Many of these have appeared on the Jefferson County mailing list.

Return to Tidbits


Watertown Herald, Saturday, 13 May 1905

Mrs. Frinda Campbell

Mrs. Frinda Campbell died at the Getman house Monday morning. She was in her 81st year and has been a resident of Theresa for the past six years. She was the widow of Henry Campbell, who died at Alexandria Bay about six years ago. The deceased is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Dr. [Maria] Millard, Mrs. J. C. [Julia] Whittlesey; one son, George Gilman, who resides at Alexandria Bay, and one nephew, Edward Getman [son of Sophia Evans Getman] of Theresa; also two grandnephews, Elias and Edson Getman, both of Theresa.

NOTE: Frinda (also called Friendly) was a daughter of Columbus Evans and Frinda or Friendly Fisher of Hinsdale NH > Rutland VT > Alexandria NY. There were many other nieces and nephews not listed in her obituary who survived her.


New York Columbian; 26 Dec 1818:

Chauncey Beardsley to Miss Nancy Smedly

Married - At Hounsfield, N.Y., Mr. Chauncey Beardsley to Miss Nancy Smedly


Watertown Daily Times, Wednesday 20 Sep 1916

Hattie and Ruth Evans of Alexandria Bay Married

(Special to The Times.)

Alexandria Bay, Sept. 20.----A double wedding ceremony was performed at 3 Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ida Evans of Anthony street, the mother of the two young brides, by the Rev. C. F. Benjamin, pastor of the Dutch Reformed church of this village, when Miss Hattie Evans was united in marriage with George Truesdell of New York city and Miss Ruth Evans became the bride of Herbert Henderson of Ogdensburg.

Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson left for Theresa, where they will reside, but Mr. and Mrs. Truesdell will remain here a week before going to their future home in New York.

NOTE: the father of the brides was the late E. Herbert Evans of Alexandria.


Watertown Daily Times, 6 Aug 1901


Theresa, Aug. 6.----Charles Eddy, an old and highly respected resident of this town, died last night at his home near Kelsey Bridge, after a long illness. He was a veteran of the civil war, and was an officer of rank and saw much active service. He was a member of Theresa lodge, F. and A. M., having been made a Mason in Champion lodge, now extinct, about the time of the civil war.

He leaves a wife [Ellen], who was a daughter of the late Gilman Evans; also a son, George Eddy, and a daughter, Miss Ida Eddy.

The funeral services occur Wednesday afternoon, and the remains will be buried in Oakwood cemetery.


Watertown Daily Times, 1916


Daughters of Late George Wheeler Hold Reunion in Syracuse to Celebrate

Theresa, March 30.---People here were interested in the reunion of the Wheeler sisters in Syracuse the past few days, when the four daughters of the late George Wheeler of this town met to greet each other for the first time in 15 years.

The daughters were all born here and at the time that their father conducted a saw mill and timber contracting business. Upon the death of the father 16 years ago and the death of the mother [Sarah P. Babcock Wheeler] a year later [sic-- 1909], the children separated. Ida to reside with Mrs. Edgar Getman, whose husband was a member of the Getman Brothers of this village, but upon his death Mrs. Getman went to Syracuse to reside. Louise went to Chicago to reside with an aunt, Mrs. Frederick [Caroline Wheeler] Brown; Blanche resides in Madrid, and Lucretia was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flansburg of Lafargeville. The sisters declare that it will not be 15 years before the next reunion time. There were two sons, Fred Wheeler, who is now married and resides in the Keystone state, and Milton, who resides in Redwood.


The Journal and Republican, Lowville, Thursday, May 9, 1918

Blanche Wheeler


Miss Blanche Wheeler, 17, a schoolgirl, died last Thursday night at home in Madrid, from injuries received when an automobile in which she and four friends were returning from a party at Waddington was wrecked. The front wheel of the car collapsed and all were thrown into the ditch on the Waddington road near Madrid. Miss Wheeler's skull was fractured. The other two girls and two boys received minor injuries. Miss Wheeler failed to regain consciousness after being taken to her home. Her only surviving relatives are two sisters, residing in Syracuse.

NOTE: Blanche Wheeler's parents were the late George Wheeler and Sarah P. Babcock of Theresa, Jefferson County, NY.


Watertown Daily Times, October 22, 1900



George Wheeler's Disfigured Body Found in Highway
Deceased a Well-Known Resident of Theresa

Body Discovered Early Sunday Morning Near His Home---Leaves a Wife and Six Small Children

Theresa, Oct. 22.---The village and community were startled yesterday morning by the fact that George Wheeler, a well-known resident of this town, had been found dead at the gate leading from Elias Walton's to Mr. Wheeler's home. He was so disfigured that when found he was not recognized.

He was seen at Plessis at 9:30 the previous evening and started for his home with a horse and wagon and several bags of feed. When the body was discovered in the morning the horse was found in a pasture near by and the wagon also with only two bags of grain in it. On investigation it would seem that a runaway had occurred and that on turning a corner near Mr. Walton's. Mr. Wheeler was thrown violently from the wagon, but that his feet caught in the vehicle in such a way that he was dragged to the spot where his lifeless and mutilated body was found several hours later, and it was freed from the wagon only after fatal injuries had been sustained.

At the spot, where the body was found there is a gate guarding the entrance to a land one-fourth mile long, leading to Mr. Wheeler's house. It is supposed that the horse, finding the gate closed, stopped, backed up, and thus released the dragging body, and tried to get home by passing around a contiguous barn.

Coroner D. C. Rodenhurst and Dr. Kelsey visited the scene and found indications as above described.

Mr. Wheeler owned and operated a steam sawmill and a farm, and was a hard working man and a good mechanic. A very sad feature of the case lies in the fact that he leaves a young widow and six little children, the oldest about 9 and the youngest less than a year old, to struggle with the problems of life without husband and father, and with limited means of support.

Mrs. Wheeler, who is a most worthy woman, and her little children have the sympathy of the entire community.


Another correspondent gives the following additional particulars of the accident:

Mr. Wheeler was in Redwood Saturday night. He left his horse in charge of a boy, who left the horse unhitched. The horse ran to Plessis, a distance of three and a half miles. Parties from Plessis started to drive the rig back to Redwood, but met Mr. Wheeler on the road. Wheeler then took his horse and buggy and started for home.

Sunday morning when the hired man on the Elias Walter farm went to the barn at about 4:45 a.m. he found Wheeler lying by the road side with a gash in his right temple. Life was extinct and from all appearances he had been dead several hours. A close examination of the highway showed the buggy track turned the corner about 15 rods back too quickly and the buggy ran up on a bank at the left side of the road. At the right was found a clot of blood upon the rock. From this corner to where his lifeless body was found the road showed that he had been dragged. His left leg was lacerated and so bruised and covered with blood that it was some time before he was identified by old neighbors and acquaintances.

He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Sarah Babcock, of Clayton, and six small children. He is also survived by his aged father, Milton Wheeler of Theresa, and two brothers, Gilbert and Edward of Theresa, and two sisters, Mrs. L. D. [Ella] Turner of Orleans, and a married sister [Caroline Brown] who lives in Chicago.

Mr. Wheeler was about 43 years old, a carpenter and builder by trade. He was well known through this part of the county. Many buildings erected by him stand as monuments to his skill as a mechanic. He was genial and well liked by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, to whom the news of his untimely death was a great shock.

NOTE: Mr. George Wheeler's mother was Marietta Evans, who married Milton Wheeler.


Watertown Daily Times, 07 SEP 1898



Sept. 7.---Mrs. Milton Wheeler died at her home in this town on Sunday morning, after a long illness, aged 66 years. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Evans. Mrs. Wheeler was an excellent lady, of kindly heart, and will be missed by a large circle of friends. The funeral occurred at 10 a.m. today from her late home.

NOTE: Marietta's mother, Mrs. Oliver Evans, was Lorinda Lathrop.


Watertown Daily Times, 08 NOV 1911


Had Resided in Kelsey Bridge Home Since Marriage in 1868

Theresa, Nov. 8.---After an illness of several months, Mrs. [Sarah] Ellen Eddy, widow of Charles Eddy, died at the home of her son, George C. Eddy, at Kelsey Bridge Monday night.

She was born in this town in 1848, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Evans [mother was Mary Ann Kelsey], the Evans homestead being located at Kelsey Bridge, just across Indian River from the Eddy home. Receiving an excellent education in the school here, she began the life of a school teacher and was unusually successful in this calling. In October 1868, she married Charles Eddy, who had returned from the service in the Union army but three years previous. At once they began housekeeping on the Eddy place where she has always resided.

Three children were born to them, one dying when young. Of the two surviving, George C. resides on the family homestead and Ida, who married Rev. Benj. Butler, resides at their appointment at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Besides the children there are two sisters, Mrs. Ada Huntington of Watertown and Mrs. Alice Sterling of South Dakota. One brother, Dr. Pitt Evans, resides in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Eddy was a member of the Presbyterian church of this village and a woman of sterling character.

The funeral will be held from her home at Kelsey Bridge Thursday at 1:30, Rev. W. H. Bruins of the Presbyterian church assisted by Rev. W. J. Hancock, officiating. Burial will be made in Oakwood.


Watertown Daily Times, Monday, 30 SEP 1895


Death of Mrs. Evans, the Oldest Resident of the Village of Theresa

Sept. 30.---One of the old landmarks of Alexandria, a "Mother in Israel," passed away at the home of her son, William Evans, at Barnes Settlement, on Saturday at 9 A. M. It was Mrs. Columbus Evans, at the ripe old age of 95 years and nearly 7 months. Her maiden name was Frindly Fisher [original spelling in article], and she was born at Hinsdale, N. H., March 4, 1800. Thus she has witnessed nearly all the great strides in art and civilization of the great 19th century.

She married Columbus Evans, of the same state, and in early life they took up their abode in Jefferson county, where they reared a family of 11 children, seven of whom are living. The names are as follows: Sophia, the late Mrs. Elias Getman; Mrs. [Lovina] Leonard, of Alexandria Bay, deceased; Mrs. James [Lucretia] Babcock, deceased; Jason, who died in childhood, and the following who are still living: Urial Evans, of Alexandria; Mrs. H. [Friendly] Campbell, of the same place; William Evans, of Alexandria; Charles Evans, of Theresa; John S. Evans, of Big Rapids, Mich.; Mrs. Nelson [Julia C.] Whittlesey, of Emporia, Kansas, and Mariah, widow of the late Dr. Jason Millard, of Albion, N.Y.

In early life she became a devout follower of the Master, and together with her Christian husband was known for her piety and Christian character. She affiliated with the Dutch Reformed church. Her husband died in February, 1892, at the advanced age of nearly 86.

She had many grandchildren, among whom are the Getman Brothers, so widely known, and several great grandchildren, all of whom with her immediate children, have ever loved to "rise up and call her blessed." The funeral was held today at the home of her son, William, at 10:30 A.M., and the remains were deposited in Oakwood cemetery in this village. The pastor of the M.E. church at Alexandria Bay officiated at the home and the Rev. Charles G. Cody, of Theresa, at the grave.

NOTES: Columbus and Friendly Evans were buried in the Getman plot at Oakwood cemetery, names recorded as C. and F. Evans. Their daughter Friendly, Mrs. Henry Campbell, first married George R. Gilman. "Friendly" is sometimes recorded as "Frinda."

Posted by RD Calhoun-Eagan, great x 3 granddaughter


William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Lyon County, Part 12. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1883.


NELSON WHITTLESEY, flour and feed store, was born in Lewis County, N. Y., September 17, 1823. Resided in New York until 1868, when he came to Kansas, locating at Emporia. Transacted a real estate business for about five years. In 1873, started business in flour and feed line, in which he has since continued. Was a member of the City Council from 1878 to 1882. Was an earnest advocate and worker for the Water Works in Emporia. Is a member of Emporia Lodge No. 12, A., F. & A. M. He married Miss Adeline A. Pearson, September 16, 1847. She died December 9, 1867, leaving two children - Russell T. and J. Adeline. August 30, 1870, he married Miss Julia C. Evans, of Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and by this marriage has one child, Horace G., flour and feed store, was born in Lewis County, N. Y., September 17, 1823. Resided in New York until 1868, when he came to Kansas, locating at Emporia. Transacted a real estate business for about five years. In 1873, started business in flour and feed line, in which he has since continued. Was a member of the City Council from 1878 to 1882. Was an earnest advocate and worker for the Water Works in Emporia. Is a member of Emporia Lodge No. 12, A., F. & A. M. He married Miss Adeline A. Pearson, September 16, 1847. She died December 9, 1867, leaving two children - Russell T. and J. Adeline. August 30, 1870, he married Miss Julia C. Evans, of Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and by this marriage has one child, Horace G.


The Washington Post, 30 SEP 1906


Little Kansas Girl's Heritage From William Henry Harrison

From the Kansas City Star

Marianna, the sixteen-months-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Horace Whittlesey of Emporia, is the owner of a dress worn by William Henry Harrison, once President of the United States, when he was a baby in old Virginia. William Henry Harrison was born in 1773. Miss Ellen Windsor, who was "Tippecanoe" Harrison's nurse, was given the dress by the mother of the ex-President. She in turn gave it to her friend, Mrs. Chapin, for her baby to wear. Years later Mrs. Chapin passed it on to her friend, Mrs. J. C. [Julia C. Evans] Whittlesey, and Horace Whittlesey was the next baby to wear the little garment. Mrs. Horace Whittlesey dressed little Marianna in the famous frock the other day, but she didn't allow her to make mud pies while she had it on--in fact, she wore it only half an hour, and the dress was then put carefully away.

The pretty little garment is made with low neck and short sleeves, and is one piece from neck to hem. It is shirred at the top, the hem finished in genuine Mount Melick [?] embroidery, and French knots are scattered over the dress. The material is finest linen.


Jefferson County Journal, 22 Feb 1887


CUT DOWN E'RE THE NOON OF LIFE---Died at her home in Theresa, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1887, Mrs. Idell Hewitt, daughter of Charles W. and Ulrica E. Evans, and wife of Geo. W. Hewitt, aged 25 years 10 months and 16 days. The funeral was held at the M. E. church the 18th inst., Rev. S. M. Warn [?] oficiating. The subject on foundation of his discourse was Malachi 3-17. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Alexandria, March 31, 1861, and was married Dec. 25, 1876, by L. L. Huntington, Esq. in the town of Theresa. She leaves a kind husband and two children aged respectively eight and two years. Mrs. Hewitt felt a great solicitude for her children, and expressed a desire that her parents should have the care of the younger. She had been in a decline for nearly a year, yet so as to be able to superintend her household affairs, till two weeks previous to her death, when symptoms of bright's disease were prominent. No efforts or pains were spared in securing the best medical talent, yet all proved unavailing. Her sufferings were beyond the power of pen to describe, yet patient to the last, and closing her eyes to all earthly scenes she passed away in the triumphs of the christian faith on the above date. To us the taking of a mother from children so young is sad indeed, yet he will temper the winds to the shorn lamb. We would offer our heart felt sympathies to the husband in this dark hour of trial and commend him to Him who doeth all things well. L. C. W.



(This is a letter posted on the Jefferson County Mailing List)

Thank you for posting Lavias Fillmore's last will & testament. It was another very informative document to read of my ancestors. I am also a great grand niece of Lavias Fillmore. His sister Lavinia Fillmore Phillips was my paternal great grandmother. My great grandfather Alonzo Phillips and Lavinia Fillmore married 1830 in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., NY.

They had 10 children that I'm researching along with my other ancestors that lived in Jefferson County. Alonzo Phillips died Dec.29, 1858 age 49 in Ellisburg, Jefferson County, NY. Lavinia Fillmore Phillips married Silas Farmer of Lorraine in 1860. She died July 30, 1895 age 81 in Henderson, Jefferson County, NY.

I recently found her obituary in the Jefferson County Journal on the newspaper site that I will be posting. I have been searching for the last will & testament of Lavias and Lavinia's father Ethni Fillmore who died March 25, 1844 in Boylston, Oswego County, NY. Do you have any idea where I could obtain a copy of it?

Julia (Phillips) Lewis


Jefferson County Journal, September 3, 1895


Lavinia Phillips Farmer was born in Middletown, VT., Feb. 26, 1814 and died July 30th, 1895. She moved into this state with her parents when three years of age. At the age of 15 she was converted at the M. E. Church at Belleville, being baptised by Rev M E Cook. She was a great Bible student. At age 17 years she was married to Alonzo Phillips of Rural Hill, with whom she lived until his death in 1858. She was the mother of ten children from this union, all of whom lived to adult age, except one. Four of the children survive her - Mrs. N. B. Squires, Martin and Millard Phillips and Mrs. Milo Tifft. In 1860 she was again married to Silas Farmer of Lorraine and lived there with him until 1884, when she came to live with her daughter, Mrs. Tifft, where she remained until her death. Her funeral was largely attended by her neighbors and friends.

She lived a consistant Christian life and her life was spent where she could do the most good, comforting the sad and lonely, sympathizing with the afflicted and smoothing the pillow of the sick and dying, always pleasant and patient. She was buried at Woodside. Thus a sweet and noble life has gone out. She leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss.


The Last Will and Testament of

Lavias Fillmore, deceased

Be it remembered that on this 21st day of August A.D. 1885. Catherine Fillmore the widow of said above named deceased, and Henry H. Fillmore and Millard M. Fillmore the children of said above named deceased, all of Ellisburgh, Jefferson County New York appeared in open court before the Surrogate of the County of Jefferson and made application to have the last will and testament of said Lavias Fillmore late of Ellisburgh aforesaid deceased and which relates to both Real and Personal Estate, immediately proved and thereupon on such application the said Sur- rogate did ascertain by satisfactory evidence who were the widow and next of kin and heirs at law of said testator and their respective residences, and they are as follows viz- said petitioner Catherine Fillmore the widow of said testator and said petitioner Henry H. Fillmore son of said testator and said petitioner Milliard M. Fillmore son of said testator, all of Ellisburgh, aforesaid, and all upwards of 21 years of age-And inasmuch as said petitioners constituted the widow and all of the next of kin and heirs at law of said testator, and being all of full age and did in and by their petition pray said Surrogate that immediately proof of said will be had thereupon such proceedings were heard in said Court that the said Surrogates Court by proofs of said will of said Lavias Fillmore deceased hereinafter set forth upon this 21st day of August A.D. 1885 And be thereupon adjudged the said will to be a valid will of Real and Personal Estate and the proof thereof to be sufficient which said last will and testament and proofs are hereafter recorded in this book

Ross C. Scott


Lavias Fillmore Estate


In the name of God Amen, I, Lavias Fillmore of the Town of Ellisburgh, County of Jefferson and State of New York being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament-that-is-to say-

After all my lawful debts are paid and discharged I give devise and bequeath to my wife Catherine Fill- more the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and anually, so long as she shall live, said sum is to be paid to my said wife in two equal semi-annual enstallments- by my two sons Henry H. and Millard M. Both paying a like sum.

I also give and bequeath to my said wife a house during the time she shall remain my widow in the old part of the Dwelling House on my Home farm providing she choose to live on said farm but not elsewhere

I also give and bequeath to my said wife the use of my first wife's gold watch and chain so long as she shall remain my widow in case she shall take good care of the same. But I hereby direct my executors hereinafter named to take the said watch and chain at anytime they shall deem the same misused or at the expiration of the widowhood of my said wife I also give and bequeath to my said wife our bed and bedstead and proper coverings for the same, providing she remain on aforesaid farm but in case she resides off said farm she is not to have the said bed and fixtures.

The foregoing bequests are to be accepted by my said wife in lieu of all dower which she has or might have in and to my estate both real and personal of which I shall die seized.

I give and bequeath to my grandson Menzo oldest son of my son Henry my gold watch and chain and as much money as the value of said watch to my grandson Arthur son of my son Millard but in case my said grandson Menzo shall not survive me then I direct that the said watch shall go to my said grandson Arthur but in case both


shall not survive me then I give and bequeath the said watch to my said son Henry and as much money the value of said watch to my said son Millard

I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Emma M. Fillmore my first wife's gold watch and chain at the time it shall come into the possession of my executor hereinbefore provided and in case said granddaughter Emma shall not be living at the time of such possession by my executor then I direct that the said watch and chain shall go to the oldest daughter of my son Millard.

I also give and bequeath to my granddaughter Emma, daughter of my son Henry my first wifes furs, but in case she shall not survive me I give above said furs to the oldest daughter of my son Millard

I also give and bequeath to my ........Mrs. Lucy Fillmore the Pictures ..........of my first wife and myself which said pictures were taken at Sandy Creek

I give and bequeath to my..........each ........ Hundred Dollars to be paid to them respectively one year from my decease

I give and bequeath to my wife Catherine and my sons Henry and Millard my entire household furniture(except as herebefore provided) to be equally divided between them and I also direct that my executor shall have full power to divide the same

I give and bequeath to my son Henry H. Fillmore the use of my farm on which he now lives con- sisting of about two hundred and forty seven acres of land during his natural life, subject to the provisions of this will-as follows viz: that he shall pay to my wife one hundred and twenty five dollars in two semi-annual payments as long as she shall live meaning sixty two and 50/100 dollars every six months and he shall cultivate and manage said farm in a good and farmer like manner and keep the buildings and fences thereon in good repair, and at and after his decease I give and bequeath the use rents & profits of the said farm to my grandson Menzo, son of my son Henry so long as he shall live with the same provisions and...... .....on said Menzo as on my son Henry,.

I give and bequeath to my son Millard M. Fillmore the use of my home farm on which he now lives con sisiting of about two hundred and forty eight acres of land during his natural life, subject to the provision of this will as follows viz that he shall pay to my wife one hundred and twenty five dollars in two semi annual payments so long as she shall live meaning sixty two and 50/100 dollars every six months and he shall cultivate and manage said farm in a good and farmer like manner and keep the buildings and fences thereon in good repair, and at and after his decease I give and bequeath the use rents & profits of the said farm to my Grand son Arthur, son of my son Millard so long as he shall live with the same provisions and restrictions on said Arthur as on my son Millard

I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Emma daughter of my son Henry the interest-on-net-income of four thousand dollars annually so long as she shall live- said principal sum I direct shall be invested by my executors in a good and safe manner for the purpose herein specified as soon as practicable

I give and bequeath to my grandchildren res- pectively the use on the interest-on-net-income of the rest residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal of whatsover name or kind, said net income to be paid by my executors to my said grandchildren equally in annual installments-said principle sum I direct shall be invested by my executors in a good and safe manner for the purpose of effectively carrying out the provisions of this will as soon as practicable

I hereby authorize and empower the executors of this my last will and testament to sell and


convey all of the real estate of which I shall die seized except the two said farms herein before mentioned for the purpose of Effectually carrying out the provisions of this will Likewise I make constitute and appoint my friend Anson G. Thompson and my sons Henry H and Millard M. Fillmore to be executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto sub- scribed my name and affixed my seal this twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three Lavias Fillmore (LS)

The above instrument was subscribed by the said Lavias Fillmore in our presence and ac- knowledged by him to be his last will and at the same time declared the above instrument so subscribed to be his last will and testament and we at his request have signed our names as witnesses .................................and in the presence of each other and written opposite our names our respective places of residence. Anson S. Thompson of Ellisburgh Jefferson County New York Hiram D Stacey Ellisburgh Jefferson County New York

Surrogates Court In the Matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of Lavias Fillmore deceased, Jefferson County

Anson F. Thompson of Ellisburg in said county and Hiram T. Stacey of the same place being first duly sworn in open Court upon their several corporeal oaths each for himself doth depose and say that they are subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of Lavias Fillmore late of the town of Ellisburgh in the county of Jefferson and State of New York deceased and these deponents do further say that the said Lavias Fillmore deceased did in the presence of each of these deponents subscribe his name at the end of the instrument in writing which is now here shown to these deponents and which purports to be the last will and testament of the said deceased and which bears date on the.

As the above ends at the bottom of a page, it is apparent that the final page of this probate is missing....


Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by
Vera Mae Rudd-Young
Jefferson County, NY -23-25-58

Fillmore,Lavias Ellisburg
transcribed by 2nd great grand niece
February 18, 2006


Watertown Daily Times, Thursday, 09 April 1925


Philadelphia, April 9.---Jerry Geru died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stella Kellar, in Clark street in this village at 5:15 Wednesday morning. He was 81 years old, death being due to hardening of the arteries and old age.

He was born in Canada Aug. 12, 1843. When he was 18 years old he came to reside in the United States in the town of Alexandria and lived there until 22 years ago when he moved to Leray.

He belonged to the Watertown grange.

He was married to Adaline Whitney of Leray on Dec. 24, 1868, and two children were born to them, a boy and a girl. The son died in infancy and the daughter is Mrs. Stella Kellar of Philadelphia. His wife died eight years ago March 10, 1917, and for the past six years Mr. Geru has lived here with his daughter. He was taken ill about three weeks ago.

Those who survive him are one daughter, Mrs. Stella Kellar, three granddaughters, Mrs. Loyd Kenfield of Watertown, Mrs. Glen Klock and Miss Gladys Kellar of Philadelphia, two great-grandchildren, Virginia and Kenneth Klock of Philadelphia, and one sister, Mrs. Catherine D. Young [DeYoung] of Alexandria Bay.

The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Kellar in Clark street Friday afternoon, April 10, at 2, Rev. B. J. Davison of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be at Calcium.


Watertown Daily Times, 01 June 1925


Theresa, June 1.---Charles W. Evans, whose death occurred at the Theresa hospital on Saturday forenoon May 30, was buried this afternoon in the local cemetery, the funeral services being held from the Methodist church at 2:30. Rev. T. W. Carling pastor of the church had charge of the service.

Mr. Evans was well known in this section, being one of the older members of the place, reaching almost his 90th year at the time of his death. He was born in Alexandria Bay, March 7, 1836* and spent his early life there. He was married to Ulrica E. Lee of Alexandria Bay on June 9, 1857. Some time after they removed to this village where they have since resided. In 1881 he purchased a home in the village where he has since resided. He was been in poor health for some time, but only recently was his condition considered serious and was taken to the Theresa hospital some two weeks ago.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. A. [Martha] Wicks and Miss Cora Evans of this village. There are also 10 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. His wife died but a few years ago.

*Per family records, birth date was recorded as 19 July 1834 in Alexandria.


To anyone researching the McDonald surname, I need your help in identifying several individuals.

A McDonald family of Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties was involved in an apparent dispute over land, possibly having to do with the administration of the estate of a person who died intestate, in 1902-3. One of the listed individuals, Mary Ann McDonald Calhoun, was my great-grandmother. Both of her parents’ names are "unknown" on her death certificate; it is only recorded that both were born in Ireland. All that is known about Mary Ann’s family is that she had a younger sister, Lizzie or Eliza, whose photograph appears in the family album. I am seeking any information about the relationships of the following McDonald family members to one another. Please email or post if you have information about the individuals listed below:

Catherine or Kate McDonald Conroy (Mrs. James Conroy)
Ellen McDonald Brownlee (Mrs. Charles R. Brownlee)
Margaret A. McDonald Hall (Mrs. Wilson Hall)
Michael McDonald and his wife Nora (Tobin?)
Mary McDonald Calhoun (Mrs. James M. Calhoun)
James McDonald
John McDonald
Barney or Harney McDonald
Patrick McDonald
Mary McDonald
J. W. Grable and/or Jerry Grable
Mary Robinson
John Pelo
Winfield S. Mather
Winfield S. Mather

Each person’s name appears in the newspaper article that follows:

The Watertown Herald, 20 June 1903, page 2

COUNTY COURT—Jefferson County—Margaret A. Hall vs. Michael McDonald and Nora McDonald his wife: Kate Conroy formerly Kate McDonald and James Conroy her husband; Mary Calhoun formerly Mary McDonald and James M. Calhoun her husband; Ellen Brownlee formerly Ellen McDonald, and Charles Brownlee her husband; J. W. Grable if living, Jerry Grable if living, an infant; James McDonald if living; Barney McDonald if living; Patrick McDonald if living; John McDonald an infant; Mary McDonald; Wilson Hall husband of the plaintiff; Mary Robinson, John Pelo and Winfield S. Mather.

In pursuance of a judgment in the above entitled action of partition, entered in the office of the clerk of the County of Jefferson, on the 9 day of June 1902, I, the undersigned Referee, in and by said judgment for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auction at the law office of Kellogg & Brown 10 ½ Washington Street in the City of Watertown, N. Y., on July 27, 1903, at 10 o’clock a. m., the land and premises in said judgment directed to be sold and therein described as follows:

All that tract or Parcel of Land, situate in the City of Watertown, County of Jefferson and State of New York. Commencing at a stake 5 rods northerly from the south west corner of land deeded by Cyrenus Wright and wife to Lyman D. Doolittle and Timothy A. Smith, running from thence S, 78 deg. E 3 chs. 95 links to E. S. Sill’s land thence N. 10 and ½ deg. East 6 rods to a stake from thence N. 18 deg. West 3 chains and 25 links to a ----, from thence S, 10 and 1-4 deg. West 6 rods to a place of beginning.

Also all that other tract or parcel Land situated in the City of Watertown, County of Jefferson, State of New York. Beginning 19 and 1-2 rods Westerly from the South West corner of Boon street in the center of Foster street, running North 18? And 1-2 deg. East 25 and 1-2 rods, thence North 79 and 1-2 deg. West ? rods, thence 12? ½ deg. West 25 and 1-2 rods to the center of Foster street thence S. 79 and 1-2 deg. East 3 rods to the place of beginning.
Dated June 11, 1903.
C. L. ADAMS Referee

NOTE: The Halls and Brownlee’s listed above resided in Philadelphia, Jefferson, NY in 1900.

While the above named McDonalds bear striking resemblance to a Pat McDonald family living in Ogdensburg in 1860 (see below), clearly many McDonald families of that era had children with the same or similar names.

1860 census, Ogdensburg, Saint Lawrence, NY:
Name: Pat Mcdonald
Age in 1860: 28
Birth Year: abt 1832
Birthplace: Ireland
Home in 1860: Ogdensburg, Saint Lawrence, New York
Gender: Male
Post Office: Ogdensburg

Household Members:
Pat Mcdonald, 28
Margaret Mcdonald, 30
Catharine Mcdonald, 11
Patrick Mcdonald, 10
Thomas Mcdonald, 8
Mary Ann Mcdonald, 6
Margaret Mcdonald, 4
Eliza Mcdonald, 1

I have been able to find some additional information about several of the persons listed in the 1903 newspaper notice, as follows.

Watertown Daily Times, Monday 7 Sep 1908


Mrs. Wilson Hall [Margaret A. McDonald Hall]

Philadelphia, Sept. 7.---Mrs. Wilson Hall died at her house on Church street Thursday night at 8:30. She was [difficult to read, 29?] years old. She had been in poor health for years, but the past year was much better. Monday she contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia. Wednesday noon she became worse and her death Thursday night came with sorrow and surprise to her many relatives and friends. Mrs. Hall’s usually happy and congenial disposition won for her many friends. She was a devoted wife and mother. She is survived by a husband and two sons, Dexter and Leslie one sister in Ogdensburg Mrs. Charles Brownlee, and a brother. The funeral was held at her home on Church street Saturday at 1:30, Rev. A. J. Feishaw of Alexandria Bay officiating. Burial was made at Antwerp.

NOTE: The sons mentioned above were Dexter John Hall of Watertown (1891-1980) and Leslie Wilson Hall who died in Clayton (1895-1973).

The Adirondack News, Saturday, January 1, 1916

The Ogdensburg “Advance” says” Mrs. Charles Brownlee, aged 48 years, died at the City Hospital Tuesday morning at 1:30 o’clock. Her death was indirectly the result of injuries which she sustained eight weeks ago when an oil lamp was accidentally upset and ignited her clothing while she was alone in her home on New York avenue. Mrs. Brownlee had been a rheumatic invalid for several years and though unable to walk she managed to drag herself out onto a piazza and shout for help. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Race, who conduct a grocery store next door, heard her calls and went to her assistance, smothering the flames with comfortables. While her injuries were severe it was thought that she would survive them. Recently, however, complications appeared and she lost ground steadily until the end came.

NOTE: A previous article in the Ogdensburg News dated Saturday, 6 Nov 1915 and entitled “Alone in House, Invalid Sets Clothes Afire,” details the accident described above. Charles R. Brownlee, born in about 1865 in Canada, removed after Ellen’s death to Rochester and remarried. He died after 1920.

Ogdensburg News, 1916


Death of Old Resident of Watertown Occurred Friday Evening—Funeral Tomorrow
Watertown, May 6.---James Conroy, a well known resident of this city and uncle of Right Rev. Joseph H. Conroy of Ogdensburg, died Friday evening about 9:30 at his home, 815 Academy street, following an illness of several months, aged about 91 years. Mr. Conroy was taken ill several months ago. He had remained in bed during the past three weeks. Death was due to advanced years. He was born in Ireland, son of the late James and Julia Conroy. He came to this counter when about 15 years of age in a sailing vessel, the journey requiring several months to complete. He came almost directly to this city, but soon after removed to a farm in the town of Rutland. He resided on this farm until 1845, when he became possessed with the gold fever and went to California, where he lived until 14 years ago, when he came to live in this city. Me married Miss Catherine McDonald, daughter of the late Patrick and Roseanne McDonald, 52 years ago, who survives him. He was a member of Holy Family church and was a member of South Rutland grange for many years. Besides his widow he leaves two sons, Charles E. Conroy, who conducts a grocery at 504 South Rutland street, and Fred Conroy of Tulsa, Okla., and two brothers, Dennis Conroy of Ogdensburg, and Thomas Conroy of Lockport. He has two nephews in the clergy, Right Rev. J. H. Conroy, of Ogdensburg, and Rev. Perry Conroy, a missionary priest. The funeral will be held from his late home, 815 Academy street, Monday morning at 9. and from Holy Family church at 9:30. Interment will be made in the family plot in Glenwood cemetery. Mr. Conroy had been retired from active work since his removal to this city 14 years ago.

NOTE: a brief death notice in the Watertown Daily Times indicated that Catherine Conroy passed away on about 28 June 1918.

Watertown Daily Times, 4 June 1926, page 4 col. 4


Mrs. Mary Ann Calhoun, 76, of 634 State street died Thursday evening [3 Jun 1926] about 8 at the home of her son, Anson F. Calhoun. Mrs. Calhoun has been ill for some time. She suffered a fractured hip last fall and was in the House of the Good Samaritan for about six months but returned to the home of her son last February and had been apparently enjoying good health. It was Thursday morning that Mrs. Calhoun was taken suddenly ill with a heart attack. During the day her condition improved slightly but she had a relapse late in the afternoon. Her condition became gradually worse until early in the evening, when she passed away. Mrs. Calhoun was born in Rome, [NY] Nov. 16, 1849. She had lived the greater part of her life in this city. She married the late James M. Calhoun many years ago. Mr. Calhoun died about 24 years ago in this city. She is survived by her son, Anson F. Calhoun with whom she made her home, and a daughter, Miss Bessie Calhoun of this city. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 from the home of her son. Rev. Hubert S. Wood, pastor of the St. Paul's Episcopal church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Brookside cemetery.

NOTE: Anson F. Calhoun and the Winfield S. Mather listed in the 20 June 1903 newspaper notice were close neighbors on the Sackets Harbor Road/Arsenal Street Road beginning in 1928.

There was a Michael McDonald who married Nora Tobin in Jefferson county on 23 Oct 1890; they may be the Nora and Michael McDonald mentioned.

Any leads appreciated.


Found this in the Lowville Journal Oct. 26, 1922, Thursday
Also, check out Watertown Herald

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Maxim.

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Maxim, 84, died East Watertown Sunday night. She was born in Pinckney, Lewis county, daughter of Ira and Mary Pollock, pioneers. She was married 60 years ago to Emory Maxim, who died 35 years ago.

Surviving are three sons, Frank and Eugene, of Rutland, and William, of Beacon, and one daughter, Mrs. Helen Latimer, of Ontario, also eleven grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

She broke an arm and dislocated a shoulder three months ago and went to the residence of a granddaughter, Mrs. J. O. Boudlette for treatment, but failed to rally. •


I am looking for someone who is researching the Giles MINER family. Giles Miner was born 5 Apr 1818 in Jefferson, New York
Married: 19 Jun 1840
Jane FULLER b. 1820 in Henderson, Jefferson County, New York
both are buried at Point Peninsula Cemetery, Lyme, Jefferson County, New York

Please correspond to me directly at my e-mail address.

Thank you,


Mrs. Edward Amans of Dexter, Metcalf Graves

Mrs. Edward Amans of Dexter was in town last week to attend the funeral fo her step-father, Mr. Metcalf Graves. Lewis Graves of Sodus was also here.

The funeral of Metcalf Graves, a highly respected resident, was held Wednesday morning at the church at Mallory. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Crofoot of the Central Square, M. E. church and the remains were deposited in the cemetery at that place.

Mexico Independent Newspaper, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1889


Watertown Daily Times 1925

Mrs. Bertha Pierce McGarr

Theresa, Feb 5,-Mrs. Bertha Pierce McGarr, 48, of Watertown, died at the home of her aunt, Mrs. George Neuroth, this morning at 8 after an illness of about a year during which she had suffered several paralytic strokes.

Mrs. McGarr was born in Theresa, June 16, 1877, the daughter of Willard A. and Belle(Isabelle) Duclon Pierce. Leaving this village 25 years ago she went to Watertown to reside and was married to Edward McGarr, Oct. 8, 1907. Her husband who was a druggist here, died last fall. Mrs. McGarr was a member of the Holy Family church in Watertown.

The funeral will be held from St. Theresa church here Monday morning at 10, Rev. Father Hoffman offciatting. The body will be placed in the vault and burial will be made at Calvary cemetery in Watertown in the spring. Surviving Mrs. McGarr are her father, Willard A. Pierce, and two sisters,(should be aunts) Mrs. Libbie Tice and Mrs. J. G. Felt of Hammond. Friends who wish to view the remains may call at the home in Theresa in Park avenue Saturday or Sunday.


A Watertown Daily Times article dated 19 June 1905 on page 7 describes the opening of the state armory in Watertown. It is entitled


Beautiful Decorations and Many Reminders of a Century Ago.
Relics from Nearly Every Town in the County, Carrying on Back to the Days When the County Was Only a Prospect

The armory was opened in conjunction with Watertown's centennial, and celebrations were extensive. For me the most intriguing part of the article is as follows:

"But perhaps the most interesting part of Watertown's exhibits are the painting of some of its oldest residents whose names are well known to the present inhabitants of the city. The portraits were those of Dr. Anson Trowbridge, Jason Fairbanks, [illegible], ----- Bagley, Benjamin Woodruff, the third earliest settler of Jefferson county; Mrs. Benjamin Woodruff, Hon. Orville Hungerford, Mrs. Orville Hungerford, Reuben Goodale, a half figure in uniform painted upon wood in the year 1822; William Smith, Squire Hoyt, Norris Woodruff, Chauncey Calhoun, William Wood, Mr. Phillips and a companion painting of Mr. and Mrs. Loveland Paddock.

My question is: Whatever became of these paintings of Watertown's oldest residents? I would sure like to be able to learn what my ancestor Chauncey Calhoun looked like. Maybe this information is helpful to someone else as well.


Marguerite Amelia Powers

The funeral of Marguerite Amelia Powers, the 4-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Powers, who was strangled while entangled in a swing yesterday afternoon, will be held from the parents' residence, No. 31 Coffeen street, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. F. P.Winne officiating. The remains will be taken to Cape Vincent on the 8:50 a.m. train Monday for interment.

This obituary clipping was found in the Bible of Amelia Brunet (aka Amelia Burnett) who was born in Cape Vincent, NY, in 1848. No date on the newspaper, but records I have found indicate Marguerite Powers was born 1892 and died in 1897.


Watertown Daily Times, 17 October 1924

Was Official of Davis Sewing Machine Co.


Moved From Here to Dayton in 1889
When Plant Was Transferred to
That City---Burial Will be in Dayton

James Burt, aged about 75, formerly of this city where he was assistant manager of the Davis Sewing machine plant, died suddenly at his home in Dayton, Ohio, Thursday.

He was born in this city and spent the early part of his life here, where he attended the local schools and graduated from the Watertown High school. He was the son of the late Charles and Mary [sic] Burt.*

After his graduation from High School he attended college for a time and later began the study of law in the office of Judge Pardon C. Williams. He gave up the study of law to enter the employ of the Davis Sewing Machine company when but 19 years of age. He later became assistant manager of the plant here at the time that the late Leigh Johnson was manager. Mr. Burt was an expert bookkeeper and accountant.

In 1889 he moved from this city to Dayton, Ohio, when the plant of the sewing machine company was removed to that city and became the Dayton Bicycle shop. He had since made his home there.

He was married to Miss Kitty Horton [sic] of this city whose death occurred about three years ago.**

Surviving are a sister, Miss Fannie Burt of Grand Rapids, Mich., one daughter, who lives in California, and one son, Benjamin Burt of Dayton and several cousins in Ogdensburg and this city.

The funeral services and burial will be held in Dayton Saturday morning.

Although it is thought that the death of Mr. Burt was sudden, he had been in poor health for a number of years. His health began to fail about seven years ago when he suffered a severe fall in the gymnasium of the Dayton Y. M. C. A. and was for some time a cripple after the fall. He improved from his injuries to a certain extent, but never fully recovered. He was forced to retire from business a few years ago on account of ill health, and the son has succeeded to the business of his father in Dayton.

Mr. Burt has been in this city several times since he first left here to visit his brother, William S. Burt, who died about six years ago, but he had not been here since his brother's death.

The word of Mr. Burt's death was received by Mrs. W. S. Burt of 412 Stone street, widow of Mr. Burt's brother.


*James' stepmother was Mary Thornton. His mother was Sarah Elizabeth Calhoun (1822-1850), who died when James was five months of age. His father was Charles Sheldon Burt (1819-1900), son of Dean Burt and Frances Church.

**James married Kitty Perone Weston (1853-1921), daughter of William Henry Weston and Hannah M. Kramer




At Antwerp, Aug. 22, by Rev. J.A. Cauffield, Charles Rivers, of Theresa, and Miss Carrie Yerdon, of Antwerp.

Transcribed from Tuesday, August 31, 1886, Jefferson County Journal, Adams, Jefferson County, New York


Watertown Daily Times, Oct. 10, 1900

Alexander Swart

Barnes Corners, Oct 9—On Sept 20, occurred the death of Alexander Swart, who lived near this place.

Mr. Swart was born in Martinsburg a little more than 69 years ago, but has resided in this vicinity for the greater part of his life. He was a hard-working, honest man and a good neighbor, and will be remembered as one who had sympathy for all sensible things in a physical and moral sense.

He leaves one sister, Mrs. G. Kellogg, of Martinsburg, and three children, Mrs. Walter Boot wick, Mrs. J. Brown and Charles, of this place. His widow also survives.


Watertown Daily Times, Sept. 1,2006


Adams Center - Marion R. "Peggy" Sutton,82,Redding, Calif., formerly of Adams Center, died Aug. 20,2006 at her home. Born March 19, 1924, in Watertown , daughter of Donald H. and Mary Snell Gordinier,she attended Adams Center Central School. A marriage in 1942 to Walter Ward was annulled in 1944. She married William E. Sutton on Jan. 3, 1946, at Brownville Methodist Church. Mr. & Mrs. Sutton operated a nursing home in Mannsville for a short time before leaving in 1955 for California. Mr. Sutton died June 11, 1990.

Surviving are three daughters, Linda Brown, Oregon,Gail Glassburn, Redding, and Suzanne Blodgett, Rodman; a son John, Palo Cedro, Calif; a sister, Elizabeth ( Betty ) Vincent,Kenai, Alaska, nine grandchildren and 18 great - grandchildren. Three sisters, Mary Geraldine (Gerry) Vincent O'Hara, Easter A. Gonseth and Myrtle A. McKendry, and a brother Donald H. Gordinier, died before her.

A memorial service was held in Palo Cedro. The body was cremated. Arrangements were with Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel, Palo Cedro.



Jemima Halladay died at the home of her grandson, Chas. Halladayy, March 12, at the age of 94 years 5 months 7 days. She was born in the town of Russia, Herkimer county, in the year 1798, was married to Josiah Halladay in the year 1818 and moved the same year to Clayton Jefferson county, then almost an unbroken wilderness. Their conveyance was an ox team and travelled by marked trees. At this time there were but two houses where the beautiful city of Watertown now stands.

In passing from thence to Clayton by ox team became exhausted and it being might-time the couple halted and stripped the bark from some trees and setting them up endways made a covering for them during the night. During a severe thunder storm the next day they proceeded on to their new home, which was a log hut covered with split logs. In this small room they lived with another family, the division of this house being a crack in the hewed log floor. For a time their only window and door fastenings were blankets. Here the families lived and reared families, the men cutting away timber and improving their lands.

She lived in Clayton 20 years, then moved to Harrisburg, N. Y., after burying her husband and being left with a family of five boys and one girl. She remained at this place 16 years and kept her little family together and worked with her hands to provide them with food. She then moved to Henderson where she lived to bury her entire family except her son Henry, who survives her.

Josiah Halladay, her husband, was a soldier in the War of 1812, being stationed at Sacketts Harbor. Mrs. Halladay was a woman much lived and admired by all who knew her, being a humble lady of domestic habits and always found at her post of duty. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.

Taken from: Jefferson County Journal - June 2, 1893 (?) - p. 5

By Shirley Farone


O'CONNOR, James J. & family: Wife Katherine, children George & Leo. NY Central Station Agent at Philadelphia NY; lived in Carthage where he died in September 1906. The family then moved to Utica.

Roderic J. O'Connor



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