Errata from the
Watertown Re-Union Newspapers
Watertown, NY

January - June: 1877

Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec

February 1, 1877, p. 5:

The name of the Sackets Harbor woman who is supposed to have burned up her baby is MRS. CYNTHIA CROUCH. The ashes were examined by Drs. Trowbridge and Spencer, who think they were part of the remains of the child. Some of the particles in the ashes, they think, are charred fragments of bone, The case will be fully investigated.

DEATH OF JOHN C. COOPER-The death of this estimable man occurred, after a painful illness of some months duration at his residence in Adams, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. His age was 76 years..he leaves behind a handsome competence gained by industry, honesty and capability. He has been president of the Agricultural Insurance Company of this city for more than 20 years. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church and contributed largely to charities. He leaves a wife, son and three daughters, the latter of whom are all married--Mrs. Stebbins of Little Falls; Mrs. General Winslow of Watertown and Mrs. U. S. Gilbert of Watertown. NOTE: A special tribute appeared also on page 6 of this issue.

AN OCTOGENARIAN-Mr. H. D. CADWELL, who celebrated his 86th birthday on Wednesday last by calling upon 24 Watertown widows...informs us that seven of the widows upon whom he called were upwards of 80 years of age, while the others were all over the time of his 80th birthday he boarded with a friend, Lewis Palmer, who with his daughter got up a surprise party for him. To this were invited: Dr. Nathan Goodale, Elihu Ball, Jason Fairbanks, Philo C. Jonson and W. Wood. Mr. Cadwell was the youngest of the party except the host himself. Dr. Goodale, when going home would not accept any assistance in putting on his overcoat, or in riding home. When he reached his house he was too weak to go in, and was taken in by his wife and daughter, and in twenty minutes thereafter had passed away from life. A few weeks later, Mr. Ball was called hence, and so one after another, all have gone, and of that party of old gentlemen, Mr. Cadwell is the only one alive today.

CENTENNIAL BABIES - Watertown has had a Centennial Baby Party...The Commissioner of weights and measures reports the following full and true returns from all the counties heard from: WALTER HENRY BOON, born September 16th, 1876, weight 19 1/2 pounds AGNES P. VAN OSTRAND, born October 13th, 1876; weight about 15 pounds FRANK S. HUNN, born October 30th, 1876; weight about 14 3/4 pounds EDNA E. WOLEY, born November 16th, 1876; weight 13 1/2 pounds The prodigy of the occasion which took the first prize for weight according to age was Miss EDNA W. UTLEY, born November 6, 1876; weight 21 pounds...

page 7:
MRS. KEZIA McBRIER of Great Bend, wife of a worthy citizen, Mr. HENRY McBRIER, died on January 11, 1877 in the 75th year of her age. A lengthy tribute followed this notice written by Sarah C. Clark.

February 22, 1877, p. 6:

GOLDEN WEDDING AT THERESA - On Wednesday, the 14th inst., an event occurred at Theresa long to be remembered by our people, it being the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. ALEXANDER COOPER...At 2 p.m. the callers began to arrive and over 200 availed themselves of the opportunity to call. Of the relatives there were present: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Cooper and Miss Minnie Cooper of Evans Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cooper of Sanford's Corners; Mrs. C. R. Cooper of Cape Vincent; also the widows of Rand, William and Edward Cooper, brothers of Alexander. Of our town's people present, there were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pool; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tyler; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Chapman; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Woodruff of Oswego County; Mr. and Miss Doolittle; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fayel; Mrs. A. G. Ryther; Mrs. D. Bearup; Drs. Kelsey and Sturtevant, and others too numerous to mention. Of the family there were present: Victor and wife; Emmett; Mrs. Geo Dresser and two daughters; Alex. H. and wife and children; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Cooper and children, being all of the family except Martin and family who reside at Forest City, Iowa. ...The aged couple raised 6 children and have 12 grandchildren and thus far have had no deaths in their family of children or grandchildren.

A very pleasant affair occurred last Thursday, February 8th, at the residence of Mrs. Thomas Butler of the town of Brownville. That day being the anniversary of her 79th birthday, she gave a dinner party to which all her relatives were invited...forty nephews and nieces came from Watertown, Dexter, Pamelia and Sanford' Corners...Mrs. Butler not only prepared the food, but waited upon the table also, serving them as only hands prompted by a loving heart could do...

March 1, 1877, p. 1:

DEADY BODY FOUND - The remains of the late JACOB DORER of Cape Vincent, Lost in the great January snow storm, found after may days. Cape Vincent, February 23--The body of Jacob Dorer, who has been missing since January 12th, was found this afternoon in the road, about three-fourths of a mile from his residence. This is a genuine find this time.

OBITUARY- Died in Wilna, January 24th, 1877, Mr. LYMAN WILSON, age 75 years, 5 months and 6 days. The subject of this notice was born in the State of Vermont in the year 1801. In 1806 the family moved to this state and settled in the town of Leray, Jefferson County, where he spent his youthful days working with his father clearing up the wilderness in which he had settled. At the age of 19 he began to teach school in the winter season, and taught several terms at Pamelia Four corners, and in the summer he attended school at Fairfield, NY. He was married to Miss RUTH CARY in 1824 and moved to Philadelphia in 1831 and settled in the west part of the town...he left a widow and six children, four sons and two daughters to mourn their loss.

March 8, 1877, p. 4:

WOODEN WEDDING - On Wednesday evening last a company of about 75 assembled at the house of STARR H. and MARY BELL THOMPSON, in Rutland Hollow, and surprised the happy couple with presents of wooden manufacture, useful and ornamental, of all kinds needed, from a wheelbarrow to a a clothespin. It was the anniversary of their fifth year of happy wedded life....

SUICIDE AT CAPE VINCENT--February 28--Mr. EDGAR R. FARR, a well-to-do farmer of this town, committed suicide early this morning by hanging himself in his bar with a chain...He was about 60 years old and leaves several children, all of whom are of age. He lived on the direct road leading from this village to Clayton, in what was formerly known as the "half-way House," situated about eight miles from here. This is the same person who was reported some two weeks ago as having attempted to cut his throat with a razor. Note: a second dispatch gave his address as Millens Bay and that he was about 65 years of age.

The longest married couple, probably, in Lewis County, is Mr. and Mrs. ABEL LANPHER. Mr. L. married his present wife, MARY DODGE, in Lowville in 1812. Their health is yet preserved although the first is 88 and the latter 86 years of age. They are sill residing in this town.

page 8:
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. HEBARD of Ellisburg, celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of their marriage a few days since. About 150 invited friends were present.

MRS. MARY BAUTER of Theresa, who is now in her 91st year, is in the city on a visit to her son, M. Bauter. She is in the enjoyment of good health and perfect eyesight.

March 15, 1877, p. 7:

MILTON CONVERSE - The whereabouts of Milton Converse still remains a mystery, the prevailing opinion is, however, that he is still living. The river has been dragged, but to no effect....It will be remembered that on Monday night he disappeared...

page 8:
In making repairs to the American Hotel in this city (Watertown), the workmen yesterday came across a marble sill in one of the doorways, on the under side of which were the letters: "nnette, daughter of W. and LEVINA ATTRIDGE; May 10, 1843, 9 years and 9 months: The slab was probably one of those taken from the old burying ground. At the time of the removal of bodies from the old to the new cemetery, some of the tomb stones were left for sale, and this is probably one of them. One side being chipped off accounts for the name "Annette" not being given in full.

March 22, 1877, p. 3:

MILTON CONVERSE--His whereabouts known at last. He is in Geneva, NY. He slept the night previous to running away at the Woodruff House in Watertown. See the long article about his activities in this issue.

page 7:
REDWOOD-MRS. JOHN THOMPSON, who has been a physical sufferer for years, passed quietly away to the spirit land last Sunday night week. She was buried in the rites of the episcopal Church on Tuesday last.

Adam Bicklehaupt's beautiful little girl died on the 14th inst. of pneumonia, being two years of age. Her funeral was attended by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw and the German clergyman.

March 29, 1877, p. 3:

MRS. ACHSAH THOMPSON, whose sad death was mentioned last week, was the wife of the late ICHABOD THOMPSON, formerly of Redwood Glass Manufacturing Company.

April 5, 1877, p. 1:

HANDSOME GIFTS - Mrs. R. P. Flower Gives away five dwelling houses in Watertown--Names of the Lucky Recipients--Practical benevolence is a trait of the Woodruff family. It was only the other day that The Despatch chronicled the endowment of a Home in Watertown for the Aged and Infirm by Mrs. Judge Schley, formerly Mrs. Henry Keep; $100,000 being donated to this aludable object. And now Mrs. Schley's sister, Mrs. Roswell P. Flower has presented five deserving residents of Watertown each with a house and lot, on the north side of the river. The houses are all in a row on Cooper Streeet, brick front--size of lots 22 feet frontage by 200 feet deep. The recipients are:

The houses cost, with the land, about $2,500 each. Chet Shaw attended Mr. R. P. Flower in a critical illness some years ago with that faithfulness and tenderness which is part of his character. The lady recipients have all been known to Mrs. Flower from her girlhood and have ever been held in affectionate remembrance by her.

April 19, 1877, p. 4:

AN OLD LANDMARK--We were pleased to see in the streets yesterday, after an absence of a year, BARRETT PHELPS, one of the very early settlers of Watertown, as he came here in the month of June, 1806. He is now in is 88th year and says he is as sound and healthy as he ever was. He worked for Hale Coffeen in early life, jobbing, lumbering and farming for eight years, and then took a job of Alexander Parker on the South Brownville road to clear land. After that he hired out to Judge Coffeen, the father of hale, and after that again he took contracts to clear other land. About this time he got married and went on a farm on the Beaver Meadow Road in Watertown. He lived there several years and then came into the then village, and was engaged in teaming and other work. Mr. Phelps was married in the old sugar house then opposite the jail. He has raised six children, all of whom were married in Watertown. Three are now living and a thousand miles apart...Note: there is a lengthy additional story attached to this article.


The People vs ALEXANDER MONTONDO. Indicted for burglary. Arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Sent to the Sessions.

The People vs LEWIS MONTONDO. Indicted for burglary. Arraigned, pleaded not guilty; also sent to the Sessions for trial.

The People vs. BURTON EARL. Indicted for burglary and larceny. Arraigned, pleaded not guilty; sent to the Sessions.

The People vs HENRY MULLIGAN. Indicted for riot; arraigned, pleaded guilty and sentenced to the Onondaga Penitentiary for forty days.

The People vs. JAMES COUGHLIN. Indicted for riot; arraigned, pleaded guilty and sentenced by the court to the penitentiary at Syracuse for forty days.

page 5:
WAR! WAR! WAR!- The eastern horizon is red with the glare of war. The Russian Minister in Washington believes war to be inevitable, though without official advices as late as those received by telegraph. Admiral Porter believes that it will be one of the most gigantic wars on record, but that the Russians will never conquer Constantinople, even with 30 iron-clads, 244 vessels of war, 44 thousand sailors and one of the best armies in the world. With all this, Porter believes the war will end in disaster to the Russians. General Sherman said Thursday: "I believe this struggle is going to cost a million of lives and they will not be all Russians and Turks either..."

page 6:
At Perch River, of diptheria, WILLIE F. and CARRIE M. OAKS, age 4 and 8 years. They were the only children of ZENAS and RUTH OAKS, and came with their parents from the far West to visit their friends. Willie was the first to fall a victim to this fearful disease, and Carrie followed within two or three days. The funeral services were performed by the writer (N. KLOCK) for both, February 2d, at the residence of JOHN OAKS, Esq., the grandfather of the children.

BOY DROWNED-GEORGE YERDEN, a lad about 3 years of age, falls into the flume on Beebee's Island and is drowned. Tuesday afternoon, GEORGIE, age 3 years and 8 months, a little son of JOHN YERDEN, who resides at No. 23 Moulton Street, on the north side of the river, and CHARLIE, age 4 years, son of CONSTABLE EUGENE CLARK, who resides next door to Mr. Yerden, went out to play together. They wandered over the suspension bridge to Beebee's Island and were playing next to the city pump house, near the flume, about 2:30 o'clock when GEORGIE YERDEN fell into the water and was drowned. ..Immediately after George fell in the flume, his playmate ran home and informed his mother of the fact, being very much excited and frightened. Mrs. Clark was unable to glean from him where the drowning occurred. Mr. Clark, hearing of the accident hastened home and his son led him to the flume. Search was made and the body of the child was found about 4 o'clock by Mr. Greenleaf, floating on its back directly in the rear of the pump house...The funeral will take place from Mr. Yerden's residence at 10 o'clock a.m. Thursday.

April 26, 1877, p. 7:

DEATH FROM OVER EXERTION: Saturday afternoon, WILLIAM DUKE, a young son of JONES DUKE, who resides at No. 95 Moulton Street in Norther Watertown, was playing in Mr. S. Pool's barn on State Street, and while turning an old fanning mill, which was standing in the barn, overdone himself so much that he became sick and started for home in company with two of his playmates. When opposite the residence of Thomas Kenyon, on Pearl Street, he exclaimed, "Oh how sick I am," and fell to the ground. He was picked up by his playmates and carried home, where he died in about 20 minutes. Dr. Johnson was called, who pronounced the immediate cause of death the bursting of a blood vessel produced by over exertion.

May 3, 1877, p. 4:

The funeral of MRS. BOGART was held in the M. E. Church on Wednesday the 25th ult. She as the mother of MRS. HENRY BOGART, with whom she lived, near Alexandria Centre.

May 17, 1877, p. 5:

DETERMINED SUICIDE- MERRITT TAYLOR, an apparently prosperous farmer of Hounsfield, committed suicide Friday morning by hanging himself in his own barn. A year ago last March, Taylor's wife bought a farm about five miles from this city, from Hiram Inglehart, on Massey Street, containing 83 acres and a fraction, the price agreed on being $57.50 an acre. $1,050 was paid down, and an annual payment of $100, with interest on all unpaid, was agreed on. They kept about a dozen cows, a span of horses and had a fair supply of implements with which to do the agricultural work, but the low prices of farm products last year caused him to run behind, and he was short on his payment $125, for which, however, he had not been pressed by Mr. Inglehart; still it worried him...The money paid had been his wife's and the fear seemed to haunt him that it would be lost, and his wife rendered homeless...Merritt Taylor is said to have been a Canadian, though we were unable to learn what part of Canada he came from. He was 37 years of age, his wife a month older than he. Both he and his wife had had previous matrimonial experience--He lost his first wife April 4, 1868; age 24 years and 3 months. She left behind her a little girl, now age 12, who lives with her mother's parents in Brownville. The present Mrs. Taylor's maiden name was Hubbs; her first husband was Albert Vandewalker and she is a sister of Mrs. J. J. Ostrander. Taylor has a brother and sister in the county, the latter in Brownville, Mrs. Walradt. He has also three nieces in this city. The Taylors had lived two years in Pamelia on the farm of Morris Banister. From there they removed a year ago last March to the scene of the present deplorable tragedy...

page 7:
People vs BARNEY DUNN. Indicted for riot, pleaded guilty and in consideration that the prisoner had been in jail since last July a mere nominal sentence was given. Three days in jail.

People vs HORACE STREETER. Indicted for selling liquor without a license. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $75, or to stand committed until paid not to exceed 50 days. Fine paid.

In the case of the People vs. GEORGE HEWITT, for abortion, quite an exhaustive argument was made on the part of the defendant to put the case over the term. The case was finally set down for Monday next. This is the Carthage abortion case. Messrs. Porter, Williams and Pratt appeared for the prisoner.

It is expected that the case of the People vs. HORACE N. CAMPBELL will be taken up during today. This is the Rutland cheese factory robbery.

May 24, 1877, p. 4:

LOUIS PAIR, the father of the boy who was drowned last Saturday, is the father of twelve children, eleven of whom are girls. The only boy he had was the one who lost his life in Black River. Yesterday Mr. Pair's grief resulted in a fainting fit that lasted until Dr. Rudd was called. The boy was an eight year old son of Louis Pair, a shoemaker at 99 Factory Street. The boy drowned at noon on Saturday by falling into the river near the Factory Street bride.

Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will arrive at the Thousand Island House, Alexandria Bay, on June 16th.

page 5, from Oxbow:
MRS. H. A. FELL of this place died May 23d, while under an operation performed by Dr. Spencer of Watertown in removing a tumor. About 20 doctors and students were present.

page 8:
Watertown, May 8, 1877--Owing to the death of Mr. RUSSELL DAY, it has become necessary to close up the business of the firm of L. E. Thompson & Co. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle immediately.

May 31, 1877, p. 4:

REDWOOD-JAMES PARKER's house and barn were burned on the 14th inst., two miles this side of Alexandria Bay, Mr. Parker is indeed afflicted, his wife being insane and now no house to liv in. Charity now if ever.

page 6:
PATRICK HUGHES of Lafargeville, has been killed in the Black Hills. His remains arrived in Watertown on Saturday evening.

page 6:
The Pioneer, a paper published at San Jose, California, devoted a whole page of a recent issue to a biographical sketch of RANSOM G. MOODY, formerly of Rodman, Jefferson County, who was one of the emigrants of '49. Mr. Moody's settlement in San Jose has been identified with the business of the city; that he has principally been engaged in milling and that Moody's Mills, now carried on by his sons, Charles and David, have a reputation throughout the county; that the subject of the sketch is now 74 years of age..surrounded by his family...he has resided in San Jose for the past 27 years.

page 6:
THE CARTHAGE ABORTION CASE--The trial of GEO. D. HEWITT terminated yesterday in a verdict of not guilty...

June 7, 1877, p. 2:

PATRICK J. HUGHES - LaFargeville, May 30--The remains of Patrick J. Hughes arrived on the morning train of yesterday, and were immediately conveyed to the old LaFarge mansion, the residence of his brother, M. J. Hughes. The funeral services were held this morning at the Catholic Church, the Rev. Mr. Brown officiating. Mr. Hughes left this place about three weeks ago to go to the Black Hills. He never arrived there. The following is from the Cheyenne Daily Leader of May 24th:

In our issue of Wednesday we called the attention of our readers to the fact of our Sheriff having been notified of the finding of a body about six miles from Durbin's Crossing. Mr. Carr, on receipt of telegram, immediately informed the coroner, Mr. A. P. Goldacken, and that gentleman with the characteristic promptitude...proceeded to the scene of the melancholy event and returned with the remains of the deceased the same evening and deposited them in the morgue...a jury was impanelled...and they returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from starvation and exposure...a picture on the deceased body was of a young girl, the assumption that she was probably a daughter...Mr. Hughes was a nephew of Archibishop Hughes of New York, and served in the late war on the staff of General Corcoran...He leaves a wife and a child by a former marriage.

June 21, 1877, p. 6:

THE THREE RICHEST MEN-The three richest men in the United States--Astor, Stewart, Vanderbilt--have died within fifteen months. The first inherited great wealth...the other two were the architects of their own vast fortunes. The combined wealth of the three would probably aggregate $250,000,000 or four times the amount of the public debt of the United States before the war.

page 8: Theresa:
JAMES PERKINS died on Friday night. He was an old resident and much respected by all.

June 28, 1877, p. 5:

The accidental drowning of the Hoadley boys on the 22nd inst., at the foot of Wells' Island was a sad affair. They were sons of HENRY HOADLEY. Their funeral obsequies were attended on the Island by Rev. Mr. Warn on the Sabbath following. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the community. NOTE: Son, DANIEL HOADLEY was born 1858; his brother, JAMES HOADLEY was born 1860. They were the sons of Henry and Phebe Ann (Pattison) Hoadley.

On the 19th inst., MRS. TANNER, a highly respected lady (sister of Dr. Catlin) died of chronic disease, having endured with Christian patience a vast amount of physical suffering. Her funeral obsequies were attended by Rev. Mr. Bradshaw. Mrs. T. was a widow lady, and left an orphan son and daughter.

It is our painful duty to record the death of HENRY BOGART of this town, a gentleman 60 years of age, a farmer by occupation, who lived in Alexandria 46 years...He died of kidney disease, with which he had been afflicted many years...He had well educated his family of children, three sons and a daughter.

Evans Mills,
Last Sunday evening the Methodist Church of this place was the scene of a very interesting and enjoyable affair. It was previously understood that there was to be a double wedding at the church at 8 o'clock, in the evening, and the happy couples were Mr. ELWOOD FAILING and Miss LYDIA STEINHILBER, Mr. JOHN WIGGINS and Miss ZILLAH KING...Services were opened by Rev. M. M. Rice...

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