1. SYLVESTER BLISS of Adams, Jefferson Co NY, was a farmer, son of DAVID BLISS and HANNAH BORDEN of Gilsum, NH. He was born 26 March 1792 and married in Keene, NH on 24 Jan. 1820 to HANNAH HALL, daughter of REV. AARON HALL of Keene. On that date the couple started for the west and settled in the town of Adams, NY. Hannah was born 26 April 1791 and died 15 Oct. 1830.

Children of Sylvester Bliss and Hannah Hall:

            2          i          ALFRED BLISS born 15 Feb. 1821

            3          ii         HANNAH HALL BLISS born 31 May 1822; died 10 May 1858

            4          iii         LOUISA M. BLISS born 3 Feb 1824; married 31 Oct. 1845 to ERASMUS D. KELLOGG of Adams and they moved to Oshkosh, WI

            5          iv          HIRAM BLISS born 9 May 1826; died 28 Nov 1850

            6          v          CAROLINE M. BLISS born 20 May 1829; died 20 Jan. 1855

Sylvester Bliss married 2nd on 16 June 1831 to HEPZIBAH WRIGHT, daughter of CARMI WRIGHT of Adams, who had removed to Adams from Deerfield MA. Hepzibah was born 20 Jan. 1793 and had no children with Sylvester. In the spring of 1866 Sylvester moved to Oshkosh WI with his son-in-law, E. D. Kellogg, and died there on 3 Sept 1872.

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