(Postoffice address in parenthesis)
Adams, Charles F., (Carthage) clerk for L. D. Thompson, bds, Hotel Elmhirst.
Adams, Fred L., (Carthage) (Adams Brothers) bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Adams, George D., (Carthage) clerk for Adams Brothers, bds. Levis House.
Adams, William N., (Carthage) (Adams Brothers) h Clinton.
Agnew, Myrtle, (Natural Bridge) emp. In tannery, h Main.
Aldrich, Hiram A., (N. Wilna) r 4, farmer.
Aldrich, John, (Carthage) h 72, mason.
Aldrich, Jonathan J., (Natural Bridge) r 39, carpenter and farmer 40.
ALDRICH, WALLACE N., (N. Wilna) r 11, dealer in dry goods, groceries, etc., prop. Saw and grist-mills, notary public, farmer 240. Served in Co. I, 14th N.Y.H.A.
Allen, Albert, (Carthage) jeweler. State. h do.
Allen, James. (Natural Bridge) laborer, h Main.
Alone, Joseph, (Carthage) r 64, farm laborer.
American Electric Light Co., The, (limited)(Carthage) James H. Elliott, of Montreal, Can., pres.; A.G. Peck. sec'y; H.H. Mills, general manager, Mechanic.
American Express Co., (Carthage) E.C. Wagner, agent, State.
Anderson, Ann, (N. Wilna) r 27, widow of Calvin.
Anderson, Arthur, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Anderson, George F., (Carthage) wagonmaker, Water. h at W. Carthage.
Anderson, Raynor E., (N. Wilna) r 27, 10 cows, farmer 106.
Anderson, Robert. (Carthage) machinist, bds. Levis House.
Anderson, William, (Sterlingville) r 32, laborer.
Andress, Jeremiah, (Natural Bridge) laborer, h Center.
Andrus, Louisa, (Natural Bridge) widow of Chester, h Main cor. West.
Arnold, Charles, (Natural Bridge) laborer.
Arnold, Elwin, (N. Wilna) r 26, 11 cows, farmer 27, and leases of Sanford Lewis 180.
Arnold, George W., (Carthage) dealer in sewing machines, organs, and pianos, State, h do.
Arnold, Hiram W., (Natural Bridge) r 23, emp. in tannery.
Arnold, Susie M., (Carthage) (Mrs. G.W.) prop. variety store, State.
Ash, David W., (Carthage) prop. livery stable, State, h School.
Ash, Sherman, (Carthage) clerk, bds. School.
Ashbeck, Leon, (Carthage) carpenter and builder, bds. Mechanic cor. Spring.
ASHCRAFT, EUGENE S., (Natural Bridge) r 25, carpenter and builder.
ASHCRAFT, JESSIE S., (Natural Bridge) r25, carpenter.
Ashley, Buckland, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Atkins, Elijah, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
ATWOOD, JOSIAH T., (Carthage) prop. farmers' sheds and boarding-house, Church, h do.
Austin, Frank W., (Carthage) r 73, laborer.
AVERY, GARDNER, r 63, 20 cows, farmer 140, served 3 years in Co. D, 10th N.Y.H.A.
Avery, Myron, r 63, farmer 50.
Babcock L.W., (Carthage) (Babcock & Horr) h at W. Carthage.
Babcock & Horr, (Carthage) (L.W.B. and Charles A.H.) dealers in butter, maple sugar, and farm produce, State.
Bachman, Lewis F., estate, (Carthage) h School.
Bachman, Robert C., (Carthage) cleck, h West.
Bachman, Vina, (Carthage) widow of L.F., h 3 School.
Bachman, William A., (Carthage) clerk for C. L. Frederick, h West.
Bacon, Charles O., (Carthage) emp. in tannery, h Bridge.
Bristol, Sarah, (Sterlingville) r 30, widow of John, farmer.
Balcom, Alexander F., (Carthage) sawyer, h Johns cor. Parham.
Balcom, Charles R., (Natural Bridge) r 38, farmer 116.
Banister, Charles G., (Carthage) dealer in drugs and groceries, State, h in Watertown.
Barber, John L., (Carthage) farmer in Denmark, Lewis Co., 80, h West.
Bariteau, Henry, (N.Wilna) r 5, farmer 80.
Barker, Sylvester, (N. Wilna) r 16, laborer.
Barnes, Almon, (Carthage) r 52, farmer 104.
BARR, WESLEY, (Carthage) ins. agent, State, h at W. Carthage.
Barres, Jonas, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp.in tannery.
Barshaw, Gilbert, (Carthage) wagormaker, h Mechanic.
Bassett, Eli, (Carthage) laborer, h West.
Bassett, Frank, (Carthage) harnessmaker, h at W. Carthage.
Bassett, Moses, (Carthage) r 35, shoemaker, 9 cows, farmer 125.
Bates, Arthur, (Natural Bridge) carpenter, h Main.
Bates, Harriet, (Carthage) (Mrs.O.S.) dealer in millinery and fancy goods, State, h do.
Baxter, John, (Carthage) (G.V. Eggleston & Co.)
Beals, Arthur G., (Carthage) general ins. agent, State cor. Mechanic, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Beard, Charles A., r 64, farmer 190.
Becker, Angelica, (Sterlingville) r14, widow of Hiram, aged 85.
Becker, Barton, (Sterlingville) r 14, dealer in trotting horses, 16 cows, farmer 200.
Becker, Clark N., (Sterlingville) r 14, son of Barton.
Becker, Jane, (Natural Bridge) resident, h Main.
Becker, Leman C., (Sterlingville) r 14, 30 cows, farmer, leases of Marie 280.
Becker, Lewis, (Natural Bridge) r 58, 12 cows, farmer 100.
Becker, Marie, (Sterlingville) r 14, farmer 280.
Beideau, William, (N. Wilna) r 18, engineer.
Belcher, J. Henry, (Carthage) teamster, h James.
Belcher, Polly, (Carthage) widow of Elisha, h James.
Bellen, William, (Carthage) blacksmith, bds. Mechanic.
Bellin, Peter, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Bellin, Vincent, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Bellinger, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Daniel, h School.
Bemis, Catherine, (Natural Bridge) r 22, widow of John, farmer 200.
Bence, Erwin S., clerk
Bence, George A., (Carthage) clerk for J.W. Clark, bds. State.
Bence, Lyel B., (Carthage) r 75, 9 cows, farmer 90.
Bence, Suffarious, (Carthage) r 75, farmer 58.
Bence, Susan, r 65, school teacher.
Bence, William, r 65, mail carrier, farmer 76.
Bender, Frederick, (Carthage) blacksmith, h off Forge.
Bennett, George, laborer, h Alexandria st.
Bennett, George M., (Carthage) r 82, emp. on railroad.
Bennett, William, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Benton, Carrie E., (Carthage) preceptress Carthage Union Free School, bds. James.
Benton, Samuel G., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Bergin, Margaret, (Natural Bridge) r 39, widow of Thomas, farm 49.
Bickelhaupt, John A., (Carthage) dealer in boots and shoes, State, h N. James.
Bickford, Florence I., (Carthage) agent for rubber and steel stamps, stencils, etc., h State.
Bickford, Jane B., (Carthage) widow of Marcus, h State.
Biddlecome, Dora Miss, (Carthage) (F.& D. Biddlecome) h State.
Biddlecome, F.& D., (Carthage) dealers in millinery, State.
Biddlecome, Flora Miss, (Carthage) (F.& D. Biddlecome) h State.
BINGLE, HENRY D., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, State, bds. Levis House.
Blake, Sarah A., (Great Bend) r 70, widow of George, farmer 25.
Blanchard, Andrew J., (Carthage) carpenter, h West.
Blanchard, Isaac, (Natural Bridge) r 38, farmer 52, aged 80.
Blanchard, Oscar, (Natural Bridge) prop. livery stable, Main, h do.
BLISS, JACOB, (Carthage) machinist, emp. Empire Steam Pump Mfg. Co., h Spring.
BOND, EDWARD A., general supt. Carthage & Adirondack Railway Co., State. [Removed to Watertown.]
Bones, Frederick L., (Carthage) farmer 25, h State.
Bossuot, John W., (Carthage) r 89, farmer.
Bovey, Henry, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Bowen, Levi L., (Natural Bridge) barber, prop. restaurant and billiard rooms. Main, h do.
Bowman, Lewis E., (Carthage) r 90, 40 cows, farmer, leases of William Bentley, of W. Carthage, 229.
Boyd, Alexander, (Carthage) r 72, retired farmer.
Boyd, John R., (Carthage) r 72, 17 cows, farmer with Robert P. 160.
Boyd, Robert P., (Carthage) r 72, farmer with John R. 160.
Boyd, William, (Natural Bridge) r 38, emp. in tannery, farmer 4.
Boyle, John J., (Carthage) r 85, 27 cows, farmer 168.
Brace, John W., (Carthage) prop. saw and planing-mills on Guyot Island, h West.
Brackett, Edward M., (Carthage) teacher of piano and harmony, and in the High school professor of music, State, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
BRANAGAN, SAMUEL, (Carthage) farmer 100, served in Co. E, 20th New York Cav.; resides in Croghan, Lewis Co.
Branaugh, Samuel, (Carthage) prop. tannery, manuf. of sole leather, River road, h West cor. School.
Branaugh, Wallace E., (Carthage) clerk for S. Breslow, bds. West.
Breslow, Henry S., (Carthage) clerk for Simon, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Breslow, Simon, (Carthage) dealer in clothing, State, resides in Clayton.
Brewer, Felix, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Brewer, John, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Brewster, Joseph L., (N. Wilna) r 4, farmer 165.
Brewster, Joseph W., (Antwerp) r 5, 20 cows, farmer 175.
Bristol, Sarah, (Sterlingville) r 31, widow, farmer 100.
Britton, Henry, (Great Bend) off r 68, farmer 25.
Britton, Henry Jr., (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Britton, Henry Jr., (Great Bend) r 68, basketmaker and farmer 8.
Britton, James, (Carthage) r 72, widow of Orlando.
Britton, Leonard, (Carthage) r 83, farmer 11.
Britton, Lewis N., (Carthage) r 49, basketmaker.
Britton, William, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Briur, John, (Carthage) carpenter and farmer19, h N. Washington.
Brookmire, James, (Carthage) r 52 cor. 49, cooper.
Brown, Elizabeth, (Carthage) widow, h James.
BROWN, HENRY E., M.D., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, Delmore block, State, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Brown, Julia, (Carthage) widow of Monroe, h Canal.
Brown, Michael, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Brown, Patrick H., (Carthage) prop. Brunswick House, Alexandria cor. Francis sts.
BROWN, REMSEN R., (Carthage) retired hotel keeper, dealer in real estate, farmer 37, h Church.
Brownell, Hiram M., (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer, leases of J.P., of Carthage, 100.
BROWNELL, JAMES P., (Carthage) civil engineer and surveyor, farm 200, bds. School.
BROWNELL, JOSEPH P., (Carthage) land surveyor and conveyancer, farmer 200, h School.
Brownell, Mary E., (Carthage) dressmaker, h School.
Bruce, Francis W., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, State, h at W. Carthage.
Brunswick House, (Carthage) P.H. Brown, prop., Alexandria cor. Francis sts.
Bryant, Spencer, (Carthage) roadmaster C. & A R'y, h Alexandria st.
Bryant, Walter, (Carthage) engineer C. & A R'y, bds. Alexandria st.
Bryant, William, (Carthage) fireman C. & A R'y, bds. Alexandria st.
Bryer, Kendrick, (Carthage) r 72, farmer 25.
Buck, Alfred, (Carthage) laborer, bds. James.
Buck, Ira, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Buck, Vincent, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Budd, Benjamin C., (Carthage) deputy sheriff, prop. auction and commission store, State, h do.
Budd, Joseph P., (Carthage) book-keeper, h Church.
Budd, Lovina, (Carthage) widow of Samuel, aged 91, h Spring.
Budd, Thomas R., (Carthage) manuf. of music holders and fire escapes, h Church.
Bullard, Charles W., (Carthage) dentist, 79 State, h do.
Bullis, Jabez B., (Carthage) tanner, h Forge.
Burhans, James H., (Carthage) clerk for E.M. Merrill, h at W. Carthage.
BURNES, JAMES W., (Natural Bridge) lumber dealer, h Main.
Burns, Daniel M., (Carthage) harnessmaker, State, h Spring.
BURNS, HENRY, (Natural Bridge) r 23, pensioner, served in Co. H, 2d N.Y.H.A., enlisted in 1862; wounded at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, 1864.
Burns, James, (Carthage) r 85, 16 cows, farmer 150.
Burns, James E., (Carthage) r 84, farmer.
BURNS, JOHN, (Natural Bridge) dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, flour, and feed, Main cor. Bridge, bds. Main.
Burns, Mariette, (Carthage) r 84, widow of Luke, 22 cows, farmer 160.
BURNS, THOMAS, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Burns, Thomas, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 130.
Burton, Philander, (Antwerp) r 1, farm laborer.
Bush, John, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Bush, Joseph, (Carthage) cartman, h West.
Bushnell, George, (Carthage) carpenter, h Francis.
Bushnell, Jay T., (Carthage) mechanic, h Francis.
Butts, Alonzo, r 55, farmer 150.
Cahill, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Cain, Christopher, (Sterlingville) r 30, farmer 100.
Callahan, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Water.
Camidge, Richard, (N. Wilna) r 10, tin peddler.
Canell, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Canell, Israel, (Carthage) r 89 1/2, farmer 3.
Canell, Israel, Jr., (Carthage) r 89 1/2, laborer.
Canfield, Albert J., (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 236.
Canfield, William, (N. Wilna) ) r 9, farmer 600, and in Antwerp 200.
Carkey, Duncan, (Carthage) laborer, h Sherman.
Carkey, Edward, laborer, h Sherman.
Carncross, John, (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 40.
CARNEY, JOHN H., (Carthage) prop. Levis House, free 'bus to all trains, State
Carpenter, Charles, (Carthage) laborer, Forge.
Carr, Charles, (Sterlingville) r 32 laborer.
Carter, Andrew Bennett, (Carthage) r 58, express messenger American Express Co.
Carter, Eugene W., (N. Wilna) r 12, farmer, son of Welton B.
Carter, James, (Carthage) r 81, farm laborer.
Carter, Lovina M., (Carthage) r 58, (Mrs. A.B.) farmer 32.
Carter, Nelson, (Carthage) r 81, laborer.
Carter, Waitstill, (N. Wilna) r 4, (Carter & Randall) captain of schooner Monteray.
CARTER, WELTON B., (N. Wilna) r 12, 20 cows, 1,200 sugar trees, farmer 196, served in Co. E., 20th N.Y. Cav., as quartermaster-sergeant.
Carter & Randall, (N. Wilna) r 4, (Waitstill C. and Erwin J.R.) manufs. of butter tubs and props. saw-mill.
Carthage Bakery, (Carthage) Adams Brothers, props. State.
Carthage Lumber and Wooden Ware Co., (limited) (Carthage) C.J. Clark, pres.; Irvin E. Waters, of Little Falls, vice-pres.; Myers Thompson, sec'y and treas., manufs. and dealers in house builders' and masons' supplies, chair stock, lumber, clothes-pins, interior finish, and coal, Dock and Canal.
Carthage National Bank, (Carthage) G.B. Johnson, pres.; O. Holcomb, vice-pres.; M.S. Wilder, cashier, State.
CARTHAGE REPUBLICAN, (Carthage) L.G. Chase, editor and publisher, State.
Carthage Savings Bank, (Carthage) L.G. Goodale, pres.; Allen G. Peck, treas., State cor. Mechanic.
Carthage Savings, Loan, and Building Association, (Carthage) H.B. Edmunds, sec'y, State.
CARTHAGE TRIBUNE, (Carthage) William B. Kesler, manager and editor, State.
CARTHAGE UNION FREE SCHOOL, G.F. Sawyer, prin.; Miss Carrie E. Benton, prec.
CARTHAGE & ADIRONDACK RAILWAY CO., (Carthage) runs from Carthage to Jayville, office State.
Case, Stephen, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 30.
Cassady, William, (Carthage) r 72, laborer.
Castle, Barney, (Carthage) r 85, farmer 50.
Castle, Edward, (Carthage) r 85, laborer, son of Barney.
Castle, Marie M., (Carthage) r 55, school teacher.
Castle, Peter A., (Carthage) r 85, laborer, son of Barney.
Castle, Thomas, (Carthage) r 85, farmer 50.
Castle, Thomas Jr., (Carthage) r 85, laborer, son of Barney.
Caswell, Seloma, (Natural Bridge) r 38, widow of Osmyn, born in Rutland in 1809.
Caswell, George E., (Natural Bridge) prop. livery stable, h Main.
Caswell, Thomas, (Carthage) lumber dealer, h State.
Catlin, Peter, (Carthage) mason, h Adelaide.
CENTRAL CHEESE FACRORY, r 75, Marion Hull, prop.
Central House, (Natural Bridge) Merritt Fargo, prop. Main.
Chadwick, John H., (Natural Bridge) r 36, 14 cows, farmer 169.
CHAFFEE, IRA V., (Natural Bridge) r 59, 600 sugar trees, farmer 75.
Chamberlin, Noah, (Carthage) carpenter, h Mechanic.
Chambers, Patty, (Carthage) widow of Louis, h James cor. Fulton.
Chapin, Alfred, (Natural Bridge) r 44, 12 cows, farmer 93.
Chapman, Edward, (Carthage) machinist, h Furnace.
Chapman, Henry, (Carthage) machinist, emp. Ryther & Pringle, h Furnace.
Charboneau, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h Adelaide.
Chase, Charles D., (Natural Bridge) r 45, prop. Spring Brook cheese factory, 10 cows, farmer 95.
CHASE, LLOYD G., (Carthage) editor and publisher Carthage Republican, State, h State cor. James.
Chatalaine, Peter, (Carthage) carpenter, h Clinton.
Chaufty, Ada Miss, (Carthage) milliner, bds. James.
Chaufty, Joseph, (Carthage) farmer 52, h James.
Chaufty, Reuben, (Carthage) clerk, bds. James.
Cheever, George B., (Sterlingville) r 33, carpenter.
Cheever, Nathaniel, (Sterlingville) r 33, farmer 138.
Cheney, Charles W., (Sterlingville) r 14, prop. cheese factory.
Child, Oliver A., (Carthage) track walker R.,W.& O.R.R., h Canal.
Christman, Edward, (Carthage) tanner, h Forge.
Christy, James, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Claments, Laura, (Carthage) widow of Timothy, h Forge.
Clark, Cornelius J., (Carthage) (Hutchinson & Clark) bas. Mechanic.
Clark, James (Carthage) r 84, farmer with Mary.
Clark, John, (Carthage) r 84, farmer 100.
Clark, John, (Carthage) merchant tailor and dealer in clothing, State, h S. James.
Clark, Mary, (Carthage) r 84, widow of John, farmer 104.
Clark, Michael, (Carthage) machinist, h Clinton.
Clark, Peter, (Carthage) tailor, h Clinton.
CLEARWATER, DANIEL, (Natural Bridge) r 79, 12 cows, farmer 134.
Clearwater, Luke R., (Carthage) r 79, farmer leases of Marie G. Cook 105.
Clement, Daniel, (N. Wilna) r 35, farmer, leases of George Wood 140.
Cline, Byron E., (N. Wilna) r 10, prop. gristmill.
Closs, Charles M., r 64, laborer.
Coburn, Fred W., (Carthage) (J. Rogers & Co.) h at W. Carthage.
Cole, Lucy, (Carthage) widow of John, emp. Hotel Elmhirst.
Colligan, Annie, (Carthage) (Mrs. C.) dealer in millinery, State.
Collins, Ambrose A., (Carthage) sec'y Carthage Savings Bank, h Church cor. Furnace.
Collins, Joseph P., (Carthage) clerk for W.H. Delmore & Co., h Church and Furnace.
Collins, Lucy (Carthage) bds. Church.
Collins, Patrick, (Carthage) r 82, farmer 200.
Collins, Thomas A., (Carthage) r 82, farmer 152.
Commins, Fred, (Carthage) student, h Alexander st.
Commins, Minnie, (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. Alexandria st.
Conaughty, James, (Carthage) laborer, bds. James.
Conaughty, Thomas E., (Carthage) section boss R., W.& O. R.R., h John.
Condit, Emma S., (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. James.
Conley, Jerome, (Carthage) cartman, h James.
Connell, Daniels, (Carthage) wholesale dealer in liquors, cigars, and tobacco, State, h do.
Connell, Emeline, (Natural Bridge) widow of Jay, bds. Central House.
Connell, James, (Natural Bridge) retired farmer, bds. Central House.
Connell, John, (Natural Bridge) r 23, emp. in tannery.
Conners, Heber, (Carthage) painter, bds. Levis House.
Connor, Andrew, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, bds. Bridge.
Connor, David, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Bridge.
Corror, William, (Carthage) machinist, bds. Dougherty House.
Conway, Andrew C., (Carthage) r 89, brickmaker.
Conway, George W., (Carthage) r 89, brick manuf.
Cook, Henry C., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law. State, h West.
Cook, Marie G., (Carthage) r 79, widow of Hirman, farmer 105.
Cooper, Almond, (Sterlingville) r 34, (Cooper Brothers).
Cooper Brothers, (Sterlingville) r 34, (Jarvis and Almond) 10 cows, farmers 250.
Cooper, Jarvis, (Sterlingville) r 34, (Cooper Brothers).
Cooper, Mason Rev., (Sterlingville) r 80, farmer 25.
Copeland, Nelson, (Carthage) emp. S. Branaugh, h Forge.
Copp, John H., (Natural Bridge) physician and surgeon, dealer in drugs, medicines, and groceries, Main, h do.
Corcoran, Mary J., (Carthage) dressmaker, bds. Francis.
Cormican, Thomas, (Carthage) tanner, h Alexandria st.
Coughlin, Michael P., (Carthage) photographer, emp. G.F. Lewis, bds. Dougherty House.
Covey, Berrt, (Carthage) porter Hotel Elmhirst.
Covey, David, r 54, farmer 3.
Covey, George, (Carthage) runs boat on canal, h Alexandria st.
Covey, Lorenzo, r 26, farmer 43.
Covey, Philip, r 26, farmer.
Covey, William, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexanderia cor. Adelaide sts.
Cowen, Edgar F., (Natural Bridge) r 44, 12 cows, farmer 103.
Cowen, Emory G. (Natural Bridge) r 38, farmer with Issac.
COWAN, HERMAN, (Carthage) 9 cows, farmer 82, h Fulton.
Cowan, Issac, (Natural Bridge) r 38, 10 cows, farmer 112.
Cowen, Charles E., (Carthage) r 63, son of Herman.
Cowen, Fredrick A., (Natural Bridge) r 25, 12 cows, farmer 116.
Cowen, William, (Natural Bridge) r 25, 12 cows, farmer 175.
Cowen, William, Jr., (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm laborer.
Coyle, Ann, (Carthage) widow of Patrick, tailoress, h James.
Crain, Aaron A., (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer 80.
Crary, Frank C., (N. Wilna) r 26, sawyer emp. Hendrickson Brothers.
Cratsenberg, Henry G., (Natural Bridge) clerk for J.B. Hurlburt.
Crimps, Duane M., (Natural Bridge) r39, farmer 24.
Criny, Luly, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Cronk, Melvin F., (Carthage) laborer, h West.
Crowley, James, (Carthage) r 84, farm laborer.
Crowner, Alpheus, r 53, laborer.
Crowner, Carra, (Carthage) widow, h Washington.
CROWNER, DEXTER W., r 75, farmer 50.
Crowner, Frank P., r 57, farmer, son of Warren.
Crowner, Fred R., r 44, 10 cows, farmer 77.
Crowner, Hubert B., (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer 150.
CROWNER, JOEL, r 26, farmer 95.
Crowner, John S., r 57 farmer son of Warren.
Crowner, John S., r 36, farm laborer.
Crowner, Joseph, (Carthage) retired pumpmaker, h Alexandria cor. Clinton sts.
Crowner, Marvin, (Natural Bridge) r 37, farmer 50, and leases of Hubert B. 150.
CROWNER, STATES, (Carthage) r 64, member town board of health, 600 sugar trees, farm 70.
Crowner, Truman A., r 36, farmer 55.
Crowner, Varner J., (Carthage) clerk for F.A. Southwick, bds. at W. Carthage.
Crowner, Warren, r 57, 26 cows, farmer 242.
Cruikshank, Anges H., (Carthage) widow of Dr. William H., resident, h James.
Cruikshank, Myron P., (Carthage) horse trainer, bds. James.
Cruikshank, William L., (Carthage) student, bds. James.
Cummings, D.C., (Carthage) patternmaker, h N. Washington.
Cunningham, Patrick, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 55.
Curtis, J., (Carthage) conductor C. & A. R'y, h West.
DaFoe, Lester O., (Carthage) clerk for S.D. Taylor, h State.
Daggertt, Theresa A., (Carthage) widow of Sidney, h West cor. Washington.
Darling, Josiah C., (Carthage) pastor M.E. Church, h State.
Davis, George N., (Carthage) prop. resturant, State, h do.
DAVIS, JAMES H., (Carthage) (Davis & Trembly) h at W. Carthage.
Davis, Laura, (Carthage) widow of Samual J., resident, h Church
Davis, Royal, (Natural Bridge) r 43, resident.
Davis, Royal (Natural Bridge) r 43, farmer 6 1/2.
DAVIS & TREMBLY, (Carthage) )James H.D. and John T.) blacksmiths, Water.
DAWLEY BROTHERS, (Natural Bridge) (Edgar and Dewitt) dealers in groceries and flour, Main cor. Bridge.
Dawley, Darius H., (Natural Bridge) retired stone mason, h Main.
DAWLEY, DEWITT, (Natural Bridge) r 39, (Dawley Brothers) farmer 4.
Dawley, Duane, (Carthage) carpenter, h Alexandria st.
DAWLEY, EDGAR, (Natural Bridge) (Dawley Brothers) assessor and farmer 23.
Dawley, Elisha, (Natural Bridge) farmer 11, h Mill.
Dawley, George W., (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer 40.
Dawley, James H., (Carthage) justice of the peace and police justice, farmer 198, State, h Spring.
Day, Hattie A., (Carthage) widow, dressmaker, h Spring.
Day, Lizzie, (Carthage) clerk, bds Spring.
Dayshaw, Frank, (Carthage) laborer, bds. Tannery Island.
Dayshaw, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, bds. Tannery Island.
Deedmeyer, Julis, (Carthage) wholesale and retail dealer in tobacco, State, h do.
DeFriend, Henry, (Carthage) r 52, farmer.
Delmore, Peter, (Carthage) teamster and farmer, h James.
DELMORE W.H. & Co., (Carthage) dealers in ready-made and custom-made clothing, State.
DELMORE, WILLIAM H., (Carthage) )W.H. Delmore & Co.) village president, supervisor, and dealer in real estate, h State.
DERBY, HARLEY, (Sterlingville) r 17, retired farmer, aged 77.
Derby, Ruben A., (Sterlingville) r 17, 24 cows, farmer 200.
Detamble, John (Carthage) r 72, farmer 5.
Devlin, Ellen, (Carthage) widow of Charles, resident.
DEVOIS, CHARLES, (Carthage) r 63, cor. 57, 12 cows, farmer 100.
Devois, Mariette, (Carthage) r 57, widow of Francis, aged 79.
Dexter, F.A. & Co., (Carthage) (B.A. and H.A. Dexter) (successors to A.S. Plank & Son) furnishing undertakers.
Dexter, Frank A., (Carthage) (F.A. Dexter & Co.) h State.
DICKERMAN, ROLLIN, (Carthage) h State.
Dickerman, Sherwood R., (Carthage) clerk, bds. State.
Dickinson, George W., (Carthage) editor Carthage Tribune, h Mechanic.
Dockstader, Benjamin H., (Natural Bridge) r 23, custom boot and shoemaker, Main.
Dodge, Clark E., (Carthage) manuf. of gloves and mittens, dealer in harnesses, etc., State, h Budd.
Dodge, Loriston G., (Sterlingville) r 29, farmer 80.
Dodge, Walter R., (Carthage) (Dodge & Westcott) book-keeper for T. Revell, bds. Elmhirst.
Dodge, William C., (Carthage) glove and mittenmaker, bds. Budd.
Dodge & Westcott, (Carthage) (Walter R.D. and Fred N.W.) dealers in groceries, meats, and provisions, School cor. Francis.
Donald, William, house painter, bds. Hatch House.
Donavin, Jerry M., (Carthage) actor, h John.
Donley, James, (Carthage) hostler Levis House, h State.
Dooley, Sarah, (Carthage) widow of James, h Mechanic.
Dougherty House, (Carthage) C.W. Hall, prop., Church.
Doyle, James, (Carthage) r 72, laborer.
Doyle, Lawrence, (Natural Bridge) r 25, 9 cows, farmer 150.
Doyle, Michael, (Carthage) laborer, h Adelaide.
Drake, Martin, (N. Wilna) r 11, farmer.
Draper, Elisha, (Natural Bridge) r 24, farmer 100.
Draper, George W., (Natural Bridge) r 37, farmer 30.
Draper, Jerry, (Natural Bridge) r 39, laborer.
Draper, Lyman, (Natural Bridge) r 37, farmer.
Draper, Philander, (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer 49.
Draper, Philorus, (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer 57.
Draper, Reuben, (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer 70.
DRAPER, SAMUEEL, (Natural Bridge) r 37, served in 94th N.Y. Vols. 4 years, farmer 25.
Draper, William L., (Natural Bridge) r 36, school teacher.
DRURY, CHARLES S., (Natural Bridge) physician and surgeon, Main, h do.
Duley, Celester, (Natural Bridge) laborer, h Main cor. Mill.
Duley, George A., (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 108.
Dunant, Hannah, (Carthage) widow of Peter, h West.
Dunden, Patrick, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Dunlap, Lyman H., (Carthage) dealer in hides and leather, h Budd.
Dunlavey, Thomas, (Carthage) laborer, h Johns.
Dunlavey, Thomas, Jr., (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Earl, Elmer R., (Carthage) rector Grace Church, h State.
Easton, Harry, (Carthage) tanner, bds. Alexandria st.
Easton, John, (Carthage) tanner, h Alexandria st.
Eaton, Albert W., (Carthage) prop. laundry, State, h do.
EATON, CHARLES E., (Carthage) (P.L. & C.E. Eaton) h at Carthage.
EATON, P.L. & C.E., (Carthage) props. shingle-mill, contractors and builders, manufs. of doors, sash, blinds, molding, brackets, and stair work, dealers in Canada pine and other lumber, planing and matching, scroll-sawing, turning, etc., plans and specifications furnished, Mechanic.
EATON, PROSPER L., (Carthage) (P.L. & C.E. Eaton) h at W. Carthage.
Edmonds, Henry B., (Carthage) general ins. agent, State, h Francis.
Edner, Albina, (Natural Bridge) r 38, widow of Chester, farmer 49.
Edwards, A. Sherman, (Carthage) tree agent, h West.
Edwards, John S., Sr., (Carthage) retired, h State.
Edwards, John S., Jr., (Carthage) real estate dealer, h State.
Eggleston, George V., (Carthage) (G.V. Eggleston & Co.) bds. State.
Eggleston G.V. & Co., (Carthage) (John Baxter) dealers in groceries and provisions, State.
Emmons, O. Landon, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Empire Steam Pump Mfg. Co., (Carthage) M.P. Mason, pres.; E.H. Myers, sec'y and treas., manufs. of steam pumps, Forge.
Ervin, Betsey, h 56 cor. 57, resident.
Ervin, Henry J., (Carthage) contractor, dealer in coal and wood, State.
Erwin, William, (Carthage) off r 52, farmer 73.
Evans, Frank A., (Sterlingville) r 17, farmer, son of Samuel.
Evans, Frank T., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, special county surrogate.
Evans, George B., (N. Wilna) r 18, 16 cows, farmer 150.
Evans, Harvey, (N. Wilna) r 28, farmer 24.
Evans, John, (Carthage) dealer in hardware and tinware, State, h Furnace.
Evans, John C., (Carthage) resident, h Spring.
Evans, Milford E., (N. Wilna) r 18, son of George B.
Evans, Musgrove H., (N. Wilna) r 18, son of George B.
Evans, Samuel, (Sterlingville) r 17, farmer 165.
Everett, Amos, r 57, farmer, served 3 years in Co. D, 10th N.Y.H.A.
Everett, Daniel, (Carthage) teamster, h N. Washington.
Exford, George W., (N. Wilna) r 12, 30 cows, farmer 220.
Fader, Albert H., (N. Wilna) r 10, 10 cows, farmer, leases of William Canfield 96.
FAILING, FRANK A., (Carthage) retired merchant, h at W. Carthage.
Fargo House, r 64 cor. 65, Susan Fargo prop.
Fargo, Lotus S., r 64 cor. 65, postmaster and farmer.
Fargo, Merritt, (Natural Bridge) prop. Central House, Main.
Fargo, Perry Z., (Carthage) com. traveler, bds. State.
Fargo, Susan, r 64 cor. 65, widow of Lewis, prop. Fargo House, 23 cows, farmer 190.
Farley, James, (Carthage) r 76, farmer 50.
Farley, John, (Carthage) r 76, laborer.
Farley, Maggie, (Carthage) dressmaker, State.
Farley, Patrick, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 130.
Farley, Patrick, (Sterlingville) r 14, farmer 61.
Farr, George R., (Carthage) r 83, farmer 22.
FARR, VINCENT L., (Carthage) carpenter and builder, served in Co. B, 35th N.Y. Inf., and in Co. E, 20th N.Y. Cav., h Johns.
Farr, Vincent W., r 55, farmer 100.
Farrar, John E., (Carthage) farmer 93, h James.
Farrar, Walter, (Carthage) farmer, h James.
Farrell, James, (Great Bend) off r 68, farmer 40.
Fay, Cordelia, (Philadelphia) r 7, resident.
FENNEN, ANDREW, (Carthage) contractor and builder, h Alexandria st.
Fennen, James, (Carthage) carpenter, h Clinton.
Fergurson, Franklin, (Carthage) r 52, farmer.
Ferguson, Nelson D., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, pres. board of pension examiners, Mechanic, h do.
Fillinger, Joseph E., (Natural Bridge) clerk for T.E. Proctor, bds. Central House.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARTHAGE, (Carthage) E.H. Myers, pres.; Allen G. Peck, cashier, State cor. Mechanic.
FISHER, MILO B., (Natural Bridge) r 38, building mover, well digger and driller, manuf. of the Fisher truss, served in Co. I, 2nd Mass. Cav., was in Danville and Libbey prisons 11 months, farmer 2.
Fitzsimons, Lizzie, (Carthage) cashier for C.E. Francis, bds Alexandria st.
Fitz Simons, Andrew, (Carthage) off r 81, 17 cows, farmer 150.
Fitz Simons, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Patrick, resident, h Alexandria cor. Johns sts.
Flanigan, Francis, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Flanigan, Mark, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Flint, Henry, (Philadelphia) r 8, farmer, leases of T. Hart 63.
Flix, Charles, (Natural Bridge) r 58, 16 cows, farmer, leases of Guy Penniman 150.
FLYNN, HENRY P., (Natural Bridge) r 22 cor. 23, manager Thomas E. Proctor's tannery, general merchant, bds. Central House.
Foley, Catherine, (Carthage) r 76, widow of John, farmer 170.
Foley, Christopher E., (Carthage) r 76, farmer.
Foley, John, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Foley, Peter, (Carthage) r 76, 30 cows, farmer 330.
Foley, Peter J., (Carthage) r 76, farmer.
Forbes, James H., (Carthage) local editor Carthage Republican, bds. at W. Carthage.
Forbes, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Forbes, Malvina, (Carthage) widow of Ephraim, bds. James.
Forbes, Minnie B., (Carthage) prop. 5 and 10 cent store, State, h at W. Carthage.
Ford, Henry A., (Carthage) r 47, farmer with William P. 120.
Ford, Henry W., (N. Wilna) r 4, butter tubmaker.
Ford, Justin, (Carthage) (M.D. Ham & Co.) h School.
Ford, William P., (Carthage) r 47, farmer with Henry A. 120.
Forney, John, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Forney, Patrick J., (Carthage) clerk in postoffice, h N. Washington.
Forsythe, Tuffield, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Foster, Silas W., (Carthage) barber and hairdresser, State cor. Mechanic, h West.
Francis, Alonzo H., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, h West cor. Mechanic.
Francis, Chester E., (Carthage) dealer in dry goods and groceries, State, h State cor. James.
Frederick, Carlos L., (Carthage) dealer in drugs, groceries, and fancy goods, manuf. of Frederick's lungworth syrup, State, h West.
Freeman, George W., (Carthage) r 52, farmer, leases of Michael G. 75.
Freeman, Michael G., (Carthage) r 52, farmer 75.
Frink, Heman H., (Carthage) tinsmith, State, h do.
Frizzell, George, (N. Wilna) r 5, dealer in groceries and manuf. of butter tubs.
Fuller, Alfred N., (Carthage) clerk, bds. West.
Fuller, Christine M. Mrs., (Carthage) manuf. of King's crystal balm, bds. West.
FULLER, NORMAN J., (Carthage) prop. billiard hall, farmer in Champion 300, State, h West.
Fuller, William A., (Carthage) barber, h James.
Fulton, Angelica, (Carthage) r 62, widow of Elisha, 15 cows, farmer 100.
FULTON, CAROLINE, (Natural Bridge) r 59, widow of James, farmer 75.
Fulton, Clark A., (Carthage) r 62, farmer with Mrs. Angelica.
Fulton, Joseph E., (Carthage) r 62, farmer with Mrs. Angelica 100.
FULTON, SIMEON, (Carthage) r 62, farmer 245, aged 80.
Gallagher, Richard, (Carthage) retired furniture dealer, h State.
Gallagher, Stephen H., (Carthage) machinist, bds. State.
Galleciez, Arnold, (Carthage) millwright, h James.
Galleciez, Joseph L., (Carthage) millwright, patentee of the automatic post-box and hanger, bds. runswick Hotel.
Galleciez, Peter A., (Carthage) millwright, h Francis cor. James.
Galloway, Francis M., (Carthage) carpenter, h Adelaide.
Galloway, M. Frank, (Carthage) electrician, bds. Adelaide.
Galvin, Alva, (Carthage) laborer, h Johns.
Galvin, James, (Carthage) farmer 164, h Alexandria st.
Gamble, Frederick, (Carthage) r 68, farm laborer.
Gamble, James V., (Carthage) off r 68, farm laborer.
Gamble, William L., (Carthage) off r 68, farmer, leases of L. J. Gamble 50.
Gamby, Charles A., (Carthage) r 68, laborer.
Gamby, Henry, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Gardiner, D.B., h at W. Carthage.
Gardner, Charles L., (Carthage) carpenter, h Sherman.
Gardner, Frederick S., (Carthage) r 52, machinist.
Gardner, Jacob, (Sterlingville) r 33, laborer.
Gardner, Oren A., (N. Wilna) r 9, 15 cows, farmer, leases of William Canfield 150.
Gardner, Seth, (Carthage) intelligence office, h N. Washington.
Gardner, Thomas J., (Carthage) r 52, laborer.
Gardner, Thurlow, (Carthage) r 52, laborer.
Gardner, William T., (Carthage) foreman for the late L.H. Mills, h Machinic.
Garighty, John, (Carthage) r 83, farmer 30.
Garrity, Denis, (Carthage) r 72, farmer 30.
Garvin, John W., (Carthage) dealer in flour, feed, hay, grain, salt, lime, etc., Main cor. Mechanic, h do.
Gaskill, William, (Natural Bridge) blacksmith, h Church.
Gasser, Timothy B., (Carthage) emp. Smith & O'Keefe, bds. Levis House.
Gates, Charles, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Gates, Cranson O., (Carthage) carpenter, h State.
Gates, George, (Carthage) carpenter, h Alexandria st.
Gates, George, (Carthage) r 82, laborer.
Gates, Harris, (Sterlingville) r 16, farmer 60.
GATES, JULIUS K., (Carthage) r 67 cor. 52, served in Co. B, 85th N.Y. Vols., carpenter and farmer 56.
Gates, Orville, (Carthage) carpenter, bds. State.
Gates, Simeon, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Gates, William, (Sterlingville) r 34, farmer 65.
Gates, William R., (Carthage) marble worker, h Mechanic.
Gayne, Frank, (Carthage) r 82, farmer 15.
Gazin, Charlotte E., (Carthage) resident, h Canal.
Gibbs, Byron E., (N. Wilna) r 12, farmer and thresher.
Gibbs, Eugene, (N. Wilna) r 11, farmer 70.
Gibbs, George P., (N. Wilna) r 10, 18 cows, farmer 220.
GIBBS, LEWIS B., (N. Wilna) r 11, prop. cheese factory.
Gibbs, Mary, (N. Wilna) r 11, widow of Charles.
Gibbs, Perley P., (N. Wilna) r 11, farmer, son of George P.
Giblin, Patrick, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
GILBERT, GEORGE, (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, notary public, 59 State, h N. James.
Gilbert, Lovicy, (Carthage) widow of Suel, resident, h School cor. Budd.
Gilbert, Marian, (Carthage) widow of Abner, h State.
Gilbert, Miriam S., (Carthage) widow of A.P., resident, h Main.
Gill House, (Carthage) Robert Gill, manager, School cor. Mechanic.
Gill, Peter, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Gill, Robert, (Carthage) manager Gill House and livery stable, School cor. Mechanic.
Gill, Robert H., (Carthage) clerk Gill House.
Gillett, John J., (Carthage) clerk for J. Rogers & Co., h at W. Carthage.
Gilligan, Terrence, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 117. [Died Nov. 9, 1889.]
Gleason, Michael, (Carthage) clerk Levis House.
Godkin, William C., (Carthage) barber, emp. S.W. Foster, bds. West.
Golden, John J., (Carthage) prop. saloon, State cor. Canal. [Removed to Brownville.]
Goldthrite, Joseph E., (Carthage) conductor R., W. & O. R.R.
Gonyea, Levi, (Carthage) r 82, laborer.
GOODALE, LAWRENCE J., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, agent for the LeRay estate, West, h do.
Goodnough, Kate, (Carthage) h James.
Gordon, Andrew J., laborer, h James.
Gordon, Donald, (Carthage) tinner for J. Rogers & Co., bds. at W. Carthage.
Gordon, Frank J., (Carthage) h School.
Gormly, John, r 54, farmer 400.
Gossman, Andrew, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Gossman, Jacob, (Carthage) laborer, h Adelaide.
Gossman, Jacob N., (Carthage) farmer 4, h Forge.
Gossman, Robert, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Gould, Marenous F., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h School.
Gould, Nelson H., (Natural Bridge) r 41, emp. in tannery.
Graham, Charles F., r 56, 8 cows, farmer, leases of Mary A. 80.
Graham, Charles W., r 56, farmer, son of James C.
Graham, Cyrus C., (N. Wilna) r 10, farm laborer.
Graham, Edwin, (N. Wilna) r 5, 20 cows, farmer 216.
GRAHAM, JAMES C., r 56, 22 cows, breeder of grade Holstein cattle, 400 sugar trees, farmer 126.
Graham, Mary A., r 56, widow of David, farmer 80.
Graham, Thomas, (Carthage) r 81, farmer 125.
Graves, Calvin V., (Natural Bridge) manuf. of hard and soft wood lumber, shingles, railroad ties, telegraph poles, cedar posts, and pulp wood, drum-major in Co. K, 97th N.Y. Inf. Vols., Main, bds. Central House.
Graves, Ovid, r 64, farmer.
Great Northwestern Telegraph Co., (Carthage) Charles Ressegnie, oporator, State.
Green, Wilber S., (Carthage) blacksmith, emp. Ryther & Pringle, bds. Gill House.
Greene, Albert R., (Carthage) blacksmith, h Francis.
Greene, Herbert K., (Carthage) machinist, bds. Gill House.
Gregory, Charles, (Carthage) blacksmith and wagonmaker, Mechanic, h do. cor. Furnace.
Grenell, Moses, (Carthage) laborer, h Tannery Island.
Grieb, John, (Carthage) r 72, farmer 30.
Grinnell, Heman, (Carthage) prop. Grinnell House, State.
Grinnell House, (Carthage) H. Grinnell, prop., State.
Gustin, John M., (Natural Bridge) farmer 100, h Mill.
Guyot, Fred S., (Carthage) manuf. of furniture on Guyot Island, h Furnace.
Guyot, Joseph V., (Carthage) prop. grist-mill on Guyot Island, h Water cor. Furnace.
Guyot, Mariette, (Carthage) widow, h West.
Guyot, Minor, (Carthage) machinist and wool carder, Guyot Island, h 112 State.
Hall Brothers, (Natural Bridge) r 22, (William L. and Elvin) manufs. of white marble lime.
Hall, Byron J., (Carthage) barber, State, h do.
Hall, Charles W., (Carthage) prop. Dougherty House, Church.
Hall, Edwin, (N. Wilna) r 26, laborer and farmer 5.
Hall, Elvin, (Natural Bridge) r 22, (Hall Brothers) farmer.
Hall, Emma E., (Carthage) (Mrs. F.L.) teacher of piano and organ, State.
Hall, Eugene, (N. Wilna) r 26, farmer 27.
Hall, Fred, (Natural Bridge) wagonmaker, bds. Church.
Hall, Fred L., (Carthage) dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, and musical merchandise, watch repairing, State, h do.
Hall, Hiram, (Natural Bridge) r 38, retired farmer 10, aged 77.
Hall, Luther P., (Natural Bridge) r 22, retired lime manuf.
Hall, Sanford F., (Natural Bridge) laborer.
Hall, Stephen, (Natural Bridge) wagonmaker, Church, h do.
Hall, William L., (Natural Bridge) r 22, (Hall Brothers) carpenter and farmer 10.
Hollin, Timothy, (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Ham, M.D. & Co., (Carthage) (Justin Ford) props. meat market and dealers in flour, State.
Ham, Merritt D., (Carthage) (M.D. Ham & Co.) h Fulton.
Hammand, William S., (Carthage) carriage and house painter, h at W. Carthage.
Hammond, Bell L., (Carthage) school teacher, bds. N. Washington.
Hammond, Harley B., (Carthage) dealer in groceries and provisions, State, h do.
HAMMOND, HENRY W., (Carthage) ass't supt. R., W. & O. R.R., h State.
Hammond, Sarah A., (Carthage) widow of Henry, resident, h N. Washington.
Hammond, Teranus P., (Carthage) painter, h West.
Hammond, William L., (Carthage) cabinet-maker, h N. Washington.
Hanson, Arthur, (Carthage) painter, h Spring cor. Water.
Hanson, Nathaniel, (Sterlingville) r 16, farmer 70.
Hanson, Sidney, (N. Wilna) r 10, 10 cows, farmer 100.
Hardy, Esther, r 66, farmer 14.
Hardy, James, (Carthage) r 48, farmer.
Hart, Alvin, (Natural Bridge) carpenter, h Church.
Hart, Fred K., (Carthage) photographer, State cor. Church.
Hart, James N., (Carthage) mason, h Clinton.
Harvey, James, Jr., (Carthage) r 81, farmer 60.
HASTINGS, ESTHER A., r 45, (Mrs. Joseph) farmer.
Hastings, John, (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 71.
HASTINGS, JOSEPH, r 45, 10 cows, farmer 75.
Hastings, Wilson J., off r 56, farmer.
Hatch, Horatio, (Carthage) r 34 cor. 49, farm laborer.
Hatch House, (Carthage) Mr. A.A. Murray, prop., State cor. River.
Hatch, Jacob, (Carthage) r 77 1/2, farm laborer.
HATCH, SARAH E. Mrs., (Carthage) prop. Hotel Elmhirst, State cor. Mechanic.
HATHWAY, WILLIAM J., (Natural Bridge) blacksmith, Center, h West.
Hendrickson Brothers, (N. Wilna) r 26, (John C. and Howlett V.) props. steam saw-mill and dealers in lumber, 14 cows, farmers 480.
Hendrickson, Howlett V., (N. Wilna) r 26, (Hendrickson Brothers).
Hendrickson, John C., (N. Wilna) r 26, (Hendrickson Brothers).
Herrick, Alfred A., (Carthage) resident, h Mechanic.
Herrick, Fay, (Carthage) bds. State.
HERRICK, HATTIE M., (Carthage) resident, h Main.
Hewitt, Frank A., (Carthage) dealer in marble and granite, State, h Clinton.
Hewitt, George W., (Carthage) laborer, bds. N. Washington.
HEWITT, HEPSEY S., (Carthage) widow of John, resident, h West.
Hewitt, Perry W., (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Hewitt, Webster, (Carthage) r 83, farm18.
Hickey, Bridget, (Carthage) r 79, widow of Philip, farmer 51.
Hickey, James, (Carthage) r 79, 18 cows, farmer 160.
Hickey, James, (Carthage) machinist, h Alexandria st.
Hickey, James, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Hickey, James S., (Carthage) r 79, farmer, son of James.
Hickey, Julia, (Carthage) dressmaker, h West.
Hicks, John N., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h West.
Higman, Thomas, (Carthage) r 84, farmer, leases of T.D. Warren 150.
Higman, William, (Natural Bridge) r 79, ex poor master, farmer 50.
Hill, John N., (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer 117.
Hinds, John, (Carthage) resident, h State.
Hoar, Martin, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Bridge.
Holloran, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) laborer, h Main.
Holloran, James, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Church.
Holmes, James, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Holt, Albert, (Carthage) resident, h N. Washington.
HOOKER, HORACE, (Carthage) dealer in clothing and gents furnishings, 60 State, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Horr, Charles A., (Carthage) (Babcock & Horr) h State.
Horr, John, Sr., (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Horr, John, Jr., (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Hosford, Albert T., (Carthage) r 82, 10 cows, Farmer 155.
Hosford, Clark, (Carthage) r 83, farmer.
Hosford, George T., (Carthage) r 73, gardener and farmer 6.
HOTEL ELMHIRST, (Carthage) Mrs. S.E. Hatch, prop., State cor. Mechanic.
Houghton, Collins, (Carthage) civil engineer, bds. James cor. Budd.
HOUGHTON, HIRAM, (Carthage) brick manuf. and farmer 225, h James cor. Budd.
Hover, John, carpenter, h Spring. [Removed to Clayton.]
Hovey, Edward, (Natural Bridge) widow of Edward, farmer 16.
Hoyt, Fanny D., (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. Clinton.
Hoyt, Southmayd S., (Carthage) traveling ins. agent, State, h do.
Hubbard, Charille, (Carthage) r 84, resident.
Hubbard, Cyrus, (Carthage) r 49, farmer.
Hubbard, Dewitt, (Carthage) r 34, 10 cows, farmer 175.
Hubbard, Ellen M., (Carthage) (Mrs. J.A.) dress and cloakmaker, Kimball block.
Hubbard, Fernando D., (Carthage) dealer in hardware, stoves, and tinware, State, h do.
Hubbard, Jerusia, (Carthage) r 49, widow of Samuel, farmer 700.
Hubbard, Joel A., (Carthage) dealer in sewing machines, pianos, and organs, farmer 16, Kimball block, h Alexandria st.
Hubbard, Samuel, (Carthage) r 49, 17 cows, farmer 700. [Deceased.]
Hubbard, William, (Carthage) r 49, 11 cows, farmer 200.
Huggans, George F., (Carthage) general manager and supt. C. & A. R'y, State, h School.
Hughes, Charles E., (Carthage) r 83, farm laborer.
Hughes, George, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Hugson, Wesley M., (Great Bend) r 71, stonecutter.
Hugson, Wesley W., (Carthage) stonecutter, h S. Washington.
Hull, Annett, (N. Wilna) r 11, widow of Thomas R., farmer 80.
HULL, MARION, r 75, prop. Central cheese factory, 300 cows.
Hull, Norman, (N. Wilna) r 11, farmer.
Hungerford, Arthur E., (Carthage) tinner, emp. J. Rogers & Co., h at W. Carthage.
Hurlburt, Henry, (Natural Bridge) r 22, farmer 100.
HURLBURT HOUSE, (Natural Bridge) Joel B. Hurlburt, prop. Main.
HURLBURT, JOEL B., (Natural Bridge) prop. Hurlburt House and opera house, dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc., Main.
Huston, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Adam, h Washington.
Hutchins, Silas, (N. Wilna) r 11, laborer.
Hutchinson, Byron V., (Carthage) clerk for Hutchinson & Clark, bds. James.
Hutchinson, Clarence, (Carthage) resident, h State.
Hutchinson, Franklin, (Carthage) resident, h State.
Hutchinson, Oren, farm 100, h State. [Deceased.]
Hutchinson, William, (Carthage) (Hutchinson & Clark) h at W. Carthage.
Hutchinson & Clark, (Carthage) ( William H. and Cornelius, J.C.) millers, dealers in flour, feed, and groceries, State.
Ingalls, Joseph, (Philadelphia) r 7, farmer 87.
Ingalls, Samuel, (N. Wilna) r 12, manuf. of shingles, thresher, and farmer 27.
Ingraham, Curtis C., (Carthage) resident, h State.
Ireland, Charles, (North Wilna) r 1, farmer 50.
Jacobs, Fred, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Jagoux, Lewis, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Jennings, Joseph, (Carthage) engineer R., W. & O. R.R., h Alexandria st.
Jennings, Walter, (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Jeradin, Justin V., (Carthage) resident, h James.
Johnson, Albert E., (Carthage) clerk for C.E. Van Slyke, bds. Church.
Johnson, Charles, (Carthage) apprentice Tribune office, bds. Adelaide.
Johnson, Epaphroditus, (Carthage) molder, h S. Clinton.
Johnson, Gilbert B., (Carthage) pres. Carthage National Bank, h Budd cor. School.
Johnson, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Johnson, John H., (Carthage) h Clinton.
Johnson, Kate, (Carthage) r 73, widow of William.
Johnson, Mercy C., (Carthage) r 84, widow of Franklin B., 18 cows, farmer 170.
Johnson, Parley E., (Natural Bridge) retired physician and surgeon.
Johnston, George G., (Carthage) freight clerk R., W. & O. R.R., h Adelaide.
Jonas, Newton A., (Natural Bridge) shoemaker, Main, h do.
Jones, James, (Carthage) painter, h West.
Jones, John J., (Carthage) tailor, h James.
Jones, Mary I., (Carthage) widow of Frank, h Parham.
Jones, Mary L., (Carthage) widow of Amos, dressmaker, h Water.
Jones, Truman, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Bridge,
Judson, Matilda, (Carthage) widow of Silas, h Church.
Kane, Patrick, (Sterlingville) r 16, 15 cows, farmer 110.
Kane, Thomas, (Carthage) r 82, 18 cows, farmer 75.
Kapfer, George, (Carthage) h Alexandria st.
Kapfer, George W., (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Kearns, Ann, (Carthage) widow, h Clinton.
Kearns, Rose, (Carthage) dressmaker, h Clinton.
Keating, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 30.
Keenan, Charles G., (Carthage) (Keenan & Co.) h at W. Carthage.
Keenan & Co., (Carthage) (Charles G. K. and Richard F. Neary) general merchants, State.
Kelley, David, (Carthage) tanner, h Sherman.
Kelley, George E., (N. Wilna) r 10, school teacher.
Kelley, John, (Natural Bridge) teamster and jobber.
Kelley, John, (N. Wilna) r 10, 20 cows, farmer 122.
Kelley, Lewis, (Great Bend) r 70, laborer.
Kelley, Peter, (Carthage) laborer, h West.
Kelley, Robert S., (N. Wilna) r 10, farmer, son of John.
Kelley, William, (Carthage) tanner, h off Forge.
Kelley, William W., (N. Wilna) r 10, school teacher.
Kellogg, Flora L., (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. Clinton.
Kellogg, Henry J., (Carthage) marble dealer, h State.
Kellogg, Margaret E., (Carthage) widow of Rev. E.E., h Clinton.
Kellogg, Virgil K., (Carthage) (Kilby & Kellogg) h at W. Carthage.
Kelly, Henry C., (Carthage) prop. restaurant and saloon, State, h West.
Kendall, Edward, (Carthage) shoemaker, h Mechanic.
Kenna, Michael, (Carthage) r 82, 25 cows, farmer 167.
Kesler, A. & G. W., (Carthage) wholesale and retail dealers in boots and shoes, 59 State.
Kesler, Augustus, (Carthage) (A. & G. W. Kesler) real estate dealer, farmer in Denmark, Lewis Co., 195, h Clinton cor. West.
Kesler, George W., (Carthage) (A. & G. W. Kesler) h Clinton.
Kesler, J. Mrs., (Carthage) resident, h Clinton.
KESLER, WILLIAM B., (Carthage) business manager Carthage Tribune, State, h Clinton.
KEYES, CALEB, (Natural Bridge) r 59, agent for Acme pulverizing harrow in Jefferson, St. Lawrence, and Lewis counties, 15 cows, farmer, leases of Samuel, Sr., 140.
Keyes, George, (Natural Bridge) r 59, farmer, owns in Lewis Co. 186.
KEYES, SAMUEL, Sr., (Natural Bridge) r 59, retired farmer, aged 82.
Keyes, Samuel, Jr., (Natural Bridge) r 59, farmer 87.
Kidder, Worthington B., (Carthage) barber, State, h James.
Kilburn, Allen, (Carthage) carpenter, h West.
Kilby, Allen E., (Carthage) (Kilby & Kellogg) h State.
Kilby & Kellogg, (Carthage) (Allen, E.K. and Virgil, K.K.) atty's and counselors at law. State cor. Mechanic.
Killinger, Fred, (Carthage) laborer, bds. Water.
Killinger, Henry, (Carthage) gunsmith, h Water.
Kimball, Arvilla S., (Carthage) widow of Charles H., resident, h Mechanic cor. Spring.
King, Susie, (Carthage) dressmaker, h West.
Kinney, Bridget, (Carthage) widow, h Mechanic.
Kinney, James P., (Carthage) farmer, h Francis.
Klinger, Ella, (Carthage) telephone operator, bds. Water.
Klinger, Henry, (Carthage) gunsmith, h Water.
Labarr, Frank, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Lacross, Frank, (Carthage) laborer, h Sherman.
Lacross, George, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
La Feure, A. Mitie, (Carthage) shoemaker, emp. M.C. Paul, h at W. Carthage.
Laflare, Peter, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Lago, J. Benjamin, (Carthage) r 81, mason and farm 6.
Lago, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
La Groo, Joe, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Lagson, John, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
LAKE, C.C. & SON, (Natural Bridge) (Fred) manufs. of wainscotings, moldings, and oilboxes, props. planing-mill.
LAKE, CHRISTOPHER C., (Natural Bridge) (C.C. Lake & Son).
LAKE, FRED, (Natural Bridge) (C.C. Lake & Son).
Lake, Harvey J., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Bridge.
Lake, Wallace, (N. Wilna) r 11, farm laborer.
Lalone, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Lalone, Lewis, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Lamb, Wilson, (N. Wilna) r 10, 20 cows, farmer 163.
Lancor, Albert, (Carthage) car inspector R., W. & O. R.R., h Mechanic.
Lancor, Henry, (Carthage) Laborer, h Alexandria st.
Lancor, Joseph, (Carthage) r 72, brickmaker.
LANPHEAR, HIRAM K., (Carthage) r 82, 26 cows, farmer 285, served in Co. A, 186th N.Y. Vols.
Lanphear, John, r 65, 10 cows, farmer 78.
LANPHEAR, NELSON W., (Carthage) farmer 169, h State.
Lanphear, Otho, (Natural Bridge) laborer.
Lanphear, Otho A., (Natural Bridge) laborer.
Lapatra, Fred, (Natural Bridge) carpenter and blacksmith, h West.
Larock, Joseph, (Carthage) carpenter, h Parham.
Larock, Peter, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Lavancherd, Josiah, (Carthage) carpenter, Mechanic, h do.
Lave, Charles, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Lawrence, Thomas H., (Carthage) supr. of the telegraph and train dispatcher C. & A. R'y Co., bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Lawton, Rowland S., (Carthage) r 82, 14 cows, farmer, leases of Thomas Collins 100.
Layng, Beri P., (Carthage) dealer in harnesses and trunks, State, h West.
Leach, Bernard, (Carthage) laborer, h Forbes.
Leach, Martin, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Leahy, James, (Natural Bridge) shoemaker, h Bridge.
Leavrey, Francis, (Carthage) off r 89, 1/4 laborer.
Leonard, Augustine, (Carthage) asst. priest St. James's Catholic Church, bds. West.
Leonard, William, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria cor. Adelaide sts.
Levalley, Leander, (Carthage) shoemaker, h Mechanic.
LEVIS HOUSE, (Carthage) John H. Carney, prop., State.
Levis, Orrin S. (agent) (Carthage) dealer in groceries, crockery, etc., Main cor. Mechanic, h 141 Main.
Lewis, Augustus P., r 65, market gardener and farmer 50.
Lewis Brothers, (N. Wilna) r 12, (Stephen and Henry) 10 cows, farmers 150.
Lewis, Caroline C., r 64 cor. 26, widow of Nelson.
Lewis, Charles E., r 64 cor 26, 9 cows, farmer, leases of the Lewis estate 100.
LEWIS, EUGENE G., (Carthage) r 61, farmer 70.
Lewis, Frank, (Natural Bridge) r 44, laborer.
Lewis, Frank, (Great Bend) r 68, farmer 60.
Lewis, George F., (Carthage) photographer, State, h James.
Lewis, Henry, (N. Wilna) r 12 (Lewis Brothers) school teacher.
Lewis Hotel, (N. Wilna) r 26 cor. 18, Sanford Lewis, prop.
Lewis, Isabel, (N. Wilna) r 12, widow of Silvias.
Lewis, Myron, Sr., (N. Wilna) r 26, farmer 132.
Lewis, Myron, Jr., (Carthage) r 62, 24 cows, farmer, leases of Simeon Fulton 170.
Lewis, Rosina, (Carthage) widow of John, h N. Washington.
Lewis, Sanford, (N. Wilna) r 26 cor. 18, postmaster 40 years, prop. Lewis Hotel, 15 cows, 350 sugar trees, farmer 190.
Lewis, Sanford, (Natural Bridge) clerk Central House.
Lewis, Stephen, (N. Wilna) r 12, (Lewis Brothers) carpenter.
Livingston, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Simon, h Fulton cor. Clinton.
Loomis, Eber, (Sterlingville) r 16, 12 cows, farmer 73.
Loomis, George, (Carthage) farmer 25, bds. Spring.
Loomis, Jay A., (Carthage) wholesale dealer in kerosene oil, salt, wrapping paper, coal, lath. and shingles, Water, h do.
LOOMIS, MANLEY, (Carthage) (Loomis & Co.) farmer 20, h Spring.
Loomis, Mary M., (Natural Bridge) widow of Warren, h Main cor. Mill.
LOOMIS, STOEL W., (Carthage) (Loomis & Co.) h at W. Carthage.
LOOMIS & CO., (Manley and Stoel Loomis) carriage and wagonmakers, Water.
Lory, Cathrine, (Carthage) r 84, farmer 74.
Lowery, Michael, (Carthage) r 77, farmer 20.
Lyman, Ambrose, (Carthage) prop. restaurant, State cor. Canal, h Water.
Lyman, Garrett, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Lyman, Garrett, Jr., (Carthage) engineer R., W. & O. R.R., h Alexandria cor. N. Washington sts.
Lyman, Peter W., (Carthage) constable and policeman, h Alexandria st.
Lynde, David H., (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer 100.
Lynde, Edward R., (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer, son of David H.
Lyrock, William, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Mack, Chester, (N. Wilna) r 4, farmer 75.
Macomber, Edwin, (Carthage) retired farmer, h Alexandria cor. Boyd sts.
Macomber, Fred, (Carthage) clerk for Am. Express Co., bds. Boyd cor. Alexandria sts.
Main, George W., (Sterlingville) r 13, 12 cows, farmer, leases of Luke Sharon, of Carthage, 100.
Main, John, (Sterlingville) r 13, farmer 80.
Main, Parish, (N. Wilna) r 12, 20 cows, farmer 188.
Main, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) r 61, farmer 70.
Main, Willie P., (N. Wilna) r 12, farmer, son of Parish.
Malady, Frank, (Carthage) r 72, cheesemaker.
Malady, James, (Carthage) r 77, farmer.
Malady, Mary, (Carthage) dressmaker, h State.
Malady, Matthew, (Carthage) r 78, farmer 160.
Malady, Thomas, (Carthage) r 77, farmer 100.
Manier, Anna, (Carthage) widow of John, h West.
Mann, Stephen A., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Manning, Charles W., (Carthage) supt, Carthage Lumber and Wooden Ware Co., h N. Washington.
Manning S. Amanda, (Carthage) widow of William A., h Budd.
Manzer, Myron, (Carthage) r 83, farmer 25.
Market, Joseph, (N. Wilna) r 11, laborer.
Markson, Machael, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Marshall, Charles H., (Carthage) dealer in liquor, State, h Spring.
Marshall, Mary, (Carthage) resident, h Canal.
Martin, Francis P., (Carthage) r 85, farmer, son of Michael.
Martin, Joel, (N. Wilna) r 11 1/2, farmer 120.
Martin, John H., (Carthage) r 35, farmer, son of Michael.
Martin, Michael, (Carthage) r 85, 18 cows, farmer 170.
Martin, Richard, (Carthage) clerk Dougherty House and cheesemaker.
Martin, Thomas, (Carthage) conductor C. & A. R'y, bds. Levis House.
Martin, Thomas, (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Mason, Arthur, (N. Wilna) r 26, farmer 100.
Matthews, James B., (Carthage) tailor, emp. H. Booker, h State.
Matthews, John, (Carthage) overseer at Jayville, h Brown.
Matthews, Nellie, (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. Main.
MAYNE, SUSANNAH, (Sterlingville) r 16, widow of Eber, farm 245.
McCarg, Jesse, (Natural Bridge) engineer, bds. Hurlburt House.
McClain, Robert, (Carthage) r77, farmer 42.
McCallister W. S., (Carthage) telegraph operator R., W. & O. R.R., h Fulton cor. Clinton.
McCormic, Nancy, (Carthage) widow of Peter, h Clinton.
McCormakin, Alzera, (Carthage) r 81, (Mrs. Martin) farmer 25.
McCormakin, Martin, (Carthage) r 81, farmer 25.
McDonald, Charles, (Carthage) life ins. agent, h Church.
McDonald, Clifford P., (Carthage) r 84, 10 cows, farmer 90.
McDonald, John T., (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 22.
McDonald, Mariette, (Natural Bridge) r 25, widow of Thomas.
McDonald, Mary J., (Carthage) dressmaker, h Spring.
McDonald, Orlin, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
McDonald, Patrick, (Carthage) section foreman R., W. & O. R.R., h James.
McDonald, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 100. [Deceased.]
McDonald, William, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 58.
McDonald, William J., (Carthage) baggagemaster R., W. & O. R.R., h Adelaide.
McGowan, Andrew, (Carthage) blacksmith, h Mechanic.
McGowan, John H., (Carthage) blacksmith, Church, h do.
McGowen, William, (Carthage) emp. in chair factory, bds. Mechanic.
McGraw, Henry L., (Natural Bridge) engineer in tannery, h Bridge.
McGraw, William, (Carthage) section hand, h Clinton.
McIntoch, Abraham, (N. Wilna) r 28, farmer 125.
McIntyre, James, (Natural Bridge) r 37, farmer 110.
McKenna, John, (N. Wilna) r 27, farmer 7.
McLane, Robert, (Carthage) r 77, farmer 47.
McMahon, Thomas, (Carthage) r 82, farmer, leases of Thomas Collins 90.
McManus, Paul, (Carthage) r 81, farm laborer.
McNamara, Patrick, (Carthage) tree agent, h Mechanic.
NcNeal, Solomon, (Carthage) r 34, farm laborer.
McNeil, David, (Carthage) r 34, farmer 150.
McNeil, Henry, (N. Wilna) r 9, farmer, leases of William Canfield 180.
McPharsom, George, (Carthage) r 91 farmer 30.
McQuillen, Elias, P., (Carthage) r 81, farmer 88.
McQuillen, (Carthage) prop. restaurant, State, h James.
McQUILLEN, PETER, (Carthage) r 89, 50 cows, farmer 352, served in Co. A, 186th N.Y. Vols.
Megan, Timothy A., (Carthage) r 9, farmer 50.
Melady, James, (Carthage) section foreman R., W. & O. R.R., bds. Furnace.
Melady, Patrick, (Carthage) retired, farmer, h Furnace.
Mellen, Frank, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Mellen, William, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
MERRILL, ERWIN M., (Carthage) dealer in drugs, groceries, wall paper, paints, stationery, books, and jewelry, State, h N. Washington.
Merrill, Hattie A., (Carthage) widow of A.C., teacher in High school, h James.
MERRILL, SAMUEL L., M.D., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, State cor. Clinton, h do.
Merwin, Susan M., (Carthage) widow of G.A., h State.
Meyer, Charles J., (Carthage) (Meyer & Ross) h at W. Carthage.
Meyer & Ross, (Carthage) (Charles J.M. and Dennis F.R.) furniture manufs. and dealers, State.
MICK, ALICE,cc widow of Joseph, h Church.
Miles, Oscar, (Sterlingville) r 31, farmer 26.
Miles, Parley B., (Sterlingville) r 31, farmer 200.
Miller, Betsey, (Carthage) r 52, widow of Hiram.
Miller, Edward H., (Carthage) train dispatcher R., W. & O. R.R., h Mechanic.
Miller, Emil, (Carthage) wood polisher, bds. Dougherty House.
Miller, John S., (Natural Bridge) blacksmith, Main, h do.
Mills, H.H. Co., The, (limited) (Carthage) W.J. Morrison, of Toronto, Can., pres.; A.G. Peck. sec'y and treas., dealers in electrical supplies and poles and cross-arms, office Mechanic.
Mills, Henry H., (Carthage) dealer in cedar posts and telegraph and electric light poles, mamager
American Electric Light Mfg. Co., Mechanic, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
MILLS, LEWIS H., (Carthage) (The H.H. Mills Co., limited) postmaster, prop. sawmill, dealer in and manuf. of lumber, lath, and shingles, dealer in groceries, farmer 50, Alexandria st. , h at W. Carthage. [Died Dec. 25, 1889.]
Miner, Angeline, (Carthage) widow of Pascal, h James.
Miner, Edward, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
MINER, JOSEPH, (Carthage) clerk Hotel Elmhirst, h Spring.
Mink, Charles Capt., foreman for Ryther & Pringle, bds. Gill House. [Removed to Black River.]
Mitchell, Charles, horse trader, h State. [Removed to Philadelphia.]
Mitchell, Chester, (Sterlingville) r 1, farmer 20.
Mongey, Alexander J., (Carthage) wagonmaker and blacksmith, State, h do.
Monnow, George, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Montando Brothers, (Natural Bridge) (Edward H. and Jerry N.) dealers in hardware, stoves, ranges, tinware, and agricultural implements, Main.
Montando, Edward H., (Natural Bridge) (Montando Brothers) bds. Main.
Montando, Jerry N., (Natural Bridge) (Montando Brothers) bds. Main.
Montondo, Frank, (Carthage) carpenter, h Mechanic.
Montgomery, Joel, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Montgomery, William H., (Carthage) farmer, h James.
Morgan, Brisco P., r 56, farmer 67.
Morgan, Titus J., (Carthage) retired harness-maker, aged 86, h School cor. West.
Morse, Lewis D., (Sterlingville) r 29, farmer 105.
Morse, Morgan L., (Carthage) truckman, h Clinton.
Mosher, Charles R., (Carthage) clerk for Mrs. A.A. Murray, State.
Mosher, Eugene O., (Sterlingville) r 34, farmer 190.
Mosher, Henry M., (Carthage) (John E. Strickland & Co.) bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Mosher, Catharine, (Carthage) r 34, widow of Thomas.
Mullen, John, (Carthage) r 76, farmer 50.
Mulligan, Michael, (Carthage) tailor, State cor. Canal, h Clinton.
Mullin, John T., (Carthage) r 76, carpenter and builder.
Mullin, Matthew, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Munger, Ama, r 56, resident.
Murphy, Anna, (Carthage) (J.E. Murphy & Sisters) h James.
MURPHY, CHARLES J., (Carthage) news agent on C. & A. R'y, bds. Church.
MURPHY, EMOGENE E., (Carthage) widow of John, h Church.
Murphy, J.E. & Sisters, (Carthage) (Nellie and Anna) dealers in millinery and ladies furnishing goods, new bank building.
Murphy, Julia E., (Carthage) (J.E. Murphy & Sisters) h James.
Murphy, Lysander, (N. Wilna) r 35, farmer 60.
Murphy, Nellie, (Carthage) (J.E. Murphy & Sisters) h James.
Murphy, Patrick, (Carthage) laborer, h Brewery.
Murphy, William, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Murray, Armina A., widow of James, prop. Hatch House, State cor. River.
Murray, Arthur, (Carthage) resident, h State cor. River.
Murray, John, (Carthage) r 85, farmer 80.
Murray, Margaret, (Carthage) dressmaker, bds. Francis.
Murtha, Thomas, (Carthage) r 88, 28 cows, farmer 280.
MYERS, EPHRAIM H., (Carthage) pres. First National Bank of Carthage, State, h do.
Myers, Eugene, (Carthage) carpenter, h Sherman.
Myers, James, (Sterlingville) r 34, farm laborer.
Myers, Robert, (Carthage) brewer, bds. Dougherty House.
Myers, Ward E., (Carthage) clerk for J.W. Garvin, h Mechanic.
Neary, Elizabeth, (Carthage) widow of James, resident, Washington.
Neary, Richard F., (Carthage) (Keenan & Co.) h State.
Nelson, George, (Natural Bridge) r 23, carpenter in tannery.
Neplar, Christopher, (Carthage) carpenter, h West.
Nerbin, John, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Neuvill, George, (Carthage) r 68, laborer.
Neville, John, (Carthage) brick mason, h James.
Nichols, Albert C., (Carthage) painter, h State.
Nichols, George A., (Carthage) clerk for J.L. Norton, bds. State cor. School.
Nichols, Isaac W., (Natural Bridge) engineer in tannery, h Main cor. Mill.
Nichlos, John W. (Natural Bridge) r 42, carpenter and farmer 25.
Nichols, Leon, (Natural Bridge) r 23, emp. in tannery.
Nichlos, Orlando F., (Natural Bridge) pastor M.E. Church, h Church cor. Center.
Nichols, Sophia D., (Natural Bridge) widow of Jonathan, dressmaker.
Nobles, William T., (Carthage) r 82. farmer 71.
Noblet, Henry, (Carthage) painter, bds. Levis House.
Nolan, Charles, (Natural Bridge) r 22, emp. in tannery.
Nolan, John, (Carthage) dealer in dry goods, State, h Clinton.
Nolan, Patrick T., (Carthage) clerk for John, bds. Clinton.
NOON, DOMINIC, r 54, 7 cows, farmer 148.
Noon, Dominick, (Carthage) r 72, laborer.
Noon, Michael, (Carthage) tanner, h Alexandria st.
Noon, Patrick, (Carthage) tanner and carpenter, h N. Washington.
Noon, Patrick, Jr., (Carthage) emp. Meyer & Ross, bds. N. Washington.
Noone, Michael, r 54, farmer 100.
Norris, Michael, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Norris, Patrick, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 40.
North, Andrew, (N. Wilna) r 26, farmer 12.
North, John, (Carthage) butcher, h Mechanic.
North, Lyman, (Sterlingville) r 16, laborer.
NORTON BROTHERS, (Carthage) (John L.) general merchants, 85 State.
NORTON, JOHN Laborer., (Carthage) (Norton Brothers) h State cor. School.
Norton, Lawrence D., (Carthage) book-keeper for J.L., bds. State cor. School.
Nye Brothers, (Carthage) r 81, (Jerome and Joseph) 20 cows, farmers 230.
Nye, Charles V., (Natural Bridge) r 44, son of Sylvanus.
Nye, James P., r 56, market gardener, 8 cows, farmer 75.
Nye, Jerome, (Carthage) r 81, (Nye Brothers).
Nye, Joseph, (Carthage) r 81, (Nye Brothers).
Nye, Sylvanus, (Natural Bridge) r 44, 9 cows, farmer 98.
Oberly, Christian, (Carthage) watch and clock repairer, State, h do.
O'Brien, Ellen, (Carthage) widow of Humphrey, h off John.
Obrist, John, (Carthage) miller, h Alexandria st.
O'CONNELL, PATRICK J., (Carthage) pastor St. James's Catholic Church, State cor. West.
O'Horo, Ann, (Carthage) widow of Thomas, h State.
O'Horo, James, (Carthage) r 72, tanner and farmer 7.
O'Horo, Timothy, (Carthage) tanner, h Forge.
O'HORO, WILLIAM, (Sterlingville) r 34, harnessmaker and farmer 44, served in Co. D, 44th and 146th N.Y. Zouaves.
O;Keefe, Frank D., (Carthage) (Smith & O;Keefe) bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
O;Keefe, Martin, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
O;Keefe, Patrick, (Carthage) tanner, h off Forge.
Olds, Thaddens, (N. Wilna) r 27, farmer 56.
O'Leary, George, (Carthage) resident, h State.
Oliver, Myron, (Carthage) boatman, h Forge.
Olley, George, (Great Bend) r 70, farmer aged 88.
OLLEY, JAMES, (Great Bend) r 70, 9 cows, 300 sugar trees, farmer 74, served 4 years as corporal in Co. C, 94th N.Y. Vols.
Olmstead, Anson J. (Carthage) carpenter, h Canal cor. Dock.
ORMSTON, ADAM, off r 56, farmer 145, and in Croghan, Lewis Co., 27. [Deceased]
Ormiston, James, r 56 cor. 57, 22 cows farmer 210, and in Crogan, Lewis Co., 27.
ORMISTON, WILLIAM H., off r 56, farmer 121, served in Co. H, 2d N.Y.H.A. Vols.
O'Rourk, Catherine, (Natural Bridge) r 25, widow of Stephen.
O'Rourk, Michael, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm laborer.
O'Rourk, Stephen, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 150.
Osburn, Albert J., (Carthage) painter, h Mechanic.
Osburn, Charles, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Osburn, George, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
OWEN, CARRIE Laborer., (Carthage) teacher, bds. West.
OWEN, JOHN W., M.D., (Carthage) physician and surgeon, h West.
Owen, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Patrick, resident, h Mechanic.
Owen, Seymour, (Philadelphia), r 7, farmer 160.
Owens, Cornelius, r 64, farmer 30.
Owens, Edward J., r 64, farmer 40.
Owens, George E., (Carthage) prop. meat market, Mechanic, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Owens, Merritt, r 57, farmer 63.
Owens, William, (Carthage) r 52, 30 cows, farmer 700.
Palmer, Davis, (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer and hunter.
Palmer, James, (Natural Bridge) r 22, farmer 34.
Paris, James A., (Carthage) traveling agent Watertown Herald, h State.
Parker, Clinton, (Carthage) brakeman R., W. & O. R.R., h Alexandria st.
Parmeter, Arthur Laborer., horse trainer, h N. Washington. [Removed to Watertown.]
PARMETER, GEORGE W., (Carthage) architect, carpenter, and builder, stair building, Budd, h James.
Passenger, James, (Carthage) r 73, farmer 75.
Patterson, Arthur W., (Carthage) carpenter, builder, and architect, h Clinton cor. Budd.
Paul, Melzar C., (Carthage) dealer in groceries, provisions, flour, boots, and shoes, State, h School.
Paul, Michael, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Peak, George, (Carthage) painter, bds. Hatch House.
Peck, Allen G., (Carthage) cashier First National Bank of Carthage, h State.
Peck, Charles D., (N. Wilna) r 4, 14 cows, farmer 150.
PECK, LEONARD G., (Carthage) clerk board of education, h School.
Pelkey, Alexander, (N. Wilna) r 26, laborer.
Pelkey, Thomas, (N. Wilna) r 26, farm laborer.
Penniman, Charles D., r 75, 23 cows, farmer, leases of Foster 230.
Penniman, Foster, (Carthage) farmer, h State.
Penniman, Guy, (Carthage) farmer, h State.
PENNIMAN, GUY E., r 75, 14 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 115.
Pennington, Aaron O., (Antwerp) r 1, 20 cows, farmer 150.
Pennington, Frank, (N. Wilna) r 26, farm laborer.
Pennington, Susan, (N. Wilna) r 26, widow of John.
Percelle, James, (Sterlingville) r 14, cheese-maker and farmer 40.
Percelle, Susan, (Sterlingville) r 14, widow of Michael.
Percelle, William, (Sterlingville) r 14, farm laborer.
Perry, Charles, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Pettie, William, (Natural Bridge) r 21, farmer 5.
Phelps, Melvin, (N. Wilna) r 26, laborer.
Philius, Cornelius, (Natural Bridge) book-keeper for T.E. Proctor, h Main.
Phillips, George, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Phillips, Lorian, (Carthage) widow of Josiah, bds. West.
Phinney, Mariette, (Carthage) resident, h West.
Pierce, Charles, r 74, 20 cows, farmer 400.
Pierce, Duane, r 74, farmer, son of Charles.
Pierce, Frank, (Carthage) r 80, farmer 115.
Pierce, George, (Carthage) laborer, h Sherman.
Pierce, Harlow, (Natural Bridge) r 36, farmer, leases of S. Fulton 75.
Pierce, Henry, r 64, 12 cows, farmer 124.
Pierce, Jared, r 64, farm laborer.
Pilkon, Frank, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Pillky, Benjamin, (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Pittock, John, (Carthage) prop. meat market, State, h at W. Carthage.
Place, Charles, (Carthage) mason, h School.
Place, Lewis, (N. Wilna) r 12, blacksmith.
Piank, Ann, (Carthage) widow of A.S., h State cor. Washington.
Plank, Egbert R., (Carthage) patternmaker, emp. Ryther & Pringle, h West.
Plank, George W. (Carthage) clerk for J.E. Strickland & Co., h State cor. Washington.
Plank, Gilbert H., (Carthage) carpenter, h Francis.
Plato, Augustus, (N. Wilna) r 28, farmer, leases of James Dawley 300.
Plow, Oliver, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Plunkett, Matthew, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 100.
Pollock, Asa, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Pollock, Charles, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Pool, David, (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer 175.
Pool, Jay, (Natural Bridge) r 39, 20 cows, farmer, leases of David 175.
Pooler, William J., (Carthage) carpenter, h Alexandria cor. Johns sts.
Poor, Maria, (Carthage) widow of C.S., resident, h Washington.
Porter, Martin, (Sterlingville) r 16, farmer.
Potter, Almira, (Carthage) widow of Daniel, resident, h Church.
Potter, George W., (Carthage) manager Carthage Lumber and Wooden Ware Co., h at W. Carthage.
Potter, Mary, (Carthage) widow of John A., resident, h Church.
Pound, Kate, (Carthage) widow of Peter, dressmaker, h West.
Powell, Thomas, (Carthage) carpenter, h Church.
Powers, Rufus, r 64, laborer.
Pratt, George, (Carthage) r 83, farmer 11.
Pratt, Gustus W., (Natural Bridge) r 38, manuf. of ladders, farmer.
Pratt, Lawson, (Carthage) r 83, farm laborer.
Pratt, Lucy, (Natural Bridge) r 38, (Mrs. G.W.) farmer 7.
Pravost, Peter, (Carthage) wagonmaker, h Mechanic.
Preece, Frederick W., (Natural Bridge) justice of the peace, h Church cor. Center.
Preece, William A., (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main cor. Mill.
Prendergast, Michael J., (Carthage) engineer R., W. & O. R.R., bds. Alexandria cor. N. Washington sts.
Prince, George, (Carthage) r 72, farmer 60.
PRINGLE, JAMES, (Carthage) (Ryther & Pringle) h School.
Puffer, Henry J., (Carthage) clerk for M.C. Paul, h West.
Puffer, Jane, (Carthage) widow, h West.
Purcell, James, (Sterlingville) r 14, cheesemaker.
Purcell, John, (Carthage) r 81, farmer 40.
Purcell, Susan, (Sterlingville) r 14, widow of Michael.
Purcell, William Laborer., (Sterlingville) r 14, farmer 40.
Putnam, Arthur J., (Natural Bridge) painter, h West. [Remover to Felt's Mills]
Putnam, Peter J., (Great Bend) r 71, farmer 53.
Putney, J.I., (Carthage) barber and cigarmaker, State, lives at W. Carthage.
Quinn, Clarence F., (Natural Bridge) clerk for T.E. Proctor, bds. Central House.
Quinn, Edmund, (Carthage) r 81, farmer, leases of J. Gormly 25.
Quinn, Larry, (Carthage) laborer.
Quinn, Thomas J., (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Radin, Harris J., (Carthage) dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, State, h do.
Randall, Calista, (N. Wilna) r 4, widow of Reuben.
Randall, Erwin J., (N. Wilna) r 4, (Carter & Randall).
Randall, John J., (N. Wilna) r 4, cooper.
Randall, Mark A., (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Rape, James, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 70.
Rape, Patrick, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 50.
Rawson, Delinda, (Carthage) r 83, resident.
Rawson, Mary E., (Carthage) r 83, resident.
Ray, Charles S., (Carthage) clerk for L.D. Thompson, h 17 Mechanic.
Reddington, Mike, (Carthage) r 72, fireman R., W. & O. R.R.
Reed, Charles A., (Natural Bridge) undertaker, manuf. of wagons and sleighs, repairer and dealer in furniture, Mill, h do.
Reed, George H., (Natural Bridge) carpenter and builder, bds. Mill.
Reed, John C., (Carthage) h State.
Reed, Miner, (N. Wilna) r 35, farmer, leases of John Gormly 180.
Reilley, Peter E., (Carthage) clerk for Dodge & Westcott, h Mechanic.
Reslow, Levi, (Carthage) laborer, h Water.
Ressegnie, Charles, (Carthage) telegraph operator Great Northwestern Telegraph Co., h State.
Ressegnie, Mary, (Carthage) widow, resident, h State.
Ressegnie, Sylvia, (Natural Bridge) widow of Samuel, h Church cor. West.
Revell, Thomas, (Carthage) prop. tannery, manuf. of upper leather, Tannery Island, h at W. Carthage.
REYNOLDS, CHARLES E.E., (Great Bend) r 70, son of Lois B.
REYNOLDS, FRANK B., (Great Bend) r 70, farmer with his mother, Lois B.
REYNOLDS, LOIS B., (Great Bend) r 70, widow of Daniel, 18 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 216.
Reynolds, Patrick, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 50.
Reynolds, Patrick J., (Carthage) r 84, 40 cows, farmer 311.
Rhodes, Charles, (Carthage) engineer, h West.
Rhubart, John H., (Carthage) fireman R., W. & O. R.R., h Church.
Rice, Emma F., (Natural Bridge) dealer in fancy goods, Main, bds. Do.
Rice, Francis M., (Carthage) widow of Gustavus, h West.
Rice, Fred W., (Carthage) painter, bds. West.
Rice, John M., (Carthage) r 52, farmer 50.
Richardson, Clara E., (Carthage) widow of M.M., dealer in millinery and fancy goods, State, h West.
Riley, Thomas, (Carthage) Laborer, bds. Gill.
RIPLEY, CALVIN J., (Antwerp) r 1, breeder of Hinsdale trotting horses, 20 cows, 700 sugar trees, farmer 208, served in Co. I, 35th Vols., reenlisted in Co. F, 20th N.Y. Cav., 4 years.
RIPLEY, CHARLES J., (Antwerp) r 1, farmer, son of Calvin J.
RIPLEY, SPENCER O., (Antwerp) r 1, farmer, son of Calvin J.
Rise, James W., (Carthage) clerk for Eggleston & Co., bds. W. Carthage.
Rising, Cynthia A., (Carthage) r 82, resident.
Risner, Peter, (Carthage) r 72, farmer 25.
Ritchie, William H., (Natural Bridge) r 22, foreman in tannery.
Robb, William, (Carthage) carpenter, h Spring.
ROBERTS, HUGH, (Great Bend) r 83 cor. 70, 15 cows, dealer in live stock, 400 sugar trees, farmer 125, served 3 years in Co. K, 10th N.Y.H.A.
Roberts, Rilla L., (Carthage) r 83, widow of Jacob M., farmer 60.
Roberts, Stephen M., (Carthage) harnessmaker, h Francis cor. James.
Roberts, Thomas S., (Carthage) dealer in liquor, State, h do.
Roberts, William L., (Carthage) r 83, farmer, leases of Mrs. Rilla L. 60.
Robey, Paul, (Carthage) laborer, h Clinton.
Rochester, Alexandria Bay, and Thousand Island Steamboat Company, (Carthage) George Sweet, pres.
Roderick, John, (Carthage) dealer in ice, h James.
Roderick, William, (Carthage) cartman, h James.
ROFINOT, ALFRED D., (Carthage) manager Hotel Elmhirst.
Rogers, J. & Co., (Carthage) (F.W. Coburn)dealers in hardware, steel, stoves, Carton furnaces, silverware, seeds, belting, steam fittings, plumbing, etc., State.
Rogers, John, (Carthage) (J. Rogers & Co.) h at W. Carthage.
Root, Hiram H., (Carthage) carpenter, bds. James cor. Fulton.
Root, William, (Carthage) laborer, bds. James cor. Fulton.
Ross, Dennis F., (Carthage) (Meyer & Ross) h Spring.
Rott, Arthur C., (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Rouke, Sila A. Mrs., (N. Wilna) r 4, farm 80.
Rounds, Zimes, (Carthage) r 47, laborer.
Rourke, Daniel, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Bridge.
Rourke, Michael, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm 61.
Rourke, Patrick, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm laborer.
Rourke, Stephan, (Natural Bridge) r 22, farmer 117.
Rourke, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Main.
Rubar, Christopher, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Ruby, John, (Carthage) laborer, h N. Washington.
Rugg, Martin, (Carthage) dealer in real estate, h Mechanic cor. Spring.
Rugg, Sarah, (Carthage) resident, h Mechanic.
Russell, Ithamar, (Sterlingville) r 34, farm 7.
Ryan, Matthew, (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Ryan, Michael, (Carthage) laborer, h State.
Ryder, Clarence N., (Carthage) cigarmaker, bds. Levis House.
RYTHER, CHARLES P., (Carthage) (Ryther & Pringle) manuf. of Ryther's hay and tobacco presses and wagon jack, Furnace Island, h School.
RYTHER & PRINGLE, (Carthage) (Charles P.R. and James P.) manufs. of the improved Jonval turbine water-wheel, circular saw-mills, planing machines, Ryther's improved patent bark-mills, Branaugh's patent scrubber, stoves, kettles, and castings, machinery made to order and repaired, Furnace Island.
Sackett, Emily, (Carthage) widow of E.B.S., h Francis cor. James.
Safford, Anna May, (Carthage) teacher, bds. State.
SAFFORD, BESTER S., (Carthage) farmer 12, served 3 years in Co. G, 3d, and in Co. H, 26th N.Y. Cav., h State.
Salter, Elizabeth S., (Natural Bridge) widow of F.E., h Main cor. Mill.
Sampson, Alonzo M., (Sterlingville) r 34, farmer 44.
Sanders, Antoinett, (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 156.
Sanders, Emery R., (Carthage) r 83, farmer 65.
Sanders, Frank, (Natural Bridge) r 44, 10 cows, farmer 90.
Sanders, Walker W., (Carthage) r 47, farmer 500.
Sandrus, Lorinda, (Carthage) teacher, h West.
Sarvay, Charles, (Carthage) r 58, 20 cows, farmer 190.
Sarvay, Lalor, (Natural Bridge) r 58, farmer, son of Leonard E.
Sarvay, Leonard E., (Natural Bridge) r 58, 35 cows, farmer 305.
Sarvay, Orlin, (Natural Bridge) r 58, farmer, son of Leonard E.
Sarvay, Phila, (Carthage) r 62, widow of Charles.
Sarvay, Zuriel, (Carthage) r 62, 40 cows, farmer 300.
Sattery, Ephraim, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 55.
Saulsbury, Charles E., (Carthage) r 47, engineer, emp. Hendrickson Brothers.
Saunders, Jared, (Natural Bridge) resident, h Bridge.
SAWYER, GEORGE F. (Carthage) prin. Carthage Union Free School, h James.
Schemhorne, John, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Schmid, Lucy, (Carthage) clerk for Nicholas, bds. State.
Schmid, Nicholas, (Carthage) baker and confectioner, State, h do.
Schreer, Frederick E., r 64, blacksmith and farmer 60.
Schwartz, William S., (Carthage) clerk for E. M. Merrill, bds. N. Washington.
Scott, Carrie E., (Carthage) school teacher, bds School.
Scott, Cranson E., (Carthage) r 73, farmer, son of William J.
Scott, Fanny M., (Carthage) school teacher, bds School.
Scott, Lewis W., (Carthage) machinist, h School.
Scott, William H., (Carthage) r 73, farmer, son of William J.
Scott, William J., (Carthage) r 73, 10 cows, farmer 325.
Scougal, Davis, (Natural Bridge) clerk.
Seckner, Frank H., (Carthage) barber, Levis House, h at W. Carthage.
Segovis, George, (Carthage) r 89, carpenter.
Selvesture, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Settler, Abraham, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm laborer.
Shafer, John, (Carthage) laborer, h State.
Shannon, David, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Shannon, James, (Carthage) r 83, farm laborer.
Shannon, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Sharon, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Luke, h Church cor. Budd.
Sharp, Seth, (N. Wilna) r 11, laborer.
Sharp, Walter, (Sterlingville) r 32, laborer.
Sharron, William, (Sterlingville) r 34, farm laborer.
Shaw, Edward T., (Carthage) r 77, farm laborer.
Shaw, John, (Carthage) r 77, 12 cows, farmer 85.
Shaw, John J., (Carthage) r 77 farmer.
Shea, John F., (Carthage) roadmaster Utica division R., W. & O. R.R., h Francis.
Shehan, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Shelley, Daniel, (Carthage) r 83, farmer .
Shelley, Melvin, (Carthage) r 83, farmer with Morgan 65.
Shelley, Morgan, (Carthage) r 83, farmer with Melvin 65.
Shepard, Ambrose, (Carthage) r 34, farmer 100.
Sheridan, Mariette, (Natural Bridge) r 24, widow of John, farm 25.
Sheridan, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farm laborer.
Sherman, George E., (Natural Bridge) house painter.
SHERWOOD, WILLIAM C., clerk at W. Carthage, h do.
Shiell, Robert, (Natural Bridge) prop. gristmill, dealer in flour, and hay, Mill, h do.
Shoemaker, John, (Natural Bridge) postmaster, dealer in groceries, and manuf. of white marble lime, h Mill.
Shoemaker, May, (Natural Bridge) dressmaker, h Mill.
Shortsleave, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Shortt, Edward, (Carthage) machinist, h Brown.
Shurts, Jacob V. Rev., pastor Presbyterian Church, h School.
Silkworth, Melvin, (Carthage) cutter for J.W. Clark, h N. James.
SIMMONS, ARTHUR J., (Carthage) served nearly 3 years in Co. D, 10th N.Y.H.A., farmer 16, h S. James.
Simmons, Edgar A., (Carthage) r 89, baker and dealer in baked stuffs.
Simmons, Edgar A., (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Simmons, Eugene H., (Carthage) mason, h James.
Simmons, Jarvis, (Carthage) mason, h James.
Simonds, Clara A., (Carthage) (Mrs. E.A.) (E.A. & C.A. Simonds) h State.
Simonds, E.A. & C.A., (Carthage) physicians and surgeons, State.
Simonds, Edwin A., (Carthage) (E.A. & C.A. Simonds) h State.
Sims, Zelotus, (Carthage) sawyer, h Francis.
Simser, Albert, (Natural Bridge) r 20, farmer 55.
Simser, Alva, (Natural Bridge) r 38, laborer.
Simser, Charles, (Natural Bridge) r 38, farmer 49.
Simser, William F., (Natural Bridge) r 21, farmer 100.
Sister Augustine Mary, (Carthage) teacher in intermediate department St. James's School, bds. Mechanic.
Sister Catharine Mary, (Carthage) resident, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Cecelia Mary, (Carthage) music teacher in St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Clare Mary, (Carthage) teacher in St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Eulalia Mary, (Carthage) teacher in St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Genevieve Mary, (Carthage) teacher in St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Josephine Mary, (Carthage) principle St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Sister Louisa Mary, (Carthage) teacher in intermediate department St. James's School, bds. Mechanic.
Sister Teresa Mary, (Carthage) teacher in St. James's School, h Mechanic cor. West.
Slater, Frederick, (Carthage) clerk for C.L. Frederick, bds. West.
Sloper, Harvey B., (Natural Bridge) r 39, farmer with William B.
Sloper, William B., (Natural Bridge) r 39, 10 cows, dealer in hides, farmer 180.
Slway, Tom, (Carthage) prop. Chinese laundry, State.
Smith, Alonzo, (Carthage) r 62, 30 cows, farmer 276.
Smith, Andrew, (Carthage) compositor Tribune office, bds. School.
Smith, Ann, (Carthage) r 91, widow of Cornelius.
Smith, Augusta D., (Carthage) widow of Hubert B., h Washington.
Smith, Barsheba, (Natural Bridge) r 44, widow of Samuel.
Smith, Byron, (Philadelphia) r 14, 10 cows, farmer 113.
Smith, Frank R., (Carthage) (Smith & O'Keefe) h Spring.
Smith, John D., (Carthage) r 76, farmer.
Smith, John K., (Carthage) r 82, cheesemaker.
Smith, Joseph S., r 36, farmer 84.
Smith, Mary A., (Natural Bridge) r 36, widow of John, farmer 63.
SMITH, SAMANTHA, (Carthage) widow of Abraham, h State.
Smith, Samuel, (Carthage) r 91, farm laborer.
Smith, Silas, (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 81.
Smith, William, (Carthage) r 91, farmer 30.
Smith, William A., (Natural Bridge) r 36, farm laborer.
Smith, William G., (Carthage) dentist, State, h Clinton.
Smith, William S., (Carthage) real estate agent, h Alexandria st.
Smith & O'Keefe, (Carthage) (Frank R.S. and Frank D. O'K.) manufs. of chairs, mantles, and furniture, Guyot Island.
Snider, Henry, (Carthage) laborer, h Washington.
Snyder, John H., (Natural Bridge) r 45, farmer 43.
Southwick, Frederick A., (Carthage) dealer in dry goods, notions, boots, and shoes, State, h do.
SPENCER, ALICE, (Natural Bridge) (Mrs. A.J.) dressmaker, dealer in fancy goods, glass and tinware, Center.
SPENCER, ANDREW J., (Natural Bridge) salesman, enlisted in Co. H, 185th N.Y. Vols., at the age of 15 years; was wounded at Appomattox Court House, h Wall.
Spencer, Winfield S., (Carthage) r 48, farmer 70.
Sperry, Richard, D., (Natural Bridge) r 44, farmer 130.
Spicer, George E., (Carthage) manager Union Pulp Co., h at W. Carthage.
Sprague, Charles, (N. Wilna) r 4, farmer with Lewis 100.
Sprague, Lewis, (N. Wilna) r 4, farmer with Charles 100.
Stafford, Collins A., r 47, farmer 180.
Stanard, George W., (Carthage) r 75, 13 cows, farmer 190.
STANARD, LAFATETTE G., (Carthage) r 75, farmer 130.
Stanard, Orlo, (Carthage) r 75, son of George W., farmer.
Star, Hannah, (Carthage) r 68, widow of David.
Starkey, Charles H., (Natural Bridge) merchant, Main, h do.
Starkey, Edgar L., (Natural Bridge) station and ticket agent C. & A. R'y, telegraph operator, station in Lewis Co., bds. Main.
Steele, Eunice, (Carthage) widow of Elisha, resident, h Clinton cor. Budd.
Steele, Jennie R., (Carthage) widow of E.B., dressmaker, h Clinton cor. Budd.
Steele, Mary L., (Carthage) school teacher, bds. Clinton cor. Budd.
STERLING, DAN, (Sterlingville) r 16, 30 cows, 600 sugar trees, farmer, leases of Mrs. S. Mayne 245.
Sternberg, A. Irvin, M.D., physician and surgeon, Main, h at W. Carthage.
Stevens, Edward J., (Carthage) conductor, R., W. & O. R.R., h Johns.
Stevens, R. Appleton, (Carthage) physician and surgeon, State, h Budd.
STEWART, ALEXANDER Y., (Carthage) real estate and fire ins. agent, School, h State.
Stillman, Lydia, (Carthage) widow of David, h James cor. Fulton.
St. James School, (Carthage) Sister Josephine Mary, prin.
St. John, John, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Stoddard, William J., (Carthage) prop. livery stable and farmers' sheds, Church, h Francis.
Stone, James, (Carthage) mason, h Mechanic.
Stone, John, mason, h James. [Removed to Watertown.]
St. Peter, Paul, (Carthage) section foreman C. & A. R'y, h Adelaide.
Strickland, John E., (Carthage) ( John E. Strickland & Co.) owns farm in Philadelphia, h State.
Strickland John E. & Co., (Carthage) (H.M. Mosher) wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, State.
Stubbs, Elizabeth, (Carthage) widow of Edmund, bds. Alexandria st.
Stubbs, George H., (Carthage) farmer 212, h Alexandria st.
Swan, George, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, h Church.
Sweet, Alonzo, (Sterlingville) r 32, farmer 15.
SWEET, EDWIN, (Great Bend) r 71, 10 cows, 500 sugar trees, farmer 105.
SWEET, GEORGE, (Carthage) captain steamer Ontario, h Main cor. Clinton.
Swind, George H., (Sterlingville) r 29, farmer.
Swind, Henry F., (Sterlingville) r 29, 20 cows, farmer 180.
Sylvester, Alonzo W., (Carthage) carpenter and builder, James cor. Fulton.
Sylvester, George S., (Carthage) clerk, h Fulton.
Sylvester, Maggie S., (Carthage) teacher in High school, bds. James cor. Francis.
Symonds, Carson, (N. Wilna) r 5, farmer, son of F.O.
Symonds, Frederick O., (N. Wilna) r 5, 25 cows, farmer 180.
Tallen, Joseph, (Carthage) emp. Meyer & Ross, bds. W. Carthage.
Tallman, Charles B., (Carthage) tinsmith, emp. F.D. Hubbard, h Church cor. Furnace.
Tapp, George W., (Carthage) popcorn vender, Mechanic, h do.
Taylor, Simon D., (Carthage) dealer in fresh and salt meats, State, h West.
Tenant, James, (Carthage) r 52, farmer 100.
Tennant, James, (Carthage) r 52, farmer 70.
Terrel, Eliza A., (Carthage) widow of Niles, resident, h James.
Terry, Wayne, (Carthage) tinner, emp. John E. Strickland & Co., h at W. Carthage.
Tharret, John, (N. Wilna) r 41, farmer.
Theisen, John, (Carthage) emp. Smith & O'Keefe, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Thomas, George W., (Carthage) mason, h Boyd.
Thompson, Ephraim, (Carthage) r 83, laborer.
Thompson, L.D., (Carthage) dealer in groceries and provisions, State, h N. Washington.
Thompson, Myers, (Carthage) sec'y and tres. Carthage Lumber and Wooden Ware Co., limited, bds. Levis House.
Thompson, Rollin J., (Carthage) pastor Baptist Church, h Clinton.
Thompson, William R., (Carthage) clerk for J. W. Clark, h Francis.
Thorpe, John R., (Carthage) clerk for W. Barr, bds. West.
Thrall, Fred L., (Carthage) tinner and plumber, emp. J.E. Strickland & Co., bds. Clinton.
Thyer, Benjamin C., (Carthage) laborer, h Forge.
Tidd, Samuel, (Natural Bridge) mail carrier, runs livery and 'bus to trains.
Tiff, Reuben, (Carthage) laborer, h Mechanic.
Tilling, William A., (Carthage) manuf. of and dealer in cigars.
Tillotson, Sarah M., (Natural Bridge) widow of Edward.
Tillston, William, (Carthage) r 39, farmer 100.
Tompkins, Frank, (Carthage) emp. Smith & O'Keefe, bds. Gill House.
Tooker, Clement C., (Natural Bridge) r 43, laborer.
TOOLEY, MADISON, (N. Wilna) r 5, prop. Eureka cheese factory.
Tooly, Brooks L., (N. Wilna) r 10, farmer 64.
Tooly, John R., (N. Wilna) r 5, carpenter.
Tooly, Othniel, (N. Wilna) r 5, laborer.
TOWNSEND, HIRAM L., (N. Wilna) r 4, carpenter, served 3 years in Co. D, 10th N.Y.H.A.
Traynor, Frank, (Carthage) laborer, bds. James.
Traynor, John, (Carthage) teamster, h James.
Traynor, Peter, (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Trembley, Henry, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Trembly, John, (Carthage) (Davis & Trembly) h S. Mechanic.
Trombley, David, (Carthage) blacksmith, h Water.
Trombley, Isaiah, (Carthage) blacksmith, Water, h Canal.
Tucker, Clemonts, (Natural Bridge) farm laborer.
Tuell, Rawson, (Carthage) r 83, farm laborer.
Ullman, George F., (Natural Bridge) r 28, emp. in tannery.
Union Pulp Co., (Carthage) (Henry Spicer, of Pearch River; Fremont W. Spicer, of Dexter; and George E. Spicer) manufs. of wood pulp, Forge.
Unsar, William, (Carthage) laborer, h Parham.
Vail, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) emp. in tannery, bds. Church.
Valar, Angus, (Carthage) r 52, shinglemaker.
Van Allen, John, (Antwerp) r 1, farmer 100.
VAN ALLEN, WILLARD B., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, 55 State, h at W. Carthage.
Van Amber, Loren S., (Carthage) sawyer, emp. J.W. Brace, h Fulton.
Van Antwerp, Addison D., (Carthage) clerk for W.H. Delmore & Co., bds. Adelaide.
Van Antwerp, Daniel, (Carthage) resident, h Adelaide.
Van Antwerp, George, (Natural Bridge) r 25, farmer 80.
Van Brocklin, Polly, (Carthage) resident, h Alexandria st.
Van Duzee, Albert B., (Carthage) patternmaker, h West.
Van Sice, Lulu A., (Natural Bridge) (Mrs. N.E.) lustre painter, h Mill.
Van Sice, Nathan E., (Natural Bridge) laborer, h Mill.
Van Slyke, E., (Carthage) general merchant, State, h Church.
Van Tasel, Henry, (Natural Bridge) r 39, emp. in tannery.
Varley, Charles, (Sterlingville) r 32, laborer.
Varley, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Fulton.
Varley, Joseph, (Sterlingville) r 32, laborer.
Varley, Mary, (Sterlingville) r 32, widow of John.
VEEBER, FRANK M., physician and surgeon, State, h at W. Carthage. [Removed to Clayton.]
Verino, Louis, (Carthage) wagonmaker, emp. Loomis & Co., h at W. Carthage.
Villars, Edward, (Carthage) (Edward Villars & Co.) Bds. Mechanic.
Villers Edward & Co., (Carthage) (Patrick Villars) dealers in drugs and medicines, State.
Villars, Patrick, (Carthage) (Edward Villars & Co.) dealer in chain pumps, h Mechanic.
Vinaca, Armenus, (Carthage) resident, h West.
Vincent, Will M., (Carthage) foreman Tribune office, h at W. Carthage.
Vinier, Anne, (Carthage) widow of Frank, h James.
VINIER, GEORGE, (Carthage) r 82, tinsmith.
Vinier, John, (Carthage) laborer, h Adeliade.
Vinier, Leary J., (Carthage) dealer in stoves and tinware, State, h Adelaide.
Vroman, Loren, (Great Bend) r 51, farmer 160.
Vorman, Matthew, (Great Bend) r 51, farmer 128.
Vroman, Nathaniel, r 83, contractor. [Removed to Chaumont.]
Vrooman, Alzina, r 53, widow of Peter.
Vrooman, Frank P., r 53, 15 cows, farmer 200.
Vrooman, Gilbert L., (Carthage) manuf. of Vrooman's "King of the World", extracts and perfumes, bds. State.
Wagner, Everett C., (Carthage) agent American Express Co., State, h do.
Wagner, Henry, Sr., (Carthage) barber, h State.
Wagner, Henry, G., (Carthage) barber, State, h do.
Wagner, Minnie Miss, (Carthage) clerk for N. Schmid, bds. State.
Wagner, William, (Carthage) barber, State, h do.
Wagoner, Ellen P., (Carthage) widow of Nicholas, resident, h State.
Waite, W. Herbert, (Carthage) directory publisher, h Budd.
Waldron, Charles, (Carthage) carpenter, h Water.
Waldron, Levi, (Carthage) laborer, h Water.
Wallace, Ellen, (Carthage) r 91, widow of Patrick, farmer 65.
Walrad, Hiram, (Carthage) r 49, farm laborer.
Walsh, Anthony, (Carthage) shoemaker, h Fulton.
Walsh, Eugene A., (Carthage) (Walsh & Whaling) bds. State.
Walsh, James A., (Carthage) h Church.
Walsh, James H., (Carthage) upholsterer, emp. Walsh & Whaling, h State.
Walsh, John T., (Carthage) supply agent C. & A. R'y Co., h State.
Walsh, Maggie C., (Carthage) milliner, bds. Fulton.
Walsh, Peter, (Carthage) r 84, farmer 100.
Walsh, Peter E., (Carthage) r 84, farm laborer.
Walsh & Whaling, (Carthage) (Eugene A. W. & John W.) undertakers and dealers in furniture, State.
Ward, Charles E., (Carthage) r 73, 13 cows, farmer, leases of Mrs. Diantha 103.
WARD, DIANTHA, (Carthage) r 73, widow of Charles, farm 103.
Ward, Elizabeth M., (Carthage) resident, h State.
Ward, Emma J., (Carthage) resident, h State.
Ward, Fred S., (Carthage) justice of the peace, farmer 350, h State.
Ward, William J., (Carthage) custom shoemaker, Mechanic, h do.
Warren, Eugene, (Carthage) car inspector C. & A. R'y, h Water.
Warren, T.D. Mrs., (Carthage) dealer in millinery and dry and fancy goods, State, h do.
Warren, Theodore D., (Carthage) resident, bds. Hotel Elmhirst.
Waters, Patrick, prop. saloon, Canal, bds. Johns.
Watson, Charles D., (Carthage) compositer Tribune office, h School.
Watson, Milan, (Carthage) machinist, h Spring.
Watson, William F., (N. Wilna) r 10, 19 cows, farmer, leases of George W. Hubbard, of W. Carthage, 187.
Wager, Joseph, (Sterlingville) r 32, laborer.
Wager, Keziah, (Sterlingville) r 32, widow of Joseph.
Weatherhead, Edmond, (Natural Bridge) r 20, farm 50.
Weaver, Andrew J., (Natural Bridge) dealer in groceries, Main, h do.
Weaver, David, r 53, laborer.
Weaver, George F., (Carthage) blacksmith, emp. M. Loomis, h at W. Carthage.
Weaver, Judson F., (Carthage) r 25, 30 cows, farmer 225.
Weaver, Levi, (Carthage) r 82, farmer, leases of James Galvin 125.
Weaver, Riley, (Carthage) retired farmer, h State.
Webber, John, (Carthage) book-keeper, emp. S. Branaugh, h Spring.
Weichard, Cassius M.C., (Carthage) bds. James.
Weichard, Ella C., (Carthage) teacher, bds. James.
Weichard, Grace E., (Carthage) teacher, bds. James.
Weichard, Peter, (Carthage) mason, h James.
WELCH, HENRY J., (Carthage) att'y and counselor at law, pres. of the village, com. of E.B. Steele Post, No. 269, G.A.R., School, h State.
Welsh, Thomas, (Natural Bridge) r 59, farmer 48.
Wescott, Huron, (Carthage) prop. livery and sale stable, Mechanic, h Mechanic cor. West.
Wescott, Nancy, (Carthage) widow of Shubael, h Mechanic.
WESTCOTT, ASAHEL B., (Carthage) postmaster, carpenter and builder, served as 2d lieut. in Co. K, 35th Vols., h Canal cor. West.
Westcott, Fred N., (Carthage) (Dodge & Westcott) h Mechanic and West.
Westcott, George H., (Carthage) carpenter, bds. Canal cor. West.
Westcott, Mabel L., (Carthage) teacher, bds. Canal cor. West.
Whalen, John, (N. Wilna) r 11, farmer 100.
Whalen, William H. (Carthage) painter, Water, h Mechanic.
Whaling, Ann, (Sterlingville) r 13, widow of John, farmer 34.
Whaling, John, (Carthage) (Walsh & Whaling) deputy postmaster, bds. Levis House.
Whaling, Matthew, (Carthage) laborer, h Alexandria st.
Wheeler, Margaret, (Carthage) widow of Richard, h James.
Whitaker, David D., (Carthage) jewler, State, h at W. Carthage.
White, Aaron A., (Carthage) r 46, peddler.
White, Mary (Carthage) r 46, (Mrs. A.A.) farm 107.
White, Orrin, (N. Wilna) r 4, farm laborer.
WHITE, SARAH H., (Carthage) widow of Rev. David B., h Clinton.
White, Seth A., r 36, farmer 35.
White, Warren B., r 36, farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary 107.
White, William, (Carthage) carpenter, h West.
Whittaker, Edward E., (Carthage) com. traveler, h S. James.
Wilber, Charles P., (Carthage) student at Cornell, bds. James cor. Budd.
Wilber, James H., (Carthage) printer, h James cor. Budd.
Wilber, Royal P., (Carthage) law student, bds. James cor. Budd.
WILCOX, J. FOSTER, (Carthage) clerk for H.J. Radin, bds. at W. Carthage.
Wilder, Mark S., (Carthage) cashier Carthage National Bank, h School.
Wiley, Sylvester, (Carthage) carpenter.
Wilkinson, Thaddeus E., (Carthage) dealer in fruit trees, h State.
Willard, Henry, (Carthage) r 81, farmer, leases of J. Gormly.
Willard, Maranda M., (Carthage) widow of Charles, h State.
Willard, Seth, (Carthage) teamster, emp. L.H. Mills, h Spring.
Willes, Egbert, (Carthage) carpenter, h James.
Willes, Elizabeth, (Carthage) widow of Amos, resident, h James.
Willes, Mary, (Carthage) widow of Jesse E., h School.
Williams, Dexter, (Carthage) r 83, retired cabinetmaker.
Williams, Merritt M., (Carthage) foreman Republican office, h State.
Williamson, Henry, Sr., (Natural Bridge) r 45, farmer 46.
Williamson, Henry, Jr., (Natural Bridge) r 43, farmer 25.
Williamson, William, (Natural Bridge) r 43, farmer 64.
Wilmott, Emma, (Carthage) widow of R.H., h West.
Wilson, George G., (Natural Bridge) prop. sawmill, Mill, h do.
Wilson, James J., (Carthage) h 73, farmer 45.
Winchel, George, (Carthage) baggagemaster R., W. & O. R.R., h Mechanic.
Wing, C.H. & Son, (Carthage) (Fred M.) dealers in steam engines, water-wheels, shaftings, shingle and lath-mills, and mill supplies, general repairers, S. Canal.
Wing, Charles H., (Carthage) (C.H. Wing & Son) h Mechanic.
Wing, Fred M., (Carthage) (C.H. Wing & Son) newspaper correspondent, bds. Mechanic.
Wood, Almina, (Natural Bridge) resident, h Church.
Wood, Charles J., (N. Wilna) r 5, farmer, son of Franklin.
Wood, Chester C., (Natural Bridge) barber, h Church.
Wood, Frank, (Carthage) carpenter, h Forge.
WOOD, FRANKLIN, (N. Wilna) r 5, 15 cows, 1,000 sugar trees, farmer 130.
Wood, Harlan G., (N. Wilna) r 5, miller.
Wood, Isaiah, (Carthage) retired farmer, aged 97, bds. Francis.
Wood, John, (Carthage) clerk for H. Hooker, bds. State.
Wood, John B., (Carthage) John B. Wood & Son) h Fulton.
Wood, John B. & Son, (Carthage) (Mason J.) dealers in groceries, provisions, fruits, crockery, glassware, etc., 85 State.
WOOD, LEVI, (Carthage) molder, h Francis.
Wood, Lorena, (Natural Bridge) widow of John, h Church.
Wood, Mason J., (Carthage) (John B. Wood & son) h 85 State.
Wood, Sarah, (N. Wilna) r 11, widow of Joseph.
Wood, Zelotus, (Carthage) patternmaker, h School.
Woodcock, Eva D., (Natural Bridge) dressmaker.
Woodron, Harry (Carthage) laborer, h James.
Woodward, Ebenezer, (Great Bend) r 71, farmer 182.
Woodward, Jefferson D., (Great Bend) r 71, farm laborer.
Wooley, George, (Carthage) r 72, laborer.
Wooley, George C., (Carthage) jeweler, State, h Alexandria st.
Workman, Alexander, (Carthage) laborer, h Tannery Island.
Wrape, Patrick R., (Carthage) brickmaker, h School.
Wright, Charles H., (Carthage) r 89, laborer and farmer 4.
Wright, Fred, (Carthage) clerk, h State.
WRIGHT, LUTHER, (Natural Bridge) r 22, sawyer, served in Co. H,186th N.Y. Vols. [Removed to Felt's Mills.]
Wright, William A., (Natural Bridge) r 20, farmer 100.
Wythe, Nelson, (Carthage) r 89, dealer in furs, farmer 17.
Wythe, Orville, (N. Wilna) r 4, cook and farmer 25.
York, George P., Rev., (N. Wilna) r 12, cor. 11, pastor Methodist Protestant Church.
Young, Joseph, (Carthage) laborer, h Johns.
Youngs, Asa, (Carthage) carpenter, h Sherman.
Youngs, George, (Carthage) laborer, h Forbes.
Zanker, Frederick, Sterlingville) r 34, laborer.
Zick, William G., (Carthage) clerk for J. E. Strickland & Co., bds. Washington.
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