Business in Jefferson County 1867-1868

Business in Antwerp 1867-1868


Lyttle, Hanford & Company. Printers, Book Binders, and Blank Book Manufacturers. Price, $2.00

ANTWERP(Jefferson County)

A station on the R.W.& O.R.R. Incorporated as a village, July, 1863. It is the seat of the Antwerp Liberal Literary Institute, distance from Watertown, 24 miles.

Abell I.H. physician and surgeon.
Ainsworth Charles, meat market.
Antwerp Liberal Literary Institute, Rev. J. Winslow, principal.
Bailey L.H. dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c.
Bemis & Brown, machinists, manuf. planing machines.
Bent H.H. cheese factory.
Bentley Laton, boot and shoe maker.
Carroll John, agent Merchants Union Express.
Chapin Alonzo, post master.
Chapin Miss L.A. teacher of music.
Chapin S. music dealer.
Chapin A. & Co., dry goods, groceries, clothing, boots, shoes, &c.
Chapin & Garnham, tinsmiths & stove dealers.
Clark Archibald C. insurance agent.
Clark Clement, painter.
Clark & Phillips, groceries and provisions.
Collins D.L. watch maker, jeweler and fancy goods.
Cook C.C. blacksmith.
Copley Alexander, grist and saw mill.
Delcor Joseph, cooper.
Derby E.G. physician and surgeon.
Dillenbeck Noah, carpenter and builder.
Dillenbeck W.F. groceries and provisions.
Easterly Elijah, carpenter.
Ellis J.D. produce dealer.
Ellis H.W. & Co., dry goods, groceries, clothing, boots, shoes, &c.
F.& A. Masons, No. 226, meet 1st and 3d Wednesday Evening, each month.
Fairbanks O.D. photographer.
Foster House, T.M.Foster.
Fuller Benj. J. veterinary surgeon.
Fulton Elijah, supervisor.
Gates Charles, billiard room.
Gray Leroy, millwright.
Green Wells H. butter and produce dealer.
Harris J.B. deputy sheriff and butter dealer.
Hathaway H.D. blacksmith.
Hopper Samuel, undertaker.
Houghton L.L. planing and matching; also manufacturer of planing mills.
Independent Order of Good Templars, regular meetings Tuesday Evening, each week.
Johnson W.N. ddry goods, groceries, clothing, &c.
Jones Rev. J.H. pastor Congregational Church.
Kirkland S.H. agent American Express, and ticket and station agent R.W.& O.R.R.
Loomis Randolph R. carpenter and builder.
Mack O.W. insurance agent.
Marks Ira, eating saloon.
Marsh L.M. & Bro. dealers in drugs, medicines, groceries, paints and oils.
McGregor Allen, attorney and counselor at law.
Miller Levi, surveyor.
Miller J. & Co., boot and shoe manufacturers and dealers.
Moffett C.W. harness maker.
Moffett Mrs. C.W. millinery.
Munroe A.H. saw mill.
Munroe Silas, saw mill.
Newsam John, cooper.
Newton Joseph, iron founder.
Nichols Warren, painter.
Nott Theodore, livery stable.
Ombler D. tailor.
Payne S.W. cabinet maker.
Platt Miss Anna M. teacher of music.
Potter S.C. tanner and currier.
Proctor House, Jerome B. Proctor.
Proctor J.B. Proctor House.
Render Richard, saloon and hotel.
Sawens G.S. general insurance agent.
Sawens G.S. & Co. druggists and apothecaries.
Sherwood D.B. hair dresser.
Shull Jacob, justice of the peace.
Smith C.S. carriage maker.
Snyder & Hanson, carpenters and manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds.
Sterling A.P. iron manufacturer.
Taylor & Homan, grist and flour mill.
Thomas A.H. agent sewing machines.
Wait & Smith, groceries, provisions and produce dealers.
Ward Seymour, carpenter.
Welch J.R. carriage maker.
Welch Mrs. J.R. dress maker.
White James, justice of the peace.
Wight Miss A. milliner and dress maker.
Williams R. tinsmith and stove dealer.
Winslow Rev. J. principal Antwerp Liberal Literary Institute.

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