Town of Orleans


As always, we maintain the spelling as found.

We the undersigned Supervisor Twon Clerk & Assessors of the Town of Orleans in the County of Jefferson do hereby certify that on the 5th day of July 1881 We assembled at the place appointed by said supervisor for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as Jurors from said Town for the then ensuing three years and that the following is a correct list of the persons so selected.

Names Occupation Post OFFICE
Harrison Bacon Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
A.B.Beardsley Merchant La Fargeville
Cornelius Mahanna Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
A.M. Loucks Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Edmon Nugent Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Romain Loucks Farmer La Fargeville
Eugene Ford Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Jerome Snell Farmer La Fargeville
Milard Beckwith Farmer La Fargeville
Singer Nash Farmer La Fargeville
Nelson Walts Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Jermain Tallman Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Hiram P. Moore Farmer Wells Island
Henry Vancamp Farmer Wells Island
Jacob Lehr Farmer Stone Mills
Joseph Rasback Farmer Orleans 4 Corners
Daniel Hawn Farmer Omar
Lewis Reed Farmer La Fargeville
B.S. Horr Farmer Stone Mills
Hiram B. Mitchell Farmer Stone Mills
D.H. Lingenfelter Farmer Stone Mills
William Dorr Farmer La Fargeville
Wm Collins Blacksmith Stone Mills
Wendell J. Heyl Farmer La Fargeville
Wells G. Sloat Farmer Stone Mills
Geo. Eiss Farmer Stone Mills
Adison Waggonar Farmer Stone Mills
M.W. Nellis Farmer Stone Mills
John S. Petrie Farmer Stone Mills
John Gaily Farmer Stone Mills
Thommus W. Collins Farmer Stone Mills
John Irwin Merchant Stone Mills
Wareham Hill Farmer La Fargeville
Geo. Sargent Farmer La Fargeville
E.A. Dewey Farmer La Fargeville
Woolsey Peck Farmer Orleans 4 Corner
Ed Ostrander Farmer Omar
Lewis Vincent Farmer Omar
Jacob Bretch Farmer Omar
John Carris Farmer Fishers Landing
Asa Edy Farmer Omar
Franklin Fetterley Farmer Fishers Landing
Belcher Brown Farmer Omar
Samuel Patterson FarmerOmar
Joseph Collins Farmer Omar

Isaac C. Mitchell} Supervisor
M.J. Diepolder....} Town Clerk
W. Collins......... } Assessors
L.J. Vincent........ }
Woolsey Peck.....}

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