Supplied by Eva Rexford, with some minor corrections by the coordinators.

Antwerp Factory Antwerp NY F. X. Baumert & Co.
Atwood Watertown NY Jacob Vogt
Arnstein Philadelphia NY E. L. Steunhauser, Mgr.
Bacon McNeil Theresa, NY Jos. Vock & Sons
Baltz LaFargeville, NY H. Leonhardt, Alexandria Bay, NY
Bayview Dexter, NY Fred Lonsdale
Bickelhaupt Combination 2 Redwood, NY A. Bickelhaupt, Redwood, NY
---"---"--- 3
LaFargeville, NY
---"---"--- 5
Theresa, NY
---"---"--- 7
Theresa, NY
---"---"--- 8
Redwood, NY
---"---"--- 9
Redwood, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 10
Theresa, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 12
Redwood, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 13
Clayton, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 15
LaFargeville, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 16
LaFargeville, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 17
Orleans Cors, NY R.F.D.
---"---"--- 19
Lyme, NY R.F.D.
Beckwith Creamery Fine View, NY W.G. Beckwith
Belleville Belleville, NY W. H. Greene, Adams NY
Black River Black River, NY F. F. Hatch, New York, NY
Brookside Cheese Factory Rodman, NY Gomer Davis
Buckminester Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Bullard H. A. Sterlingville, NY H. A. Bullard R.F.D.
Cape Vincent Creamery Cape Vincent, NY W. F. Drennen & Co.
Carthage Carthage, NY Henry Austin, New York, NY
Cascade Watertown, NY V. H. Peck, R.F.D.2
Champion Village Carthage, NY W. H. Loomis
Chapel Corners Theresa, NY Chris Dugan, R.F.D.
Chaumont Chaumont, NY J. J. Dillenback
Clayton Milk Station Clayton, NY Ullman & Hauk, New York, NY
Cold Brook LaFargeville, NY Frank Dollinger, R.F.D.
Cold Spring Redwood, NY Emmet Moore
Columbian Fine View, NY W. G. Beckwith
Crescent Philadelphia, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp NY
Dexter Dairy Co. Dexter, NY A. A. Phelps
Diamond Mannsville, NY J. J. Laufear
Dickson Antwerp, NY F. X. Baumert & Co.
Douglas Theresa, NY Arthur Stewart
Eames Watertown, NY H. C. Eames, 321 Winslow St.
East Antwerp Antwerp, NY Elmer Swem
East Rodman East Rodman, NY F. P. Dunway, Watertown, NY
Eureka Watertown, NY S. A. Hall, R. F. D. 5
Excelsior Limerick, NY John Dietrich, R. F. D. 2
Fairview Pamelia, NY R. P. Grant, Clayton, NY
Farmers Clayton, NY R. P. Grant, Clayton, NY
Flat Rock Plessis, NY Clark Walts
Fox Creek Cape Vincent, NY B. W. Hentz, 3 Mile Bay, NY
Fults Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Galloway Street Philadelphia, NY F. Hoover & Son, Sterlingville
Gates Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Gilt Edge Creamery Mannsville, NY W. J. Grant
Gould Evans Mills, NY H. S. Gould
Great Bend Great Bend, NY Lambert Dairy Co., New York
Grenadier Island Cape Vincent, NY J. D. Fitzgerald
Grindstone Clayton, NY R .P. Grant
Haas, John Watertown, NY John Vogt
Hadsall & Orvis Felts Mills, NY G. O. Orvis, Black River, NY
Haller, Conrad LaFargeville, NY Conrad Haller
Halls Corners Antwerp, NY F. X. Baumert
Hartman Factory Alexandria Bay, NY John Hartman
Henderson H. Bonnett, Adams, R. F. D. 3
Hillside Factory Philadelphia, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp, NY
Hill Spring Cheese Factory Omar, NY O. N. Snow
Holmes Theresa, NY Jos. Vock & Son
Hoover & Son Sterlingville, NY Frank Hoover
Howland Theresa, NY Jos. Vock & Son
Hyde Creek Orleans 4 Corners F. W. Shimel
Indian River Carthage, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp, NY
Jefferson Valley Theresa, NY Isaac Snell
Keenes Hailsboro, NY Bordens
Kelsey Bridge Theresa, NY Jos Vock & Son
LaFargeville LaFargeville, NY L. Dietrich
Lake View Evans Mills, NY Jos Vock & Son, Theresa, NY
Leonhardt Alexandria Bay, NY Henry Leonhardt, Redwood, NY
Line Road Clayton, NY R. P. Grant
Lorraine Milk Co. Lorraine, NY O. W. Tucker
Mannsville Cheese Factory Mannsville, NY Jefferson County Creamery Co.
Maple Grove Mannsville, NY E. J. Rudd
Mather Bros Adams, NY R.F.D. 3 A. A. Scott, Adams, NY
Millins Bay Cape Vincent, NY Ray Dodge, Secretary
New Connecticut Theresa, NY Jos Vogt & Son
New Model Henderson, NY T. J. Ling Bros.
North Rodman Adams Center, NY W. E. Snell
Ontario Factory Sackets Harbor, NY A. A. Phelps, Dexter, NY
Orleans Valley Orleans Four Corners, NY Ullman & Hauk, New York, NY
Orleans Center LaFargeville, NY Jas Haggart
Orleans Corners Orleans Corners, NY Ullman & Hauk, New York, NY
Pamelia Center Watertown, NY, R.F.D. 4 F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp, NY
Patrons Brownsville, NY W. B. Walker
Perry Limerick, NY L. S. Perry
Philadelphia Cheese Factory Philadelphia, NY Wm. Flath
Pierrepont Manor Pierrepont Manor, NY Wm Slothman, New York, NY
Pillar Point Central Dexter, NY C. C. Mearns
Pillar Point Union Cape Vincent, NY W. H. B. Smith
Pleasant Valley Cape Vincent, NY G. Laird, Secretary, Rosiere, NY
Point Peninsular Creamery Co. Point Peninsula, NY Failing Bros.
Pool Theresa, NY Jos Vock & Sons
Reynolds Watertown, NY John Vogt
River Theresa, NY Jos Vock & Sons
Riverside Ox Bow, NY Dixon & Gleason
Rock Brook Evans Mills, NY E. J. Biche
Rocky Ledge Evans Mills, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp NY
Rodman Village Factory Rodman, NY Davis & Casler
Rosemary Creamery Smithville, NY Rosemary Creamery Co., Adams, NY
Rosemary Creamery Adams, NY Rosemary Creamery Co., Adams, NY
Rosiere Rosiere N. G. Gosier, Secretary
Sandy Creek Rodman, NY O. N. Heath
Scoville Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Silver Creek Rodman, NY Jacob Davis
Smith Dairy Co. Adams, NY G. S. Robbins
South Brook Cape Vincent, NY P. S. Judd
South Champion Factory Copenhagen, NY Robert Cramer
Sprague & Piper Theresa, NY Jos. Vock & Son
Spring Cheese Factory Philadelphia, NY W. O. Markwith
Springer Redwood, NY Hiram Hafford
Star Brook Barnes Corners, NY M. D. Thompson, Croghan, NY
Still Theresa, NY Jos Vock & Son
Stone Mills Union LaFargeville, NY Zenas Dean R. F. D.
Stonny [?] Side Evans Mills A. E. Helmer
Taylorville Copenhagen, NY D. A. Goodrich
1000 Islands Cheese Factory Clayton, NY R. P. Grant
Three Mile Bay Three Mile Bay, NY J. T. Taft
Trout Evans Mills, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp, NY
Trout Brook Carthage, NY F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp, NY
Vogt Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Walters Watertown, NY Jacob Vogt
Warren Settlement Rosiere, NY Geo H. Comeiri
Watertown Valley Burrs Mills, NY L. Polley
West Carthage Carthage, NY C. W. Besah
Wheeler Theresa, NY Jos Vock & Son
William No. 2 Watertown, NY R. F. D. 2 M. A. Stacher
Wilna Center Factory Carthage, NY JAS Pierce
Wilna Farms Carthage, NY A. B. Vorkler
Wilson Bay Cape Vincent, NY E. H. Moore, Secretary, R. F. D.
Wind Mill Watertown, R. F. D. G. B. McMillan
Woolworth Cheese Factory Carthage, NY Mrs. S. A. Woolworth
Worth Butter, Cheese & C Co Worthville, NY C. D. Hitchcock
Worth Center Cheese Factory Adams, NY R. F. D. 1 J. M. O'Connor
Yost Antwerp, NY Dixon & Gleason

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If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact County Co-Coordinator Nancy Dixon or Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.

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