Lyttle, Hanford & Company. Printers, Book Binders, and Blank Book Manufacturers. Price, $2.00

(Jefferson County)

Incorporated as a village in 1851. It is an important station on the R.W.& O.R.R., and is also the seat of the "The Hungerford Collegiate Institute," a flourishing school, distance from Watertown 14 miles, from Rome, 59 miles.

Ackerman, Harriet R. Miss, teacher drawing and painting, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
ADAMS VISITOR, (weekly) Geo. C. Bragdon, editor and proprietor.
American Express, Wm. M.Johnson, agt.
Angers Alfred, hair dresser.
Armsbury Stiles P. photographer.
Barney S.A. watchmaker, jeweler and engraver.
Barney & Bartlett, watches, clocks and jewelry.
Bartlett J.K. insurance agent.
Barton Ellen G. Miss, assistant in Languages and English, Hungerford
Collegiate Institute.
Bauder Delos, proprietor Bauder's Hotel.
Bemis Nathaniel O. physician and surgeon.
Boehme Edward H. photographer.
Bond George W. cashier Hungerford Nat. Bank, and U.S. Dept. Collector.
Bond & Smiley, dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes &c.
Boudiett, Joseph, boot and shoe maker.
BRAGDON GEORGE C. editor and proprietor The Adams Visitor.
Brown A.J. att'y and counselor at law.
Buckley Lyman, drugs and groceries.
Bullock L.J. Miss, millinery and fancy goods.
Butterworth H.W. Mrs., preceptress, teacher French and English, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Carpenter George L. carriage painter.
Chamberlain S.H. grocer and provision dealer.
Chittenden Thos. C. insurance agent.
Cleveland J.M. & Co. seedsmen.
Collins David, hair dresser.
Cook, Sidney G. teacher of penmanship, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Cook & Brown, groceries and crockery.
Cowles Henry M. dentist.
Cull Thomas Rev. Pastor Baptist Church.
Daily House, W.W. Daily proprietor.
Daily William W. proprietor Daily House.
Dixon Wm. gunsmith.
Dodge Gilbert S. grocer and provision dealer.
Dolloway Rev. Edward, rector Emanuel (Episcopal) Church.
Draper & Steele, watches, clocks, jewelry and music.
Dwight D.A. manager Montreal and W. U. Telegraph office.
Dwight & Eddy, booksellers and stationers, also sewing machine agents.
Edmonds Henry F. pump dealer.
FIRST NAT. BANK, Solon D. Hungerford, president.
Fish L. & L. G. blacksmiths.
Fish & Barney, variety store and dining saloon.
Fox Miletus H. carriage maker.
Fuller Jerome, livery stable.
Gardner Dempster E. Prof. anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Gardner Etta M. Mrs., teacher English and Modern Languages, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Gilbert & Green, dealers in butter, cheese and grain.
Giles Abner R. turner of wood.
Glass James M. carpenter and builder.
Grant Geo. W. cement and gravel roofing.
Green Nelson, post master.
Grenell Hart, ready made clothing, cloths, &c.
Grenell & Hover, drugs and groceries.
Griswold & Fox, harness, saddlery and trunks.
Hale A. P. botanic physician.
Heustis Wm. S. blacksmith.
Holman David O. iron foundry, machine shop, and saw mill.
HORTON ALLEN G. meat market.
Houghton Ellen A. Mrs., teacher piano and organ, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
HOUGHTON J. DUNBAR, A. M., principal Hungerford Collegiate Institute. (see adv. front colored pages.)
HUNGERFORD COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, J. Dunbar Houghton, principal. (See adv.)
HUNGERFORD NATIONAL BANK, Solon D. Hungerford, president.
HUNGERFORD SOLON D. pres. The Hungerford National Bank, and First National Bank.
Huntington Richard H. teller, The Hungerford National Bank.
Ingraham & Cooper, cheese factory.
JOHNSON W. M. agt. American Express, and dealer in coal, salt, water lime, &c.
Jones, Coit & Co., grocers and provisions, also lumber dealers.
Kellogg A. & Son, brewers and maltsters.
KELLOGG G.B. & Co., dry goods, hats, caps, &c.
King & Lamson, meat market.
Larkin Vincent, painter and glazier.
Lewis John S. tanner and currier.
Lord Rev. Edward, Pastor Presbyterian Church.
Lyon Asa, mason and builder.
MAXON A. & SON, attorneys at law.
Maxon Edwin R.M.D., Prof. Latin and Greek, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Martin & Barber, dentists.
Merchants Union Express, C.E. Segur, agt.
Merriam S.A. & Co., drugists and grocers.
Merrill Stephen, cooper.
Miller & Terry, flour, feed, grain, and seed store.
Morgan Heman, dept. sheriff and constable.
Muzzy Lester, billiard rooms.
Nichols Hattie Miss, milliner.
Overton Brothers, cabinet makers, furniture dealers and undertakers.
Overton Henry, jusstice of the peace.
Parham E.A. Mrs., milliner.
Parham Robert B. carpenter and builder.
Parker Hilon A. instructor in military exercises, Hungerford Collegiate Institute.
Pierson Moses, physician and surgeon.
Pitcher & Happ, flouring mill, also, flour, feed and grain dealers.
Potter John H. boot and shoe maker.
Puffer Wm. baker.
Ripley A.D. boots, shoes, hats and caps.
Ripley, Orrin, meat market.
Ross John, cooper.
Salisbury & White, nurserymen and florists.
SCHRAM BROTHERS, hardware, stoves, tinware, iron, steel, agricultural implements, &c, &c.
Seely Phillips & Co., carriage manufactory.
Segur Cyrus E., R.R. agent, and agt. M.U. Express.
Smith Dewitt C. painter and glazier.
Smith E.K. livery stable.
Spicer Brothers, candle and soap manufactory.
Stearne Philip, fur dealer.
Thayer Benj. F. boot and shoe manufacturer.
Tifft H.K. dry goods and millinery.
Torble Wm. mason and builder.
Tyler Carlton B. photographer.
Vickery Nathan, attorney at law.
VIRGINNIA W.W. hair dresser.
Waite F. Son, & Allen, dry goods, clothing, hats, caps and groceries.
Waite John & Co., hardware, stoves and tinware.
Waldo Lyman B. homoeopathic physician.
Walker David, surveyor.
Weaver John F. tanner and currier.
Webb Walter, physician and surgeon.
Wetmore Samuel, physician and surgeon.
Wheeler Wm. H. planing mill, sash, door, and blind manufacturer.
Whipple G.B.R. insurance agent.
Whitcomb Henry H. watch maker and jeweler.
WHITE RUFUS P. maltster.
Williams George W. surveyor.
Withington & Torbert, druggists and grocers.
Wright & Salisbury, clothing dealers.
WYATT WM. W. dry goods, boots and shoes, hats, caps, &c.

(Jefferson County)

A thriving village near the center of the town, and a station on the R.W. & O.R.R., distance from Rome 63 miles.

Babcock F. attorney and counselor at law.
Barrows L. Railroad House.
Beeman Rev. James M. Baptist clergyman.
Bleecker Edward, physician and surgeon.
Brimmer, Green & Co. dry goods, groceries, &c.
Burdick N.L. boot and shoe maker.
Campbell J.M. & Co., grocers, flour and grain dealers.
Chamberlin Silas, carpenter.
Cooley A.E. attorney and counselor at law.
Crosby E.C. lime manufacturer.
Curry J.E.B. carriage maker.
Curry Mrs. W.R. milliner.
Dewey Joel, boot and shoe maker and dealer.
Fawdry David, physician and surgeon.
Fox Daniel, station agent, R.W. & O.R.R. and agent American Express.
Fox M. harness maker.
Garfield Rev. Benj. F. Baptist clergyman.
Graves Asa W. harness maker.
Green O.D. surveyor and carpenter.
Hall George, livery stable, justice, and agent Merchants Union Express.
Hall's Hotel, Wm. Owens, proprietor.
Hammond James, cooper.
Heath George, groceries and provisions.
Heath & Hall, photographers.
Hodges A.A. blacksmith.
Langworthy R.C. carpenter.
Lewis G.B.& C. blacksmiths.
Moulton james, flour and grist mill.
Owens Wm. Hall's Hotel.
Parker, Hammond & Wilder, dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, &c.
POTTER C.D. druggist, artist and portrait painter, also post master.
Quimble Rev. W.G. seventh day Baptist clergyman.
Railroad House, L. Barrows, proprietor.
Rice Rev. L. Baptist clergyman.
Safford A. butcher.
Spear C.B. carriage maker.
Stone Frank, telegraph operator.
Taylor Rev. Chas. O. second adventist clergyman.
Tomlinson Rev. George E. seventh day Baptist clergyman.
Whitford J.M. saw mill.
Wilder Albert W. botanic physician.

[Double page advertisement for the Hungerford Collegiate Institute]

Adams, Jefferson County, N.Y.
Rev. J. Dunbar Houghton, A.M., Principal, assisted by twelve competent
Instructors, six male and six female.

This institute is a Day and Boarding School for young men and young women. It is located in one of the most beautiful, healthy and enterprising villages in the State, and in a highly intelligent and moral community. It is, also, easy of access, being directly on the line of the rome, Watertwon and Ogdensburgh Railroad.The building is new and spacious, and has been fitted up in the best manner. The Course of Instruction embraces Latin, Greek, French and German; Elementary English Studies; Higher Mathematics, including Surveying, plain, trigonometrical, and topographical, with field practice; the Natural Sciences, with lectures, illustrations and experiments; Belles-Lettres; Book-Keeping, in all its varieties; Telegraphy, with practical Telegraphing; Vocal and Instrumental Music, embracing the organ, piano and melodeon; Drawing and Painting; Calisthenics and Infantry Drill.

Rev. J.D. Houghton, the Principal, was for thirteen years the Principal of Union Academy, and for several years previous was engaged as instructor in one of the best institutions in the country, and, during the entire period, klhe hs, as a thorough instructor and disciplinarian, been eminently sucessful.

The other members of the corps of instructors and lecturers have also had large experience and success, affording the best advantages in every department and study, and such as si confidently believed will satisfy every reasonable expectation.

The method of instruction is one of rigid analysis and demonstration. The pupil is not expected to do the work of the teacher, nor the teacher that of the pupil. The pupil is expected and required to study and learn so much as possible from the text book, and the teacher is expected to explain and illustrate, by means of drawings and apparatus, and in accordance with the improved system of modern school teaching, giving such suggestions as to the manner of studying, the process of investigation, and the application of principles, as to insture the greatest proficiency and mental growth. Thoroughnbess and permanent advantage, instead of pretension and display, is the motto in every department. The school has just closed its third year, and has been throughout a perfect success. Its discipline and good order have been marked features, and elicited the admiration of visitors from week to week, and committees from term to term, not less than the strict analytical method of instruction and thorough scholarship attained.

The price of Tuition and Board, will be about the same as at other academies.
For further information, address the Principal, or the undersigned.
S. D. HJungerford, Pres't. Wm. M. Johnson, Sec'y.

The ADAMS VISITOR. Published every Thursday, at Adams, Jefferson County, N.Y. George C. Bragdon, Editor and Proprietor.

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