Generation No. 1
1. SETH8 BAILEY, CAPT. (ISAAC7, ISAAC6 BAYLEY, ISAAC5, JAMES4 BAYLY, REV., JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 22 January 1773 in Lebanon, New London Co,. Connecticut, and died 12 February 1844 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. He married REBECCA LOOMIS 26 January 1799 in Whitesboro, Oneida Co., NY by Rev. Dodd, daughter of ISRAEL LOOMIS and REBECCA BINGHAM. She was born 05 April 1776 in Lebanon, New London Co,. Connecticut, and died 08 June 1855 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York.
The following from HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY by Franklin B. Hough 1854
Page 262
"In 1802 an inn was opened by Dr. Isaiah Massey, and settlers began to locate in every part of the town, which, in September of that year, numbered 70 or 80 families. A dam was built by Cowan in 1802, and in 1803, he got in operation a small grist mill. During two or three succeeding years John Paddock, Chauncey Calhoun, Philo Johnson, Jesse Doolittle, William Smith, Medad Canfield, Aaron Keyes, Wm. Huntington, John Hathaway, Seth Bailey, Gershom Tuttle, and others, several of whom were mechanics, joined the settlement, and at a very early day, a school house was built on the site of the Universalist Church, which served also as a place of religious meetings."
Page 260
"In 1803, a bridge was built below the village near the court house, by Henry Coffeen and Andrew Edmunds, over which the state road afterwards passed, and in 1805 the dam was built below the bridge, at which the same year, a saw mill was built on the north side, and in 1806 a grist mill by Seth Bailey and Gershom Tuttle."
I have a copy of of a deed from Jefferson County Clerk #Liber P3 Page 387 in which Seth Bailey granted real estate to Seth Jr., Isaih, Isaac N.,William H. and Israel L. Bailey. The date of execution was 19 Oct 1839.
Vance A. Bailey, Tempe, AZ
The following is one of the "Links in the Chain" written by Solon Massey. Solon was a son-in-law of Seth.
The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Lebanon, Conn., January 22, 1773, and lived in his father's family until he was of age. From that time until he was married, in 1799, he devoted portions of his time to boating on the Connecticut River, by which laborious employment he acquired a hardy constitution and some little cash capital to begin his married life with. He came with his wife into this state, and settled in the new town of of Exeter, in Ostego County, where he had purchased land in the fall before, and on which he had erected a log cabin. He soon became distinguished for those traits of character which shone so conspicuously in later years. The title of Captain in the Militia he earned by running up through the grades of Military Commission to the command of a Company, in his town of Exeter.
In 1804 he came to this county, which was beginning to elicite attention from the young men who were swarming into this State from every part of the old Eastern States. He located in Whitesville, in the Town of Rodman, for the time being, and built a small distillery there; but in 1805 he changed his mind, and as soon as he could find a purchaser for the Whitesville property, he sold and came to this village and purchased the lot on the corner now occupied by the Washington Hall block of buildings, and set about building a two-story framed house, for a hotel. Before it was finished , however, he sold out to Capt. John Paddock, who finished it off, and occupied it as a tavern for a time, and then rented it to others.
Capt. Bailey then turned his attention again to the subject of a grain distillery, and also a brewery for beer, and in the company of Col. Gersham Tuttle, purchased the grounds that have since been owned and occupied by Newell & Haas, near the lower bridge. Their brewery was built on the site of the present one,owned by Mr. Haas, and was later burned after it came into the possession of Capt. Newell. This brewery was managed by a man by the name of Pierce Downer, who is still living somewhere in the west, and a Mr. Gillespie as Chief Brewer. The distillery was built on the river side of Newell Street, and was afterwards burned down and not since rebuilt. In the same summer of 1805, Capt Bailey erected the framed house which he soon afterward sold to Judge Ten Eyck, on Court St., where the Judge lived for so many years.
In the spring of 1806, Bailey & Tuttle purchased the water property now owned by Gen. Angel in Pamelia, of Mr. Le Ray, upon which Messers Harger & Macomber had erected a dam and a flume, under a contract with Mr. Le Ray and where they had proceeded to build a saw-mill, and put it in operation. In The course of the next season they set about building a large grist-mill, which for the times was a very respectable building, and it became a very strong competitor (with Jesse Dodge, Abraham Bailey, and Benjamin Austin for millers) with Mr. Cowan's mill which had been in successful operation for some four years.
Cloth dressing and carding was soon added to the business done at that part of the river and "Bailey's Mills",as they were called, enjoyed an immense patronage in all the varieties of business that which were conducted on that flume. The carding and cloth-dressing was conducted by Eli Watson, and it was in that shop that William Usher served his apprenticeship.
A turning-lathe, for turning out chair frames was put in operation by John Hathaway, in a room in the basement devoted to that purpose, and also a lathe for turning wooden bowls and trays. Nail works were also put into operation by parties who rented rooms for that purpose in the block of buildings, so that the hum of machinery was fully equal to any other place in Northern New York.
Capt. Bailey was Under-Sheriff, under Dr. Sherman, from 1805 to 1807, inclusive, and performed most of the duties of that office. Most of the business was done on foot, particularly on the north side of the river, where the few inhabitants were very much scattered, and the roads almost impassable in the summer for dumb beasts. He also served as Overseer of the Poor for the Town of Brownville, when the Town covered half of the county on that side of the river; and he was also Town Collector for that town, in which several capacities he had frequent occasion to travel over that large town in every direction. He also had frequent occasion to visit Whitestown, in Oneida County, for the purpose of conveying prisoners there for safekeeping in the Oneida County jail, until the jail in this county was prepared for their reception, in 1809.
Col. Tuttle sold out his interest in the Mill property to Judge Clark in 1809 and the business continued on under the name of "Bailey and Clark" until 1813, when Capt. Bailey relinquished his interests to Judge Clark, and moved over to the brewery on this side of the river, where he remained for one year, during which time he formed a co partnership with William Smith and William Tanner in building a distillery and putting it into operation, at the foot of the hill on the center road near the residence of the late Asaph Mather. For some reasons not now known, that distillery did not operate but a couple of years, when the business was discontinued entirely and never afterwards resumed.
In 1814, Capt. Bailey sold out his brewery property to Capt. Andrew Newell and purchased a farm of Samuel Fellows, which was the nucleus of his pretty extensive farming operations in after years. He entered with zeal upon the labors of the farm, and it soon became apparent that he had all the qualifications necessary to the prosecution of a large farming business. He enlarged his farm and farming operations by repeated and frequent additions to it; purchasing for that purpose the farms of Justin Weeks, Ambrose Adams, Aaron Keyes, a Mr. Stowell and Seth Otis; all of which together made a farm of 250 acres, a large portion of which was under improvement.
He immediately set about that system of thorough fencing, with stone wall and board fence with red cedar posts, which made his farm the admiration of travelers, and which elicited the Agricultural Society's forty dollar premium, in the shape of a large silver pitcher, in 1819, at the second Fair of the Society.
His hill land had a large amount of limestone mixed with the surface soil, which was admirably adapted to the purpose of farm fences or walls; and he made it his business to replace his old fences with wall, as fast as it became necessary to do so, in order to effect the security of his crops, so that when he gave up the cares of business to his children, he told them he left "full three miles of wall and good post and board fence on the farm".
It was considered for many years as one of the best-farmed portions of the town of Watertown--that little valley where he lived--shut out from observation of the bustling world, surrounded by an amphitheater of hills which faced inwards upon what was known as "Gotham Valley" or "The Woodruff and Sigourney Settlement". In such a neighborhood, with so much of active competition and so much good-natured rivalry, it was not easy to avoid being a good farmer; yet in that neighborhood and with those incentives to a brisk and constant effort to stand in the front rank of successful husbandry, Capt. Bailey suffered nothing in comparison with the most skillful of his competitors.
He was for many years in succession elected one of the Overseers of the Poor in the town of Watertown, without any reference to his party politics; but on account of his supposed or real fitness. He had a set of buildings which he devoted to the people who were under his care, as Overseer; where he not only cheapened the expense to the taxpayers for their maintenance, but where he could make that class of people more comfortable than they would otherwise be.
Politics had very little to do at that day with the selection of men for responsible places, but the question of fitness and aptitude for the particular place to be filled. The only question was ordinarily, "Who is the best man for Supervisor, who for Assessor, for Town Clerk, for Commissioner of Highways, or what honest, capable, and yet poor man can be made collector? As a result we find that Dr. Ives was Supervisor; Stephen Gifford, Town Clerk; and Capt. Bailey, Poor Master; by common consent for a number of years.
A prominent trait in his character was his readiness to assist young men who were desirous of obtaining an education--taking them into his large family and giving them a winter's board, without recompense whatever, except the satisfaction of doing good.
He had a family of twelve children, and generally more than one hired man, and often a dependant relative or more; so that he might have excused himself from such acts of generosity and Kindness, if he had wished; but he never seemed to act as if he felt a large family to be burdensome or undesirable. His moral character was such as to elicit the approval of the most fastidious, and was entirely above reproach, so that he was sometimes quoted as a rare instance of what a man might be , without a "change of heart"; and it would have been strange if he counted somewhat on his correct deportment as a man to his fellow men, when he thought of the investigation which might be instituted in another world. Thus he lived, until his sixtieth year, when a change came over the spirit of his dream.
A series of meetings was instituted in January of 1833, in the First Presbyterian Church in the village, which was then under the pastoral care of Rev. George S. Boardman, when a friend who was intimate in the family, and whose residence was in the neighborhood of the church edifice, invited him and his wife to come and board in his family during the continuance of the meetings, so as to be able to attend the entire services, without the inconvenience of keeping a team there to convey themselves back and forth every day. The proposal met the approbation of Mr. Bailey and he accepted it in the same spirit in which he did everything else--that whatever was worthy of doing at all, was worthy of being well and thoroughly done.
He accordingly laid his plans for a regular and systematic attendance upon the proposed means of grace, just as he undertook anything else--evidently making up his mind, deliberately, to begin now, at this late date in his history, to seek the blessing of God in the forgiveness of his sins.
As might have been anticipated, the promise which was made by the mouth of the Prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled in this case: "And ye shall seek me , and shall find me, when ye search for me with all your heart". The change produced in him when he trusted that his sins were forgiven and when, in the artless simplicity which characterized him ever afterwards, he could say as Job did, "I know that my redeemer livith"--was such as could not fail of being apparent to his friends. From that time forth, he made it his first , great, sole object to know more of God and to serve Him with all his powers and faculties. He commenced at once a thorough, systematic reading of the Bible, and an attendance on all means of grace. He had before given up the cares of business, and had apparently no other aim in life for the balance of his days than to serve the Lord, Christ. In the fulfillment of this fixed design. he read the Bible from morning until night, excepting when at church or at meals--day after day, week after week, year after year-- until it became apparent that the mind was suffering from the intensity and constancy of the effort. Almost the only respite which he allowed himself was while attending religious meetings, for he could not be made to realize that his habits were injurious to his brain, while his general health continued good; yet such was the fact that, which began to manifest itself unmistakably. By degrees, the process of undermining went on, it being more apparent, until he failed to keep track of time, and of regular appointments for religious meetings in the church This defect increased year by year, until he could not find his way out of the Village at midday, to go home, and at last he lost himself in the sugar bush on his own farm, where he had gone to see the people who were making sugar, and wandered away, traveling through swamps and tangled cedars to the lake shore in the Town of Henderson, and then following the shore to the mouth of the Salmon River, and then up that river to Pulaski, in Oswego, County, in his anxious efforts to find his home.
But we let the curtain fall upon this part of his blank and melancholy closing history, only remarking that however much he was wasted in mind and body, yet as long as he lived he manifested a strong religious tendency and a constant desire to go to the house of the Lord.
He continued to waste until February, 1844, when he died at the age of seventy-one years.
Few men among the early settlers had done more to promote the general prosperity of the county than Capt. Bailey, and very few had enjoyed the confidence of all classes of the people more than he.--His character as a businessman, and a successful financier, was second to very few of his competitors.
Perhaps his secret of success in life consisted in the promptitude with which everything was done, at its proper time--done thoroughly and faithfully--and under his own personal supervision, without unnecessary waste or loss; though he was proverbially benevolent, as has been remarked before, to the honest and deserving poor and unfortunate.
Burial: Old Cem. on Gotham St. Road, Watertown
Burial: Old Cem. on Gotham St. Road, Watertown
2. i. REBECCA9 BAILEY, b. abt 1800, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York
(?) ii. ALTHEA BAILEY, b. 03 September 1802, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 14 March 1865, Watertown, Jefferson Co. NY; m. SOLON JAMES MASSEY, 21 March 1838, First Presbyterian Church, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; b. 27 July 1798, Plymouth Twp., Windsor, Windsor Co., VT; d. 12 August 1871, Brownsville, Jefferson Co., NY.
Burial: Brookside Cem., Watertown, Jefferson County. NY
marriage and children information supplied by Donna D. Massey of Calif 28 Dec 2000
Appointed Postmaster of Lyme, Jefferson Co., NY 7 June 1841
Burial: Brookside Cem., Watertown, Jefferson County. NY
3. iii ESTHER BAILEY, b. 21 June 1804, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 13 January 1888, Westfield, Chataquah Co., NY.
4. iv. PAMILIA BAILEY, b. 20 March 1806, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 23 October 1888, Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO.
5. v. SETH BAILEY, JR., b. 1810, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. Sandusky Co Ohio.
6. vi. ISRAEL LOOMIS BAILEY, b. 1812, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 08 January 1890, Plano, Kendall Co., IL.
7. vii. MALINDA BAILEY, b. 17 January 1813, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 31 March 1888, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York.
(?) viii. CHARLOTTE BAILEY, b. 1815, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 20 August 1843, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York.
Burial: Old Cem. on Gotham St. Road, Watertown
(?) ix. WILLIAM HAMMOND BAILEY, b. 1817, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 18 August 1841, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York.
Burial: Gotham Street Cem., Watertown
8. x. ISAAC NEWTON BAILEY, b. 22 October 1818, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 13 January 1907, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo..
xi. ANDREW S. BAILEY, b. abt 1820; m. MARY ANN MILLS.
9. xii. ISAIAH LOOMIS BAILEY, b. 20 May 1823, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 15 June 1899, Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO.
Generation No. 2
2. REBECCA9 BAILEY (SETH8, ISAAC7, ISAAC6 BAYLEY, ISAAC5, JAMES4 BAYLY, REV., JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born abt 1800 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. She married (1) JONAS W. MILLS 09 September 1824 in First Presbyterian Church, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, son of DAVID MILLS and URSULA WOODRUFF. He was born 15 November 1795 in Paris, Onida Co., NY, and died 02 September 1835 in Elyria, Lorain Co. Ohio. She married (2) SAMUEL MASTERS 02 January 1839 in Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.
Lived at Rockport, Coyahoga Co. Ohio in 1856
More About JONAS W. MILLS:
Burial: A cemetery at North Ridgeville, Lorain Co. Ohio
i. ALTHEA10 MILLS, b. 1828, Ohio.
1850 Census for Rockport, Cuyahoga Co. OH shows Althea Mills living with Rebecca Bailey Mills Masters. The other childre are Byron Mills, Pamilia Mills, Charles and one other Mills child.
ii. GEORGE BYRON MILLS, b. January 1832, Ohio; m. MARY A. (-?-) MILLS; b. England.
1880 Census, he was living at Cleveland, Ohio and listed his occupation as Sailor
iii. PAMILIA MILLS, b. 1833, Ohio.
iv. ANNE FOSTER10 MASTERS, b. 27 October 1843, Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; d. 28 June 1912, Cleveland, Ohio; m. JOHN BALL COMSTOCK, 01 April 1864, Cleveland, Ohio; b. 25 December 1828, Chatauqua Co., NY; d. 04 November 1908.
Residence in 1870 was the 8th Ward of Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana. John Comstock was listed as a Brickmaker
v. CHARLES MASTERS, b. 1846.
3. ESTHER9 BAILEY (SETH8, ISAAC7, ISAAC6 BAYLEY, ISAAC5, JAMES4 BAYLY, REV., JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 21 June 1804 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, and died 13 January 1888 in Westfield, Chataquah Co., NY.
She married AARON BACON RICE October 1823 in First Presbyterian Church, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, son of DAVID RICE and ELIZABETH BACON. He was born 13 June 1798 in Jefferson Co., NY., and died 07 October 1870.
Removed from Watertown to Chautauqua Co., NY in 1838---from notes of Myrtle Rice Haynes, 219 Selye Terrace, Rochester, NY 1936
Children of ESTHER BAILEY and AARON RICE are:
i. REBECCA BAILEY10 RICE, b. 24 September 1825, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; m. LEWIS VANVLEET; b. abt 1822.
ii. SETH BAILEY RICE, b. 1828, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 1845, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
iii. CHARLES D. RICE, b. 1830, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 07 December 1862, War Between the States; m. EMELIA SHERBAN; b. 1841; d. 1864. Notes for CHARLES D. RICE: Charles' middle name was Delos.---Vance A. Bailey
iv. GEORGE WASHINGTON RICE, b. 14 November 1832, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 04 January 1898, Westfield, Chataquah Co., NY; m. SARAH WHITMORE, 31 January 1857; b. 22 September 1837; d. 20 September 1928.
v. CATHERINE E. RICE, b. 1838, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 1864.
4. PAMILIA9 BAILEY (SETH8, ISAAC7, ISAAC6 BAYLEY, ISAAC5, JAMES4 BAYLY, REV., JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 20 March 1806 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, and died 23 October 1888 in Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO.
She married FELIX WOODRUFF 01 March 1827 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, son of SIMEON WOODRUFF and ROSANNA ADAMS. He was born 18 November 1801 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, and died 03 August 1848 in Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co,. IL.
Removed 1845 from Jefferson Co., NY to DeKalb Co., IL by boat to Chicago. His son William Bailey Woodruff drove through with a team of horses bringing a load of goods. In 1850 Pamelia Woodruff resided Clinton, DeWitt Co., Il (Census Record). An oil portrait of Felix, done by his brother Jonah, owned (1961) by Prof. Warren Watson Yocum of Lubbock, Texas, his great - grandson, and presently in possession of Joyce Yocum Bowen, daughter of W. W. Yocum.
I have a photo copy of the painting. Vance A. Bailey
Burial: Johnson Cem. Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co., IL
i. SIMEON10 WOODRUFF, b. 1829, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 31 May 1833, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. More About SIMEON WOODRUFF: Burial: Old Cem., Gotham Rd., Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY
ii. WILLIAM BAILEY WOODRUFF, b. 10 May 1830, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. March 1910, Greeley , Weld Co., CO; m. (1) VIRGINIA JOHNSON; d. 04 September 1869, La Harpe, Hancock Co., IL; m. (2) NANCY L. HARTFORD, October 1872, Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN; b. 17 April 1834, Marysville, Union Co., Ohio; d. 08 July 1913, Greeley , Weld Co., CO. Notes for WILLIAM BAILEY WOODRUFF: Buried Linn Grove Cem. Greeley, CO. He resided at Virginia Dale and Alford, CO. Served in the Civil War in Co. F. 88th IL Infantry, was captured at Stone River, Tenn., imprisoned at Montgomery, Alabama and Richmond, Va. Member of I.O.O.F. A bridge contractor, he built many of the first in Weld Co., CO<
iii. PAMILIA ROSEANNA WOODRUFF, b. 20 July 1832, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO; m. ORIN FISK DEWEY, 05 July 1852, Shabona Grove, DeKalb Co., IL; b. 26 January 1825, Jefferson Co., NY.; d. 27 February 1873, Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO.
Burial: Johnson Cem. Chariton Co., MO
Resided 2 miles NE of Bynumville, MO at the time of the 1860 census.
Illinois State Land records show that he purchased 140 acres in Section 16 Twp 37 N, Range 4 De Kalb Co. Il. 2 May 1849.
Buried at the Johnson Cem. Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO
iv. AMELIA CHARLOTTE WOODRUFF, b. 1837; m. (1) BROWN COLLINS; m. (2) CICERO HALL. Notes for BROWN COLLINS: Resided near Arrow Rock, Saline Co., MO
v. MARY ADELAIDE WOODRUFF, b. 15 November 1838, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 20 November 1854, Johnson Grove Cem. DeKalb Co., IL.
vi. ADELIA ALTHEA WOODRUFF, b. 23 April 1841, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 01 August 1926, Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO; m. CHARLES NELSON GREENE, 01 January 1861, Clinton, DeWitt Co., IL (Rev. Baldwin Woodruff); b. October 1837, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 06 September 1900, Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO.
Soon after their marriage they removed to Herkimer County, New York, and there Martin Green, the father of Charles N. , was born in 1813. He, after reaching manhood was married in Jefferson County. of the same state, to Miss Hannah Jenks, of that county. She was born in 1812. Four children followed this union of whom but one is now living---- Charles N., the subject of the present sketch. He was born in Jefferson County, New York, near Watertown, in 1837. The father, Martin Green, was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and has followed these occupations, practically, all of his life. Charles N. was raised in his native state and continued to live there until 1855, when he came out to DeKalb County, Illinois, where he lived for thirteen years. While a resident of that county he was married to Miss Adelia Woodruff, originally of Jefferson County, New York, born in 1841, the sixth of a family of eight childrem of Felix and Pamelia (Bailey) Woodruff, both also natives of that county, the father born in 1802,and the mother in 1806. In 1868 Mr. Green removed to Missouri with his family, settling in Bee Branch Township of Chariton County, where he has since resided.
Here as formerly in Illinois, he has engaged in farming with the degree of success noted above. Mr. Green's parents also removed from New York to DeKalb County, Illinois, where they lived for many years. The mother, however, died there in August, 1878, and after her death the father came to live with his son in this county, where th former has since made his home. He is now past the alloted age of three-score and ten, but is still comparatively well preserved in mind and body.
Mr. and Mrs. Green have three children; Ella A., now the wife of J.F.Wilson, of this county; Hattie A., now the wife of A.C.Yocum, also of this county, and William M. Two besides are deceased; Effie M. and Earnest C. Mr. and Mrs. Green are highly respected members of the community in which they live."
Vance A. Bailey 14 July 2000
vii. FELIX ISAIAH WOODRUFF, b. 28 May 1843, Watertown, Jefferson Co, NY; d. 22 June 1905, Osawatamie, Miami Co., KS; m. (1) ELIZA ALMINA PRESCOTT, 1869; b. 19 November 1850; d. 24 July 1885; m. (2) ANNA ISABELLE HENDRICKS, 24 December 1891, Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO; b. 19 August 1856, Hickory, Newton Co., Mississippi; d. 15 January 1922, Coats, Pratt Co., KS.
Woodruff, Felix I. Private, Co. K 105 Illinois Infantry, War Between the States
Burial: Coats Cem. Coats, Pratt Co., KS
Burial: Coats Cem., Coats, Pratt Co., KS
viii. EMMA E. WOODRUFF, b. August 1847, Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co., IL; d. 03 November 1929, Norway, Florence Twp., Benton Co. Iowa; m. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MONTAGUE, June 1868; b. 19 October 1845, Ohio; d. 16 February 1895, Norway, Florence Twp., Benton Co. Iowa.
Settled in a Mennonite Colony in Iowa
Burial: Linwood Cem. Norway, Iowa Co., IA
Burial: Linwood Cem. Norway, Iowa Co., IA
Notes for SETH BAILEY, JR.:
1850 Census Shows Seth Jr. farming in Ballsville Twp, Sandusky Co. Ohio.
The 1860 Census Shows Eliza with three of the children living in the town of Fremont, Sandusky Co. Ohio.
Children of SETH BAILEY and ELIZA BAILEY are:
i. RICHARD W.10 BAILEY, b. 1840.
ii. CHARLOTTE M. BAILEY, b. 1845.
iii. ALMIRA MOLTON, b. 1846.
iv. ELIZA A BAILEY, b. 1848.
v. MARSHALL M. BAILEY, b. 1848.
Funeral services at residence of son George. Rev. Sanborn preached, Mr. Owens conducted the funeral. 80 yrs of age and buried at Shabbona Cem. (Plano.)
Marriages of Isaiah's children are recorded in the IL marriages on USGenweb. Vance a. Bailey 2 Oct 06.
i. WILLIAM10 BAILEY, b. 1842, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; m. ELIZABETH DEVENDORF, 04 July 1867, DeKalb Co., IL; b. 1853, New York.
ii. JANE A. BAILEY, b. 1845, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY; m. MARTIN FANCHER, 15 April 1869, DeKalb Co., IL.
iii. SHERMAN BAILEY, b. 1848.
iv. FRANCIS (FRANK) BAILEY, b. 1849, IL; m. SARAH SPICER, 21 March 1875, DeKalb Co., IL; b. abt 1849.
v. MATILDA BAILEY, b. 14 September 1853, IL; d. 18 January 1940, DeKalb Co., IL.
Burial: Rose Hill Cem. Shabbona Twp., DeKalb Co., IL
vi. GEORGE M. BAILEY, b. 1857, Clinton Twp., De Kalb Co., IL; d. 1938, Plano, Kendall Co., IL; m. MARY ELLEN DALEY, 23 December 1884, DeKalb Co., IL; b. 1865; d. 1886, Plano, Kendall Co., IL.
Burial: Johnson Cem. DeKalb Co. IL
She married JOHN BALLARD BALL 15 April 1835 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY, son of JONATHAN BALL and LUCINDA BALLARD. He was born 06 September 1811 in Lowville, Jefferson Co., NY, and died 23 October 1903 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York.
Burial: Brookside Cem. Watertown, NY
had 4 sons and three daughters.
Burial: Brookside Cem. Watertown, NY
Children of MALINDA BAILEY and JOHN BALL are:
i. IRENE ALLEN10 BALL, b. 25 February 1837, Lowville, Lewis Co., NY; d. 1839, Lowville, Lewis Co., New York.
ii. LUCINDA MALINDA BALL, b. 02 March 1840, Millens Bay, Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY; m. GEORGE ADAMS TAYLOR, 20 January 1864, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
iii. JOHN NATHAN BALL, b. 20 May 1842, Millens Bay, Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., NY; m. ADELINE SICKLER, 20 November 1866; b. 21 November 1850, Milford, Otsego County, NY.
v. CHARLOTTE BALL, b. 29 October 1844, Riverview, Jefferson Co., NY; d. 25 April 1869, Oneonta, Otsego Co., NY; m. LUZERN WESTCOTT, 20 January 1864; b. 06 March 1843, Milford, Otsego County, NY; d. 21 August 1920, Oneonta, Otsego County, NY.
Burial: Milford Center, Otsego Co., NY
Burial: Glenwood Cemetery Oneonta NY
vi. SILAS DEXTER BALL, b. 21 March 1847, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; m. ALICE PATTERSON, 29 December 1868, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
vii. BURTON BALLARD BALL, b. 06 June 1849, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; d. 23 August 1902, Pamilia, Jefferson Co., NY; m. FLORENCE RANNERY, 17 November 1875, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
viii. EVA JANE BALL, b. 06 September 1852, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; m. OSCAR W. BARNES, 02 December 1875, Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY.
ix. FRED ARCHIE BALL, b. 01 December 1855, Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York; m. CARRIE ADAMS THURSTON, 18 December 1878, Burr's Mills; b. 26 October 1858, Burr's Mills, Watertown, Jefferson County, NY.
The 1850 census for St. Louis, Mo., 5th Ward, Page 297 Call #443,625, shows Isaac N. Bailey with Sarah A. and Martha R. living with Samuel and Ferdinand Spencer. Isaiah Bailey was also living with them, and was unmarried at that time.
26 Oct 1999, Tempe Az.- Joyce Yocum Bowen sent her records of her father's research to prove his qualification for membership in "The Sons Of The American Revolution". Warren Watson Yocum traveled to Watertown, NY and in his research turned up the correct name of the parents of Pamelia Bailey, wife of Felix Woodruff. Their names are Seth and Rebecca Loomis Bailey. Rebecca's parents were Israel and Rebecca Bingham Loomis.
January 2000, in conversation with Eva Reberry Stone of Lebanon, MO our conversation was about her grandfather, Ferdinand Isaiah Bailey, and she mentioned that he had told her that his grandfather was named Seth. This was confirmed later in a conversation with her daughter Sandra Stone Skultety of Awatukee, Phoenix, AZ.
The obit. from the Mountain Grove paper was in error. Isaac died at the home of his daughter-in-law, Zemira Van Kirk Bailey, Wife of Ferdinand I. Bailey. Vance A. Bailey 17 May 2004, Tempe, AZ
Burial: Fairview Cem., Mountain Grove, MO.
Grandma Bailey died last Thursday after a severe spell of neuralgia. Grandma had been an invalid for 40 years and had been entirely helpless for the last 18 years. Notwithstanding the fact that she has at all times been a great sufferer; she has borne her affliction with great patience and Christian fortitude.
Sarah Bailey was born Aug 2, 1817 in Bucks Co. PA. She was married to I. N. Bailey May 14 1849, and to this union seven children were born, two of the seven having proceeded her to the land beyond. Of the children living only her two daughters were present at her deathbed, Mrs. Martha Yocum and Mrs. Rose Yocum. Her son Ferd Bailey was sent for but failed to reach here in time for the funeral
Grandma will be greatly missed, but by none so much as those who have cared for her so long and tenderly.
The funeral services were conducted by Elder Giddens on Saturday evening Oct 26, at the Fairview Church after which the remains were laid to rest in the family lot.
The bereaved ones and her aged companion have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood.
Copied from the Obit in the scrapbook of Octavia (Bailey) Reberry----Vance A. Bailey 7 May 2000
Note that the dates that I use are from the headstones not the Obit.
Burial: Fairview Cem., Mountain Grove, MO.
i. MARTHA REBECCA10 BAILEY, b. 21 February 1850, Saint Louis, 5th Ward, Saint Louis, Mo.; d. 27 December 1933, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo.; m. JOHN WILLIAM YOCUM, 12 December 1873, Bynumville, Chariton Co., Mo.; b. 13 January 1840, Louisville, Ky.; d. 24 April 1911, Mtn. Grove, Wood Twp., Wright Co., Mo..
ii. WILLIAM HAMMOND BAILEY, b. 24 December 1852, St. Louis, 5th ward, Mo.; d. 30 September 1941, Bynumville, Chariton Co, Mo; m. MINERVA MARILLA VAN KIRK, 13 May 1877, Chariton Co., Mo.; b. 17 July 1859, Bynumville, Bee Branch Twp, Chariton Co., Mo.; d. 26 March 1943, Bynumville, Chariton Co, Mo.
Burial: Mt. Olivet Cem., Marceline, Linn Co., MO
Burial: Mt. Olivet Cem., Marceline, Linn Co., MO
iii. FERDINAND ISAIAH BAILEY, b. 06 August 1854, St. Louis, 5th ward, Mo.; d. 22 November 1943, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo.; m. ZEMIRA CAROLINE VAN KIRK, 25 December 1876, Chariton Co., Mo.; b. 05 January 1858, Bynumville, Bee Branch Twp, Chariton Co., Mo.; d. 27 October 1946, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo..
Ferdinand and Myra farmed in the Mountain Grove area but as the result of a bankruptcy moved to Tarkio, Atchison Co., Mo. where he worked on a ranch and she cooked until they paid off the debt and then they returned to Mountain Grove. The time frame appears to have been the 1905 to 1908 period. Arthur apparently went with them and taught school in either Northboro, IA. or Westboro, Mo. From conversations with Arthur Reberry in March 1999.
Ferdinand and Myra died at Octavia's home in Springfield, Mo.
Burial: Fairview Cem, Mt.Grove, Wright Co., MO
Burial: Fairview Cem, Mt.Grove, Wright Co., MO
iv. JULIA ROSANNA BAILEY, b. 02 April 1856, Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo.; d. 05 December 1945, Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co., NE; m. JOB MICHAEL YOCUM, 01 January 1874, Bynumville, Bee Branch Twp., Chariton Co., Mo.; b. 21 September 1851, Macomb, Mound Twp., McDonough Co., Il.; d. 01 September 1939, Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co., NE.
Job and Julia are buried at Fairview Cemetery, Scottsbluff, Neb.
v. SARAH "SADIE" LONGSTRETH BAILEY, b. 10 November 1861, Delhi, Jersey Co., Il; d. 27 April 1886, Mountain Grove, Wright Co, Wood Twp., Mo.; m. CALVIN TRENT, 05 April 1885, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., MO; b. 15 February 1861, Farmington, Francois Co., Mo..
Burial: Fairview Cem, Mt.Grove, Wright Co., MO
vi. ARTHUR HAYWARD BAILEY, b. 06 June 1863, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co., Il.; d. 21 April 1931, Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Wood Twp., Mo.; m. MARY SUSAN YOCUM, abt 1898, Bynumville, Chariton Co., Mo.; b. 14 February 1872, Bynumville, Bee Branch Twp., Chariton Co., Mo.; d. 20 March 1900, Bynumville, Bee Branch Twp., Chariton Co., Mo..
Obits from Wright Co. Progress 1900-1910
30 Mar 1900
Professor Bailey received word Sunday that his wife was very low at her brother's home in Chariton Co., and he immediately left for that locality.
Later- Word was received here Thursday stating that Mrs. Bailey died on March 27, two hours before the arrival of Mr. Bailey at Bynumville, Mo. Mrs. Bailey's death is greatly deplored here by all who knew her. To Mr. Bailey in his great loss, the heartfelt sympathy of our people is extended.
Conversations with Arthur Reberry, nephew of Arthur Bailey, informs me that Arthur died of a heart attack while he was running for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Mo.
He had been Principal and Superintendent at Mountain Grove Academy.
Vance A. Bailey 31 Mar 1999
From THE LONGSTRETH FAMILY by Agnes Longstreth Taylor page 483."A.H.Bailey was graduated from Mountain Grove (Mo.)High School, and from the State Normal School at Warrensburg with a degree of Bachelor of Science. He was a teacher at Westboro, Mo. and in 1907 became principal of schools at Northboro, IA."
Burial: Fairview Cem, Mt.Grove, Wright Co., MO
Obituary from Bynumville Budget and reprinted in the Mountain Grove paper.
Death has againvisited our comunityand this time has claimed for his victim, Mary Susan, wife of Prof. A. H. Baileyof Mountain Grove, Mo. Mrs. Bailey was the youngest daughter of Harvey and Malinda Yocum. She was the sister to A. C. & S. Yocum and to the wives of J. N. Gipson, W. E. Williams and W. H. Ramsey, at whose house she died.
She was born14 Feb 1871; was married 18 Jan 1899, and died 26 Mar 1900at 3:00 o'clock p. m. She had been a sufferer with that dread disease consumption, for some time, and just prior to to her return to this place was under the care of Prof. Weltmer of Nevada, Mo. Everything was done to prolong her stay among us, but all without avail. She was an untiring worker in religious circles having been a member of the Christian Church since 14 years of age. A bright light has gone from among us. "God gives his beloved rest."
Vance A. Bailey note---Arthur was teaching at the time in Hartville, Wright Co. and when informed that the end was near left immediately for Bynumville arriving about three hours after Susie's death. He never remarried.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Hise and she was buried at The Johnson Cem.
More About MARY SUSAN YOCUM: Burial: Johnson Cem., Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO
9. ISAIAH LOOMIS9 BAILEY (SETH8, ISAAC7, ISAAC6 BAYLEY, ISAAC5, JAMES4 BAYLY, REV., JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 20 May 1823 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York, and died 15 June 1899 in Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO.
He married SARAH J. WICKS. She was born 02 June 1833 in Pa ., and died 01 June 1884 in Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO.
Isaiah Loomis Bailey was born May 20th, 1823, in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. He was educated in the public schools of Watertown, subsequently taking the prescribed course at the state normal school where he fitted himself for teaching, which he followed for many years. After receiving his degree at the normal school he filled one of the chairs in that institution for several years, and until, in 1849, he was elected to the superintendency of the city schools of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a position that he held until 1854.
He then went to Saint Louis, Missouri, where he occupied a like position in the schools of that city, in which he remained until 1857, when he went to Colchester, Illinois. Here he taught school until he enlisted in the Union Army in Co. C of the 151st Illinois Volunteers, in 1863.
On his discharge from the Army at the close of the war, he returned to Colchester and was an invalid for two years as a result of army life. Later he followed teaching at Colchester until 1873, when he started west, arriving in Fort Collins April 1st, 1873. He taught school several years after he came here in what is now the Timnath District and then retired to his farm in the Harmony neighborhood.In 1849, Mr. Bailey married Miss Sarah J. Wicks of Pittsburg, who died here in 1883
Paraphrased from Isaiah's obit by Vance A. Bailey, 17 Sep 2006, Tempe, AZ
Burial: Grandview Cem., Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO
More About SARAH J. WICKS:
Burial: Grandview Cem., Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO
Children of ISAIAH BAILEY and SARAH WICKS are:
i. WILLIAM P.10 BAILEY, b. 18 October 1850, Birmingham, Allegheny Co., PA; d. 16 December 1928, Denver, Denver Co., CO; m. ESTHER P. TAYLOR, 04 July 1870, Colchester, McDonough Co., IL; b. 27 August 1853, Colchester, McDonough Co., IL; d. 12 May 1943, Denver, Denver Co., CO.
1 May 1900 William was the Postmaster at Newton, Yuma Co., CO
Burial: Riverside Cem. Denver, CO
Burial: Riverside Cem. Denver, CO
ii. ISAIAH LELDINE BAILEY, b. 19 November 1853, St. Louis, MO; d. 1933, Red Bluff, Tehama Co., CA; m. (1) LILLIAN FRANCES GEORGE, September 1892, California; b. 26 February 1866, Beloit, Rock Co., WI; d. 28 February 1899, Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO; m. (2) MINNIE H. WILLIAMS, 28 January 1903, Tehama Co., CA; b. 1856.
iii. GEORGE W. BAILEY, b. 08 March 1856, Saint Louis, MO; d. 15 April 1909, Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO; m. BELLE JARBEAU, 17 April 1883, Grand Lake, Grand Co., CO; b. 22 November 1860, Texas; d. 31 March 1935.
iv. EUGENE S. BAILEY, b. August 1859, IL; d. June 1943; m. (1) MARY WARREN, 04 November 1886; m. (2) NANNIE S. DALTON, 03 January 1894, Arapahoe Co., CO; b. abt March 1860, MO; m. (3) EFFIE E. (?) BAILEY, abt 1914; b. abt 1878, Ohio.
v. JANE BAILEY, b. 1859, Colchester, McDonough Co. IL; d. Bef. 1899.
vi. ELLA BAILEY, b. abt 1869; d. Bef. 1899; m. JOHN S. DONALDSON, 30 June 1894, Arapahoe Co., CO.
vii. EDITH MAY BAILEY, b. 12 March 1875, Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO; d. 15 February 1905.
For further information, contact:
Vance Bailey
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