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John and Nancy (Myres) Dixon moved to the Anthony Farm in the Town of Pamelia about 1887 or 1888 with about eight of their ten children. At that time the longest barn in Jefferson County stood just behind the old stone house there. An article in the Syracuse Herald-Journal for Jan. 13, 1946 described the barn on that farm:

The road leading over the Perch River Flats passes within a mile and a half of what was once the largest barn in New York state. This barn, built by the late Tom Anthony, a pioneer farmer, was constructed between two hills and was more than 150 feet long. The greater part of the work land on the Anthony farm was on high land and the wagons loaded with hay were drawn onto a floor near the roof and the hay dumped down into deep mows on either side, effecting a great saving of labor at a time when virtually all farm work was done with hand tools.

Another story connected with the barn came to light much later. The horses, for some reason, stepped off the runway, and team, wagon and all went over the edge into the mow. How far they fell, what injuries they sustained, or any other details are now lost. A different clipping surfaced, giving the fate of this longest barn, as well as its dimensions. This was probably published just before the barn was torn down by the state.


Anthony Barn

This barn on the old Thomas H. Anthony farm in the town of Pamelia, largest barn in Jefferson County, is going to be razed. The structure is located on property now owned by the state conservation department near Perch Lake and it is expected bids for its demolition will be sought shortly. The barn, believed to be between 80 and 100 years old, is 250 feet long, 40 feet wide and nearly 60 feet high. There is a drive floor directly under the gabled roof. The farm is located on a cross road about three-fourths of a mile from the Parish Street Road and approximately eight and one-half miles from Watertown.

John Dixon was a descendant of the Revolutionary veteran and Jefferson County pioneer, Curtis Dixon through his grandson, Robert B. Dixon Jr.

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