Copied and arranged by volunteer Shirley Farone

Alexandria & Orleans: Part: 15

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(Special to The Times.)

Theresa, Oct. 1. -- Hermon Snell, 73, well known West Theresa farmer, died at his home Monday night after an illness of several weeks.

Mr. Snell was born Aug. 2, 1856 on the farm where he died, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Snell. He was a farmer all his life and was prominent in grange activities. He was also a member of the Theresa Lodge, I. O. O. F. He married Miss Lydia Cole of Theresa on Dec. 18, 1879.

Surviving are his widow and one son, Jeremiah Cole, who resides on the home farm.

Funeral services will be held from the late home Thursday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. E. Hastings, pastor of the Theresa Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be made in Oakwood cemetery, Theresa.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten on the top of this obit.



Special to The Times.)

Philadelphia, Nov. 21. -- Mrs. Frances Kirkland, 75, wife of Robert Kirkland, died Tuesday night at 10 at her home in this village.

Mrs. Kirkland was born at Herkimer, Oct. 4, 1853, a daughter of Daniel and Frances Wood. Fifty-three years ago she married Robert Kirkland at Herkimer. They later moved to Redwood where Mr. Kirkland was employed as a cheesemaker for 25 years. While at Redwood Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland sponsored the formation of a grange organization and it was named Kirkland grange in their honor. About 25 years ago they moved to this village and had since resided here. Mrs. Kirkland was a lifelong member of the W. C. T. U. and until a short time ago was president of the local union.

She is survived besides her husband, by two children, Hugh and Annie, both of Philadelphia; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Dale, Guthrie, Okla., Mrs. Charles Lawrence and Miss Minnie Wood, both of Wichita, Kan.; two brothers, Robert Wood of Little Falls and George Wood of Herkimer.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 from the home, Rev. George Upham of the Philadelphia Baptist church officiating. Interment will be made at Redwood.



Redwood, April 3. -- The funeral of John Hofferberth, 74, well known resident of Redwood, was held Monday afternoon. Rev. Francis Purvis, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated. Burial was in Redwood cemetery.

Mr. Hofferberth had lived here since childhood. He was the son of Michael and Catherine Hofferberth. He was taken ill Oct. 19, 1927, and was a patient at Mercy hospital, Watertown, two months, after which he was brought to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Spaulsbury, in Main street, where he died.

In compliance with his last request his body was taken to his own home for the funeral service where a large number of friends and neighbors assembled to pay their last respects.

Surviving him are his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Charles Spaulsbury, Redwood; Mrs. Clara Skinner, Goose Bay, and Mrs. Edward Smith, Hammond; two brothers, George and Leonard, both of Redwood, and four grandchildren, DeForrest Smith of the Jefferson County National Bank, Watertown; Vernon Smith, a teacher at Partlowville, N. Y.; Miss Doris Skinner and Raymond Spaulsbury, Redwood.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1928, was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Theresa, Oct. 5. -- The marriage of Mrs. Daisy J. Johnson, of Canandaigua and Adam H. Bickelhaupt, Theresa, took place on Thursday, Oct. 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith, 107 Bartle avenue, Newark, N. Y., with Rev. E. L. Woldt of the Lutheran church performing the ceremony.

The bride wore a dress of brown transparent velvet and carried a corsage bouquet of roses. Mrs. E. H. Smith was matron of honor, and wore brown flat crepe and carried a bouquet of roses. Charles Johnson, brother of the bride, was best man.

After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Gardenier Hotel, Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Bickelhaupt left on a trip through Canada, after which they will reside at Theresa, New York.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this write-up.




Redwood Widow Tries to Keep Identity Secret After Becoming Wife of Prosperous Retired Farmer

Watertown Daily Times
Carthage Bureau

Carthage, Oct. 28. -- William Zecher, prosperous retired farmer, was married to Mrs. Julia Carmon of Redwood, a widow some years his junior, by Rev. Miles Hutchinson at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal church in Philadelphia Saturday afternoon, The Times learned today. They were attended by C. R. Bennett and Mrs. Minnie Caswell of Carthage.

News of the wedding spread rapidly here Sunday but the identity of the bride was kept secret. Mrs. Carmon when interviewed Sunday said that she did not wish to divulge her name as she wanted to tell her son of the marriage herself.

Mr. Zecher has resided in Carthage since his retirement several years ago. His former wife died about six months ago.

Mrs. Carmon came to Carthage Mrs. Minnie Caswell. (sic) It was there that Mr. Zecher met her.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was written at the top of this notice.



Redwood, Nov. 11. -- Mrs. Sadie Edgerly Simpson, 37, died at 10:30 Saturday night at her home in this village after an illness of eleven weeks.

She was born in Redwood, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edgerly. She was married to Leslie Simpson in 1914. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and of Redwood grange and Rebekah lodge.

Survivors are her parents, her husband, five children, Evelyn, Kenneth, Francis, Lois and Donald; and three sisters, Mrs. Clark Sargent, Miss Lela Edgerly and Mrs. Edward Bartram, of Alexandria Bay.

Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 Tuesday afternoon at the home and at 2 at the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Ernest Bragg, officiating. Burial will be in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1929 appeared at the top of this obit.



(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, June 28. -- William Josiah Fults, 63, died Thursday morning at his home near this village. Death was due to heart trouble.

Mr. Fults was born in the town of Theresa, Oct. 13, 1865, and spent most of his life in that town, with the exception of seven years in the west. On Jan. 5, 1892, he married Hattie Hodge, who died 32 years ago. He later married Minnie Simpson who died 20 years ago. He was a member of Alexandria Lodge, No. 297, F. and A. M., and Kirkland grange, Redwood.

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Margaret Fults, Redwood; one daughter, Mrs. Mabel Ward; four brothers, Matthew, Anson, Albert and Edward of Redwood; one sister, Mrs. Georgia Simonds.

Funeral services will be held from the late home Saturday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Ernest Bragg, pastor of the Redwood Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Masonic services will be held at the grave in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1929 appeared at the top of this obit.



Plessis, Sept. 24. -- Mrs. Sophie Vogt Hartman, 59, wife of George Hartman, died at her home at Brown’s Corners, Sept. 23, after a long illness. Death was caused by a complication of diseases.

She was born in Hirchlanden, Baden, Germany, Dec. 28, 1871, and came to this country with her brother, Fred, in 1885. She was married Oct. 28, 1890, near Lafargeville, by Rev. Hoffman, to George Hartman. The couple lived for several years on the Snell farm near Lafargeville, from which they moved to the Snell farm between Plessis and Browns Corners which they operated for man years, until about 20 years ago when they bought the farm at Browns Corners where they have since resided. She was a member of the Lutheran church of Redwood and of Kirkland Grange, Redwood.

Mrs. Hartman is survived by her husband, Adam, who lives at home; two daughters, Mrs. Lotha Snell of Alexandria Bay and Mrs. Louise Timmerman of Lafargeville; a step-son, Lawrence Hartman of Watertown and two grandchildren, Vera and Eileen Snell of Alexandria Bay. A daughter, Martha, died when three years of age. She leaves eight sisters, Mrs. Fred Schulz, Mrs. Charles Dorr and Mrs. George Hagen of Lafargeville; Mrs. Conrad Poth of Pamelia, Mrs. Conrad Quencer, Evans Mills; Mrs. Philip Quencer, Perch River; Mrs. Henry Flath, Redwood and Bertha Quencer of Germany. Her only brother, Fred Vogt died at Lafargeville in January of this year.

The funeral will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. Paul Krutsky, pastor of the Redwood Lutheran church, officiating. Burial will be made in the family plot of Browns Corners cemetery.

Typist’s Note: A note at the side of this obit shows, “d. 23 Sept. 1929.”



Henry A. Thompson, 262 Hillcrest avenue, and Mrs. Margaret Delaney, same address, were married at 8:30 Wednesday evening at the manse of Hope Presbyterian church. Rev. Cassius J. Sargent, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. The couple were attended by Mrs. Theresa Bendwill and H. Frank Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will make their residence at 262 Hillcrest avenue.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was the date shown at the top of this notice.



Alexandria Bay, July 26. -- Miss Edythe Reed, daughter of George L. Reed of Redwood was married to William St. John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry St. John also of Redwood, Wednesday evening in the parsonage of the Reformed Church of the Thousand Islands here. Rev. Thomas Adams officiated. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Reed of Redwood.

The bride is a lifelong resident of Redwood, and is a graduate of the Redwood schools. Mr. St. John was born in Portland, Me., and has lived in Redwood for the past six years. He is at present employed as a lineman for the St. Lawrence Utilities company.

Typist’s Note: 1929 appeared at the top of this notice.



Mrs. Myrtle Hale Cook, nurse, of Philadelphia and Fred M. Wilcox of Theresa were married Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 26, at Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, this city, by Rev. J. W. Wilson, pastor. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Watertown, friends of the bride.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox will reside in Theresa.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was the year written at the top and bottom of this notice.



Theresa, May 21. -- John Frederick Schultz, 48, who died at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the House of the Good Samaritan, experienced an unusual number of accidents. In 1906, he was in a bad accident at the railroad crossing at Lafargeville when his rig was hit by a train and he was badly bruised.

Just four weeks ago he was kicked in the face by a horse while working in his barn and was taken to Watertown for treatment. He was so badly injured that death came as a result of the accident.

He was born in the town of Brownville, Dec. 20, 1881, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shultz. He attended the Lafargeville school and Jan. 11, 1905, married Miss Ina Hofferberth. For two years they resided upon a farm near Orleans Four Corners. Later they removed to the home of his parents on Carter street, three miles from Lafargeville.

He was a member of the church council of the Lutheran church at Orleans Four Corners and a member of the Lafargeville grange. He is survived by his parents, his wife and two children, Helen and Margaret.

The funeral services will be held Thursday from the late home at 1 and from the Lutheran church at Orleans Four Corners at 2. Rev. Mr. Krusa, pastor of the Orleans and Redwood churches will have charge of the services. Burial will be made at Lafargeville.

Typist’s Note: “d. 20 May 1929” was written at the top of Mr. Schultz’s obit.



Mrs. Dodd Has Been Teaching in Canton Vicinity--Couple to Reside in Ogdensburg

Canton, July 19. -- Announcement has been made of the marriage of Stanley Dodd of 1001 Patterson street, Ogdensburg, and Miss Lillian Martin of Canton.

The ceremony was performed on Thursday, July 11 in Chateaugay by the Rev. Father John J. Dean. The attending couple was John H. Remillard and Bertha Remillard of Chateaugay.

Mr. Dodd is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dodd of Ogdensburg and is a salesman by occupation. His bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and is a former resident of Salt Lake City. For some time past, however, she has been teaching in this section.

Mr. and Mrs. Dodd will reside at 1021 State street, Ogdensburg.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this item.



REDWOOD, Feb. 1. -- Mrs. Abigail Donald, 82, widow of Thomas Donald, a well known insurance man of this village, died at 2 this morning after a three weeks’ illness of influenza. She had been a resident of this village for 60 years.

Mrs. Donald was born in South Hammond, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Catlin. She was the last of her family. She leaves a son, Charles, of Gouverneur; two grandchildren, Mrs. H. Collins of Gouverneur, and (words not legible) of Syracuse.

Two years ago Mrs. Donald fell and suffered a fractured hip and since then had not been in the best of health. She had lived alone here since the death of her husband.

The funeral services will be held at 2 Sunday at the home and burial will be in the local cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was written at the top of this obit.



Minister of Redwood Baptist Church For Past Five Years--Served Number of Years as Missionary in West.

(Special To The Times)

Redwood, Jan. 25. -- The death of Rev. Francis Purvis, 85, a minister for 54 years and pastor of the Baptist church in this village for the past five years, occurred at 3:40 this morning following an illness of three weeks. Rev. Mr. Purvis contracted pneumonia about three weeks ago and his condition gradually grew worse until heart failure caused his death.

He was born in Pyemouth, Scotland, April 11, 1843, the son of a Scotch fisherman. Here he spent his early life, making many trips to sea with his father who owned a sailing vessel. His early education was conducted by his mother, and he attended the parish school at Pyemouth, Scotland. Later he took a six months’ preparatory course at Edinburgh university, and at the age of 18 began the study of medicine.

The death of his father forced him to abandon the course and he returned to Pyemouth where he entered the wholesale fish business. Shortly afterward he became interested in the ministry and while still young preached in his native village. At the age of 20 he joined the Baptist church and in 1869 went to England where he married Esther Ann Cooper, of Lincolnshire, England.

Rev. Mr. Purvis came to this country in 1870 and made his home in Tioga county, Pa., where he joined Rev. James Sheardown in pioneer work for the Baptist church. He was ordained in the Baptist ministry at Charlestown, N. Y. in 1874, and shortly afterward went west as a missionary where he was engaged in missionary work in North Dakota, Colorado and Nebraska. When he was located in Omaha the town possessed only one street of frame buildings.

In 1890 he returned east serving in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Maine, and at Penobscot Bay, Mr., maintained a sailing vessel on which he made trips to nearby islands doing missionary work and often acting as physician when there was none other to be had.

In 1915 his wife died at North Lyme, Conn., and a year later he married Anne E. Syme. In 1923 he came to Redwood where he became pastor of the Baptist church, holding that pastorate until his death. Besides his wife he is survived by one son, William of Woodhaven, L. K.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 from the Baptist church here. Rev. H. B. Cooper, of the Carthage Baptist church officiating, assisted by Rev. Ernest Bragg, pastor of Redwood Methodist Episcopal church, and Rev. H. B. Krusa, pastor of the Lutheran church. Interment will be made at North Lyme, Conn.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of the Reverand’s obit.



Theresa, June 25. -- On Monday at 10 at the home of the bride in Park avenue, village, Miss Rena L. Neuroth and Myron C. Putman of Plessis were married by REv. George P. Uphem, pastor of the Baptist church, Philadelphia, of which the bride is a member. Only near relatives and friends attended the wedding.

The couple left directly after the ceremony by auto for a wedding trip and on their return expect to make their home in Plessis. Mrs. Putman is the daughter of Mrs. George Neuroth of this village and after her graduation from the Theresa high school, finished the course in the Antwerp training class and has taught the past year at Bentleys Corners.

Mr. Putnam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Putman of Plessis. Upon their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Putnam will reside at Plessis. Mrs. Putnam has been engaged to teach in Plessis the coming year.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this item.



Young Farmer, Captured By Britain’s Indian Allies, Stopped There While Being Taken to Quebec--
Returned to Lake When Released.

To The Times:

Just now when there is so much attention drawn to Black Lake on account of the discussion over changing the name to Roosevelt, I thought (it) might be a good time to give a little story which was handed down from generation to generation since Revolutionary times. Later one of the descendants found this very story in a history of Herkimer county. Almost exactly as it had been handed down.

Black Lake is about 18 miles long and the settlers on the north side were mostly Dutch from the Mohawk Valley. Many of the old Dutch names remain.

Back in the Revolutionary times the Indians raided the English and raids were frequent in the Mohawk valley and one day near the village and fort of Little Falls a runner went to warn the outlying settlers that the Indians were coming. One family, consisting of an old man, John Evsaman (sic) and his wife, their son. Stephen and his wife and baby of a few months, lived on one of these outlying farms and were warned by the runner. Hastily catching their horses and hitching them to a wagon they began piling on their most valued possessions, but before they could start the Indians were upon them. Seizing Stephen, he was tied to a tree where he was a witness to the death of his father and mother, his young wife and baby.

The old couple and young wife were made to kneel where they were tommyhawked and scalped. The baby’s head was dashed against a tree and the buildings fired.

Thus they did wherever an unprotected family was found. Saving only the young and strong and taking the cows and horses they headed north, up through the wilderness, through Rossie to the head of Black Lake and down its north shore to the foot hence to Ogdensburg, which was a mere hamlet, across the St. Lawrence and finally arriving in Montreal where the Indians were paid for the live prisoners and for the scalps of those they had killed.

As Stephen Eysaman walked along Black Lake he thought it a beautiful place to own a home, an ideal farming locality. Four years later when prisoners were exchanged, Stephen Eysaman, was freed and went home to his old farm, rebuilt the house and barn, married again and raised a family of children. When his son, Jacob, was grown and married to Mary Bellinger at German Flats, his father came with them to Black Lake, the memory of which had always remained with Stephen and the first 40 acres of the Eysaman farm was purchased in 1824 about half way between the head and the foot of Black Lake. That is how one of the settlers came to settle on Black Lake.

I don’t believe to the old residents it could ever be anything but Black Lake. To the summer folks and tourists Roosevelt might sound better but after all what do they care. They are here today, on some other lake tomorrow. Seems as though those who have summered and wintered with it, lived beside it when it was warm and sunny and calm and when it was a rushing, angry torrent, who cross it in boats and over ice and who really love it and wouldn’t live elsewhere, are the ones to have some say about its name.

Mrs. H. Harland

Redwood (Redwood was crossed out and Morristown written in)

Typist’s Note: Typed as written. The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this article.



(Special To The Times.)

Depauville, May 18. -- Charles Daab, aged 77 years, a well known resident of this village, died at his late residence this morning at 7:20 following a long illness.

Mr. Daab was born in Germany, a son of the late George and Jeannette Daab. When 16 years of age he came to this country. For a time he resided at Michigan and then in the town of Orleans. For the past 53 years he had resided in the town of Clayton. He was the last of twelve children.

Mr. Daab was first married in 1875 to Miss Elizabeth Dintelman. She died in 1914. He was married in 1916 to Miss Annetta Kissel. Besides Mrs. Annetto Kissel Daab, his wife, he is survived by two daughers, Mrs. Elizabeth Daab and Miss Elnora Daab of this vicinity.

For 24 years Mr. Daab operated a farm in this section. He was a member of the Lutheran church and of the Depauville grange No. 59.

Funeral services will be held form the late residence on Monday afternoon at 2, Rev. Arthur Lawrence, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Depauville cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1928 appeared at the top of this obit.



Mrs. Viola Pickert Ripley, 80, widow of Martin H. Ripley, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Voodre, 517 Franklin street, this morning at 5:45 from infirmities of old age. Although she was a sufferer of heart trouble, she had been in good health up to the time of her death. Mrs. Ripley, who resided at Castorland had been visiting her daughter since June.

Mrs. Ripley was born at South Hammond, Oct. 1, 1848, a daughter of Joseph and Samantha Franklin Pickert. She resided in that village up to the time of her marriage to Martin H. Ripley, March 12, 1872. Since that time, she and her husband, who was a traveling salesman, resided in several different places in the state. They include Redwood, Utica, Sidney, Plessis and Theresa.

Twenty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Ripley went to California where they lived for 15 years at Sacramento, Oroville, where a daughter, Mrs. Howard Spencer, resides, and Modesto, where a son, John C. Ripley, resides. It was at Oroville that Mr. Ripley died five years ago.

A year following the death of her husband Mrs. Ripley returned to Castorland, where she resided up to June of this year when she came to visit her daughter here. She was a member of the Full Gospel Tabernacle of this city.

Surviving are two sons, John C. Ripley of Modesto, Calif., and Martin H. Ripley of Plessis; four daughters, Mrs. Howard Spencer of Oroville, Calif., Mrs. F. H. Pickert of Philadelphia, N. Y., Mrs. C. E. Allen of Castorland and Mrs. R. E. Voodre of this city; one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Dygert of Gouverneur; 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, and a brother, Emmanuel Pickert, city.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Redwood, Sept. 6. -- A quiet wedding took place at the Roman Catholic church on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., when Ralph Earl Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thomas of Redwood, and Miss Irene Fitzsimmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons of Alexandria Center, were united in marriage by the Father J. L. DesJardines, pastor of the church.

The couple was attended by Merle Reynolds of Plessis and Pauline Fitzsimmons, sister of the bride. The bride was attired in blue. They will take a short wedding trip after which they will reside, for a time, at Alexandria Center.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was written at the top of this item.



(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, July 3. -- Mrs. Catherine Ahles, 87, died at 5:30 this morning at her home in this village.

Mrs. Ahles was born in Germany on June 26, 1842. She came to the United States in 1857 and since that time had resided in this section. On Nov. 30, 1862, she married Christian Ahles of Redwood, who died on Jan. 4, 1922. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ahles and seven are now living. She was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church and the Dorcas society.

Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Louise Newman of Redwood, Misses Elizabeth and Inez Ahles of Redwood, Mrs. Catherine Springer of Alexandria Bay and Mrs. Amelia Suits of Syracuse and two sons, Henry Ahles of Redwood and Carl Ahles of Redwood.

Funeral services will be held from St. Paul’s Lutheran church Friday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. H. B. Kruse officiating. Interment will be made in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this obit.


MRS. ANNA M. Cole, 91, DIES

(Special To The Times.)

Clayton, June 14. -- Mrs. Anna M. Cole, 91, widow of Andrew Cole, died at her home, 535 Merrick street, in this village Thursday at 10:30 p.m. She had only been ill a short time, death caused by informities (sic) of old age.

She was born in St. Lawrence county Aug. 25, 1837, daughter of Peter and Charlotte Smith Dygert and had resided in Clayton for the past 40 years.

Surviving are two sons, Harrison of Clayton and Fred A. of Scranton, Pa.; one daughter, Mrs. Addie B. Reed of Idaho; one brother, Erastus of Rochester.

Funeral services will be conducted at her home Sunday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Mr. Adams, pastor of the Baptist church. Interment will take place in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Plessis, July 17. Mrs. Anna Wright Riches, 57, died at her home here Monday night at 1:30 after a lingering illness. She had been confined to her bed only about a week.

She was born Sept. 17, 1871, in Leeds county, Canada, and came to this vicinity about 30 years ago. She was married Oct. 11, 1901, at Watertown, to Frank P. Richus (sic), who survives her. She was a member of Kirkland Grange of Redwood. She is survived by, besides her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Frank Schneider of Plessis; a step-daughter, Eva Riches of Troy, N. Y., a step-son, Delbert Riches of Detroit, Mich., two brothers, Fred Wright of Westport, Can., and Albert Wright of Canton, N. Y.

The funeral will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2, Rev. W. J. Hancock officiating.

Interment will be made in Plessis, Brookside Cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Jacob F. Schulz, aged 48 years, of Lafargeville, died at the House of the Good Samaritan today at 1:25 p.m. as the result of injuries he received when kicked by a horse on April 22. He had suffered a fracture of the skull. He had been unconscious since the accident.

Mr. Schulz wah (sic) working in his barn when the accident occurred. After being attended by Dr. Byron Haskin of Theresa he was brought to the hospital where he had been under the care of Dr. M. M. Gardner.

Surviving are his wife, and two daughters.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top of this item.



Ceremony Solemnized at Home of Bride in Plessis--She Is Potsdam Normal Graduate.

(Special To The Times.)

Plessis, June 26. -- Miss Amie L. Frost of Plessis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Frost, and Clifford Joyce, 2 Emerson Place, Watertown, were married by Rev. W. J. Hancock, pastor of the Plessis Methodist Episcopal church at the home of the bride this morning at 11. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eves. Only close friends and members of the families were present. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Mrs. Harriet Frost, Redwood.

The bride was gowned in pink georgette and carried a bouquet of sweat peas. Mrs. Eves wore pale green georgette and carried sweet peas. The bride’s travelling costume was a Canton crepe blue ensemble with black hat.

Following the ceremony, a luncheon was served at the bride’s home, covers being laid for 18. Pink and white carnations were used in the decorations.

Mrs. Frost is a graduate of Potsdam Normal school. She taught In the Herkimer schools for three years and for the past two years has been teaching at Boon street school, Watertown. Mr. Joyce is assistant secretary of the Empire Petroleum Products Corporation of Watertown.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this write-up.



Redwood, Nov. 4. -- Leonard Hofferberth who resided two and one-half miles from Redwood on the Theresa-Redwood highway, passed away Sunday at 3 p.m. of influenza-pneumonia. His wife died last Thursday of the same disease. Mr. Hofferberth did not know of his wife’s death when he died.

Mr. Hofferberth was born in the town of Alexandria on March 4, 1857. When he was about 20 years of age he went west to New Mexico. Thirty-three years ago he returned to Redwood. On March 4, 1906, he married Mary Jane Holcomb. They lived for the past 22 years at their late home.

Surviving him, are one adopted daughter, Mrs. Fred Tibbles, and one brother, George Hofferberth, both of Redwood.

Mr. Hofferberth was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, Redwood.

A private funeral will be held from his late home, the Rev. Paul Krutsky officiating, at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be at Redwood.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, appeared at the top of this obit.



(Special To The Times.)

Theresa, Sept. 20. -- Mrs. Ida Sheldon Dingman dropped dead at her home on the Theresa-Redwood road this morning about 6:40. After she got up this morning she complained of a pain in her side and a short time later she crumpled up, dead. Death was due to heart trouble.

She was born April 29, 1961, at Lee Center, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon. She married Jason Dingman. She had resided many years at the farm where she died.

She is survived by her husband and three sons, George Dingman and Vincent Dingman of Theresa and Clarence of Lafargeville.

The funeral will be held from the home Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. E. Hastings officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery, Theresa.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of Mrs. Dingman’s obit.



Mrs. Hardy Awoke Husband Near Midnight But Died Before Medical Attention Could Be Given.

(Special to The Times.)

Plessis, March 24. -- Mrs. Lina Hardy, 68, wife of Charles J. Hardy, died suddenly at her home here last night. Mrs. Hardy was taken ill about a week ago and was believed suffering from indigestion. She recovered considerably but when her physician called yesterday afternoon she was in no pain and was able to take her place at the supper table.

At about 9 she retired. Mr. Hardy was awakened shortly before midnight by his wife who was trying to whisper to him. Mr. Hardy immediately called the physician and neighbors but before help arrived she passed away. The attending physician has requested an autopsy to determine cause of death.

Mrs. Hardy was born July 254, 1860, at Edwards, and had lived in Plessis for about 65 years.

She was the daughter of Wallace and Marietta Newman Van Amber. She attended the public schools here and on Aug. 24, 1891, was married to Charles J. Hardy of Stone Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy lived on the Hardy farm at Stone Mills and a few years later moved to Plessis to care for Mrs. Hardy’s parents.

Following Mr. Van Amber’s death succeeding the death of his wife, they moved to Gary, Ind., where Mr. Hardy engaged in the contracting work. A few years later they moved to Dakota where they purchased a large farm. Ten years ago they returned to Plessis and sold the Van Amber place near the village and bought the Charles Hosmer home in this village where they had resided since.

Mrs. Hardy was a charter member of the Alexandria Bay, O. E. S.

Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Malor of Woodson, Ill., and four grandchildren. Mrs. Malos (sic) is expected to arrive here Monday night to attend the funeral. Three children died when young.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the home, Rev. W. J. Hancock officiating. Burial will be in the family plot at Brookside cemetery.

Typist’s Note: It isn’t clear whether the year written at the top of this obit was 1928 or 1929.



Theresa, Aug. 19. -- The marriage of Miss Doris Neuroth, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neuroth of the northern part of the town, to Floyd Thomas King, son of Mr. and Mrs. George King of the Calaboga Road in Hammond, took place at 10 Saturday at the Neuroth home. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. Hastings of the Methodist Episcopal church in this village. They were attended by Edgar King, brother of the bridegroom, and Ruth Neuroth, sister of the bride.

Following the wedding a luncheon was served and the young couple departed for a short wedding trip to the western part of the state.

Mrs. King is a graduate of the Theresa High school and Antwerp training class and has been a successful teacher in the schools here. She is now at school in the Potsdam normal. She is active in church work and plays in the Methodist orchestra here.

Typist's Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this write-up.



Theresa Man Believed to Have Fallen Into Cistern While After Water to Put Out Fire--
Fireman Overcome Attempting to Enter House.

Redwood, Jan. 7. -- Presumably drowned when he fell into the cistern while getting a pail of water to put out a fire that had started near the oil stove in the kitchen of his home, the body of George Evans, 60, life-long resident of Redwood, was found Sunday morning, after the house had been completely destroyed. The fire was discovered by William J. Turner, a neighbor about 6 Sunday morning> Redwood volunteer fire department made a quick run to the place. A high wind was blowing and in spite of the heavy rain and the efforts of firemen the flames spread and the house burned like matchwood. Efforts were made to rescue Evans, who lived alone and was known to be ill with asthma and bronchitis, but he could not be found, due to smoke.

Carl Bickelhaupt and Carl Manning, with gas masks, entered the house, and reached the mattress on which Mr. Evans had been lying by the stove, but they could not find the man. Mr. Bickelhaupt was overcome by the smoke and had to be assisted outside and revived.

About noon, when the embers had cooled, a searching party entered the house and the body was found face downward in the cistern, which is in the cellar, in four feet of water. A pail, also found in the cistern indicated the manner in which the man had met his death. His clothing was slightly burned. The body was taken to the undertaking parlors of Jacob Quincer.

Mr. Evans, who was 60 years old and unmarried, lived alone on a little farm on the outskirts of the village on the road toward Alexandria Bay. There he conducted a chicken ranch.

About 7 Saturday night his nephew, George Evans, jr., Kenneth Carmen and Harry Honeywell, young men of Redwood, visited Mr. Evans, as they had been accustomed to do. He was ill with a cold and was at times delirious. The young men remained about two hours. Before they left Mr. Evans had placed a mattress in front of a stove and lay down to sleep there instead of going to his bedroom.

Assistant District Attorney H. B. Donaldson was notified and directed Dr. E. E. Eddy of Redwood to act as coroner’s physician. Dr. Eddy found no marks on the body nor signs of burns. There was nothing to indicate any foul play. There were some slight abrasions but these were believed to have been caused by the burning debris which fell into the cistern, covering the body. It was the opinion of Dr. Eddy that when the fire broke out Evans, ill and delerious, made his way to the cellar, plunged into the cistern and drowned.

Mr. Evans was born in the town of Hammond and had lived at Redwood for about ten years. He has a brother, Elmer J. Evans, and a sister, Mrs. Eliza Denner, both of Redwood.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this text.



(Special To The Times)

Dexter, Sept. 5. -- Funeral services for Miss Mabel Irene Alverson, 48, postmistress of this village, who died Wednesday morning at her home, will be conducted at her home Saturday morning and will be private. Friends may call at her home Friday afternoon and evening. Interment will be made in Dexter cemetery.

Please omit flowers.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten on this notice.



Family Dinner Served at Noon and It Is Attended By Their 13 Children, Their Families and Other Relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogt of 414 South Massey street are today celebrating their golden wedding anniversary and in observance of the occasion a large family dinner was served at noon which was attended by their 13 children, their families and other relatives. A purse of gold was given to the couple by their children and relatives and flowers and other gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Vogt on this occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.

Martin Vogt and Miss Anna Hartman were married at Redwood on March 25, 1879, by Rev. Mr. Braum, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hartman. Jacob Vogt, well known cheese maker of 117 North Massey street who retired last spring, and brother of Martin Vogt, acted as best man at the ceremony. He was among the guests who were today celebrating the 50th anniversary of the wedding.

After their marriage, the couple lived at Redwood for two years. They then purchased their own farm at Brownville where they lived for 39 years. At this home in Brownville, all their children were born except Mrs. George Schaber. Jointly with the farm, Mr. Vogt conducted the Vogt Homestead cheese facotry which was famous for the manufacture of limburger cheese. In this enterprise he was connected with his brother, Jacob Vogt. Martin Vogt was an authority on the making of this commodity and was one of the best known men in the cheese industry in northern New York. The advent of prohibition caused a slump in the cheese market and nine years ago he retired, he and Mrs. Vogt making their home since that time on Massey street.

Mr. Vogt, who will be 75 on April 12, was born in Baden Germany, in 1854, the son of John and Margaret Vogt. His father died when he was young. At the age of 19, he came to this country to his uncle’s farm located near Perch River. He worked there for a year and it was on his uncle’s farm that he learned the method of manufacturing limburger cheese. He was employed at various farms until after his marriage when he purchased a place of his won.

Mrs. Vogt was the daughter of Adam and Christine Hartman of Canada. She was born on Jan. 19, 1859, and came to this country when quite young.

The 13 children who gathered for the dinner and celebration today were: Mrs. George Schaber of West Webster, N. Y.; John Vogt of Chaumont; Mrs. Eva Sidmore of Syracuse; Mrs. Rose Schmitte of Clayton; Mrs. Edna Dorr of Brownville; Jacob Vogt of Limerick; Mrs. Edna Satchwell of Malden, Mass; Adam Vogt of Brownville; Mrs. Lydia O’Connor of Brownville; Karl Vogt of this city; Mrs. Elizabeth Barlow of Syracuse; Mrs. Clara Park of Syracuse, and Mrs. Caola Reed of Syracuse.

Mr. and Mrs. Vogt’s children were accompanied by their families. The couple have 25 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Among the eldest of the grandchildren present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grahn of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark of Lafargeville. Jacob Vogt, brother of Martin Vogt, was also present, as was their nephew, Rev. Frederick Vogt, pastor of the Evangelical Concordia Lutheran church.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this write-up. Also, at top center of this page was “Married For 50 Years” - a caption introducing a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogt.



(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, Oct. 8. -- Ransom H. Rogers, 74, died suddenly this morning at 9 at his home in this village. He was in his usual health when he got up this morning but was stricken shortly after carrying an armful of wood into the house. Dr. E. E. Eddy was summoned, but nothing could be done to save his life. Death was due to heart disease.

Mr. Rogers was born at Chapel Corners, town of Theresa. He spent his early life in the town of Theresa and operated a farm for many years near South Hammond. In 1881 he married Hattie E. Crabb. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Bertha M. Zoller of Redwood; three sisters, Mrs. Emma J. Simpson, Redwood, Mrs. Charlotte C. Simpson, Alexandria Bay, and Mrs. Betsy A. Jacquith, Alexandria Bay, and one brother, George Rogers, town of Theresa.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete but interment will be made in Redwood. Rev. Ernest Bragg, pastor of the Redwood Methodist Episcopal church, will officiate.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of Mr. Rogers’ obit.



Miss Gladys MacDonald and Hartley T. Schreiner, both of this city, were married on Monday afternoon, April 1, at the parsonage of the First Baptist church, Sayre, Pa., Rev. Harry M. Shepson, pastor, officiating. The couple left on a brief honeymoon to Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa., Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Both are employed by the Miller-Wohl Company, this city. They will reside at 252 Central street.



Redwood, July 24. -- A pretty wedding took place Tuesday morning, July 23, at St. Paul’s Episcopal church, Theresa, when James Vincent Male, jr., son of Mr. James Male, Redwood, and Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Dollinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dollinger of Redwood, were married by Rev. William Barnes, rector of the church.

The bride wore a dress of tan crepe romaine and carried a bouquet of sweet peas, snap dragons and wood ferns. They were attended by Ralph Dollinger and Mary J. Dollinger, brother and sister of the bride.

The couple will take a wedding trip to New York and points in Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Male is a graduate of the Redwood High school and Skaneateles training school. She has taught school for the past six years.

Mr. Male attended Redwood High school and an auto school in Detroit. He is now employed by Spooner and Campbell, Inc., Watertown.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the top fo this write-up.



West Stockholm, Jan. 15. -- Orrison L. Decker died at his home Jan. 7, from several severe attacks of heart trouble. Funeral was held from the Methodist church Thursday afternoon the brotherhood from Potsdam taking charge of the service. Burial was in West Stockholm cemetery. Mr. Decker was born Nov. 2, 1851 and always lived in this town.

He learned the blacksmith and wheelwrights trade when a boy and followed it for years. He then sold out and bought the H. D. Pinney general dry goods store. He formed a partnership with Albert Moses and conducted the business for over ten years. He later disposed of his interest to Mr. Moses. He was a member of the Methodist church of this place, uniting when Rev. Albert C. Danforth was pastor. He held the office of overseer of the poor several years and was a man well known in this section.

He married Miss Achsa Nelson ,eldest daughter of Admiral and Rebecca Nelson. She passed away twelve years ago.

He leaves three brothers, Wesley and Solomon of this place and Albert of Canton.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten on the top of this obit.



Mrs. Vogt, Who Was Married in New York City in 1888, Had Been in Ill Health For Past 15 Years.

Mrs. Elizabeth Margaret Vogt, 60, died at her residence, 117 North Massey street, at 5:15 a.m.,, today after an illness of more than 15 years. Mrs. Vogt was the wife of Jacob Vogt, former nationally known limburger cheese manufacturer, who survives her.

Mrs. Vogt was born in Woelchingen Baden, Germany, May 31, 1869, a daughter of Andrew and Barbara Lebert. At the age of 18 she came to the United States. A year later, March 4, 1888, she was married to Mr. Vogt in New York city. At that time Mr. Vogt resided at Brownville, R. F. D. Mr. and Mrs. Vogt resided on a farm there until 1907 when they came to Watertown. Mrs. Vogt had lived in Watertown since that time.

Early in 1928 Mr. Vogt disposed of his cheese factories. He had been in business 50 years. The factories sold were located in the town of Orleans and Brownville. Mr. Vogt still retains dairy farms in the town of Pamelia, at Lafargeville and Perch River. He retired in 1928.

Mrs. Vogt is survived, besides her husband, by her mother, Mrs. Barbara Lebert of Mergentheim, Germany; three daughters, Mrs. Yost Brandt, Pittsford, N. Y.; Mrs. Albert Haas, Lafargeville and Mrs. Paul S. Grahn, 117 North Massey street, city; three sons, Rev. Frederick K. Vogt of the Concordia Lutheran church here; William J. Vogt, Philadelphia, Pa., and Martin A. Vogt of Middleton, N. Y.; four grandchildren, Ruth, Erich and Louise Brandt of Pittsford, and William Thomas Vogt, jr. of Philadelphia, Pa., and two brothers, William Lebert, of this city and Fred Lebert of New York city.

The funeral will be conducted from the Concordia Lutheran church here Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. Francis R. Hoffmann of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, Utica, and Rev. Ernest M. Grahn of Philadelphia, Pa., will officiate. A private prayer service will be conducted at the home at 1:30 p.m. Monday.

Interment will be in the North Watertown cemetery.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1929, was handwritten at the top of this obit.



(Special To The Times.)

Theresa, Dec. 15. -- George Meeds, 57, of this village, died this morning at A. Barton Hepburn hospital, Ogdensburg. He went to the hospital last week for an operation.

A native of Dunbar, Ont., Mr. Meeds was born Feb. 27, 1871, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Meeds. He came here when a young man and married Miss Florence Pike in September, 1896. Soon after his marriage he and his wife went to Northwestern Canada where he took up claims on land. He spent his summers there for a number of years.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence Meeds; four children, Mrs. Roy Myers, Antwerp, Robert Meeds, Syracuse, Miss Hazel Meeds, Theresa, and Mrs. M. A. Abernathy, Buffalo, four brothers and a sister in Canada.

Funeral services will be held at the Theresa Methodist Episcopal church Monday at 2 p.m., Rev. C. E. Hastings, pastor, officiating. Interment will be made at Oakwood cemetery, Theresa.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1928, was handwritten on this obit.



Fell From Roof at the Home of James V. Parkinson, 702 Academy Street --
Organized First Scout Troop in City.

Charles Fred Pohl, 69, of 351 South Rutland street, died at the House of the Good Samaritan about 1 this afternoon, succumbing to injuries sustained on Aug. 20 when he fell from the roof of the home of James V. Parkinson, 702 Academy street. Mr. Pohl suffered a multiple fracture of the right elbow and bruises as the result of the accident. Dazed and suffering from shocks, he was brought to the hospital in a semi-conscious condition.

Mr. Pohl, a carpenter, and Mrs. Parkinson, who is 83, were engaged in cementing the roof of the latter’s home in Academy street. Mr. Parkinson had come down from the roof after tools and when he returned he found Mr. Pohl lying on the ground. It was estimated that Mr. Pohl fell about 30 feet.

Mr. Pohl was born April 3, 1860, in the town of Orleans, a son of Peter and Louise Baltz Pohl. Most of his life was spent in the town of Rutland and in Black River. For the past 25 years he resided in Watertown.

Mr. Pohl was an active member of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church. He was the organized (sic) of the first boy scout troop of the city, the Asbury church troop. He was actively connected with the Jefferson-Lewis council, Boy Scouts of America, for several years. He was the scout master of the present Asbury church troop and was a member of the troop committee of the troop.

He married Miss Cynthia Dunn in the town of Rutland on Dec. 17, 1879. Mrs. Pohl died on Feb. 16, 1912.

Surviving are two sons, Charles A. Pohl of New York city and Harold A. Pohl of Watertown; three daughters, Miss Edith L. Pohl, Helen M. Pohl of this city and Mrs. Dorothy A. Merriman of Black River; two brothers, George A. Pohl of Black River and Edward L. Pohl of the town of Rutland; a granddaughter, Mrs. Esther McMillan of Oakland, Calif., and eight other grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Typist’s Note: 1929 was handwritten at the bottom of Mr. Pohl’s obit.



Well Known Alexandria Bay Woman To Be Married to Syracuse Jurist.

The marriage of Mrs. Leta B. Forsyth, widow of Dr. C. B. Forsyth, of Alexandria Bay and Judge F. W. Thomson of Syracuse will take place at the chapel of Trinity church Tuesday noon, it was announced today. Dr. Francis W. Eason, rector of the church, will perform the ceremony.

The marriage will be simple, the attendants being Mrs. L. V. Hunt of Alexandria Bay, daughter of Mrs. Forsyth, and Mrs. Nathaniel Sherman of Watertown, daughter of Judge Thomson.

Following the ceremony the couple will take a wedding trip by automobile to Canada and the New England states.

The late Dr. Charles B. Forsythe (sic), who died in 1922, was one of the best known physicians of northern New York and a prominent resident of Alexandra Bay. Mrs. Forsythe (sic) is prominent in social circles in the resort region.

Judge Thomson is well known in Syracuse legal circles.

Typist’s Note: 1928 was handwritten at the top of this item.



Strange Looking Sewing Machine in Her Possession For Years---Children Drop in Often.

Theresa, March 21. --- At her spacious home in Riverside avenue in this village resides “Aunt” Hannah Loucks, who in her quiet even way is starting her 91st year all alone and is happy in doing her own work, which includes cooking and baking and spring housecleaning. She lives alone in her large house which she keeps spotlessly clean and one can always find an extra plate or two on the table, ready for company. Always there is an extra pie, cake and a cooky jar with good, home-made cookies. At housecleaning time she goes over her house and on down through the cellar, seeing that all places are clean and in order.

An object that is sure to claim the attention of the visitor is the strange looking sewing machine, threaded and ready to use. It is a Grover & Baker machine that has been in use every week for over 60 years. Mrs. Loucks states that it sews a seam today as good as it did a half century ago and she had rather have it today than any of the new-fangled ones. The day the machine was in the home and it ways remember well. (typed as written) It was an event in her life about like buying a flying machine now. Oscar Nellis came to their place one day in June in 1866 and when he went away the machine aws (sic) in the houme (sic) and it marked a new order of events in the housework, a nine-day wonder of the neighbors.

Mrs. Loucks has but recently celebrated her 90th birthday. It came March 12 and a few of the ladies of her acquaintance came in to take dinner and at evening time her son, William Loucks and wife took supper with her.

She was born in Danube, Herkimer county, March 12, 1837, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wagner. The day she was a year old her parents started out with a sleigh to make the long move to Jefferson county, where so many others from the Mohawk valley were locating. They came direct to a clearing near Perch Lake and located there. The section is now known as Dog Hill and the Wagner family still own the place, a grandson, Webster Wagner, owning the lands and residing there. At that time the place was nearly all woods and as late as when Mrs. Loucks was a child of three, four and six she remembers the howl of the wolf about the place and in the Perch Lake swaps, just over the hill. About the place one could see in the morning the runway of the wild animals.

The Orleans Four Corners church was the place where Mrs. Loucks went to Sunday school, going afoot to the place, quite a distance, after the heavy work of the farm daily had been completed. In those days house work included making cheese and butter from 20 to 30 cows.

She was married Oct. 8, 1836 (sic), to Andrew Martin Loucks, one of the family of eight boys and eight girls. They started in housekeeping and farming on the Loucks place, a mile from Fults Corners. Here again there was the work of a large dairy and often the walk across lots to the Orleans church. She is still a member of this church.

They had two sons, William and George, and from the income of the well kept farm they prospered. In time they moved to this village and for many years resided in the large square house across the street from the Methodist church. Mr. Loucks died Feb. 10, 1909, 78 years of age, almost to a day. Since that time Mrs. Loucks has resided alone and says she is perfectly able in her health to look after her place. The sons visit her each day, both residing in this village. There are two grandchildren, Gladys Loucks Neuroth of this section and Blanch Loucks DeYoung, of Huntington, W. Va. A great grandson, Jerry William, born March 11, the day before Mrs. Loucks’ birthday, is some four years old and also of West Virginia.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1927, was handwritten at the top of this article.



Local Resident Says Caves in Vicinity of Power Development --
Tells of Hearing Service While Under Baptist Church.

To the Times:

I have been much interested in articles appearing from time to time in The Times concerning the caves underneath the city of Watertown. When I was a youngster I had considerable experience exploring one of these caves.

My father, Ira A. Potter, occupied a large building for factory purposes on the north side of the river on Moulton street. One morning I went into the basement and noticed that a wall had fallen in. Not wanting to miss anything I crawled into the hole and much to my surprise discovered that I was in a cave.

Telling some of my boyhood associates the next day about it they became fired with a desire to go into the cave too, so armed with Hitchcock lamps and a ball of strong cord we started.

As we entered the cave there was a large chamber. We walked along and came to a tunnel running towards Brownville. This tunnel was about four feet across. We crawled in a number of feet when our lights went out, and fearing that the air was too rare for us in there, we decided to proceed no further and backed out.

Then we following another passageway which led down under the river near the Mill street dam. There we walked through a small stream of water across which we found a large log which must have come in from the river somewhere. Soon we found ourselves under Lance’s foundry, and could hear their tumbling barrel filled with castings.

There was the sound of water wheels over our head, and as we went along we could hear a train rattling along above us. Continuing our way we came under the present Wise building on the corner of Mill street and Public Square. In this block, which used to be the old Streeter block before it was rebuilt, a Mr. Heintzelman had a bakery and ice-cream parlor.

The proprietor must have been in the cellar, for we could plainly hear him talking to his boy in an attempt to get him to turn the ice-cream freezer. I know them and could distinguish their voices with ease. Immediately I knew where we were.

Under Marcy’s coal yard we could hear the men shoveling coal, and next under the Baptist church where a convention of some kind was being held we could hear the organ, the singing and the speaker.

In those days the city hackmen had their stand in front of the Baptist church and we heard Joe Knight, Mr. Barclay and others in the hack business at the time, as they were talking and laughing. There was a place near the curb by the church where we could look up and see light.

We went no farther under the Square, for there seemed to be a lot of earth in the way and no opening. I feel sure there are extensive caves under the Square.

At no time did we have to crawl very much, the height of the passages and chambers varying from four to six felt approximately. Going back under the river we came to a large space, and looking around saw a small trap door. Being the smallest of the bunch the others lifted me up and I pushed the trap aside. They shoved me up through and I landed in a woodshed.

I no more than landed on my feet than a baby began to cry and a woman in the front part of the house began singing and rocking it. I told the boys there was a back door open. We got out very quietly so that she did not hear us. We thought we had had some experience.

Having seen something in The Times about the making of a parking ground for automobiles on Beebee island, and feeling that the present excavating there for the power development might break through into the cave at any time, it occurred to me that they might want to investigate the matter further before going ahead with the project. I used to know of three different places of getting into this cave.

Charles T. Potter

617 Gotham street.



Main Structure Has 13 Stories High and Contains 202 Rooms---Placed on Pole 18 Feet High

Cape Vincent, April 25. -- The largest bird house in this section has just been built by Conroy F. Stanley of Cape Vincent. This is of an original design of Chinese architecture.

The main structure is thirteen stories high and has four turrets, twenty-four bay windows, each being the regulation size, six by six by six inches with openings one inch from bottom, two and a quarter by two and a quarter, with upper half rounded. On each story is a balcony with perchings rods.

The main structure and four turrets are painted Chinese yellow all being trimmed with black. The fine roofs are painted Chinese vermillion (sic). The material used in building the bird house is California redwood. It is eight feet high and five and a half feet square at the base and weighs approximately twelve hundred pounds. It is valued at over $1,200.

Hundreds of people have visited the Stanley work shop to watch the construction of the bird house during the past four months. It created unusual interest when it was erected on a steel structure 18 feet high Tuesday morning. It took eight men to carry it across the street, where it now stands, one block off the main highway.


The following article was headed by two large photos under the captions:



The year, 1926, was handwritten at the top of the article. The headings and text follow:

Bodies of Alexandria Bay Couple Found in Kitchen of Home

Shoots Wife and Then Himself to Prevent Her From Knowing of His Financial Troubles--
Lifeless Bodies Found Late Saturday Afternoon.

(Special to The Times.)

Alexandria Bay, Jan. 12. -- Shot through the heads, the lifeless bodies of Glenn N. Zoller, 39, proprietor of the Zoller Pharmacy, Inc., and his pretty blonde wife, Mrs. Mary Estes Zoller, 35, were found in the kitchen of the cozy Zoller residence on Crossmon street at 4 Saturday afternoon by Guy J. Zoller, brother.

Chief of Police Glenn Crabb became suspicious when he had not seen the pharmacist and his wife during the late morning and early afternoon and asked Guy Zoller to go to the house and see “if everything is all right.” The chief had heard reports that Zoller, worrying over serious financial troubles, had threatened to commit suicide.

Investigation by the authorities showed that Zoller had first murdered his wife as she was seated in a chair at the kitchen table, firing two bullets in the back of her head, and then killed himself with a bullet through the right side of his temple. The tragedy, it is believed, took place Saturday morning about 9.

Funeral services for the husband and wife will be held from the Zoller residence, 13 Crossman street, on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 and at 2 from the Reformed Church of the Thousand Islands, Rev. Thomas Adams, pastor, will officiate. Interment will take place in Highland cemetery, this village.

Finding the dead bodies of his brother and sister-in-law, Guy Zoller rushed out of the house and notified Chief Crabb of the tragedy. The chief and Zoller then returned to the house and the investigation was started. Dr. Harold Gokey was notified.

Financial Troubles Blamed.

Beside the body of Zoller, which was lying near the entrance of the dining room, was found a .38 calibre revolver, with three chambers empty. And snuggled against the side of the dead body was “Bozo,” a pet bull dog. The body of Mrs. Zoller was slumped over the kitchen table.

Financial difficulties, which preyed on Zoller for over a year, according to county authorities, caused him to shoot his wife, and then turn the gun on himself.

The murder and suicide are believed by officials to have occurred around 9 a.m. Saturday. The remains of breakfast were on the table in the kitchen.

Friends and relatives say that Zoller for the past few weks had been brooding over his financial troubles, and showed his despondency, when his drug store was closed Friday night by officers from the sheriff’s office on order of execution after numerous transcripts had been filed had been filed against him.

Although Zoller had been in financial difficulties for some time, he had successfully kept the news from his wife. But with the closing of the store by the sheriff and a scheduled sale by the authorities this week to satisfy judgments, he knew that his wife would learn of his difficulties soon and he decided to snuff out both of their lives, authorities believe. He had lavished much money on his wife.

Dr. Gokey, upon examination, said the couple had been dead for some time. It is the theory that Zoller had lived about two hours. Mrs. Zoller is believed to have died instantly.

Friends Were Suspicious.

Chief of Police Glenn Crabb gave the following statement to a Times reporter about the double fatality, describing positions of the bodies when found:

“Harold Edick and Carl Cranker, clerks in the store had been suspicious of Mr. Zoller’s actions for several weeks back. They often spoke to me of it. I also was suspicious, as Glenn had talked of his troubles with me often.

“Glenn’s worries started last April, when several judgments were entered against him. Several were large ones, but he managed to stave them off. Everyone did all possible to help him, and carried him along. Even the county officials were as lenient as possible. For some time past I had been compelled to take things from the store on levies.

“During the past few weeks things became worse. Friday night Sheriff F. D. Walrath, and Undersheriff C. A. Chase and Deputy Joseph Hull came to the village. After attending to legal matters, the store was officially closed Friday night.

“Edick and Clymer, clerks, took inventory Saturday, and about 4 p.m. Harold Edick came out of the store, and I asked him where he was going. He told me he was worried about Glenn, and felt something must have occurred. I was also suspicious. I told Harold he should go to the Zoller home and see Glenn. Just then Guy Zoller came along. I told Guy to go and get Glenn, and Guy left for Glenn’s home.

“Soon he came back, and told me the two were dead. We went back to the house. Zoller was lying on his back on the kitchen floor, with his head over the threshold into the dining room. The dog was lying on the overcoat, which Zoller wore, nestled against his side. The dog whimpered when Guy and I approached the body.

Wife Seated at Table.

“Mrs. Zoller was sitting at the small kitchen table. The table was still set. Her body was slumped forward on to the table. Her left hand was on a small pad of paper, while her right hand hung by her side. Her body was resting against the electric range, near the table. Below her right hand was a pencil. Mrs. Zoller had been writing out her lift of groceries, when she was shot, as the list had not been completed. Among the items listed were carrots, onions, two pounds of lard, meat.

“Her plate set to the right of her, as though she moved it to write. She was dressed in a house dress and wore an apron.

“I then looked around for a gun. There was none in sight. I looked near Zoller’s body, but saw no gun. I made a careful search around the kitchen and dining room, and still no gun. Then I became excited, as it looked as if some one had entered the place and shot both, and left.

“Finally I decided to move the body of Zoller, and found the revolver was below his right hip, between his overcoat and body. It was a .38 calibre.

Mrs. Zoller was shot over and back of the left ear, and through the heck, upwards toward the head. The hair was singed near both bullet holes, indicating that the gun was close when fired. Zoller was shot through the right temple. There were powder marks near the wound. He had apparently stepped back after shooting his wife, held the revolver to his temple, and fired it. He fell backward toward the dining room door, authorities believe.

Reconstruction of the shooting by county officials, relatives and friends tend to show that the shooting did not take place during the breakfast. The oat meal had been eaten, as was the toast, there being crumbs and pieces of toast on the table.

Zoller Visits Drug Store.

Zoller on Saturday morning had, according to schedule, left home and appeared at 8 a.m. at the drug store. The clerks were working at the inventory. He stopped and undid two bundles of newspapers, as was his custom. He spoke to various persons who came along, including the chief of police. After a time he left the store, but instead of going home his usual route, he went by a roundabout way.

He stopped at the home of his parents where he visited. He made no complaints, but showed much worry. H. L. Wagoner, cousin to Mrs. Glenn Zoller, met him, and they talked. Mr. Wagoner said he looked “terrible,” but nothing was said, other than casual remarks. Glenn then continued to his home.

It is believed he had the revolver with him at the time. No one seems to know where he obtained the gun. Returning to his home he entered, removed his rubbers and hat, leaving them near the living room entrance, by the hat rack.

Guy Zoller, who had been sent to (sic) by the chief to the Zoller home, said when he entered the house and received no response he went upstairs, believing the two were there. Not finding them he returned down stairs, and again called to his brother. He then walked toward the kitchen and saw Glenn lying on the floor. He went to the body, and then saw Mrs. Zoller lying over the table. He dog was walking restlessly about the body of his brother.

Regarding the Zoller tragedy, District Attorney Donaldson said today: “I think it was several hours before Zoller was found that he shot his wife. The first bullet was fired from a distance of at least across the room and struck her in the back of the left ear. After he walked up and fired at close range, shooting her in the back of the head at the base of the skull, because the skin was badly powder burned, showing a close shot.

“I believe that in all probability he inflicted the mortal wound on himself immediately after that. When I made the examination I found his body was warm, but his pet dog was lying close to him and I believe that it was the warmth from his dog’s body that made his body feel warm, as later examination showed that other parts of his body were cold. Mrs. Zoller’s body was cold and stiff, rigor mortis having set in.

“I think she was shot early in the forenoon. Apparently he had put on his overcoat to go out and get an order of groceries, which she was writing out. Apparently he had the gun in his coat pocket and pulled it out and fired the first shot at her while she was writing the grocery order.

“About three weeks ago Zoller came to consult me in reference to his financial difficulties, and I did some work for him in the matter of adjustment of a claim.”

A Devoted Couple.

People in this village, who had known the couple for years, spoke today of their deep devotion to each other. They were married 15 years ago in the house where the tragedy occurred. It is said that Mrs. Zoller was deeply devoted to her home and was an excellent housekeeper. Chief of Police Crabb notified Sheriff Frank D. Walrath, and District Attorney H. B. Donaldson, who hasted here, and assumed charge of the investigation. Mr. Donaldson refused to make statements as to his findings. District Attorney Donaldson ordered the bodies removed to the C. B. Roseboom undertaking home.

Was Heavily in Debt

Zoller had been doing business of about $40,000 a year at the store, the greatest income being in the summer period. It is said he owed $8,000 to $10,000, and that the bungalow home was mortgaged for $8,000.

According to the county officials, the gun used by Zoller had been borrowed, but the name of the owner is not known. He had had the revolver in his possession since before Christmas when he drove to Syracuse with his wife so she could spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Irving R. Lewis. Mr. Zoller did not remain in Syracuse, but returned to Alexandria Bay.

While in Syracuse he told Mrs. Lewis of his financial troubles, but warned her not to say a thing to his wife. Harold Edick, clerk in the store, knew Zoller had the gun and had sought to have him return it, but Zoller refused.

Zoller Warned of Suicide.

Captain Samuel B. Massey, proprietor of the St. Lawrence Inn and the Thousand Island House, said Sunday that he had been aware of Zoller’s financial troubles for some time. He was the last man to make a loan on a note to the former druggist.

It was early in December that Zoller told Captain Massey if he could let him have $150 he would be able to straighten out his financial troubles. Captain Massey advanced the money to Mr. Zoller and said he knew it was applied on bills.

“When the note was due Glenn came over to Mrs. Massey and said he would be unable to pay the note at that time,” Captain Massey said to a Times reporter. “He then came to me and said he would be willing to renew the note if I desired. At that time he was standing in front of a window in the St. Lawrence Inn and looking over at his drugstore said, ’I guess the only thing for me to do is commit suicide.’

“I laughed at him when he made such a statement. I tried to cheer him up by telling him he was only a young man and would be able to go out and start all over again and make money.

“The day Glenn came here to tell me that he could not pay the note, he said to Mrs. Massey, “I have found out that you and “Cap” are the only friends I have here. You have been willing to help me when others have refused any aid’.”

Active Worker in Village.

Glenn N. Zoller was one of the most active civic workers in this village. He was president of the chamber of commerce for several terms, and was a charter member of the Bay Kiwanis club, and always took active interest in the fire department. Mr. Zoller was a member of the Alexandria Bay Lodge, No. 297, F. & A. M., Thousand Island Chapter, 149, R. A. M., Watertown Commandery, No. 11, Knights Templar, and Media Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.

He obtained his early education in district schools in this township later moving with his family to Adams where he was graduated from high school. He entered the University of Buffalo to study pharmacy, graduating in the class of 1913. Coming to Alexandria Bay after graduation, he entered the employment of Cook & Marshall, who owned two stores, one on James street and the other at Church and Market streets, which Mr. Zoller took over a few years later.

Mrs. Zoller always resided in this village, and was well known. Her father, Byron J. Estes, was captain of the yacht of Burns Lyman Smith of Syracuse for years. He died in Syracuse, April, 1925.

Her mother was visiting in Syracuse, with her daughter, Mrs. Gwendolyn Lewis, when the shooting happed Saturday. It was not until evening, that the mother, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were notified. Mr. Lewis, with his wife and mother-in-law, left Syracuse Saturday night about 10 and reached Alexandria Bay, after a drive of about three hours and 20 minutes.

Mr. and Mrs. Zoller were married in their own home here on Sept. 20, 1915, by Rev. Mr. Benjamon, pastor of the Reformed church, at that time.

Glenn N. Zoller was the son of Jacob N. and Marion Ida Jewett Zoller. He was born in the town of Alexandria, near Goose Bay, July 18, 1891. Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, Guy J. Zoller.

Mrs. Mary Estes Zoller was born in the town of Alexandria, May 27, 1895, daughter of Byron J. and Edith Wagoner Estes. Besides her mother, she is survived by one sisters, Mrs. Irving R. Lewis, formerly Gwendolyn Estes.

Typist’s Note; As stated above, the year, 1926, was handwritten at the top of this write-up.



(Special To The Times)

Hammond, April 9. -- William Alfred Webster, 86, died at his home in South Hammond Tuesday at 6:20 p.m. He had been in failing health since last November but was seriously ill only 24 hours.

Mr. Webster was born May 12, 1843, in the house where he died and where he had always lived. He was a former (sic). On Jan. 5, 1871, he married Miss Charlotte Dygert of South Hammond. She died on June 13, 1914.

For years Mr. Webster was justice of the peace and took an active part in town affairs. He never served as supervisor but was long regarded as one of the most prominent men in the town. He leaves one son, Dr. W. L. Webster, a dentist, who resides at the Webster homestead.

Funeral services will be held form the home Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial will be made in Rarick cemetery.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Boat Builder and Well Known Game Warden Succumbs in Hepburn Hospital at Ogdensburg After Illness of Few Weeks.

(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, May 31. -- John J. Dollinger, 68, proprietor of the Dollinger House here, boat builder and well known game warden, died Friday morning about 1:30 a.m. at the Hepburn hospital, Ogdensburg. Death followed an illness of a few weeks with Brights disease.

Mr. Dollinger was born in Redwood, Jan. 9. 1862, son of John and Mary Carmon Dollinger. He always resided in Redwood where for years he built boats in connection with the hostelry. For the past 18 years he had been a game warden and during his time had apprehended hundreds of conservation law violators.

He was married to Miss Minnie Hawley in Carthage in 1885. He was a member of Alexandria Bay F. and A. M., Watertown Lodge of Elks, No. 496, and the Redwood I. O. O. F.

Besides his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Ernest Baldwin, Syracuse; Mrs. George Forsythe, Orleans Four Corners; Mrs. James Male, Watertown; Miss Mary Dollinger, Redwood; one son, Ralph Dollinger; three brothers, Frederick, Niagara Falls; William, Watertown, and Edward, Redwood; one sister, Elizabeth, Redwood, and several grandchildren.

A Masonic funeral will be held from the home Sunday at 2:30 p.m., with Rev. William Barnes, rector of the Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be made in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, was written at the beginning of this obit.



Worked in Redwood Glass Factory During His Youth---Was a Native of Oxbow.

(Special to The Times)

Redwood, Jan. 4. -- William P. Donoven, 71, one of the last of the men who worked in the famous Redwood glass factory years ago, died at 12 Friday night at his home in this village. Dr. Donoven had been in failing health for three years and had been seriously ill for several months. Death was attributed to heart disease.

He was born in Oxbow on Feb. 28, 1858< a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donoven.

In his youth Mr. Donoven was employed as a glass blower in the plant that made glass used throughout the country. The business waned about 50 years ago and the plant was closed.

For several years Mr. Donoven travelled around the country, working in various glass manufacturing plants. Two years of his life were spent in Laredo, Texas. On Dec. 1, 1913, he married Lena Failing who survives. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. S. M. Johnston, Laredo, Texas, Mrs. Elizabeth Cunningham, Watertown, and Mrs. Walter Fall, Black River, and one brother, George Donoven of Redwood.

He was a member of the Catholic church and Watertown Lodge of Elks.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday from St. Cyril’s church, Redwood. Interment will be made in Redwood.

Typist’s Note: 1930 was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Built Block in Village 32 Years Ago and Conducted Undertaking and Furniture Business

(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, Sept. 10. -- Jacob Quincer, 73, well known resident and business man of this village, died at his home here at 4:15 this morning after a long illness.

Mr. Quincer was born Dec. 16, 1856, son of Philip and Kathleen Riester Quincer. Thirty-two years ago Mr. Quincer built the business block in Redwood which he occupied with his business of undertaking, furniture, coal and lumber up to within a short time of his death.

He married several yeas ago Miss Elizabeth Christine Stotler of this village. Mr. Quincer was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, a charter member of Lakeside lodge, I. O. O. F., and a charter member of Redwood lodge, I. O. O. F. He had acted as treasurer of the Redwood Lodge of Foresters’ since its inception in the village. Mr. Quincer was a director of the Redwood National bank and a trustee of Redwood Cemetery association.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Stotler Quincer, Redwood; two daughters, Mrs. C. D. Reed, Philadelphia, N. Y.; Clara J. Quincer, a teacher at Glouster college, Baltimore, and a brother, Mark Quincer, Malta, Illinois.

Funeral services will be held from the late home Friday afternoon at 2. Rev. Francis Hoffman of Utica, officiating, assisted by Rev. Paul Krutzky, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church. The Odd Fellows will have charge of the service at the grave. Burial will be made in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: “10 Sept 1930” was handwritten at the top of Mr. Quincer’s obit.



Mr. Robbins Is Interest Teller at Northern New York Trust Company---
Miss Gibson Is Cashier at Continental Bag Company

(Special to The Times.)

Cape Vincent, March 18. -- Announcement of the engagement of Miss Nathalie M. Gibson, daughter of the late Thomas and Emma Gibson, to Everett F. Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Robbins, was made Monday night at a St. Patricks’s Day party tendered by Mrs. Paul W. Gandjean, sister of the bride-to-be, at her home here.

The Grandjean home was decorated in green for the occasion and a bridge dinner was served. Following the luncheon, bridge was played. Thirty-one were present at the party and seven tables of bridge were played. Mrs. Elwin Pond won first prize and consolation went to Mrs. George Londraville.

While both Mr. Robbins and Miss Gibson reside in this village, they commute to Watertown, where both have positions. Mr. Robbins is employed as interest teller at the Northern New York Trust company and Miss Gibson is cashier at the Continental Paper Bag company.

Mr. Robbins is a graduate of Cape Vincent High school, and attended Syracuse university for a time. Later he attended the Central City Business school from which he graduated. He is a member of the John Londraville Post, American Legion and a Mason.

Miss Gibson is a graduate of Cape Vincent Business school.

Typist’s Note: “Mar 18, 1930” was handwritten at the top of this item.



Mrs. Robbins Has Been Employed as Cashier By Continental Paper & Bag Co. and
Mr. Robbins Is Teller at Northern New York Trust Co.

(Special to The Times)

Cape Vincent, Sept. 22. -- Miss Nathalie Gibson, of Cape Vincent, cashier in the office of the Continental Paper & Bag company, Watertown, and Everett Robbins, also of Cape Vincent, teller at the Northern New York Trust company, Watertown, were married Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at the rectory of St. Vincent de Paul’s church here by the Rev. Robert Duford, pastor. They were attended by Mrs. Ruth Grandjean and Ray Fitzgerald, both of Cape Vincent.

The bride was attired in navy blue with hat and shoes to match. She carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Grandjean wore chanel red and carried yellow roses.

Following the ceremony a luncheon was held at the home of Mrs. Grandjean. Only immediate relatives were present. Several prenuptial events have been given for Mrs. Robbins. A linen shower was given by Mrs. Elsie Keough, a dinner and bridge by Miss Elizabeth Keough and a bridge party by Mrs. Elsie Gosier and Mrs. E. P. Hollenbeck, all of Cape Vincent.

Mrs. Robbins is the daughter of the late Tom and Emma Gibson of Cape Vincent. She is a graduate of Cape Vincent High school and of Central City Business School of Syracuse.

Mr. Robbins is the son of Harry and Annie Robbins of Cape Vincent. He is also a graduate of Cape Vincent High school and Central City Business Institute.

Mr. and Mrs. Robbins left on a wedding trip to Montreal and other points in Canada. On their return they will reside in Cape Vincent.



Theresa, April 19. -- L. D. Pickert of Theresa and Mrs. Jennie Cook of Redwood were quietly married early this week and are now on a wedding trip at Washington, D. C., according to word received from them by friends in this village.

Mr. Pickert is connected with the New York Central railroad at the Theresa station, where he has been employed for a number of years. He has been making his home with his daughter in Riverside avenue.

His bride is well known in Redwood. She is the widow of the son of John Cook. It is expected that they will make their home in Theresa upon their return.

Typist’s Note: 1930 was handwritten at the top of this item.



Redwood, July 2. -- Henry Taylor Billings, Brockville, Ont., and Miss Alice Caroline King of this village were married here Saturday. Rev. Paul Krutzky, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, performed the ceremony. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Edward King. They will be at home in Hammond after July 4. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George King of this place.

Typist’s Note: 1930 was handwritten at the top of this item.



HANSON -- At the House of the Good Samaritan, Sept. 19, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. William I. Hanson, 878 State street, Carthage, a son.



Had Been in Good Health Until Friday---Was Active in Business and Fraternal Life of the Village.

Alexandria Bay, Sept. 2. -- Norris Abram Houghton, 56, one of the best known residents of the village and a prominent business man, died suddenly at his home, 7 Crossmon street, Monday morning. He had been in splendid health up until Friday evening when he had a slight attack of kidney trouble. Another attack followed Monday morning about 3 and a physician was called. Medical attention appeared to aid him and his condition was satisfactory when the doctor left. He was found dead at 6:30 a.m.

Mr. Houghton’s passing was a shock to the entire village. He had been prominent in civic and fraternal affairs for years.

He was born in Wisner, Neb., April 7, 1874, the son of Almon H. Houghton and Mrs. Candace Raught Houghton. When he was six months old his family moved to Alexandria Bay and he has lived in this village since that time. He was educated in the local schools and was a member of the class of 1895 in St. Lawrence university. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.

Late in 1893 he had a severe attack of typhoid fever and was forced to leave school. Upon his recovery he was employed for a short time by Henry Hartman in his hardware store. After this he attended Oneonta Normal school but did not graduate. He went to New York city where he was graduated from the Renourd School of Embalming.

Returning to this village he became associated with Charles Haas in the undertaking business and the firm of Haas & Houghton was active in business until the fall of 1917 when Mr. Houghton bought Mr. Haas’ share of the partnership. He had been in business alone since then.

Mr. Houghton married Miss Louise Watson of this village, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Watson, in 1901. Mrs. Houghton survives him.

He was very active in the various fraternities in the village. He was a member of the Alexandria Bay chapter, No. 297, F. & A.. M., the Theresa chapter, No. 149, R. A. M., the Watertown Knights Templar, No. 11, and Media Temple. He belonged to the local chapter of the Odd Fellows, No. 854. He was also a member of the Thousand Island chapter of the Eastern Star, No. 154 and had been a past grand lecturer of that order. He was a member of the local chapter of the Kiwanis and at the time of his death was president of the club. He was a member of the local fire department. He belonged to the Reformed church of the Thousand Islands and was an elder of the church.

Besides his widow, he leaves his father, Almon H. Houghton, who is ill in the A. Barton Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg; a daughter, Miss Elizabeth Houghton; a son, Joseph, both of this village, and a sister, Mrs. S. J. Vrooman, also of this village.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from his home on Crossmon street, Rev. Thomas Adams of the Reformed church officiating. Interment will be made in Walton street cemetery. The funeral will be in charge of the local chapter of the Masons and there will be a Commandery escort.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, appeared at the top of this obit.



The wedding of Clarence Wayne Flath, son of Adam A. Flath, retired farmer of Pamelia, and Miss Mildred Martha Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen of Gunn’s Corners, took place this noon at the home of the bride’s parents at Gunns Corners. Rev. Frederick K. Vogt, pastor of the Concordia Lutheran church of Watertown, officiated.

The couple was attended by Miss Edith Allen, sister of the bride, and Jay Ormsby of Clayton. The wedding took place on the birthday of Mrs. Dale Dow of Champion, aunt of the bride. Mrs. Dow played Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The wedding took place under a floral arch of garden flowers, ferns and evergreens.

Miss Allen was gowned in a green chiffon with blonde shoes and hose. Miss Edith Allen wore green georgette. The bride’s gift to her bridesmaid was a toilet set and Mr. Flath gave his best man a tie pin.

Mr. and Mrs. Flath left by auto for Princeton, N. Y., and points south and upon their return will reside at Pamelia Four Corners.

Mr. Flath has been employed for the past seven years by Cities Service and his bride has been employed at the Howland Bay company at Dexter for the last four years.

A wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kissell of Watertown.

Guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kissell, all of Watertown; Mrs. Martha Getman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Allen, the Misses Edith and Carrie Allen of Limerick; Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Dorr and daughters, Marian and Ruth of Carthage; Adam Flath, Miss Dorothy Lingenfelter, Walter Flath, Evans Mills; Jay Ormsby, Clayton; Frank Clemons of Depauville.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, was noted at the top of this write-up.



(Special to The Times.)

Alexandria Bay, June 26. -- Mrs. Susan Betz, 86, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Leonard, 15 Avery avenue, this village, at 9:40 this morning. She had been ill about a week. Death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

Mrs. Betz was born Dec. 10, 1943, in Doorn, Germany, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eckert. She came to this country with her parents when three years old. The crossing which was made in a sail boat took more than six weeks. During the greater part of her life she had resided on a farm near Redwood and 26 years ago moved to this village upon the death of her husband, Henry Betz. She was a member of the Lutheran church of Redwood.

(Surviving are) Mrs. Frank Leonard, Miss Margaret Betz, both of this village, Mrs. Catherine Sage, Charlotte, N. Y., and Mrs. Peter Haas, Philadelphia, N. Y. (probably the omitted line said "Surviving are daughters...); two brothers, Philip Eckert, Depauville, and Peter Eckert, Chattanooga, Tenn., and a sister, Mrs. Catherine Hall, this village, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Leonard, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Burial will be made in Redwood cemetery, Rev. Thomas Adams, pastor of the Reformed church of the Thousand Islands, will officiate.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, appeared at the top of this obit. Errors were made in printing the obit, as though words were omitted.



Alexandria Bay, May 31. -- Mrs. Lottie Simpson has just announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss De Etta Simpson, to Wilson Kernehan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kernehan. The couple were married March 16 by Rev. Miles Hutchinson of Philadelphia. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaquith.

Typist’s Note: “17 Mar 1930” was handwritten at the top of this item.



Becomes Wife of Morris Paddock---Young Couple Will Make Their Home in Redwood

(Special to The Times.)

Hammond, April 18. -- Miss Lois Daniels, teacher in the intermediate department of Hammond high school, and Morris Paddock were married Thursday evening at 9 at the Methodist Episcopal church by Rev. John McLachlan. They were attended by Miss Ruth Allen and Professor Charles O. Covell of Westfield, N. J.

The bride was gowned in blue georgette with hat to match. The bridesmaid wore rose colored crepe with a black hat.

Mrs. Paddock is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Daniels of Hammond. She graduated from the Ogdensburg Teachers’ training class and the Potsdam Normal school. She taught three years in the rural schools of this vicinity and for the past two years has been teaching in Hammond high school.

Mr. Paddock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Paddock of Hammond. He is a plumber and tinner and has a shop at Redwood. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for Redwood where they will reside.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1930, was written at the top of this item.



Rossie, April 19. -- Mrs. Charles W. Baldwin, 77, passed away at the farm home in the town of Rossie on April 12.

Mrs. Baldwin was the daughter of Charles and Pameilia (sic) Anna Tyler Austin. She was born in the town of Hammond Sept. 14, 1853. When a girl of five years of age she moved with her parents to the farm near where she passed away.

On July 5, 1880, she was married to Charles W. Baldwin of Theresa. Shortly afterwards they purchased the county line farm where she resided until her death.

She is survived besides her husband by two sons, Warren C., of Rossie and Ernest J. Baldwin of Syracuse and four daughters, Mrs. Joel J. Tyler, Mrs. H. Elvin Nelson of South Hammond, Mrs. Leon Burtis of Rossie and Miss Florence Baldwin who remained at home with her parents and one sister, Miss Susie Austin, 83.

Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at Rossie Tuesday, Rev. W. H. Campbell, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial was made in the Rarick cemetery at South Hammond.

Typist’s Note: The year on this obit was handwritten in as “1930.”



Gouverneur, Oct. 28. -- The marriage of Miss Clara Lenore Hockey and Burton Whiting Brown was performed at the rectory of Trinity Episcopal church Saturday evening at 9. The couple was attended by Mrs. Gertrude Leeson, sister of the bride, and William M. Hockey, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. V. O. Boyle.

Miss Hockey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hockey of Johnstown street. She was graduated from the Gouverneur High school in 1929, and for the past year has been in training for a nurse at the Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg.

Mr. Brown is an employe of the St. Joseph Lead company, Balmat. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Brown left for a trip to New York city and upon their return will reside in Gouverneur.

Typist’s Note: “1930” was written at the top of this write-up.



Mr. Rebscher Had Been in Business Many Years---Died Suddenly of Heart Attack Tuesday.

Redwood, Sept. 4. -- Funeral services for the late Fred Rebscher, 78, prominent hay and cattle buyer of this village, who died Tuesday afternoon, were held at 2 this afternoon from his home a quarter of a mile from this village on the Watertown-Ogdensburg road. Rev. Hulbert Campbell of the Hammond Presbyterian church officiated.

Death was attributed to heart trouble. Mr. Rebscher had been in comparatively good health prior to his death, but following dinner Tuesday he complained of feeling exhausted. Almost immediately after lying down he passed away.

Mr. Rebscher was born in Lafargeville, Feb. 13, 1853, a son of William and Elizabeth Rebscher. He spent his early childhood on a farm near that village, removing to Redwood with his parents at the age of ten years. He married Frances Hartman, daughter of George and Margaret Hartman of this village in 1875. Four children were born to them, two of whom survive. Harold Rebscher and Mark Rebscher having died several years ago.

He was a member of the Kirkland grange, No. 684, a director of the Redwood National Bank, and a member of the Redwood Cemetery association. He conducted a meat market to this village before entering the hay and cattle buying industry 53 years ago. His son, F. F. Rebscher, was connected with him in his business.

Surviving besides his widow are two children, F. F. Rebscher and Clara Rebscher, both of this village, and three grandchildren, Mrs. Richard Lang, of Athens, Ont., and Frederick and Elizabeth Rebscher of this village.

Interment was made in the Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1931, was indicated on this obit.



Alexandria Bay, July 13. -- Mrs. Catherine Rebscher Hartman, 66, a well known resident of this place and Redwood during her entire life, died at 4 this morning at her home here. Death was caused by heart failure. She had been in poor health since she suffered an attack of pneumonia in January. The attack was followed by a relapse.

Mrs. Hartman was born in Sept. 1864, at Redwood to George and Elizabeth Rebscher. She married John Hartman on April 3, 1902. They resided on a farm on the Bay road for two years after their marriage and then they moved to this village where the rest of their lives was spent. Mr. Hartman died in the spring of 1924.

Mrs. Hartman was a member of the Eastern Star of the Dutch Reformed church of this village, and of the Heidelburg Guild of that church.

One brother, Fred Rebscher, Redwood, survives, as well as several nephews and nieces. No children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hartman.

The funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday from the late residence. Rev. Thomas Adams, pastor of the Dutch Reformed church, will officiate. Burial will be at Redwood.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1931, was handwritten at the top of Catherine’s obit.



Close Friends of Well Known Business Man Act as Bearers--Numerous Floral Tributes Received.

(Special to The Times)

Redwood, Sept. 5. -- Scores of friends and former business associates paid tribute to the late Fred Rebscher, well known cattle and hay buyer, at funeral services held Friday afternoon from the late home in this village. Rev. W. H. Campbell, pastor of the Hammond Presbyterian church, officiated.

The bearers were all close friends of Mr. Rebscher and included: Herschel Kabel, Floyd and Fred White, John Watson, Charles Overacker and Lawrence Statler, all of this village.

Mr. Rebscher was taken ill suddenly on Tuesday following dinner and expired a short time later. Up to the time of his death, Mr. Rebscher had been actively engaged and had enjoyed fairly good health. He was the last of seven children and came to this village 66 years ago where he had since resided. Mr. Rebscher was a well known figure in practically every town in Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties where he had been engaged in the business of buying and selling of hay and cattle for the past 53 years. A son, F. F. Rebscher, had been associated with his father and will continue to carry on the business in the future.

For the past 15 years, Mr. Rebscher had been a member of the board of directors of the Redwood National bank and in 1921 was made a trustee of the Redwood cemetery association, which post he held until his death. Mr. Rebscher had long been a prominent member of the Kirkland grange and a communicant of the Lutheran church.

Among the many beautiful floral pieces from friends were: Mrs. Fred M. Williams, New York; Fred Sperry, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eustis, Chicago; Adam Bickelhaupt, president of the Redwood National bank, and John C. Muldoon, Watertown. A floral piece was also sent by the board of trustees of the Redwood cemetery.

Many friends and relatives of the family from various sections of the state attended the funeral. Among them were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Laidlaw, Hammond; Mrs. Harry Eustis, Chicago; Mrs. Red Williams and Payne Williams, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartman, Delbert Haas, Capt. Samuel Massey and Postmaster Henry Lenhardt, all of Alexandria Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porter, Theresa; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eckert, Lafargeville; Mrs. Frank Nichols, Utica; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Layng, Boonville; Frank Layng, Carthage; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sperry, Niagara Falls; George and John Hartman, Ithaca.

Interment was made in the family plot in the Redwood cemetery.



Mrs. Reynolds Is a Graduate of Potsdam Normal School--
Mr. Reynolds Conducts Barber Shop at Plessis.

Theresa, July 14. -- A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage at 10:30 a.m. today, when Miss Ruth Neuroth of the Theresa-Redwood state road, became the bride of Virgil L. Reynolds of Plessis. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. Hastings, pastor of the church. The couple was attended by Miss Maude Dillingham of this village, and Roscoe Hunter of Plessis.

Directly following the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds drove to their home in Plessis where they will reside. They have rented and furnished the Holkins' house in Plessis.

The couple was to have been married a week ago with ahome wedding at the Neuroth home, but the sudden death of Miss Lois Neuroth, sister of the bride, the day previous to the wedding date caused a change of plans.

Mrs. Reynolds is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neuroth and is a graduate of Theresa High school, the Antwerp training class and the rural education course of the Potsdam Normal school. She has been a teacher for the past three years. She will teach the coming school year in the King district, north of Redwood.

Typist’s Note: 1931 was written in pen on this item.



(Special to The Times.)

Redwood, Nov. 19. -- Mrs. Amelia Colgrove, 81, died at the Mercy hospital today after an illness of one month. She was born May 18, 1850, in St. Lawrence county, a daughter of Charles and Emeline Bishop LaDue. For several years she had been making her home at the Dollinger House here.

Mrs. Colgrove is survived by two cousins, Mrs. Maude Well, Watertown, and Dr. H. B. Stowell, Watertown physician. She was a member of the Dorcas society of St. Paul’s Lutheran church of this village.

Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 from the Dollinger House, Rev. Paul G. Krutzky, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church officiating. Interment will be made in Redwood cemetery.

Typist’s Note: 1931 was handwritten at the top of this obit.



Chester Bauter, Theresa, Is Bridegroom---Bride Former Kindergarten Teacher in Syracuse ---
Bridegroom Syracuse University Graduate.

Theresa, Aug. 25. -- Miss Marie Jones and Chester Bauter, this village, were united in marriage at 2 this afternoon at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. L. D. Young, Riverside avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles G. Cady, former pastor of the Flower Memorial Presbyterian church here, and now retired. He was assisted by Rev. John Stoddard, pastor of the church. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Charles G. Cady.

Miss Ruth C. Jones of Detroit, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Parker Brownell, Carthage, was best man. The house was decorated with fall flowers. Only the immediate families and close friends of the bride and bridegroom were in attendance. They were: Dr. and Mrs. Earl Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Busler and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wilcox, all of this village.

After the wedding there was a reception, followed by a luncheon. The bride was attired in light blue chiffon. The maid of honor’s gown was pink islet lace over pink taffeta, with silver hose and slippers. The bride’s going away costume was a suit of brown and biege (sic) checked tweed, with shoes and accessories to harmonize.

Mrs. Bauter is a daughter of Mrs. Ida Jones of this village and is a graduate of Syracuse Central high school and the City Normal. She is former kindergarten teacher in the Syracuse schools and in the Auburn schools.

Mr. Bauter is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauter of this village. After completing his studies here he attended Syracuse university and the St. John’s Military school. He has been connected with the Northern New York Utilities for ten years and has worked for the St. Regis Paper Company and Northern New York Power Corporation.

After Mr. and Mrs. Bauter return from the wedding trip they will be at home in the Mrs. Ida Purdey house in Riverside avenue.

Typist’s Note: According to a handwritten date, this event took place in 1931.



The wedding of Miss Marion Rebscher of Redwood and Robert Layng of Athens, Canada, took place June 8 at the chapel of Trinity church in this city, Rev. Walter C. Middleton, curate, officiating. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Rebscher, parents of the bride.

Mrs. Layng is a graduate of the School of Nursing of St. Luke’s hospital at Utica, class of 1930. She won a cash prize of $50 for high honor during her senior year.

Mr. Layng is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Layng of Athens, Canada, and is associated with his father in dealing in livestock and other farm produce.

Typist’s Note: The year, 1931, was written at the top of this item.

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