Jefferson County Errata: 1850

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Northern NY Journal, July 3, 1850, p. 4:

MORTGAGE SALE: Whereas JOHN RUSSEL of Alexandria in the county of Jefferson, by mortgage bearing date the 11th day of August 1835, for the purpose of securing the payment of $244.70 and interest thereon, to ELIZA RUSSELL of the city and county of New York, did mortgage and convey unto the said Eliza Russell and to her assigns all that certain piece or parcel of land in the Town of Alexandria in the county of Jefferson, being part of No. 97...and whereas the said Eliza Russell has departed this life having made her will...Charles P. Huestis, Assignee.


Northern NY Journal, July 17, 1850, p. 2:

Washington, July 10, The funeral of Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR, late President of the United States will take place on Saturday, the 13th of July, at 11 o'clock.

Taller Rye—We have received a few stalks of rye taken from a field of 20 acres belonging to Mr. JOHN GEORGE of Perch River, town of Brownville, eight feet and four inches in length.

Killed by Lightning—During the severe storm on the 2d of July inst., three valuable cows owned by MEDAD COOK, Esq., were killed by lightning within a short distance of his dwelling on Pillar Point.


Northern NY Journal, July 31, 1850, p. 2:

SUPREME COURT-Jefferson Co.: BETSEY ROOT against JASON ROOT. To Jason Root, defendant, you are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Betsey Root, Plaintiff, which complaint was filed on the first day of July 1850, in the Clerk's Office of Jefferson Co., and to serve a copy of your answer within 20 days. Dated Watertown July 1st, 1850 Edmund B. Wynn, Plaintiff's Attorney


Northern NY Journal, August 7, 1850, p. 2:

Drowned—On the 1st inst., RICHARD THOMAS, a lad about 9 years of age, accidentally came to his death by drowning. Just before night he went into the river to bathe, near the Pamelia bridge. Being unable to swim, and having waded in beyond a safe distance, he was carried down the stream. His body was found on the 4th instant about two miles down the river from the place where he went in. An inquest was held on the body by Mr. Corner Mitchell and the jury delivered a verdict in accordance with the facts above stated.


Northern NY Journal, August 21, 1850, p. 1:

Alexandria Census. The following is an abstract from the enumeration of the population of Alexandria, made by JNO. N. ROTTIERS, Esq., Assistant Marshal. 560 dwelling houses containing 386 families and 3,175 inhabitants. In 1840 Alexandria, which then embraced Theresa, contained 3, 175 and in 1835 Theresa contained 2,109, so that the increase in the territory included in these two towns since 1840 is probably over 2,500, which speaks well for the growth and improvement of that section of the county. The villages of Alexandria show the following population:


The New York Reformer, September 5, 1850, p. 2:

UNION MILLS, WATERTOWN—NEW ARRANGEMENT—CALVIN WRIGHT, of Adams and ALBERT P. BRAYTON of Watertown, having purchased the interest of HIRAM MERRILL in the Union Mills, have entered into the milling business in connection with ELI FARWELL, under the firm of Farwell, Wright & Brayton.


The NY Reformer, September 12, 1850, p. 3:

FIRE—The hop house of Mr. T. SMITH, on the Sacket's Harbor road, about 2 miles from this village, was burned to the ground last Sunday evening, supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Some half a ton of hops were consumed with the building. Loss supposed to be about $900.


The NY Reformer, October 10, 1850, p. 1:

SERIOUS ACCIDENT—we regret to learn that MR. JAMES A. KRAKE of Lafargeville had his leg broken a few days since by the discharge of a musket in the hands of his own child, 8 or 10 years old. The gun had been standing about all summer and was not known to be loaded—People can not be too careful with firearms; and especially should this caution be needed, when we reflect that some 2,000 guns have recently been distributed over this county by sales from the Arsenal. Be careful! Bro. Krake is a worthy member of Larfargeville Division No. 556, of the Sons of Temperance. He will now realized the practical benefits of membership with this benevolent Order.


The Northern NY Journal, October 16, 1850, p. 3:

WHIG MEETING—A meeting of the Whigs of the county of Jefferson was held at the hotel of SILAS GATES in the village of Watertown, on the 14th day of October inst., pursuant to the following notice.

The Whigs of the county of Jefferson who desire to maintain their connection with the Whig party of the United States are requested to meet at the house now kept by S. Gates in the village of Watertown on Monday the 14th inst., at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of choosing three delegates to represent said Convention to be held at Utica on the 17th of October, inst.

Dated October 9, 1850


The NY Reformer, November 14, 1850, p. 2:

MR. ELIAS WOODWARD of Rutland, has laid upon our table twenty different varieties of applies, all grafted fruit. We know they are good by their appearance, but as yet we have kept them on hand till some knowing friend might come in and tell us their names throughout. Our knowledge of Apple-ology we find quite limited when brought to bear on so great a variety. Hope some one will call and impart the desired information soon, for fear of disastrous consequences. Our thanks are tendered to Mr. Woodward, notwithstanding our perplexity to find out their names. A friend at our elbow thinks he could tell us by eating them. We say, “no you don't”.


The NY Reformer, November 28, 1850, p. 1:

Journal of the Board of Supervisors—the Board convened in pursuance of law, at the Jefferson County Clerk's office, Monday, Nov. 11, 1850 at 2 o'clock p.m. Upon the roll being called by the Clerk, A. WILSON, Esq., the following named were present as Supervisors of their respective towns:

The Board after taking rooms at the Kirby House, proceeded to the election of a President, and after several ballotings, HENRY GREEN, JR. was declared elected.


The NY Reformer, December 5, 1850, p. 2:

MR. ISRAEL PRIEST, of this town, age about 35, died Friday or Saturday last from exposure.


The NY Reformer, December 12, 1850, p. 4:

HENRY LEWIS, the son of FOSTER LEWIS, Esq., of Burville, died in California in the month of September last.


The NY Reformer, December 19, 1850, p. 7:

SUDDEN DEATH—We learn that WALTER COLE, Esq. Of Brownville, died very suddenly at his residence on Monday morning last. He was lying upon a lounge and fell dead upon the floor. He was here attending court last week and appeared to be in perfect health. Mr. Cole was a wealthy and extensive farmer—a prominent and highly respected citizen of Brownville, age about 60 years.


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