrs. George A. (Lillian) Lowe, Cape Vincent; a brother, Joseph F. Main, Carthage, and several nephews and nieces.

She was an aunt of Daniel B. Schuyler of Watertown, president of the Jefferson County National bank of that city.


Rev. Royal B. Fishbeck Performs Ceremony
Mr. Hart Is Graduate of Potsdam Normal School and Has Been
Teaching in Depauville District School---Bride Is Daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Reul B. Hibbard.

Clayton, April 17. -- Miss Leola Elcena Hibbard became the bride of James Burton Hart at a ceremony performed at noon today at the home of the bride’s parents, 518 Mary street, by Rev. Royal B. Fishbeck, pastor of the Clayton Methodist Episcopal church.

Attendants were Miss Helen Hibbard, sister of the bride, and Stewart Reed of Fishers Landing. The bride was attired in a gray travelling suit with accessories to match and the bridesmaid was attired in pink. Both wore corsages of sweet peas.

Miss Hibbard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reul B. Hibbard. She was graduated from the local high school with the class of 1932 and during the summer months has been employed as a waitress at the Hubbard hotel.

Mr. Hart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hart of Clayton. He attended the local schools and was graduated from the Clayton High school with the class of 1931 and from the training class in 1932. He is a graduate of the Potsdam Normal school and for the past several years has been employed as teacher in school district 5 at Depauville.

The ceremony was performed on the same day that the bride’s parents observed their 24th wedding anniversary.

Following the ceremony a reception and dinner was served at the home of the bride to friends and members of the families. The couple left by motor for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and upon their return will establish a temporary residence at the home of the bridegroom’s parents on the Clayton-Watertown highway about three miles from this village.


Clayton, July 18. -- Work on the construction of a new Clayton library building will be begun soon on the lot owned by the Clayton Civic club on John street, it was announced by Miss Viva Frame, chairman of the library building committed for the club. The foundation will be started soon with stone from the old school building which is being razed and which has been donated by the Clayton village board.

Clarence U. Marshall, village trustee, is superintending the moving of the stone. Cooperation in the work of getting the stone drawn will be appreciated by the club, Miss Frame stated and volunteer help was requested. Assisting Miss Frame on the building committee are Mrs. Floyd A. Tifft, Mrs. Thomas B. Stoel, Mrs. Lawrence R. Ellis, Mrs. Clarence F. Hall, sr., Mrs. Frank L. Clark and Mrs. George M. Hawn.

Stone from the old school is also being donated by the village board for use in the construction of the foundation of a new parish house for Christ church to be built soon.


To The Times:

There’s a small but peaceful village
Where men love to come and play;
Where they find a breeze-a-blowing
On the shores of Chaumont Bay.

In that same little hamlet
Stood a school-house weird and old;
With it’s roof oft times a-leaking
And it’s floors unsafe and cold.

Many were the happy faces
That passed through it’s doors at morn;
Each with hopes and aspirations
That a useful life be formed.

In that same old shaky building
Teachers worked with might and main;
Hoping their untiring efforts
Would not be spent in vain.

Now, that times are changing
Comes a message from our state;
That a large and modern building
Must replace the “out of date.”

Men with saws and picks and shovels
One bright August summer morn
Met to start the depredation
Of that building so forlorn.

In it’s place will stand a new one
That we’ll cherish and adore;
But memories of the old one
Will live on forever more.

Lillian Lee Irvine
Chaumont, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1937.


MECKLIN -- At Depauville, September 7, 1937, to Dr. and Mrs. Bennie Mecklin, a daughter, weight seven and one-half pounds, named Marlene Jane.

CONANT -- At Mercy hospital, Sept. 6, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Conant, Depauville, a daughter.

Daughter Is Born
Clayton, Jan. 4. -- Mr. and Mrs. James Patch are the parents of a daughter, Dian (sic) Virginia, born at midnight, Sunday, at their home, 413 Hugein street. The baby weighed six and one-half pounds.

HUTCHINSON -- In the House of the Good Samaritan, April 10, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutchinson, Lafargeville, a son, Dale Claude, weighing eight pounds, 14 ounces.

HART -- At Depauville, Feb. 19, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. James Burton Hart, a daughter, Virginia Anne, weight eight pounds, four ounces.

Move to New Home.
Glen Park, Sept. 18. -- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Linden and son, Larry, former residents of Watertown, are moving to an apartment in the old school building on Church street. The trio has been living with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler while their apartment was being redecorated.

On Annual Visit.
Depauville, Sept. 18. -- Mrs. Lunette Brown of Brooklyn arrived Saturday to spend two weeks in this vicinity visiting relatives and friends. This is Mrs. Brown’s 23rd year for her annual visit.

DWYER -- At Mercy hospital, Sept. 4, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dwyer, Depauville, a son.

SELLERS -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, June 16, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Oscar Sellers, 714 Ball avenue, a son, David Youngs; weight, eight pounds, twelve ounces.


Clayton, Aug. 2. -- A car belonging to Kenneth Halliday, local bank employee, which had been taken from his driveway between one and two Wednesday morning was found wrecked in a ditch on the old Watertown road just above the Lelan Gokey residence, by Chief of Police James Stage.

The engine had caught fire and burned out. The car evidently had turned over, since the top was badly smashed, although it was in an upright position when found. Through fingerprints and blood stains on the car Policeman Stage apprehended a local youth who had suffered a badly cut hand in the accident. His name is being withheld by the authorities for the present. He has not yet been arraigned.


Miss Grant and Mr. Johnson
Edgerton J. Grant, 1006 Holcomb street, has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Delice Eileen Grant to Wendall L. Johnson, son of Mrs. Gladys S. Johnson, 145 Sterling street.

Miss Grant, a graduate of the Watertown High school, was formerly employed by the Watertown National Bank.

Mr. Johnson, a former signal officer in the European theater, is affiliated with the Tabulating Machine Division of Remington Rand, Inc. at Ilion.

The wedding will take place June 22, after which the couple expects to reside in Berkeley, Calif.


Typist’s Note: The next page in the Depauville No. 1 Scrapbook was dedicated solely to an article entitled, “China Facing Task Building Democracy.” The article, dated January 15, 1946, and written by Neal A. Bintz, appeared with a subheading of “Local Veteran Praises Work Done by Missionaries in China” and the following paragraph:

“Neal A. Bintz, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Bintz, City Hall apartments, has just returned to this city after serving with the United States army medical corps in the China-Burma-India theater of war for the past 23 months. He was a staff sergeant and has received his discharge. Mr. Bintz has described the present situation in China, where he was long stationed, in an article that is presented herewith.”

I have not reproduced the article here but found the article interesting both for its analytical content and political perspective. Certainly, 60 years later, the retrospect is fascinating.


Typist’s Note: An article entitled, “Sinking of Titanic Startled World Just 25 Years Ago Today” consumed much of the next scrapbook page. It was written by Hanson W. Baldwin and appeared in “Harper’s Magazine.”


BLOST-RING - In this city, Aug. 6, 1946, to Nick Blost, jr., 244 East Moulton street, laborer, and Miss Eleanor Ring, 634 Huntington street, clerk.

CRITCH-RISLEY -- In this city, Aug. 29, 1946, to John Critch, Copenhagen, a laborer, and Miss Hila Risley, 606 Lansing street, teletypist.

Mrs. Lydia K. Kammar, 156 East Main street, entertained 69 guests at her home last Sunday evening, honoring her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Kammar, who were married in this city on Sept. 8, and recently returned from their wedding trip. The house was decorated with fall flowers and the refreshment table was centered with an arrangement of fruit.

George F. Kourany, New York, uncle of the bridegroom, could not be present at the reception but sent his congratulations by long distance telephone.


J. W. Cornaire, 60 Long Ill, Expires (with photo)
Passes Away at Cottage Near Cape Vincent
Assemblyman from Jefferson County For Nine Years Dies
After Illness of Six Years -- Funeral to Be Wednesday Afternoon

Jasper W. Cornaire, 60, member of the assembly from Jefferson county for nine years until his retirement three years ago, died at 5:30 (E. S. T.), Sunday morning at his cottage on Burnham’s Point on the St. Lawrence river, near Cape Vincent.

His death followed an illness of about six years. For the past few months he had been in a critical condition. When he died a nurse who had been constantly attending him and his physician, Dr. W. W. Hall, were at his bedside. The cottage in which he died is situated near Burnham’s state park, between Cape Vincent and Millen’s bay.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2, (E. S. T.) at the home of his brother, George H. Cornaire, on the old Cornaire homestead at Warren Settlement Corners on the road between Chaumont and Millen’s Bay.

Rev. George E. Nichols, rector of St. John’s Episcopal church of Cape Vincent, will officiate. Burial will be made in the Cornaire family plot in Union cemetery near St. Lawrence, not far from the Cornaire homestead.

The following men have been selected to act as bearers at the funeral: State Senator Perley A. Pitcher, County Judge Henry A. Kimball, Harry J. McKay, Rochester, former Monroe county assemblyman; former District Attorney Howard B. Donaldson, Dr. William W. Hall and John R. Kilborn, Cape Vincent, former supervisor of the town of Cape Vincent. Mr. McKay has cottage next to that of Mr. Cornaire.

Out of respect for the former legislator, the municipal flat in Public Square has been lowered to half staff and will remain in that position until after the funeral.

Many former associates of Mr. Cornaire in the state legislature as well as several state officials are expected to attend the funeral. During his service as assemblyman Mr. Cornaire was a leading member of the legislature.

The body was removed to the funeral parlors of R. S. Clark at Chaumont and this morning was taken to the Cornaire homestead, where the funeral will be held.

Entered Politics Early

From the time he attained his majority Mr. Cornaire had been a staunch and active Republican. Early in his career he became a county committeeman, from his township of Cape Vincent and ultimately was made chairman of that body. His first public office was that of clerk of the village of Cape Vincent, and later for several years he was special surrogate of Jefferson county, a position he held nearly until his election as assemblyman in the fall of 1924.

Jasper W. Cornaire was descended from early pioneer stock of the county, his father having been a member of an old French family prominent in the effort at French colonization of Jefferson county by James Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, noted north country pioneer and landowner, and his mother having been a member of one of the earliest families in the township of Lyme.

Mr. Cornaire was born on a farm in the town of Cape Vincent, March 12, 1877, a son of Louis and Belle Herrick Cornaire. His father was the son of Jeane and Margaret Aubertine Cornaire, natives of Aubercy, France, who came to the county in 1830 with the group of French colonists brought to the town of Cape Vincent by Le Ray from Sembry, Rosiers, St. Marcel and Aubercy, France. Louis Cornaire, father of Assemblyman Cornaire, was born in Cape Vincent, and was a prosperous farmer.

His mother, who, before her marriage was Miss Belle Herrick, was the daughter of Hiram and Chastine Hewrrick, one of the pioneer families of the town of Lyme. Besides Assemblyman Cornaire there was born to Louis and Belle Herrick Cornaire, another son, George, who, like his father, became a successful farmer and resides in the town of Cape Vincent.

The boyhood days of the assemblyman were spent on his father’s farm. Attending the public schools of Three Mile Bay, which were nearer his home than those of Cape Vincent, he received his elementary education, and then attended the Clayton High school from which he was graduated in the class of 1905.

Admitted to Bar

Upon completing his high school education he went to Rochester, where he took a course in a business college, and by that time had decided that he desired to follow the law as a profession. Filling his clerkship in the offices of the Rochester law firm of Barhite & Bly he studied there for a time and then entered the offices of Thomas Raines. At the end of his clerkship he entered the Albany Law school, from which he as graduated in 1909 with the degree, LL. B.

During his course in law school he became a member of the law Greek letter fraternity, Phi Delta Phi.

Shortly after his graduation from law college he tried the New York state bar examinations, which he passed successfully and a few months later was admitted to practice. The village of Clayton, in his own county, was decided upon by him as the place of starting his practice. There he was well known and it appeared a good field for a young attorney just starting his professional career.

A partnership was formed with the late William H. Reese under the firm name of Reese & Cornaire, but after a time it was dissolved and the junior member removed to the village of Cape Vincent in his home township, establishing himself in an office of his own without partnership association. For several years he maintained both his office and his residence in Cape Vincent, but in 1928 he removed to this city, having the year previously formed a partnership with Howard B. Donaldson, under the firm name of Cornaire & Donaldson. This firm leased a suite of offices at 320 Woolworth building.

In the fall of 1906 he was nominated by the Republicans for the office of special surrogate to succeed Frank T. Evans of Carthage, and was elected to the position. Hew began his duties Jan. 1, 1907, and was several times re-elected to the office, the last time having been in 1920.

Because of his political activity over a period of several years he was elected chairman of the Republican county committee to succeed the late Archie C. Ryder after the latter’s death in 1921. Mr. Ryder had held the position for several years. Mr. Cornaire held the office until 1926 when he refused to again accept it and Henry J. Kimball was selected to succeed him.

Elected to Assembly

When Speaker Machold in the fall of 1924 decided to retire as Jefferson county’s assemblyman Mr. Cornaire was given the nomination and went into the election opposed by Charles Sherman, Democrat. The latter was defeated by a plurality of 10,749.

In the fall of 1925 he came up for re-election, having been given a re-nomination, and was opposed by William H. Robbins, Democrat, of Chaumont, whom he defeated by a vote of 7,885. He began his second term in the session of 1926, but in that year a sentiment developed against him among the citizens of Watertown, who were seeking the right to sell the surplus electric power from the municipal power development, and Alfred E. Emerson, a prominent farmer of Limerick, won in the Republican primaries.

Mr. Emerson had no trouble in being elected and represented the county in the lower house of the state legislature through 1927. That fall Mr. Cornaire again became a candidate for the nomination and won out over Assemblyman Emerson.

The movement for a bridge across the St. Lawrence river near Fisher’s Landing On the American side, connecting with the Canadian shore near the International Rift, was started in 1928 and Assemblyman Cornaire came out strongly in favor.

In February, 1931, he was appointed a member of the committee to study the feasibility of creating a New York state bridge authority having charge of the financing and operation of all state bridges including interstate and international structure, particularly across the St. Lawrence river.

Active at Albany

With the selection of the assembly committees in 1932, he was named chairman of the one on motor vehicles. At the same time he left the committee on reapportionment, of which he had been chairman for several years.

Appointment also came to him in 1932 on the powerful rules committee. The judiciary committee was another one of his appointments at that session.

But he did not attend the 1932 session. For several months running back into the early summer of 1931 he had shown signs of failing health and as the time for the convening of the session approached the inroads of disease showed markedly in his physique.

The session had not long been in progress, however, when friends, fearful for him, insisted that he return home and subject himself to treatment. In the middle of January he returned to Watertown and entered the House of the Good Samaritan for observation. It was not then deemed advisable to operate and he was discharged at the beginning of the week of the 26th. Returning to his quarters at the Hotel Woodruff he stayed there for a few days when he decided to go to New York and enter the Memorial hospital. There he went under the observation of Dr. Benjamin Barringer, a noted cancer specialist, who found him suffering from a form of that disease and first performed an exploratory operation Feb. 4, later subjecting him to radium treatments.

On March 23, 1932, Mr. Cornaire was discharged from the New York hospital and brought to Watertown, where he was removed to the House of the Good Samaritan. He then appeared to be in improved health. A few days later he left the hospital and went to the Woodruff hotel.

Suffered Long Illness

His condition became worse, however, and in May he re-entered the Memorial hospital, New York, where he underwent a second operation. In June he returned to Watertown, his health improved to the extent that he was able to walk about the city.

Later the same month he was stricken with an internal hemorrhage at his hotel room and on June 23 he underwent an emergency operation in the House of the Good Samaritan, the third operation since his illness. Two days later a blood transfusion was performed, Senator Perley A. Pitcher giving the blood.

Mr. Cornaire eventually recovered from his illness to the extent that he returned to Albany to attend state legislature sessions. However, he never completely recovered.

When the committee appointments were made in 1933 he was named chairman of the motor vehicles committee.

Despite his poor health, Assemblyman Cornaire announced his candidacy for reelection in June, 1933.

In December, 1933, he succeeded the late Rusell G. Dunmore of Utica as president of the New York State Title association.

Last Term in 1934

Mr. Cornaire served his last term in the assembly in 1934.

In July, 1934, Mr. Cornaire announced his candidacy for renomination in the fall primaries, but later the same month he announced he would not be a candidate owing to poor health. His withdrawal left Russell Wright as the only candidate for the Republican nomination and it was Mr. Wright who succeeded him in the assembly. Mr. Cornaire’s retirement from the assembly marked the close of nine years of service in the legislature.

Mr. Cornaire’s term in the assembly ended Nov. 28, 1934, when he resigned. On Dec. 6 he was appointed assistant counsel of the joint legislative committee on reapportionment under William J. O’Hara, jr., counsel to the committee, and since his retirement from the assembly he had served in that capacity.

On Nov. 29, 1936, Mr. Cornaire suffered a fracture of the upper part of the left thighbone when he fell in his room at the Woodruff hotel and he had been confined to his bed more or less since that time.

Recently Mr. Cornaire went to his cottage on the St. Lawrence river, near Cape Vincent, for the summer. On July 22 he suffered a fracture of his right arm while in his bed. Previously he also had suffered a fracture of his pelvis and fractures of three ribs.

All of the fractures, it was explained, resulted from a weakened condition of the bones caused by the condition from which he suffered.

Assemblyman Cornaire never married, and aside from his brother, his relatives were few. He was a member of St. John’s Episcopal church of Cape Vincent and for some time a vestryman; of Cape Vincent Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 293, Cape Vincent Chapter No. 96 R. A. M., Watertown Commandry No. 11, Knights Templar, Media Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Watertown Lodge No. 496 B. P. O. E., Watertown Aerie of Eagles No. 782, Watertown Lodge No. 1150, Loyal Order of Moose, Phi Delta Phi fraternity, the Black River Valley club, Jefferson County Bar association, and the New York State Bar association.


Lewis G. Spicer To Get Syracuse Degree Aug. 26.

Syracuse, Aug. 20 -- Lewis G. Spicer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Spicer of 200 William street, Watertown, is a candidate for his baccalaureate degree at Syracuse university’s 84th commencement exercises on Aug. 26.

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, chief of naval operations, will deliver the commencement address to an approximately 300 graduates in Hendricks chapel on the Syracuse campus. Honorary degrees will be awarded to Admiral Nimitz and to Charles A. Kirk, executive vice-president of International Business Machines corporation.

Spicer is majoring in law. He is a member of Phi Delta Phi fraternity and has been active in athletics.


Heart Ailment Fatal To Woman, Aged 73 Years
Mrs. Swartout Ill Three Weeks--Was Last Surviving Member
of Family of Nine Children of Gustave and Elizabeth Leininger Wetterhahn.

(Special to The Times)

Depauville, Oct. 12. -- Mrs. Catherine Wetterhahn Swartout, 73, wife of Ellsworth Swartout, died at 4:10 Monday afternoon at her home here. She had been ill for three weeks with a heart ailment.

Mrs. Swartout was born near Depauville Jan. 15, 1864, daughter of Gustave and Elizabeth Leininger Wetterhahn. She was married to Mr. Swartout in Watertown in 1892, by Rev. Mr. Kenyon. Her entire life had been spent in Depauville and vicinity.

She was a member of the Depauville grange and the Depauville chapter of Eastern Star. She was the last surviving member of a family of nine children.

Surviving besides her husband are three nephews, Norris, Lloyd and Clark Wetterhahn, all of Depauville, and three nieces, Mrs. Lorinda Eckart and Mrs. Leona Everett of Depauville and Mrs. Bernice Snell.

The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2, with Rev. Albert Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be in the Depauville cemetery. The local chapter, O. E. S., will attend the services in a body.


Depauville, July 8. -- George Wagner, 74, lifelong resident of Depauville, died at his home Wednesday at 11 a.m. after an illness of two weeks.

Mr. Wagner was born in the town of Clayton, April 12, 1863, the son of George and Mary Miller Wagner.

On January 22, 1890, he married Mary Grant. Rev. L. R. Grant, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church at that time, performed the ceremony.

Mr. Wagner was a member of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church and of the Depauville grange.

He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Ernest C. Bradley; two grandchildren, Donald and Richard Bradley; three sisters, Miss Mary Wagner of Chaumont, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorr of Depauville and Mrs. Clinton Gillette of Lafargeville.

Funeral services will be held from the home Saturday afternoon at 1:30, E. S. T., and at 2 from the Methodist Episcopal church.

Burial will be in Depauville cemetery. Rev. A. W. Walker, pastor of the Depauville Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate.


LA ROSE - BADERMAN -- In this city, Sept. 2, 1946, in the parsonage of the First Methodist church by Rev. Robert W., Anthony, Clifford G. LaRose, 121 West Division street, and Miss Elsie Mae Baderman, 236 Winslow street.

PUTNAM-KENNEY -- In this city, Sept. 2, 1946, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church by Rev. John A. Sullivan, Ivan Putnam, Chaumont, and Miss Kathleen Kenney, 139 Stuart street.


Chaumont Woman Never Ill Until Month Ago
Native of Ontario, Came to the North County
as a School Teacher--Spent Entire Married Life
in Vicinity of Chaumont -- Survived by Son, Three
Grandchildren and Five Great-Grandchildren.

Chaumont, Jun 16. -- Mrs. Julia Clark Hentze, 89, one of the oldest local residents and widow of Chester Hentze, died suddenly at 9:30 Tuesday evening as she was preparing for bed at her home. She had never been seriously ill in her entire life until she suffered a slight heart attack a month ago. She apparently had recovered, however, and attended church twice on Sunday, two days before her death.

Mrs. Hentze was born March 29, 1848, in the province of Ontario, Canada, at a community then known as Clark’s Mills, which had been named for her grandfather, a pioneer settler there. The community is now named Camden East. Mrs. Hentze’s parents were Norman and Laura Randall Clark. Her father, a lawyer, was a dispatch rider during the rebellion of 1837. He was the first agent of the Kingston & Pembroke railway at Parnham, Miss., where he died at the age of 91.

Mrs. Hentze came to this country from Canada when she was a young woman to teach school in northern New York. Not long after settling here she was married to Chester Hentze, resident of Three Mile Bay. The marriage was performed Aug. 21, 1873, by Rev. David Ailsworth, then pastor of the Three Mile Bay Methodist church.

After her marriage Mrs. Hentze lived with her husband on the Hentze farm near Three Mile Bay until 1886, when they moved to the village, living there twelve years and then returning to the farm. They moved in 1905 to the village of Chaumont, where Mr. Hentze died in 1936.

Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hentze, only one of whom is living, William, who lives at the family home here. A son, Hobart, died many years ago at the age of two, and another son, Fred, died in 1925. Besides her son, Mrs. Hentze is also survived by three grandchildren, Mrs. Irene Putnam, Mrs. Beulah Dillenbeck and Jack Hentze, and five great-grandchildren, all of Chaumont; and two nephews, Bert Hentze or Three Mile Bay and Arthur Clark of Ontario, Canada.

A prayer service will be held at the home at 1:30 p.m. (E. S. T.), Friday, followed by a funeral service in the Methodist Episcopal church of which Mrs. Hentze was a member, at 2 p.m. Rev. Roger F. Williams, former pastor of the church, and Rev. W. H. Pullen, present pastor, will officiate. Burial will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.


Item: Mrs. Mary Eastman, 178 East Main street, of this city, has received word that her son, Pvt. Joseph W. Young, has sailed for LeHavre, France, to be with the occupation forces somewhere in Germany. Private Young enlisted in the U. W. army on completion of his course at the Watertown high school in February of this year. He is listed as a clerk typist.


Photo: The Brown Mansion (in Brownville, N. Y.)

Built of hand-cut native limestone by expert mason, the fine, sturdy old mansion of Major General Jacob Brown stands at Brownville today. Negotiations are pending with Henry Ford through The Edison Institute of Dearborn, Mich., for sale of the historic mansion to the noted automobile manufacturer who imposes a condition that it be taken down, removed to Greenfield village, Mich., and there re-erected. The mansion was built about 1811. One of the few military geniuses of the United States army in the War of 1812, Major General Brown became commander-in-chief of the United States army in 1821 and continued until his death early in 1828.


Photo: Old Henry H. Coffeen Residence (Watertown, N. Y.)
Watertown Residence 130 Years Old
Service Station Is Planned
Property on Corner of North Massey and
Coffeen Streets Will Be Leased by George F. Leak,
Gouverneur, Owner, to Oil Company.

The 130-year old Henry H. Coffeen street, the oldest standing house in Watertown, will soon be razed to make way for a gasoline and service station, if a business deal now being negotiated materializes.

The city’s historic landmark, now owned by George F. Leak of Gouverneur, will be torn down, according to present plans, and the property will be leased by Mr. Leak to the Shell Union Oil company, which firm proposes to grade the land and erect a gas station on the site of the house.

Albert J. Hibbert, local real estate broker, who represents Mr. Leak in the deal, announced today that the ten-year lease has not yet been signed, but negotiations are going forward. When the lease is signed, he said, application will be made at the city engineer’s office for the necessary permits. Then approval by the city council of the use of the property for gas station purposes will be sought.

The weather-beaten, wood-colored structure, crowning the top of Coffeen street hill at the southwest corner of Coffeen and North Massey streets, opposite the county jail, stands practically unchanged since it was erected of the choicest pine timber that region boasted in the early days.


A candlelight wedding service took place in the Central Church of Christ, Arlington street, Thursday evening at 8 when Miss June Korleen Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnson of 220 Hillside avenue became the bride of Harlow Richard Hunt, 231 Hillside avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. W. Gair, pastor of the church.

The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Joyce Hunt and Richard Johnson were the attendants. The double ring service was used.

There were about 100 guests of the bride and bridegroom at the services. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Tedorsen, 350 Brainard street, following the ceremony. After a trip to Toronto and other parts of Canada Mr. and Mrs. Hunt will make their home in this city.

The ushers were Truman Osborne and Chester Forbes with George Amo assisting. Other attendants were the mother of the bride, Mrs. Pauline Johnson and the mother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Charlene Hunt. The bridegroom served as a sergeant in the Far East during the war.


Photo: Francis Vorce (8-24-46)
Alfred E. Emerson Will Spend Winter in Alaska
Will Be Only Person in District Larger
Than St. Lawrence Count---He Describes
His Life Roughing It There.

Former Assemblyman Alfred E. Emerson, Dexter, who went to the Yukon region of Alaska last spring to explore the country and hunt wild game, plans to remain there during the coming winter.

In a letter written from Eagle, Aug. 9 and just received here, he speaks of his experiences. During the winter he will be the only person in a district larger than St. Lawrence country (sic).

Arriving in Dawson June 17, Mr. Emerson was unable to get a boat down the Yukon until the 25th.

“So I bought a row boat and started drifting at 1 on the afternoon of the 19th,” he said. “I made the 110 miles to Eagle in 24 hours. The mosquitoes were so bad that I could not stop at night. It was daylight all night through.

“They had one of the worst break-ups in the memory of old-timers on the Yukon this spring. Spruce and poplar trees 8 and 10 inches in diameter were sheared off like matches in many places.

“The international boundary is just a few miles east of Eagle and a space about 50 feet wide has been cleared to mark it.

“I had to wait here at Eagle for my baggage to come on by boat. It was bonded from Skagway to Eagle.

“Most of the buildings here are of logs. Whole or split poles are laid for the roofs filled in between with moss and covered 3 to 6 inches with dirt. They are warm and dry, many of the window sash having double glass and storm windows outside as well.

“Spruce, poplar and birch are the principal kinds of wood. Once in a while one will see a magnificent spruce 2 to 3 feet in diameter towering 80 to 90 feet in height.

“They grow practically all kinds of vegetables including mature potatoes despite the fact that there are frosts practically every month through the summer. There are no bugs or blight to affect potatoes. The ground is frozen from a few inches to a few feet below the surface.

“I changed my plans after arriving here, for I found that it was just as good prospecting game and fur country here as anywhere in Alaska.

“I left Eagle July 12 and started drifting down river. A few miles down I passed Calico Bluffs, a wonderful rock formation saw a caribou along the shore and camped at 1:30 a.m., a short distance below the mouth of Seventy Mile river. There were two bear tracks right where I pitched my tent.

“The next day I saw a caribou and missed the slickest shot at a coyote that I ever expect to have. That afternoon I came to Mr. Biederman’s. He operates two fish wheels and puts up from three to four tons of dried salmon a year. He also carries the mail between Circle and Eagle during the winter. I camped below his place that night.

“I had been enjoying a grandstand seat to one of the world’s greatest panoramas. Then came to the mouth of the Charley river flowing in from the south. I would have missed it, but noticed that I was in clear water, so I followed it back a short distance to the mouth of the river.

“Then for eight days I led that boat up Charley river by the nose a distance equal to that from Watertown to Syracuse. Every half mile or so I would have to pole it across stream to get a place to walk. A cut bank or bluff would stop me walking on that side.

“I had to wear a heavy head net and gloves to keep away from mosquitoes and then they would get in the tops of my hip rubber boots so that there would be a row of them where the boots wrinkled around my knees.

“Saw a brown bear go up the bank soon after I left the mouth of the river. Saw a pair of old geese and six goslings, and a good many ducks and broods of young. They sure have a tough time, for big gray wolves patrol the banks looking for them. I saw a brood go across the river about 30 rods upstream and go into the grass. It was only a few minutes until a bald eagle was circling overhead looking for them.

“Mountain sheep were right on the cliffs of the river and there were plenty of caribou and moose. One cow moose stood on the bank and wriggled her nose at me not over 75 feet away when I was drifting back down. I came down in two days and rapids run like mill races in places.

“I was gone 19 days from the time I left Biederman’s until I got back to Coal creek on the Yukon and I did not see a person all that time. However, I saw three caches up that river that must have been at least 14 feet up in the air and about 8 or 9 feet up they were wound with tin from five-gallon oil cans to keep the grizzles from getting at them.

“Expect to head back up the river and trap this winter. The license fee is $50. There are wolf, coyote, fox, lynx, marten and plenty of beaver on the lower stretches of the river. I saw 4 or 5 in an afternoon. There is a $20 bounty on wolf and coyote. A wolf will kill and eat a fox, so Mr. Bear stays on windswept hills where Mr. Wolf can’t catch him.

“After you get down on the Yukon the winter is O. K. to travel on the ice, but all other streams in this section are dangerous, for they freeze to the bottom in places and water will run under the snow from above with the result that a person is liable to step in 3 feet or so of ice-cold water. If he is not right near a camp he is more than likely to freeze his feet. I have met 4 people who have lost part of their feet by freezing. Men just across those streams from bank to bank and try every step with a stick. (sic)

“I caught one grayling up the river. He was about 14 inches long. You don’t find those grayling everywhere in the streams, either.

“The Yukon is very silty in summer from water that comes from melting glaciers. When they freeze up in the fall the Yukon clears up. They say that the grayling leave the Yukon when it begins to get rilly in the spring and go up clear water rivers until the Yukon clears in the fall. Then they come back.

“I haven’t seen a grouse or ptarmigan since I came up here, but they tell me that these birds are in the hills and will come down with cold weather.

“Prices of some articles are: butter 75 cents a pound, flour $9 a hundredweight, native potatoes $6 a bushel and $10 for outside ones, sugar $11 a hundred, rice $12 a hundred, beans $14 and $15, bananas 75 cents a dozen, oranges $11 a dozen, apples 75 cents a dozen, Casaba melons $1.25 to $1.50 each, gasoline case of two five-gallon cans $7.50, kerosene $4 per five-gallon can.

“Rowing is practically impossible on the Yukon because of the current and gasoline is so high it is expensive to run a motorboat even an outboard. It cost me $12 second class and $5 for my boat to come up the river on the steamer 110 miles. A man told me that according to government report the Yukon discharges more water at its mouth than the Mississippi.

“A Mr. Guilderhouse has just come in from the Seventy Mile river with a good river boat that he made up there, whipsawing the lumber. The only thing that he did not make from wood on the spot was the nails that he used to put it together. He was born just out of Buffalo on Lake Erie. The cabins in the woods have wooden hinges and wooden latches.

“They have some large, heavy, 100-gallon drums that they set in frames and put on a door and stovepipe for heaters in the larger buildings. The Northern Commercial company, operates a line of stores through the Yukon territory and Alaska, and you can buy anything you need from them. I think practically all of them operate a wireless. Eagle and Circle operate on 30 meters 150 kilocyles. There used to be a barracks and government wireless here but that has been abandoned as have most of the telegraph lines in this part of Alaska.

“There are a number of dredges working back on the creeks southwest from here. They use a regular well drill like we have at home, mounted on caterpillar tracks to drill prospect holes, although some use smaller drills. The gravel is frozen so hard that a pick will hardly touch it. Gold is found at or just above bedrock. It takes 30 days to put down a four and a half feet hole 30 feet by fire and hand.

When a litter of malamute pups are a certain age they try them on milk. Those that lap it like a dog they keep. Those that put their nose right in and drink like a wolf they kill for they will not make good sled dogs. Only those skins taken from caribou killed about Aug. 15 are used for parkas and robes.

“If any of the Jefferson county sportsmen are up around latitude 64 degrees 40 minutes north, longitude 143 degrees 40 minutes west, I hope that they will drop in and see me this winter.”


Note by Typist: An article entitled, “BIRD MIGRATION AMAZING STUDY by a Mrs. James A. Common, was inserted here. Article does not include names, so I am not presenting the article here. Mrs. James A. Common was likely a Watertown resident.


MARSHALL -- Funeral services for Robert Lawrence Marshall, 16, of Clayton and Washington, D. C., formerly of Watertown, Monday morning at 9 from the home of his grandfather, Willard Marshall, 141 Mary street, Clayton, and at 9:30 in St. Mary’s church, Clayton, Very Rev. G. E. Racette, pastor, officiating. Burial in Clayton cemetery with military honors. (9-28-46)

In Memorium: In loving memory of Mrs. Dexter Meeks who passed away a year ago today, September 17, 1946.
Dexter Meeks, husband; Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall, Millard Meeks, Thelma Meeks, Robert Meeks, children; Sheila, James and Lawrence, grandchildren; David Zimmerman, father.

CRITCH-RISLEY -- In this city, Sept. 1, 1946, at Asbury Methodist church by Rev. Albert Abbott, John C. Critch, Cavendish, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, and Miss Hila E. Risley, 616 Lansing street.

DANIELS-FLANSBURG -- In this city, Sept. 1, 1946, in Bethany Methodist church by Rev. W. Dwight Weed of Chicago, Leslie E. Daniels of Chaumont and Shirley J. Flansburg, 226 Stuart street.

Visits Parents (1946)
Depauville, Sept. 5. -- Horace Jones, jr., New York city, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jones.

Genevieve Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, having spent her terminal leave here, has returned to New York to the position which she held before the war.


A slip of paper issued during the Revolutionary war, providing for the issuance of flintlock muskets to several companies of militia, has recently come into the possession of Ross B. Lowe, local insurance agent.

The document, dated Oct. 25, 1776, is addressed to a “Mr. Morgan” and calls upon him to “Deliver to Capt. Pegnian 58 flints--to Capt. Sullivan 42 flints--to Capt. Baird 20 flints & to Capt. Shields 15 flints for the use of their respective companies of militia.”

The paper is signed by Thomas Walker, who served as commissary general under George Washington in Braddock’s army, and is countersigned by John Harvie and John Montgomery, members of the continental congress, and Jasper Qeates, famous jurist and patriot.

Typist’s Note: An article entitled, “The World Will End in 2000, Says Old Austrian Chronicle,” written by Dr. P. Lichtenegg was included in this scrapbook. This author found a book in the University of Vienna library -- the date of publication was 1790. The text was nothing out of the ordinary as far as books of this type go (my opinion).

LOWE -- In the Mercy hospital, Sept. 3, 1946, Miss Nellie Samantha Lowe, Cape Vincent, aged 86 years. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 in the Depauville Methodist church, Rev. Rollo D. Pierce, Cape Vincent, officiating. Burial in the Depauville cemetery. Friends may call at the Howland funeral chapel, Wednesday evening, 7:30 to 9.

KHAMMER-DODGE -- In this city, Sept. 8, 1946, in the Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart by Rev. John A. Sullivan, Fred A. Khammer, 156 East Main Street, and Miss Dorothy A. Dodge, 616 Leray street.

LANE-CHAMBERS -- In this city, Sept. 8, 1946, in Trinity Episcopal church by Very Rev. Walter C. Middleton, Charles W. Lane, 119 East Lynde street, and Miss Esther M. Chambers, 717 State street.

Item: Pfc. Richard L. Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyell C. Richmond of 117 Gale street, just spent 16 days with his parents here. He has been transferred from Fort McClellan, Ala., to Camp Stoneman, Pittsburgh, Calif.


An Ernest G. Cook Article - Heading Missing


Back in the days of the pioneer, when there were no radios, telephones, magazines and other modern means of entertainment, gatherings, especially those of the nature of neighborhood calls for an evening around the fireplace, could always be depended upon to have plenty of thrills when folks began telling ghost stories. These hair-raising stores worked havoc with the nerves when one had to return home through the woods in the dark and hear wolves howling none too far away.

At Orleans there was always coupled the stories of the Mohawk Valley, from whence the pioneers came, tales of the distinct rappings of certain spirits heard by a family who resided on the edge of Lafargeville village and who were members of the religious body known as the Spiritualists.

Hardly an evening would be complete around an Orleans fireside without the mention of the time that good Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fults arose from their bed one summer night and went out on the hill upon which their home was situated, to pick up “dunder-bolts” after a severe thunder storm.

But the story that would always cap the climax came from a Samuel Rose, from “over across the river,” who would always preface his account of his home neighborhood in Canada, as being actually true, for he knew the parties and was actually out with the chief character one night just to see if all that was told did actually happen.,

“You see,” would continue Mr. Rose, “this man’s name was Croutch and he lived neighbor to me not far from the Rideau river. The neighbors said that he was a man gifted with ‘second-sight.’ A fine man he was, and one respected by all the folks in the community. His wife told about the happenings first. She said that there would come a night when he would just tumble about after he had gone to bed, just as if he was too restless to sleep, yet he would be asleep as far as she could see. After some mutterings, too low for her to catch his exact words, he would arise and start out in the dark. After a little he would be gone and it might be a couple of hours before he would return. He would go at once to bed and say nothing of his midnight excursion. Sometimes, a day or so after, he would mention some incident pertaining to the graveyard, and when questioned by his wife, tell of the burial service of some person in the community, or nearby neighborhood. As these persons mentioned were still living his wife would chide him about his wild yarns, but always, soon after, the persons mentioned would be taken ill and pass away.

“One night she slipped quietly after him, when he departed from the house and noted that he went to the river where he entered his boat and swiftly paddled away on the waters. Where he went she could not tell, but he brought back the story of a funeral procession, describing the incidents with great detail and, as it later proved, with correctness, only he was some weeks ahead of the actual occurrence.

“Usually he was very loath to speak of his unknown excursions and his wife decided he must be more than just a sleep walker and here is where I come in,” would continue Mr. Rose.

“That night I visited in the home and at the request of Mrs. Croutch, remained over night. Sure enough, that night he was restless after retiring and, after a little, arose and dressed quietly. I was awakened by Mrs. Croutch and arose to go with him. I slipped quietly out of the door behind him and fell in step with him as he walked along. I quietly entered into conversation with him and let him take the lead in the direction of his going and in the conversation. Our footsteps led to the village center and off towards the graveyard. Suddenly Mr. Croutch stopped and put his hand on my shoulder? ‘Listen,” he said, ‘Don’t you hear that cry?’

“I told him I didn’t and asked him what it sounded like. He replied that it was a baby’s cry and he said he thought it was that of Mr. and Mrs. H-------’s child.

“After listening for a little while he turned and we walked back to the house. The next morning I asked about the child and learned that the baby was well. But, do you know, in less than two weeks that child was dead and taken to that very cemetery for burial. Now, can you beat that?”

As a matter of fact none about the fireplace could and this would end the story telling for the evening in the pioneer home.


Mr. and Mrs. William L. Michaels, 507 West Mullin street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Theresa A. Michaels, to Kenneth G. Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke, 624 Lansing street.

Miss Michaels is a graduate of St. Patrick’s school and the Watertown High school. At present she is employed in the local telephone office.

Mr. Cooke is a graduate of the Watertown High school and is a veteran of three years in the armed forces. He is now attending the Watertown School of Commerce.

The couple plans to be married June 1 at St. Patrick’s church.


Item: A daughter was born in the Mercy hospital Sunday to Chief of Police and Mrs. James M. Stage, 425 Webb street, Clayton. Mr. Stage is the village police chief of Clayton.

HANKIN -- At the Glasier Nursing home, Sept. 2, 1946, Mrs. A. Elizabeth Hankin, 249 Winslow street, widow of Edward Hankin and lifelong Watertown resident, aged 84 years. Funeral services Sunday at 3 p.m. from the First Methodist church, Rev. Robert W. Anthony, officiating. Burial in Brookside cemetery, Watertown.

HUNT-MARCHAND -- In this city, Sept. 8, 1946, in the parsonage of Bethany Methodist church, by Rev. Lisle R. Caldwell, Francis G. Hunt, Adams Center, and Miss Sally H. Marchand, 685 Davidson street.

Item: Mr. and Mrs. George H. Moak and son, Robert George, 206 Franklin street, will leave by automobile Tuesday for Tulsa, Okla. Before entering the navy, Mr. Moak, a graduate of Syracuse university, spent two years in Watertown as branch manager for Stanley Home Products company, Inc. He is being sent to Tulsa to establish a new branch office for the same company. He served for 18 months in the Pacific war theater. Mrs. Moak is the former Elizabeth F. Piekarski.


Earl S. Augsbury Writes Of Welcome There
Mr. Augsbury, Returning From World Cruise, Says
It Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots He Has Discovered

“Out of Hawaii, May 6, 1937”
“This is a strange world. Last week was eight days long. We had two Tuesdays, -- Tuesday East and Tuesday West. My age will always be one day older. When we are traveling east we have to change our watches about 30 minutes ahead daily, so that eventually we were 24 hours ahead, --hence the extra day.

“The end of our trip is fast approaching. Parting cocktail parties fill the grill nightly. We lose many of our group at San Francisco and many more at Los Angeles. It will be a depleted ship that worms its way though the Canal. Customs is now the big topic. Declarations are being filled out daily with many a headache. This trip has been a buying spree for many. Thousands of dollars have been left at every port. Poor as I was my family bought well in excess of our custom allowance, and you can imagine what the rich have spent. The man with whom I have chummed on this trip spent $14,000 for his cabin on the cruise and his wife has spent that much for articles she has picked up on the cruise trip. So it goes. He is from Los Angeles and wants us to spend the summer with him. Dr. Luxenberger, a noted surgeon from Munich, Germany, wants us to come to him. Wealth seems to make no difference in this company of people. Tonight is ’Award Nigh’ when prizes are given for successes in various activities. Mrs. Augsbury and I get two first prizes out of four Bridge contests, which we think is not bad. There were far better players, but we seemed to have the luck. I expect the prizes will be very nice as the ship spent several hundred dollars in their purchase. There are prizes for atheletic (sic) events and games.

“Last night was Amateur Night and was very fine. In a company such as ours are many able people. The night previous was Hawaiian Night and a big dance. Something doing every day. Coming out of Yokohama we ran into a gale. The ship was delayed several hours and for three days the sea lost its attraction for me. But when we passed Midway Islands I took a new grip on life.

“Hawaii surprised us. As our beautiful ship was slowly being warped into the pier, the Royal Hawaiian Band played its haunting native melodies. A mixed sextet sang songs and the straw-skirted girls did the hula-hula. What a welcome! No sooner was the gangplank in position before the girls flocked aboard and put beautiful floral leis around our necks. It was May-day and May-day is lei-day, an island holiday. These girls are lovely. I have a picture of the little friend who implanted a kiss upon my wrinkled ’fizz’ right before the whole crowd at the dance given at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. She hula-hulaed right up to me, put a lei around my neck, gave me a lovely kiss and sang a love song to me, while the audience applauded. I was the only one so honored. No wonder I feel only 20 today. Years dropped from off my shoulders bowed with the cares and troubles of this mundane sphere.

“It is hard to be your age in Honolulu. It is an enchanting place. The Royal Hawaiian is a magnificent hotel, adjoining Waikiki beach, with Diamond Head overshadowing the blue, blue water, the far out breakers, the glorious sun shine, the profusion of flowers, for the temperature never gets out of the 70’s throughout the year. It is one of the most beautiful spots I have discovered. The natives are friendly. ’Alola’ greets you everywhere. A smile is your passport and their melodies are enchanting. If you can’t make a world-cruise, I propose Hawaii. The Japs here wear native costumes, as do the Chinks and other races. The Americans are hopelessly out-numbered. It has our only royal palace. You’d love the place and I shall not soon forget it.”

“Earl S. Augsbury”


Marries Cousin’s Widow At Sodus Ceremony
Both Have Been Married Before--They Will Return to
Woodville About Thanksgiving--He Is Present Occupant of
Wood Homestead, Held By Family 134 Years
(Special to The Times.)

Woodville, Nov. 17. -- The marriage of George M. Wood, widely known agriculturist of this county, and Mrs. Bessie Eveleigh Wood, both of this village, took place Monday at 3 p.m. in Sodus at the home of Mrs. Wood’s aunt, Mrs. Annie McCurdy, it was announced here today.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Harold Shaw, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Sodus. The couple had no attendants. After the ceremony they left on a wedding trip to Washington, D. C. They expect to return to this village about Thanksgiving. They will make their home here.

This is the second marriage for both Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Wood before her first marriage was Miss Bessie Eveleigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Eveleigh of Woodville. She was married first to Nathaniel Wood, this place. He died about 16 years ago. Nathaniel Wood was a cousin of George M. Wood.

Mr. Wood, who is a direct descendant of the Wood family, pioneers in the town of Ellisburg, was first married to Miss Emily Jane Metcalf of Ellisburg about 34 years ago. She has been dead several years. Two sons were born to them, Kenneth R. Wood, now of Albany, and Willard M. Wood, of Woodville.

George M. Wood is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Milton Wood of this village. He is now the present owner and occupant of the Wood homestead here which has been in the family for 134 years. Mr. Wood is a graduate of Union academy at Belleville and matriculated at Cornell university in 1903 after studying in France and Italy and taking a course at the State university of Switzerland. He formerly was associated with his father and an uncle, Nathaniel Wood, in the firm of N. Wood & Son, mercantile establishment in Woodville.

Mr. Wood has large property holdings along the shore of Lake Ontario. He has been engaged for years in agricultural pursuits in the county.


Item: A son, David Youngs, was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Oscar Sellers, 714 Ball avenue, at the House of the Good Samaritan Thursday evening. The child weighed eight pounds and twelve ounces. Mr. Sellers is Jefferson county farm bureau agent.

Item: Richard B. Priest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Priest, Bradley street road, has left for Troy where he has enrolled in the freshman class at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. (9-27-46)


Partial Heading:
Douglas Crossing Near Theresa Got Its Name from
John P. Douglas, Extensive Farm Land Owner There.
By Ernest G. Cook

In the year 1773 a Scotchman by the name of Douglas, residing at Inverness, Scotland, got quite wrought up over the acts of oppression that he thought the King of England was directing upon the American colonies and wished that he might be in America and give them financial aid as well as doing a little fighting himself, if need be. It resulted in the man deciding to take his family and start for America. He landed in America on the very day the historical Boston tea-party took place. Later he settled in Albany.

A son of this Scotchman, James Douglas, came to Pillar Point at about the year 1820 and located there. James Douglas had married Susan Pettit, a sister of Judge John Pettit, member of congress for a term of years from a district in Indiana. She was also a granddaughter of Captain William Selfridge of Revolutionary war fame.

About five years after James and Susan Douglas settled on Pillar Point there was born to them a son which they named John Pettit Douglas. The exact date of birth was Aug. 10, 1825. Attending the public school in his locality, John P. Douglas longed for a higher education and so went to Brownville to attend for two terms a select school taught by Silas Webb. When he reached the age of 16 or 17, he was given a certificate to teach and began at once the life of a country school teacher. So well did he do his work that he was elected superintendent of schools when he was 24 years of age and he held the office for three years.

But he had a desire to get into business and not long after he was in a store at Limerick and form there drifted into Watertown where he established himself as a wholesale produce dealer. Coming in contact with Curtis Noble, of New York city, he decided to form a partnership with him and open a commission house in New York city, dealing in butter, cheese and cotton, mostly. The business prospered and he soon decided to move his family to reside in Brooklyn. When he opened his Brooklyn residence he decided not to get mixed up in politics but to give his full attention to business. But almost before he knew it he was elected as alderman of the eleventh ward of Brooklyn on the Republican ticket. That was in 1871. That led to more calls for public leadership and next he was made a director in Atlantic Avenue railroad and then a trustee of the East River Saving(s) bank, director in several insurance companies, and with all of these duties pressing upon him he began to think of the quiet of the country in northern New York. Especially was this true when his health began to fail.

He had married in 1854 Miss Henrietta Hughson, a daughter of L. P. Hughson of Pulaski, an extensive dealer in real estate. Feeling that for the health of himself and family he had best move to the country, he closed up his city business and purchased land on the Military rod where a railroad was passing, the line which extended from Clayton to Theresa Junction. He entered the business of a cheese manufacturer, decided to have pure bred stock on his farm and purchased the first of the Holstein-Fresian cattle to come into this section. He added farm after farm to his holdings and came to be one of the largest land owners of cultivated farms of his time, there being about 3,000 acres in all.

Curtis Noble of New York visited Mr. Douglas in the north, grew fond of country life and of farming and so he purchased a large farm not far from where Mr. Douglas had built his manor house. And this explains two names often referred to in the daily press--Douglas Corssing and Nobles Corners, a mile and three quarters north of there. Mr. Noble thought he would try sheep farming, feeling there was a future to that industry, and so stocked his acres with a large flock of sheep.

Mr. Douglas died very suddenly on Sept. 20, 1903, and his burial was on a favorite spot of his own farm, under the whispering pines, a place where he often paused to rest and meditate, and which adjoins Oakwood cemetery, Theresa. He served as master of Theresa grange for a time.

The two sons, Curtis N. Douglas and Daniel C. Douglas, have passed on, but there is a daughter, Henrietta, who was married to Major Mordaunt Shipley of the Thirteenth Bengal Lancers in service in India and who passed away some years ago. This week Mrs. Shipley is in London to attend the coronation services, being a resident of England. A younger daughter, Kathleen, looks after the ancestral acres at Douglas Crossing and resides in Theresa.


LIVINGSTON-CALHOUN -- In this city, Sept. 22, 1946, at the First Methodist church by Rev. Robert W. Anthony, Calvin F. Livingston, 627 Mill street, and Miss Betty E. Calhoun, 176 Duffy street.

Item: Mrs. Mildred V. Whittier, 123 Gale street, has returned home after spending a week at Lake Bonaparte, where she was chaperone to a group of young people. (9-15-46)

Item: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Percy of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Percy of Wyandotte, Mich., have returned to their homes after spending a week visiting friends and relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Percy formerly resided at 606 Davidson street. Jack Percy, son of Mrs. Helen Wetterhahn of Depauville and the late Hubert Percy, accompanied them to Los Angeles, where he will enter college. (9-10-46)

McCARTHY-LYONS -- At Rockwall, Tex., Aug. 31, 1946, by Rev. T. B. Hamilton, Baptist minister, John R. McCarthy, 226 East Moulton street, and Mrs. Helen Lyons, Dallas, Tex.

SKELETON-SCHAEFER -- In this city, Oct. 18, 1946, to Horace C. Skelton, Rome, a discharged soldier, and Miss Grace I. Schaefer, 125 East Lynde street, secretary.

WESCOTT-M’CARTHY -- In this city, Oct. 18, 1946, to Joel Wescott, 178 Haney street, clerk, and Miss June McCarthy, 319 East Main street, telephone operator.

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