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1. Everyone was talking postmaster.
4. The winter was decided a fraud; worse than the President.
5. Startling news was received of an alleged fatal quarrel at Sterlingville, in which one Jonathan Myers was injured. He died.
6. Lowville was seriously affected by the suspension of the private bank of G. M. Brooks.
8. Mayor Streeter took his seat in the council rooms for the first time.
13. Anna V. Rapier lectured at Washington Hall.
14. The board of managers of the Jefferson County Agricultural Society held their annual meeting.
22. Charles Partello was permitted to buy weights and measures for the city, and we have had correct weights and measures since.
24. The "duped" ones of the county were still swearing about the county history.
24. Mr. H. D. CADWELL celebrated his 87th birthday.
29. "Dr." Sharpe was arrested for having too many wives. He was "boosted" from "B" company, and finally landed in Auburn.
1. Woods was hung at Malone
1. GEO. COLLINS was fatally injured at Clayton by an unmanageable ice boat.
3. The Dutch Reform Church at Syracuse was destroyed by fire.
7. SMITH T. WOOLWORTH was appointed received of the Homestead fire insurance company.
10. The Y.M.C.A. anniversary exercises were held at the Presbyterian Church.
15. Ira Richmond Butler was "cutting up" at Oswego.
17. Fisher swindled some of the people of this city and tried to come it over the Board of Education.
19. JOHN KINNEY was elected Justice of the Peace of Evans Mills. It was called a miracle.
30. The Rome shops were taken to Oswego, the jumping off place.
3. JOSEPH M. FERRIN died and was buried on the 5th.
7. H. J. Welch was found not to be the checker champion of this county. He "quit" draughts.
8. The citizens of St. Lawrence County having been exposed to county history, took the decease and were very sick.
11. DeLeon another bad one was brought before the Recorder. Where's he now?
12. A. J. WALRATH was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church at LaFargeville.
15. Gold was discovered at Limerick. It is still there.
15. First annual dinner of the Alumni Association at the Woodruff House.
18. St. Patrick's Day and rain.
20. MORGAN H. GRIFFIN, of Adams was found to be a bigamist of the worst stamp.
26. The Limerick gold mine was found to be a barren waste.
27. JUDGE DANIEL WARDWELL died at Rome, age 86 years.
1. Loof lirpa.
2. Quarterly meeting of the Jefferson County Medical Society.
2. The City Medical Society was organized.
3. The Bee Hive, Aumond & Black proprietors, was closed.
10. Poor Butler received another newspaper puff.
10. CAPTAIN FRANCIS BUTTERFIELD died at Redwood, age 83 years.
18. Sam. Steenburgh was hung at Fonda.
21. Easter Day. A great many eggs were devoured.
22. Jefferson County Teacher's Institute was opened at Clayton.
26. The 59th anniversary of Oddfellowship was appropriately celebrated by the City Lodge in this city.
27. MRS. DAVID AUGSBURY, of Pamelia Four Corners, attempted suicide by shooting herself. She didn't succeed.
6. The coroner held an inquest on the body of BYRANT FOLEY, whose sudden death made considerable gossip.
7. Alderman Barber's absence began to look mysterious.
8. Mr. C. C. CASE died after a long illness. He was 47 years old.
10. The South Colton murder was the subject of newspaper talk.
10. Montague and Redfield were playing checkers and S. Jeffreys was in town.
11. More Fenian scare.
12. Wood, of the Cape Vincent Eagle, was receiving tulips. He has since joined the Reform Club and tulips are played out.
13. NELSON W. STREETER died at his residence on State Street. He was 74 years of age.
16. WILLIAM J. CUMMINS died age 68 years.
18. D. Davis was reported killed at the jail. It was an awful scare.
22. Those naughty English Blondes shame several ladies in Washington Hall.
23. Alderman Barber still absent.
24. Rev. W. J. Clarke, of Canton, was suspended from the ministry.
26. Kent Mason lectured in Washington Hall. She fell from a horse in Theresa soon after.
27. Kent Mason lectured at Carthage and met a DESPATCH reporter. He wrote her up.
28. Mr. and Mrs. ANDREW BLACKSTONE of Adams, celebrated their golden wedding.
29. HARVY FAILING died today, after a short illness.
30. Decoration Day.
1. LIZZIE ANGEL died, in her 41st year.
7. Mrs. VanAuken was sentenced to Sing Sing prison for life.
8. Should Washington Hall be licensed was the all absorbing topic.
11. River Park Association races were in progress.
11. The Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church of Central New York was opened at Trinity Church.
14. Stone throwing commenced at Kingston by the hired girl.
19. Alderman Barber returned and thought the Common Council was run by a ring.
20. The County Doctors had an excursion down the river.
27. The graduating exercises of the Watertown High School were held at Washington Hall.
30. JAMES WILSON was drowned in Black River.
4. A Quiet day. Pete Leonard made a speech.
4. C. N. ELY died, in the 56th year of his age.
15. The Board of Supervisors held a special meeting to make an appropriation for asylum repairs and agree upon an armory site.
16. A clam bake was talked of which never came off.
18. JERE COUGHLAN, of the Carthage Republican, was married and became a new man as it were.
18. Cornell defeated Harvard at Owasco Lake.
19. JOHN PARMENTER was drowned in Black River.
22. The Sunday Miscellany changed hands. The hands have since been in the snow.
23. The DESPATCH procured a fighting editor.
26. Bresnaban was hung at Canton.
26. "Rev." Miller got in a muss at Gouverneur.
1. The U. & B. R. RR. was opened to Ogdensburg.
3. A reporter of the Times was threatened with a chapter of personal history, which is yet unsealed.
5. HUBBARD FULLER is said to have absconded.
5. H. A. BROCKWAY carried off the leather medal of "C" company.
7. Alderman Barber got a resolution through the Board of Aldermen. It was a mistake.
9. Watertown was flooded by the heaviest storm that ever visited Northern New York.
10. The evening paper was struck by a "thunderbolt."
13. The facts of the elopement of GEO. J. FOWLER and a girl of Alexandria Bay were published.
19. WILL C. WOOLWORTH was drowned at Walton Island, Alexandria Bay.
21. CORNELIA CARPENTER took laudanum while in jail and died on the 22d.
28. A Lewis County man bit off the ear of a neighbor, and JOHN M. TAMBLIN ran a foot race.
30. The City Band carried off the prize at Antwerp.
31. The firemen were out for their annual parade.
2. Fun among would be Congressmen.
3. Frank Harbottle was reported drowned at Oswego.
4. Calf skins were at a discount.
5. Prof. Barr and the late Perry Green have a slight misunderstanding. Professional jealousy supposed to be the cause.
9. A coroner's inquest was held on the body of B. H. BULL who was run over by the cars at Sandy Creek.
10. There was a Republican convention at Redwood, "it seems to me."
13. Alderman Barber "flops" and becomes a Greenbacker.
16. JOSEPH RIVET died, age 69 years, 5 months and 28 days.
20. The Republican Convention of the Second Assembly District was held at noon today.
23. Superintendent Moak resigned.
24. The county fair opened.
26. The Manchesters defeated the Uticas in this city.
30. Miss MINNIE WILHAMS died at one this morning.
The great boat race between Hanlan and Courtney was rowed.
3. Hon. WARNER MILLER was nominated for Congress at Lowville.
4. The particulars of the robbery of the U. & B. R. RR. depot were made known.
5. Meeting of the Jefferson County Bar to take action concerning the death of Hon. ROBERT LANSING, which occurred on the 3d.
10. The fall meeting of the Watertown Rifle Association closed today.
11. Hon. Levi H. Brown was serenaded.
12. The story of the child hanging was published.
12. General Pratt died.
15. Greenbackers and Republicans had a pitched battle in the Huntingtonville school house.
16. Enthusiastic meeting of the Young Republicans. Eight present.
26. Watkins and Sias commenced to fight vigorously.
29. There was a great Democratic rally at the Safford Block.
30. IRA RICHMOND BUTLER was lodged in jail.
30. MISS HUFTLE, of Theresa, took poison on the 28th and died.
1. Hon. Francis Kernan spoke at Washington Hall.
5. Sias was awfully beaten, and Warner Miller was elected Congressman.
9. E. C. Emerson and bride were serenaded.
17. PERRY GREEN died.
21. The ordinances of the city were amended.
22. H. E. Gay, Mrs. Julia Dunn and Mrs. Barrett were brought before the Recorder for selling whiskey on Sunday.
25. The walking match between MacCONNELL and BERTHA VON BERG was commenced.
26. MacCONNELL called a hero.
2. Adist counsels wisely at Prescott, and advises a sawdust truck for His Excellency, Lord Lorne.
6. City politics getting warm.
9. CAROLINE BARRETT is let out of jail.
10. The Republicans had a time in nominating a Mayor, and C. A. Waterman was the victim.
11. Dennis O'Brien was nominated Mayor on Democratic ticket.
14. Republicans have a mass meeting and U. S. Grant is named as the candidate for the next presidential contest.
14. WILLIAM HOWELL died suddenly.
17. O'Brien is elected May and Tom Barber is "scooped."
20. The Woodruff House was damaged by fire.
21. H. P. COOKE died suddenly, age 68 years.
21. Evans and Parker have a walk. Evans wins.
24. Watertown snowed in.
25. A stormy Christmas Day.
26. The railroads blocked up and our people are mad.
27. People crawl out of the upper story windows in order to get over the top of the snow drifts.
28. No trains from Rome from day to day.
30. Trains expected. All exchanges a week old.
31. Hurrah! The snow bound train gets out and in. Sixteen tons of mail and a Happy New Year.
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