Jefferson County, New York
Print date: January 3, 1878, p. 7.
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Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress throughout India.
Death of Commodore Vanderbilt, age 82 years.
Steamship Amerique of the Transatlantic Line, run ashore near Long Branch
Theodore Thomas disappointed and disgusted Watertown.
JACOB DORER, Cape Vincent, age 50 years, lost in a snow storm.
Death in Washington of Rear Admiral Joseph Smith, age 86 years.
Great fire in a Bolton colliery, England; 15 lives lost.
JOHN C. COOPER of Adams, died
JACOB DORER'S body found, in the woods, near his house.
ISAAC H. FISK, Watertown, died in his 66th year.
The Joint Convention assembled to count the electoral vote.
John G. Easton of Canada, committed suicide in this city.
Death in San Francisco of Rear Admiral James Alden, U.S.N.
Death in Washington of Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. age 76 years.
Death in Washington of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, U.S.N., age 72 years.
Florida's vote counted for Hayes and Wheeler.
MRS. JUDGE SCHLEY devotes $100,000 to a home for the aged, infirm and friendless of Watertown.
Colliery explosion at Graissessae, France. Fifty-five lives lost. Death in Paris of Nicholas Changarnier, senior general in the French army, age 84 years.
Death in Annapolis of Rear Admiral Charles H. Davis, U.S.N., age 71 years.
Louisiana's vote counted for Hayes and Wheeler. Death in Washington of Rear Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough U.S.N., age 72 years.
Hayes and Wheeler declared elected by the action of the Joint Convention
Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes.
Burning of the Waltham building in New York. Loss $1,661,000
Death of MATILDA A. HERON, age 47 years.
Seven persons trampled to death in a panic in St. Francis Xavier's Church, New York
John D. Lee shot at Mountain Meadows.
The Staffordville, Conn. Reservoir gave way, causing a great loss of property.
The European powers signed a protocol at London inviting Turkey to place its army upon a peace footing.
An order was issued by President Hayes for the evacuation of the South Carolina State House by the United States troops.
Death in New York of Captain F. Lahrbush, supposed to be 111 years old.
Death in New York of the Rev. W. A. Muhlenberg, age 80 years.
Burning of the Southern Hotel in St. Louis, Fifteen lives lost.
War with Turkey declared by Russia.
Excursion to Buckley, Myers & Co,'s opening, Utica.
Preliminary meeting for organizing Westminster Park Association
Landslide at St. Genevieve, Canada. Ten lives lost.
Water let into the Black River Canal
Explosion at the Wadesville shaft colliery. Seven lives lost.
Destruction of Iquique, Peru, by an earthquake.
A stuff chest in Remington's paper mill bursts, damaging $600 of property.
MERRITT TAYLOR, of Hounsfield, committed suicide by hanging.
Dead body of an infant found in the river near Dexter.
President MacMahon suspends the sitting of the Franch Chambers for one month.
The steamer "Rambler" ran on the shoals at the head of Carleton Island.
H. H. BABCOCK's handsome barn badly burned.
Seven men crushed to death by the launching of the steamship Saratoga, at Roach's year, Chester, PA.
The Russians blow up a Turkish monitor on the Danube.
Death in London of John Lathrop Motley, age 63. Death of Fletcher Harper.
Decoration day: appropriately commemorated in Watertown.
Death of Sophia Frederika Matilda, Queen of the Netherlands.
Destructive tornado in Illinois; sixteen lives lost.
Widdicomb Bridge, near Bath, broke down; 20 persons killed.
Henry Ward Beecher lecture in Washington Hall.
Death in Scotland of Alexander Bain, philosopher, age 67 years.
Railroad collision on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; five lives lost.
The 69th anniversary of the Black River Baptist Association convened at Mannsville.
The body of young Pair found near Brownville.
Death in Fairhaven, Conn. of the Rev. John S. C. Abbott.
The Massachusetts editors were at Alexandria Bay.
Hayes issues order relating to office holders.
The Russians cross the Danube at Galatz.
Death of ROBERT DALE OWEN, age 76.
Potter House, near Sterlingville, destroyed by fire and a child burned to death.
JOHN DURHAM, of Adams Center, hanged himself in his barn.
A terrible hail storm in Southern portion of this county.
Pensaukee Station, Illinois, destroyed by a tornado; six lives lost.
Death at Buchanan, Ohio, of Professor Sanborn Tenney, age 50 years.
Seven men killed by foul gas in a coal mine near Sharon, Pennsylvania
E. B. FOWLER died at his residence on Massey Street, Watertown, NY.
The Russians cross the Balkans.
Wreck of the British steamer Eten off the coast of Chili; one hundred lives lost.
Beginning of the railroad strikes.
The Amateur Press Association of New York, met at the Woodruff House.
ELDRIDGE J. WHITE of Pillar Point, robbed and shot at.
Soldiers at Madison Barracks ordered to Pittsburg, PA.
The 35th Battalion placed under marching orders.
Defeat of the Russians by the Turks at Plevna; Russian loss, 8,000 killed.
Burning of a manufactory in Cincinnati; ten girls burned to death.
Death at Landeck, Silesia, of Marshal Charles Frederic Von Steinmetz, age 81 years.
MRS. PATCHIN drowned herself in a well near Depauville.
Accident on the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
REV. GARDNER BAKER died suddenly at Thousand Island campground.
Grace Church, Watertown, celebrated her tenth anniversary.
Death of William Longman, the publisher, London, age 78 years.
GEO. HITCHCOCK, of this city, instantly killed by accidental discharge of a revolver.
Moira Hose Company of Belleville visited Watertown.
Annual camp meeting at Felts Mills commence.
"C" Company took part in the sham battle at Syracuse.
Death in St. Louis, of Benedict DeBar, age 61 years.
Universalist State Convention met in Watertown.
Railroad accident on the Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; 17 lives lost.
Death at Sale Lake City of BRIGHAM YOUNG.
Death at Canton, PA, of E. L. Davenport, age 61 years.
Death in Paris, France of ex-president Louis Adolphe Thiers, age 80 years.
Four lives lost at the burning of Hale's piano factory in New York City.
Collission of two British ships off Portland, England; 104 lives lost.
The American riflemen win the international match with the British team.
Accident on the New York Central Railroad; 3 lives lost.
Death in France of U. J. J. Leverrier, the astronomer, age 67 years.
Part of the Patent Office in Washington burned.
Great fire in Providence, RI; 3 lives lost.
Death in Peru of Henry Meiggs, age 66 years.
Allen C. Beach was nominated Secretary of State.
Death in London of Madam Teresa Titiens, age 43 years.
Great storm on the North Atlantic coast. Eight persons killed by an accident on the Pickering Valley Railroad. The steamer Massachusetts driven ashore on Long Island.
Surrender of Nez Perces Indians to General Miles.
The Carthage Fair opened.
$70,000 worth of property destroyed at Gouverneur.
The Jefferson County Fair opened in this city.
Explosion in a colliery near Wigan, England; 35 lives lost.
Muktar Pasha defeated by the Russians and retreated to Kars.
The schooner Sherman run aground of Point Peninsula.
The Seventh Day Baptists held their annual camp meeting near Carthage.
Great fire in St. John, New Brunswick.
Colliery explosion near Glasgow, Scotland; 232 lives lost.
Death in South America of Professor James Orion, age 47 years.
Seven prisoners escaped from the county jail.
Death in Philadelphia of Edwin Adams, age 43 years.
VanDyke, the Ogdensburg murderer, sentenced.
Death in Indianapolis of Senator O. P. Morton, age 54 years. The Prussian Field Marshal Von Wrangel died, age 93 years.
Passage of the Bland Silver bill in the House of Representatives.
State elections in New York, Massachusetts and elsewhere.
Loss on Lake Michigan of the Canadian schooner Magellan; 8 lives lost.
Henry Peters Gray, artist, died age 58 years.
Board of Supervisors met.
Fatal fire damp explosion near Scranton, PA; 4 lives lost.
Resignation of the French Ministers.
Capture of Kars by the Russians.
Enforcement of the Excise law.
Five millions, five hundred thousand dollars awarded to Great Britain for fishery rights.
Loss of the United States steamer Huron off the North Carolina coast; 110 lives lost.
Burning of the steamer Lotus on the Mississippi; 11 lives lost
Jefferson County Bible Society met at Chaumont.
Osman Pasha surrendered with his army at Plevna.
Servia declared war against Turkey.
Democrats elected John C. Streeter Mayor and their Chamberlain, Recorder and 2 Aldermen.
Large fire in Barclay Street, New York City; four lives lost.
VanDyke hung at Canton.
Opening of the Museum of Natural History in New York City, by President Hayes.
Death of R. P. Parrott, inventor of the Parrott gun.
Arrest of a firebug at Gouverneur.
Commitment of Lyon to Canton Jail for incendiarism.
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