Jefferson County, New York

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Watertown, NY

read in early 1950's by the Eastern Mission

Near intersection of Cty Rt 64 & Ives Street Road

Ballard, Julia b 1826 d/o Samuel F. & Diana Ballard d 23 May 1844 at 18 yrs.

Barrows, Miriam b 1781 d 1 May 1865 at 84 yrs. Wife of Oliver Barrows
   Oliver b 14 Oct. 1776 d 5 Nov. 1851 at 75 yrs. 22 days. Husb. of Miriam Barrows
   Tillson b 1750 d 22 Aug. 1832 at 82 yrs. Donor of the land for Cemetery near Talcott Stand

Biddlecom, (Biddlecon?) Abigail b 1783 d 15 Sept. 1844 at 61 yrs. wife of Chris Biddlecom
   Alvin b 1814 s/o Chris & Abigail Biddlecom d 14 Feb. 1842 at 28 yrs.
   Chris b 1777 d 22 Feb. 1848 at 71 yrs. Husb. of Abigail Biddlecom
   Clark, b 1829 d 19 Apr. 1852 at 22 yrs.
   Cornelia - See Griffeth
   Lenus b 23 Dec. 1848 s/o Stafford & M. Biddlecom d 23 Mar. 1851 at 2 yr., 3 mo.
   Stafford b 1810 d 16 Feb. 1863 at 53 yrs. Husb. of M. Biddlecom

Bristol, Olen M. b 20 May 1855 s/o W. U. & Jerusha M. Bristol d 26 Oct. 1861 at 6 yrs, 5 mo, 6 days
   W. U. b 28 Jan. 1825 d 16 Dec. 1863 at 38 Yrs. 10 mo. 18 days Husb. of Jerusha M. Bristol

Corey, Sophronia N. b 4 Apr. 1842 d 14 Apr. 1857 at 24 yrs, 11 mo, 25 days Wife of Henry S. Corey

Denning, Mrs. Sarah (Golding?) b 1772 d 18 Apr. 1816 at 44 yrs. Wife of U. Denning

Glass, A. G. b 1814 d 30 June 1851 at 37 yrs.
   James b 1778 d 18 Dec. 1834 at 56 yrs.

Griffeth, Cornelia b 1843 d/o Stafford & M. Biddlecon d 19 June 1864 at 21 yrs. wife of Edward Griffeth
   Jessie C. b 1861 s/o Edward & Cornelia Griffeth d 19 Sept. 1861 at 9 mo.

King, Eunice b 1769 d 2 July 1842 at 73 yrs. Wife of Paul King
   Paul, Capt. b 1762 d 13 Aug. 1842 at 80 yrs. Husb. of Eunice King

Moore, Julia b 1772 d 30 May 1851 at 79 yrs. Wife of Varannus Moore
   Lucas b 1756 d 12 Sept. 1841 at 85 yrs.
   Varannus b 1769 d 29 Sept. 1856 at 87 yrs. Husb. of Julia Moore

More, Elon b 1818 d/o V. & Harriet More d 14 Feb. 1832 at 14 yrs.
   Marseny b 1814 d 14 Mar. 1828 at 14 yrs.
   Mary b 1727 d 29 June 1815 at 88 yrs. Wife of Amos More
   Sally b 1800 d 24 May 1822 at 22 yrs. Wife of Amos More
   Varannus b 1794 d 19 Apr. 1846 at 52 yrs.

Parker, Kezia b 1799 d 11 Mar. 1828 at 29 yrs. Wife of Milton Parker

Pool, Benjamin b 1776 d 21 Feb. 1827 at 51 yrs.

Rice, Abigail b 1756 d 9 Jan. 1830 at 74 yrs. Wife of Bennett Rice
   Bennet b 1752 d 26 Apr. 1810 at 58 yrs. Husb. of Abigail Rice
   Caroline, d/o Harvey & Mary Rice d 17 Dec. 1814
   Harvey b 28 Dec. 1803 d 2 Oct. 1848 at 44 yrs, 9 mo, 4 days Husb. of Mary Rice

Rising, Hulda b 1785 d 5 Oct. 1856 at 91 yrs. Wife of Josiah Rising
   Josiah b 1764 d 3 Apr. 1844 at 80 yrs. Husb. of Huldah Rising

Note: Josiah Rising served in the Revolution. See the Fonda Papers.

Skeels, Almia d/o S. & H. Skeels d 1814 at age 0.
   Hiram, s/o S. & R. Skeels d 7 Oct. 1816 at age 0

Smedley, Ruth b 25 Dec. 1742, d 11 Jan. 1842 at 99 yrs, 17 days. Wife of Jediah Smedley

Note: Hulda's husbnd, Jedediah Smedley, served in the Revolution. See the Fonda Papers.

Tyler, Roxey b 1786 d 25 Aug. 1846 at 60 yrs. Wife of Joseph Tyler

Wadley, ___b 1776 d 27 Mar. 1811 at 35 yrs.

Webb, U. M. b 1787 d 16 Jan. 1815 at 29 yrs.

Williamson, Jane H. b 14 May 1838 d/o Samuel & Anna Williamson d 16 June 1850 at 12 yrs, 1 mo, 2 days

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