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Deacon John Oted died April 28th 1870, in the 84th year of his age. He was one of the early settlers of Ellisburg. In 1811 he was appointed ergeant in Captain Gad Actley’s company, 55th regiment of infantry; afterwards he held the positions successively of Ensign, Lieutenant, and Captain, in the same company, at the time of the war of 1812 was declared, he was in Canada; he in company with John Paddock were called upon to take up arms. They stole a bark canoe, but could row only nights, one day they lay on Duck Island, under their canoe, among the thickets for fear of being discovered, and at night proceeded to Sackets Harbor. They informed the unsuspecting troops there of the near proximity of the enemy; they immediately sent a man to Adams, made ready a company to meet the enemy, while he went out, as a spy to the mouth of Sandy creek; the night was foggy, and he succeeded in getting within gun shot of the enemy. They fired upon him and he returned in double quick, and, together with the company lay in ambush ready for the enemy when they should come up Sandy Creek.
His family lived within a mile of the battle ground and his house was made a hospital of. At one time the blood on the floor was over the soles of our shoes. Enemies and friends were brought there and cared for with equal kindness; so we find humanity even in war. He followed the water for 22 seasons, and during that time never with an accident or lost a man, until the last season when one man was knocked overboard during a severe gale. As a sailor he was careful vigilant and courageous.
For many years he was a deacon of the Presbyterian church of Ellis Village; when it was disbanded he joined the Methodist Church, of which he remained a consistent member until his death. So passed away one who had endured many of the hardships and trials attendant upon the settlers of a new uncultured country; but we trust he is now happy in fields elyson, walking beside the still waters and green pastures.
Note: Obit provided by Railroad & Maritime Researcher, Richard Palmer, of Syracuse, N. Y.
For Mr. Palmer's research, see Shirley Farone's Website
From the Vacationer, a supplement to the Thousand Islands Sun, 7 September 2005, page 10; with the gracious permission of Jeanne Snow, publisher:
Cape Vincent--The first mill in the Town of Cape Vincent was built on Kent's Creek. Before this it was no uncommon feat for a settler to shoulder a bushel of corn, carry it to Chaumont and have it ground and returnwith the meal in the same manner. The first mill was built by a man named Perkins.
It was a primitive affair, with scarcely a piece of iron in the whole structure, its gears and shafting made of wood. One of the millstones was made of a granite boulder, the like of which may be found in many places in the town, having been brought from the far north and deposited here during the ice period.
Pulaski, March 17.---Mrs. Alice Canough Sweetman, widow of Clarence Sweetman, died Tuesday morning at the home of her son, Melvin Sweetman, about two miles north of Sandy Creek on the Watertown road. She was 86 years old, and had been in fair health until last Thursday when she fell on the cellar stairs, suffering a fractured right hip and other injuries from which she failed to rally.
Mrs. Sweetman was born May 5, 1849, near the home in which she died, and was a daughter of the late Frederick and Emily Canough. Both she and her husband were of pioneer stock, four generations of the family having occupied the Sweetman farm. Mr. Sweetman died three and one-half years ago.
Mrs. Sweetman was a member of the Mannsville Grange. At the time of the husband's death, he and Mrs. Sweetman had been married more than 60 years.
Surviving are the son, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the home Thursday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. J. Lawrence Cushing of Sandy Creek Baptist church officiating and burial in Sandy Creek cemetery.
NOTE: Grandchildren were Ethel R. Sweetman and Ada Doris Sweetman Roberts.
Chaumont, July 17.--The death of Mrs. Minerva Helmer, widow of Gordon Helmer, occurred at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Harry [Annie] Kitto, in Rutland on Monday. She was born at Johnstown 71 years ago, her early life being spent at Cape Vincent and Wolfe Island. Of late years, she had been a resident of the vicinity of Watertown. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Rufus [Tillie] Hough of Chaumont, Mrs. Sidney [Marie] White of Watertown, and Mrs. Harry Kitto with whom she resided; eight grandchildren, Harry, Alta and Clifford Hough, Perley Howard, Helen, Della, Adelaide and Muriel Helmer, two sisters, Mrs. William Brooker, Mrs. Ella Davis; four brothers, John, Charles, Henry and George Sweetman.
The funeral will be held Thursday at 10:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kitto. Interment will be made at Cedar Grove cemetery, Chaumont.
NOTE: Minerva was a daughter of Michael F. Sweetman and Magdalena Sisco. Her twin sister Margaret Sweetman died on 4 FEB 1843 in Lyme, in the section later known as Cape Vincent, Jefferson, NY.
Many Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. William De Young Gather at Their Home
Theresa, May 11.----Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. William DeYoung to the number of 33 made the DeYoung home on the Douglas farm, just out of this village on the Watertown road, their headquarters Friday, gathering to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary of the host and hostess. The event had been very carefully arranged by the relatives and the first intimation that the husband and wife of 25 years knew of the event was when the procession drove up to the door.
Around the well loaded tables the large company found their place at the noon hour and following the dinner Mr. and Mrs. [Ida Evans] DeYoung were presented with a number of handsome and rich gifts.
It was in 1885, in the town of Clayton that Rev. Dr. David F. Pierce, now district superintendent of the Mohawk district of the Northern New York conference, tied the nuptial knot and the happy couple started in life work together. Nine children have come to bless their home. Aside from four years spent in New York city, they have always resided in this section.
Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. J. [Jeremiah] Geru, Mr. and Mrs. H. [Herbert and Stella Geru] Kellar and children [Pearl, Ina, Gladys Keller] of Evans Mills; Mrs. Catherine [Geru] DeYoung, Mrs. J. P. [Jacob and Clarissa DeYoung] Wagoner and daughter Margaret, Mrs. C. [Charles and Emily Burtch] Estes, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. [Ernest] DeYoung, Mr. and Mrs. C. [Clevis and Virginia DeYoung] Minor of Alexandria Bay and Mrs. Thomas [Jennie DeYoung] Lunderman of Hammond.
Chaumont, July 13----Chaumont lost one of its old and respected residents when the death of Jay D. Calhoun occurred at 11 Thursday morning at his home just west of this village on the Main road, after an illness extending over two years. He was 89 years of age and had spent practically his entire life in this vicinity and had witnessed the growth of the community from a small settlement to its present size. In his younger days he was a farmer and of late had lived a retired life on his farm.
Mr. Calhoun is survived by his wife, Amanda; one daughter, Mrs. Bert Warren, of this village, and three granddaughters, A. Lucinda McPherson and Geneva E. Warren of LaFargeville and Mrs. Murton Smith of Theresa; also three sisters, Mrs. Ruby Collins and Mrs. George Hyatt of Three Mile Bay and Mrs. Augusta Wells, who lives in Iowa.
When a young man he married Miss Lucinda McPherson, [?] and 22 years ago he married Miss Amanda Warren. He was a member of the Three Mile Bay grange.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. from the home, Rev. J. Manley Spencer, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating; and burial will be made at Three Mile Bay.
NOTE: Not my family but someone may need this.
Theresa, Nov. 1.---One of the county's successful educators of the '50's and '60's, Mrs. Harriet Calhoun Kelsey, passed away at the home of her son, Herbert Kelsey, on the Oxbow road at 4 Tuesday morning. A rather unusual incident occurred at the home, there being a birth and a death within 24 hours, a daughter being born to Mrs. Herbert Kelsey the previous afternoon.
Mrs. Harriet Kelsey was born at Three Mile Bay Aug. 22, 1833, and was one of several children of Mr. and Mrs. David Calhoun. Her early life was spent in the town of Lyme and at an early age she took up the occupation of school teaching and was highly successful in her duties. She soon became connected with village schools and in this capacity met her husband, a principal of the school in which she taught. The two taught in LaFargeville and Antwerp Union schools and in 1856 were united in marriage at the bride's home in Three Mile Bay.
They soon moved to Theresa village where her husband practiced law. Later her husband was elected school commissioner and for a time they resided in the city of Watertown where Mr. Kelsey again resumed the practice of law. Later in life they retired and went to reside on the Kelsey homestead four miles north of here on the Oxbow road, although a portion of the time they again resided in this village.
There was only one child born to them, a son, Herbert Kelsey, who survives and resides on the family homestead. Other near surviving relatives are: One brother, Jay Calhoun of Three Mile Bay; four sisters, Miss Ruby Calhoun and Mrs. George Hyatt of Three Mile Bay, Mrs. Augusta Wells of S-- City, Iowa, and a sister who resides in the state of Illinois.
She was a member of the Baptist church of Watertown. The funeral will be held from the home of her son, Thursday at 2, burial to be made in the family plot in Oakwood cemetery.
The death of William H. Helmer, formerly of this city, occurred early Tuesday morning at Rochester where he has resided for the past few years. Mr. Helmer was 39 years of age and had spent his early life in this city and the vicinity in the employ of several grocers here, having at one time worked in the York grocery.
He was a member of Kushago Tribe, I. O. R., and of Jefferson Court, Tribe of Ben Hur. He is well known in this city and has many friends here. The body will arrive in this city at 4:35 this afternoon and will be taken to the Box undertaking parlors where the funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. The interment will be at North Watertown.
The funeral of William H. Helmer, who died at Rochester Tuesday morning, was held at the Box undertaking parlors this afternoon at 2:30, Rev. A. M. Brodie, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. The service was attended by members of Jefferson Court, Tribe of Ben Hur and Kahuahgo Tribe, I. O. R. M., in a body. Interment was made in North Watertown cemetery.
Mr. Helmer is survived by his widow, four daughters, Helen, Della, Adelaide and Muriel of Barnards, N.Y., his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Helmer of Depauville and three sisters, Mrs. Rufus [Tillie] Hough of Chaumont, Mrs. W.H. [Marie] Howard of Dry Hill, and Mrs. Harry [Annie] Kitto of Depauville.
Watertown---Mrs. Delia [Della] G. Helmer Grant, 61, wife of Sherman H. Grant and for 41 years a clerk in the Watertown offices of the New York Central Railroad, died at her home on the Adams-Adams Center Road.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the Cleveland Funeral Home. Burial will be in North Watertown cemetery.
She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Irvine, Adams-Adams Center Road; two sisters, Mrs. Muriel Herroth and Mrs. Adelaide Compton, both of Riverside, Calif.
She was born in Rochester but came to this city as a child. She and Mr. Grant were married in 1922.
NOTE: Father was William H. Helmer; grandparents were Gordon Helmer and Minerva Sweetman. Great-grandparents were Michael F. Sweetman and Margaret Sisco.
Theresa, June 19.--Mrs. Sarah Wheeler Ely died at her home in this village Thursday after a brief illness. She was a native of Orleans and about 18 years ago married George Wheeler who resided in the western part of the town, where he operated a large saw-mill, until his death some years ago. She was recently married to Dexter Ely. Besides her husband she is survived by her father, James Babcock, of this place, and six children, Fred, Lulu, Ida, Lucretia, Milton and Blanche Wheeler. The funeral will be held Saturday and burial made in Oakwood cemetery.
NOTE: Sarah's first husband, George Wheeler, was her second cousin. He died in 1900. He was a son of Milton Wheeler and Mariette Evans. Sarah's mother was Lucretia Evans Babcock.
Theresa, Aug. 6.----Charles Eddy, an old and highly respected resident of this town, died last night at his home near Kelsey Bridge, after a long illness. He was a veteran of the civil war, and was an officer of rank and saw much active service. He was a member of Theresa lodge, F. and A. M., having been made a Mason in Champion lodge, now extinct, about the time of the civil war.
He leaves a wife [Ellen], who was a daughter of the late Gilman Evans; also a son, George Eddy, and a daughter, Miss Ida Eddy.
The funeral services occur Wednesday afternoon, and the remains will be buried in Oakwood cemetery.
Scheme to Be Tried Out By A. A. Stratton of Theresa
Theresa, Oct. 16.---Alfred A. Stratton, carrier on route No. 2 out of this office, is the first carrier from this village to invest in an auto for the carrying of the mail. Mr. Stratton has purchased a Ford five passenger car and will probably carry mail with it while the roads are good. While Mr. Stratton does not have state roads on his route, yet he has a considerable amount of improved town road, so that he can use a machine much of the time, except in winter. Mr. Stratton figures that the parcel post will also demand more than a single rig for the carrying of the mail, as it is growing quite rapidly.
NOTE: Alfred Arthur Stratton was the son of Elbridge J. Stratton and Allie F. Beebe.
He married Jessie Onalee Evans, daughter of Gilman Pitt Evans and Kate Elizabeth Moak, in June 1906.
Theresa, April 22.---George W. Hewitt, who died at the Sister's hospital in Watertown, April 12, was well known here, as Theresa was for some years his home. Several near relatives reside here.
He was born in the town of Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1857, being in his 63rd year at the time of his death. He was twice married, his first wife being Della [Idell] Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans of this place. By this marriage there were two children. Mrs. A. J. [Mina] Adams of this town and William W. Hewitt of Carthage. She died in 1887. He again married, in 1901, Sarah Rackus [?], who survives him.
For several years Mr. Hewitt was employed by the milling form of Snell & Makepeace in this village, but after the death of his first wife removed to Carthage where he was employed by the Carthage Wooden Ware company, conducted by C. W. Manning. When Mr. Manning organized the Virginia Lumber company, he took Mr. Hewitt with him to Virginia and he resided there for some years. He later returned to Carthage and was employed by the Island Paper company until the time of his death. He was a member of the old state militia.
Besides his wife, he is survived by one brother, Perry W. Hewitt of Carthage; three sons, George Hewitt of Rome and Roswell and William Hewitt of Carthage, and one daughter, Mrs. A. J. [Mina] Adams of this place.
Aged Woman Survives Only Brother, J. D. Calhoun, Less Than Week
Three Mile Bay, July 19.---The death of Mrs. George Hyatt occurred here Wednesday at her home in Main street. She had been seriously ill for some time past, but lately was believed to be much improved, and her granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Braman, of Oxford, N.Y., who had been called here on account of the grandmother's illness, had returned to her home. During Wednesday Mrs. Hyatt had been able to be out of doors for a short time, but was taken suddenly worse and died after seven last evening.
Mrs. Hyatt, who before her marriage was Miss Julia Calhoun, was married early in life to George Hyatt and lived for many years on a farm at Fox Creek, west of this village. They had one daughter, Mrs. William Dick, of this village.
Besides her husband and daughter, Mrs. Hyatt is survived by two sisters, Miss Ruby Calhoun of this village and Mrs. Augusta Wells of Iowa, also by four grandchildren, George Dick and Clayton Dick of this village, Wesley Dick of Watertown and Mrs. Frank Braman of Oxford, N.Y. Mrs. Hyatt's only brother, Jay D. Calhoun who was 89 years of age and lived on a farm between this village and Chaumont, died less than a week ago and was buried at the village cemetery here last Saturday.
Mrs. Hyatt was 73 [or 75] years of age and was a member of the Sunshine society and also of the Birthday Circle.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p.m.
Three Mile Bay
-----David Calhoun, of this village, a brother-in-law of the late Jan Loomis, on the afternoon of the 20th inst., started to drive his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Kelsey, of Watertown, to the depot. Before getting out of the village he was taken with a shock of paralysis, remaining insensible until his death, which occurred at 9:45 in the evening. The funeral took place on Friday, the 22nd inst., and was attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. Mr. Calhoun was 67 years of age had resided in this place 39 years, coming in among the early settlers. By industry and economy he had accumulated a competency. He was a man of strict integrity---a good neighbor, citizen and kind friend.
Lakes Named After Teacher
Theresa, Nov. 8.---Travelers who visit the state of Minnesota, near Minneapolis, will find two small lakes named "Harriet" and "Calhoun," named by a Northern New Yorker who was an early settler in that state and took up lands in that section. The New Yorker named them in honor of one of his school teachers of his youth, separating the full name of the teacher for whom he had such a high regard, Miss Harriet Calhoun, so that one of the lakes was christened "Harriet" and one "Calhoun."
Today in Oakwood cemetery that teacher, Harriet Calhoun Kelsey, was laid to rest. The funeral services were held from the home of her son, Herbert Kelsey, on the Oxbow road, Rev. E. S. Cheeseman of this village officiating.
LaFargeville- MRS. MARY LAWTON, of Philadelphia was surprised at the home of her daughter, MRS. CLAUDE KILBORN, Theresa, on her 77th Birthday. MRS. LAWTON has 10 children, seven of whom were present to celebrate with her. They were MRS. LYDIA HUNT, Theresa; MRS. CORA BAKER, Theresa; JOHN B. LAWTON, Philadelphia; MRS. RUBY HALL, Antwerp; MRS. LUELLA BARTON, LaFargeville; MRS. MARION KILBORN and MISS KITTY E. LAWTON, Theresa. The three sons that were not present are JOSEPH, LEON and LEWIS of Philadelphia. MRS. LAWTON's oldest daughter, MRS. BELLE SPRINGER, Redwood, died in 1918, and her oldest son, ARCHIE died in 1946.
MR. & MRS. HARRY C. HAGER, JR., who were married at St. Patrick's Church, Watertown with their wedding attendants, MRS. GORDON ROWLAND and HAROLD A. HAGER. The bride is the former MISS MARY THERESE FINLEY of 153 Haney st., Watertown.
The Oldest Man in Jefferson County
McCoy Lance - 1768-1872. The subject of this sketch is a native of Poland. He was born in Oct., 1768, making this the 104th birthday of his existence. Even at this unusual old age his memory of early days is quite correct. He says he never performed a day's work until his 21st birthday. Shortly have becoming of age he was married to one of his own native "lasses" with whom he lived until he was 27 years old.
At that time he was pressed into the Austrian army to fight against Bonaparte. he never saw or heard anything of his family after being pressed into the army. He was taken prisoner by Bonaparte and afterwards sent to fight the Spaniards under Bonaparte's command. As he did not regard his oath of allegiance to Bonaparte of much account, he desserted and went over to the Spaniards, and immediately joined the Spanish army to fight against his former commander.
The Spaniards afterwards sold him to a British officer, by whom he was sent to Canada to take part in the War of 1812. He with 16 British soldiers were stationed to guard one of the islands in the St. Lawrence, when a thought betook them that this was the time to make their escape to the U.S.A., which they did. This was in 1813, since which time he has been a resident of this State, and most of the time of this county.
In the year 1820 he married the widow Rickard, and raised a family of eight children - three boys and five girls - all of whom venerate and strive to make happy the remarkable man, to whom they owe many obligations.
Although he has attained this unusual old age, he is still smart, being able to ride on last town meeting day ten miles to take a part in the election of town officers. He seems to take considerable interest in his son's affairs, often enquiring after "matters and things" which he fears have been neglected. The death of his grandson, Anson Lance, to whom he was firmly attached, was to him a sad affair, and one to which he cannot allude to without shedding tears. He is surrounded by his children of the second and third generation, many of whom are among our most respected citizens.
At the present time he resides with his son - Peter Lance - on Point Peninsula, who does everything possible to make the last days of his father his happiest. Of course the old gentleman is a pattern of temperance, frugality and regularity, and these habits date back to early youth. W.A.L.
Note by submitter: This piece was sent to me by Richard Palmer for my website. Richard, of course, is an avid researcher of old newspaper, particularly dwelling on railroad and maritime articles. His many findings are online (link broken).
Dropped Dead in Barn
Without having had the slightest intimation that the end was near, Wilson Howard, aged about 25 years, dropped dead in the cow barn on the Frank M. Parker farm in the town of Watertown, Saturday morning, while putting some young stock in the barn. His only son, Perley, aged nine years, was with him at the time.
Hr. Howard was healthy and robust and had not been ill. Saturday morning he made no complaint and went about the chores as usual. At the hour mentioned he was engaged in getting some young cattle into their places in the barn. According to the boy's story one of them ran through the stanchions and Mr. Howard went after it and chased it back. Just as it went through the stanchions Mr. Howard dropped dead. The child hastened to the side of his father and attempted to arouse him. His efforts were unsuccessful, for he had breathed his last. Perley ran and called his mother [Marie Helmer Howard], who quickly responded to learn that the boy had not been mistaken. Death is supposed to have been due to heart disease.
Mr. Howard moved on to the Parker farm eight years ago, going there from Pamelia. He was a good farmer and good neighbor and held in the highest esteem by all who knew him.
Chaumont, March 22---The death of Gordon B. Helmer occurred Sunday morning at 4, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Kitto near Depauville, at the age of 67. He had been in poor health for some time, so his death was not unexpected.
Mr. Helmer was born in Canada, but for the past 21 years had been a resident of New York state. He had always followed farming until within three years ago, when his health failed him. Mr. Helmer was of a kind and genial disposition, and was liked by all who knew him. He was a member of Court Wolfe, No. 406, I. O. F.
He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Minerva Sweetman, three daughters, Mrs. Rufus [Tillie] Hough of Chaumont, Mrs. Wilson [Marie] Howard of Watertown and Mrs. Harry [Annie] Kitto of Depauville, one sister, Mrs. Cornelius Pyke of Wolf Island, and eight grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Kitto, Wednesday afternoon at 2. Interment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery at Chaumont.
Former Clayton Woman, 70, Passes Away in Schenectady
(Special to the Times)
Clayton, Dec. 11.---The funeral of Mrs. Ida Sweetman Brooker, widow of Captain William Brooker, who died Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert H. [Hattie] Rogers, in Schenectady, aged 70 years, was held this afternoon at 3 from Christ Episcopal church, with burial at Clayton cemetery. She was a charter member of Calumet Chapter, O. E. S., and their service was carried out.
Mrs. Brooker was born in Cape Vincent, coming to Clayton as a girl. It was here that she became the wife of Captain Brooker. Most of her life had been spent here. For the past 18 years she had spent her winters in Schenectady. Captain Brooker died five years ago and she had since spent all of her time there.
Surviving is her daughter.
NOTE: Parents were Michael F. Sweetman and Magdalena "Margaret" Sisco.
Clayton, May 26.---The funeral of Capt. William Brooker, who died in Schenectady on Monday, was held here Thursday afternoon, on the arrival of the 1:45 train. Capt. Brooker was 65 years of age, and was a resident of Clayton for a number of years. For several years past he had made his home in Schenectady. The funeral service here was in charge of the Masons, of which he was a member.
(unknown contributor)
David F. & Mary Ann (Eggbroad) Snell, both of Herkimer, in 1837 located in Theresa and in 1840 in Watertown where his son Sylvester now resides. They reared a family of 3 sons and 7 daughters. David F. was a son of Fredrick F. Snell who came from Germany and located in Snells Bush, Herkimer. Fredrick Snell sr., grandfather of David F., was killed in battle in the War of Independence in which he served with American forces. Sylvester Snell, son of David F., was born in Manheim Center, Herkimer 11 February 1834. He married first Maria Hines who bore him 2 children, a boy and a girl. By his second wife, Appellonia H. Leaniger Mack, widow of John C. Mack, he has one daughter. Jno. Snell had one daughter by her first husband. Jno Snell is engaged in market gardening, is a member of F.& A. M., I.O.O.F., and the Grange.
Adams Center, I understand, was once called "Appling," after Major Daniel Appling, the hero of the Battle of Sandy Creek.
Richard Palmer
The following is an exchange appearing on You can find the full exchange there.
My great grandfather Ornaldo was born in Sackets Harbor in 1840. His father was John and brothers were Pier or Piam, Pembroke, and sister Harriet. I know he was a cousin to Samuel, Monroe, and Jennie, but do not know who was Jennie's father or Monroe's. Jennie and Monroe were cousins. I would appreciate any information. My grandfather married Emmiline Wescott, daughter of James Wescott from Sackets Harbor.
Child's History of Jefferson County:
Piam Thompson was born in Massachusetts in 1781, and died June 25, 1868, aged 87 years. When 19 years of age he married Eunice Washburn, of Connecticut. In 1810 he removed to the town of Rodman, and in 1814 participated in the battle of Sackets Harbor. Among his 10 children was John, who came to Rodman with his father, and in 1831 located in this town, where he remained until his death in 1869, aged 65 years. He married Charlotte, daughter of Bradford Lisk, of Adams, and his children now living are Pembroke, Ornaldo, and Monroe P. The last named married Harriet E., daughter of Matthew and Hannah (Davis) Wright, and his children are John W., Burt D., Lottie M., and Earl M. He has occupied his present farm for the past 54 years.
Ornaldo Thompson, John Thompson's son married Emmiline Wescott, daughter of James who was a seaman. Emmiline and her sister were milliners until Emmiline married Ornaldo. They all moved to Wyoming, Iowa and Susan moved on with Ornaldo to McCook after Emmiline's death when her last child was three years old.
Fulton History
this is a good site. Old newspapers. I found:
Death of Emily F., Wife of Ornaldo, in Nebraska
Death of Monroe
50th anniversary of Monroe and wife.
Death of Mrs. Pembroke, in Nebraska
Type your name in quotation marks, such as "ornaldo thompson"
do the same with whoever you are searching. after you click on search, give it a second to search and then scroll down to see results. when you click on an article, let it fully load and the name will show up highlighted on the page. Use the +plus and -minus icons at the top to enlarge or decrease until you can read it.
O'CONNOR, James J. & family: Wife Katherine, children George and Leo. NY Central Station agent at Philadelphia, NY and lived in Carthage where he died in September 1906. The family then moved to Utica.
From Roderic J. O'Connor,
A CHRISTIAN SOLDIER GONE TO HIS REWARD.----Oliver G. Evans, of Theresa, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Milton Wheeler, Sunday, Aug. 4th, aged 86 years, nine months and two days. The funeral services were held at the above residence Tuesday the 6th Inst., conducted by Rev. E. Cheeseman.
The subject of this sketch was born in New Hampshire, September 1802, the son of Tolman Evans. He left his native place when about twelve years old and went to Vermont and there resided till his majority. About 1823 he came to this county and held his residence till his death.
Mr. Evans selected for a life partner Lorinda Lathrop, by whom he had four children, one boy and three girls. The son was a soldier in the late war, was one of Gen. Grant's body guard, and in the taking of Vicksburg was wounded, and subsequently brought up at New Orleans and there died. The oldest daughter [Arzelia] married George Howland and is now a widow, residing in Tomkins county. The second [Marietta] married Milton Wheeler and the third [Sylvia] Philander Wheeler, brothers.
Mrs. Evans' mother was early left a widow and married for her second husband Judge Evans, of Evans Mills, who was great uncle to the subject of this sketch.
Mr. Evans was for many years a member of the Presbyterian church in Theresa, but a few years since he severed his connection with the same and united with the M. E. church and proved himself a worthy and an acceptable member.
His wife having been a faithful mate tarried on the domestic ship till its precious freight, her earthly care, was safely housed, then she went ashore, Oct. 1883, the captain tarrying to take in the lines, then he too passed beyond life's misty scenes, leaving the crew to gather up the broken links while sailing onward toward the beaten harbor. L.C.H.
NOTE from transcriber: The son was probably named Henry H. Evans. "Judge Evans" was Ethni Evans, founder of Evans Mills. ----RDCE
Golden Sheath Granger had lived in Redwood area nearly all his life____ went sleighing at 91.
(Special To The Times).
Redwood, September 21, ---- George Hartman, 94, retired farmer who lived in this area nearly all his life, died last night at 7 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Percy Timmerman of LaFargeville.
Despite his advanced age, he had been active until last July when he fell downstairs. Since then, his health had grown steadily worse.
One of the organizers of the Kirkland grange here and a Golden Sheaf Granger, Mr. Hartman had lived with his daughter for about 7 years. For about half a century before that , he had a farm near Browns Corners on the Alexandria Bay-Redwood Road.
Funeral services will be Monday afternoon with a prayer at the Timmerman home at 1:30 and regular service at 2 in the Lutheran church at Orleans Four Corners . Rev. Teofil Bartnicki, pastor will officiate. Burial will be in Browns Corners Cemetery.
Mr. Hartman was twice married and twice widowed. His first wife was the former Elizabeth Cuffer, who died March 15, 1890. He had one son by that marriage, Lawrence A. Hartman, who was superintendent of the Watertown public school buildings at the time of his sudden death April 1, 1944, at the age of 63. On Oct.28, 1890 ,he married the former Miss Sophie M. Vogt, who died Sept. 23, 1930. They had three children who survive: Mrs. Louise Timerman and her twin sister, Mrs. Charles (Lotha) Snell of Alexandria Bay, and Adam Hartman of Massena.
Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Kate Snell of Plessis, now past 85, and five grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Mr. Hartman came from a long-lived family. His father, John Adam Hartman, lived to be 95. Two of his other sisters lived until they were past 90 and one lived into her late 80's. A brother, John Hartman, died just before he became 80.
His father came to this country by sailboat from Hesse Damstadt, Germany, in 1853, with the Hironemus Bickelhaupt family. Hironemus Bickelhaupt, father of the late Adam Bickelhaupt of this village, had married Margaret Hartman in Germany; so the two families were related by these ties.
With the Hartmans was their grandfather who died before the ship reached New York Harbor and was buried at sea. Another sorrowful event of their coming was in Watertown when the family, none of whom could speak English, was crossing the Old Court Street Bridge on the way to meet a German, who lived on the North Side. The elder Hartman's elder son, a child in arms, had been ill and he died that night as his mother was carrying him across the bridge.
The Hartmans settled at Redwood. But later, John Adam Hartman and his wife, Mrs. Anna Eva Hartman, thought their chances for higher pay would be better in Canada. Their son, George, was born there, in Waterloo, Ont. on Jan. 11, 1857.
When George was about a year old, the Hartman's moved back to this vicinity and stayed from then on. His father worked for one of the German settlers here for a while. Later, the family operated farms on the Redwood -Alexandria Bay Road, in the Calaboga section, and at the English Settelment near Theresa. In the last place, they lived in a little small log house near today's Morgan cut.
Soon after he was first married, Mr. Hartman rented the Adam Snell farm near LaFargeville and stayed there for 22 years. Then he bought the farm at Browns Corners and lived there until after his second wife's death. At Brown's Corners in those early days, he looked after the cemetery there on his own time.
He early became active in grange affairs. He first joined the LaFargeville grange in the 1890's and then transferred his membership to the Plessis group. He served as master at Plessis. He then became a charter member of the Kirkland Grange here and long served as treasurer. One of the most interested in G.L.F., Mr. Hartman helped get it organized here and he was the first agent the group had in Jefferson County. He brought the first carload of feed and seeds into Redwood for the G.L.F.
A faithful member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church here since he was 16, he had served as treasurer of the mission board and was 50 years one of the members of the church council. He belonged to the state Grange, having taken the sixth degree at a state session in Watertown in 1910. He was also a member of the Jefferson Pomana Grange. He was a charter member and continuous member of the Jefferson county farm bureau and several times held office in that group. Even when he was in his late 80's, Mr. Hartman used to drive his own car. And on his 91st birthday, to demonstrate his agility he got on a sled guided by his son and took a trip down a snow covered hill at Orleans Four Corners.
CROSSELMAN, Frederick Jr
Not sure what the source is for the above, but I would guess the surname is almost certainly CASSELMAN/COSSELMAN, and not CROSSELMAN. Although I suppose if your original source says CROSSELMAN, you might be obliged to record that -- depending on your approach to these issues.
It am fairly certain CROSSELMAN, Frederick Jr and CASSELMAN, Frederick are the same person.
As for CROSSELMAN, Frederick, I think he is CASSELMAN, Severinus, who apparently chose to use the given name Frederick, possibly to distinguish himself from a cousin of the same name who was Loyalist (this is somewhat speculative, but a case can be made from church records assembled by Arthur Kelly).
Dave Simonds
Found at the Lyme Heritage Center
Undated obituary in book of area death notices
EVANS, In the town of Alexandria, Dec. 24, 1847, Mrs. Sophia Evans, third daughter of Mr. James Carnegie, in her 35th year.
NOTE: Hannah Sophia is listed in the Plessis cemetery as Hannah S. Evens, wife of Uriah [should be Urial].
Her mother is unknown. Sophia's known children included George Evans, born abt. 1843, Delia Louis Evans, born 06 June 1844, and Jason Evans, born 11 Dec 1847, less than two weeks before she died. Sophia's husband Urial Evans was a son of Columbus Evans and Friendly Fisher.
---Willard Williams, Alfred Avery and Columbus Evans, all of Alexandria, died last week, and their remains were each and all buried on Friday. Mr. Williams was aged about 60, Mr. Avery 64, and Mr. Evans 90 years.
Barnes Settlement, Dec. 6.---William Evans, an old and respected resident of this vicinity, passed away quietly Friday morning, Nov. 29, after a lingering illness due to old age. He was 81 years old and is survived by his widow [Mariette Tucker] and three children, Edward Evans of this place, Mrs. William [Ida] DeYoung of Theresa, and Mrs. George [Annie or Anna] Robbins of Gananoque. Rev. C. F. Benjamin conducted the funeral.
From the diary of Moses Eames from 1891, Published Watertown Daily times 1922 at the Death of Mr. Eames, includes photo of Eames.
Nov. 25--In the evening I went to the golden wedding anniversary of Henry H. Babcock and his wife and there were a great many there and we had a pleasant time. I saw many of my old friends and acquaintances there. The oldest one was Stephen Boon who was born July, 1804 and I was the secondest oldest one being born in 1808. Henry Babcock was in his 71st year.
Friday, August 20, 1915 the second annual re-union of the Daniel- and L. G. Caulkins families was held at the home of Eli Caulkins. About thirty five were in attendance and enjoyed a bountiful banquet at noon on the lawn. After the banquet a delightful program was presented by the younger set and several musical selections rendered, among which was a duet by Misses Hazel Overton and Zoe Eigabroadt,, and a quartet by Misses Ethel Caulkins, Laura Moore, Charlotte Caulkins and Mervin Caulkins.
The following officers were elected" for 1915-1916: Mrs. F. G. Moore, president; Mrs. E. N. Caulkins, vicepresident; Mrs. Eli Caulkins, secretary; Mr. E. N. Caulkins, treasurer.
Messrs. Eli Caulkins, F. E. Overton and E. N. Caulkins to decide on place of next meeting. Mrs. E. N. Caulkins, Mrs. F. E. Overton and Mrs. L. G. Caulkins, refreshment com.; Mrs. 0. G. Caulkins, chairman of music com.; Mrs. H. N. Babcock, chairman of literary com.; Mervin Caulkins, assistant. Many impromptu speeches were enjoyed and many pictures were taken by the younger set, after which all repaired to their several homes, voting it one of the most joyous occasions of the season.
Time of meeting next year, July 4th, 1916.
Mrs. Lois Curtis Passes Away At the Home of Her Son, B. W. Curtis
Lois Curtis, widow of Stephen Curtis, aged 94 years, passed away New Year's evening at 5 at the home of her son, B. W. Curtis, 364 Arlington street, following a period of ill health of hearly a year. Due to the advancing years Mrs. Curtis had been in ill health for some time, but her condition was such, however, that she could sit up and read until last September.
She was born in the town of Leray, May 20, 1821, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Farr Cornwell. Her early life was spent in Three Mile Bay, where she was married to Stephen Curtis. Mr. Curtis passed away about 40 years ago. Her son, B. W. Curtis, engaged in work in St. Lawrence and Mrs. Curtis removed to that village with him. About 16 years ago Mrs. Curtis and her son came to this city. Since that time, with the exception of five years spent on B. W. Curtis' farm near Copenhagen, Mrs. Curtis has made her home in this city at 364 [or 354] Arlington street. She was a member of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church.
Her son, B. W. [Byron] Curtis, is her only immediate survivor.
The funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10 from the son's residence, 354 Arlington street, Dr. Duane C. Johnson, pastor of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. The remains will be taken Wednesday afrernoon to the cemetery at St. Lawrence, where interment will be made in the family plot.
Mrs. Louisa Bentley Cornwell, widow of the late John Cornwell, died Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 10, at about 1 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar F. Thomas, on Grove street. Mrs. Cornwell was the oldest resident of Adams and perhaps of Jefferson county, having celebrated her 98th birthday last June. She had been very well for a woman of her advanced age until about four weeks ago, when she fell, injuring her hip. She failed rapidly after this, her death being the result of the injury.
Mrs. Cornwell was born in 1815 in the town of Leray, the daughter of James and Mercy Bentley. She spent her childhood and girlhood in Leray, and on March 24, 1836, was married to John Cornwell at her home there.
Mr. Cornwell was a mechanic and in following his trade worked in many different towns in northern New York, at one time living in Canada. Most of Mrs. Cornwell's life, however, was passed in Jefferson county. To this union were born seven children, five of whom survive. Wilson J. Cornwell, the eldest son, died in 1862 from disease contracted while serving as a soldier in the Union army. Mary Cornwell passed away some years ago. The five surviving children: Orrin D. Cornwell of Adams Center, Mrs. Nettie Thomas of Adams, Mrs. Sarah Hampton of Altmar, Washington A. Cornwall of Adams and Orvis Cornwell of Watertown. Since the death of her husband in 1884, Mrs. Cornwell had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. O. F. Thomas. Much of the past 29 years she has lived in Adams.
Mrs. Cornwell was a very bright, active woman, retaining her faculties to a marked degree, and during the latter part of her life, knit fine, beautiful lace. She was industrious, nearly always being with some of the work in her hands. In the early days of her life she used the spinning wheel to make the clothes for the family and often said she learned to spin before she could reach the top of the wheel.
From childhood she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock Friday afrernoon from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. O. F. Thomas, Grove street, Rev. S. S. Davis of the M. E. church officiating. Interment in Rural cemetery.
Pitchfork Enters his Head
Henderson, Nov.4 - Little Almont Connolly while staying a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Sprague, recently ran down to the barn where his grandfather was cleaning out a stable, using a six tine fork. The boy ran up to the door just as Mr. Sprague threw out a fork full of manure. The fork entered the boy's head, coming out on the top and was in so firmly that Mr. Sprague had to take hold of the boy's scalp and pull to withdraw the tine. He was taken to Dr. Terry who dressed the wound and the boy is doing finely.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sprague of this city who are spending the winter at 915 Fifth street north, in St. Petersburg, Fla. were surprised Wednesday last week by a number of thier friends who gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of thier wedding which took place in Henderson, N.Y. Feb. 18, 1864. Mr. Sprague was born in Henderson, June 28, 1841. The early part of his life was spent in the village of his birth as clerk in a country store.
Mr. Sprague served in the 94th regiment, N.Y. Volunteers during the Civil war. After the war he was engaged in mercantile business in Henderson for 27 years. Since 1892 Mr. and Mrs. Sprague have resided here and for the past few years have spent the winters in the south.
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