Adams Map

A detailed 1864 town MAP showing residents. (476K file)
An 1864 map of Adams Center
An 1864 map of the East half of Adams village.
An 1864 map of the West half of Adams village.

A list of POSTMASTERS in the town in existing and discontinued postoffices.

1810 Census--Town of Adams

1820 Census - Town of Adams

Listing of Civil War service records for the Town of Adams
Adams Civil War Index
1863 Civil war draft and exemptions lists
Town of Adams 1890 Census of Civil War Veterans
Civil War Soldiers Buried in the Town of Adams


A. E. Rogers Cemetery Inscriptions for the Town of Adams.

Family sketches from CHILD'S GAZETTEER for the Town of Adams.
Child's Business Directory for the Town of Adams
Haddock's Family Sketches - Town of Adams

Web Page for Rice's Corners Cemetery in North Adams


Town Historian SUSAN HERSE Email
Town Clerk Website   12363 Rt 11, P.O. Box 152, Adams Center NY 13606
Village of Adams Website   2 North Main St; Adams; 13605
Adams Free Library   (315) 232-2265 2 North Main St, Adams NY 13605
Adams Center Free Library   (315) 583-5501 18267 State Rt 177, Adams Center NY 13606
Historical Association of
South Jefferson Website
DEBBIE QUICK (315) 232-2616 29 East Church St, Adams NY 13605

Jefferson County maintains Town contact information on their site

Information about the Historical Association of South Jefferson

Contact person: Debbie Quick

History of the Town of Adams linked from Shirley Farone's Home Page taken from CHILD'S GAZETTEER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY by HAMILTON CHILDS, published in 1890, transcribed by Shirley Farone.

History of the Town of Adams, from Durant and Peirce's History of Jefferson County, 1878.

A List of People who contributed information about the Town of Worth in 1878 to Durant and Peirce's History of Jefferson County.

History of the Town of Adams, taken from A HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK by FRANKLIN B. HOUGH, A. M., M.D., linked from Shirley Farone's Home Page.

Tourist Information
Oatman Family Page

Settlement in the Town of Adams began in 1800. The act creating the town was passed 1 April 1802, and originally included the present Town of Rodman. Situated in the southwestern part of Jefferson County, it is bounded by Hounsfield and Watertown on the north, Rodman on the east, Lorraine and Ellisburg on the south, and Henderson on the west. The land is fairly level, making it beautiful farming country. The principle streams are Stony Creek and the north branch of Big Sandy Creek, both of which flow into Lake Ontario.

The principal village is Adams, originally Smith's Mills, on the southern border, with Adams Center in the middle of the town. Smithville is a hamlet located on both sides of the border between the Towns of Adams and Henderson. South Jefferson Historical Society, an organization promoting local and family history, is located in Adams. It actively collects documents and information relating to the history of the six southernmost towns of Jefferson County.

From the 1864 Jefferson County Atlas: a summary of statistics for ADAMS:

Improved 19,399 1/2
Unimproved 6,745 1/2
Real Estate $ 774,418
Personal Property $ 252,460
Total 1,026,878
Males 1,653
Females 1,753
Number of Dwellings 610
Number of Families 678
Freeholders 524
Number of Districts 15
Children Taught 1,161
Horses 822
Working Oxen and Calves 1,457
Cows 1,827
Sheep 2,452
Swine 1,068
Bushels of Grain  
 Winter 12,496 1/2
 Spring 82,304 1/2
Tons of Hay 3,492 1/2
Bushels of Potatoes 15,707
Bushels of Apples 17,302
Dairy Products  
Pounds of Butter 99,756
Pounds of Cheese 369,109

Names of the early settlers

Adams, Baxter
Adams, Eliphalet*
Arms, Lemuel
Avery, Ellis*
Baker, Francis
Baker, Isaac*
Barnard, John
Barney, Edward
Barney, Sylvanus*
Benton, William
Betts, Timothy
Blair, Willis J.
Bliss, Sylvester
Bunce, Abigail
Bunce, Betsy
Bunce, Theodore
Bunce, Truman
Cable, Jonathan*
Chase, Rhoda
Claflin, Amos*
Clark, Joshua
Coe, Roswell*
Cole, Benjamin
Cole, John
Colton, Heman
Comstock, Daniel*
Comstock, Daniel
Comstock, Joshua*
Cook, Joseph*
Cooper, Miles
Cooper, Myron
Cox, Phoebe
Crosby, Elisha
Crosby, Samuel
Daggart, Sylvanus P.*
Davis, Joseph
D'Estaing, Enos*
Dewey, David
Dewey, Eleazer
Dickerson, Braddock
Dickinson, John C.
Doxtater, George
Doxtater, Peter *
Doxtater, William
Eddy, Cyrus
Edmonds, Eliphalet*
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, Samuel
Edmunds, Eliphalet
Ellenwood, Philo
Farr, Aaron*
Fay, Sherebiah
Forbes Simeon*
Fox, Almira
Fox, Daniel*
Fox, Elijah
Fox, Samuel*
Freeman, John*
Gardner, David*
Gaylord, D.M.*
Gifford, Gideon
Godfrey, Josiah*
Goodell, Richard
Greene, Charles
Greene, Edward
Greene, Joseph L.
Greene, Thomas R.
Grommon, Archibald
Grummons, David and Stephen*
Hale, David
Harris, Deacon William
Hart, Abel*
HART, Reuben
HART, William
Henderson, James*
Hewitt, Hannah
Higgins, David*
Hinds, Cornelius*
Hodge, James
Houseman, George*
Hubbard, Bela
James, Thomas*
Jones, Azubah
Jones, John*
Keep, Abigail
Keep, Herman
Kellogg, Jacob
Kidder, John*
Landon, Joseph*
Law, Consider
Lazelle, Ebenezer*
Lewis, John Sterling
Lisk, Bradford
Loveland, Nathan*
Loveland, Abel*
Low, Consider*
Markham, Darius*
Marot, Samuel
Meacham, Timothy*
Millard, Sampson
Miller, Abijah*
Mills, Chauncey and Roswell*
Morton, Abner
Morton, Elihu
Morton, Elihu, Jr
Morton, Julius
Myrick, Robert *
McCumber, James*
McKEE, Appleton
McKee, Francis*
Myrick, Abel*
Myrick, Robert*
Nims, Rufus
Oatman, Asahel
Oatman, Capt Benjamin
Oatman, Elias
Oatman, Elijah
Oatman, Richard
Oatman, Truman
Patrick, John
Pearsons, Ruel
Phillips, Elisha*
Pond, Timothy*
Price, Absalom*
Randolph, James*
Ranney, Willett
Read, Roger
Read, Simeon
Redway, Preserved
Reed, Squier*
Remick, Samuel
Rhodes, Lorenzo
Rice, Albert
Richards, John*
Ripley, Abram*
Robbins, Asher, Robert, Solomon*
Rogers, Isaac
Root, Ebenezer
Rose, Phineas*
Salisbury, Alexander*
Salisbury, Nicholas
Scott, John C. *
Seaman, Jenks*
Sheldon, James I.
Smith, David*
Smith, John
Smith, Russell*
Smith, Solomon*
Stanley, Eleanor (Ellen)
Stickney, Paul*
Streeter, James*
Sweet, Benjamin
Talcott, Daniel*
Talcott, David
Taylor, Job*
Taylor, Roswell*
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, Elihu
Thomas, Ezra
Thomas, Ira
Thomas, Joel
Thomas, William*
Thompson, Priam
Tiffany, Hezakiah*
Toll, John F.*
Totman, Thomas
Wadsworth, Zacheus
Walradt, Henry*
Walworth, Zacheus*
Weaver, John*
Washburn, Isaac
Webster, Aaron*
Wentworth, John*
Wilkie, Matthew*
Willis, Richard
Wright, Carmi
Wright, Eli
Wright, John
Wright, Moses
Wright, Westwood

NOTE! Names marked with an asterisk (*) are taken from Edgar C. Emerson's OUR COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE, published 1898.

If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact County Coordinator Bruce Coyne.

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