(Postoffice is Antwerp, unless otherwise designated in parentheses)
Adams, Francis, (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, 10 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 80.
Adams, Henry H., (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, farmer with his father, Francis.
Adderly, Charles E., r 54, graduate Eastman Business College.
Adderly, Thomas P., r 54, farmer with his father, William.
Adderly, William, r 54, 20 cows, farmer 150.
Agard, Herbert, painter, paper hanger, and calciminer, h and lot Van Buren.
Ainsworth, Charles, butcher and grocer, Main h and lot Van Buren.
Allen, Alfred A, r 83, farmer 25.
Alton, Brothers, (George and Daniel) dealers in meat, groceries, crockery, and fruits, Coolidge block.
Alton, Daniel, (Alton Brothers) h and lot Van Buren.
Alton, George, (Alton Brothers) h and lot Van Buren.
Andrews, Houghton K., painter, paper hanger, and calciminer, Washington cor. Willow ave.
Anthony, Charles, (Philadelphia) r 61,18 cows, farmer, leases of Harvey 144.
ANTWERP GAZETTE, Myron H. Bent, prop., Main.
Apple, Hiram, r 20, miner and farmer, h and 10 acres.
Arnold, Ithamar, r 78, carpenter.
Augsbury, Frank A., miller for his father, Morgan. bds. do.
Augsbury, John C., miller for his father, Morgan. bds. do.
Augsbury, Morgan, general merchant and prop. grist-mill, Main, h Willow ave.
Augsbury, Willard S., book-keeper for his father, Morgan, bds. do.
Austin, James, r 42, farmer with his mother Jeanett.
Austin, Jeanett, r 42, widow of James, 14 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 180.
Babcock, Marvin, W., off r 43, 19 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases of Mrs. Jeanett Austin 163
Backus, Allen, r 57, 11 cows, farmer, leases of D.S. Bethel 152.
Backus, Davis S., laborer, h Fulton ave.
Backus, George W., r 58, laborer, prop. boarding-house.
Bacon, Charles F., r 40, cheesemaker, runs his father's cheese factory, bds. do.
Bacon, George C., r 82, laborer.
Bacon, Harley M., saw filer, emp. A. & E. Copley, bds. Washington.
Bacon, Joel J., r 79, laborer.
Bacon, John I., r 55, invalid.
Bacon, Joseph, student Ives Seminary, bds. Fulton ave.
Bacon, Leonard A., r 40, town supervisor, 70 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, prop. cheese factory, farmer 650.
Bacon, Millard, r 40., laborer
BACON, MORTON T., disabled soldier, served in Bat. D, 1st Lt. Art. N.Y. Vols., h and lot Washington.
Bacon, Ruth E., (Ox Bow) widow of Sylvanus, h and lot off Main.
Bacon, William A., carpenter and builder, h and lot Hoyt ave.
Bacon, William E., (Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, 20 cows, farmer 225, winter residence in Gouverneur.
Bacon's American Cheese Factory, r 40, L.A. Bacon, prop; Charles F. Bacon, cheesemaker.
Bailey, Catherine E., widow of Luther H., h main.
Bailey, Frederick J., real estate dealer, bds. Main.
Baker, Jay S., r 40, 9 cows, farmer 145.
Baker, Olive C., widow of Ephraim, bds. Fulton ave.
BALDWIN, LEVI, (Ox Bow) r 6, cattle dealer, resides with his son William C.
Baldwin, Lyman H., (Ox Bow) r 22, laborer.
Baldwin, William C., (Ox Bow) r 6, 25 cows, farmer, leases of Caroline Bellinger 300.
BALLARD, THOMAS T., (Radigan & Ballard) h Van Buren.
Banford, Sanderson, blacksmith, emp. J. M. Moore, bds. do.
Bank of Antwerp, established in 1872, capital and surplus $150,000, John D. Ellis, pres.; Albert Hoyt, cashier; A. E. Hoyt, asst. cashier.
Barker, George E., cartman, h Washington.
Barnum, Samuel, off r 83, farmer 45.
Barnum, William, r 83, farmer 115.
Barone, Dominick A., merchant tailor, dealer in gents' furnishings, Postoffice block, Main, h Hoyt ave.
BARR, BENJAMIN F., r 49, 20 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer, leases of Elbert C. Willard 136.
Barr, William Z., Sr., (Theresa) r 26, 25 cows, farmer 240.
BARR, WILLIAM Z., Jr., (Theresa) r 26, farmer with his father. William Z, Sr.
Bates, George W., road commissioner, horse dealer and teamster, h. Main.
Bates, Joseph, r 58, laborer.
Bates, William, r 58, teamster.
Baxter, John, (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, farmer 214.
Beaman, Alice Miss, dealer in dress and fancy goods, ladies' furnishings, notions, etc., White block, Main, bds Mechanic.
BEAMAN, EZRA S., r 78, 28 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 156, and leases of his wife and the J.M. Beaman estate 159.
Beaman, Ira M., associate editor Antwerp Gazette, bds. Madison ave.
Beaman, Sally A., widow of David, h Mechanic.
Beenfield, Peter, (Ox Bow) thresher and teamster, h Main.
Beenfield, Thomas, (Ox Bow) r 8, 32 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer, leases of George Washburn 240.
Beenfield, William F., (Ox Bow) r 8, prop. Black Hawk stock horse "Billie," farmer with his father Thomas.
Beerman, James, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 35, laborer.
Beers, Levi, r 19, laborer.
Bellinger, Caroline C., (Ox Bow) widow of Smith L.., h and lot Park.
Bellinger, James D., (Ox Bow) r 22, 30 cows, farmer 350.
BELLINGER, PETER J., off r 41, miner and prop. boarding-house, owns h and lot in St. Lawrence Co.
Bennett, Henry, (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, 21 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 112, and in St. Lawrence Co. 87.
Bennett, John H., (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, farmer with his father, Henry.
Bent, Frank W., r 66, farmer with his father, Hartwell F.
Bent, Hartwell F., r 66, 22 cows, farmer 173.
Bent, Jane F., widow of Hartwell H., owns the Bent estate, h Main.
BENT, MYRON H., editor and prop. Antwerp Gazette, Main, h Madison ave.
BENT, ROY H., cheese manuf., bds. Main.
Bent's American Cheese Factory, (estate of H.H. Bent) Roy H. Bent, cheesemaker.
Bentley, Laton, prop. boarding-house, h Main.
Bentley, W. Brayton, (William T. Bentley & Son) bds. Mechanic.
Bentley, William T., (William T. Bentley & Son) h and lot Mechanic.
Bentley, William T. & Son, (W. Brayton) dealers in dry goods, groceries, fancy goods, and gents furnishings, Main cor. Van Buren.
Benton, Erasmus D., (Ox Bow) retired merchant, h and lot Main.
Benway, Nancy, widow of Joseph, h and lot Washington.
Best, William G., r 27, 20 cows, farmer, leases of John D. Ellis 188.
BETHEL, DANIEL S., retired farmer, h and lot Mechanic.
Bethel, John G., manuf. and dealer in sash, doors, blinds, and moldings, French and American glass, etc., contractor and builder, h and lot Van Buren.
Bethel, Wells D., r 32, 12 cows, breeder of grade Jersey and Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases of Daniel S. 70.
Bishop, Orvis J., real estate dealer in Denver Colorado, h and lot Willow ave.
Blodgett, Darwin, r 58, farmer, leases of Jared 117.
Blodgett, Jared, r 58, retired farmer, h and lot
Booth, Ann Mrs., nurse, h and lot Madison ave.
Bowhall, Charles, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) blacksmith, horseshoer, and repairer, Main, h and lot do.
Bowles, Hiram E., (Theresa) off r 25, farmer with his father, John.
Bowles, John, (Theresa) off r 25, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 160.
Bowman, Lawson E., r 34, 34 cows, farmer, leases on shares of James Gill 300.
Boyce, Edwin S., (Ox Bow) r 6, formerly farmer, invalid, h and 1 acre.
Boyce, Elmer E., (Ox Bow) r 6, laborer.
Brainard, Martin V., (Ox Bow) r 8, lawyer and notary public, dealer in drugs and groceries, 14 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer 157, in St. Lawrence Co. 140, Main, h and lot do, also h and lot in Wegatchie, St. Lawrence Co.
BROAD, WILLIAM, r 57, 8 cows, farmer, leases of the John Broad estate 150.
Brown, Alexander, clerk for I.C. Hinsdale, h and lot Willow ave.
Brown, Brothers, r 34, (Charles W. and Francis H.) farmers 144.
Brown, Charles B., (Ox Bow) r 7, 24 cows, farmer, leases of W.T. Bentley 204.
BROWN, CHARLES H., prop. bakery, dealer in groceries and confectionery, farmer 74, Main, h do.
Brown, Charles W., r 34, (Brown Brothers)
Brown, Edmund Sr., r 57, retired farmer.
Brown, Edmund Jr., r 57, (John & Edmund Brown Jr.)
Brown, Francis H., r 34, (Brown Brothers) carpenter and joiner, lives with his father, John.
Brown, Ira, retired wheelwright, aged 94, lives with his son C.H.
Brown, John, r 34, 12 cows, farmer 160.
Brown, John, r 57, (John & Edmund Brown, Jr.).
Brown, John H., (Ox Bow) r 8, laborer.
Brown, John S., (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer with his father William, 2nd.
Brown, John & Edmund, Jr., r 57, 25 cows, farmers 157.
Brown, Joseph, laborer, h Main.
Brown, Robert S., (Ox Bow) r 25, laborer.
BROWN, WILLIAM, r 78, 9 cows, breeder of Jersey cattle, half owner of Percheron Norman stallion "Grey Hawk," farmer, 175 and leases of the Lee estate 124.
Brown, William, 2d., (Ox Bow) r 2, 15 cows, farmer, leases of A. Copley 235.
Brown, William S., (Philadelphia) r 28, carpenter and farmer 60.
BRUNDIGE, MARGARET, widow of Edward, h Kelhenny.
Bulkley, Charles E., treas. Jefferson Iron Co., resides New York city.
BULKLEY, EDWARD B. Hon., pres. Jefferson Iron Co., prop. Riverside stock farm at Ox Bow 194, prop, stock horses, "Despot"; "Standard" No. 4221 was sired by "Dictator" full brother to "Dexter," 2:17 1/4, sire of "Jay Eye See," 2:10; "Phallas," 2:13 3/4; "Director," 2:17; George Sims, foreman.
Bullis DeForest C., tinsmith, emp. McAllaster Brothers, h and lot Mechanic.
BURCHELL, ELDRIDGE J.,dealer in groceries, provisions, and crockery, Chapin block, Main, h and lot S. Main.
Burge, Andrew M., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2, farmer with his father, Milon W.
Burge, Milon W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2, farmer 50.
Burge, Perley M., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2, farmer with his father, Milon W.
Burge, Warren, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) carriagemaker and repairer, Church, h do.
Burhans, Carloss L., cheesemaker, h and lot Washington.
Burns, Miles, (Spragueville and St. Lawrence Co.) r 18, 22 cows, farmer, leases of H. B. Keene 196.
Burt, Benjamin T., (Ox Box) r 8, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Durham cattle, farmer 120.
Burtis, Charles, emp. W. Monro, h Kilkenny.
Burtis, Elmer G., barber, Main, h Willow ave.
Burtis, George L., r 57, farmer with his father, Lorenzo
Burtis, John D., prop. billiard parlors and restaurant, Main, h do.
Burtis, Lorenzo, r 57, farmer 51.
BURTIS, WILLIAM, cattle dealer, pasture land 35, h and lot Kilkenny.
Butcher, Hiram, carpenter and joiner, h and lot Main cor. McAllaster.
Butcher, William O., r 69, 25 cows, farmer 378.
Butler, John M., (Ox Bow), r 3, laborer.
Butts, Phillip E., cartman, bds. Mechanic.
Caldwell, Huldah S., widow of Albert W., h Kilkenny.
Call, Arthur L., barber, emp. Richard Hennessy, bds. Proctor House.
Call, Mary Miss, teacher French and German Ives Seminary, bds. do.
Canfield, James W., r 79, 25 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 148.
Canfield, Joseph A., retired Presbyterian clergyman. h. Madison Ave.
Cannon, Edmund, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 15, miner and prop. boardinghouse.
Carman, Charles, carpenter and builder, farm 124, h Madison ave.
Carman, James, r 57, laborer.
CARMAN, WILLIAM, r 58, painter, served in Co. C, 35th Inf. N.Y. Vols., h and 10 acres.
Carpenter, Charles C., r 66, 29 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases of Edmund A. 181, owns pasture land 34.
Carpenter, Edmund A., r 66, 8 cows, farmer 96.
Carpenter, George F., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) grocer, Main, h do.
Carpenter, Henry O., r 66, farmer with his father, Thomas S.
Carpenter, J.P. & Son, (Ox Bow) (Watson F.) prop. Ox Bow Cheddar American cheese factory.
Carpenter, Jeremiah P., (Ox Bow) (J. P. Carpenter & Son) h and lot Main.
Carpenter, Jonathan A., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) retired farmer, owns in St. Lawrence Co. 177 resides Main.
Carpenter, Thomas S., r 60, 10 cows, breeder of grade Jersey and Durham cattle, farmer 77.
Carpenter, Watson F., (Ox Bow) (J.P. Carpenter & Son) h and lot Main.
Carpenter, William E., tanner and currier, h and lot Fulton ave.
Carr, Charles, r 35, 35 cows, farmer, leases of J.S. 257 1/2.
Carr, John S., r 35, 32 cows, farmer 257 1/2.
Carr, Joseph, (Ox Bow) r 3, laborer, h and lot.
Carr, William A., r 54, 18 cows, farmer 129.
Carroll, John, tanner and currier, emp. assignees of J. N. Colby & Co., h and lot depot.
Carter, Charles J., laborer, h Madison ave.
Case, Catherine, widow of Cornelius E., h and lot Van Buren.
Cassey, John (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) off r 15, miner.
Champine, George, r 55, 7 cows, farmer, leases of Fred Porter 50.
CHAPIN, ALONZO, dealer in clothing, hats, caps, and gents furnishing goods, owns farm 72, Chapin block, 43 Main, h and lot Mechanic.
Chapin, Luther, retired tinsmith, h and lot Van Buren.
Chapin, Sylvester, inventor and manuf. pillowsham holder, h Railroad ave.
CHASE, CLINTON A., (Theresa) r 61, 30 cows, 600 sugar trees, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 297.
Chase, Delavin L., (Theresa) r 62, 35 cows, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 280.
Chase, James, farmer, blind invalid, bds. Willow ave.
CHEESEMAN, WILLIAM E., r 68, laborer and sawyer.
Cheney, Charles, r 58, classifies lumber, h and lot.
Clark, Alexander B., (Ox Bow) general merchant, Main. h do.
Clark, Almer, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 33, farmer with his brother Lansing.
Clark, Ansil, r 34, retired farmer 230, h and lot.
Clark, Brayton F., (Ox Bow) r 3, farmer 19.
Clark, Clement, house, sign, and carriage painter and paper hanger, h and lot Mechanic.
Clark, James M., retired farmer, h and lot Willow ave.
CLARK, JEROME, 2D, (Antwerp) r 19, 30 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer, leases of brother Ansil 230.
Clark, Lansing, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 35, 22 cows, farmer 200.
Clark, Wilbur, r 35, 12 cows, hop grower 5 acres, farmer 140.
Clark, WIlliam B., Rev., rector St. Paul's Episcopal Church, bds. Proctor House.
Cleveland, Orville M., r 55, laborer.
Cochran, Robert, horseshoer, emp. O.G. Devendorf.
COLE, JACOB S., r 73, 15 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Durham cattle, served in Co. C, 1st Lt. Art. N.Y. Vols, farmer 115.
Cole, Jacob W., r 73, retired farmer, aged 80, resides with his son Jacob S.
Collins, William E., (Ox Bow) laborer and farmer, owns farm in Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., h and lot Main.
Coloney, Clarence (Ox Bow) off r 23, 8 cows, farmer 85.
Coloney, Samuel T., (Ox Bow) r 23, retired farmer, resides with his son, William H.
Coloney, William H., (Ox Bow) r 23, 17 cows, farmer 75, and leases of Samuel T. 75.
Conklin, Maria W., widow of John, h Main.
Conklin, Stephen, retired currier and boot and shoe dealer, h and lot Main.
Conkling, Calvin S., clerk, bds. Main
Connelly, Patrick, (Stirling Bush, Lewis Co.) off r 84, farmer 50.
Conners, James, (Ox Bow) carpenter and farmer in St. Lawrence Co. 121, h and lot Main.
Conway, Eloise M. Miss, (Philadelphia) off r 40, school teacher.
CONYNE, NANCY., widow of Martin, h and lot Kilkenny.
Cook Creek American Cheese Factory, r 31 (estate of H.H. Bent, prop.) Judson Evans, cheesemaker.
Cook, James C., r 75, 11 cows, farmer 300.
COOK, JOHN F., attorney and counselor at law, and land surveryor, Chapin block, h Willow ave.
Cook, Lydia, r 75, widow of Henry, farmer with her son James C. 80.
Cook, Matilda, widow of William, h Kilkenny.
Cook, Munson, 2d, r 75, 27 cows, farmer, leases of Munson, 1st 240.
Coolidge, Alvin, real estate dealer, owns farm in Philadelphia 400, and in Wilna 100, bds. Willow ave.
Coolidge, Brayton, r 72, 22 cows, farmer 65, and leases of Alvin 140.
Coolidge, George P., driver and trainer trotting horses, prop. boarding stables, patantee Coolidge quarter boots, and manuf. of boots for trotters, Main, h do.
Coolidge, Jay H., foreman for his father, George P., h Madison ave.
Coolidge, Susan A., widow of Charles, dressmaker and tailoress, h and lot Washington.
Cooper, Nicoll J., (Ox Bow) retired merchant and farmer 466, and in St. Lawrence Co, 230. owns 2 houses in village, h and lot Main.
Copeland, Fannie, widow of C. Copeland, h and lot Van Buren.
Copley, A. & E., (Eugene Copley, deceased) props. saw-mill and grist-mill, owns 1000 acres of land.
COPLEY, ALEXANDER, (A. & E. Copley) h Madison ave. cor. Main.
Copley, Dewitt, farmer and capitalist, h Madison ave.
Copley, Harriet, widow of Eugene, h Madison ave.
Corcoran, John, foreman on branch railroad for Hon. E. B. Bulkley, h. Willow ave.; also owns h and lot in Philadelphia.
Corcoran, S. Anna Miss, dressmaker, bds. Willow ave.
Cornell, Charles, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 15, miner.
Cornwell, Charles N., r 62, 11 cows, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 140.
Cornwell, Edwin H., r 62, laborer.
CORNWELL, JOHN F., r 24, 25 cows, 600 sugar trees, breeder of horses, prop stock horse "Black Prince", sired by "Jefferson Prince"; his dam was "Autocrat" Hambletonian stock; also prop. stock horse "Robin Hood", Clydesdale stock, weight 1600 lbs.; farmer 199.
Cornwell, Monroe, (Theresa) r 47, 13 cows, farmer, leases of M.H. Bent 188.
Countryman, George E., (Philadelphia) r 64, 10 cows, farmer, leases of C.N. Cornwell 140.
Countryman, Reuben, r 60, 30 cows, farmer 200.
Cox, Thomas A., (Philadelphia) r 65, 15 cows, farmer, leases of Jeremiah Scram 120.
Crabb, Henry A., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, 16 cows, farmer 150.
Cranker, John P., (Ox Bow) blacksmith and wheelwright, Main, h do.
Crook, Erastus, r 57, retired farmer, h and lot.
Crook, Frederick N., r 51, 21 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cows, farmer 91, and leases on shares of Erastus 140.
Crook, Herman S., r 51, farmer with his brother Frederick N.
Crook, John, r 51, carpenter, h and 3 1/2 acres.
Cross, Alva B., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) retired farmer, owns in St. Lawrence Co. 175, h and 9 acres Main.
Cross, Brainard, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 17, farmer, leases of Brayton Abbott 60.
Cross, Jonas, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) off r 38, laborer.
Cross, Sherman S., r 49 cor. 60, farmer with his father, Spencer F.
Cross, Spencer F., r 49 cor. 60, 21 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 151, and leases of the Nelson J. Cross estate 109.
Crossmon, Orson, (Ox Bow) r 6. farmer 7.
Crum Jessie, r 31, widow of Robert F., carpet weaver, h and lot.
Culbertson, Andrew, r 50, 30 cows, farmer, leases of James M. Clark 300.
Culbertson, Charles H. (Ox Bow) general merchant, Main, bds, Hyde House.
Culbertson, Charles H. Mrs., (Ox Bow) milliner, bds. Hyde House.
Cunningham, Catherine, widow of James, h Kilkenny.
Curry, Peter, r 58, miller, emp. A. & E. Copley.
Davis, Sarah A., widow of Joseph, house-keeper, for P.A. Nellis.
Davis, William B., (Ox Bow) postmaster and shoemaker, dealer in groceries, drugs and crockery, Main, h do.
Deans, Charles J., (Ox Bow) r 10, 12 cows, farmer, leases of the Deans estate 267.
Deans, Mary J., (Ox Bow) r 6, widow of George C., farmer 151.
Deans, William A., (Ox Bow) traveling salesman and justice of the peace, h and lot Main.
Dennis, Albert, (Philadelphia) r 61, 15 cows, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 108.
Devendorf, Orvis G., blacksmith and horseshoer, Main, h do.
Dickson, Alexander A., (Ox Bow) retired farmer, owns in St. Lawrence Co. 300, h Main
Dickson, Alexander L., r 12 cor. 20, 45 cows, farmer 320, in Rossie, St. Lawrence Co. 180, and woodland 45.
Dickson, Alexander W., off r 40, 18 cows, farmer, leases of T.L. Rider 200.
Dickson American Cheese Factory, r 20, William S. Hodge, cheesemaker.
Dickson, Andrew, r 79, 20 cows, farmer 183.
Dickson, James C., r 32, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle and Clydesdale horses, farmer 240.
Dickson, John, Sr., retired farmer, h Main.
DICKSON, JOHN, 2d, r 32, 25 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer 165 and woodlot 45.
DICKSON, JOHN S., r 68, 26 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Jersey cattle, farmer 175.
Dickson, Mary A., r 79, widow of John, 21 cows, farmer 192.
DICKSON, ROBERT, 2d, r 32, 50 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle and Hambletonian and Norman horses, farmer 340, and in Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., woodlot 25.
Dickson, Robert Sr., r 79, retired farmer, h and 20 acres, and wild land 150.
Dickson, William A., r 20, 30 cows, farmer, lease of A. L. 200.
Dillenbeck, Charles L., traveling salesman, h and 10 acres Fulton ave.
Dobson, Lestina, r 55, widow of Henry, 10 cows, farmer 100.
Donnelly, Mary Miss, r 58, farmer and prop. boarding-house, h and 6 acres.
Dority, Mame A., Miss, (Ox Bow) milliner, emp. Mrs. C.H. Culbertson, bds. Main.
Dorway, William H., r 56, laborer.
Drake, Frank C., r 68, 18 cows, farmer 107.
Draper, Amos, r 40, laborer.
Duegaw, Abram M., carpenter and joiner, h Van Buren.
Dulac, Henry G., r 22, 23 cows, farmer 200.
Dulac, Michael, r 22, laborer.
Dulack, Joseph, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 19, boss miner, h and 1 1/4 acres.
Dulack, William, r 19 cor. 20, miner, h and 7 acres.
Dunlop, Edward, laborer, h and lot Main.
Dwyre, James S., contractor and builder, h and lot Van Buren.
Dye, Earnest B., r 49 cor. 45, farmer with his father, Warren A.
Dye, Warren A., r 49 cor. 45, 6 cows, breeder of grade Holstein and Jersey cattle. farmer 180.
East Antwerp American Cheese Factory, r 55, James Stewart, sec'y and salesman.
EGAN, KATE, widow of James, h Main.
Eggleston, Ambrose D., r 22, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 164.
Eggleston, Asa L., (Ox Bow) r 65, blacksmith, 6 cows, farmer 46, and wood lot in St. Lawrence Co. 625.
Eggleston, David H., r 22, retired farmer, lives with his son Ambrose D.
EGGLESTON, EVA G., (Ox Bow) r 5, dressmaker and carpet weaver, bds. with her father Asa L.
Eggleston, Gilbert, (Ox Bow) r 11, 35 cows, farmer 293.
Eggleston, Perry D., r 28, 13 cows, farmer 116.
Eggleston, Richmond H., r 21, farmer 200.
EGGLESTON, SAMUEL G., (Ox Bow) r 24 cor. 7, 20 cows, 150 sugar trees, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer 114.
Eichhorn, Conrad, (Theresa) r 25, 23 cows, farmer, leases in Theresa of Zolomon Pool 300.
Eldridge, Ethan A., r 34, laborer, h and lot.
Ellis, Arden E., r 46 cor. 45, retired farmer, resides with his sister, Mary D. Willard.
ELLIS, JOHN D., pres. Bank of Antwerp and state assessor, h Main.
Exford, Mary, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) widow of William, h and lot Main.
Faichney, George L., traveling salesman, h and lot Van Buren.
Faichney, Joseph A., portrait artist and photographer, 2 Williams block, Mechanic.
FAIRBANKS, ARTHUR B., (Ox Bow) painter and paper hanger, bds, Main.
Fairbanks, Ezra, (Ox Bow) horseshoer and repairer, Main, h do.
Fairbanks, Phebe, (Ox Bow) widow Augustus, aged 81, h Main.
Fairbanks, Silas A., (Ox Bow) r 3, stationary engineer.
Fanning, Eliza, widow of Broughton, h and lot Railroad ave.
FARRELL, OGLE, general merchandise, Main, h Kilkenny.
Fell, Hiram A., (Ox Bow) druggist and watch repairer, emp. M.V. Brainard, bds. Main.
Fenner, Almira, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) widow of Daniel, h and lot Main.
Fenner, Charles W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) cheesemaker , h and lot Main.
Finley, Lester G., (Ox Bow) barber, Hyde House, h Main.
Fisher, Emily, widow of Myron B., h Main.
Flaherty, Minnie E. Miss, off r 40, school teacher, bds. with her father, Robert M.
Flaherty, Robert M., off r 40, 12 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 120.
Flaherty, Sherman G., off r 40, farmer with his father, Robert M.
Fleming, Freeman C., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 18, 20 cows, farmer, leases of H. B. Keene 238.
Fletcher, Winfield S., (Ox Bow) r 3, carriage and sleigh manuf., off Main, h do.
Flitcroft, William H., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 18, stone mason.
Foote, Handley J., prop. steam saw-mill, Van Buren, h Madison ave.
Ford, Franklin, (Philadelphia) r 65, 14 cows, farmer, leases of Silas 99.
Forton, Lewis, r 23, 12 cows, farmer, leases 99.
Fosgate, Ezekiel, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.), retired school teacher, h Church.
Foster, Charles, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) off r 15, miner.
Foster House, Tilly M. Foster, prop., 37 Main.
Foster, Tilly M., prop. Foster House, 37 Main.
Frawley, William, r 40, laborer.
Frazier, George, r 33, engineer at Sterling ore mines, bds. with his brother John.
Frazier, John, r 33, engineer at Sterling ore mines.
Frazier, William H., off r 41, stationary engineer.
French, Mark D., r 78, 22 cows, farmer, leases of Keziah Tate and Mary B. Joralemon 175.
Fuller, Benjamin G., retired farmer, aged 85, h Willow ave.
Fuller, Charles W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, 31 cows, farmer, leases of Smith 300.
Fuller, Eugene, off r 57, 27 cows, farmer, leases of A. & E. Copley 300.
Fuller, Gilbert M., r 40, 25 cows, farmer 166, and wood lot 32.
Fuller, Tilley, r 40, laborer.
Fuller, William, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, laborer. h and 1 acre.
Fulton, Elijah, retired manuf, aged 78, h Main.
Garner, John, r 69, 28 cows, farmer, leases of A. & E. Copley 300.
Garnham, Charles W., printer Antwerp Gazette, bds. Mechanic.
Garnham, Mary, r 68, widow of Robert, aged 89, lives with her son Thomas.
Garnham, Thomas, r 68, retired farmer, h and 20 acres.
Garnham, William, r 68, farmer, lives with his brother Thomas.
Garvin, Thomas, retired farmer, h and lot Willow ave.
Gatenby, Thomas, (Ox Bow) r 27, 16 cows, farmer 121.
Gates, Africa, r 84, farmer 25.
Gates, Harry B., teamster, h Depot.
Gates, Mary A., widow of Henry, dressmaker, h main.
Gill, James, r 34, retired farmer, h and lot.
Gill, Julius, r 34, 8 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Jersey cattle, farmer 170.
Gillett, Cyrenus E., r 65, cheesemaker.
GILLETT, FRANK W., (Ox Bow) r 6, 16 cows, served in Co. C, 20th Cav. N.Y. Vols., farmer 210.
GILLETT, GEORGE, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) off r 15, miner, served in Co. C, 20th Cav. N.Y. Vols.
Gillette, Olive C., (Ox Bow) widow of Marcus M., h and lot Park.
Gilman, Paul, r 24, laborer.
Gilmore, Newman D., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 17, laborer.
GLEASON, CHARLES W., (Ox Bow) sawyer and carpenter, emp. R. Payne, h and lot Park.
Gleason, John, (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer with his mother, Sarah J.
Gleason, John C., (Ox Bow) r 2, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 374.
Gleason, Patrick, 50 cows, farmer, leases on shares of George D. McAllaster 500. Refused to give any information.
Gleason, Sarah J., (Ox Bow) r 2, 27 cows, farmer 243, and in St. Lawrence Co., 25.
Going, William, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, 30 cows, farmer, leases of Smith Fuller 300.
Goodenough, Wilbur, r 84, farmer 156.
GRAHAM, JOHN W., r 68, 15 cows, farmer 166.
Grant, Byron B., r 48, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 140.
Graves, Daniel, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 35, farmer 71.
Graves, Dempster, (Theresa) r 48, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, served as 2d Lieut. of Co. D, 1st Lt. Art. N.Y. Vols., farmer 170.
Graves, Edith M. Miss, milliner, Chapin block, bds. Mechanic.
GRAVES, ERWIN R., (Ox Bow) r 7, 11 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 105.
Graves, George D., (Ox Bow) r 7, butcher, 20 cows, farmer, leases of Joseph F. 171.
Graves, Isabel C., (Antwerp) widow of Gilbert O., h Mechanic.
GRAVES, JOSEPH F., (Ox Bow) r 24, 25 cows, breeder of grade Shorthorn and Ayrshire cattle, 700 sugar trees, farmer 225.
GRAY, FREEMAN C., school commissioner, owns 50 acres land, h Mechanic cor. Washington.
Green, Earl B., (Ox Bow) dealer in tinware, copper boilers, bird cages, etc., Main, h do.
Green, Henrietta, (Ox Bow) widow of William H., h Main.
Green, Rozell, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2, farmer, leases of E. Williams 100.
Greene, Roxana, widow of Wales H., h Main.
Greenleaf, George D., horseshoer and veterinary surgeon. h and lot Depot.
Hale, Eleanor A., (Theresa) r 47, widow of Otis, resides with her daughter Lydia A.
Hale, Eugene, (Theresa) r 47, 15 cows, farmer with his brother Otis and owns farm 103.
Hale, Lydia A. Miss, (Theresa) r 47, dressmaker with her mother, Eleanor A.
Hale, Otis, (Theresa) r 47, 15 cows, farmer 154, and leases of his sister Lydia A. 100.
Hall, C. W. & Co,. (G.W. Hall) undertakers and manufs. of furniture. Main.
Hall, Caleb G., (Ox Bow) r 8, farmer 224.
Hall, Charles W., (C.W. Hall & Co.) prop. boarding-house. Willow ave.
Hall, Daniel R., dealer in agricultural implements, farmer 100, h Mechanic.
Hall, Elizabeth, r 68, widow of William, resides with her son Fredric D.
HALL, ERWIN G., r 83, 15 grade Jersey and Holstein cows, farmer, leases of Daniel R. 100
HALL, FREDRIC D., r 68, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 133.
Hall, Gaylord W., (C.W. Hall & Co.) h and lot Mechanic.
Hall, George H., harnessmaker, emp. C.W. Moffett & Co., bds. Main.
Hall, Jesse R., (Ox Bow) r 7, farmer with John Laidlaw.
Hall, John B., r 56, 21 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 450.
Hall, Robert, r 32, blacksmith at Sterling iron ore mines.
Hall, Rodolpho C., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 14, 21 cows, breeder of grade Jersey and Ayrshire cattle, farmer 148.
Hall, Roselle (Philadelphia) r 49, 15 cows, farmer 140.
HALL, STEPHEN L., served in Co. H, 1st. Lt. Art. N.Y. Vols., laborer, h and lot Main.
Hall, William A., retired farmer, h and lot Mechanic.
Hall, Wilson A., r 56, farmer with his father, John B.
Hall's Corners American Cheese Factory, r 64 cor. 65, D.W. Baldwin, of Watertown, prop, Cyrenus E. Gillett, cheesemaker and lessee.
Hamlin, David, (Ox Bow) carpenter and joiner, h and 10 acres.
Hamlin, Nancy, (Ox Bow) widow of Horace, aged 87, h and 13 acres Main.
Hanson, Henry, (Theresa) r 63, 25 cows, farmer, leases of Levi Chase 174.
Hanson, Nicholas, (Antwerp) laborer, h Washington.
Harris, James B., (Antwerp) instructor in Cheddar cheesemaking and author "Cheese and Butter Hand book", h and lot Willow ave.
HARRIS, SAMUEL H., (Theresa) r 62, 23 cows, served in Co. M, N.Y.H.A. Vols., farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary Cook 158.
HARTMAN, WILLIAM L., physician, graduate Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, Chapin block, Main, bds Van Buren. [Removed to Rochester.]
Hauverman, Alonzo W., r 66, 13 cows, farmer 95.
Hazelton, Lyman G., (Fowler, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55, 35 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer, leases of James H. 350.
Hennessy, Richard, barber and hair-dresser, Coolidge block, h Main.
Herron, Robert S., r 43, 11 cows, farmer, leases of Arthur L. Lynde 162.
Hewitt, Emery, r 84, 10 cows, farmer, leases of George Ellis 100, owns h and 26 acres.
Hewitt, Roselle, r 84, laborer, h and 1 acre.
Hewitt, William H., cartman and expres-man. and messenger for A. L. Hilton, h and lot Washington.
Hicks, Eliza, (Ox Bow) r 6, widow of Alexander, resides with Miranda Webster.
Hicks, Ezra, r 84, pensioner, aged 74, h and 8 acres.
Hicks, Frank E., (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer with his mother, Jane.
Hicks, Jane, (Ox Bow) r 2, widow of George, 34 cows, farmer 410.
Hicks, Robert, (Ox Bow) r 3, retired farmer, bds with his daughter, Mrs. Brayton Clark.
HICKS, WILLIAM, r 84, pensioner, served in Co. C, 35th Inf. and in Co. C. 20th Cav, N.Y. Vols., wounded Sept. 14, 1862, in the battle of South Mountain, resides with his father, Ezra.
Hillside, Cheddar American Cheese Factory, r 61, Cornelius O'Brien, cheesemaker.
Hilton, Archibald L., dealer in coal, lumber, and building material, Depot, h Willow ave.
HINSDALL [sic], IRA C., general merchant, served as sergeant of Co. C, 142d Inf. N.Y, Vols., 44 Main, h Mechanic.
Hoard, Fred C., clerk for Alonzo Chapin, bds. Main.
HOCHING, RICHARD, boss miner, h and lot Lexington ave.
HODGE, RICHARD S., supt. ore beds for Jefferson Iron Co., h Main.
Hodge, William S., cheesemaker, Dickson factory, bds. Main.
Hofferbert, Phillip, (Ox Bow) r 8, 20 cows, farmer, leases of Maria Rebsher 184 1/2.
Hogan, D. & W., props iron foundry, Main.
Hogan, David, (D. & W. Hogan) h Main.
Hogan, George, cabinetmaker, emp. C. W. Hall & Co., bds. Main.
Hogan, Theodore, clerk for A.M. Kingm, bds, with his father, Thomas P.
Hogan, Thomas P., molder, h and lot Main.
Hogan, William (D. & W. Logan [sic]) h and lot Lexington ave.
Holbrook, Albert, laborer, h Kilkenny.
Holden, Harriet, r 72, widow of Hiram, with her sons William H. and Harris D. 20 cows, farmer 180.
Holden, Harris D., r 72, farmer with his mother, Harriet.
Holden, William H., r 72, farmer with his mother, Harriet.
Holkins, Stanton F., (Philadelphia) r 64, 8 cows, farmer 116 and in Philadelphia 28.
Hopkins, Elizabeth Mrs., h Depot.
HOPPER, EUGENE L., r 34, 25 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 175.
HOPPER, JOHN T., prop. boarding-house, Mechanic.
Hopper, Lovina, r 34, widow of Alonzo B., h and lot.
HOOPER, SAMUEL, supt. Hillsdale cemetery, owns in Philadelphia farm 115, h and lot Main.
Houghton, Elijah Sr., (Theresa) r 26, retired farmer, aged 89, resides with his son, William.
HOUGHTON, ELIJAH, Jr., (Ox Bow) r 27, retired farmer.
Houghton, James H., (Theresa) r 26, farmer with his father, William.
Houghton, William (Theresa) r 26, 28 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 250.
HOUGHTON, WILLIAM A., clerk for I.C. Hinsdale, h and lot 23, Mechanic.
House, Addison C., r 66, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 148.
Howard, Harrison, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2. farmer 201.
Howard, Henry N., r 19, life and accident ins. agent, farmer 35.
Howard, Nathaniel, r 34, retired farmer, h and lot.
Howe, Ransom, (Ox Bow) retired farmer, owns wood lot in St. Lawrence Co. 128, h and lot Park.
HOWLAND, RICHMOND, retired farmer, h and 6 acres Washington.
Hoyt, Albert, cashier Bank of Antwerp, h. Main.
Hoyt, Albert E., asst. cashier Bank of Antwerp, bds. Main.
Hubbard, Orlando W., r 68, 14 grade Ayrshire cows, farmer 130.
Hubbard, Theron B., r 59, tanner, h and lot.
Hull, William, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) retired farmer, owns in St. Lawrence Co. 370, h and 9 acres Church.
Hungerford, Charles L., (Ox Bow) r 25, 12 cows, breeder of trotting horses, farmer 78.
HUNT, CHARLES, r 46, 25 cows, 250 sugar trees, served Co. K, 13th Iowa Vols., farmer 253 1/2.
Hunt, Ellen M., widow of Harry, h and lot Van Buren.
Hunt, Julia E., (Ox Bow) r 8, widow of Joseph D., 12 cows, farmer 105.
Hunt, William H., (Ox Bow) r 25, speculator, farmer 88.
Hyde House, (Ox Bow) Nathaniel Hyde, prop., Main.
Hyde, Nathaniel, (Ox Bow) prop. Hyde House, Main.
Ireland, Catherine, r 35, widow of William, 8 cows, farmer 90, wood lot 40.
Ireland, Charles P., r 79, laborer and farmer for Mary A. Dickson.
Ireland, George A., r 35, farmer with his mother, Catherine.
Ireland, William E., r 35, farmer with his mother, Catherine.
Ives Seminary, E.M. Wheeler, A. M., prin.
Jacobs, William, off r 34, 29 cows, farmer, leases of Nathaniel Howard 180.
JEFFERSON IRON CO., E.B. Bulkley, pres; C.E. Bulkley, of New York city, treas.; F. S. Salisbury, of New York city, sec'y, general merchants, and miners and shippers of iron ore. Main.
Jenne, Joseph E., (Spragueville, St.Lawrence Co.) laborer, h Church.
Jennings, Lewis J., r 57, 31 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer, leases of A. & E. Copley 400.
Johns, Frederick J., r 35, foreman for W. Lynde, 30 cows, farmer 266.
Johnson, Charles C., r 50, farmer with his father, Edward.
JOHNSON, EDWARD, r 50, 22 cows, breeder of pure blood and grade Ayrshire cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 190.
Johnson, James W., off r 50, 22 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases of Edward 200.
Johnson, Silas, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 15, boss miner, h and lot.
Johnson, Wallace, r 42, farmer with his father, William T.
Johnson, William M., bookkeeper for Jefferson Iron Co., bds Willow.
Johnson, William N., life and fire ins. agent, 44 Main, h Depot.
Johnson, William T., r 42, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 241.
Jolly, William, (Theresa) r 63 1/2, 35 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 314.
JONES, COLIN E., emp. in saw-mill, poultry fancier, breeder of pure blood Wyandotte fowls, h and lot ashington.
KANE, HARVEY A., printer,. [Removed to Malone.]
Kellogg, John T., r 66, 14 cows, farmer, leases of his father, William, 117.
Kellogg, Lewis, r 40, 10 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 95.
Kellogg, Tamer, r 66, widow of Elijah, aged 88, lives with her son, William.
Kellogg, Walter, r 73, laborer.
Kellogg, William, r 66, retired farmer, resides with his son, John T.
Kelsey, Abby, r 60, widow of Handley B., farmer 54.
Kelsey, Clara H. Miss, r 60, school teacher, bds. with her mother, Abby.
Kelsey, Daniel B., (Ox Bow) r 7, 10 cows, farmer 116.
KELSEY, JERAMEY W., (Ox Bow) r 24, farmer with his father, Merritt.
Kelsey, Merritt, (Ox Bow) r 24, 12 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, apiarist 15 colonies, farmer 120.
King, Albert M., general and commission merchant, Main, h and lot do.
King, Alonzo, r 84, farmer 80.
King, Ellen M., r 65, (Mrs. Albert M.) farmer 115.
King, Frank, r 84, 15 cows, farmer 150.
Kinne, Andrew, r 12, 24 cows, farmer 190.
Kinne, Andrew Jr., (Ox Bow) r 2, 11 cows, farmer 132 1/2.
Kinne, Brayton T., r 12, 9 cows, farmer 75.
Kinne, George B., (Ox Bow) r 2, laborer.
Kinne, Morris C., r 31, 24 cows, farmer, leases of Allen P. Rogers 175.
Kinney, Florence, teacher primary department Ives Seminary.
KITTS, BENJAMIN F., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, 30 cows, 640 sugar trees, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 260.
Kitts, Merton W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, farmer with his father, Benjamin F.
KITTS VICTORY, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 36, 20 cows, breeder of grade Holstein and Ayrshire cattle, farmer 53, and in St. Lawrence Co. 78.
Klock, Harvey, r 24, 27 cows, farmer, leases of W. F. Bentley 175.
Klock, Lester J., r 24, farmer with his father, Harvey.
Klock, Webster, r 59, laborer, h and lot.
Knapps, Barnabus, blacksmith, emp. O. G. Devendorf, bds. do.
LaFave, Horace, r 28, farmer with his father, John.
LaFave, John, r 28, 16 cows, farmer 213.
Laidlaw, Alexander, (Ox Bow) r 7, 35 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 345.
Laidlaw, Alexander T., (Ox Bow) r 7, 22 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 173.
Laidlaw, Andrew, (Ox Bow) r 3, 24 cows, farmer, leases of Robert Hicks 241 1/2.
Laidlaw, Ann, (Ox Bow) r 7, widow of Alexander, Sr., resides with her son Alexander.
Laidlaw, Elizabeth, (Ox Bow) r 11, (Elizabeth and Jane Laidlaw).
Laidlaw, Elizabeth & Jane, (Ox Bow) r 11, 12 cows, farmers 198, and own in village 13.
Laidlaw, Jane, (Ox Bow) r 11, (Elizabeth Jane Laidlaw).
Laidlaw, John, (Ox Bow) r 7, 30 cows, farmer, leases of Benjamin Bent 200.
Laidlaw, Margaret, (Ox Bow) widow of William, h and lot Park.
LAMB, JARVIS G., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 17, farmer 110, and wood lot partly cleared 100, h and 2 1/2 acres.
Langdon, Robert W., (Sterling Bush, Lewis Co.) r 85, farmer 56.
Lathan, George H., dentist, Main, h and lot Willow ave.
Lavine, Anna Miss., (Ox Bow) r 7, school teacher.
Lawton, Clark, laborer, h Main.
LAWTON, JAY P., (Philadelphia) r 27, 26 cows, 600 sugar trees, farmer, leases of Elijah Houghton, Jr., 129, and owns woodland 22.
Lee, Darius J. H., r 69, laborer.
Lee, Mary, r 68, farmer 124.
Lewis, Alonson R., (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer 233.
Lewis, Isaac A., (Theresa) r 2, farmer with his father, Alonson R.
Loud, Harriet W., widow of Charles, bds. Railroad ave.
Lynde, Aaron B., retired farmer, h Main cor. Willow ave.
Lynde, Arthur L., r 52, 25 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, dealer in agricultural implements, farmer 230.
Mack, Daniel, r 57, 6 cows, farmer 50.
Mack, Eugene B., miller emp. Morgan Augsbury, bds. Fulton ave.
Mack, Mary, widow of Carmus, pensioner of the War of 1812, h and 3 acres off Willow ave.
Main, Maria, widow of Roswell P., dressmaker, h Main.
Mallett, John, r 34, 15 cows, farmer, leases of Miss Elta S. Lynde 250.
Maloney, John D., r 66, miner, h and lot.
Malterner, William, (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, farmer 145.
Mantle, Jesse A., off r 78, laborer.
Mantle, William H., of r 78, laborer.
Markwick, James, (Ox Bow) r 4, retired farmer, h and 13 acres.
MARKWICK, SAMUEL, r 69, 8 cows, farmer 140.
Marsh, Cassius, custom shoemaker, dealer in boots, shoes, and sewing machines, Main, h do.
Marsh, Ira, retired carpenter and joiner, bds. Main.
Marsh, John, optician, dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, musical goods, and spectacles, ngraver and repairer, 46 Main, h and lot VanBuren.
Marsh, Luke, r 68, laborer and butcher, h and lot.
MARTIN, HENRY C., r 68, 10 cows, farmer 100.
MARTIN, JAMES F., r 58, foreman on A. Copley's farm 100.
Martin, John S., r 58, cheesemaker.
Martin, Samuel, retired farmer, bds. Main.
Mason, Bion E., r 40, 22 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer, leases on shares of Cyrus 199, and owns wood lot 50.
Mason, Cyrus, retired farmer, h and lot Hoyt ave.
Mason, Cyrus C., r 66, 20 cows, farmer 140.
Mason, Henry W., r 40, 25 cows, breeder of grade Holstein and Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases on shares of Cyrus 189, and owns wood lot 50.
Mason, Lucina, r 56, widow of Asa, resides with her son Cyrus C.
Masters, Charlotte, r 52, widow of Samuel, aged 92, lives with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Robinson.
Maxiner, Charles J., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 40, 40 cows, farmer, leases of James S. Woodward 303.
MAXON, FRANK E., station agent R.W. O. R.R., h Mechanic.
McAllaster, A. Platt, (McAllaster Brothers) bds. with his brother C. Pitt.
McAllaster, Brothers, (C. Pitt and A. Platt) wholesale and retail dealers in hardware and iron, Main cor. Mechanic.
McAllaster, C. Pitt, (McAllaster brothers) h Madison ave.
McALLASTER, GEORGE D., retired farmer, h Main cor. Lexington ave.
McBride, Joel, (Theresa) r 62, 10 cows, farmer, leases of Otis Hale 154.
McClair, George, (Ox Bow) r 27, farmer with Thomas Gatenby.
McDonald, Thomas E., r 57, 13 cows, farmer, leases of Charles Donnely 164.
McDowell, Lewis H., carpenter and joiner, h and lot Kilkenny.
McDowell, Susan. widow of Samuel, aged 73, h and lot Kilkenny.
McDowell, William A., carpenter and joiner, h and lot Kilkenny.
McIntosh, Edward, salesman for Jefferson Iron Co., h and lot Willow.
McIntosh, Pauline C. Miss, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Fairbanks block, Main, bds, Willow ave.
McNeil, Seth, (Philadelphia) r 64, 12 cows, farmer, leases of Harvey Anthony 100.
McRobbie, Robert H., peddler, h Depot.
McRobbie, Thomas, (Ox Bow) laborer, aged 72, h Park.
Mellon, Elizabeth A., (Theresa) r 26, widow of Hugh, resides with her son Robert W.
Mellon, Robert W., (Theresa) r 26, 30 cows, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 237.
Merrifield, William, (Ox Bow) pastor M.E. Church, parsonage Main.
Merrifield, Willis F., (Ox Bow) laborer, h Main.
Merriman, William A., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) boot and shoemaker, Main, h do.
Metcalf, Edwin F., carpenter and joiner, h and 1 acre Main.
Miller, Albert G., book-keeper for A. L. Hilton, bds. Academy.
Miller, Charles, tanner, h Fulton ave.
Miller, Eugene, off r 78, 20 cows, farmer 140, and in Philadelphia 35.
Miller, Josis, tanner and currier, h and lot Academy.
Miller, Theodore, printer and foreman Gazette office, bds. Academy.
Mitchell, Daniel H., (Ox Bow) r 6, retired farmer, h and lot, also h and lot in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co.
Mix, George, r 52, 30 cows, farmer, leases of John D. Ellis 260.
Mix, Henry O., retired farmer, h and lot Mechanic.
MOAK, SHELDON R., (Ox Bow) physician, graduate Medical College, Burlington, Vt., Main, h do.
MOFFETT C.W. CO., (David H. Rogers) dealers in boots, shoes, rubbers, trunks, traveling bags, custom harness, whips, and robes, 41 Chapin block, Main.
Moffett, Charles W., (C.W. Moffett Co.) h and lot VanBuren.
Monro, Alexander H., retired sawyer, bds. off Main.
Monro, Mina Miss, teacher of music and art, Ives Seminary, bds. Academy.
Monro, William, prop. saw mill, h and lot off Main.
Montgomery, Gabriel, r 58, laborer.
Montgomery, Robert, r 84, farmer 55.
Montgomery, William, r 69, laborer.
Moore, Henry W., (Wait & Moore) h and lot Mechanic.
Morris, Alice A., teacher of languages, Ives Seminary.
Mosher, A. E., r 68, 16 cows, farmer 116.
Mosher, Alie, r 68, (A. & E. Mosher).
Mosher, Eli, r 68, (A. & E. Mosher).
Mosher, George F., r 56 1/2, farmer 140.
Mosher, Mary A., r 68, widow of James.
Mosher, Thomas J., r 58, 18 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 179.
Murray, William H., teacher higher English and elocution, Ives Seminary.
Myers, Amelia N., widow of Ferdinard, school teacher, h Mechanic.
Myers, Fred H., (Ox Bow) teamster, bds. Park.
Myres, Nellie L. Miss, (Ox Bow) dressmaker, bds. Park
Myres, Sarah, (Ox Bow) widow of Henry, h and lot Park.
Nellis, Peter A., retired farmer, h Willow ave.
Neville, James C., (Philadelphia) r 28, 12 cows, farmer 110.
NICHOLS, PHEBE E., widow of William U., h Mechanic.
Nolan, Daniel, laborer, h and 7 acres Mechanic.
North, Levi, r 55, 13 cows, farmer, leases of A. & E. Copley 172.
Nutting, Hiram T., r 66, 18 cows, farmer 124.
Nutting, Maria, widow of Henry, h Kilkenny.
Odbert, Fletcher N., wagonmaker and deputy sheriff, h and lot VanBuren.
Ollwick, Herman, (Ox Bow) r 7, blacksmith, 10 cows, farmer 95.
Ollwick, Mary M. Miss, (Ox Bow) r 7, school teacher, daughter of Herman.
O'Neil, Theodore, off r 41, foreman in Jefferson iron ore mines.
Ormiston, Abner G., (Ox Bow) (George Ormiston & Son) bds. with his father, George.
Ormiston, Alice A., (Ox Bow) widow of James N., general merchant, Main, h Park.
Ormiston, George, (Ox Bow) (George Ormiston & Son) h and lot Park.
Ormiston, George & Son, (Ox Bow) (Abner G.) carpenters and builders, manufs. of sash, doors, and blinds, Main.
Ostrander, Lovina, r 84, widow of Alexander, resides with Frank King.
Overton, Charles T., (Ox Bow) r 2, carpenter and joiner.
Overton, Sarah L., (Ox Bow) r 2, widow of Clark.
Ox Bow Cheddar American Cheese Factory, (Ox Bow) J.P. Carpenter & Son, props.
Paddock, Frank S., (Antwerp and Watertown) r 53, manuf. of excelsior, kindling and horse bedding, resides in Watertown.
Patten, Murray, (Sterling Bush, Lewis Co.) off r 84, farmer 50.
Payne, Charles E., (Ox Bow) foreman in his father's saw-mill, h and lot Main.
Payne, Edwin, (Ox Bow) retired carpenter and builder, patentee double elevator and railroad snow-plow, h and lot Main.
PAYNE, ROSSEEL, (Ox Bow) off r 8, prop. steam saw-mill, 9 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 100, wood lot 1,700, h Main.
Payne, Addison L., (Ox Bow) farmer with his father Rosseel, Main.
Peacock, Edgar L., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 15, 30 cows, farmer, leases of H.B. Keene 220.
Peacock, Fannie, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 14 cor. 13, widow of William, resides with her son Fred E.
Peacock, Fred E., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 14 cor. 13, 24 cows, farmer, leases of H.B. Keene 226.
Peacock, Nelson, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 14, laborer.
PEELER, SYLVUS, r 32, farmer, h and 7 acres.
Perigo, Sanford B., r 73, 20 cows, farmer 198.
Perley, Edward B., druggist, 38 Main, bds. Depot.
Petty, George F., r 78, 32 cows, farmer, leases of the David Beaman estate 250.
Pierce, Ephraim, cheese manuf., h Washington.
Pike, Howell F., (Ox Bow), r 6, farmer 35.
Pike, Will L., (Ox Bow) r 6, prop. Norman stock horse "Defiance", farmer with his father, Howell F.
Porter, Albert A., carpenter and joiner, h Kilkenny.
Powell, Charles W., (Philadelphia) r 64, 9 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer in Philadelphia 25, leases of Alzina Hall 60, and owns woodland 24.
Price, Alexander, (Ox Bow) r 11, 35 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases of Henry Robinson 335.
Proctor Brothers, (Edward E. & Henry W.) props. Proctor House, Main cor. VanBuren.
Proctor, Edward E., (Proctor Brothers) Proctor House.
Proctor, Henry W., (Proctor Brothers) Proctor House.
Proctor House, Proctor Brothers, props., Main cor. VanBuren.
Proctor, Pauline, widow of Jerome B., h and lot VanBuren.
Quackenbush, James, journeyman and shoemaker, h and lot Mechanic.
Quinn, John, (Fowler, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55, 10 cows, farmer 100.
Quinn, Margaret, r 55, widow of John, owns life interest in 100 acres land in Lewis Co.
Quinn, Thomas, tanner, h and lot McAllaster.
RADIGAN, JOHN D., (Radigan & Ballard) h Mechanic.
RADIGAN & BALLARD, (John D. R. and Thomas T. B.) props. livery and sale stable, opp. Proctor House, Main.
Randall, William M., retired farmer, h and lot Depot.
Rattigan, George E., (Ox Bow) cheesemaker, h Main.
Reece, Davis E., photographer, Postoffice block.
Reed, James W., (Reed & Willard) h Mechanic.
Reed & Willard, (James W. R. and Erwin W.) blacksmiths and wagonmakers, Main.
Render, Charles, r 74, 24 cows, farmer 185.
Render, George H., r 60, farmer with his father, Robert.
Render, James, r 60, (J. & J. Render).
Render, J. & J., r 60, 32 cows, farmers 340.
Render, Jonathan, r 60, (J. & J. Render).
Render, Joseph, r 50, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 212.
Render, Mary E., Miss, r 60, painting, music and school teacher, daughter of Robert.
Render, Richard, r 69, 25 cows, farmer, leases of John D. Ellis 240.
RENDER, ROBERT, r 60, 32 cows, 400 sugar trees, farmer 233.
Reynolds, Lewis, r 32, laborer, h and 4 1/2 acres,
Reynolds, Michael, laborer, bds. Depot.
Reynolds, Wallace E., r 83, 30 cows, farmer, leases of John D. Ellis 300.
Reynolds, William, r 32, laborer.
RICE, GILBERT W., (Fowler, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55, 8 cows, farmer 69.
Rider, Franklin, r 35, 33 cows, farmer 162, and leases of William Garvin 100.
Rider, Pitt M., r 35, 25 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 197.
Rider, Priscilla, r 40, widow of Jared.
Rider, Selden, r 58, farmer and teamster, h and 1 acre.
Rider, Thomas, r 67, 30 cows, farmer 200.
Rider, Thomas L., r 40, farmer and carpenter, lives with his mother, Priscilla.
RIDSDALE, GEORGE, Sr., r 30, 25 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer 230.
Ridsdale, George, Jr., r 9, laborer.
RIDSDALE, JAMES, (Ox Bow and Antwerp) r 9, 18 cows, 300 sugar trees, farmer 176.
Ridsdale, Samuel, (Ox Bow) r 9, carpenter, 25 cows, farmer 300.
RIDSDALE, WILLIAM, (Ox Bow) postmaster, carpenter and builder, Main, h and 2 1/2 acres off Main.
Riley, Helen, widow of Thomas, h and lot VanBuren.
Riley, John, prop. saloon and restaurant, Main, h do.
RIVERSIDE STOCK FARM, Hon. E. B. Bulkley, prop.; George Sims, foreman, 194 acres.
Robinson, Charles, r 52, farmer and dealer in livestock.
Robinson, Charles W., (Ox Bow) r 9, laborer.
Robinson, George B., r 42, farmer with his father, Jasper.
Robinson, Henry, r 31, 25 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 176, and wood lot 55.
Robinson, Jasper, r 42, 33 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Durham cattle, farmer 257.
Robinson, John, carpenter and joiner, bds. Foster House.
Robinson, John J., (Ox Bow) r 7, laborer.
Robinson, Rowland B., (Ox Bow) r 7, 15 cows, farmer, leases of H. Bent 156.
Rogers, Allen P., retired farmer, h and lot 13 Willow ave.
Rogers, David H., (C. W. Moffett & Co.) bds. 13 Willow ave.
Rogers, Leroy S., assessor and farmer 100, h and lot Depot.
ROGERS, WILLIAM J., r 32, runs the O. K. creamery, 17 cows, breeder of grade Jersey and Holstein cattle, farmer, leases of his father, Leroy S., 100, and owns wood lot 50.
Root, George W., retired harnessmaker, h Willow ave.
Rosenbarker, Simon, (Ox Bow) laborer h and lot Main.
Rowley, Emery W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 34, 20 cows, farmer, leases of H. B. King 208.
Rowley, Lewis, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 34, retired farmer, aged 77, lives with his son Emery W.
Rudes, Edwin, r 35, laborer.
Rutherford, Euphemia M., (Ox Bow) widow of Thomas E., resides with Margaret Laidlaw.
RUTHERFORD, THOMAS T., (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, 12 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Jersey cattle, 600 sugar trees, farmer 92, wood lot 8, and owns the A. Streeter place 112.
Salisbury, Frederick S., sec'y. Jefferson Iron Co., resides in New York city.
Schouten, Simeon, r 69, 22 cows, farmer, leases of John D. Ellis 180.
Schull, George T., traveling salesman, bds. Proctor House.
Scott, Albert W., r 59, cor. 60, farmer with his father, William J.
SCOTT, HENRY, r 73, 9 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 70.
Scott, Janett, (Ox Bow) r 2, widow of David, aged 83, 22 cows, farmer 338.
Scott, Robert, r 60, 18 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Jersey cattle, farmer 150.
Scott, Robert, (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer for his mother, Janett.
Scott, William J., r 59 cor. 60, 20 cows, farmer 160.
Scram, Sophia C., widow of Jeremiah, h Mechanic.
SCURRAH, THOMAS, (Ox Bow) custom harness and collar maker, served in 30th unattached Mass. H. A. Vols., Main, h do.
Seabury, Orvilla, (Philadelphia) r 77, widow of Ezra S., farmer 75.
Seabury, Willis J., (Philadelphia) r 77, farmer with his mother Orvilla.
Seaman, Edward, clerk Foster House.
Seaver, Almira, off r 31, widow of Watson F., lives with her son John W.
Seaver, Freeman W., off r 31, farmer with his brother John W.
SEAVER, JOHN W., off r 31, 15 cows, farmer 140.
Seeley, Almon W., r 58, laborer.
Seely, Zimri A., printer, h and lot Willow ave.
Seymour, Isaac, retired farmer, h Mechanic.
Shampine, Avery, r 55, farmer with his father, Peter.
SHAMPINE, CHARLES, r 15, farm laborer, bds. with his father Peter.
Shampine, Peter, r 55, 10 cows, breeder of Hambletonian horses, farmer 104.
Sharon, Edward, bill poster and manager Ellis hall.
Shiell, Andrew, (Ox Bow) r 8, retired farmer, aged 89, lives with his son Henry W.
Shiell, Henry W., (Ox Bow) r 8, 22 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer 130.
Simmonds, James N., cartman and ice dealer, h and lot Main.
Sims, George, (Ox Bow) foreman Riverside stock farm, h Main.
Slack, Lizzie, Miss, h Kilkenny.
Slack, Vincent, mason contractor and builder, h and lot Main.
Smith, Charles, (Ox Bow) laborer, h Main.
Smith, Dewittt C., (Ox Bow) r 8, laborer.
Smith, James, (Ox Bow) laborer, h Main.
Smith, Lewis W., mason, h and lot Depot.
Smith, William R., dealer in groceries, provisions, and meats, Main, h and lot Depot.
Smith, William W., (Ox Bow) r 2, 18 cows, farmer, leases of Sarah L. Overton 199.
SNELL, CHARLES C., r 40, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, farmer 380.
Snell, Emma R., (Mrs. George) dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Main.
SNELL, FREDERICK D., r 55, carpenter and farmer with his father, John D.
SNELL, GEORGE, prop. city livery and stock horse "Frank Sims", Proctor House, bds. Main.
Snell, John D., r 55, 10 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 64.
Somes, Salmon W., cattle dealer, h and lot VanBuren.
SPEARS, FRED Y., dealer in drugs, medicines, groceries, and fancy and toilet articles, 36 Main, h do.
Spencer, Betsey L., widow of Harvey L., lives with Cyrus Mason.
SPRAGUE, DANIEL W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) justice of the peace and merchant in St. Lawrence Co., h and lot Main.
Sprague, Irwin D. r 57, 8 cows, engineer and farmer, leases of Mrs. Lucy P. 50.
Sprague, Lucy P., r 57, widow of Dexter.
Sprague, Orson (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, laborer.
Sprague, William, r 55, 18 cows, farmer 150.
Star American Cheese Factory, r 71, Abner Carter, cheesemaker; Andrew Dickson, salesman.
Sterling American Cheese Factory, r 31 cor. 41, C. L. Burhans, sec'y, cheesemaker and salesman.
STERLING, BRADFORD, r 31 cor. 41, retired farmer, h and 1 acre.
Sterling, Howard, r 34, 30 cows, farmer 307.
Sterling, James L., r 60, 30 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, farmer 243.
STEWART, JAMES, r 57, 13 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 130.
Stiles, Harriet N., widow of Andrew, bds. Main.
Stone, Norris, (Theresa), r 63 1/2, 16 cows, farmer, leases of Loren 200.
STYPE, FREDERICK, retired farmer, h and 25 acres Madison ave.
Stype, John H., carpenter and joiner, h and lot Hoyt ave.
Sutton, John, emp. on railroad, h and lot Depot.
Sweeney, Mary, widow of Michael, h off Depot.
Swem, Charles W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 55 1/2, 17 cows, farmer, leases of Alfonzo Bell 84.
Swem, Edmond, P., r 55, 25 cows, breeder of Gray Eagle and Hambletonian horses, farmer 245.
Swem, Eugene W., r 55, 10 cows, farmer, leases of L. J. Jennings 100.
Sykes, John J., Sr., (Ox Bow) r 2, farmer, leases of William Jolly 320.
Tait, James W., retired farmer, h Washington.
Tait, William, retired farmer, resides with his son James W.
Taylor, Alonzo H., r 78, 20 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Durham cattle, farmer 175.
Taylor, Andrew L., r 78, farmer with his father, Alonzo H.
Taylor, Carter, R., teamster emp. Jefferson Iron Co., h and lot Depot.
Taylor, Charles Pitt, book-keeper, h and lot Willow ave.
TAYLOR, DAVID J., (Ox Bow) r 6, 21 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 240.
Teall, Charles E., (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, 25 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer, leases of Philander 200.
Teall, Elmer, teamster, h Depot.
Teall, Philander, (Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 12, retired farmer.
Thomas, Franklin, section hand, h Depot.
Thompson, Alfred, (Ox Bow) r 25, 25 cows, farmer 200.
THOMSON, EMMA, Miss, tailoress and dressmaker, emp. Susan A. Coolidge, Washington.
Tooley, Eliel, r 84, sawyer.
Tooley, Hiram, (Stirling Bush, Lewis Co.) r 84, farmer 100.
Tooley, Horace L., off r 83, laborer, h and lot.
Townsend, Henry, (Theresa) r 25, 10 cows, farmer 85.
Townsend, Leonard E., (Theresa) r 25, farmer with his father Henry.
TOWNSEND, LUCY C., widow of Thomas E., resident, h Madison ave.
Trainor, Mary, widow of George, h Depot.
TROLAN, JOHN C., atty and counselor at law, Fairbanks block, Main, h Mechanic.
Tully, William, r 42, laborer.
Turnbull, Andrew F., (Ox Bow) r 11, assessor, 35 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 287.
TURNER, CHARLES M., (Ox Bow) r 2, 38 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, breeder of grade Ayrshire and Jersey cattle, served in Co. C, 10th H.A.N.Y. Vols., farmer, leases of George E. Yost 576.
Tuttle, Hannah, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) widow of Luzerne, h and lot Church.
Tuttle, Henry W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) carpenter and joiner, bds. Church.
Tuttle, Luzerne W., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) laborer, h Church.
Vail, Simeon C., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) off r 38, sawyer, h and lot.
VanSlyke, James W., journalist, h and lot VanBuren.
Wait, Allen G., (Wait & Moore) h and lot Main, also owns h and lot Kilkenny.
Wait, Anne M., Miss, r 51, house-keeper for her brother Cordice V.
Wait, Cordice V., r 51, farmer leases of D. C. 83.
Wait, Dean C., retired farmer, h and lot Depot.
Wait, Ethan A., r 31 cor. 41, 47 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer, leases on shares of Bradford Sterling 450.
Wait, Jennie, asst. teacher English department Ives Seminary.
Wait, Jennie A., Miss, r 31 cor. 41, teacher of common English.
Wait & Moore, (Allen G. W. and Henry W. M.) dealers in hardware, stoves, and tin and copperware, jobbers and repairers, Main.
Waldroff, James, (Philadelphia) r 65, 21 cows, farmer, leases of Silas Ford 152.
Wallace, Francis H. (Ox Bow) r 28, 25 cows, farmer, leases of Mrs. Nancy Benway 200.
Ward, Frank S., (Philadelphia) r 26, farmer, leases of Lydia Cook 100.
Watters, William, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 15, miner.
Webster, Charles, r 49 cor. 60, farmer.
Webster, George W., (Ox Bow) r 6, traveling agent.
Webster, Harvey D., (Theresa) r 25, 25 cows, farmer 175.
Webster, John, r 83, invalid, resides with William Barnum.
Webster, Miranda, (Ox Bow) r 6, widow of Gardner, farm 200, h and lot.
Weir, Michael, laborer, h and lot depot.
Welch, Henry, retired, h Main.
Welch, John R., carriagemaker and repairer, Main, h do.
Wenzel, Jacob, Sr., r 55, 15 cows, farmer, leases 335.
Wenzel, Jacob, Jr., r 55, farmer with his father, Jacob, Sr.
Werner, Charles R., tinsmith and plumber, emp. Wait & Moore, h Fulton.
Wesley, James, r 34, laborer.
Westcott, Debba, widow of Isaac, h and lot VanBuren.
Weston, Clark, (Ox Bow) r 27, 23 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, apiarist 23 colonies, farmer 175.
Weston, John, (Ox Bow) r 27, farmer with his father Clark.
Westwood, Anna, widow of Edward, h and lot Fulton ave.
Westwood, John H., laborer, bds. Fulton ave.
Wheeler, Ephraim M., A. M., professor of mathematics and sciences, and principal Ives Seminary, h Academy.
White, Ann, widow of Charles, h Washington.
White, Charles, horse trainer, h Washington.
White, Emeline, r 79, widow of Joseph H., farmer on the J. H. White estate.
White, Joseph H., (estate) r 79, 18 cows, farm 138, in Wilna pasture land 62.
White, Lewis A., stone mason, h McAllaster.
White, Mary, r 58, widow of George.
White, Mary L., Miss, r 79, farmer on the J. H. White estate.
WHITMORE, ARTHUR J., r 22 cor. 10, farmer with his father James D.
Whitmore, James D., r 22 cor. 10, 32 cows, breeder of grade Ayrshire cattle, farmer 279.
Wicks, Samuel E., (Theresa) off r 25, 20 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, prop. stock horse "Ira H", No. 8570, farmer .200.
Wicks, William H., (Ox Bow) r 23, 15 cows, farmer, leases of George L. Faichney 179.
WIGGINS, SULLIVAN G., retired farmer, h and lot Main cor. Willow ave.
Wiggins, Walton G. J., general supt. excelsior mills, bds. Main cor. Willow ave.
Wight, Clarence D., furniture finisher, emp. C. W. Hall & Co., h and lot Kilkenny.
Wilbur, John H., r 31, 16 cows, farmer 150.
Wilcox, Charles A., (Ox Bow) laborer, h Park.
Willard, Charles H., r 24, farmer with his father, Elbert C.
WILLARD, ELBERT C., r 24, 25 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle and trotting horses, 500 sugar trees, farmer 203.
Willard Erwin, (Reed & Willard) h Mechanic.
WILLARD, HENRY E., r 45, 15 cows, breeder of grade Jersey cattle, farmer 200.
Willard, Martin L., postmaster, Main, h do.
Willard, Mary D., r 46 cor. 45, widow of Clark, farm 50.
Willard, Otis, retired farmer, h and lot Depot.
Williams, Eleazer, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) farmer 34, h Main.
Williams, Ransalaer, dealer in carriages and sewing machines, Mechanic, h do.
Wilson, Fred B., carpenter, h Kilkenny.
Wilson, William S., house, carriage, and sign painter, h and lot Fulton.
Winkler, Jacob, boot and shoe dealer, and custom shoemaker Main, bds. Foster House.
Winters, Brewer, laborer, h Depot.
Winters, Frank, laborer, h and lot Kilkenny.
Winters, George W., laborer, h and lot Kilkenny.
WISER, REBECCA M., widow of Ira, h Mechanic.
Wood, Gary H., physician, graduate Long Island College Hospital, class of 1877, Main cor. Mechanic, h and lot Mechanic.
WOOD, GEORGE H., (Ox Bow) r 24 cor. 7, 20 cows, 200 sugar trees, farmer, leases of the Chase estate 155.
Woodward, Allen, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 40, 30 cows, breeder of grade Jersey and Holstein cattle, farmer 220.
WOODWARD, ANDREW J., r 34, 25 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, 400 sugar trees, farmer 170.
Woodward, Francina, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) widow of Amasa C., h and lot Church.
Woodward, Henry A., r 72, 17 cows, farmer, leases of Mrs. L. L. 140.
WOODWARD, JAMES S., (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) r 37, breeder Percheron horses, farmer 71.
Woodward, Mary A., Miss, (Spragueville, St. Lawrence Co.) music teacher, bds. Church.
Woodward, Spencer E., r 34, carpenter and farmer with his father, Andrew J.
WORNEY, PETER, off r 57, 5 cows, breeder of grade Holstein and Ayrshire cattle, farmer 50, served in Co. B., 94th Inf. N.Y. Vols.
Wright, Charles E., (Ox Bow) r 8, prop. Limburger cheese factory, 27 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, farmer 227.
Wright, Margaret, r 34, widow of Samuel, resides with her daughter, Mrs. John Brown.
Wright, Ruben C., teamster, h Depot.
Wright's Limburger Cheese Factory, (Ox Bow) r 8, Charles E. Wright, prop.; John Romang, cheesemaker.
Wring, Milton, r 84, sawyer, h and lot.
Wyeth, Mattie A., Miss, prop. variety store, Main, bds. Carpenter.
Wyeth, William H., laborer, h and lot Carpenter.
Yerden, Charles A., mason, bds. Washington.
YERDEN, WILLIAM H., mason, served in Co. K., 14th H.A.N.Y. Vols., h and lot Washington.
Yost's American Cheese Factory, (Theresa) r 2 cor. 8, W. Z. Barr, Sr., sec'y; James Seaman, cheesemaker.
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