Children's Home of Jefferson County

1704 State Street
Watertown, New York

1930, United States Census, Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Transcribed and Donated by Lawrence R Corbett. See his notes below. We are grateful to Larry for his generous permission to use his work.


NameTitleAgePlace Born
Eugene H Bunce Head 47 New York
Elizabeth C Bunce Wife 46 New York
Kathrine Loadwich Cook 58 Canada English
Leno Wyman Caretaker 43 New York
Julie Eselin Seamstress 53 New York
Pearl Forbes Nurse 27 New York
Ida Burington Housekeeper 59 New York
Francis Everett Cottage mother 65 New York
Mary Woodson Cottage mother49 Indiana
Ada Meyers Cottage mother 57 New York
Grace Schultz Cottage mother36 New York
Martha Chargo Cottage mother61 New York


NameAgePlace Born
Robert Babcock 10New York
Fern Boyd 11Canada English
Graydon Boyd 11 New York
Twila Boyd 15Canada English
Robert Crittendon 11 Colorado
Frederick Davis 9 New York
Harvey Davis 11New York
Annie Demarco 8 New York
Joseph Demarco 9 New York
Howard Dormer 8New York
Jessie Dormer 6 New York
Winifred Easter 12 New York
Frederick Ellsworth 5 New York
Hattie Ellsworth 8 New York
Marjorie Ellis 13 New York
Miller Ellis 8 New York
Walter Ellis 5 New York
Elmer Fikes 6 New York
Erwin Fikes 9 New York
George E Fleming 15 New York
Leeta Fleming 10 New York
Harland Flora 10 New York
Harold Flora 15 New York
Howard Flora 11 New York
Lila Furney 11 New York
John Gannon 4 New York
William Gannon 6 New York
Anne Hammill 8 New York
Arthur Hoffman 6 New York
Idris Hoffman 7 New York
Franklin Holley 7 Michigan
Robert Holley 10 Pennsylvania
Hazel Howard 16 New York
Philip Israel 3 New York
Althea Jameson 15 New York
Olga Jimerson 12 New York
Charles Jones 5 New York
Kenneth Jones 6 New York
Marie Jones 8 New York
William Keller 12 New York
Francis Knapp 14 New York
David Laparr 5 New York
Marjorie Laparr3 New York
Earnest Miller 9 New York
Doris Moore 7 New York
Isabel Moore 5 New York
Leon Moore 9 New York
Richard Moore 4 New York
Winfield Moore 10 New York
Agnes Morrison 14 New York
Eldon Mullarney 6 New York
Millicent Mullarney 8 New York
Lloyd Nichols 12 New York
Edward Ransier 10 New York
Robert Ransier 8 New York
Mary Rogers 12 New York
Olean Rogers 14 New York
Dorothy E Schultz 11 New York
Jessie Seymour 13 New York
Neva Seymour 8 New York
Ruth Starkweather 6 New York
Celia Sutton 10 New York
John Sutton 12 New York
Julia Sutton 8 New York
Thomas Sutton 14 New York
Marion Watts 8 New York
Ola Watts 7 New York
James West 12 New York

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