1940, New York State Census, County of Jefferson, City of Watertown,
Ward Seven, Election District 1: St Patrick's Orphanage

Transcribed and Donated by Lawrence R Corbett. See his notes below. We are grateful to Larry for his generous permission to use his work.

Census by Year

Index, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1940

NameRelationship to HeadSexAgeMarr StatusMo/Yr of BirthPlace of BirthYr of Immigration to USFather bornMother bornOccupation
Moran JosephineHead TeacherFemale30SingleOct 1870Ireland1882IrelandIrelandSister of Mercy
Cormlee EllaTeacherFemale24SingleSep 1876New York IrelandIrelandSister of Mercy
Corrigan BridgetTeacherFemale33SingleMay 1867Pennsylvania IrelandIrelandSister of Mercy
Ryan RoseTeacherFemale26SingleJun 1874New York New YorkIrelandSister of Mercy
Donahue CatherineTeacherFemale28SingleSep 1872Ireland IrelandIrelandSister of Mercy
McIntyre ClaraTeacherFemale34SingleNov 1866New York New YorkNew YorkSister of Mercy
Walsh LizzieHomemakerFemale27SingleApr 1873New York New YorkNew YorkSister of Mercy
Johnston MaryHomemakerFemale81WidowedDec 1819Ireland1860IrelandIreland 
Ruddy.SylvinaHomemakerFemale81WidowedDec 1819Ireland1832IrelandIreland 
McCaltin MaryHomemakerFemale82WidowedMay 1818Ireland1849IrelandIreland 
Monson.Arthur(pupil)Male12SingleJul 1888New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Monson John(pupil)Male14SingleJun 1886New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Ormon Michael(pupil)Male10SingleApr 1890New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Denny Hary(pupil)Male8SingleApr 1892New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Coleman Willie(pupil)Male7SingleSep 1892New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Coleman Howard(pupil)Male5SingleNov 1894New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Fults Myrtle(pupil)Female5SingleNov 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Elliott Louise(pupil)Female11SingleMay 1889New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Elliott Sarah(pupil)Female8SingleJun 1892New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Elliott Moses(pupil)Male6SingleJul 1894New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Resley Ruth(pupil)Female7SingleFeb 1893New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Deno John(pupil)Male2SingleMar 1898New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Burns Robert(pupil)Male6SingleMar 1894New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Burns George(pupil)Male5SingleJun 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
McCormick Annie(pupil)Female9SingleSep 1891New York Not recordedNot recorded 
McCormick Joseph(pupil)Female4SingleOct 1896New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Mcormick Beatrice(pupil)Female5SingleAug 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Dick Madeline(pupil)Female4SingleMay 1896New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Dick Daniel(pupil)Male2SingleApr 1898New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Dick Margarit(pupil)Female2SingleOct 1898New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Banky Amous(pupil)Male8SingleDec 1892New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Kirkey Albrt(pupil)Male6SingleFeb 1894New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Mckinty Rose(pupil)Female7SingleSep 1893New York Not recordedNot recorded 
McKinty Arthur(pupil)Male5SingleOct 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Mckinty Eve(pupil)Female4SingleFeb 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
O'Brien.Leo(pupil)Male5SingleFeb 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Word Ethel(pupil)Female5SingleJun 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Word Hurbert(pupil)Male2SingleMay 1898New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Gaipfer Albert(pupil)Male15SingleAug 1885New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Gaipfer Arthur(pupil)Male12SingleSep 1888New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Samson Annie(pupil)Female5SingleNov 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Samson Augustin(pupil)Male2SingleMay 1898New York Not recordedNot recorded 
Freeman Morgan(pupil)Male5SingleJun 1895New York Not recordedNot recorded

Transcribed and Donated by Lawrence R. Corbett for the Orphans' Home Website on April 2, 2002. Permission granted for use on Jefferson County NYGenWeb page, April 21, 2002.

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