Business in Jefferson County 1867-1868

Business in Philadelphia 1867-1868


Lyttle, Hanford & Company. Printers, Book Binders, and Blank Book Manufacturers. Price, $2.00

(Jefferson County.)

Philadelphia, sometimes called Quaker Settlement, is a station on the R.W. & O.R.R. Distance from Watertown 18 miles.

Ackerman Timothy B. saw mill.
Ackert Adam C. boot and shoe maker.
Aldrich Martin E. dry goods, groceries, drugs, &c.
Allen Wm. justice of the peace.
Allis John, agricultural implements.
Ayers John, harness maker.
Brown William, painter.
Clark & Potter, cabinet makers and furniture dealers.
Conway Theodore, carpenter and carriage maker.
Cooper Rev. James, Friends clergyman.
Cooper Nathaniel, carpenter.
Cross Hiram H. proprietor Roger House.
Cross & Baxter, blacksmiths.
Farnham Henry, tanner and currier.
Gardner Rev. Jacob, Baptist clergyman.
Gibbs Rhoda, milliner.
Goodell Re. S.C. Methodist clergyman.
Gould Charles E. tinsmith and stove dealer.
Graves Samuel, flour and grist mill.
Harriman Moses, Railroad House.
Holmes & Scofield, dry goods, groceries, &c.
Houghton Hollis, carriage maker.
Lattimer James F. justice of the peace.
Mosher & Tucker, dry goods, groceries, clothing, &c.
Murdock Alvah, physician and surgeon.
Nichols Wm. S. harness maker.
Pennell John F. boot and shoe maker.
Philadelphia House, Russell Washburn proprietor.
Philadelphia Institute, Miss Mary Post preceptress.
Potter Alonzo W. carpenter.
Railroad House, Moses Harriman, proprietor.
Roger House, Hiram H. Cross, proprietor.
Schofield Samuel, post master.
Sclocom Miss Nellie, assistant teacher Philadelphia Institute.
Sizeland Abram, carriage maker.
Traver Russell J. railroad agent, and agent American Express Co.
Tucker George E. justice of the peace.
Wager David J. attorney and counselor at law.
Waite John, dry goods, groceries, drugs, &c., also agent Merchants Union Express.
Washburn Russell, proprietor Philadelphia House.
Welch Abram, homeopathic physician.
White Guy & Son, coopers.
WHITING TIMOTHY, insurance agent and conveyancer.
Wilson Calvin, watch maker and jeweler.
Wishart & Clark, blacksmiths.

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