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WELCOME to the Jefferson county NYGenWeb site. We hope your visit proves interesting and fruitful. The three co-ordinators, Bruce Coyne, Larry Corbett and Tom LaClair wish you good luck with your research.

Jefferson County Towns

Pages containing military information, maps, directories, vital records, cemetery inscriptions, contact information, histories and early settlers for the respective towns.

Adams Alexandria Antwerp Brownville Cape Vincent
Champion Clayton Ellisburg Henderson Hounsfield
Leray Lorraine Lyme Orleans Pamelia
Philadelphia Rodman Rutland Theresa Watertown
Wilna Worth   City of Watertown

Jefferson County maintains Town contact information on their site

Table of Contents

Please see the Site Index for much more detailed information.

Cemeteries: Names, locations and people willing to help.

Census Records: State census, Jurors, Poorhouse, Civil War veterans and St. Patrick's Orphanage.

Deeds: Early deeds from Jefferson county.

Directories: for businesses, schools, farms, granges, GAR posts and others.

Family Files: include Haddock family sketches, Child's family groups and others.

Farmers: 1918 maps, with index, of Jefferson farms taken from The American Agriculturalist.


Bartlett Inscriptions, taken from many stones in many cemeteries
Early Cemetery Inscriptions taken from old records by Marilyn Sapienza

Jefferson County, History of and Searching in

Links: Links to helpful and interesting web sites.

Maps: Jefferson county, Town and Village maps.

Meetings: Meetings and events held in Jefferson Co.

Migrations: Family movements into and out of Jefferson county.

Military: Infomation on Jefferson Co. Veterans.


People: Information about Jefferson residents.

Pioneers: Our earilest settlers and their families.

Real Estate: Mortgages and Transactions

Site Index: A complete index of this site.

Surnames: Contact information for people interested in various surnames.

Tidbits: News items and BMD from 1900-50 newspapers.

Vital Records, Birth, Marriage, Death (BMD)

Wills: Wills for various people.

What's New New posts by year, back to 1998.

William Collins Dixon, III & Nancy E. Dixon, Bill and Nan Dixon created and ran this site for many years.

Jefferson County New York Genealogy Society is an excellent resource for research in Jefferson county. Visit their website or their Facebook page for more information.

jefferson county featured county award


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This county site is part of the USGenWeb Project. Modeled after the Kentucky GenWeb Project which was organized by a group of genealogists in March and April 1996, the idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In June 1996, it was decided to expand the project to include all states. The USGenWeb National Coordinator is Linda K. Lewis.

If a New York State county in which you are interested is marked as Adoptable on the NYGenWeb County Selection Page and you wish to participate, please contact NYGenWeb Coordinator Robert Sullivan. If there is a New York State county that you would like to volunteer to help with - transcribing data, typing contributions of data into a text file, HTML coding, etc. - please contact that county's coordinator directly.

This NYGenWeb site is brought to you by:

Bruce Coyne: Coordinator
Larry Corbett: Asst. Coordinator
Tom LaClair: Asst. Coordinator

Copyright ©1997 - 2025 Jefferson County NYGenWeb - a member of the NYGenWeb Project!

Copyright 2025 Jefferson County NYGenWeb — a member of the NYGenWeb Project

If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.

