Errata from the
Watertown Re-Union Newspapers
Watertown, NY

January - June 1878

January - June, July - December

January 3, 1878, p. 5:
We regret to hear of the death of one of Brownville's respected citizens, Mr. A. A. GIBBS, for many years a member of our Board of Supervisors.

We are pained to hear of the death of GEORGE ENCARL, the well known Eastern agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, which took place a few days ago, at Cohoes, in this state.

FRANK H., only son of JERRY MABB, of Sackets Harbor, died at Buffalo on the 18th inst. in the 19th year of his age. He had spent the season in sailing on the lakes, was on his last trip down, was taken sick with that loathsome disease small pox, went to the hospital in Buffalo and died in a day or two thereafter, and before his friends at the Harbor knew that he was sick.

page 8:
The funeral of Mr. Gibbs was largely attended at Brownville on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Winne preached the sermon. The remains were brought to this city and placed in the vault.

The recent death of MRS. J. H. HELMER leaves a sad void in Redwood society as well as in her family, and the church to which she belonged...

January 10, 1878, p. 1:
In the matter of RICHARD BECKWITH, a non compos mentis, deceased, late of LeRay, in this county, a motion was made at the Present General Term, at Syracuse, to revive the proceedings to supersede the Commission to inquire into his affairs. The motion was denied without costs, and without prejudice to the rights of the petitioner before a special term.

Page 2:
MAHANNA, the man who was frozen to death near Antwerp the other night, was about 50 years old. It was deemed unnecessary to hold a coroner's inquest.

Page 10, from Redwood:
One of Redwood's most handsome fair and favorite widows was captured last week and gallantly led up to the hymenial alter, viz: MRS. PATTERSON to Mr. JOSIAH BROWN, late of Michigan, but a former resident of Jefferson Co...

The name of the first Supervisor of the town of Wilna, was THOMAS BRAYTON, Elected in 1814.

The funeral of MRS. MARTIN SPINDLER was held in the M.E. Church. She leaves a loving husband and a large family to mourn her death...

January 17, 1878, p. 4:
DUDLEY RIDER, son of JOSEPH RIDER, who resides between Chaumont and Limerick, went out of his father's house into a shop nearby on Saturday last, for the purpose of getting his gun to shoot a hawk that had been flying around in that vicinity for a number of days.

On the day before he had cleaned the gun, for the purpose, he said, to kill the hawk. He left the house on Saturday with the gun under his arm, and this being no uncommon occurrence, but little attention was paid to him. Soon after, a member of the family, going to the shop, was shocked to find Dudley lying upon the floor dead, with a bullet hole in his breast. It is supposed that the gun was accidentally discharged, as it was found close by, empty. Dudley was a single man of steady habits, industrious, and about 27 years of age...His funeral was very largely attended.

The funeral of WM. SARVEY, at Wilna, Saturday, was largely attended. He had not been married only about two weeks, and was taken sick New Year's day, while returning home from his wedding trip and did not recover...

Yesterday morning, an old man by the name of BESAW, age 96, was walking across the railroad bridge, he fell through on the ice beneath and sustained injuries from which it is expected he will die.

Page 8:
Mr. GIDEON L. KELSEY, formerly one of the old residents of Cape Vincent, but for many years an inhabitant of Cleveland, Ohio, died at the latter place on Saturday last. He was 86 years of age.

Mr. JOHN DINGMAN of Chaumont was here on Wednesday, and notwithstanding his advanced age appeared to be as hale and hearty as he was 20 years ago. He is now nearly one hundred years old...

January 24, 1878, p. 2:
OBITUARY-Departed this life on Thursday, January 3, 1878, MRS. SALLY ANN BLODGETT, age 66 years, wife of Captain WILLIAM J. BLODGETT, living near Chaumont, NY. She was born in the town of Henderson, which was also her family name. When 7 years of age she moved with her parents into the town of Lyme and at about the age of 16, was married to Mr. Blodgett. The Sunday before her death just completed 50 years of their married life. A family of 7 children--three sons and four daughters--grew up under her training...For more than 40 years, Captain Blodgett was absent from his home eight months in the year...The funeral services, conducted by the Rev. J. A. Canfield of Theresa, were held at her late residence near Chaumont, on Sunday, the 6th inst., all her children being present except the oldest son, who is in Texas, also one sister, Mrs. Vrooman of Carthage, her other family relatives living residing in the far West. Her husband now past 70 years of age survived her...

MRS. B. F. THAYER died very suddenly on Thursday evening, of dropsy. Her loss will be mourned by numerous friends.

The old man, BESAU, who was injured by falling from the railraod bridge, last Monday, died yesterday morning.

SAMUEL ORVIS of Champion, who died quite recently, was almost a centenarian, only lacking thirteen days of being one hundred years old. He was a pensioner of the War of 1812.

Mr. (TRUMAN S.) ROWELL, of whose return to Plessis mention was made some two weeks ago, was buried, Tuesday, with Masonic honors. He was an invalid and no one thought of his entire recovery, but his sudden death shocked many. He was a member of the M.E. Church of Plessis for years and also of the Lodge, No. 297, F.A.M. The last named society took entire care of him, and proved true friends in is time of need. He died Sunday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wemple, where he was boarding and where he was kindly cared for...

ABOUT PLESSIS--It is familiarly and more commonly known among the old residents of the county as "Flat Rock," so called from the prevalence of the Potsdam sandstone which shows itself there in a large area of naked surface flat rock. As early as 1817, JAMES LERAY erected a grist mill at that point, and the hamlet, as well as the stream on which the mill was erected, were named in honor of a place in France. The first town meeting in 1821 was held at Plessis. The first religious society of the town (Presbyterian) was formed there in 1821. A town fair and a cattle show, the first in the county, was held there in 1838, three years before anything of the kind was held in Oneida County....

OLD LANDMARKS-- A correspondent writing from Adams, gives the following list of names of old gentlemen living in that village, together with their ages, as nearly as can be ascertained:

ELI WRIGHT, nearly 94

The following named ladies are living in the same district, all of whom are 70 or over, and about one-half of them are over 80 years of age:


total: 50

January 31, 1878, p. 1:

MRS. THOMAS LUMP, of this place, died on the 26th inst. Her remains were taken to Watertown.

Uncle ANSEL SMITH is gone. He died at his home near Roberts Corners on Sunday morning last, at the ripe old age of 84. He was a member of the Methodist Church of this village and was esteemed and respected by all. He leaves four children to mourn his loss.

January 31, 1878, p. 5:

The following is a list of the respective names and ages of the oldest people in Redwood:
JOHN NORTON (not of Carthage) 91
"Nick" 54.

February 7, 1878, p. 1:
At a special meeting of Jefferson Union Lodge, I. O. of O. F., the following tribute of respect to the memory of JAMES C. DONLAN was ordered upon its Memory of brother JAMES C. DONLAN, died January 31, 1878...

The funeral of Mr. GEORGE COLLINS, which took place on Sunday, with masonic service, was largely attended. Members of the Cape Vincent, Three Mile Bay, Chaumont and Redwood lodges, were present.

Two weddings: Miss. M. M. LUTZ of Philadelphia to Mr. CHARLES ROSA of this place, and Miss MAGGIE MARTIN of this place to Mr. SKINNER of Alexandria Bay.

Mrs. J. O. BROWN died last Saturday of consumption. Her funeral occurs this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the house.

Bridget Deer, in Theresa, is adjudged to be insane.

A. E. NORTON was buried on Tuesday of last week with Masonic honors, four lodges being in attendance, Gouverneur, Richville, Hermon and Antwerp. Mr. Norton was a lifelong Democrat, and is the sixth in this town that has died during the past eight months.

CHARLES MORGAN, a young man of 17, died Saturday morning, of diptheria and scarlet fever, after an illness of only five days. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. WM. B. MORGAN, who have the sympathies of the entire community.

Page 3:
A few days ago we published the names of the old people living at and in the vicinity of Adams. The following should be added to that already long list:

H. C. JONES 72
total, 62

Page 3:
The following concerning the family of NEWMAN H. POTTER, living about 2 miles from Brownville on the road to Sackets Harbor, has been sadly afflicted by the death of three grandchildren, that lived in their family, to wit: NELLIE F., daughter of FANNY E. WARN, age 3 years and 10 months; WILLIE H., son of FRED and LOTTIE A. POTTER, age 1 year and 4 months. These two children died on the 2d day of January inst., within about 25 minutes of each other and were both buried in one coffin. On the 12th day of January inst., the infant son of FRED and LOTTIE POTTER, age 6 weeks, died. They all died of diptheria.

Feb. 1, Yesterday afternoon about half past five while LEWIS CAREY and GEORGE COLLINS were out sailing on an ice boat, they met with an accident which resulted in the death of the latter. Carey, who was steering, was thrown off, and the boat becoming unmanageable ran into the dock. Mr. Collins, who was standing near the spar, was thrown eight or ten feet into the air and struck on the ice with sufficient force to split the pelvis and cause other internal injuries. He died about half past ten last night. He was about 41 years of age and left a wife and one child.

February 14, 1878, p. 3:
CAPTAIN LEONARD DRESSER died from apoplexy, at his residence in Huntingtonville, Jeff. Co., NY, January 23, 1878, age 83 years. He was a native of Vermont and was born in Tunbridge, Orange County of that state on October 30, 1794. His father, Alanson Dresser, was a farmer by occupation and at his death had a family of eight children, of whom Leonard was the oldest....ALANSON DRESSER, father of the subject of this sketch, moved with his family from Vermont to WAtertown in 1805 and located upon lands within the present limits of the city, on the west side of Washington Street, through which "camp's Ditch" ran. Here he erected his "log cabin" and commenced the labors of pioneer life. He died, October 16th, 1808, leaving a widow and eight children, the oldest then fourteen...Leonard was relieved of his responsibility of caring from the family on December 6th, 1810, by his mother becoming the wife of the late WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, Esq....Mr. Dresser was married to Miss MELORA MURRAY of Brutus on September 28th, 1824, and three children were the result of this relationship, only one of whom survives, LUCY J., (MRS. RUFUS F. HOWLAND). This excellent wife and mother died May 1st, 1877, at 73 years....Captain Leonard left a daughter, MRS. R. F. HOWLAND, a widowed sister, ALLVIRA (MRS. GEORGE PIKE) of Creston, Union Co., Iowa, a brother, JOHN G. and a sister, LAURA (MRS. FORWARD) both of this city,... Transcriber's note: This sketch is an entire column long and descendants will want the full column.

Page 7:
The death of Mrs. Lewis case a gloom over our village. Her funeral took place at the M.E. Church on Sunday. The church was crowded with sympathizing friends. Rev. Wm. Holbrook preached one of his ablest sermons...

H. M. NICHOLS, late of New York City, deceased was brought here on Wednesday last and buried with Masonic honors. Mr. Nichols was formerly a resident of Adams and in business here several years.

February 21, 1878, p. 1:

On Thursday afternoon last, Miss LAURA, youngest and only remaining daughter of Mr. W. M. EMERSON, in Taylor Settlement, was married to Mr. A. D. HINMAN. Rev. G. B. Barnes of Adams performed the ceremony in the presence of about 40 invited guests...

Deacon HERMAN COLTON, one of the old landmarks of Adams, died last Friday.
MRS. PHEBE BROWN, wife of ALPHEUS BROWN, deceased, died on Friday lasts. Her funeral occurred Sunday.

Page 6:
About 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the little daughter of MARTIN BARNEY of Clayton was burned to death. She and her little brother were alone and in some way her clothes caught fire from the stove and she was burned to a crisp...The girl was about 10 years old and the boy 8. They were left in the house alone and had a hot fire...

A young child of Mr. JOHN EDWARDS died Sunday evening of inflammation of the lungs. Several cases of diptheria have been reported, but none have proved fatal.

February 28, 1878, p. 4:

MRS. HANNAH TASKETT, who lives about one mile from this village, on the Champion Road, died very suddenly last Saturday morning. Although not in the best of health, she went to bed the night before feeling remarkably well, and in the morning she called one of her daughters to come and take up a grandchild which was in the habit of sleeping with her, but said nothing about her being worse. Breakfast was soon prepared, and as she did not appear, one of her daughters went to call her and found her dead. It was only the Tuesday before that one of her daughters was buried, and now her death makes the fourth one in the family in about a year, Father, Mother and two daughters.

March 7, 1878, p. 1:

A Novel Wedding-From a correspondent at Theresa we get the following: Married, at the residence of the groom's father, by the Rev. Franz Brown, Mr. GEORGE SPIESS to Miss KATE RUFER. This wedding was conducted on the German plan. Many guests were invited, and over 100 were in attendance. The presents were large. The pleasant and selling the bride's slipper was entered into with much spirit. In this case the slipper was struck off at $25, the avails going to the bride.

A Pioneer of this County-Yesterdays's Utica Observer has the following under its "personal" head: MILTON H. THOMPSON, Esq., left for New York on the special this morning, in company with EZTRA GRINNELL, Esq., of Alexandria Bay. Mr. Grinnell is 86 years old, and was one of the pioneers of Jefferson County. Born in 1792, in the town of Galway, in this State, he was reared to the rugged life of a pioneer farmer. When the War of 1812 broke out he was engaged in clearing land at Ellisburgh, In Jefferson Co., and he was three times summoned to the defense of Sackett's Harbor, and again to the battle of Sandy Creek. For many years he resided at Evans Mills where he was known as a leading member of the Presbyterian church in that place, and also as a prominent Mason. Though now 86 years of age his mental and physical powers exhibit very little abatement of the strength of his manhood's prime. Mentally speaking, he is wonderfully well preserved. He recalls incidents of 1796 and7, and has during the past three years written a history dating from 1802 to the present time. He comes of a long-lived stock, his father dying in Galway at the age of 96. Last year, in addition to the writing of over 100 pages of his history, he wrote 93 letters, planted several acres of potatoes and corn and performed other farm labor. He was one of the men who assisted Potter, the Revolutionary veteran, and others in carrying the famous cable on their shoulders from Sandy Creek to Sacketts Harbor. He has relatives or descendants in Ellisburgh, Pierrepont Manor, Evans Mills, Adams, Philadelphia, Alexandria Bay, Utica, Brooklyn, Galway and Amsterdam. Like the late Ezra S. Barnum, Ezra Grinnell went through the Morgani Masonic times coming out with his Masonic faith and works untarnished and strengthened.

Page 4:
The Late JOSEPH M. FERRIN- Joseph M. Ferrin, whose death we announce in another column, was born in Londonderry, Conn., in the year 1800. He moved to Watertown in the year 1840 and opened a marble shop on the same site now occupied by his son, H. F. Ferrin. Previous to this date he owned a marble shop in Dorset, VT and quarried his own marble...For the last ten years his health has been declining, and he has not been in active business...Two of his sons died while preparing for the ministry at Hamilton College. Three sons and one daughter, also his first wife, who died in 1872, preceded him...His two sons Henry Fayette and Foster M. and second wife survive him...On the site where the Kirby House now stands he erected a fine dwelling, on which Mr. O. S. Wheelock displayed his genius as an architect for the first time...

FROM DEXTER: A double wedding was the last. The brides were Misses ELLA AND EFFA EMERSON; the grooms, Messrs. FRED ADAMS AND CHARLES JONES. Rev. Mr. Dewey, assisted by Rev. H. M. Dodd, performed the ceremony.

March 14, 1878, p. 7:

FROM CARTHAGE-VOLNEY WOOLWORTH, and old and well-known resident of Champion, died last Wednesday morning, age 67.

FROM EVANS MILLS: It was our good fortune to be present at the wedding of Mr. HENRY PRINCE, of Kingston, Ont., and Miss MARY COOKE of this place, which took place at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. JOSEPH COOKE on Tuesday, the 5th inst., in the presence of the family and a few invited guests. At two o'clock p.m. the couple were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Wenman, Episcopal clergyman of this place...

Page 5:
To Soldiers of 1812-The following is the pension law that relates to the soldiers of 1812. It has been passed by both houses of Congress and has been signed by the President:

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to place on the pension rolls the names of the surviving officers and enlisted and drafted men, without regard to color, including militia and volunteers of the military and naval service of the United States, who served for fourteen days in the war with Great Britain of 1812, or who were in any engagement, and were honorably discharged, and the surviving widows of such officers and enlisted and drafted men.

Sec. 2. That this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rate of $8 per month or more, nor to any person receiving a pension of less than $8 per month except for the difference between the pension now received (if less than $8 per month) and $8 per month. Pensions under this act shall be at the rate of $8 per month, except as herein provided, and shall be paid to the persons entitled thereto, from and after the passage of this act, for and during their natural lives: Provided, That the pensions to widows provided for in this act shall cease when they shall marry again.

Sec. 3. That before the name of any person shall be placed upon the pension rolls under this act, proof shall be made under such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Pensions, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, shall prescribe, that the applicant is entitled to a pension under this act; and any person who shall falsely take an oath required to be taken under the provisions of this act shall be guilty of perjury; and the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be stricken from the rolls the name of any person when it shall appear, by proof satisfactory to him, that such name was put on said rolls by or through false or fraudulent representations, or by mistake as to the right of such persons to a pension under this act. The loss or lack of a certificate of discharge shall not deprive the applicant of the benefit of this act, but other proof of the service performed and of an honorable discharge, if satisfactory, shall be deemed sufficient; and when there is no record evidence of such service and such discharge, the applicant may establish the same by other satisfactory testimony; Provided, That when any person has been granted a land warrant under any act of Congress for and on account of service in the said war of 1812, such grant shall be prima facie evidence of his service and honorable discharge, so as to entitle him, if living, or his widow if he be dead, to a pension under this act; but much evidence shall not be conclusive and my be rebutted by evidence that such land warrant was improperly granted.

March 21, 1878, p. 3:

By the new pension act, DR. ELKANAH FRENCH, of Philadelphia, will be entitled to pension for service in the War of 1812.

Page 3:
The people at Alexandria Bay may be surprised to hear of the death of CHARLES PORTER, which occurred recently at the Soldiers Home in Wisconsin. Charley served his country in the late war, was poor but was well cared for and buried with military honors. He was nearly 80 years old, had lived at Alexandria Bay thirty-five years...He leaves a large family.

Page 4:
A very pleasant and enjoyable gathering was recently held at the residence of Mr. J. P. Spears, in the village of Rodman, to celebrate the 94th birthday of Father HAYNES...Mr. Haynes was born in Sudbury, Middlesex Co., Mass., and emigrated to this county in 1910, in company with Mr. Samuel Thurston, with their families, and settled in Burrville, in this county, where they commenced the business of chair making, and followed it till he removed to Rodman in 1824. Mr. Haynes left his home and business at the call of his country with a company that was commanded by Capt. Wm. Thompson, of Burrville; in its defense the company was called out many times in the course of the war, and did good service; he was a good and true soldier. Father Haynes is one of the oldest members of the Congregational Church in this village. It was organized in 1805, over which Rev. D. Spear was installed in 1808 and to which he ministered for more than 53 years...There were present on this occasion: Mr. P. K. Thurston and wife and his mother, an old neighbor and friend of Mr. H., age 84 years, and Mrs. J. Stears, a widow lady, also an old neighbor and friend, also Mr. G. W. Jenks, an old friend, age 87 years and many other friends and neighbors...

FROM CARTHAGE: Three veterans of the War of 1812 living in our village are entitled to a pension under the recently amended law. Theirs names are: ALPHEUS ROOT, age 93; ASHEL SYLVESTER, age 84, and a Mr. TOOKER, age 89.

March 28, 1878, p. 2:

One of Jefferson County's Old Residents--Hon. W. W. Right, writing from Montreal to the Geneva Gazette, speaks as follows of one of the former old residents of this county:

In my native town there lived and died a thrifty farmer and most worthy citizen, who once lived here. He was a Mohawk Dutchman, and was born at Herkimer. In one of the incursions upon the English and German settlements some twenty years before the Revolution, the French and Indians fell upon the little hamlet, murdering the men, leaving scare one to tell the tale, and carrying captive to Canada the women and children. Among them was PETER DOXTATER, the farmer alluded to. Peter was then but four years old. Nearly all his kinsmen excepting his younger brothers, were murdered by the savage enemy. The child survived the hardships of the journey, was adopted into one of the Indian tribes, and lived with them until he had forgotten his mother tongue and became very much of an Indian in habit, and almost in nature. He lived within the territory now embraced in the city of Montreal. At length he and many other children were ransomed, it was said by British officers, and returned to their homes by way of Albany. If this was so I suppose that after their capture the victory of Wolf occurred and the Canadas became a part of the British possessions.

Mr. Doxtater died at Adams, NY, at something over ninety years of age, about the year 1845 or '46. He was a most exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church, and a really good man; but some of the worst elements of the Indian character would occasionally crop out, and his faults were essentially Indian, but the love of "fire water" was not among them. His sons were substantial farmers and successful merchants, and among their descendants may be found some of the most respectable citizens of Jefferson Co., and other portions of our State. I think some of Peter's brothers returned from Canada with him, and always remained at Herkimer, where the family still resides.

page 4:
A very long poem was read at the celebration of the 80th birthday of MRS. ROXANA T. STRONG, Watertown, March 19th, 1878. (There is a lengthy poem in this notice.)

Death of a Cape Vincent Lady--The many friends of MRS. JOHN BUCKLEY of this village were greatly surprised and pained to learn of her death, which occurred at an early hour on Saturday morning (16th). Mrs. B. had been ill for about two weeks, but it was not supposed that her disease was of that serious nature which it finally proved to be--in fact the announcement of her death was a surprise to all...A kind wife and mother has gone, leaving an aching void in a grief stricken family, and we know of none who will be so missed in our village as Mrs. John Buckley.

FROM GOUVERNEUR: MRS. JOSEPH MacALLASTER died yesterday morning after a long and severe illness. The funeral will be held Friday from her late residence.

FROM CARTHAGE: MRS. SARAH MATHEWS, age 84; WM. FULLER, age 88; LEVI HUBBARD, age 85, and ISAAC OSTRANDER, age 82, all of our village, will get a pension under the recent law. The reference here is that the veterans of the War of 1812 and their widows were eligible to receive a pension based upon their service in that War.

MR. THEODORUS BUCK, a prominent and highly esteemed citizen of the town of Champion, died last Wednesday morning. He was buried with Masonic honors, Friday afternoon.

April 4, 1878, p. 3:

JAMES CHASE, the wealthiest real estate owner of Antwerp, died Friday morning, the 28th ult, age 54 years, 8 months and 16 days. He leaves about 2,000 acres of land, his property being estimated at $200,000. He was buried Sunday.

FROM REDWOOD: MRS. BURCH, the mother of MRS. HODGES, died in Barnes Settlement on the 26th ult, being past 80 years of age. She was a highly respected old lady.

FROM CARTHAGE: Elder Stewart of Watertown preached the funeral sermon of MRS. T. J. MORGAN Sunday afternoon.

April 11, 1878, p. 6:

The funeral of SILVIS LEWIS, at North Wilna, Thursday, was largely attended. He died last Tuesday night, after a short illness. He was a citizen whose upright life was worthy of the emulation of all. He served as Assessor of this town for over twenty years.

April 18, 1878, p. 1:

CLAUDE DUCOLON, who for thirty consecutive summers has been in the employ of the Crossman House, at the Bay, as a guide and oarsman, is dead.

CHARLES MATONDO, a fishmonger, and of huckleberry fame, was busying himself with his brother, JOE, JR. on Friday last in the neighborhood of Sackets Harbor, picking up bones. While thus engaged, Charles fell over into the ditch that runs along the side of the road. Joe supposed his brother had fainted, but upon going to him found him dead. He died of heart disease.

The Grand Jury, who recently finished their business at this term of court, found indictments against MARGARET GANNON, MARIAH GANNON, MATTIE KING, LUCY A. COVEY, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS COVEY, and MARY HOUSE, for keeping bawdy houses; LUCY A. COVEY, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS COVEY, JOHN JOHNSON, Brownville, FRANK PATRICK, Brownville, two indictments for selling liquor without a license; CHARLES GREEN, Ox Bow, for violating the excise law; and DAVID HUSON for assault with intent to ravish the wife of an officer at Sackets Habor about eighteen months ago. Huson, who left this part of the country was arrested, as the Despatch readers already know, at Rochester, and then returned to the authorities here.

Page 3:
JAMES MAHONEY, who was drowned near Ox Bow the other night, wandered, it is said, into the same place in the creek where the unfortunate Faichney was drowned about 18 months ago. Mrs. Mahoney is so overcome by the drowning of her son, and only about three months ago of her husband's sudden death by freezing, that insanity, it is feared, will be the result.

April 25, 1878, p. 5:

Uncle Dingman, of Chaumont, the veteran fish peddler, in the 100th year of his age, passed through Denmark the other day when the rain was descending in torrents...

The DAYAN family had a reunion at the residence of Hon. W. W. Enos, at Chaumont, on Tuesday....see this column item for list of relatives and details.

page 7:
Burial of MRS. GENERAL JACOB BROWN--Yesterday morning the friends of the late Mrs. General Jacob Brown paid to her memory their last tribute of respect as they assisted in depositing her remains in the cemetery at Brownville. Mrs. Brown came to Brownville as the wife of Jacob Brown when she was seventeen years old. With her husband she commenced housekeeping in a rude log house, the first house built north of Black River...The War of 1812 gave occasion for Mr. Brown to offer his services for the defense of his country, and his subsequent work, worth and distinguished honors are a matter of history...Mrs. Brown survived her husband about 50 years, the General having died in 1828...For a few years past her home has been with Mr. Wm. E. Everett at Rye, NY. Mr. Everett having married her granddaughter, Miss Pamelia Kirby. The family of General and Mrs. Brown consisted of GOUVERNEUR HOWE, who was drowned in Black Driver at Dexter when he was a boy of 12. Mrs. MARY BROCKENBOROUGH, who died at Lafayette, Ind. MRS. ELIZA KIRBY, wife of the late COL. E. KIRBY. Mrs. Kirby died at West Farms, NY. MRS. PAMELIA VINTON, wife of Maj. D. H. VINTON, who died at Sackets Harbor, NY. JACOB, who died at St. Augustine, Fla. WILLIAM SPENCER, an officer of the USA, who was drowned in South Carolina. MARGARET L., wife of JNO E. BROWN, who died at Brownville, NY. NATHAN WILLIAMS, now Gen. Brown, paymaster, USA, stationed at New York. MRS. CATHERINE S. SMITH, wife of Maj. LARKIN SMITH, now of Atlanta, Georgia. The remains were interred in the family lot where already rest those of Col. EDMUND KIRBY and of BRIG. GEN. EDMUND KIRBY, his son, who was killed at Chancellorville at the age of 23 --and some others of the family...NOTE: This notice is very long and includes a list of family members who attended the burial and other friends and relatives who also attended. Descendants will want a full copy of this notice.

Page 8:
FROM CARTHAGE: Two funerals occurred yesterday. The first, at 10 o'clock a.m., was that of good old Uncle JOHN STEWART, who was something over 80 years of age. He has long been an active and consistent member of the M.E. church, and was respected by everybody. The immediate cause of his death was a large carbuncle.

The funeral of Miss ROSE STEVENS took place at 1 o'clock p.m.; she was a devoted member of the above church...she was a teacher in the school for about five years and was the most competent one we ever had....

May 2, 1878, p. 6:

Miss LETETIA M. FULLER, sister of Mrs. DELIA FOLGER, of this city, died on Thursday last at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Hiram Hitchcock, at Wolf Island. Her remains were brought to Cape Vincent on Saturday, and funeral services were held in St. John's Church, conducted by the Rector, Rev. Mr. Perrine, assisted by Rev. Dr. Whiting.

FROM CAPE VINCENT--Mrs. RILEY, an old lady who has been an invalid for a number of years, residing at Garlands Mills, eight miles east of this village, committed suicide, on Saturday morning, by jumping into a creek which runs near their place. It is reported she was tired of living.

May 9, 1878, p. 6:

Mr. HUGH RYAN of Croghan, Lewis Co., came to this city Wednesday, and in company with his brother, S. R. Ryan, left for Clayton. One their way the train stopped at Lafargeville, where MRS. ALICE HOWE, nee Gillick, was added to the number. Upon arriving at Clayton the party proceeded to the Catholic Church, where the Rev. Father Sherry united Mr. HUGH RYAN and MRS. HOWE as man and wife. At the conclusion of the ceremony the party returned to Lafargeville, where a feast of good things and a pleasant time concluded the festivities of the day...

Page 7:
We were pleased at a public meeting this week to great "uncle" JAMES CARTER of Alexandria Bay, also "uncle" DANIEL NORTHUP and deacon COLUMBUS EVANS, all 82 years old, bright and cheerful as in days of yore, all having lived in town well toward 50 years. The former many years a pioneer local preacher, and all devoted members of the Christian church.

The quiet little neighborhood of Barnes Settlement, in this township was shocked last week at the announcement of the death of MRS. J. H. OVERROCKER, which occurred on the afternoon of Sunday, the 28th of April, after one week's sickness of acute pneumonia. She was 39 years of age and left a devoted husband and three loving little children...Her funeral obsequies were attended by Rev. Mr. Warn of the Methodist Church...

May 16, 1878, p. 5:

FROM THERESA--The mother of P. D. BULLARD was brought here on the train Friday evening, and buried on Saturday.

FROM CARTHAGE--FERDINAND HALL of Champion, died very suddenly last Thursday. He had been in his usual health up to Monday evening, and was in Carthage that day; but after going home was taken with a violent pain in the side of his head. The next day he was somewhat better and was around the house. Wednesday the pain returned and continued to increase until the time of his death. Deceased was 60 years of age, a well-to-do farmer and an upright man and citizen.

Page 6:
AMBROSE COWAN died in Redwood May 8, 1878, in the 79th year of his age. He was born in Pelham, Mass., in 1800. His remains were buried at Chippewa Creek in Hammond, by the side of his departed wife and daughter.

May 23, 1878, p. 2:

FROM REDWOOD--MRS. GRAY (formerly LYDIA CRABB) died on the 10th inst., after a long illness. She was an intelligent Christian lady and left aged parents and a host of true friends.

June 6, 1878, p. 6:

FROM CARTHAGE--Mr. ASAHEL SYLVESTER died this afternoon at the residence of his son, GEORGE S. SYLVESTER, after a short illness. Deceased was 83 years of age and a veteran of the War of 1812.

Page 8:
On the 26th inst., Mr. GEORGE GREEN, of Ashtabula, Ohio, formerly of Ox Bow, this county, and a brother of C. S. and J. N. Green, died at his residence in that city. He was taken about 10 o'clock in the morning with a fit of apoplexy and at 5 p.m. he was dead. His age was 51 years and 10 months.

FROM REDWOOD-HARVEY FAILING, who died in your city last week (Watertown), was a brother of MRS. J. W. READE, of this village, also WALLIE FAILING, our popular depot master, who have the sympathy of our people in their bereavement.

FROM CARTHAGE--The names of the Veterans of the War of 1812 who participated in the Decoration Day ceremonies are: MR. ROOT, MR. TOOKER, ISAAC OSTRANDER, WM. FULLER and R. O. WOOLSON, aged respectively 93, 90, 82, 82, 76.

June 13, 1878, p. 2:

After a short and painful illness, Mr. H. H. HARRIS of Belleville, died at noon on Tuesday of last week, of congestion of the lungs. The resolutions of respect passed by the Collins Lodge are unavoidably crowded out of this issue. Page 5:
We announce this morning the marriage of CHARLES DOUGLASS, M.D., of Dexter, and Miss JENNIE PAULINE HERRING of Rodman. The ceremony took place Thursday at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. L. R. Brewer officiating.

FROM PLESSIS-We have just heard of the death of MRS. DELMORE RUNDLET, near Saginaw, Mich., formerly of this place. Mrs. Rundlet was an intelligent and excellent woman, and all who knew her sympathize with the afflicted family.

FROM HARRISVILLE--Miss JENNY HITCHCOCK died on Friday, after a short illness. Funeral yesterday.

Mrs. ELMON AUSTIN died very suddenly yesterday. She was getting ready to attend Miss Hitchcock's funeral, and in the act of changing some article of apparel, when she fell dead, without a struggle.

June 20, 1878, p. 3:

The Death of Mrs. Dr. Derby--One of the saddest deaths that we have been called upon to chronicle for some time is that of Mrs. Dr. Derby, of Antwerp, which occurred in this city (Watertown) Sunday. She had been visiting at the residence of her brother, Mr. G. W. Flower. Sunday morning, though in poor health for some time, she appeared at the breakfast table feeling as well, apparently, as usual. At church time, Mrs. Flower and family left the house to attend services, leaving Mrs. Derby alone. Upon returning from church, Mrs. D. was not to be found until the stairway door in the back part of the house was opened, where, on the stairs, with head down, lay the body of Mrs. Derby...She, without doubt, was taken with an apoplectic fit while at the head of the stairs and becoming dizzy, she fell over, and to the bottom of them. She was a sister of R. P. and G. W. Flower, and also a sister of Mrs. Dr. Carpenter, of Gouverneur. She was the mother of Mr. Silas George, of this city...The news was telegraphed to Dr. Derby at Antwerp, and he reached this city Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.

June 27, 1878, p. 4:

The death of GEORGE GOULDING occurred at his late residence on Moulton Street, Monday forenoon. By his death Watertown again loses one of her most respected citizens and one of her pioneers. Mr. Goulding came to Watertown about 60 years ago, and by hard and constant labor had established for himself a reputation that will last forever. For a number of days, Mr. Goulding had been quite low, and for the past two or three days his death had been expected any moment.

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