(Postoffice is Cape Vincent, unless otherwise designated in parentheses)
AINSWORTH PHEBE E., widow of Judah H., farm 150, h Market.
Ainsworth Sarah A., widow of Judah T., resident, aged 75.
Ainsworth Silas, r 46, farmer, leases of Jane Wilson, of Picton, Ont., 220
AINSWORTH, WILLARD, wholesale dealer in fresh fish, Broadway, h James.
ALLAN, EDWARD, M.D., (St. Lawrence) physician and surgeon.
Allen, Elbridge, (St. Lawrence) r 10, laborer.
Allen, William, carpenter, h Hanady.
Andrus, Stephen H., retired farmer, h Market.
Anthony, Charles H., general merchant, Broadway, h William.
Anthony, Mary, widow of Levi, h Bay.
Anthony, William, general merchant, Broadway, h do.
Armstrong, Ann, (St. Lawrence) r 6, widow of Alexander, resident.
Armstrong, Caroline D., (St. Lawrence) r 7, widow of James W., farmer 100.
Armstrong, Charles, (Burdick & Armstrong) bds. Union House.
Armstrong, James D., (St. Lawrence) r 8, clerk for B.W. Curtis.
Armstrong, Jane I., (St. Lawrence) r 8, widow of Christopher D., farm 102.
Armstrong, John, r 49, 6 cows, farmer 130.
Armstrong, Sarah, (River View) widow of Alexander, resident.
AUBERTEN, AUGUSTEN, (Rosiere) r 19, 12 head cattle, farmer 107.
Auberten, Eushare, (Rosiere) r 19, farmer with his father, Augusten.
Aubertine, Francis, (Rosiere) r 24, retired farmer.
Aubertine, Jerome, (Rosiere) r 36, farmer 30.
Aubertine, John M., (St. Lawrence) r 14, farmer 118.
AUBERTINE, LEWIS E., (Rosiere) r 23, 2 brood mares, 22 head cattle, farmer 159.
Aubertine, Nicholas, (Rosiere) r 36, farmer 50.
Aubertine, Theodore G, (Rosiere) r 40, 18 head cattle, farmer 134.
Aubertine, Victor, (Rosiere) r 18 cor. 19, farmer 50.
Aubertine, Victor J., (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 125.
Augustus, James, harness and collar maker, Broadway cor. Market.
AUSTIN, BURTON C., book-keeper, emp. A.B. Cleveland Co., limited, bds Rathbun House. [Now employed by the company in New York city.]
Austin, Charles, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farm laborer.
Bacon, Harmon, laborer, h Elm.
Bailey, Herbert, carpenter, h James.
Bailey, Herbet W., carpenter, contractor and builder, h James.
Bailey, James F., cartman, h James.
Baird, Katharine, widow of Azariah, resident, aged 80, h Broadway.
Baker, Herman, sailor.
Baker, John J., clerk for C. H. Anthony, h Esselstyn.
Banford, Delevan, (St. Lawrence) r 1, farmer 60.
BANK OF CAPE VINCENT, Erastus K. Burnham, pres.; Francis A. Cross, cashier, Broadway.
Bardol, Francis M., carpenter, h Hanady.
Bardol, George W., (Rosiere) r 40, farmer with his father, Michael.
Bardol, Michael, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer 47.
Barrett, Laban, laborer, h Broadway.
Barth, Joseph, (Rosiere) r 24, laborer.
BARTHOLOMEW, JOSEPH, (Rosiere) r 51, farmer 50.
Bartholomew, Marshall, r 49, farmer 62.
Bartholomew, Peter, (Rosiere) r 50, laborer.
Bartlett, Isaac, retired farmer, h Joseph.
Bartlett, Sarah E., widow of George F., retired.
Bassa, Jacob, laborer, h Market.
BATES, CHARLES H., (River View) r 18, 6 Poland Angus cows, farmer 116.
Bates, Frank, r 63, farmer with his father, Samuel.
Bates, James E., r 74, farmer with his father, James J.
BATES, JAMES J., r 74, 21 head cattle, 2 Black Hawk and Ethan Allen brood mares, 1 stock horse, Pellister Barkis stock live stock breeder and dealer, 3 Durham Shorthorn cattle, reg., Hambletonian horses, prop. Lake View farm 232.
Bates, John E., (River View) r 18, farmer with his father Charles H.
Bates, John W., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer, leases of Mrs. G. Flanders 75.
BATES, JOSEPH H., r 62, 14 grade Holstein cows, 3 Hambletonian brood mares, farmer 225.
Bates, Martin A., (River View) r 18, farmer with his father, Charles H.
BATES, SAMUEL, r 63, 8 head cattle, 1 Percheron-Hambletonian stock horse "Little Mack." 1 Hambletonian and Henry Clay brood mare, farmer 51.
Bates, Samuel C., on Carleton Island, 30 cows, farmer, leases of Capt. Sheley 287.
Bates, Tunis, r 62, farmer with his father, Samuel.
Bauder, William, (Rosiere) 23, peddler.
Bearup, George, r 52, farm r, leases of L.R. Dezengremel 150.
Beaufort, Mary, widow of E. L., owns farm, h Broadway.
Becker, Marcus E., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, laborer.
BECHERT, GEORGE, salesman for A. G. Burnham, served in Co. B, 1st. Ill. Lt. Art., h Esselstyn cor. Joseph.
BEEDLE, GARRET, (St. Lawrence) r 6, 11 cows, farmer 170, aged 95.
Beedle, Wallace. (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer 170.
Bennett, Eleanor, widow of James, h off Grovello.
Bennett, Robert, laborer, h off Grovello.
Bennett, James, laborer, h Market.
Benway, Henry, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 29.
Beringer, Gertrude, widow of Jacob, resident , aged 83, h Broadway.
BERINGER, MARY, retired, h Broadway.
Berry, Robert, (St. Lawrence) r 1, farmer, leases of Jane Armstrong 103.
Blisles, Ema, emp. on railroad, h Broadway.
Blisles, John, ship carpenter, h Broadway.
Block, Sidney S., telegraph operator and ins. agent, h William.
BLOCK, SIGMUND, retired merchant, h William.
Blossom, Joseph B., fisherman, h Point.
Blum, Jacob, mason, h Market.
Blum, Jacob, Jr., mason, h Market.
Bodette, Francis, laborer, h Real.
Bogart, Horace W., (St. Lawrence) r 4 cor. 5, lake captain, h and lot.
Boland, Dwight, r 47, farmer, leases of Phebe Ainsworth 130.
Bordall, Ignus, (River View) laborer.
Borland, Charles, fisherman, h Grovello cor. Point.
Borland, Dwight, r 41, farmer, leases of Phebe Ainsworth 50.
BORLAND, JAMES T., justice of the peace and sailor, Broadway, h do.
Borland, Mary A. Mrs., cloakmaker, Broadway.
Bourcey, Eugene, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer with his father, Francis.
Bourcey, Francis, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 170.
Bourcey, Frank, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 80.
Bourcey, John P., (Rosiere) r 37, blacksmith.
Bourcey, Peter, r 48, farmer, leases of Lorenzo Kelsey 144.
BOURCY, JOSEPH H., (Rosiere) r 40, general merchant, farm 50, h and lot.
Bourcy, Eloy, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer 92.
Bourcy, John, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer, leases of F. Bourcey 50.
Bourquin, Constant, (Rosiere) r 51, farmer 100.
Bourquin, Constant, Jr., (Rosiere) r 51, farmer.
Boyer, Rosalie, tailoress, Market, h do.
Branch, Archille, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer 26.
Branch, Louis, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer with his father, Archille.
Branch, Simeon, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer 180.
Branche, Edward E., (Rosiere) r 26, farmer with his father, Lewis E.
Branche, Lewis E., (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 136.
BRAUN, MARTIN, M.D., allo, physician and surgeon, Murray.
Breen, Nathaniel F., att'y and counselor at law, real estate agent, Broadway, bds. St. Lawrence Hotel.
Breslin, John, farmer 12.
BREWSTER, MYRA A., dressmaker, Broadway.
Brewster, Thomas M., carpenter and ship builder, Broadway.
Brewster, Wayne B., sailor and carpenter, Broadway.
Brewster, Winfield, carpenter, h River.
Broadway House, Frank Stumpf, prop., Broadway.
Brunot, John F. carpenter, h Market.
Bryclan, Morris, coachman, h James.
Buckley, John, postmaster and undertaker, h Bay.
Buckley, William B., express agent, h Joseph.
Buckminister, Charles B., (St. Lawrence) r 4, 20 cows, farmer 600.
Burdick, Fred L. (Burdick & Armstrong) h Broadway.
Burdick, Sheffield, retired, h Elm.
BURDICK & ARMSTRONG, (Fred L. B. and Charles A.) general merchants, Broadway.
Burgess, Joseph (Rosiere) r 37, station and express agent, and telegraph operator.
Burgess Robert, laborer, h Bay.
Burnett Asenath, r 41, widow of David, resident, aged 89.
BURNETT URIEL M., r 4, served in Co. M, 10th N.Y. H. A., farmer 32.
Burnham Alfred G., prop. grist-mill, Broadway, h do.
BURNHAM ERASTUS K. , prop. grain elevator and dealer in grain, pres. Bank of Cape Vincent, Broadway, h do.
Burnham Ira, (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer 10.
Burnham Willard, miller for his father, Alfred G., h Broadway.
Busby Thomas, r 30, laborer.
Bushnell Hanley N., M.D., allo. and homeo. physician and surgeon, dealer in drugs and medicines, Broadway, h James.
BUSHNELL SARAH, widow of H. W., aged 90, retired, h Market.
Butland David, (Three Mile Bay) r 64, farmer, leases of F. King.
Campbell Susan, widow of Ransom, h Market cor. Grovello.
Campbell & Moulton, (Alexander C. and Joseph M.) general merchants, ( branch store) Broadway, residence Watertown.
CAPE VINCENT EAGLE, Charles B. Wood, editor and prop., job printing, Broadway.
Cape Vincent House, Louis Rousseau, prop., Broadway cor. Elm.
CAREY CHARLES B., (St. Lawrence) r 8 postmaster and general merchant, served in Co. L. 10th N.Y.H.A.
Carleton Island Park, Carleton Island, Hance & Folger Brothers, prop.
Carnes William, conductor R., W. & O. R. R. h William.
CARRIER AUGUSTUS, Lumberman, h Grovello cor. Point.
Carrier Lottie L., widow of Byron, h Grovello.
Casler Warren, farmer, h James.
Chamberlin John, r 62. farmer 20.
Chapman James, laborer, h Elm.
Chapman John, (St. Lawrence) r 7, farm laborer.
Chavonstie Henry, (Rosiere) r 50, farmer with his father, Louis.
CHAVOUSTIE LOUIS, (Rosiere) r 50, 10 cows, farmer 135.
Church Stephen H., emp. A. B. Cleveland Co., bds. Rathbun House.
Clark Charles D., r 70, farmer with his father, James L.
CLARK CHRISTOPHER, retired soldier, h Esselstyn.
Clark James L., r 70, 10 grade Jersey cows, farmer, leases of Austin Rogers 250.
Clark R. Sheridan, r 70, school teacher.
Clark Willie, laborer, Esselstyn.
Clemons John H., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer, leases of J.P. Shuler 125.
Clemons Oliver, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, laborer.
Cleveland A. B. Co., limited, Jordon, Thurber & Gallandet, trustees; Henry T. Hopkins, supt., seed growers, seed house foot of Market; main office 111 Morris st., Jersey City, N. J.
Clipfelt Casper, (River View) farmer 40.
Cocagne Fred N., repairer and dealer in rubber goods, Broadway, h do.
Coffee Nathaniel. (St. Lawrence) r 10, apiarist 25 colonies, famer 25.
Cole George A., baggage master R., W. & O. R R., h Elm.
Cole William H., custom house detective, bds. Rathbun House.
Colon John, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
CONNALL RICHARD T., Jr., prop. livery, sale, and exchange stable, Broadway, bds. St. Lawrence Hotel.
Connall Richard T., Sr., (River View) r 20, 15 grade Jersey cows, 15 head other cattle, 1 Jersey bull, farmer 325.
CONNALL TERRY, r 20, farmer 78.
Connall William, farmer for his father, Terry.
Conner Edward, telegraph operator, h Elm.
Conner Frederick, laborer, h Elm.
Conner Henry, watchman, h Elm.
Constance Charles, (Rosiere) r 21, farmer for his father.
Constance Frank, r 46, farmer with his father Frederick.
Constance Frederick, r 46, 10 cows, farmer 300.
Constance Frederick, Jr., r 46, farmer with his father, Frederick.
Constance George, r 46, farmer with his father, Frederick.
Constance John, (Rosiere) r 22, farmer 220.
Constance John, (Rosiere) r 21, farmer for his father.
CONSTANCE JOHN F., dealer in clothing, hat, caps, boots, shoes, and gents' furnishings, Broadway, bds. Union House.
Constance Joseph, r 46, farmer with his father, Frederick.
Constance Lawrence, Sr., (Rosiere) r 39, farmer 230.
Constance Lawrence, Jr., (Rosiere) r 19, farmer, leases of E.Swallia 100.
Constance William, (Rosiere) r 39, farmer with his father, Lawrence.
Cook Henry, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 112.
Cook Henry, laborer, h Elm.
Cook Robert, r 31, farmer 100.
Cook Charles, r 30, farmer 90, and leases of Huldah 120.
Cook Huldah, r 31, widow of Robert, 7 cows, farm 120.
Cool Arthur, (Rosiere) r 24, carpenter.
CORNAIRE BELLE, (St. Lawrence) r 25, (Mrs. Louis).
Cornaire John, (Rosiere) r 50, farmer 50.
CORNAIRE JOHN N., (Rosiere) r 25, served in Co. E. 94th National Guards, farmer 42.
Cornaire Louis (St. Lawrence) r 24, 18 grade Durham, Ayrshire, and Holstein cows. prop. cheese factory, farmer 104.
Cornaire Marshall, retired farmer, 84, h Market.
CORNAIRE MARSHALL S., dealer in groceries, wines and liquors, Broadway, h Market.
Cornwall Mary, (St. Lawrence) r 1, widow of John.
Cough Benjamin B., laborer, h Point.
Cough Eddie, farmer with his father, h River.
Cough Emeline, widow of Henry, h James.
Cough George B., farmer, leases of Sarah 63, h Point.
Cough Nellie E., school teacher, h River.
Cough Vallie, clerk for G. W. Warren, bds. Point.
Covert Cora C., widow of Newton, h James.
Crabb Eugene M., allo. physician and surgeon, Broadway, h do.
CRATSENBERG ADAM I., retired soldier, h James.
CROSS FRANCIS A., cashier Bank of Cape Vincent, h Market.
Cross Horace, musician.
Cross Isaac T., r 49, farmer, leases of the Dodge estate 200.
Crouse Isaac, r 49, farmer, leases of O. Dodge 165.
Crusell Alexander, (Rosiere) r 25, farmer 75.
Cummings John, (Rosiere) r 22, farm laborer.
CUPPERNULL GEORGE, (St. Lawrence) r8, 31 Ayrshire cows, farmer, leases of D. Copley, of Antwerp, 330.
Curtis Byron W., (St. Lawrence) r 8 cor. 10, general marchant, h and store.
Dailey Melvin, on Carleton Island, famer, leases of Peter Horning 94.
Daley Albert, laborer, h Point.
Davis Burt B., school teacher and student, h Market cor. Joseph.
Davis David, clerk for Burdick & Armstrong, h William.
Davis James, clerk, bds. with Richard.
Davis Minnie Miss, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, dressmaker, Broadway, h William.
Davis Richard, (Sheley & Davis) h William.
DAVIS RICHARD A., lawyer, dealer in paints, oils, windows, doors, and blinds, h Market cor. Joseph
Dawson Henry G. D., (Masson & Dawson) allo. physician and surgeon, Broadway cor. Market, bds. Point.
De Camp Elizabeth, r 33, widow of Casimere, resident.
DE CAMP JOHN, r 33, farmer, leases of the Cravelin estate 180.
De Gerden Paul, laborer, h Elm.
Demlay______, (Rosiere) widow of John, farm 34, lives with John Constance.
Denee Alexander, emp. J. A. Scobell.
Denee Thomas Sr., fisherman, h Bay.
Denee Thomas, Jr., fisherman, h Bay.
Denee Twain, laborer, h Point.
De Sallier Dupin Hermel, 10 cows, hay dealer, farm 290, h Market.
Descomps, Edward F., artist, oil painting and water colors. h James.
DEZENGREMEL, BETTIE H., widow of Ramy, resident, farm 150, h Grovello cor. James.
DEZENGREMEL, CHARLES, (Rosiere) r 51 cor. 52, 10 head cattle, 2 brood mares, farmer, leases of F. 210.
Dezengremel, Charles, Jr., (Rosiere) r 51 cor. 52, farmer with his father, Charles.
DEZENGREMEL, FRANCIS P., 45, retired farmer 640, and 10 acres on Broadway.
Dezengremel, Frank, dealer in groceries, boots, and shoes, Broadway, h do.
DEZENGREMEL, LEWIS R., r 52, 12 head cattle, farmer 150.
Dillin, Rhoda, (St. Lawrence) r 8, widow of Samuel, resident.
Docteur Alfred, (St. Lawrence) r 2, farm laborer.
Docteur Charles A., (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 100.
Docteur Charles M., (Rosiere) r 15, farmer 75, and leases of David Laird 150.
Docteur Martin, (St. Lawrence) r 2, farmer 127.
Docteur Martin, Jr., (Rosiere) r 50,. dealer in agriculture implements, farmer 65, and leases of Kate Hemple 105.
Dodge Benjamin D., (River View) r 15 cor. 16, prop. Riverside Hotel, farm 33.
DODGE FREDERICK H., (River View) r 6, 1 brood mare, farmer 85.
Dodge Lucy, r 75, widow of Lorenzo, farmer 100.
Dodge Melvin J, (Rosiere) r 25, farmer, leases of Mrs. Nellie C. Reed 100.
Dodge Olive, r 49, widow of Elisha P.
DODGE ORLANDO D., r 6, 11 head Jersey and Ayrshire cattle, 6 horses, farmer 144.
DONALDSON ALEXANDER, (St. Lawrence) r 7, 1 brood mare, farmer 100.
Donnell Philander, laborer, off Grovello.
Dorey Jacob, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, laborer.
Dorey Sarah, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, widow of Jacob, farm 25.
Downey George, laborer, off Grovello.
Doyle Catherine, widow of Philip, h Hanady.
Doyle William, (River View) r 18, farmer, leases of Catharine 100.
Duell Edward, (St. Lawrence) r 10, farmer, leases of Mrs. A. Edwards 14.
Dumont William H., prin. public school.
Durham Noah, retired, h Grovello.
Durham Noah, fisherman, h Grovello.
DUNHAM WILLIAM H., engineer at Cleveland seed house, h Grovello.
Dunlay Lewis S., (Rosiere) r 39, farmer with his father, William.
Dunlay Luke, (Rosiere) r 22, farmer 37.
Dunlay William, (Rosiere) r 39, 8 head cattle, farmer 146.
Dunn James, laborer, h William.
Dunn Joshua, retired, h Real.
Dunn Otto, laborer, h William.
Dunning James, retired farmer, h Market.
DUNNING JAMES L., farmer. h Point.
Dunning Maggie E., dressmaker, h Point.
Dunning Nora M., dressmaker, h Point.
Dunning Philo W., (Fitzerald & Dunning) h Market cor. Lake.
Durham James H. Maj., newspaper correspondent, h Market.
Dyea John, fisherman, h Bay.
Dynea Thomas, fisherman, h Ray.
Earl Henry, waggonmaker, h Joseph.
EBBEN GEORGE, r 49, horse dealer and driver, prop stock horse "Col. Bakis," 1 brood mare.
Ebbs Mahaley, widow of William, h Market.
Eckleburg Frank, carpenter, h Market.
Ednus Stephen, retired, h Market.
Edwards Ardilla, (St. Lawrence) r 10, widow of Allen, farmer 14.
Edwards Elsie E., ( St. Lawrence) r 10, school teacher.
Edwards Thomas, fish dealer, h Market.
Edwards Thomas Mrs., prop. boarding-house, Market.
Elliott Mary Mrs., (River View) r 6, dressmaker.
Emery Berzilli, (St Lawrence) r 5, retired farmer.
Emery Chancy, (Rosiere) r 14, farmer laborer.
Emery Morris, (River View) r 6, farmer 94.
Emery Shepard V. (Rosiere) r 14, farmer with his father, Zebulon.
EMERY THOMAS, (St. Lawrence) r 5, owns on Point Peninsula 463 acres land, farmer 65
Emery Zebulon, (Rosiere) r 14, farmer 75.
Eselin Elizabeth, (Rosiere) widow of John F., resident, farm 75.
Eselin Libbie Miss. (Rosiere) r 40, dressmaker.
Eselin Louis, (Rosiere) r 40, farmer 20.
Esselstyn John B., r 32 cor. 33. farmer 97.
Esselstyn Mary, r 33, widow of William, farmer 249.
Esselstyn William. cartman, h Esselstyn.
Estes Helen, widow of William, resident, h Market.
Fagar William, (Rosiere) r 39, farmer 110.
Farr George, (St. Lawrence), r 1, laborer.
Farr Greenleaf. (St. Lawrence) r 6, laborer.
Farr Ira. (St. Lawrence) r 11, farmer, leases of Mrs. F. Fraser 64.
Farr Ira J., (St. Lawrence) r 9, farmer, leases of __ Fraser 80.
FARR JEREMIAH, (St. Lawrence) r 8, 8 cows, farmer 86.
Favrey Joseph, r 49 cor. 50, farmer 150.
Favrey Joseph, Jr., r 49 cor. 50, farmer with his father, Joseph.
Favrey Stephen, (Rosiere) r 50, farmer 50.
Favvre Augustus, (River View) r 16, blacksmith, h and lot.
Fecker David, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Fecker John, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Fecker Joseph, (Rosiere), r 26, laborer.
Fecker William, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer, leases of the George Fecker estate 108.
Fenton David, pensioner, h James.
Fish Furman, r 72, retired farmer.
Fish Herbert M., r 72, farmer with his father Myron.
Fish Myron, r 72, farmer 76.
Fisher John, laborer, h Joseph.
FITZGERALD DANIEL L., (Fitzgerald & Dunning) supervisor, h Broadway.
Fitzgerald John, r 75, farmer 175.
Fitzgerald Michael, r 75, farmer on the D. Fitzgerald estate.
Fitzgerald Morris, r 75, farmer for his mother.
Fitzgerald W., (Rosiere) r 51, hay presser.
FITZGERALD & DUNNING, (Daniel L. F. and Philo W.D.) props. meat market, hay pressers and shippers, Broadway.
Flake Thomas, mason and oarsman, h Murray.
Flanders Kezia, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, widow of Christopher J., 9 head cattle, farm 81.
Flape John, laborer, h Pine.
Fleming Andrew, overseer of highways, h Real cor. Joseph.
Florence Nicholas, r 46, farmer, leases of B. Fraser 100.
Florence William, r 46, farmer with his father, Nicholas.
Folice Philip, mason, Braodway.
Forsyth Abigail, widow of Samuel, aged 72, h Grovello.
Forsyth Cynthia F., prop. summer boarding house, h Grovello cor. Point.
Forton Charlotte, overseer in ladies department Cleveland seed house, h James.
Forton David, retired, h James.
Forton David, laborer, h James.
Foster Charles H., mason, h James.
Foster William, h Bay.
Fox Edward D., prop. St. Lawrence Hotel, Broadway.
FOX HENRY L., prop. Rathbun House, and dealer in trotting, road, and coach horses, Market.
FRALEY PETER, (Rosiere) r 51, 15 head cattle, prop. saw-mill, farmer 96.
Fraser Bridget E., widow of David J., retired, h Broadway.
Fraser Fanny, (St. Lawrence) r 10, widow of William, farm 64.
Freeman Jacob, laborer, h Pine.
Freeman Mary, widow of Caleb, h Pine.
Frisbie Henry T., prop. Union House, Broadway.
Fritts Harry B., pastor M. E. Church, h Esselstyn.
Fryer Samuel C., prop. saloon and restaurant, Broadway cor. Market, h Market.
Fuller Jonas P., laborer, h James.
Fuller Margaret, widow of Jonas, resident.
Gamble Thomas, porter St. Lawrence Hotel.
Ganan William, shoemaker, h Pine.
Gardner Charles I., special deputy customs collector district of Cape Vincent, Broadway, h James.
GARDNER HENRY L., r 62, 10 head cattle, farmer 115 1/2.
Garies Andrew, foreman in brewery, bds. Broadway House.
Garlach Peter, 1st, (Peter Garlach & Son) h Broadway.
GARLACH PETER, Jr., ( Peter Garlach & Son) h River cor. Real.
Garlach Peter & Son, (Peter, Jr.) boot and shoe dealers, Broadway.
Garlack Peter, retired shoemaker, h River.
GAUGIEN CHARLES A., (Rosiere) r 37, farmer 52.
GERLACH CHARLES, prop. meat market, Broadway, h River.
Gibson David, r 45, 12 cows, farmer, leases of Mary Beaufort 267.
Gilbert Alexander, mason, h Point.
Gilbert Victor, (Rosiere) r 24, mason.
Gilbo Burt, laborer, h Esselstyn.
Gilbo Edward H., watchman at Cleveland seed house, h Esselstyn.
Gloyd, Charles, (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer with his father, James.
Gloyd James, (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer 27.
Goodfriend Paul, (Rosiere) r 51, laborer.
Gosiere Antoine, Sr., (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 120.
Gosiere Antoine E., r 37, (Gosiere Brothers).
Gosiere Brothers, r 37, (Edward A. and Antoine E.) dealers on hay, lumber, coal and grain.
Gosiere Charles, Sr., (Rosiere) r 37, farmer 180.
Gosiere Charles, 2d, (Rosiere) R 26, farmer 58.
Gosiere Charles S., (Rosiere) r 18, farmer 118.
Gosiere Edward A., r 37, (Gosiere Brothers).
Gosiere Victor L., (Rosiere) farmer for Charles, Sr.
Grandgean Frederick, (St. Lawrence) r 13, farmer 90.
Grandgean Isaac, r 32, farmer 70.
Grandgean Elizabeth, (Rosiere) r 37, widow of John, farmer 77.
GRANGER MARY A., (28 Wolf st., Syracuse, N.Y.) widow of Christopher.
Granger Philip, (St. Lawrence) r 25, farmer 65, and leases of C. Tarbol 100.
Grant George, general merchant, Broadway, h William.
Grant William J., custom house officer, hay dealer, owns Fox Island, farmer 250, h William.
Grapotte John, foreman in Cleveland seed house, bds. Rathbun House.
Grapotte John B., general merchant, dealer in wines and liquors, Broadway, h do.
Gravel Joseph, laborer, h Real.
Gravelle John, laborer, h Hanady.
Gravelle Mattie, dressmaker, h Hanady.
Gray Adam, r 72, farmer for his father, Edwin.
GRAY EDWIN, r 72, 29 cows, 30 grade Holstein cattle, farmer 320.
Gray McComb B., r 72, teacher in military schools.
Gregor Emma C., (Rosiere) r 39, widow of Alfred.
Gregor Joseph C., emp. Howard & Underhill, h Market.
Gregor Sebastian, retired carpenter, h Market.
Grimshaw Grant, veterinary surgeon, Broadway, h Esselstyn.
Grimshaw Robert, r 41, farmer 82.
Guile G. A., dentist, Broadway.
Half Willard , (River View) r 16, laborer.
Hall Alvin H., r 42, farmer 60.
Hall Franklin, r 42, farmer for his father, Lyman.
Hall Lyman, r 42, farmer 60.
Hammond Jesse, (Rosiere) r 19, laborer.
Hammond Jesse, laborer, h off Grovello.
Hance S. Byron Col., retired, bds Grovello.
Hannah Ann, (St Lawrence) r 6, widow of William, farmer 25.
Hannah William J., (St. Lawrence) farmer for his mother.
Harris Elmer, (River View) r 6, carpenter.
Harter Andrew J., (St. Lawrence) r 10, justice of the peace, blacksmith, and wagonmaker, h and lot.
Hartness John, tinsmith, h off Esselstyn.
Hartness Michael, laborer, h Esselstyn.
Hay Catharine, (St. Lawrence) r 6, widow of Martin D., resident, aged 77, farmer 25.
HAY WILLIAM, M.D., (St. Lawrence) r 4, allo, physician and surgeon.
HEINTZELMAN JOHN B., (St. Lawrence) r 7, farmer 100.
Hemple Kate, (Rosiere) r 50, widow of Joseph, farm 105.
Hemstreet William H., (St. Lawrence) r 6, 17 head cattle, 500 apple trees, farmer, leases of Jacob Putnam, of Clayton, 160.
Hentze Albert W., (Three Mile Bay) r 74, farmer with his father.
HENTZE OSCAR F., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, served in 10th N.Y.H.A., farmer 144.
Herrick Frank, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer.
Herrick John, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, 16 cows, farmer leases of Mary 240.
Herrick Mary, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, widow of Daniel, farm 240.
HILTS EZRA D., Lawyer, formerly postmaster, h Grovello.
Hinckley Samuel R., hay dealer, h Broadway.
Hinkley Coleman, Jr., captain of scow, farm 166.
Hinkley Coleman, Sr., lake captain, h Real.
Hinkley Cooley, captain steamer Maud, h Broadway.
HOLLAND THOMAS, baker, Broadway, h do.
Hollenbeck Charles E., off r 42, farmer 132.
Hollenbeck John, (St. Lawrence) r 6, 30 head cattle, farmer 200.
Hollenbeck Preston, r 42, farmer 77.
Holliday William, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Hopkins Henry T., supt. Cleveland seed house, h James.
Horan Estella Miss, (Rosiere) r 37, dealer in millinery and fancy goods.
Horne William C., 8 cows, farmer, leases of the Vincent estate 120.
Horning Peter, Carleton Island, r 63, 8 cows, farmer 94.
Horr William D., house painter, h off Grovello.
Howard Harvey, captain str. Wm. A. Haskell between Chicago and Ogdensburg, h Real cor. River.
Howard James, (Howard & Underhill) h Real.
Howard James E., general ins. agent, Broadway, h William.
Howard James H., book-keeper, h Real cor. River.
Howard & Underhill, (James H. and Charles U.) seed growers and props. seed warehouse, Broadway.
Hoyser John, Laborer, James cor. Grovello.
Hubbard Frank, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Huck Augustus, r 54, farmer, leases of J. H. Nims 214.
Huff Jacob, (Rosiere) r 35, farmer.
Huff Martin, (Rosiere) r 33, farmer, leases of R. Dezengremel 200.
Humphrey Albert G., r 68, farmer 83.
Humphrey Alred, Jr., r 4, farmer 60.
HUMPHREY ALFRED J., r 71, 50 sheep, 10 head cattle, farmer 129.
Humphrey Charles, r 73, farmer 100.
Humphrey Charles H., r 75, farmer with his father, Harrison L
Humphrey Ernest R., r 69, farmer with his father, Richard.
Humphrey Frederick, r 46, milk dealer and farmer 69.
HUMPHREY HARRISON L., r 75, Grendier Island, 15 head cattle, farmer 368.
Humphrey Henry T., r 73, 20 grade Holstein cattle, farmer 170.
HUMPHREY RICHARD, r 69, 6 grade Jersey cows, 10 Southdown and Leicester sheep, farmer 108.
Humphrey Ward C., r 75, farmer with his father, Harrison L.
HUMPHREY WILLIAM, r 68, 20 head cattle, farmer 170.
Hunnewell William S., carpenter, h off Grovello.
Hurdle James, (River View) r 20, farm laborer.
Hyatt George, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer, leases of his father, G., 65.
Hyde John P., (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer, leases of William H. 50.
Ingalls Forsyth, sailor, h Hanady.
Ingerson Edward E., (St. Lawrence) r 10, laborer.
INGERSON HORACE, (St. Lawrence) r 10, carpenter and joiner, farmer 4, served in Co. M, 10th N.Y.H.A.
Irvin Christopher, (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer, leases of John Hollenbeck 200.
Irvin George, (St. Lawrence) medical student.
IRVIN JAMES C., (River View) r 6, 7 head cattle, apiarist 10 colonies, farmer 115.
Irvin Robert, (St. Lawrence) r 2, farmer 89.
Irvin William, (St. Lawrence) r 2, sailor.
IRVINE CHRISTOPHER, (River View) r 6, farmer 130.
Irvine Henry, (River View) r 6, farmer, leases of Christopher 130.
Jackson Benjamin, (Rosiere) r 22, farmer 74, and leases of Mrs. Mary Ruso 75.
Jackson Benjamin, (River View) r 17, farmer 69.
Jackson Tine, (Rosiere) r 36, farmer, leases of S. Branch 42.
Jerome Charles A., prop. Jerome's Hotel, Braodway and Market.
Jerome Emily, widow of George, dealer in groceries, Broadway, h do.
Jerome George, clerk, h. Broadway.
Jerome's Hotel, Charles A. Jerome, prop., Broadway and Market.
Johnson Courtney, (St. Lawrence) r 1, laborer.
Johnson Eva Miss, clerk, h Market.
JOHNSON FREDERICK A., gardener, h James.
Johnson Henry, clerk, h Pine.
Johnson John, laborer, h Market.
Johnson William H., supt. for Campbell & Moulton, h Market.
Jones James, laborer, h Pine.
Jones Jones B., (River View) r 16, laborer.
Jones Joseph, laborer, h Pine.
Joyner Debroa, widow of Charles, resident, h William.
Judd Enos, r 31, farmer 100.
Judd Philetus S., r 31, 10 grade Jersey cattle, farmer 89.
Kellar Nicholas, 9 cows, farmer 105.
Keller George, clerk Union House.
Keller Gilbert, r 60, 12 cows, farmer, leases of C. Dupont 289.
Kelley George, blacksmith, Broadway, h do.
KELLEY WILLIAM S., (Rosiere) r 37, pastor Catholic Church.
KELSEY E. CARLOS, general ins. agent, h Grovello.
Kelsey Eve, retired, son of Eli, h James.
Kelsey L. Gideon, general merchant, Broadway, h do.
Kelsey Lorenzo T., 11 cows, retired farmer 280, h Broadway.
Kerven Catherine, (River View) r. 17, widow of James.
Kesler Edward, sailor, h Real.
KESLER FRANK, farm laborer, h Market.
Kesler Fred. clerk for C. H. Anthony, h River.
KESLER LUCRETIA, widow of Albert, resident, h River.
Kesler William. station agent R. W. & O. R. R., h Broadway.
Kilborn Giles, laborer, h Esselstyn.
Kilburn John R., clerk for Parker Brothers, h William.
Kilburn Truman, laborer, h Pine.
King Augustus, (Three Mile Bay) r 64, laborer.
King Frederick, (Three Mile Bay) r 64, farmer 70.
Kinnaff Ambrose, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer, leases of A. Knapp 71.
Knapp Adam, (Rosiere) r 24, farm 71.
Knapp William, (Rosiere) r 53, 12 cows, farmer 315.
Knight George, (Rosiere) r 24, laborer.
Knight James, (Rosiere) r 24, retired.
Knight Nelson, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Laillet Nicholas, (Rosiere) r 26, retired farmer 75, aged 90.
Laillet Xavia, (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Laillet Xavier (Rosiere) r 26, retired farmer 75.
Laine Antoine, farmer 13.
Laird David, (Rosiere) r 15, postmaster, farm 150.
Laird Eliza, (River View) r 6, widow of John.
Laird George S., r 49 farmer with his father, Robert.
LAIRD ROBERT, r 49, 12 cows, 1 brood mare, 35 Southdown sheep, apiarist 5 colonies, farmer 200, h and lot in village.
Laird Willie D., school teacher and student Adams Collegiate Institute.
Lanfo Henry, carpenter, h River.
Laniger George, (Rosiere) r 14 cor. 19, farmer 94.
Laniger George, (St. Lawrence) r 14, farmer 96.
LANIGER GEORGE J., (Rosiere) r 14 cor. 19, farmer with his father George.
Laniger Joseph, (Rosiere) r 29, farmer, leases of Margaret 50.
Laniger Margaret, (Rosiere) r 35, widow of John, farm 100.
Larmar Frank, teamster, h Joseph.
Lawrence Nicholas, (Rosiere) r 29, farmer 47, and leases of Mary Mason 50.
Lawrence Stephen, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, laborer.
Lawrence Tusan, (Rosiere) r 29, 1/2, laborer.
Lee Morris E., lawyer, Broadway, h do.
Lellamand Augustus, r 64, farmer 67.
Lennon Albert, cartman, h Elm.
Lennon George W., (St. Lawrence) r 10, farmer.
Lericheux Henry, r 74, laborer.
Lewis Elbridge, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer 318.
Lewis Jerome E., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer with his father, Elbridge.
Liddy Alexander, (St. Lawrence) off r 1, farmer 80.
Liddy Frances A., (St. Lawrence) r 6, dressmaker.
Liddy George N., (St. Lawrence) r 6, farmer with his father, James.
Liddy James, (St. Lawrence) r 6, 12 cows, farmer 114.
Lisle Kate, widow of John, h James.
Lodi George, laborer, h Pine.
Londraville Cornelius W., barber and hair dresser, Broadway, h do.
Loney Albert, laborer, h River.
Love Peter, retired, h Market.
Lyle Catharine, widow of John C., h James.
LYLE SAMUEL, retired farmer, owns in Belleville 13, h James.
Lynch Cornelius W., railroad engineer, h Pine.
Majo Laura, r 62, widow of Bruce, farmer 55,
MAJO WILLIAM, Carleton Island, retired farmer 100.
Malone William, (St. Lawrence) r 1, farmer 111.
MANCE FRANCIS, (Rosiere) r 24, 19 head cattle, 2 brood mares, farmer 158.
Mance Frank J., carpenter and wagon repairer, h Market.
Mance Lewis, carpenter, h Hanady.
Mance Louis, F., emp. in meat market, h Market.
Mance Nelson, laborer, h off Hanady.
Mance Rose, widow of Isaac, h off Hanady.
Manse Dedia, (Rosiere) r 51, widow of Felix, farmer 50.
MARGERY PETER, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 50.
Markel David, compositor, bds. Union House.
Markham Nelson, laborer, h Hanady.
Markle Nelson S., emp. in Cleveland seed house, h off Broadway.
Marks Henry, lumber and coal dealer, Broadway, h Market.
Marks Lewis, tinsmith, h Broadway.
Marks Philip. mason and prop. planing- mill, Braodway, h. do.
Marshaw Francis, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 105.
Mason Dominic, carpenter, h off Hanady.
Mason John, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer for his mother, Mary A.
Mason Joseph M., (Rosiere) r 24, farmer for his mother, Mary A.
MASON MARY A., (Rosiere) r 24, widow of Michael, farm 50, and in Clayton 50.
Mason Michael, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer.
MASSON THOMAS, M.D., (Masson and Dawson) allo, physician and surgeon, Broadway cor. Market, h Market.
Masson & Dawson, (Thomas M. and Henry G. D. D.) physicians and surgeons, Broadway cor. Market.
Maynard John, Carleton Island, 10 cows, farmer, leases of Philip Marks 125.
McCalley John, customs house officer, farm 18, h Pine.
McCombs Harriet, widow of William, h Bay.
McConnell Andrew J., furniture dealer, Broadway, h Grovello.
McDermott Dennis J., dealer in hardware, tinware, etc., Broadway, h Esselstyn.
McDonald George, dealer in tobacco, cigars, etc., Broadway, h do.
McGoff John Jr., r 62, served on the man-of-war U. S. Richmond in the late war, farmer 30.
McGowan William, shoemaker, h Bay.
McKeever James, (St. Lawrence) r 1, laborer.
McKinley Bernard, r 45, 20 Ayrshire and Holstein cows, 2 brood mares, farmer 265.
McKinley Louis, r 45, farmer with his father, Bernard.
McMillen Robert, fisherman, h Bay.
McNett Ethelbert B., (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 40.
McWAYNE ANDREW F., r 54, 15 head cattle, farmer 120.
McWayne Fred, r 64 cor. 54, farmer 74.
Mentry C. Frederick, carpenter, h Elm.
Mentry Fred, r 42, farmer 84.
Mentry Fred Jr., carpenter, h Elm.
Mentry John, laborer, h Esselstyn.
Mentry William, clerk for J. B. Grapotte, bds. Esselstyn.
Merchant Claude, r 49, farmer, leases of A. Wilson 48.
Merchant Francis P., farmer for his father Henry.
MERCHANT GEORGE W., r 41, farmer for his father , Henry.
Merchant Henry, r 46, 16 cows, farmer 281.
Mesot Augustus, (St. Lawrence) r 8, thresher.
Middletown William, prop. saloon, Broadway cor. Market, h Broadway.
Millard Eli, laborer, h Broadway.
MILLEN ABNER H., harnessmaker, Broadway, h Bay.
Millen John, sailor, h Bay.
Millen William A., student, h Bay.
Miller Fred A., (St. Lawrence) r 8, clerk for C.B. Carey, mail carrier, h and lot.
Miller Luther, carpenter, h Elm.
Miller Ulysses S., carpenter and joiner, h James.
Millican, John, r 49, 8 cows, farmer 125.
Monroe Michael, porter St. Lawrence Hotel.
Montonna David H., r 45, light-house keeper at Tibbett"s Point.
Morrison Charles P., prop. meat market, Broadway, h James cor. Joseph.
Morse Henry E., lawyer, collector of customs district of Cape Vincent.
MULLIGAN FRANK E., marine captain, Market.
Murray James, laborer, h Grovello.
Mussot August, (Rosiere) r 25, farmer 100.
Newman Robert J. J., dealer in paints, oils, glass, varnishes, and H. W. Johns's asbestos, practical house and wood finisher, Broadway.
Niles George, (St. Lawrence) r 1, 10 cows, farmer, leases of Sarah 70.
NILES SARAH, (St. Lawrence) r1, widow of John, farmer 70.
NIMS JOHN H., r 54, 11 head cattle, farm 214.
Nolan David, emp.in fish house, h William.
Nolan, James, laborer, h William.
Northrop John, (St. Lawrence) farmer, leases of Charles Ingelfelur 100.
Odett Lewis, watchman R. W. & O. R. R., h n track.
O'Neil Patrick, r 58, 10 cows, farmer 131.
O'Tool John, blacksmith, Broadway, h do.
Parker Brothers, (John H. and Winfield S.) general merchants, Broadway.
Parker John H., (Parker Brothers) h William.
Parker Winfield S., (Parker Brothers) h. William.
Payne Mary A., (St. Lawrence) r 11, widow of Chancey, farmer 15.
Pearson James, r 41, farmer.
Pearson Lucretia, r 41, widow of Francis, h and 6 acres.
Pearsons John, butcher, h Broadway.
Peo Alonzo F., (River View) r 16, farm laborer.
PEO HENRY, wholesale dealer in fish on railroad dock, 12 cows, farm 102, owns 4 houses and lots, h James.
Peo Henry, laborer, h Pine.
Peo James. (River View) r 16, farm laborer.
PEO JOSEPH, prop. boat livery, Market, h do.
Peo Joseph, (River View) r 16, farmer for his mother, Sarah M.
Peo Julian T., (River View) r r 16, farm laborer.
Peo Nettie Miss, music teacher and portrait artist, h James.
Peo Renny, r 31, farmer 80.
PEO, SARAH M., (River View) r 16, widow of Julian, farmer 140.
Percy A. E., (St. Lawrence) farmer 42.
Percy Alfred D., (St. Lawrence) r 1, farmer 125.
Percy Robert H., (St. Lawrence) r 1, cor. 2, 10 cows, farmer 145.
Petit Joseph, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, farmer 20.
Petit Marcus, (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 36.
Phillips Andrew, (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 50.
Phillips Chancey, (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 25.
Phillips George, compositor, h Broadway.
Phillips George W., typesetter, Broadway.
Phillips Roselle, fisherman, Broadway.
Phillips Thomas, (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 46.
Phillips William, r 47, fisherman, h Market.
Pierce Dyer, E., M.D., (St. Lawrence) r 8, retired physician, farm 100. [Died 1889.]
Pigton Ellic, house and sign painter, h Point.
Place John, laborer, h Point.
Pleuch Alfred, sailor.
Potter Frank N., com. travelor, h Market.
Potter Henry M., musician, h Market.
Potter Melvina, widow of Dr. Nelson, h Market.
Powell Annie, (River View) r 50, widow of Jason, farmer 100.
POWELL ELIAS F., (St. Lawrence) r 14, 30 cows, farm 250.
Powell James D., (St. Lawrence) r 14, (Milton C. & James D. Powell).
Powell Milton C., (St. Lawrence) r 14, (Milton C. & James D. Powell).
Powell Milton C. & James D., (St. Lawrence) r 14, 30 Ayrshire and Holstein cows, farmers,
lease of Elias F. 250.
Powell Morris A., (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer, leases of T. B. Stedman 100.
Powers Polly, (Rosiere) r 64, widow of Allen, resident, aged 87.
Putman Aaron, Carleton Island, 10 cows, farmer, leases of Hance & Folger Brothers 500.
Quinlan Daniel, dealer in groceries, Broadway, bds. do.
Raceine Peter, (St. Lawrence) r 13, 10 cows, farmer 120.
Raceine Susan, (St. Lawrence) r 12, farmer 60.
Radley Ferdinand, (St. Lawrence) r--, farmer 20.
Radley Frank W., (Rosiere) r 24, hay dealer.
RADLEY JAMES, r 31, farmer, leases of R. T. Conneil 214.
Radley John, Sr., (Rosiere) r 51, farmer 25.
Radley John, Jr., (Rosiere) r 24, 16 head cattle, farmer 175.
RADLEY LOUIS r 31, farmer 187 1/2.
Radley Mary, r 49, widow of George, farm 50.
Radley Michael, r 49, farmer, leases of Mrs. John Willey 75, and of Mary 50.
Radley Oscar, (Rosiere) r 35, laborer.
Raphold Nicholas, (Rosiere) r 41, farmer 6.
Rapholtz George, (Rosiere) r 24, carpenter, h and 5 acres.
Rapholtz Sophronia, (Rosiere) r 24, widow of Valentine, farmer 70.
RATHBUN HOUSE, Henry L. Fox, prop. Market.
Raymond William, (Raymond & Stratford) h James.
Raymond & Stratford, (William R. and James S.) blacksmiths, James.
Reasner Herman, (St. Lawrence) r 25, farmer 34, and leases of Jacob 46.
REASNER JACOB, (St. Lawrence) r 24, 17 cows, farmer 200.
Reasner Norman, (St. Lawrence) r 24, farmer with his father, Jacob.
REASONER DAVID E., (St. Lawrence) farmer 72.
Recter Mary, widow of Peter, farmer 50.
Reddrick Peter, (River View) r 16, custom house collector port of Millen's Bay.
Redman William, carpenter, h Bay.
Reed Gordon, (Rosiere) laborer.
Reed John, retired cooper.
Reed John M., (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer.
Reed Mary E., (St. Lawrence) r 5, widow of Abner, aged 80, farmer 79.
Reed Nicholas, on r 54 farmer 91, h Market.
Reed Peter, cooper, h Market.
Reed Thomas, laborer, h Esselstyn.
REFF JOHN, (St. Lawrence) r 10, farm laborer, served in Co. B, 20th N.Y. Cav.
Reff Joseph, r 63, farmer 75.
Reff Michael, (Rosiere) r 15, farmer 150.
Reff Michael, laborer, h Market.
Reff Michael F., (Rosiere) r 15, leases of Michael 150.
Reff Nicholas, (Rosiere) r 35, farmer, leases of Mrs. M. Laniger 50.
Reff Peter, (River View) r 16, carpenter.
Relyea Thomas, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, retired farmer.
Reynolds Samuel, clerk St. Lawrence Hotel.
Rice Brainard, (St. Lawrence) r 7, farmer, leases of Philura 119.
Rice Orrin, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 50.
RICE PHILURA, (St. Lawrence) r 7, widow of Leander, 12 cows, farmer 119.
Rice Samuel L., (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer with his father, Orrin.
Richards William, (River View) r 16, shoemaker, h and lot.
Rienbeck John, farmer 50, h James.
Rienegle John, r 48, 7 cows, farmer, leases of L. Kelsey 220.
Reinegle Joseph, retired farmer.
Rienegle Michael, r 48, farmer 75.
Rigot Augustus, (Three Mile Bay) r 64, farmer.
RILEY THOMAS E., (Rosiere) r 24, carpenter and joiner, and prop. saw-mill, served in Co. E., 186th N.Y. Vols., h and 8 acres.
Rivers John A., fireman in seed house, h off Grovello.
RIVERSIDE HOTEL, (River View) B. D. Dodge, prop.
Roat Charles, fisherman, h Elm.
Robbins Caleb G., r 49 cor. 64, farmer 200.
ROBBINS CATHARINE E. Mrs., retired, h Market.
ROBBINS CHARLES R., r 61, 25 head cattle, 43 sheep, farmer 330.
Robbins Fred, r 70, farmer with his father, John.
Robbins Harry J., r 70, farmer with his father, John.
ROBBINS JOHN, r 70, 13 cows, farmer 170.
Robert Henri, teacher French and mathematics, h James.
Roberts Jennie A., dressmaker, h Joseph.
Roberts Mary, widow of Amos, resident, h Joseph.
Robertson Almira, dressmaker, h Hanady.
Robertson Otis, teamster, h Hanady.
Robinson James, r 33, farmer 50.
Robinson William, sailor and carpenter, h Hanady.
Rogers Abner B., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer 115.
Rogers Augustus, r 46, farmer 50.
ROGERS AUSTIN, retired farmer 130, h Broadway.
Roseboom Howard, barber, Broadway, h Point.
ROSEBOOM JOHN G., dealer in hardware and tinware, Broadway, h do.
Ross Lisle, r 33, farmer 60.
Ross Norman, r 33, farmer 100.
Ross William, carpenter, h Joseph.
ROUSSEAU CYRILLE, retired farmer and teamster, h William.
ROUSSEAU JOHN B., retired hotel keeper, h Broadway.
Rousseau Levi, prop. livery stable, Grovello cor. Market, bds. Jerome's Hotel.
Rousseau Louis, prop. Cape Vincent Hotel, Broadway cor. Elm.
Ruttan William H., (Rosiere) r 26, laborer.
Ryan Ellen, (Rosiere) r 22, widow of Edward, farm 25.
Ryne Edward, (Rosiere) r 26, sailor.
Sackett Frances A., widow of Deloss, retired, h James.
Sanford Robertus, (Three Mile Bay) r 65, laborer.
Sanford Simon, (Three Mile Bay) r 74, farmer, leases of Fordice M. Rogers 75.
Saulsbury John A., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer, leases of A. Van Wort 125.
Saunders Charles, r 62, farmer 117, and leases of J. Saunders 98.
SAUNDERS GEORGE, r 69, 10 cows, thoroughbred bull and cow, 3 Messenger and Ethan Allen brood mares, farmer 157.
Saunders Hiram B., r 69, farmer with his father, George.
Saunders Joseph, lake captian, farm 101, h James.
Saunders Joseph H., r 61, laborer.
Saunders Richard, captain boat L. S. Hammond, h James.
Sayers Abram, (Three Mile Bay) off r 64, farmer 150.
Schell Frederick, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 66.
Schell Joseph, (Rosiere) r 53, farmer 66.
Scobell George S., book-keeper for J. Albert, h William.
Scobell J. Albert, general produce merchant, and wholesale dealer in Canada lumber, shingles, and lath, Braodway, h William.
Scobell Ralph S., prop. brewery, Broadway, h do.
Scrahm John, r 31, 7 cows, farmer, leases of H. Peo 102.
Scram William, laborer, h Elm.
Seram Henry, r 31, farmer 75.
Seymour James, laborer, h Elm.
Shafer Frederick, r 29, farmer 60.
SHAFER WILLIAM, r 29, farmer 105.
Shaver Jerry, (St. Lawrence) r 10, prop. hotel, farm in Lyme 105.
Shaw George E., r 69, farmer for his mother, Marion.
SHAW MARION, r 69, widow of David F., 9 cows, farmer 105.
Sheely William, r 42, farmer 116.
Sheldon Carrie, (Rosiere) r 64, widow of Benjamin, farm 70.
Sheldon Frank, (Rosiere) r 64, farmer, leases of Carrie 41.
Sheldon Fred, (Rosiere) r 64, farmer, leases of Mrs. Benjamin 70.
Sheley William, sailor, owns farm with his father, William W., 174, h Point.
SHELEY WILLIAM W., Capt., (Sheley & Davis) lake captain, owns with his son William farm 174, h Grovello.
Sheley & Davis, (William W. S. and Richard D.) dealers in ice, coal, and wood, James.
Shell Fred, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 75.
Shell Milton, r 49, farmer 50.
Shephard Jane, widow of Oliver, farm 30, h James.
Short Henry, book-keeper, h James.
Short Henry J., book-keeper, h James.
Shuler David C., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, farmer 130.
SHULER JEREMIAH P., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, 8 head cattle, 38 sheep, 1 brood mare, farmer 350.
Slick John, (Rosiere) r 21, farmer, leases of Margaret 75.
Slick Margaret, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, widow of John, farmer.
Slowman William, Carleton Island, 15 cows, farmer, leases of C. Buckminster 140.
Smith Chancy, r 69, retired farmer.
Smith Henry E., r 69, farmer 80, and leases of Marion Shaw 105.
Smith Mary, widow of Horace, nurse and dressmaker, h Market cor. Grovello.
Smithers William H., (William H. Smithers & Co.).
Smithers William H. & Co., (William C. Wills) boat builders and props. boat livery, off Market.
Smithling Elizabeth, (Rosiere) r 39, widow of Joseph, resident.
Solar Charles, (Rosiere) r 37, clerk for Englebert.
Solar Englebert, (Rosiere) r 37, general merchant and postmaster, farm 168.
Solar John, (Rosiere) r 24, blacksmith and repairer, prop. cider-mill, farm 11.
Solar John, (Rosiere) r 37, clerk for Englebert.
Solar Matthew, (Rosiere) r 24, farmer 50, and leases of H. Cook 112.
SOULE LAWTON W., druggist, h James.
Sovey Paul, (St. Lawrence) r 11, farmer 5.
Spade David, brakeman, h Pine.
Stata Elias, wood mechanic, h Grovello.
Stata Ellen M., school teacher, h Grovello.
STEBLEN ANTOINE, r 42, cor. 49, 7 cows, farmer 25, and leases of Julia 51.
Steblen Eugene, r 42, cor. 49, laborer.
Steblen Frankie, r 42, cor. 49, laborer.
Steblen Julia Mrs., r 49, farmer 51.
Stedman Jay T., (St. Lawrence) r 8, cheesemaker.
STEDMAN TIMOTHY B., (St. Lawrence) r 8, 10 cows, 1 brood mare, farmer 100.
STEWART GEORGE M., (St. Lawrence) r 14, farmer, leases of Ira 75.
Stewart Ira, (St. Lawrence) r 14, farmer 75.
St. Lawrence Hotel, Edward D Fox, prop., Broadway.
Stoel Ada, r 15, school teacher.
Stoel Charles, r 15, farmer with his father, Horace T.
Stoel Eva Miss, r 15, school teacher.
Stoel Fred E., (Watertown) r 15, student at law.
Stoel Horace T., r 15, 8 cows, farmer 310.
Stratford James, (Raymond & Stratford) h James.
Strong Joseph, laborer, h Broadway.
Strong Oliver, laborer, h Real cor. Joseph.
Strong Viteline, widow of Joseph, h Hanady.
Strong William, sailor, h Hanady.
STROUPE CAROLINE E., ( Mrs. Henry) h Govello.
Stroupe Henry, oarsman, h Grovello.
Strowger Samuel W. rector St. John's Episcopal Church, bds. Rathbun House.
Stumpf Frank, prop. Broadway House, Broadway.
Stumpf George, prop. meat market, Broadway, h do.
Stumpf George W., farmer and teamster, h Broadway.
Stumpf Gustavus, (Rosiere) r 39, 15 head cattle, farmer 135.
Stumpf John C., (Rosiere) r 26, farmer with his father, Joseph.
STUMPF JOSEPH, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer 160.
STUMPF MARY, widow of John, prop. boarding-house, Market.
SWALLIA CARRIE A., r 18, school teacher.
Swallia John, (St. Lawrence) r 14, farmer 18.
Swallia Xavier, r 18, farmer 200.
Swartout Charles V., (Rosiere) r 13, farmer.
Swarthout Nelson, (Rosiere) r 13, farmer 82.
Swartwout Alson B., (St. Lawrence) r 8, laborer.
Swartwout Hezekiah, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 12.
Swartwout James, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 20.
Swartwout James A., (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 25.
Sypher George, r 54, butcher with his father William.
Sypher William, r 54, butcher.
Thompson Arthur, (St. Lawrence) r 8, pastor M.E. Church.
Thompson Samuel, fisherman, h Bay.
Tuft Annie L. Miss, (Rosiere) r 26, school teacher.
TUFT H. JAMES, (Rosiere) r 26, served in Co. A. 8th Ohio Vols., farmer, leases of N. Laillett 75.
Tuttle Aaron K., (St. Lawrence) r 10, market gardener and small fruit grower, farmer 50.
Tuttle H. Aaron, (St. Lawrence) r 10, gardener and farmer 50.
Underhill Charles, (Howard & Underhill) h Broadway.
Union House, Henry T. Frisbie, prop. Broadway.
Utica Club House, Carleton Island, 5 acres.
Valley Jerry, r 73, farmer 100.
Van Luven Adam R., house painter, h Broadway.
Van Luven Leonard, prop. Globe saloon, Broadway.
Van Luven Lydia Mrs., dealer in millinery and fancy goods. Braodway, h do.
Vannostrand Isaac, r 63, farmer 27.
Van Ostrand George, (Three Mile Bay) r 74, farmer 100.
Van Schaick George, r 70, farmer with his father, Nicholas.
Van Schaick Nicholas, r 70, farmer 100.
Van Schaick Thomas, r 58, farmer 150.
Varney Henry, laborer, h Elm.
Varney John, r 32, farmer 14.
VAUTRIN CLAUDE A., (Rosiere) r 37, hotel keeper, owns on r 26, farm 90.
Vautrin Delia, farmer 70.
Vautrin John, (Rosiere) r 39, laborer.
Vautrin Joseph, (Rosiere) r 26, blacksmith, prop. saw-mill, farmer 153.
Vincent Clarissa, widow of John A., farm 116, aged 76, h James.
Vincent Edgar J., r 29, farmer 97, and leases of W. Shafer 105.
Vincent Ellen, r 63, widow of William D., farmer 30.
Vincent George, r 29, farmer with his father, Edgar J.
Vincent John, r 63, laborer.
Vincent Kittie, r 63, school teacher.
Vincent William, r 29, farmer with his father, Edgar J.
Vosler Eldbridge, (Three Mile Bay) laborer.
Votrin Eugene, (Rosiere) r 40, school teacher.
Wagner Frank, (Rosiere) r 22, farm laborer.
Wagner George, Sr., (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, farmer 27.
Wagner George, Jr., (Rosiere) r 13, farmer 60.
Wakeman Anna Mrs., dealer in groceries, Broadway, h do.
Wakeman Archer, wholesale fish dealer and manuf. of fishing tackle. Braodway, h do.
Walden William, mason, h off Esselstyn.
WALKER SAMUEL, horse dealer and laborer, h Market.
Wall Maggie, tailoress, h Broadway.
Wall Richard, prop. saloon, Broadway, h do.
Wallace Hamilton C., (St. Lawrence) r 4 cor. 10, 25 Durhan and Holstein cows, farmer 240.
Walrath Mariah, (St. Lawrence) r 5, widow of Alonzo.
Walrath Solon E., (St. Lawrence) r 5, farmer 61.
Walrath Watson E., (St. Lawrence) r 5, farmer 103.
Walsh Kate, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Market, h do.
Walsh Patrick, merchant tailor, Broadway, h do.
WARREN GEORGE W., prop. 5 and 10 cent store, Broadway, h Point cor. Joseph.
Warren William, laborer, Pine.
Watkins Erasmus D., r 62, farmer 46.
Watkins Gilbert D., r 62, farmer, leases of Erasmus D. 46
Watkins William, (St. Lawrence) r 13, farmer and house painter.
Weaver Adam, (St. Lawrence) r 11, farmer 100.
WEAVER ANTHONY, Sr., retired farmer, owns on r 26, farm 147, h Hanady,
Weaver Anthony, Jr., (River Point) r 16, 14 horses and cattle, farmer.
Weaver Caroline, widow of Jacob, h Real cor. River.
Weaver Charles W., (St. Lawrence) r 10, blacksmith.
Weaver John, (Rosiere) r 13, 12 cows, farmer 138.
WEAVER JOHN C., (St. Lawrence) r 10, 17 cows, farmer 100.
Weaver William, laborer, h Hanady.
Webb Eugene C, clerk for O. Woodruff, bds. Rathbun House.
Webber Adam, (St. Lawrence) r 10, laborer,.
Webber Conrad, (St. Lawrence) r 13, farmer 91.
Welch Joseph, laborer, h Market.
Wells Jefferson, engineer R., W. & O. R. R., h Broadway.
WHEBBY JAMES, wagonmaker, Bay, h do.
Wheelock Bruce, emp. in fish house, h Market.
Wheelock William A., gardener, h Market.
White Arthur, (Rosiere) r 22, farmer 50.
White Charles, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, farmer 87, and leases of Mrs. Sarah Dorev 25.
White Francis, r 30, farmer 100.
White Jane Mrs., (River View) resident.
White Samuel, (Rosiere) r 29 1/2, laborer.
Whiting Jacob, (Rosiere) r 26, farmer.
Whiting Nathan F., clergyman, h James.
Whitney Charles E., school commissioner, h Market.
WHITNEY MARTIN G., general merchant and school teacher, Broadway cor. Market.
Whittemore Paul, carpenter, h Broadway.
Wicks Martha, (St. Lawrence) r 10, widow of John C., resident.
Wiggins Clarence E., r 54, farmer, leases of A. F. McWayne 120.
Wiley__, widow of John, farm 70, h Joseph.
WILEY FRANK, (Rosiere) r 51, prop. stock horse "Gold Dust," 10 head cattle, farmer 220.
Wiley Frank, (St. Lawrence) farmer, leases of W. Donaldson 100.
Wiley John B., (Rosiere) r 35, farmer 50.
Wiley Peter, (Three Mile Bay) r 64, farmer 96.
Wiley Peter B., 6 cows, farmer, leases of the Sacket estate 100.
Williams William, clerk Rathbun House.
Wills William C., (William H. Smithers & Co.) h Broadway cor Real.
Wills Will, laborer, h Broadway.
WILSON ALLEN, retired farmer 137, h Market.
WINGFIELD DAVID J., photographer, Broadway, h do.
Withey Horace, (St. Lawrence) r 10, laborer.
Withey Jerome, (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 60.
Wolf Frederick, mason, h Market.
Wolf Jerry, laborer, h Market.
WOOD CHARLES B., editor and publisher Cape Vincent Eagle, job printer, Broadway, bds. Union House.
Woodruff Lloyd, general merchant, Broadway, h do.
Woolaver Samuel J., sexton and laborer, h Real cor. River.
WOOLAVER WILLIAM H., engineer Burnham mills, h River.
Wright Emma, widow of John, h River.
Wright George B., (St. Lawrence) r 8, farmer 75.
Youngs Fred C., (Three Mile Bay) r 65, laborer.
Zimmer Edwin, (St. Lawrence) r 5, blacksmith.
Zimmerman George, (Rosiere) r 35, farmer 66.
ZIMMERMAN HENRY, r 29, 6 cows, 2 brood mares, served in 10th N.Y.H.A., farmer 150.
Zimmerman Jacob, r 63, 6 cows, farmer 146.
Zimmerman Peter, (Rosiere) r 35, farmer, leases of Mrs. Peter 75.
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