(Postoffice is Clayton, unless otherwise designated in parentheses)
Acker, Philip, (Depauville) r 94, farmer.
Ackert, Cyrus L., r 27, farmer with his father, Page.
Ackert, Flora G., r 27, school teacher.
ACKERT, PAGE, r 27, 15 cows, farmer 150.
Affee, Alexander, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Allen, Bessie Miss, dressmaker, h State.
ALLEN, JOHN J., (Depauville) r 95, market gardener.
Allen, Mary Jane, widow of Reuben, h State.
Allen Riley, marine engineer, h State.
Allen, Walter B., engineer in planing-mill, h State.
Amel, Hugh, r 47, farmer 160.
Amo, Leander, laborer, h William.
Amo, Lewis, laborer, h Merick.
Amo, Napoleon, laborer, h Theresa st.
Angel, Robert G., reitred merchant, farm 38.
Annen, William, (Thurso) r 2, stonecutter.
Arnold, Sally A., r 35, widow of Solon, farmer 10.
ATWOOD BROTHERS, (Montreville W. and James L) general hardware merchants, Water.
Atwood, Chandler, (Depauville) r 103, farmer 200.
Atwood, James L., (Atwood Brothers) h John cor. Union.
Atwood, Montreville W., (Atwood Brothers) h Webb cor. Jane.
Atwood, William C., (Depauville) r 94, farmer 256.
Augsbury, Bersina, widow of John D., resident, aged 81.
Aumiller, George H., r 27, carpenter and farmer 5.
Austin,George, (Depauville) r__, farmer 75.
Babb, Charles, (Depauville) r 112, farmer 138.
Babcock, Adaline, (Depauville) r 95, widow of Oren.
Babcock, Althea, (Depauville) r 89, cheesemaker.
Babcock, Charles, (Depauville) r 77, 11 cows, farmer 100.
Babcock, Charles B., (Depauville) r 66, 11 cows, farmer 102.
Babcock, George, (Depauville) r 86, blacksmith and farmer 92.
BABCOCK, JAMES R., r 39, prop. cheese factory, farmer 53.
Babcock, Julia M., r 39, school teacher.
Bailey, Peter, r 10, farmer, leases of J.E. Fizgerald 126.
BAIN, ALEXANDER, (St. Lawrence River Skiff, Canoe, and Steam Launch Co.) bds. John cor. Jane.
Baker, Daniel, r 50, laborer.
Baker, Royal S., dealer in jewelry and watches, Water, h do.
Baker, William, r 50, laborer.
Baldwin, Edward, (Stone Mills) r___, farmer 86.
Ball, Dulcenia M., r 28, widow of Alonzo G.
Ball, John, r 35, farmer, leases of P. Hart 144.
Balonga, Stephen, butcher, h Alexander.
Balongia, Sarah, widow of James, h State
Baltz, Andrew J., (Depauville) r 79, 30 grade Ayrshire and Holstein cows, farmer 347.
Baltz, Jefferson L., (Depauville) r 79, farmer, leases of Andrew J. 347.
Banister, Charles, r 10, farmer 50.
Barbury, Mark, blacksmith, h Webb cor. Water.
Barker, Alden F., pres. First National Bank of Clayon, Water, h Hugunin.
Barker, Frank D., deputy customs collector, Water, h Hugunin.
Barker, Henry S., general merchant, Water, h do.
Barker, Seymour B., lake captain, h Hugunin.
Barnes, Sidney O., pastor M.E. Church, h John.
BARNEY, ALMOND M., (Depauville) r 56, carpenter, 34 grade Holstein and Ayrshire cows, 1 Pilgrim and Daroc brood mare, farmer 308.
Barney, Martin, retired farmer 150, h Webb corl. Water.
Barrett,____, (Depauville) r ___, widow of Moses, farm 110.
Barrett, John, r 17 cor. 23, 30 cows, farmer 400.
Barrett, Frances I., widow of Kendrick, farm 51, h James.
BARRETT, FRANCIS, retired farmer, h Merick
Barton, William, teamster, h Webb.
Bass, Charles, laborer. h Theresa st.
Bass, Charles M., r 26, farmer 22.
BASS, CHARLES P., confectioner, prop. restaurant, sailor and oarsman, h William.
Bass, Cyrus, r 26, farmer with his father, Charles M.
BASS, EDWARD L., captain steamboat Maynard, h Theresa st.
Bass, John M., r 50, market gardener and farmer 49.
Bass, Leonard, (Depauville) r 76, laborer.
BASS, WILLIAM, r 48, 12 cows, 15 sheep, farmer 103.
Bastin, Eugene. machinist, h Water.
Bates, George, printer, h Webb cor. Jane.
Bates, George, laborer and printer, h Union cor. Merick.
Bates, Xura, laborer, h Webb cor. Jane.
Baxter, Gaylord, (Depauville) r 79, farmer with his father, William.
Baxter, William, (Depauville) r 79, farmer 83.
Beech, Elizabeth, dressmaker, h John.
Beerman, William, railroad engineer, h Franklin.
BELVILLE, CHARLES, barber, Water, h Alexander.
Belville, Joseph, barber, h Alexander.
Benjamin, Fred, r 43, laborer.
Bennett, Lyman, carpenter, h Merick.
Bent, George, Sr., (Depauville) r 95, farmer 80.
Bent, George, Jr., (Depauville) r 105, farmer.
Bertrand, Alphonzo, prop. saloon, James, h do.
Bertrand, Alphonzo, carpenter and joiner, h Hugunin.
Bertrand, Edward, ship carpenter, h Hugunin.
Bertrand, John, carpenter and pilot, h James.
Bertrand, Napoleon, prop. saloon and restaurant, James h do.
Bertrand, Oliver, carpenter, h James.
Bertrand, Peter, laborer, Water.
Bess, Charles, laborer, h Merick.
Bettinger, Bradley, bartender, h James.
Beznah, John B., carpenter, h James.
Ridwell, Garret, (Depauville) r 112, laborer.
Birdsell, Philander, prop. saloon, James, h do.
BIRTRAND, GEORGE W., r 18, 35 sheep, farmer, leases of Hannah M. 213.
Birtrand, Hannah M., r 18, farmer 213.
Bisnett, John, laborer, h James.
Bisnett, Joseph, (St. Lawrence) r 70, laborer.
Black, David, (Thurso) r 2, postmaster and book-keeper for Thousand Island Granite Co.
Black, George, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer with his father.
Black, John, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 72, and leases of his brother William 145.
Black, Thomas, (Thurso) off r 3, 6 cows, farmer 78.
Black, William, (Thurso) off r 3, mate on the Montana and farmer 145.
BLAISDELL, BARTON G., (Depauville) r 94, pastor Free Baptist Church.
Blanchard, Charles, r 7, farmer, leases of Susan Cook 164.
BLANCHARD, MARY ANN, widow of Samuel, nurse, farm 26, h James.
Blandin, Sarah A. Mrs., r 27, farm 54.
Blandin, Wallace, r 27, farmer, leases of Sarah A. 54.
Bloodough, John W., (Depauville) r 93, 10 grade Ayrshire, Jersey, and Holstein cows, farmer 106.
Bologna, Joseph, laborer, h Alexander.
Bonapart, Anthony, r 15, farmer, leases of A. Potter 334.
BOUCHARD, JOHN, carpenter, h Franklin.
Brabant, Augustus, laborer, h River road.
Brabant, Joseph, (F.L. Hall & Co.) h Alexander.
Brabant, Leander, carpenter, farm 53, h Theresa st.
Bradway, Cornelia, widow of Jeremiah, h James.
Bray, Henry, (Depauville) r 89, laborer.
Breslow, David B., clerk for his father, Simon.
Breslow, Simon, dealer in ready-made clothing and gents furnishing goods, Water, h Merick.
Bretch, Adam, (Depauville) farmer, leases of L. O. Gillett.
Brien, Daniel O., prop. saloon, Water, h do.
Brigham, George, r 24, farmer 50.
Brigham, Theodore S., r 24, farmer 177.
Brintnall, Cordelia, r 53, widow of William, farmer 127.
Brintnell, James, carpenter, James.
Broadbent, John, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
BROOKER, ALBERT, reitred blacksmith, h Water cor. Webb.
Brooker, William, blacksmith, Webb, h Water cor. John.
BROOKS, OTIS, (Strough & Brooks) h at Philadelphia.
Brough, Thomas R., manuf. of center boards and patent clothes lines, Water, bds. New Windsor.
Brown, Allen, r 32, farmer 55.
Brown, Belcher, cartman, h Merick cor. Jane.
Brown, Luther, (Depauville) r 97, farmer 80.
Brown, Orlando S., r 27, farmer 5.
Brown, Rial, (Depauville) resident.
Brown, Robert, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Burgess, James, (Thurso) r off 2, quarryman, h and lot.
Burlingame, Edgar A., (John Swart & Co.) h Water.
Buskirk, Amy, r 12, widow of Joel, farmer 26.
Buskirk, Jasper A., r 38, 12 cows, farmer 110.
Buskirk, Lottie, r 12, school teacher.
BUTTERFIELD, AMANDA, (Mrs. George L.) prop. boarding-house, owns h and lot James.
Butterfield, George L., cartman, h James.
Butts, Darius D., contractor and builder, h James.
Butts, McClelland, r 15, farmer for Stephen 125.
Butts, Stephen, r 15, 6 cows, farmer 125.
Cadwell, Jay, (Depauville) r 93, dealer in furniture.
Cainegie, James, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer 63.
Calder, James, prop. saw and shingle-mill, Union, h do.
Calder, James H., carpenter, h Union.
Calhoon, Benjamin, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 100.
Calhoon, Elmer, (Thurso) r 2, mate on sailing vessel Montana, h and lot.
CALHOON, EMMA J., (Thurso) r 2, (Mrs. Elmer).
Calhoon, Joshua, r 33, stone mason.
Calhoon, Joseph H., r 10, laborer.
Calkins, Taylor E., (Depauville) r 110, farmer 93.
Campbell, Hugh, stonecutter.
Cantwell, Patrick B., r 18, 10 cows, farmer 200.
Carpenter, Benjamin, blacksmith, h Merick cor. Hugunin.
Carpenter, Benjamin, laborer, h Water.
Carpenter, Charles, r 27, laborer.
Carpenter, Charles, (Depauville) laborer.
Carpenter, Mary, widow of Samuel, h Alexander.
Carpenter, Levi, laborer, h River road.
Carpenter, Nelson, carpenter, h River road.
Carpenter, Robert, (Depauville) r 113, butcher and telephone operator, farmer 12.
Carpenter, Stephen, (Depauville) r 88, constable.
Carpenter, Syrell, r 27, farmer 60.
Carpenter, Timothy, (Stone Mills) r 13, farmer 11.
Carrier, Saloma, (Depauville) r 84, widow of Richard R., farmer 50.
CARTER, JUDSON N., farm laborer, h State.
Cary, Daniel, shoemaker, bds. James.
Caswell, Perry, retired boot and shoe manuf., h Webb cor. Union.
Central House, (Depauville) A. D. Grabber, prop.
Cero, Anthony, laborer, h Alexander.
Cerow, Adolphus, porter, Hubbard House.
Cerow, Charles, butcher, h Alexander.
Charlebeau, Frank, sailor, h Theresa st.
Charlebois, Alphonso, sailor, h James.
Charlebois, Anthony, laborer, h Union cor. Merick.
Charlebois, Edward, r 28, farmer.
Charlebois, Edwin, r 29, farmer, leases of Mrs. Philo Clark 101.
CHARLEBOIS, ELI, r 10, farmer 100.
Charlebois, Joseph, r 27, farmer 75.
Charlebois, Willie, r 10, farmer with his father.
Chase, Adelbert, r 1, quarryman.
Chase, John, (Thurso) r 1, cooper.
Chase, Willard, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Cheeseman, Byron C., (Depauville) physician.
Cheever, Orville W., (Depauville) r 86, wagonmaker and repairer.
Chelette, Arthur, r 27, farm laborer.
Churchill, Rosell J., emp. on R., W. & O. R. R., h James.
Churco, Joseph, oarsman, h Union cor. Franklin.
Cinell, Alexander, (Depauville) r 88, tinsmith, dealer in hardware and stoves.
Clark, Charles E., retired, h Webb.
Clark, Frank, clerk for William D., h John.
Clark, George, (Thurso) r 2 stonecutter.
Clark, John R., (Depauville) r 93, general merchant.
CLARK, MARISA, (Mrs. Philo R.) farm 133, h James.
Clark, Philo R., prop. livery stable, Water, h James.
Clark, William D., dealer in hardware and groceries, James, h John.
Classen, Adelaide, r 57, butcher and dealer in meats with her mother, Mary.
Classen, Mary, r 57, butcher and dealer in meats.
Clayton Furniture Mfg. Co., limited, James Hayes, pres; George H. McKinley, treas.; J.B. Flynn, sec'y and manager, junction Mary and Thersa sts.
Clayton Savings, Building, and Loan Association, James Johnston, pres.; T. E. Walt, vice-pres.; A. E. Wood, sec'y; W.D. Clark, treas.; C. D. Hocknell, manager.
Clement, Manson, r 50, farmer, leases of Joseph Thibault 150.
Clipfull, Casper, (Depauville) r 75, farmer 125.
Clough, Mary A., r 56, widow of Joel, resident.
Cole, Jewett, r 53, farmer 86, and leases of W. Spencer 96.
Cole, Napoleon, laborer, h Alexander.
Collins, Aaron, (St. Lawrence) r 50, laborer.
Collins, Charles, (Stone Mills) r 112, farmer, leases of E. Baldwin 90.
Collins, Edgar, carpenter.
Collins, Ferrand, (St. Lawrence) r 50 laborer.
Collins, Thomas Capt., ship carpenter, bds. Merick.
Colon, John F., r 15, farmer 40.
Colon, Napoleon, oarsman and laborer.
COLON, XAVIAR, boat builder, h Alexander.
COLON, XAVIAR, Jr., boat builder, emp. St. Lawrence River S., C., and S. L. Co., h Alexander.
Colton, Lewis, r 8 laborer.
Comins, George f., (St. Lawrence) r 49, farmer, leases of Sally 210.
Comins, Hendrick, (St. Lawrence) r 49, farmer with his father, James H.
COMINS, JAMES H., (St. Lawrence) r 49, market gardener and farmer 42.
Comins, Margaret, r 46, widow of William.
COMINS, SALLY, (St. Lawrence) r 71, widow of Charles A., farmer 210.
Connell, Evangeline, widow of Jessie, h Alexander.
Connell, Joseph, laborer. h Alexander.
Consaul, Jane A., widow of Lewis, resident, aged 76.
CONSAUL, SILAS W., (Clayton) r 50, 30 Ayrshire cows, farmer 275.
CONSAUL, WILLIAM H., dealer in coal, wood, salt, water lime, land plaster, flour, feed, and produce, farmer 67, owns warehouse and sailing vessel Cornelia, 2 houses and lots, Water, h do.
Cook, Ashbel, gunsmith, Water, h do.
Cook, Elwin M., plumber and machinist, h Water.
Cook, John, sailor, h Jane.
Cook, John A., lake captain, h Jane.
Cook, Susan, widow of Hial, farmer 340, h James.
CORBIN, HERMAN J., r 50, farmer with his father, James H.
CORBIN, JAMES H., r 50, market gardener and farmer 40.
Cornelle, Joseph, laborer, h Alexander.
Corp, David T., r 27 cor. 28, 20 cows, farmer 250.
Corss, Chauncey, (St. Lawrence) r 50, farmer 67.
Cosselman, James A., r 13, farmer 79.
Couch, Joel, boat builder, carpenter, and joiner, Webb, h do.
Countryman, Charles, section boss on railroad, h Franklin.
Covotte, Edward, laborer, h Alexander.
Craig, Eleanor T., widow of Thaddeus W., h Mary cor. Webb.
Craig, Nellie, widow of Thaddeus G., marble dealer.
Craig, T. W. & Co., (Thaddeus W., deceased, and J.R. Tracy) marble dealers, Water.
Crandall, George, r 60, farmer 130.
Crosby, Joshua, r 50, 10 cows, farmer, leases of William Reese 127.
Cummings, Philander, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer 60.
Cummings, Milo, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer 35.
Cummings, Walter, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 72.
Cummings, William, (Thurso) r 1, 11 cows, farmer 230.
Cuppernull, John, laborer, h State.
CUPPERNULL, LEWIS, laborer, supt. cottage on Round Island, h State.
Cuppernull, Lucian, laborer, h State.
Dabb, Charles, (Depauville) r---, farmer 137.
DAILEY, IRVING R., engineer R.W.& O. R.R., h Webb.
DANA, DAVID Z., (Depauville) r 88, retired farmer, h and 3 acres, served in Co. B, 60th N.Y. Inf.
Daniels, Freeman T., (Depauville) r 54, farmer, leases of Susan Ormsby 50.
Daniels, George, (Depauville) r 76, 20 cows, farmer 96, and leases of John Halladay 212.
Daniels, James, mason, h Alexander.
Daniels, Myron, (Depauville) r 92, farmer 400.
Daniels, Truman T., (Depauville) r 76, 39 cows, farmer 394, and leases of S. Ormsby 50.
Dano, Ambrose, (Thurso) off r 2, farmer, leases of Martin Miller 200.
Dano, Charles, (Thurso) off r 2, farmer, leases of Martin Miller 200.
Davis, Elias, retired sailor, h Webb.
Deford, Eli, r 12, farmer for his father, Joseph, 1st.
Deford, Frank, r 12, farmer for his father, Joseph, 1st.
Deford, Frederick, r 25, farmer, leases of Thomas Dowdell 112.
DEFORD, JOSEPH, 1st, r 12, 30 cows, farmer 310.
Deford, Joseph, 2nd, r 12, 8 cows, farmer, leases of Betsey Littlefield 50.
Deford, Michael, laborer, h Franklin.
Deford, Nelson, r 12, 8 cows, farmer 70.
Deford, Ralph, laborer, h Water.
Delaney, Bridget, widow of William, resident, h Water.
Delaney, James, r 32, farmer 209.
Delaney, Mary, r 32, widow of Marcus, has life lease of farm 100.
Delaney, Mary, r 18, school teacher.
Delaney, Michael, (Thurso) r 3, farmer 100.
Delaney, Patrick, farm laborer, h Water.
Delaney, William, r 18, 20 cows, farmer on the estate of Patrick 180.
Delano Brothers, (Thurso) off r 3, (John and William) farmers 500.
Delano, John, (Thurso) off r 3, (Delano Brothers).
Delano, William, (Thurso) off r 3, (Delano Brothers).
Delany, Olive, dealer in millinery, Water, h do.
Delmige, Thomas, (Depauville) r 92, farmer, leases of H. Copley 800.
Denney, David Z., (Depauville) owns 3 acres of land.
Denney, Edward, stonecutter, h Reese.
Denney, Leander, stonecutter, h Alexander cor. William.
Denney, Leander, r 128, farmer 40.
Denney, William, laborer, h Alexander.
Derosia, Alexander, r 27, farmer 12.
Derosia, Charles H., r 27, farmer 24.
Derosia, Edwin J., r 10, laborer.
DEROSIA, MARY A., (Fisher's Landing) r 8, widow of Michael, who served in Co. G, 135th N.Y. Inf.
Derosia, William, r 27, farmer 25.
Devendorf, David, (Depauville) r 96, farmer 128.
Devendorf, Frank, (Depauville) r 96, farmer with his father, David.
Devendorf, George A., (Depauville) r 95, hay dealer and farmer 200.
Devendorf, Stephen, (Depauville) r 105, farmer, leases of George A. 200.
Dewey, Benjamin W., prop. Dewey House, Webb.
DEWEY BROTHERS, (Holland B. and Hartley F.) undertakers and dealers in furniture, Water.
Dewey, Charles J., (Depauville) r 93, clerk for A. D. Lowe.
Dewey, Hartley F., (Dewey Brothers) h at Sacket's Harbor.
Dewey, Holland B., (Dewey Brothers) h Webb.
Dewey House, Benjamin W. Dewey, prop., Webb.
Dewire, James, r 25, farmer 60.
Dewire, John, r 29, farmer 40, and leases of John Sherman 50.
Dewire, Michael, r 25 laborer.
Dewire, Thomas, r 29, carpenter.
Dewyer, John, r 28, farmer, leases of D.Abbie 135.
Dillenback, James, (Depauville) r 102, farmer 221.
Dingman, George, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 100.
Dingman, Randall E., baker, owns farm in Lyme 77, Water, h do.
Dintleman, George, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 140.
Dodge, Amasa, (Depauville) r 103, 20 cows, farmer 180.
Dodge Brothers, (Sherman and Charles) farmers, lease of J. Ratchford 75, James.
Dodge, Charles, (Dodge Brothers) h James.
Dodge, Cyrus A., r 29, farmer 100. (Died Oct. 14, 1889)
Dodge, Francis, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer 150.
Dodge, Perry F., (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer, leases of A. Tracy 174, and of his father, Francis, 150.
Dodge, Sherman, (Dodge Brothers) h James.
Doe, Ellick, laborer, h Alexander.
Donaldson, Peter, teamster.
Dorr, Adam, (Depauville) r 104, farmer 124.
Dorr Annette, (Depauville) r 53, dressmaker.
Dorr, Artemus, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 120.
DORR, CHARLES, (Depauville) r 86, 12 cows, farmer 165.
Dorr, Elizabeth, (Depauville) r 86, widow of Valentine, 2d.
Dorr, George, (La Fargeville) r 60, 25 cows, farmer 243.
Dorr, George, (Depauville) r 53, 18 cows, farmer 180.
Dorr, Herman, (La Fargeville) r 62, farmer 225.
Dorr, John, Sr., (La Fargeville) r 81, farmer 400.
Dorr, John, Jr., (Depauville) r 80, farmer 216.
Dorr, Mary, (Depauville) r 86, widow of Peter, farmer 127.
Dorr, Peter r 10, 40 cows, farmer on the Dorr estate 327.
Dorr, William, (Depauville) r 111, farmer 100.
Dorr, William, (Depauville) r 96, farmer, leases of his father John 150.
Dorr, William G., (La Fargeville) r 81, farmer, leases of George 400, and owns in Orleans 157.
Dorr, William H., (Depauville) r 96, farmer, leases of John, Jr., 73.
Dowdell, Thomas, 20 cows, retired farmer 120, h. James.
Downs, Christopher, r 39, 10 cows, farmer 135.
Downs, Edmond C., r 39, farmer with his father, Christopher.
Doyl, John, (Depauville) r 86, 12 cows, farmer 386.
Doyl, William, (Depauville) r 96, farmer, leases of John 75.
Ducie, John H., laborer, h Merick cor. Mary.
Dwyer, William, r 28, 10 cows, farmer, leases of Emily Garnsey 296.
Dygert, Charles, carpenter, h John.
Dygert, Peter G. W., retired farmer, h John.
Dygert, Wells, supt. Webster's lumber yard, h State.
DYGERT, WELLS A., dealer in lumber, sash, doors, and blinds with W A. Webster, Union, h James cor. State
Eastern, Nelson, (Depauville) r 93, blacksmith.
Easton, Hollis, (Depauville) r 76, laborer.
Easton, Nathan, (Depauville) r 77, farmer 50, and leases of D. Whittier 192.
Easton, Nelson, (Depauville) r 93, blacksmith.
EASTON, WILLIAM J., (Depauville) r 79, 15 cows, farmer, leases of John Patch 160.
Eckert, George, (Depauville) r 84, farmer 27, and leases of S. Carrier 50.
Eckert, Philip, (Depauville) teamster.
EDDY, CATHARINE, widow of Aaron, resident, aged 73.
Eddy, Lewis W., h Merick.
Eddy, Luther, retired grain dealer and farmer 130.
Edmonds, Oliver, r 48, 12 cows, farmer 100.
Edmonds, Sidney, (Depauville) r 51, assessor, farmer 125.
Edmonds, William H., r 48, 20 cows, farmer 201.
Eigarbroadt, Ezra, (Depauville) r 36, carpenter and building mover.
Eigarbroadt, Stephen R., (Depauville) r 95, carpenter.
Eley, William J., (Depauville) r 93, laborer.
ELLIOTT, HENRY, retired tanner, h Franklin.
ELLIOTT, HENRY J., sailor and mate, h Webb.
Elliott, Lewis, Capt., lake captain, h John.
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, captain steam yacht, h Jane.
Ellis, Charles, dealer in drugs, Water, h do.
Ellis, Dewayne H., (Depauville) r 42, farmer, leases of his father, Samuel, 120.
Ellis, George, r 33, laborer.
Ellis, Handley S., (Depauville) r 42, farmer, leases of Samuel 120.
Ellis, Hiram, (Depauville) r 42, farmer 72.
Ellis, Jasper, marine engineer and pilot, h Theresa st.
ELLIS, PRESTON, (Depauville) r 57, farmer 68.
Ellis, Samuel, ( Depauville) r 42, farmer 120.
Ellis, Samuel, r 33 farmer 150.
Emery, Charles G., (St. Lawrence River Skiff, Canoe, and Steam Launch Co.) h St. Mark's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y., summer residence, Calumet Island.
Emio, Napoleon, laborer, h off Theresa st.
Emory, Albert T., r 23, 9 cows, farmer 180.
Empey, Robert N., r 23, farmer 50.
Empey, William H., r 46, farmer 16.
Estes, Eldridge W., basket manuf., Hugunin, h John cor. Hugunin.
Estes, Horatio, dealer in meats, Water, h Webb.
Estes, Horatio N., retired, h Webb.
Evens, Friendly, r 39, widow of Columbus, aged 90.
EXCHANGE BANK OF CLAYTON, John Johnston, pres., R.P. Grant, cashier.
Failing, Benjamin E., (Depauville) r 84, farmer 170.
FAILING, DEMSTER, (Depauville) r 96, farmer 107.
FAIRE, THOMAS, (Depauville) r 96, farmer 72.
Farkinson, George, r 2 foreman in stone quarry.
FARRELL, CHARLES, r 6, 8 cows, farmer 111.
FARRELL, DANIEL, engineer steam yacht Lotus Seeker, h Franklin.
Farrell, John, r 6, steamboat fireman.
Fay, Alfred, emp. on railroad, h Franklin.
Fay, Fred, clerk for H.S. Barker, h Franklin.
FERGUSON, JOHN H., r 8, 15 cows, farmer, leases of Susan Cook 174.
FETTERLY, LAWRENCE, r 10, 14 cows, 1 brood mare, farmer 135.
FETTERLY, WILLARD, r 9, farmer, leases of Lawrence 135.
Ferrerly Willard, r 10, farmer, leases of Martin Wesp 71.
Finn, James, (Depauville) r 95, laborer.
First National Bank of Clayton, A.F. Barker, pres.; William Rees, vice-pres.; H.W. Morse, cashier; A.A. Warner, asst. cashier, Water.
FITZGERALD, BARRINGTON, 15 cows, farmer 184, h State.
Fitzgerald, Bridget, widow of Michael, school teacher, h Water.
Fitzgerald Brothers, r 13, (William and Michael) 35 grade Ayrshire and Holstein cows, farmers 375.
Fitzgerald Brothers, r 18 (Theophilus, Michael, and Morris) farmers 412.
Fitzgerald, Isabella, school teacher, h State.
Fitzgerald, James P., (Thurso) r 5, quarryman.
Fitzgerald, John, r 32, farmer 100.
Fitzgerald, John, Jr., r 32, farmer with his father, John.
Fitzgerald, John E., r 10, 12 cows, farmer 126.
Fitzgerald, Mary, r 13, widow of James.
Fitzgerald, Michael, (Thurso) r1, quarryman and mason, prop., boarding-house.
Fitzgerald, Michael, r 13, (Fitzgerald Brothers).
Fitzgerald, Michael, r 18, (Fitzgerald Brothers).
Fitzgerald, Maurice J., 16 cows, farmer, leases of Augustus Potter 150.
Fitzgerald, Morris, r 18, (Fitzgerald Brothers).
Fitzgerald, Patrick, r 25, farmer 31.
Fitzgerald, Peter, r 21, farmer, leases of Morris.
Fitzgerald, Peter, r 13, farmer, 25.
Fitzgerald, Theophilus, r 18, (Fitzgerald Brothers).
Fitzgerald, William, r 13 (Fitzgerald Brothers).
FLANDERS, IRVIN D., (James Hayes & Flanders) bds. John.
Flanders, John H., furniture manuf., h John.
Fleck, Frederick, (Depauville) r 112, 9 cows, farmer 100.
Fleck, Henry, (Depauville) r 112, farmer with his father, Frederick.
Fletcher, Neil, r 1, stonecutter.
Flynn, Jerome B., carpenter, sec'y and manager Clayton Furniture Mfg. Co., h James
Flynn, Thomas E., carpenter and cabinetmaker, Theresa st.
FOLEY, JOHN, boot and shoe dealer, James, h do.
Fox, Alfred, (Depauville) r 93, prop. grist-mill.
FOX, BYRON, (Depauville) r 103, 75 head cattle, 10 thoroughbred Holstein and 2 Jersey cattle, 2 brood mares, farmer 350.
Fox, Charles A., (Depauville) r 93, com. salesman, owns in Lyme farm 140.
Fox, Daniel G., (La Fargeville) r 41 cor. 20, farmer 160.
Fox, Herbert C., (La Fargeville) r 41, cor. 20, farmer, leases of D.D. 90.
Fox, James H., (Depauville) r 56, farmer 80.
Fox, John M., r 10, farmer, leases of D. Staring 35.
Fox, Valvart, (La Fargeville) r 20, farmer, leases of D.D. 75.
Frame, Louise, (Depauville) r 54, widow of Dr. Luke E., aged 70.
FRAME, MERTON E., dealer in boots and shoes, prop. variety store, James, h do.
FRAME, SOLOMON V., M. D., allo. physician and surgeon, James, h do.
Francis, Alphonzo, prop. peanut and fruit stand, Water, h Alexander.
Francis, Edmond, marine engineer, h Alexander.
FRANCIS JENNIE Mrs., resident, h Alexander.
Francis, Jonathan, laborer, h Merick.
Fraser, John G., book-keeper, bds. Hubbard House.
FRATCHER, WILLIAM F., confectioner, startioner and newdealer, Water, h do.
Fuller, Sidney F., r 12, 28 cows, farmer 180.
Fults, Josiah, r 12, laborer.
Gardner, Daniel, boat builder, h Mary.
Gardner, Hiram, oarsman and laborer, h Mary.
Gardner, John, laborer, h Water.
Gardner, Mary L., widow of Putnam, h Water.
Gardner, Willard D., laborer, h Mary.
Gardner, William, oarsman, h Mary.
GARLOCK, ALVIN, r 6, 16 cows, farmer 170.
GARLOCK, DANIEL, r 8, 13 cows, farmer 172.
Garlock, George P., r 45, farmer 100.
Garlock, Walter, r 45, laborer.
GARNSEY, EDGAR J., (Thurso) r 4, farmer, leases of James Ratsford 240.
GARNSEY, EMILY, r 28, widow of Ottoniel, farm 296.
Garnsey, Eugene, r 48, farmer, leases of W. Bass 103.
GARNSEY, FRANCIS D., r 28, farmer 133.
Garnsey, Frank B., (Thurso) r 2, student and farmer with his father.
GARNSEY, GEORGE F., (Thurso) r 5, carpenter and farmer, leases of Moses C. 160.
GARNSEY, HUBBARD, (Thurso) r 2, 12 cows, farmer 200.
Garnsey, Hubbard L., (Thurso) r 2, farmer with his father.
Garnsey, John L., r 28, farmer 114, and leases of Francis D. 133.
Garnsey, Low, r 29, farmer, leases of John 100.
Garnsey, Merritt A., (Thurso) r 5, farmer, leases with his brother of his father, Moses C., 160.
GARNSEY, MOSES C., (Thurso) r 5, farmer 162.
Gaskill, George B., r 10 laborer.
Gaunter, Anthony, (Depauville) r 111, farmer 155.
Gennings, David C., r 38, silver and gold plater.
Giddings, Gardner, (Depauville) r 47, laborer.
Gigoux, Francis, r 27, farmer 12.
GILCHRIST, CHANCY W., carpenter, contractor, joiner, and builder, h State.
Gilchrist, Ellen, widow of Archibald, resident, h State.
Gillet, William, (Depauville) r 93, retired farmer 130.
Gillet, William H., (Depauville) r 95, 8 cows, farmer 116.
Gillett, Henry, (Perch River) r_, farmer.
Gillett, Hiram, (Perch River) r 113, farmer, leases of Henry 80.
Gillett, Ira, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 125.
Gillett, Lyman O., (Depauville) r_, farmer 82.
Gillett, Solon Mrs., (Depauville) resident.
Girard, Eliza, widow of Joseph.
GLOYD, CHARLES, (Depauville) carpenter.
GLOYD, NELSON E., (Depauville) prop. Riverside Hotel.
Gokey, Moses, laborer.
Gonlate, Albert, laborer, h Theresa st.
GORDON, DAVID, (Thurso) r 1, (Gordon & Turcotte) farmer 160.
GORDON & TURCOTTE, (Thurso) r 1, (David G. and Joseph T.) props. Grindstone Island granite quarry.
Gould, Horace, carpenter, h John.
Gould, Horace G., carpenter and joiner, h John.
Gould, William Harrison, (Depauville) r 105, farmer 80.
Gouldthrite, Joseph, conductor R., W. & O. R. R., h Franklin.
GRABBER, ANTHONY D., (Depauville) prop. Central House.
Grandy, John, (Thurso) off r 4, laborer.
Granger, Lewis, (St. Lawrence) r 49, laborer.
Granite Park, Grindstone Island.
Grant, Daniel L., r 25, 15 grade Ayrshire and Holstein cows, farmer 175.
Grant, Edward P., r 25, farmer for his father, Daniel L.
Grant, Le Roy, (Depauville) r 94, pastor M. E. Church.
GRANT, ROBERT P., cashier Exchange Bank of Clayton, h John.
Grant, William, mason, h Franklin.
Grant, William H., r 32 farmer 58.
Graves, Alfred P., stationary engineer, h State.
Graves, Charles E., engineer steamer Ontario, h and 10 acres James.
Graves, John H., r 12, 14 cows, farmer 140.
Graves, Joseph F., (Joseph F. Graves & Co.) h State.
Graves, Joseph F. & Co., (Margaret R. Graves, and Abram J. Graves, of Cleveland, O.) dealers in groceries and props. feed-mill, State.
Graves, Margaret R., (Joseph F. Graves & Co.) widow of John H., h State.
Graves, Peter H., farmer 40, h n brick yard.
Gray, George, (La Fargeville) r 39, carpenter.
GRAY, JOHN, (La Fargeville) r 39, 25 grade Holstein cows, 1 brood mare, farmer 200, served in Co. K., 10th N.Y.H.A.
Gray, Merton, (La Fargeville) r 41, farmer with his father, John.
Gray, Richard, (La Fargeville) r 39, farmer with his father John.
Green, Eliza M., r 10 widow of John H.
GREEN, WILLIAM H., r 10, laborer.
Green's Corners Hotel, (Stone Mills) r 109 cor. 113, Casper Ninning, prop.
Grennell House, S. B. Grennell, prop., Grennell Island Park.
Grennell Island Park, S. B. Grennell. prop.
Grennell, Samuel B., prop. Grennell Island Park and Grennell House.
Grezeley, George, stonecutter.
Griffin, Sidney H., boat captain and carpenter.
Griffin, Sidney L., boat builder, h Webb.
Griffin, Sidney S., boat builder, h Webb,
Haag, John, (Depauville) r 101, cheesemaker.
Haas, Frederick V., (Depauville) r 76, 18 grade Durham cows, farmer 192.
Haas, George, (Depauville) r 86, 10 cows, farmer 147, and leases of T. Faire 71.
Haas, John, (Depauville) r 86, farmer 120.
Haas, Valentine, (Depauville) r 86, farmer 120.
Haladay, Charles, r 58, farmer, leases of A. M. Barney 300.
Hale, John, house painter, h Jane.
HALE, STEPHEN, retired merchant, farm 56, h Jane.
Hall, F. L. & Co., (Joseph Brabant) dealers in groceries, drugs, paints, oils, etc., Water.
Hall, Frank L., (F. L. Hall & Co.) ins. agent, h Webb.
HALL, HENRY, r 6, farmer 26.
Hall, Henry, (La Fargeville) r 41, laborer.
Hall, Juliette, widow of Clark W., resident.
Hall, Rebecca, (Depauville) r 95, widow of Foster V., farmer 150.
Halladay, Deforest W., (Depauville) r 54, laborer.
Halladay, Ephraim, (Depauville) r 54, farmer 75.
Halladay, Joel, r 54, 10 cows, farmer, leases of A. Smith 240.
Halladay, Joel A., (Depauville) r 66, farmer.
Halladay, Josiah, (Depauville) r 88, hotel porter.
Halladay, Reuben, (Depauville) r 86, 10 cows, farmer 223.
Halladay, Royal L., (Depauville) r 56, farmer 136.
Halladay, Sewell B., (Depauville) r 56, farmer.
Halladay, Sherman, (Depauville) r 66, 25 grade Holstein, Jersey and Ayrshire cows, 6 brood mares, farmer 242.
Halladay, Sherman A., (Depauville) farmer.
HALLADAY, SHERMAN M., (Depauville) r 56, 25 cows, farmer 6, leases of C.L. 136, and of Royal L. 235.
Haller, Charles, (Depauville) r 83, farmer 121.
Haller, William, (Depauville) r 86, farmer, leases of Mary Dorr 127.
Halpin, Kittie, widow of Michael, resident, h James.
Hammond, Charles, (Depauville) r 82, farmer, leases of Amos Snell 130.
Hammond, Cornelia, widow of Samuel, h John.
Hanson, William, carpenter, h John.
Happ Brothers, (William A. and Charles F.) props. steam laundry, Water.
Happ, Charles F., (Happ Brothers) bds. Hubbard House.
Happ, William A., (Happ Brothers) resides in Carthage.
Harder, William, r 46, farmer 26.
Hardy, David R., photographer, Water, h do.
Hardy, Orvis G., teamster, h James.
Harrington, B. Franklin, carpenter, emp. Strough & Brooks, h John.
Harris, Giles, milk dealer and farmer 25.
Hart, Byron, (Depauville) carpenter.
Hart, Peter, r 35, 15 cows, farmer 144.
Harter, William, (Perch River) r 109, farmer 160.
Harter, William H., (Stone Mills) r 113, 20 head cattle, 50 sheep, farmer 181.
Harter, William T., r 46, carpenter and farmer 28.
Hartman, Adam, (Depauville) r 86, farmer, leases of Mary Weatherhorn 176.
Harwood, Daniel, (Thurso) off r 4, farmer.
Harwood, Sarah, (Thurso) r 1, widow of John.
Havens, Frederick, (Depauville) r 111 cor. 112, laborer.
Hawes, Mary A., widow of William, h James.
Hawes, William, jeweler, bds. James.
Hawes, William, (La Fargeville) r 79 cor. 64, farmer 100.
Hawes, William P., manager New Windsor (formerly West End) Hotel, Water.
Hawes, Willis, prop. livery stable, Water, h James.
Hawes, Willis P., prop. New Windsor Hotel, Water.
Hayden, James, r 10, stonecutter.
Hayes, Alonzo D., hay shipper, Water, h John.
Hayes, James, (James Hayes & Flanders) h James.
Hayes, James & Flanders, (Irvin D. F.) dealers in hardware, James.
HAYES HOUSE, P. K. Hayes, prop., Water.
Hayes, John, r 21, farmer with his father, John W.
HAYES, JOHN W., r 21, 9 cows, farmer 148.
HAYES, PATRICK K., prop. Hayes House, Water.
Hazlett, Joseph, bartender Walton House, bds. Jane.
Headland, George, (Depauville) r 106, farmer 200.
Heldt, Bernard, general merchant, Water, h do.
Henry Milo, (Depauville) r 69, cor. 70, farmer 96, and leases of Charles 122.
HERBRECHT, ANTHONY, (Depauville) r 107, farmer 192.
Herbrecht, Joseph A., (Depauville) r 108, farmer with his father, Anthony.
Herkimer, Fred, (Depauville) r 103, farmer 140.
HERSE, MOSES, (Thurso) r 1, 3 cows, 10 sheep, farmer, leases of -----Ford, of La Fargeville, 82.
Herse, Robert, (Thurso) r 1, farmer with his father.
Herse, Samuel, (Thurso) r 1, quarryman.
Hesler, Charles H., laborer, h State.
HEYL, HENRY, (Depauville) r 77, justice of the peace, 25 grade Holstein cows, farmer 260.
Higgins, Lozelle, com. traveler, farm 10, h James.
HIGGINS, R. A., life ins. agent, h James.
Hill, George F. Sr., emp. R. Robinson and sailor, h Water.
HILL, GEORGE F., Jr., spoon bait maker, h Merick.
Hill, Jefferson, r 39, farmer 50.
HILL, MALCOLM B., r 50, prop. Silver Spring Hotel, Prospect Heights, and 44 acres.
Hill, Norman B., r 50, fish hatcher.
Hill, Washington, (La Fargeville) r 20, farmer 70.
Hill, William A., r 50, clerk Silver Spring Hotel.
Hocknell, Chancey, retired mason, h Jane.
Hocknell, Charles, mason, h Jane.
Hocknell, Charles E., manager Security, Building, Loan, and Savings Association, h John cor. Jane.
Hollaway, Burton, clerk Dewey House.
Hollenbeck, Barbara, Mrs., ladies' hair-dresser, h John.
Hollenbeck, Deloss, sailor, h John.
Hollenbeck, Dewitt, farmer, h Merick.
HOLLENBECK, EZRA G., painter and paper hanger, h John cor. William.
Holler, Charles, (La Fargeville) r 82, farmer 118.
Hollin, George, (Depauville) r--, farmer 200.
Holloway Elroy, teamster for Strough & Brooks, h Webb.
Horning, Adelbert, (Depauville) r 60 cor. 76, laborer.
Horning, John L., (Depauville) r 102, 20 cows, farmer 192.
House, Aaron, r 33, laborer.
Howe, William, porter Johnson House, h Theresa St.
Howell, John, (Depauville) r 94, miller.
Howells, John, (Depauville) r 93, farmer, leases of H. Copley 300.
Howk, William, (Depauville) r 93, clerk for R. Terry.
Hubbard, Benjamin, emp. in laundry, h James.
Hubbard, George, lavorer, h James.
Hubbard, George B., laborer, h James.
Hubbard House, J. T. Hubbard, prop., James.
Hubbard, James T., prop. Hubbard House, farmer 25, James.
Huchzermever, Fritz, (Depauville) r 95, blacksmith.
Hudson, Chester, r 23, sailor.
Hudson, Lida, r 23, widow of Enoch.
Hudson, William, C., captain steamer Ontario.
Hungerford, J. Montrose, dealer in stoves, sheetiron, and tinware, Water, bds., do.
Hurd, Norman, dealer in marble, Water, h Franklin.
Hurd, Norman Q., (La Fargeville) r 19, 6 cows, farmer 65.
Hurd, Norman R., marblecutter, h Franklin.
HURD, W. ELLSWORTH, (La Fargeville) r 19, farmer with his father, Norman Q.
Hutchinson, Charles, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 40.
Hutchinson, Lucius, boat builder, h Union.
Hyde, Nathan S., r 47, farmer, leases of D. Sherman 50.
Hyde, William, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer, leases of J. Phillips 140.
Hyde, William, r 32, farmer leases of Henry 80.
Ingerson, Eugene, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer, leases of D. Rees 102.
Ingerson, Seneca, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer 160.
James, William, (Depauville) r 87, carpenter and farmer 70.
Jasper, Elias, captain steamer Geneva, h Theresa St.
Jenkins, Jackson, carpenter, h James.
Jessmore, William, laborer, h Webb cor. Water.
Johnson, Caroline Mrs., (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 50.
Johnson, Courtney, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer, leases of D. Phillips 30.
Johnson, Edward, r 27, farmer 27.
Johnson, James, general merchant, Water, h do.
Johnson, Jane, (Thurso) r 4, widow of Samuel, aged 96.
Johnson, Joseph, r 27, farmer 5.
Johnson, Joseph, r 15, farmer for Margaret 107.
Johnson, Julia, widow of Joel, h. James.
Johnson, Lester, off r 3, laborer and trapper.
Johnson, Margaret Mrs., r 15, 11 cows, farmer 107.
Johnson, Solon H., clerk for James, h over store.
Johnson, Sylvester, (Thurso) r --, farmer 48.
Johnson, William, (Thurso) r--, farmer 48.
Johnston, Henry S., captain steam yacht Alert, bds. with S. G.
Johnston, John, pres. Exchange Bank of Clayton, h James.
Johnston, Simon G., ship builder, Water.
Johnston, Stephen D., prop. Walton House, Water cor. James.
Joles, Albert, r 10, laborer.
Jondro, Joseph, (Depauville) r 75, farmer 25.
Kanaley, Elizabeth F., r 25, school teacher.
Kanaley, John r 25, 10 cows, farmer 100.
Kanaley, Katie L., r 25, school teacher.
Kanaley, Maggie J., r 25, school teacher.
Kanaley, Morris J., r 25, farmer with his father, John.
Keeler, George, emp. on railroad, h Webb cor. Union.
Kelley, Albert J., (Thurso) r 2, stonecutter.
Kelley, Ambrose, clerk for George A. McKinley, bds. Water.
Kelley, William R., (Thurso) r 2, student.
Kellogg, Elmer D., farmer for his father, Farley, h James.
Kellogg, Farley, carpenter and farmer 13, h James.
Kendall, Aldrich, (Thurso) off r 4, retired sailor and farmer 100.
Kendall, Charles, captain scow Glad Tidings, h on Grindstone Island.
Kendall, Eli, (Thurso) off r 4, sailor and pilot.
Kendall, Frank, (Thurso) off r 4, sailor and pilot.
Kendall, Stud, off r 3, farmer 130.
Kent, Charles E., r 10, 12 cows, farmer 140.
Kent, Emily, widow of Benjamin, resident, aged 75.
Kenyon, Albert, carpenter, h Merick.
Kenyon, George, carpenter, h Merick cor. Hugunin.
Kenyon, Lewis A., carpenter, h Merick.
Kesler, Charles, laborer, h State.
Keyes, Mosley W., carpenter, molder, and mechanic, h Alexander.
King, Fred, (Depauville) r 90, farmer, leases of Mrs. Macumber 260.
Kinsler, Anthony, tinman, h Merick.
Kinsler, Michael, retired, h Merick.
Kinsley, Anthony, tinman, bds. Merick.
Kissel, Peter, (Depauville) off r 87, farmer 84.
Kissel, Peter J., (Depauville) r 45 cor. 37, 23 cows, farmer, leases of Reuben Halladay 240.
KITTLE, DAVID, (Thurso) off r 1, 6 cows, farmer 106.
Kittle, James, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 27.
Kittle, Lewis, (Thurso) off r 4, laborer.
Klock, George, (Thurso) off r 4, sailor.
Knight, Cornelius, marine engineer, h Franklin.
Knight, William N., blacksmith, James, h Franklin.
Krebs, Mary E. Miss, school teacher, h at La Fargeville.
Lachaunce, Oliver, carpenter, emp. Strough & Brooks, h Alexander.
La Faiver, Alfred, section man on railroad, h Franklin.
La Faiver, Fred H., clerk, h Franklin.
La Faiver, Moses, retired farmer, h James.
Laflure, Charles, r 14 1/2, fisherman and boat pilot.
Lafontaine, Oliver, (La Fargeville) r 81, laborer.
Lalond, Amos, laborer, h State.
Lalond, Zip, laborer, h Alexander.
Lalonde, George, boatman, h William.
Lalonde, John, teamster and carpenter, h William.
Lalonde, John, Jr., oarsman, h William.
Lalonde, Levi, sailor, h State.
Lalonge, Amos, boat carpenter, h Alexander.
Lance, George A., r--, farmer.
Lane, Peter, (Depauville) r 79, retired farmer.
Lapontaine, Frank, prop. saloon, Water, h do.
Larose, Joseph, (Depauville) r 112, pump peddler.
Lashley, Peter, r 8, laborer.
Latarte, Michael, carpenter, h Reese.
Laurence, Joseph, r 50, farmer, leases of Moses La Favier 100.
Lawler, Catharine, r 12, widow of Richard, retired.
Lawler, John, r 12, 11 cows, farmer, leases the estate of Richard 135.
Lawson, John, contractor and builder, h Mary.
LAYARE, JOSEPH, boat builder, Union, h do.
LAYARE, WILLIAM, boat carpenter, h James.
Lee, Charles, (Depauville) r 102, farmer 78.
Lee, Jack, (Thurso) r 1, laborer.
Lee, Milo, (Depauville) r 103, farmer 100.
LEE, SOPHRONIA A., widow of William A., prop. boarding-house, farm 75, Merick cor. Mary.
Lee, William F., (Depauville) r 95, mail carrier and prop. stage line from Chaumont to Depauville.
Lehr, George, (Stone Mills) r 112, farmer 180.
Lewis, Joseph, (Depauville) r 88, laborer.
Lewis, Joseph A., (Depauville) r 88, farm laborer.
LEYARE, JOSEPH L., carpenter, h Franklin cor. Union.
Leyare, Margaret, widow of Joseph.
Liberty, William J., r 57, laborer.
Liddy, James E., dentist, Water, bds. do.
Linback, Daniel, r 50, laborer.
Lingenfelter, Charles, r 35, farmer, leases of John 163.
Lingenfelter, Charles, (Depauville) r 74, farmer, leases of H. Copley 800.
Lingenfelter, J. Lewis, r 37, 10 cows, farmer 105.
Lingenfelter, Lewis, r 37, farmer 100.
LINGENFELTER, MERRITT E., (Depauville) r 38, farmer 50.
LINGENFELTER, WILLIAM H., r 35, 40 grade Ayrshire and Holstein cows, farmer 350.
Lingenfelter, William P., r 37, school teacher, deputy collector of customs in 1887 at R.I. Park.
LINNELL, GEORGE D., r 38, 18 cows, farmer 158.
Linnell, George M., r 38, farmer with his father, George D.
Little, J. W., (Depauville) tailor.
Little, John D., (St. Lawrence River Skiff, Canoe, and Steam Launch Co.) resides 213 Hewes St., Brooklyn, NY.
Littlefield, Betsey, r 12, widow of Ambrose, farm 50.
Littlefield, Ira W., carpenter, h James.
Livery, Frank, oarsman, h Alexander.
Lochr, John G., (Depauville) r 77, farmer, leases of H. Heyl 260.
Locklin, Anna Mrs., dealer in millinery, James.
Longton, Joseph S., r 14 1/2, sailor and fisherman, farmer 13.
Longway, Dennis, (Depauville) r 95, laborer.
Longway, Joseph, laborer, h Alexander.
Loomis, Amos, laborer, h State.
Loomis, Henrietta, widow of James, resident, h State.
Loomis, Vader, laborer, h State.
Loucks, Sarah, widow of Levi, resident.
Loughlin, Andrew, laborer, h James.
LOUGHLIN, JAMES, retired farmer, h James.
Lovejoy, George L., station agent R., W. & O. R. R., h Water.
Loveland, Dunreath, (Depauville) r 53, laborer.
Loveland, George, r 29, farmer 125.
Lowe, Abel F., (Stone Mills) r 108, (Lowe Brothers).
Lowe, Abram, (Depauville) r 108, farmer 200.
Lowe, Alfred D., (Depauville) r 93, general merchant.
Lowe Brothers, (Stone Mills) r 108, (John D. and Abel F.) dealers in live stock, farmers 185.
LOWE, FRANK D., (Depauville) r 104, farmer 150.
Lowe, John D., (Stone Mills) r 108, (Lowe Brothers).
Lowe, William F., (Depauville) r 95, cheesemaker.
Luther, Charles, (Depauville) r 101, farmer, leases of William Gillet 120.
Luther, George, (Depauville) r 38, laborer.
MACDONALD, H., ELIZABETH, widow of James A., resident.
Mackey, George, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Macumber, Abner, (Depauville) r 84, farmer, leases of John Wetherhahn 120.
Macumber, Halsey, (Depauville) farmer 39.
Macumber,-----, (Depauville) widow of Milo, farm 260.
Mahar, Edward, r 21, farmer 50.
Mahar, Johanna, r 21, widow of Michael.
Mahar, Mary, widow of Edward, resident.
Makepeace, John P., retired farmer 100, h John.
MALLET, FRANK, carpenter and joiner, served in Co. F, 10th N.Y.H.A., h Franklin.
Mallet, John, carpenter, h Franklin.
Mallet, John D., spoon bait mechanic, h Franklin.
Malone, Joseph, r 13, laborer.
MANSON, ALEXANDER, merchant tailor, Water, h James cor. Mary.
Manson, Elizabeth, tailoress, h James cor. Mary.
Manson, James, engineer, h James.
MARCELLUS, LORENZO, retired soldier and farmer 14, h James cor. State.
MARKWICK, JOHN, (Depauville) r 77, 4 cows, farmer 75.
Marshall, Charles, life ins. agent, h Jane.
Marshall, David, r 13, sailor.
Marshall, Edgar J., (Thurso) r --, farmer 26.
Marshall, Edward J., marine engineer, h Franklin.
Marshall, Julia A., widow of Archibald, prop. boarding-house, Water.
Marshall, Lewis, laborer, h Theresa st.
Marshall, Morris, (Thurso) r 5 1/2 , oarsman and farm 5.
Marshall, Samuel, laborer, h on Grindstone Island.
MARSHALL, WILLARD K., sailor and pilot, h Merick cor. Mary.
Marshall, William, painter, h Merick cor. Mary.
Marshall, William C., (Thurso) r 3, carpenter and farmer 140.
Marshall, William R., (Thurso) off r 4, sailor and fisherman.
Mather, Ensley, (La Fargeville) r 41, 12 cows, farmer 150.
Mather, Orvis, (La Fargeville) r 41, farmer with his father Ensley.
Mathews, Stanley, r 40, farmer 80.
MATTHEWS, CONRAD, r 24, farmer 40.
Mattis, John H., prop. saloon, Water, h do.
Mayo, Peter, (Thurso) off r 4, farmer 100.
McCarn, Clinton, r 22, farmer 100.
McCARN, ELIJAH, owns on r 22 farm 482, h Merick.
McCarn,Elsie C. Mrs., asst. postmaster, h Webb.
McCarn, Michael, r 22, farmer, leases of Elijah 83.
McCARN, NELSON E., resident, h James.
McCARN, SEEBER, postmaster, Water, h Webb.
McCarn, Sidney, butcher and prop. meat market, James, h do.
McCARN, SIDNEY J., clerk Hubbard House, h James.
McCarn, William, r 22, farmer with his father.
McCarn, Yates, invalid, h Merick.
McCartey, Frank E., house painter, h State.
McCartey, Julia, widow of Lewis, h State.
Mc Carttin, John, retired farmer, h John.
McCay, John, shoemaker, h John.
McComber, Halsey, (Depauville) r 94, farm 40.
McCombs, Charles, (St. Lawrence) r 49, laborer.
McCOMBS, GEORGE M., M. D., physician and surgeon, James, h do.
McCOMBS, WILLIAM J., clerk for Charles Ellis, h Water.
McGeoch, Robert, (Thurso) r 2 stonecutter.
McGouch, John, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
McILMOYL, HENRY A., M. D., C. M., allo, physician and surgeon, James, h do.
McIntosh, Donald, (Thurso) off r 3, stonecutter.
McKinley, Arthur, r 18, 10 cows, farmer 112.
McKinley, Frank, r 18, farmer 40.
McKinley, Frank P., r 20, farmer 42.
McKinley, George A., general merchant, farm 109, James, h Water.
McKINLEY,PATRICK, r 13, dealer in farm implements, 10 grade Ayrshire and Durham cows, 1 brood mare, farmer 96.
McNitt, Alpha, (Depauville) widow, farmer 65.
McRAE, MARY, (Thurso) r 1, widow of Faquher, 6 cows, farmer 82.
McRae, Thomas S., (Thurso) r 1, farmer for his mother.
McVeigh, Andrew, laborer, h James.
Mercer, Philip, ship carpenter, h Franklin.
Mercer, S.W., carpenter, h Franklin.
Mercer, Wilfred, carpenter, foreman in boat factory, h Franklin.
Middleton, Francis, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Miller, Bony, (Depauville) r 101, cheesemaker, 12 cows, farmer 148.
Miller, Edward, emp. on railroad, h Webb cor. Union.
Miller, Frank V., (Depauville) r 101, farmer with his father, Bony.
Miller, George, r 27, farmer 5.
Miller, George, (Depauville) r 101, 19 cows, farmer 170.
Miller, Martin, (Thurso) off r 2, 16 cows, farmer 200.
Mills, Joseph, (Thurso) r 1, stonecutter.
Mills, Matthew, stonecutter.
Mills, William, stonecutter.
Minnoe, Annie, widow of John, h Reese.
Minnoe, Edward, carpenter, h Theresa st.
Minnoe, John, carpenter, h Reese.
Minoe, George, barber, bds Hubbard House.
MITCHELL, LAURA, resident, owns 2 lots on Wells Island, h Merick cor. Mary.
Moffatt, Morgan, (Depauville) r 88, resident.
Moore, Frank, laborer. h Alexander.
Morgan, Henry, r 24, farmer with his father, William.
Morgan, William, r 24, farmer, 92.
Morrison, Michael, laborer, h Theresa st.
Morse, George E., att'y and counselor at law, Water. h Union cor. Alexander.
Morse, H. E., collector of customs at Cape Vincent, att'y at law, resides at Cape Vincent.
Morse, Horace W., cashier First National Bank.
Mount, Hiram, harnessmaker, James, h Water.
Mount, John, (Depauville) harnessmaker.
Muno, Lewis, laborer, h Theresa st.
Murdoch, Edgar, (Thurso) off r 2, farmer with his father, Peter.
Murdoch, Edwin, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer with his father.
Murdoch, John, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, 10 cows, farmer 150.
MURDOCH, MARGARET, (Thurso) r 4, farmer.
MURDOCH, MARY W., (Thurso) off r 2, (Mrs. Peter) resident.
MURDOCH, PETER, (Thurso) off r 2, farmer 73.
Murdoch, Robert, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer with his father.
Murdoch, William, (Thurso) r 5 1/2, farmer, leases of William Marshall.
Murdock, Isabella, (Thurso) r 4, widow of William.
Murdock, Peter, (Thurso) r 3, farmer 75.
MURDOCK, WILLIAM, (Thurso) r 4, farmer 65.
Myers, Elnora, r 27, widow of James H., farmer 5.
Nellis, Brewster, (Perch River) r 113 cor. 109, farmer, leases of William Smith 160.
Nellis, Egar, (Depauville) r 75, laborer.
Nellis, John P., (Depauville) r 113, farmer 100.
Neville, John, lake engineer, h John.
New Windsor Hotel, Willis P. Hawes, prop., Water.
Nicol, Charles, emp. Strough & Brooks, h Merick.
Nicol, William, shoemaker, h Merick.
NICOL, WILLIAM F., book-keeper for Strough & Brooks, h Merick.
Nims, Alonzo C., sailor.
Nims, Appleton, r 47, retired.
Ninning, Casper, (Stone Mills) r 109 cor. 113, prop. Green's Corners Hotel and 4 acres.
Norton, Charles L., (Depauville) r 94, farmer 140.
Norton, David, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 120.
NORTON, GEORGE A., (Depauville) r 89, 25 Durham and Holstein cows, farmer 200.
Norton, Sally, (Depauville) r 94, widow of Isaac, farmer 140.
O'Flynn, Thomas, (Thurso) off r 5, 12 cows, farmer 392.
ON THE ST. LAWRENCE, W. B. Phillips, editor and prop., published weekly, Water.
ORMAN, GEORGE, (Depauville) r 43, farmer 23, and leases of Preston Ellis 68, served in Co. H, 61st N.Y. Vols.
Ormsby, Elmer, (Depauville) r 52, farmer 50.
Ormsby, Susan, (Depauville) r 54, farmer, 50.
Orvis, George, (Depauville) r 66 cor. 76, laborer.
Orvis, Samuel, r 25, farmer, leases of Samuel McKinley 22.
Osborn, Ann, (Depauville) r 93, widow of Finn.
Osborn, Dexter S., r 38, blacksmith, h and lot.
Osborn, Thomas S., (Depauville) r 54, retired, aged 92.
Ostrander, Charles, (Depauville) r 112, farmer 150.
Otis, Levi, (Depauville) r 87, farmer 60.
O'Toole, Sarah, widow of Peter, resident, h Hugunin.
O'TOOLE, WILLIAM, captain schooner Hartford, h Hugunin.
Page, Edward, laborer, h Alexander.
Palen, George I., baggage master, h James.
PALEN, JONATHAN, station, ticket, freight, and express agent, and telegraph operator, h James.
Parish, Gilbert, retired farmer 100, h and 5 acres State.
PARISH, WILLIAM R., r 27, farmer 50.
Parson, William, laborer, h State.
Patch, Allen, r 44, 8 cows, farmer 125.
Patch, John, (Depauville) r 93, farmer 200.
Patch, Prescott, (Depauville) r 101, farmer 80.
Patch, Preston, (Depauville) r 101, farmer 80.
PATCHIN, GEORGE F., (Depauville) r 57, farmer 80.
Patchin, William E., r 58, farmer 80.
Patchin William G., (Depauville) r 58, farmer 80.
Pecor, Charles, r 27, farmer 10.
Pecor, Joseph, r 27, farmer 5.
Pelo, Zipp, laborer and constable, h Merick.
PELOW, EDWARD, ship carpenter, h State.
Pelow, Fred, barber, James, h State.
Pelow, George, sailor, h State.Pelow, Joseph (Depauville) r 79, farmer, leases of R. Halladay 300.
Pelow, Joseph, steamboat fireman, h James.
Pelow, Stephen, r 12, 7 cows, farmer 130.
Pennock, James W., teamster, h State.
Percey, Sidney, r 28, sailor.
Perrigo, George, laborer, h State.
Persall, John, laborer, h State.
Persall, Thomas, sailor and oarsman, h Webb cor. Mary.
Perse, Charles, (Depauville) r 93, farm laborer.
Persey, Addison, (Depauville) r 93, carpenter.
Petrie, Charles, r 15, 16 cows, farmer 230, and in Orleans 50.
Pettit, Byron, (Depauville) r--, farmer 85.
Pettit, Edgar, (Depauville) r 74, farmer 28.
Pettit, Marcus, (Depauville) r 74, farmer 125.
Philhart, Andrew, (Depauville) r 88, shoemaker and farmer 25.
Phillipps, Grant, r 27, sailor.
Phillipps, Leander, r 27, 10 cows, farmer 125.
Phillips D. D., (St. Lawrence) r--, farmer 29.
Phillips, Edson G., r 47, 6 cows, farmer 50.
Phillips, James, house painter, h James.
Phillips, Jasper C., (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer, leases of L. Ingerson 162.
Phillips, John L., (St. Lawrence) r 73, farmer 150.
Phillips, Wilbur D., (St. Lawrence) r 49, 6 cows, farmer 75.
PHILLIPS, WILFRED B., editor and publisher On the St. Lawrence, and job printer, Water, h James.
Pierce, Chester E., ins. agent, prop. Palasade Park, h Jane cor. Webb.
Pierce, Riley E., (Depauville) r 68, farmer 300.
Pirece, Sylvester M., (Depauville) r 57, laborer.
Plumb, Betsey C., widow of Sanford, h John.
PLUMB, SANFORD, (Depauville) r 90, 21 cows, farmer 190.
Plumber, Robert, (Thurso) r 2, stonecutter.
PLYMPTON, MARY MRS., (Depauville) music teacher.
Plymton, William, (Depauville) r 88, horse dealer, prop. Gloucester stock horse.
Polley, Lafayette, (Depauville) r 54, cheesemaker.
Porter, D. C. & Son, (Emmett E.) dealers in furniture, undertaking goods, groceries, crockery, and provisions, James.
Porter, Daniel C., (D. C. Porter & Son) h John.
Porter, Emmett E., (D. C. Porter & Son) h James.
PORTER, LOUISA T., widow of Asa E., aged 77, h Merick.
Porter, Pitt O., retired farmer 100, h Merick.
POTTER, ALBERT C., (Thurso) off r 2, 10 cows, farmer 200.
POTTER, ALBERT E., r 8, farmer, leases of John Makepeace 100.
Potter, August, (Thurso) r 3, farmer 150.
POTTER, AUGUSTUS, r 15, 18 cows, 1 brood mare, farmer 334 and wood lot in Lyme.
POTTER, MARY E., (Thurso) r 2, (Mrs. Albert C.) resident.
POTTER, ORLANDO L., (Thurso) off r 2, retired farmer.
Priest, Ebenezer, r 12, farmer 50.
Prime, William, (LaFargeville) laborer.
Putnam, Albert, r 43, farmer 32.
PUTNAM, ALBERT H., (Depauville) r 53, farmer 68.
Putnam, Amasa S., r 53, 1 reg. Holstein bull, 15 grade Holstein cows, farmer 125.
PUTNAM, AMON T., (St. Lawrence) r 51, 12 cows, farmer 180.
Putnam, Clarence A., (St. Lawrence) r 51, farmer with his father, Amon T.
Putnam, Gilbert, J., (Depauville) r 53, farmer 90.
Putnam, Harry, printer, h John.
Putnam, Houghton T.,r 53, farmer 75.
Putnam, Jacob, vice-pres. Exchange Bank of Clayton, Water.
Putnam, Prudence, (Depauville) r 53, widow of Parley, resident.
Ragot, Augustus F., r 26, farmer, leases of George Tiernan 100.
Ragot, Nicholas, r 26, retired farmer, owns in Cape Vincent 32.
Randle, Watson, laborer on Washington Island.
Ranney, Mary, widow of Martin, prop. boarding-house, James.
Rasbach, Anthony, r 42, apiarist 12 colonies, grower of grapes and berries 26 acres.
Ratchford, James, r 4, farmer 305.
Ratchford, William R., com. traveler, h James.
Rattray, George, (Thurso) off r 4, mate on schooner.
RATTRAY, JAMES W., (Thurso) r 1 cor. 2, mail carrier to Clayton, farmer 18.
Rattray, John J., (Thurso) off r 4, farmer 95.
Rattray, Wallace W., (Thurso) r 4, farmer 105.
Reed, Frank, (Depauville) r 95, farmer, leases of O. G. Spencer 190.
Reed, Newell C., (Depauville) r 76, shoemaker and dealer in groceries.
REES, CHARLES E., ship chandler and dealer in groceries, steamboat and railroad ticket agent, Water, h John.
Rees, Chester, captain river steamer, h James.
Rees, David S., (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer 102.
Rees, Thomas, retired lumberman and ship builder, h Merick.
Rees, William Capt., retired farmer 125, h James.
REES, WILLIAM H., att'y and counselor at law, Water, h Merick.
Reynolds, Alvin J., engineer, h William.
Reynolds, Charles M., (Depauville) r 103, farmer 230.
REYNOLDS, SARAH, (Depauville) r 103, widow of John M., farm 350, and on the J.M. Reynolds estate in Brownvillle 250.
Reynolds, Stephen, stone mason and plasterer, h Merick.
Rice, Truman, r 27, retired farmer.
Richardson, Henry, (St. Lawrence) r 70, market gardener and farmer 30.
Richardson, Jane Mrs., r--, farm 100.
Ridler, John, (Thurso) r 1 stonecutter.
Rigo, Augustus, r 26, farmer, leases of George Tiernan 105.
Rilley, Philip, r 21, laborer.
Ritter, Washington, r 22, farmer, leases of L. Eddy 150.
Ritter, Watson, r 22, farmer, leases of Luther Eddy 130.
RIVERSIDE HOTEL, (Depauville) N. E. Gloyd, prop.
Robbins, John, (Thurso) off r 4, sailor and farmer 50.
ROBINSON, ALEXANDER R., captain sailing vessel James Couch (Mutual Transportation Co., of Cleveland, O.) h Hugunin.
Robinson, Robert, prop. livery stable and agent for buggies, etc., James, h Water.
Robinson, Willard J., (Thurso) mate on schooner James Couch, farmer 65.
RODGERS, MARGARET MRS., r 39, farmer 100.
Rodgers, Spencer, (Depauville) r 104, farmer 10.
Rogers, Alanson P., r 39, farmer 85, and for his wife 100.
ROGERS, FRED, prop. bakery, James.
Rogers, Solon, (Depauville) r 74, farmer 150.
Rogers, Winfield, r 12, farmer 80.
Roof, Claude L., (Hamilton Roof & Sons) h Merick.
Roof, Floyd H., (Hamilton Roof & Sons) h Merick.
ROOF, HAMILTON, (Hamilton Roof & Sons) h Merick.
Roof, Hamilton & Sons, (Floyd H. and Claude L.) general merchants, Union cor. Merick.
Rose, James, (Depauville) r 86, laborer.
Rusho, Emily R. widow of Truman, h Mary.
Rusho, Freeman, off r 3, farmer 96.
Rusho, William, (Thurso) off r 3, farmer 113.
Ruso, Thomas, laborer, h Alexander.
Russelo, Thomas, mason, h Alexander.
Salisbury, Charles H., r 27, Methodist clergyman.
Salyere, Stephen, carpenter, h Theresa St.
Sanderson, John, r--, farmer 14.
Sargent, Simon W., dealer in agricultural implements, 11 cows, farmer in Orleans 135, h John cor. James.
SCHALL, ALEXANDER D., teacher instrumental and vocal music, bds. Water.
Schell, Jane E., r 46, widow of Jeremiah, farmer 25.
Schell, Luke E., r 46, farmer for his mother.
Schnauber, Lewis, (Depauville) r 56, farmer 114.
Schneider, Frank J., (La Fargeville) r 60, farmer with his father, Joseph.
Schneider, Joseph, (La Fargeville) r 60, 25 cows, farmer 255.
Schram, Henry, (Depauville) r 76, farmer 100.
Schryver, George W., (Depauville) r 102, 16 cows, farmer, leases of J.C. Lee 264.
Scott, Northrup, carpenter and joiner, h John.
Security Building, Loan, and Savings Association, A. E. Wood, sec'y; C. E. Hocknell, manager, Water.
Seber, Sylvanus, (Depauville) r 87, farmer, leases of Mrs. G.Hawes 150.
Seeber, Daniel, (Depauville) r 90, farmer 90.
Seeber, Eli J., (Depauville) r 103, 25 head caattle, 3 thoroughbred reg. Holstein, 7 grade Holstein, and 3 grade Jersey cattle, farmer 240.
SEEBER, SYLVENUS H., r 32 cor. 39, cheesemaker Clayton cheese factory.
Seeber, Walter, (Perch River) r 105, 10 cows, farmer 100.
Seeber, Willis E., (Depauville) r 103, student.
Seigel, Frank X., cheesemaker, h State.
Sero, Charles, butcher, h Alexander.
Severance, John, (Depauville) r 88, laborer.
Seymour, William, engineer, h William.
Sharp, William, laborer, h Merick cor. Hugunin.
Shaver, Charles, school teacher, h Jane.
Sheldon, Andrew H., r 24, farmer, leases of N. Lingenfelter 71.
SHELDON, LESTER, r 59, 35 cows, farmer, leases of Martin Barney 315.
Sheldon, Sidney R., (Depauville) r 53, 10 grade Ayrshire and Devon cows, farmer 122.
Sheldon, Sidney S., (Depauville) r 53, farmer with his father, Sidney R.
Sheley, Charles O., r 28, farmer with his father, John.
Sheley, Frederick J., r 28, carpenter.
Sheley, John, r 28, farmer 50.
Shell, Adam, r 22, farm 6.
Shell, Frederick J., r 28, carpenter.
Sheltry, Edward, (St. Lawrence) r 51, farmer 82.
Sherer, Henry, carpenter, h Water.
Sherer, Henry, carpenter, h Webb.
Sherer, John, clerk for William Clark, h Mary.
Sherman, Coleman A., r 58, farmer, leases of Mary J. Patchin 81, and of W. Patchin 80.
Sherman, Coville A., (Depauville) r 58, farmer, leases of George F. Patchin 80.
Sherman, Darwin, r 25, farmer 50.
Sherman, Delbert, r 25, farmer 80.
Sherman, John B., r 47, farmer 350.
Sherman, Truman, r 47, farmer 40.
Sherrer, Henry, wood machinist in sash and blind factory, h Webb cor. Uniion.
SHIRE, JOHN C., carpenter and joiner, h John.
SHOLETT, JOHN, carpenter and joiner, h Franklin.
SKINNER, GARDINER M., manuf. of trolling spoon baits, James, h do.
Slate, John, (Thurso) r 21, butcher and gardener 6.
Slate, Savannah H., (Thurso) off r 3, justice of the peace, blacksmith, and carpenter.
SLATE, SYLVESTER H., (Thurso) off r 3, 6 cows, farmer 100.
Smith, Abner, (Depauville) r 54, farmer 233.
Smith, Frederick, r 12, farmer 36.
SMITH, OREN W., retired, h Mary.
Smith, Solomon, (Depauville) r 95, dealer in groceries.
Smith, Stephen, (Depauville) r 103, farmer 140, and leases of F. Forbes 88.
Smith, Sullivan, (Depauville) dealer in groceries.
Smith, William, (Depauville) r --, farmer 141.
Smith, William N., com. traveler, h John cor. Jugunin.
Snawber, William, (Depauville) r 94, farmer, leases of Sally Norton.
Snell, Albert, r 44 cor. 57, apiarist 75 colonies, farmer 65.
Snell, Ella M. Miss, school teacher, h James.
Snell, Leonard, (La Fargeville) r 41, 7 horses, 4 brood mares, farmer 150.
Snell, Peter, farmer leases W. Consaul 43, h James.
Soper, Sylvester, house painter, h Mary.
Spath, Leonard, (Depauville) r --, farm 1.
Spaulsbury, Albert J., wagonmaker, James, h do.
Spaulsbury, Delbert, r 6, farmer, leases of Mary A. Mason 50.
SPENCER, PHILANDER A., (Depauville) r 88, retired soldier.
Spencer, George R., r 50, laborer.
SPENCER, JOHN O., (Depauville) r 86, reitred farmer 248.
Spencer Otis J., (Depauville) r 95, farmer 100.
Spencer, Solomon, r 50 retired.
Spencer, Winslow S., h 56, farmer 50.
Spink, Myron, (Thurso) r 1, engineer.
Sprague, Daniel, (St. Lawrence) r 49, laborer.
Sprague, George, (St. Lawrence) r 73, laborer.
Stadler, Adolph, r 53, farmer 85.
Stadler, Elbridge, r 53, farmer with his father, Adolph.
Stage, Melvin W., cartman, h Jane.
Stanton, John, retired farmer, h James.
STARING, DANIEL, r 10, farmer 35.
Stay, Joseph S., carpenter.
Steele, Alvin D., laborer, h Webb cor. Union.
Steele, Charles, laborer, h Merick.
Steele, Ebenezer, sexton, h off State.
Steele, Edwin, milk peddler, h off State.
Steele, Eugene, student, h Mary cor. Franklin.
Steele, John, marine engineer, h Merick cor. Mary.
Steele, Milton, emp. on railroad, h off State.
Steele, Melvin, watchman in round-house, h Franklin.
Steele, Sylvenus, hostler Hubbard House, h James.
Steele, William, laborer, h Union.
STEELE, WILLIAM, milk dealer, 11 cows, farmer 20, and owns in Orleans 103, h off State.
Steele, William N., game and fish protector, h Franklin cor. Mary.
Steele, William R., farmer with his father, h off State.
Sternberg, Abram D. Maj., (Depauville) r 111 cor. 112, farmer 155.
Sternberg, Elias, (Depauville) r 94, sawyer.
Sternberg, Elias G., (Depauville) r 93, prop. saw-mill.
STEVENS, WILLIAM H., building mover, h Union cor. Merick.
St. Lawrence River Skiff, Canoe, and Steam Launch Co., (Dr. A. Bain, J. D. Little, and C. G. Emery) builders and manufs. of skiffs, canoes, steam yachts, etc., Mary.
Storms, George, r 17, laborer.
Street, William, stonecutter.
Strough, Arthur B., foreman for Strough & Brooks, h Franklin.
STROUGH, GEORGE H., (Strough & Brooks) h James cor. Merick.
STROUGH & BROOKS, (George H. S. and Otis B.) lumber merchants, manufs. of doors, sash, blinds, moldings, etc., Mary cor. Theresa sts.
Sturdevant, Stephen, (Thurso) offf r 3, farmer 100.
Sturdevant, William, (Thurso) r 3, farmer, leases of Stephen 100.
Sturgeant, Demarsh, tailor, h Theresa st.
Sturgeon, Demars, carpenter, h Jame.
Sumner, Charles, clerk for C. Ellis, bds. Hubbard House.
Sumner, Charles W., drug clerk, bds. Hubbard House.
SWART, JOHN, (John Swart & Co.) h Merick cor. Hugunin.
SWART, JOHN & CO., (Edgar A. Burlingame) dealers in groceries and props., meat market, Water.
Swartout, Eugene, r 37, 12 cows, farmer, leases of Gilbert Parish 100.
Sweetman, Elizabeth Mrs., prop. boardinghouse, Jane.
Sylvester, Charles E., (La Fargeville) r 18, farmer, leases of Ira 160.
Sylvester, George E., (Black River) r 18, physician.
SYLVESTER, IRA, (La Fargeville) r 18, 20 head grade Ayrshire and Holstein cattle, farmer 160.
Syracuse Granite Co., (John H. Tolman, of Syracuse, William Van Auken, and Michael Sullivan) granite miners, manuf. and dealers; also office in Syracuse, N. Y.
Teal, Hiram, r 10, laborer.
Ternon, Thomas, r 15, farmer with Joseph Johnson.
Terry, Richard, (Depauville) r 93, general merchant.
Thibault, Anthony, stationer in Albany at the Capitol, h Jane.
Thibault, Benjamin, blacksmith, James, h do.
Thibault, Bruno, blacksmith, h Webb.
Thibault, Frank, blacksmith, h James.
Thibault, George E., clerk, h Franklin cor. Mary.
Thibault, John O., general merchant.
Thibault, Joseph, retired blacksmith, h Webb.
Thibault, Joseph N., blacksmith, Water, h do.
Thibault, Matilda, h James.
Thiebault, Tennie, porter Hubbard House.
Thompson, Charles J., student, h James.
Thompson, James W., harnessmaker, h John.
Thompson, Myers, (Manning & Thompson, of Carthage) book-keeper, h James.
Thorpe, William H., dealer in watches, clocks, and jewelry, James, h Webb cor. Jane.
Thousand Island Electric Light and Power Co., C. E. Rees, sec'y and treas., Water.
Tiernan, George, overseer for Mrs. Mitchell, farm 100.
TIFFANT, DAVID, captain barge Wayne, h Alexander.
Tilton, Frank J., telegraph operator Postal Cable Telegraph Co., Water, h Merick cor. Mary.
TILTON, JOHN G., laborer and emp. on railroad, h Merick cor. Mary.
Tilton, Nettie B., tailoress, h Merick cor. Mary.
Torrey, George, r 28, clergyman.
Tracy, Abram, (Depauville) r 95, farmer, leases of Mrs. Hall 170.
Tracy, Arlow, (St. Lawrence) r 70, farmer 186.
TRACY, JOHN R., (T. W. Craig & Co.) h Webb cor. Jane.
TURCOTTE, JOSEPH, (Thurso) r 1, (Gordon & Turcotte).
Turcotte, Louis A., (Thurso) r 5, stonecutter.
Turgueon, Damas, pilot, h Theresa st.
Turner, George, blacksmith.
Uhl, Charles, (Depauville) r 93, cheesemaker.
Van Alstyne, Secord, (Depauville) r 86, carpenter
Van Camp, David, (Perch River) r --, farmer 5.
Van Conant, David, (Thurso) off r 5, prop. summer boarding-house and 8 acres, Club Island.
Van Coughnett, David B., prop. summer boarding-house and 14 acres, Club Island.
VAN DEWALKER, GEORGE H., clerk for his father, James.
VAN DEWALKER, MELZER W., carpenter, contractor, and builder, dealer in groceries and provisions, James cor. Union, h do.
Vincent, Elmer D., tinsmith, h Water.
Vincent, Gardner, carpenter, h Water.
Vincent, Marcellus, r 53, farmer, leases of Cordelia Brintnall 127.
Vincent, Mary, widow of Jinks.
Vincent, Millard, (Depauville) r 67, farmer 200.
Vincent, Nicholas, shoemaker, h Theresa st.
Vincent, Nicoll, barber, Water, h State.
Vincent, Sidney J., shoemaker, off Water.
Vincent, Wilber J., lake captain, h Water.
Wagner, Alfred, (Depauville) r 84, farmer 127.
Wagner, Frank, (Depauville) r 84, farmer, leases of Alfred 125.
Wagner, George, (Depauville) r 95, farmer 173.
Wagner, George, Jr., (Depauville) r 95, farmer with his father, George.
Walch, Fred J., compositor, h James.
Waldron, David, engineer, h Franklin.
Wallace, Lucina, widow of Daniel, resident.
Wallrath, John, (Depauville) r 102, farmer 78.
Walrath, Edson, (Depauville) r 42, dealer in horses.
Walrath, Edward, (La Fargeville) r 41, farmer, leases of D. & H. Ellis 60.
Walrath, Frederick, (Depauville) r 103, blacksmith and farmer 14.
Walrath, Merritt S., (Depauville) r 79, 12 cows, 2 brood mares, farmer, leases of Sylverter 100.
WALRATH, SYLVESTER, (Depauville) r 88, 12 cows, farmer 100.
Walt Brothers, r 22 (Henry and Emmet) 15 cows, farmers 154.
Walt, Caroline, widow, resident, h Jane.
Walt, Eliza C., r 22, widow of Henry, resident.
Walt, Emmet, r 22, (Walt Brothers).
WALT, HENRY, r 22 (Walt Brothers).
Walt, Thomas E. (Whitney & Walt) farm 141, h James.
Walton, J. E., rector Episcopal Church, h Merick.
Wardwell, Alcanzar R., wood mechanic, h Union cor. Merick.
Wardwell, Harley S., boat builder, h Union cor. Merick.
Warn, Samuel M., pastor M. E. Church, h John.
Warner, A. A., asst. cashier First National Bank, h James.
Weaver, Danford, (Depauville) r 67, farmer 175.
Weaver, Edward, (Depauville) r 74, farmer 60.
Webber, Henry, pilot, h Water.
Webster, W. A., sash and blind manuf. and dealer in lumber, Union.
Wells, Charles E., r 10, carpenter.
Wells, Sidney, G., painter, h John.
Wesp, Daniel, S., r 10, painter.
Wesp, Martin, r 10, farmer 71.
Wetherhahn, John H., (La Fargeville) r--, farmer 100.
Wetherhorn, Augustus, (Depauville) 40cows, farmer 300.
Wetterhahn, Lewis, (Depauville) r 86, farmer.
Wetterhahn, Mary, (Deapuville) r 86, widow of Jacob, 14 cows, farmer 176.
Wheeler, Frank, prop. saloon, Water, h Theresa st.
Wheelock, Jay W., boat painter, carpenter, and carriagemaker, h Jane cor. Franklin.
White, William, stonecutter.
WHITNEY, BURTON G., r 13, 18 cows, farmer, leases of T. E. Walt 140.
Whitney, Floyd, r 53, farmer 135.
Whitney, William O., (Whitney & Walt) h James.
Whitney & Walt, (William O. W. and Thomas E. W.) props. Eureka clothing house, and dealers in agricultural implements, pianos, and organs, James.
Whittier, David, (Depauville) r 77, 15 cows, farmer 192.
Whittier, Matthew, (Depauville) r 89, shoemaker.
Wilber, Squire H., carpenter, owns farm 34, h Webb.
Wilcox, Brunning A., prop. meat market, James, h do.
Wiley, Ellen E., widow of Watson, h John.
Williams, John E., carpenter, h James.
Williams, John W., carpenter, foreman for Strough & Brooks, h Mary.
Williams, William, clerk for E. Rees, h James.
Wilson, John, tinman, bds. Merick.
Wilson, William, butcher and prop. meat market, farm 36, h John.
Windmill, William, r 28, sailor.
Winslow, Edward M., (Depauville) r 96, 7 grade Jersey and Holstein cattle, farmer 165.
Winslow, Olen L., (Depauville) r 96, farmer with his father, Edward M.
Wiswell, Burrit, sailor, h Alexander.
Wiswell, Byron, farmer.
Wood, Alonzo E., dealer in silver plated ware, books, stationery, fancy goods, and coal, fire ins. agent and telegraph operator, Water, h Webb and Hugunin.
Wood, Eliza M., telegraph operator and clerk for A. E., h James.
Wood, Henry, blacksmith, James, h do.
WOOD, MARY A., (Mrs. Philip F.) resident, h James.
WOOD, PHILIP F., carpenter, h James.
Woodard, Jesse, tinman, h Water.
Wooledge, Addison, house painter, h State.
Wooledge, William D., carriagemaker, contractor, and builder, owns 5 acres on r 27, h Alexander cor. State.
Wright, Alvin A., r 28, 6 cows, farmer 59.
Wright, Breri E., r 56, farmer with his father, Martin W.
WRIGHT, ERASTUS, (Depauville) r 94, farmer 35.
WRIGHT, MARTIN W., r 56, 30 grade Holstein, Jersey, and Ayrshire cows, 3 Hambletonian brood mares, farmer 275.
Wright, Russell, r 28, farmer 59.
Wright, Walestine, r 38, laborer.
Xaviar, Colon, Jr., boat builder, h Alexander.
Youle, Wallace W., hotel clerk, h Franklin.
Young, Albert, (Depauville) r 84, farmer, leases of B. Failing 170.
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