(Postoffice address is Philadelphia, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

Index and Abbreviations

Acheson, Thomas, justice of the peace and street commissioner, h Main.

Adrian, Robert, shoemaker, Main h do.

Ainsworth, Charles, (Sterlingville) cattle drover and dealer, farmer 9, h Depot.

ALDRICH, LLEWELLYN M., (M. E.. Aldrich & Son) h Aldrich.

ALDRICH, M. E. & SON, (Llewellyn M.) dealers in drugs, groceries, crockery, books, stationery, wall paper, pianos, organs, musical instruments, and sewing machines. Main.

ALDRICH, MARTIN E., (M. E. Aldrich & Son) h Aldrich.

Alexander, George, (Sterlingville) laborer.

Alexander, Nancy, (Sterlingville) r 47, widow of Joseph, h Main.

Allen, Albert P., carpenter and joiner, h with Benjamin.

Allen, Benjamin, retired farmer 260, h Clark.

Allen, Bethuel, r 22, farmer 50.

Allen, David, r 34, 15 cows, farmer 140.

Allen, George, r 22, 25 cows, farmer, leases of Benjamin 260.

Allen, Joseph C., r 34, farmer with his father, David.

Allen, Willie E., r 34, farmer with David.

Allen, Wilson, r 26, 16 cows, farmer, leases of Esther Wood 175.

Allis, Charles, formerly farmer.

Allis, Dexter, r 42, farmer 22.

Anabel, Levi F., carpenter and builder, h Clark.

Anthony, Eugene, r 43, farmer, leases of his father, Harvey, 44.

Anthony, Harvey, farmer 40, and in Antwerp 247.

Arnold, Adelbert, (Antwerp) r 15, farmer, leases of William Canfield 20.

Arnold, Ithamar, (Antwerp) r 15, laborer.

Arnold, M. Earl, r 14, farmer, leases of Charles Horr 40.

Arnold, Philo, r 17, 10 cows, farmer.

Ashley, Rasselas S., r 10, 10 cows farmer 73.

Ashley, Theodore C., r 10, farmer with his father, Rasselas S.

Avery, Sidney, r 3, farmer 65.

Ayen, Fred, harnessmaker, emp. John M., h Antwerp st.

Ayen, John M., harnessmaker, Main.

Bacon, James, off r 42, farmer, leases of Thomas Hunter, of Alexandria 212.

Baker, Betsey, r 30, widow of Zelotus, 12 cows, farmer 120.

Baker, Fred E., farmer with his mother, Betsey.

Baker, Maggie L., school teacher, bds Antwerp st.

Baker, Margaret, widow of Perry, h Antwerp st.

Baker, Milon, r 4, 10 cows, farmer 135.

Baldwin, Lura, (Antwerp) r 15, widow of Sidney, resident.

BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, D. H. Scofield, pres.; H. O. Gardner, cashier, capital $25,000, Scofield block, Main.

Barr, Arthur, emp. at R., W. & O. R. R. depot, h Church.

Barr, Arthur D., Com. traveler.

Barr, Calvin T., coal dealer and station agent R., W. & O. R. R., h Main.

Baxter, Andrew J., r 42, farmer 156.

Baxter, Emerson, r 42, son of Andrew J.

Beattie, Mary Mrs., h Antwerp st.

BECKER, LANSING, r 35, 400 sugar trees, 30 cows, 9 horses, farmer 265.

Bennett, Clarence D., r 29, farmer with his father, Dexter.

Bennett, Dexter, r 29, 30 head of stock, farmer 330.

Bennett, William B., r 29, farmer with his father, Dexter.

Bentley, Joseph, cheesemaker, h Mill.

Berry, Michael O., 6 cows, farmer 119.

BIGAREL, FRANK D., (Sterlingville) dealer in dry goods, groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, paints, oils, crockery, clothing, fertilizers, hardware, etc.

Bigger, John, laborer, h Sand.

Bliss, Emily, widow, owns 12 acres, bds. with F. A. Paige.

Bodman, Ann E., widow of Martin B., 25 cows, owns farm in Theresa 300, h Aldrich.

Bolton, Isaac, foreman for W. Roberts, h Sand.

Bolton, Margaret A., (Sterlingville) widow of James, weaver, h Main.

Bracket, Ed. M., teacher instrumental music, h at Carthage.

Braman, James, (Sterlingville) r 47, laborer.

Breslow, Bernard, dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, custom tailor and photographer, Gardner block.

Briedling, Sophia, resident, h Clark.

Briggs, James, 18 cows, farmer, leases of his father, Nelson F., 240.

Briggs, Nelson F., 17 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 240, h Antwerp st.

Brooks, Frank H., r 21 cheese box manuf., capacity 40,000 boxes per year, h Church.

Brooks, Otis, (Strough & Brooks, of Clayton) h Antwerp st.

Brown, Abner B., teacher.

Brown, Bennett F., r 9, late justice of the peace and justice of sessions, 15 cows, farmer 148.

Brown, Charles A., (Wilson & Brown).

Brown, Charles H., dealer in lime, mortar, and brick, farm 125, h Main. Brown, Delia, resident, h Main.

Brown, Dolphus, r 36, 8 cows, farm 95.

Brown, Harvey, r 36, farmer 63.

Brown, Henry G., r 4, farmer, son of Charles H.

Brown, Henry Mrs., resident, h Aldrich.

Brown, Margaret, prop. variety story, Main, h do.

Brown Fred, r 19, farmer 75.

Bud, Charles, railroad track hand, h Main.

Bullard, Allen, r 39, 20 cows, farmer, leases of George E. Tucker.

Bullard, Henry, r 19, farmer, leases of William Strickland.

Burhans, Duane E., r 6, 32 cows, farmer for W. M. Whitney, of Evans Mills, 352.

Burke, Edward, (Sterlingville) r 47, laborer.

Burke, Fenton, (Sterlingville) r 47, railroad track hand.

Burke, Henry, (Sterlingville), r 47, railroad track hand.

Carroll, Jerry, (Sterlingville) r 7, 7 cows, farmer 70.

Casler, John S., (Sterlingville), r 46, 20 cows, farmer 163.

Chadwick, Irene, Widow of William, h Sand.

Chapin, William, r 5, Farmer 115.

Chaufty, Frank, r 20, laborer.

Cheeseman, E. E., M. E. clergyman, h Church.

Chidester, Herbert B., cartman, h Antwerp st.

Child, Joseph H., (Sterlingville) r 49, 10 cows, farmer 106.

Child, Lewis E., r 31, son of Lewis John.

Child, Lewis John, r 31, 20 cows, farmer 310.

Clark, Carrie E., dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Main, h Mill.

Clark, Fred I., farmer with his father, James.

Clark, Gardner, r 22, famer with his father, James.

Clark, George, wagonmaker, carpenter, and joiner, h Church.

Clark, George W., r 5, farmer 123.

Clark, Gilbert, 26 cows, h Main.

CLARK, JAMES, r 22, 150 sugar trees, farmer 245.

Clark, Montgomery, blacksmith, Antwerp st., h Mill.

Clark, Myron, painter, grainer and paper hanger.

Clark, Nelson, mason, h Antwerp st.

Clark, Orville E., mason, lives with Nelson.

Clark, William, cabinetmaker, h Mill.

Claus, Hiram, (Sterlingville) farmer on the Ricker farm, h Main.

Cleveland, Philander G., prop. marble works, main, h do.

Clibby, Charles, laborer, h Gulf.

Clute, John, r 22, farmer.

Coffield, Hugh, r 20. laborer.

Cole, Melvin J., (Guthrie & Cole) h Main.

Coligan, John, r 13, 6 cows, farmer 56.

COMSTOCK, A. C. & CO., (G. W. Hoverman) dealers in hardware, silverware, agricultural implements, wagons, paints, and oils, Comstock block, Main.

COMSTOCK, ANDREW C., (A.C. Comstock & Co.) member of Assembly 1889, h Comstock block.

Comstock, Arnon, r 30, 20 grade Holstein cows, farmer 200.

COMSTOCK, EARL L., prop. Eagle Hotel, Main.

Comstock, Franklin D., farmer 130

Comstock, George, r 30, assessor, farmer 58, and with his father, Arnon, 200.

Comstock House, Wilson & Brown, props., livery connected, opp.depot.

Comstock, John H., r 27, farmer 75.

Conway, Theodore, carpenter and builder, h Antwerp st.

COOLIDGE, CHARLES E., r 10, 300 sugar trees, 30 cows, 7 horses, farmer 2291/2.

COOLIDGE, THOMAS J., live stock dealer and breeder, 25 cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 265.

Cooper, Alvin, retired farmer, gardener 2.

Cooper, Ethan A., r 3, farmer, leases of Martin B.

Cooper, Fred, r 3, formerly wagonmaker.

Cooper, John, r 9, laborer and farmer 6.

Cooper, Julia Ann, r 9, widow of James H., farm 50.

Cooper, Martin B., r 3, farmer 107.

Cooper, Orris, resident, h Main.

Cooper, Robert M., carpenter and joiner, h and lot Church.

Cooper, William, r 9, farmer, leases of his mother.

Corbin, Burton C., (Sterlingville) (S. Corbin & Son).

Corbin S. & Son, (Sterlingville) (Burton C.,) general merchants.

Corbin, Sherman, (Sterlingville) (S. Corbin & Son) physician and surgeon, farmer 18, h Main.

Corcoran, James, off r 20, com. traveler, farm 113.

Cory, Aaron, (Sterlingville) r 39, farmer, leases of George H. Rogers.

Countryman, David, r 4, farmer, leases of O. Godfrey 92.

Courtryman, Orvis H., (Antwerp) r 15, 16 cows, farmer, leases of H. Miller 108.

Cox, Geroge, carpenter and joiner, h Mill.

Cox, John A.,, r 42, laborer.

Cox, Lincoln L., laborer, h Clark.

Cox, Sarah A., r 42, widow of Richard, 12 cows, farmer 177.

Crain, Orzellus O., farmer, leases of C. R. Ward.

Crandall, Fred A., carpet weaver and gardener 3, h Sand.

Cromwell, James, laborer, h Mill.

Cross, Alden E., blacksmith, h and lot.

Cross, Charles B., com. traveler for J. M. Mertens & Co., of Syracuse, N.Y., h Aldrich.

Cross, Charles H., breeder of horses, farm 110.

Cross, Erastus W., assessor, retired farmer, owns in Antwerp 212.

Cross, Hiram, farmer.

Cross, Hiram H., formerly shoemaker, h Main.

Cross, Matilda, widow of Orrin, h Church.

Cunningham, Lawrence, (Sterlingville) h Depot.

Curtis, Howard H., teamster, h and 6 1/2 acres Gulf.

Daily,______, (Sterlingville) widow of Elijah P., h and 5 acres Main.

Daily, James, section boss, b Sand.

Danforth, Henry, r 29, farmer 6.

DANFORTH, JAMES H., r 29, breeder and dealer in Jersey cattle, farmer 145.

Dayton, Eddie C., r 49, farmer with Henry T.

Dayton, Henry T., 10 cows, farmer 102.

Delmars, Alexander, laborer, h Antwerp st. {Removed to near Evans Mills, Le Ray.}

Demarest, Abram, farmer 224.

Dolivan, Emma M., dressmaker, Main.

Doney, Elton E., clerk.

Doyle, Michael, (Sterlingville) r 54, laborer and farmer 14.

Drake, Alonzo T., r 27, 15 cows, farmer 175.

Drake, Issac, r 22, farmer 75.

Dunlap, Samuel, (Sterlingville) r 37, farmer, leases of R. Swift.

EAGLE HOTEL, Earl L. Comstock, prop., newly furnished and heated by steam, free 'buss to depot, Main cor. Antwerp sts.

Elliott, Edwin E., mechanic, emp. W. Roberts, h Mill.

Ellis, George D., M. P. Clergyman, h Sand.

Ellis, William S., r 3 , farmer 63.

Enos, Herbert, (Sterlingville), r 39, son of Joab.

Enos, Sarah, (Sterlingville) r 39, widow of Joab, farm 12.

Essington, Addison, (Sterlingville) lumberman with his father, Joseph.

ESSINGTON, JSOEPH, (Sterlingville) prop. saw-mill, farmer 23.

ESTES, GRENVILLE K., Supt. William Roberts planing-mill, h Antwerp st.

Evans, George B., (Sterlingville) r 42 1/2, farmer 59.

Faichney, James M., painter, grainer, and paper hanger, h and lot Clark.

Farnham, George, painter, h Mill.

Farnham, Henry E., prop. tannery, Main.

Farnham, Henry E. Mrs., carpet weaver, Main.

Farnham, Philip M., postmaster, bds. with Henry E.

Fikes, Ernest D., r 27, farmer, leases of J. Whalen 153.

Flath, George, prop. Cold Spring cheese factory.

FORD, HENRY D., (Ford & Howe) h Mill.

Ford, Silas, 35 cows, farmer in Antwerp 256, h Mill.

FORD & HOWE, (Henry D. F. and Agnes H.) props. Philadelphia flour, feed, and custom grist mill.

Fredenburgh, Harman, cheesemaker.

Frost, Jay, r 36, farmer 50.

Frost, Joseph, r 36, 10 cows, farmer 75.

Fuller, Chauncy, r 4, stone mason, 18 cows, farmer on the W. Plato farm 135.

Fuller, Edward, r 20, trackman.

Fuller, Franklin, r 20, stone mason and laborer.

Fuller, George, laborer, h Church.

Fuller, George A., r 1, farmer on the Loren Fuller estate.

Fuller, Loren (estate) r 1, 3 farms 510.

Fultz, Harrison, laborer, h Antwerp st.

Fultz, John, (Sterlingville) r 54, farmer 77.

GARDNER BROTHERS, (Henry O. and Fred E.) undertakers, manufs. of chairs and furniture, Lawton block, Main.

Gardner, Chauncey D., general merchant, Main, h Clark.

GARDNER, FRED E., (Gardner Brothers) bds. Eagle Hotel.

GARDNER, HENRY O., (Gardner Brothers) cashier Bank of Philadelphia, h Aldrich.

Garner, Harrison, (Antwerp) r 16, 20 cows, farmer, leases of A. Coolidge.

Garvin, John, (Antwerp) r 4, 6 cows, farmer 50.

Gebler, Clarence, son of George, Sr.

Gebler, George, Sr., dealer in Limburger cheese, h Sand.

Gebler, George Jr., Limburger cheesemaker, bds. with George, Sr.

Getman, Archibald, r 9, retired farmer, aged 84.

Glass, Charles, emp. F. H. Brooks.

Gossman, John, laborer.

Gould, Adin, laborer, h Sand.

GRAHAM, JAMES C., physician and surgeon, Main, h do.

Grapotte, Oscar F., dealer in groceries, Main, h Pearl.

Groat, Eugene, emp. Seeber & Groat, son of Harrison, h Sand.

Groat, Harrison, (Seeber & Groat) h Main.

Guthrie, William J., (Guthrie & Cole) h Main.

Guthrie & Cole, (William J. G. and Melvin J. C.) props. meat market, Main.

Hall, Alexander, r 33, 15 cows, farmer 141 1/12.

Hall, Alzina, r 4, 25 cows, 20 head other stock, farmer 240, and in Antwerp 84.

Hall, Lewis F., r 33, farmer with his father, Alexander.

Hall, Thomas, r 30, farmer 59.

Hall, William W., r 33, farmer with his father.

Hannahs, George, r 32, 10 cows, farmer 110.

Hannahs, Henry, emp. W. Roberts, h Main.

Hanson, James, teamster, h Main.

Hanson, Stephen, 27 cows, farmer, leases of M. Cook.

Hardy, Orlo, r 17, 10 cows, farmer, leases of H. J. Foote, of Antwerp 200.

Hart, Fred, laborer, h Pearl.

Hart, Sally, widow of Henry, h and lot.

Hawes, Peter, r 5, 15 cows, farmer, leases of Loren Shurtleff 150.

Hessel, George, r 42, farmer, leases of Miss Kate Young 125.

Hewitt, Alvin, r 36, farmer 63.

Hewitt, Harrison, Laborer, h Mill.

Hewitt, Hiram, r 22, farm laborer.

Hewitt, Ira, r 10, laborer, h and lot.

Hewitt, Lafayette, retired farmer, h Antwerp st.

Hibbard, Joseph, (Sterlingville) r 54, farmer on the Hopper farm.

Hibbard, Vetal, 25 cows, farmer 20, and leases of Benjamin Hopkins 219.

Higgins, Charles E., (Sterlingville) wagon repairer, Main.

Hogan, James, (Sterlingville) farmer 40.

Holkins, Enoch, r 3, farmer 46.

Holmes, William G., retired merchant and farmer 250, h Main.

Holmes, William T., r 11, farmer for William G. 250.

Houghton, Hollis S., formerly wagonmaker, farmer 45, h Main.

House, Rufus, laborer, h and lot Main.

Hover, Frank, (Sterlingville) 8 cows, farmer for his wife 60.

Hoverman, George W., (A. C. Comstock & Co.) h Antwerp st.

Howe, Agnes, (Ford & Howe) h Mill.

Howe, Herbert, miller, emp. Ford & Howe.

Howland, Steven, r 36, farmer 50.

Hughs, Hugh, Baptist clergyman, h Church.

Hull, Thaddeus, gardener and laborer, h Main.

Hunt, John A., r 42, apiarist 40 colonies, farmer 108.

Hunt, Robert, r 39, 16 cows, farmer, leases of A. Demarest.

Hunt, Robert, Jr., r 30, railroad track hand.

Hurd, Mary L., teacher, bds. Aldrich.

Hyde, Alexander, (Antwerp) r 15, 20 cows, farmer, leases of A. Coolidge 140.

Ingalls, Hiram, (Antwerp) r 15, farmer 120.

Isdell, John R., r 42, farmer 100.

Jacobs, Jason, laborer, h Main.

Jacobs, Philena, widow of Hiram, farm 44, h Church.

Johnson, Stephen, cartman, h Main.

Jordan, Edward, emp. G. E. Tucker.

Kearns, James, laborer, h and lot Church.

KENT, BENJAMIN F., dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, spectacles, boots, shoes, and rubber goods, repairing skillfully done, Kent block, Main, h do.

Kenyon, James, (Antwerp) r 15, laborer and farmer 2.

Kepler, Peter, r 13, 16 cows, farmer, leases 153.

King, O. W., retired farmer, h Main.

Kirkbride, Benjamin, farmer 40, bds with W. J. Wait.

Klock, Edgar, r 39, 6 cows, farrrmer 75.

Klock, George, retired farmer 30, h Antwerp st.

Klock, James C., r 10, farmer 35.

Keys, William S., r 19, prop. cheese factory and cheesemaker.

La Fave, Addie L., dressmaker, Main.

La Fave, Zenac E., carpenter and joiner, h Pearl.

Lane, Horace S., eclectic physician and surgeon, Antwerp st., h do.

Langdon, Anna, (Sterlingville) r 43, school teacher, daughter of Thomas R.

Langdon, Thomas R., (Sterlingville) r 43, farmer 212.

Langdon, Wilson D., (Sterlingville) r 43, farmer with his father, Thomas R.

La Petrie, George, r 11, 21 cows, farmer, leases of Annie Werner.

La Rue, James Frank, prin. Philadelphia graded schools, bds. Sand.

Lawton, Benjamin, (Sterlingville) r 45, 15 cows, farmer 142.

Lawton, Charles E., son of Joseph P.

Lawton, David, (Sterlingville) r 45, farmer 60.

Lawton, Fred E., r 26, farmer, son of Joseph P.

LAWTON, JOSEPH P., r 26, farmer 242.

Lawton, Lucy, r 19, widow of Lysander.

Lawton, William B., r 26, farmer, son of Joseph P.

Lee, Morris, laborer, h Sand.

Leigh, Allen C., barber and hair-dresser, Bliss block, h and lot Clark.

Leigh, James A., barber with his father, Allen C.

Lennehan, Joanna, r 20, widow of William, h and lot.

Lewis, Orville A., (Antwerp) r 14, 15 cows, farmer 132.

Lingham, James, r 20, laborer.

Lingstruth, John, r 24, prop. Limburger cheese factory, 35 cows, farmer,

leases of F. Holmes 275.

Locklin, Helen L., widow of Myron G., 26 cows, farmer 210, h Main.

Locklin, Seymour, (Sterlingville) dealer in groceries and provisions, 12 cows, farmer in Champion 112, h Main.

Lovejoy, Nat. stationary engineer, emp. W. Roberts.

Lovejoy, William, clerk, h Pearl.

Lowe, Charles M., r 18 cor. 34, prop. Barber cheese factory and manuf. of cheese.

Lutz, Peter, laborer, h Main.

Lutz, William, laborer and baggagemaster.

Mack, Charles, (Antwerp) r 15, laborer.

Mack, Minard, laborer.

Mallett, Watson, laborer.

Malon, Michael D., (Sterlingville) r 44, farmer 74.

Maloney, Edward L., dealer in groceries and 5 and 10 cent goods, Main, h do.

Markwick, Willaim A., asst. cashier Bank of Philadelpha, bds.Eagle Hotel

Martin, J. Pitt, r 37, 10 cows, farmer 100.

Martin, Seymour W., r 10, 8 cows, farmer 75.

MATHER, De VILLO J., r 19, 18 cows, breeder of Clydesdale horses, farmer 206

Mathews, John, resident, h Clark.

Mattison, Carloss, (Sterlingville) r 44, 8 cows, farmer 97.

Mattison, James, (Sterlingville) r 44, 8 cows, farmer 44.

MAYNARD, JULIUS E., prop. livery, boarding, and sale stable, Main, h Antwerp st.

McAfee, Harley U., clerk, h Clark.

McCann, Daniel, (Sterlingville) 6 cows, farmer, leases of _______Moneghan 60.

McCann, Paul, (Sterlingville) farmer on the Moneghan farm.

McClennan, James B., blacksmith, Sand.

McDaniel, Charles, r 21, emp. F. H. Brooks.

McFadden, John, prop. restaurant, confectioner and baker, Main, h do.

McFall, Robert, formerly track master R., W. & O R. R., h Church.

McIntosh, Osman A., r 20, teamster and thresher.

McNeil, Henry, tinsmith, son of William.

McNeil, William, dealer in stoves, tinware, copper and sheet iron ware, pumps, gas pipe, and fixtures, 30 cows, farmer 140, and in Theresa 280, Main, h Mill.

MERRICK, JOHN R., (Sterlingville) r 37, 12 cows, farmer 100.

Miles, Andrew B., retired farmer 8, aged 73.

MILES, ANDREW B., Jr., dealer in all kinds of farm property, pure seed grain, graded and clean grass seed, baled hay and straw, 50 cows, 25 horses, breeder of Percheron horses and Holstein cattle, prop. stock horse "Honest John," farmer 488.

Miles, Melissa, resident, h Main.

MILES, ROBERT H.W., r 4, com. traveler for Cayuga Portrait Co., of Auburn, N. Y., 250 sugar trees, dairyman, farmer 182 1/2.

Miles, W. Baker, r 8, 10 cows, farmer 110.

Miles William C., r 4, farmer, leases of Robert H. W. 182 1/2.

Miller, Betsey Mrs., dressmaker, h Clark.

Miller, William, (Sterlingville) r 49, farmer, leases of J. H. Child.

Moneghan, John, (Sterlingville) r 44, farmer 59, and leases of Mrs. Sharon 117.

Mosher, Cyrus, formerly carpenter and joiner, aged 83.

Mosher, Isaac C., pres. of village, town clerk, and retired farmer, h Main.

Mosher, Milton E., (Sterlingville) carpenter and joiner, h Main.

Mosher, Weden, r 49, 6 cows, farmer 106.

Mott, Susan, widow of Benjamin, h Sand.

Munro, Scott B., dealer in coal and hard wood lumber, h Mill.

Munro, Silas, emp. W. Roberts, h Antwerp st.

Murphy, Barney, r 26, 12 cows, farmer 130.

Murray, William, (Sterlingville) carpenter and farmer 43, h Depot.

Myres, Jerome W., carpenter and joiner, h Main.

Nevill, James, retired farmer, h Clark.

Nevill, Sally J. Mrs., r 9, farmer 100.

Nims, Charles D., mineralogist and farmer 10.

Nims, Leora B., teacher, bds. with Charles D.

Noon, James, r 21, farmer, leases of George G. White 132.

Normander, Lewis F., r 35, farmer 136.

Oatman, Albert W., prop. steam thresher, breeder of Jersey cattle, farmer 100.

Oatman, Truman, r 42, farmer 156.

O'Brien, John, laborer, h and lot Mill.

Owens, Rosell, r 36, 14 cows, farmer 95.

Paige, Fred A., dealer in stoves and tinware, Main, h do.

Palmer, D. W. Mrs., prop. boarding-house, mill cor. Main.

Palmer, David W., teamster, emp. W. Roberts.

Parlow, Allen, tailor, Main, bds Antwerp st.

Pebles, A. J., r 8, farmer on the Andrew B. and Duane Miles farm.

Peck, Adlebert D., r 1, farm laborer.

Peck, William K., blacksmith and horseshoer, Main, h do.

Pennell, Rachel L., widow of James F., h Aldrich.

Pennell, Fred, laborer, h Mill.

PHILADELPHIA MONITOR, (Antwerp) Myron H. Bent, of Antwerp, editor and prop.; Ira M. Beaman, of Antwerp, associate editor, issued weekly.

Pitcher, Eliza, widow of Edward, h Main.

PLATO, CLARA M., (Mrs. William) owns farm.

PLATO, WILLIAM., r 4, 17 cows, farmer 136.

Pollock, Henry J., shoemaker, Main, h on r 9.

Pollock, Susan, widow of William, h Gulf.

Powell, Hiram, (Antwerp) r 15, farmer 160.

Powell, George, (Antwerp) r 15, resident.

Pressan, George, r 20, emp. in mill.

Price, Fred, (Sterlingville) r 54, laborer.

Price, Harvey V., (Sterlingville) r 54, farmer 75. (Died 25 Aug 1889.)

Purcell, Robert, emp. at Eagle Hotel.

Randall, Joseph, emp. at W. Roberts.

Read, George B., (Sterlingville) machinist.

Read, Hiram Mrs., (Sterlingville) r 52, h and lot.

Reed, Charles F., (Sterlingville) r 37 cor. 38, 8 cows, farmer 95.

Reed, Harvey, (Sterlingville) laborer.

Rice, Edward, (Sterlingville) r 44, farmer with his mother, Sarah.

Rice, James, (Sterlingville) r 44, farmer with his mother, Sarah.

Rice, Sarah, (Sterlingville) r 44, widow of James, farm 146.

Rickett, Alexander, (Sterlingville) r 47, farmer 20.

Riordan, John, (Sterlingville) r 49, farmer 57.

Ritter, Absolom, (Sterlingville) carpenter and farmer 70, h Main.

Ritter, Charles A., carpenter and joiner, h Sand.

Ritter, Henry , (Sterlingville) prop. Sterlingville House.

Ritter, Norman, (Sterlingville) carpenter and joiner, h Depot.

RITTER, OBED E., (Sterlingville) station agent.

ROBERTS, CHARLES O., supervisor, bookkeeper for his father, William, farm 69, h Sand.

ROBERTS, GEORGE W., salesman for his father, William, h Sand.

Roberts, Joshua, r 19, 25 grade holstein cows, 15 head other stock, farmer 245.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM, manuf. of and dealer in lumber, lath, and shingles, Burket Hall patent sheathing lath, owns woodland 600, n R., W. & O depot, h Sand.

Robinson, John, r 42, farmer, leases of Sarah A. Cox.

RODENHURST, De WITT C., coroner, allo. physician and surgeon, Aldrich, h do.

Rogers, Charles, laborer, h Mill.

Rogers, Elisha, stone mason, owns 3 acres, h Sand.

ROGERS, GEORGE H., 25 cows, 10 head other stock, farm 211, h Sand.

Rogers, Samuel, r 4, laborer and farmer 8.

Rogers, William, resident, h Gulf.

Rood, Martin, r 2, farmer, leases of G. Clark 200.

Root, Daniel C., retired farmer, h Main.

Salisbury, Charles E., carpenter and joiner, h Church.

Salisbury, George, retired carpenter, h Main.

SAVAGE, MARY, (Sterlingville)resident.

Schram, George H., r 27, 12 cows, farmer 113.

SCOFIELD, D. & SON. (William T.) dealers in dry goods, groceries, ready-made clothing, boots, shoes, wall paper, etc., Main cor. Antwerp sts.

SCOFIELD, DANIEL H., (D. H. Scofiled and Son) pres. Bank of Philadelphia, h Antwerp st.

SCOFIELD, SAMUEL B., carpenter and builder, h Mill.

SCOFIELD, WILLIAM T., (D. H. Scofield & Son) h Antwerp St.

Scouten, Cornelius, 20 cows, farmer, leases of Mrs. David Beaman 160.

Scouten, Isaac, r 31, farmer 11.

Seaman, James, r 13, 12 cows, farmer 118.

Seaman, James M., r 20, cheesemaker, h and lot.

Seeber, Alonzo H., (Seeber & Groat) h Main.

Seeber, Fred W., emp. Seeber & Groat, son of Alonzo H.

Seeber & Groat, (Alonzo H. S. and Harrison G.) manufs. of doors, sash, blinds, cisterns, and water tanks, Main.

Sharon, James, (Sterlingville) laborer, h and lot.

SHARON, JOHN, (Sterlingville) retired farmer 23.

Shaw, Eleazer, laborer, h Mill.

Shill, John, r 40, farmer 60.

Shortt, James, (Sterlingville) r 44, 8 cows, farmer 98.

Shortt, William, (Sterlingville) laborer, h Railroad.

Shurtleff, Eli H., barber, h Main.

Shurtleff, Eli H. Mrs., prop. boarding-house, Main.

Shurtleff, Elisha M., r 5, farmer 87, and leases of the Milo Shurtleff estate 225.

Shurtleff, Fred, farmer, leases of Louisa M. 125.

Simons, Will, laborer, h Sand.

Simpson, David M., clerk Eagle Hotel.

Simpson, Ed., r 3, farmer, leases of W. McNeil 90.

Simpson, Jane, widow of John, h Main.

Sixbury, Aaron, r 26, 12 cows, farmer 100.

Sixbury, Alfred, r 42, farmer, leases of D. C. Winner 117.

Sizeland, Henry, laborer, h Main.

Sizeland, William, wagonmaker, h Clark.

Slade, Oscar S., r 19, farmer, leases of Joshua Roberts, and owns farm in Le Ray.

Smith, Albert, r 4, 10 cows, farmer, leases of John Hunt 99.

Smith, Amos, (Sterlingville) r 37, 12 cows, farmer 129.

Smith, Duane, carpenter, h Gulf.

Smith, Fred H., tinsmith, Main, h Sand.

Smith, James H., r 4, laborer, h and lot.

Smith, Lucius J., r 10, 8 cows, farmer 66.

Smith, Theodore B., resident, h Antwerp st.

Spalsbury, Frank, r 6, 25 cows, farmer, lease of _____Locklin 208.

Springstein, Frank W., retired farmer, h and lot Antwerp st.

Stackdale, Ed., laborer, h Main.

Standish, Wilbur, laborer, h Mill.

Steele, Orrin, painter, h Church.

Steele, Willard, painter, bds Clark.

Sterling, Caroline, (Sterlingville) widow of Samuel G., farmer 152.

Sterling, Ryal, (Sterlingville) r 47, farmer, leases of his mother, Caroline, 152.

Sterlingville House, (Sterlingville) Henry Ritter, prop.

Stillwell, Charles W., clerk, h Aldrich.

Strickland, Eber T., (Sterlingville) r 48, farmer 92.

Strickland, George, 12 cows, farmer, leases of Miles 220.

Strickland, Thomas, (Sterlingville) r 48, farmer with his son Eber T., aged 83.

STRICKLAND, WILLIAM, 25 high grade Holstein cows, farmer 220.

Sweeney, Thomas, miller, emp Ford & Howe, h Mill.

Sweet, Henry, (Sterlingville) r 45, farmer 30.

Sweet, Lorenzo, (Sterlingville) r 47, farmer 12.

SWIFT, RICHARD, (Sterlingville) r 37 cor. 45, prop. cheese factory, 30 cows, farmer 255, and in Le Ray 250.

Swind, John, prop. boarding-house, off Sand.

Tallman, Oren E., dealer in hay and produce, h Main.

Taylor, Stedman, laborer, h Clark.

Thresher C., widow of George, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Main.

Toole, Alice, (Sterlingville) widow h and 3 acres.

Trembly, John, blacksmith, h Main.

Tucker, Edmund G., clerk in Watertown National Bank, son of George E.

TUCKER, GEORGE E., 22 Aylshire cows, 10 head other cattle, 7 houses, farmer 642, h Main.

Turner, Frank, teamster, h Main.

Turner, Jacob, (Sterlingville) carpenter.

Vanduzee, Julia A., widow of Lawton B., h and lot.

Van Wagoner, Alvin, r 26, 8 cows, farmer 75.

Van Wagoner, George, farmer for Alvin.

Vesterfelt, James, laborer, h Sand.

Wager, Edmund J., att'y and counselor at law, Scofield block, h Antwerp st.

Wager, Sophronia B., widow of David J., h Antwerp st.

Wagoner, Amos, teamster.

Wagoner, James, sawyer and prop. steam thresher, h Main.

Wait, John, retired merchant, resides with L. John Child.

Walt, Sally, widow of Lynde, bds. Main.

Wait, Wesley D., teamster, h Sand.

Wait, William J., dealer in drugs and groceries, prop. feed-mill and turning works, Main.

Walter, William V., farmer 50.

Walts, Milton, (Sterlingville) teamster, h Main.

Waltz, Solomon, r 1, 36 cows, farmer, leases of Betsy Fuller 316.

Ward, Charles R., r 6, 12 cows, farmer 113.

Warren, Eli, carpenter, h and lot Clark.

Warriner, Sally, widow of Iaac, h Main.

Washburn, Frank, laborer, son of Russell.

WASHBURN, GEORGE, farmer 5, and in Antwerp 280, h Mill.

Washburn, Russell, carpenter and joiner, h Antwerp st.

Washburn, William, laborer, son of Russell.

Weaver, Geroge B., (Sterlingville) blacksmith, Main, h do.

Welch, George, Sexton M. E. Church, laborer, h Main.

WERNER, ANNIE, widow of Conrad, farm 160 and in Le Ray 160.

Wheeler, Maria, widow of Hiram, h and lot.

White, Clark B., r 34, cooper and farmer 36.

White, George G., r 21 cor. 28, farmer 132.

Whiting, Lav Ila E., widow of Charles, h Main.

Whiting, William, r 9, 10 cows, farmer 145.

Whitney, W. Marcellus, (Evans Mi lls) r 6 cor. 8, manuf. of Limburger cheese, farmer 352, h at Evans Mills.

Willard, Lotus, (Sterlingville) r 52, owns 1/2 acre.

Willard, Roswell, (Sterlingville) formerly farmer, h and lot Depot.

Wilson, Abel, formerly farmer, aged 86, h Mill.

Wilson, Charles B., cheesemaker and salesman, h Sand.

Wilson, Boomer, r 4, farmer, leases of the Hall estate.

WILSON, EDWIN, r 6, 800 sugar trees, 25 Holstein cows, 10 head other cattle, farmer 190.

Wilson, Emmet, r 26, 10 cows, farmer, leases of David Drake 120.

Wilson, Francis, (Wilson & Brown).

Wilson, James, r 6, retired farmer, born in 1805.

Wilson, Warren, r 22, 20 cows, farmer 215.

Wilson & Brown, (Francis W. and Charles A. B.) props. Comstock House, livery connected, opp. depot.

Wishart, Catharine M., widow of Christopher, farm 8.

Witherel, Charles, laborer, h Church.

Witherel, Ann, r 3, widow of Oliver, farm 64.

WOOD, ABEL S., pastor Cong. Church, h Clark. {Removed to Sidney, N. Y.}

Wood, Alonzo, 1st, farmer, h Mill.

Wood, Alonzo, 2nd, laborer, h Mill.

Wood, Esther M., (Mrs. Alonzo, 1st) farm 172, h Mill.

Wood, Jason, r 5,dealer in cattle, farmer 64.

Wood, Perry E., r 5, 15 cows, farmer 150.

Wood, Relly, r 42, farmer 65.

Wlld, Sidney B., laborer, h Mill.

Wright, Alexander, r 30, 20 cows, farmer, leases of W. Bannister 130.

Wright, Humphrey, (Sterlingville) laborer, h Main.

Wright, Winchester, (Sterlingville) r 38, farmer 143.

York, William J., dealer in horses and cattle, owns 2 houses Clark.

Young, Clark, (Sterlingville) r 54, 14 cows, farmer 146.

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