(Jefferson County.)
A thriving village situated at the head of Butterfield Lake. Glass is manufactured here extensively.
Ager Rev. Jesse, Baptist clergyman.
Ables C. boots and shoes.
Bush N. Redwood House.
Butterfield W.W. glass manuf. ashery and saw mills.
Butterfield Wm. W. saw mill.
Catlin C.A. physician.
Catlin & Smith, druggists.
Clark Charles, carriage maker.
Clink Robert, physician.
Coonan Thomas, blacksmith.
Harder A. lawyer.
Hartman George A. tailor.
Hartman & Bicklehaup, cheese factory.
Holmes A.A. & Co. dry goods, groceries, hardware, drugs, &c.
Hutchins M.J. physician.
Lambie Wm. M. cabinet maker.
Layng Robert, harness, saddlery and trunks.
Marshall R.W. Marshall House.
Marshall House, R.W. Marshall proprietor.
Martin Lewis, carriage maker.
McAllaster J.E. dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c.
Nichols Mrs. Elizabeth, saloon.
Redwood House, N. Bush proprietor.
Sardam S.C. supt. Redwood Iron Works.
Snouber Wm. cheese factory.
Somers H.J. photographer, also post master.
Soper S. sawmill.
Tassey Peter, blacksmith.
Terrel N. stoves and tin ware.
White A.L. Justice of the peace.
White H.A. hardware and groceries.
White & Smith, grist mill.
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