The following family group descriptions are adapted from Hamilton Child's "Gazetteer of Jefferson County, N.Y.", published in 1890. The families are arranged alphabetically by township, and wherever possible, a link has been made to a Jefferson County Pioneer. We welcome any corrections and additions to the information presented.

This project has only been made possible through the efforts of several volunteers, directed by Shirley Farone, who has been a behind-the-scenes participant in this website from the very beginning. The original idea came from Sharon Patchett, who is also giving her time to the project. Sisters Marcia Alary and Barbara Britt, both of whom have been volunteering on other projects for the website, are also working on this. Gary Roe was one of the first to get his work in. We are grateful to each of them for making this material so easily available. More volunteers have made contributions as the task proceeded. Sharon Lagendyk's work has been extremely accurate and timely. Mark Wentling has undertaken a special project connected with the gazetteer. Eleanor Burrows here in Jefferson County, and Melinda Cornwell in Alaska are our newest volunteers.


Leonard Aldrich, a native of Vermont, married Achsah Tamlin, and was one of the early settlers of Rutland, in this county. He reared three sons and five daughters, most of whom settled in this county. Lewis Aldrich, son of Leonard, was born in 1812, and died in 1875. He married Mary, daughter of John Ellis, and they had five children, namely: Lewis D., who died in infancy; Julia A., who married John H. Overacker, and died in Alexandria in 1888; Martin E., who resides in Philadelphia; Eunice A., who married Lewis C. Dunn; Ellis A., of Rutland; and Marcus D., who died in 1868, aged 24 years. Martin E. Aldrich was born in Rutland, March 23, 1837, and was educated in Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary and Eastman's Commercial college at Rochester. December 29, 1863, he married Ann E., daughter of Erastus and Betsey (Chadwick) Whitney, and they have had six sons and four daughters, namely: Ivie Estelle, born in 1864, who graduated from Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, class of 1886; Llewellyn M., born in 1867, who also graduated from Wesleyan Seminary, class of 1886, and is now engaged in mercantile business with his father; Duane L., who died in infancy in 1869; May Ella, born in 1872; Burton W., born in 1874; Millie A., born in 1875; Henry M., born in 1877; DeWitt C., born in 1878; Effie Anna, born in 1882; and Arthur E., born in 1874. Mr. Aldrich began teaching school in St. Lawrence County, and afterwards taught in the towns of Rutland, Watertown, Philadelphia, and Theresa, this county. He settled and began business in Philadelphia village in March, 1866. He is a merchant and resides on Aldrich street.

William Allis, Jr., was born in Halifax, Mass., in 1785 and died in 1875. When young he located in Lowville, N.Y., and in 1809 married Betsey, daughter of Aaron and Jemima (Wood) Barber, by whom he had children namely: Sophia, who married William Bennett and died in 1886; William, who died in 1843; Charles, of Philadelphia; Fanny born in 1819, who married Truman Oatman in 1840; Betsey, who married A. Demorest; Dexter, who married Catherine Stickles in 1855; John, for many years agent of the R., W. & O.R.R. at Philadelphia, but now of Lowville; and Alice W. (Mrs. Joshua Roberts), of this town. Upon the death of his first wife Mr. Allis married Lucy Williston, in 1857. He located in Philadelphia in 1840, on the old Bones homestead. His daughter, Mrs. Joshua Roberts, resides on the old homestead.

Lansing Becker, son of Hiram and Angelia (Cooper) Becker, was born in 1830, and was reared upon a farm. He was educated in Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, and taught school several terms. In 1853 he married Harriet Beeman, and their children were Lucy J. who died in 1875, aged 21 years; Annis M. and Leman C., of Wilna; Charton L., who graduated from Cornell University in 1888 and now resides in Sioux City, Iowa; Hiram, of Wilna; and Alice of Antwerp. Mr. Becker's wife died in 1869, and in 1876 he married Mary M., daughter of Perley and Diana (Visgar) Miles, and they have a son, Claudius L., born December 6, 1876. Mr. Becker located on his present farm in 1853. He has been a justice of the peace several years, and was a member of the Assembly in 1876. He resides on road 35, in this town. Mrs. Becker has been a successful music teacher.

Christopher Bigarel was a native of France, and came to America with his parents when three years of age, locating in Fowler, St. Lawrence County. He served in the late war and died in 1865 from wounds received in the battle of the Wilderness. He married Samantha Pike, and they had six children, namely: Wheeler C., of Minnesota; Duane, who died in 1874; George, who died in 1888; Ella (Mrs. Orrin Thayer), of Minnesota; Frank D., who died in infancy; and Frank D., 2d. The later was born in Fowler, August 16, 1860. When 15 years of age he started on a tour through the western country, where he remained two years, when he returned and attended school in St. Lawrence County, where he prepared himself for teaching, which profession he followed several years, at one time being principal of the High School in Philadelphia. December 24, 1884, he married Almeda L. Read. He is now engaged in mercantile pursuits, with his residence and store on Main street, Sterlingville.

Gardner Clark, son of James and Submit (Hazelton) Clark, was born in Milton, Vermont, in 1797, and when four years of age removed with his parents to Nelson, Madison County. When 18 years of age he removed to Le Ray, and worked out among farmers, clearing land. He married Hannah Whitney, and they had seven children, namely: Hiram and Emily deceased; James, Betsey (Mrs. David Chidster), and Cornelia (Mrs. Charles E. Coolidge), of Philadelphia; William, of Carthage; and Cornelia, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mr. Clark located in this town in 1820, and died here 1877. His wife died in 1873. James Clark was born November 12, 1827, and was reared on his father's farm. He married Marcia Emeline, daughter of Issac and Laura [Wilson] Warriner, March 25, 1855, and they had three children, namely; Carrie Estelle, born April 5, 1859, who married James Christie in 1885, and lives in Le Ray; Gardner W., born February 12, 1868; and Fred I., born in April 30,1869. Mr. Clark is a farmer, and owns the Issac Warriner homestead on road 22.

John H. Comstock, son of Andrew and Sarah [Phelps] Comstock, was born in Albany, N.Y., February 25,1819. His early life was spent Galway, Saratoga County, and about 1841 he located in Philadelphia. He married Fanny J., daughter of Thaddeus and Mary [Wood] Scofield, April 6,1841, and their union was blessed with two sons and two daughters, viz.: Mary Frances, who was born on the homestead, in March, 1844, married William B. Mart, September 23,1874, and resides at Saratoga Springs; Andrew C. and Earl L., of this town; and Nellie, who married S.C. Kirkbride and resides in Claire, Mich. Andrew C Comstock was born May 16,1847, was educated at the common school, and at the age of 17 years engaged as saleman in the store of Holmes & Scofield. He was also a clerk for Mosher & Tucker, and was subsequently engaged in mercantile business with G. Rouse. He was proprietor of the grist and sawmill for two years, and in 1876 engaged in the hardware business. Mr. Comstock was postmaster from 1877 to 1884, was supervisor from 1880 to 1888, with the exception on 1881-1882, was elected member of Assembly in 1887, and reelected by a plurality of 810 in 1888. He married Mary M., daughter of Robert and Mary [Scott] Melrose, March 29,1871, and they have had two children as follows: Eddie M. who died in 1875, aged two years; Harry M., born December 23,1878; Grace M., born July 8,1883; and John N., born September 8,1885. Mr. Comstock is now engaged in the hardware business trade, and resides on Main street, which he built in 1886. Earl L. Comstock was born August 8,1854. He married Jennie A., daughter of John and Ann J. [Terkinton] Thomson, December 27,1878, and they have three children, namely: Fanny Florence, born February 8,1880; Anna May, born December 30,1882; and Lewis E., born December 26,1887. Mr. Comstock Bought the Comstock House at the depot in 1881, and occupied the same until 1887, when he engaged in the hardware business with his brother Andrew C.. In 1889 he bought the Eagle Hotel, which he now occupies.

David Coolidge located in Antwerp at an early day, where he reared a large family of children. Alfred, son of David, was born in 1800, and at the age of 19 years located in Philadelphia, on road 13, where he built a log house and cleared up a large farm. He married Mary, daughter of John and Asenath (Carver) Townsend, in 1825, and they had five sons and one daughter, namely: John of Iowa, Seth, who died in Evansville, Ind., in 1874; Asenath C., who lives with her father in Watertown; Thomas J. and Charles E., of Philadelphia; and Evan, a banker in Wisconsin. Charles E. Coolidge was born on the homestead June 19, 1835, and was educated in the common schools. November 13, 1860, he married Cornelia, daughter of Gardner and Hannah (Whiting) Clark. Of their children Cora Estelle, born September 9, 1861, resides at home; Nellie Asenath, born December 9,1868, married George Allen, by whom she had a son, Clinton P., born December 12,1875. Mr. Coolidge is a dairyman and farmer on road 10, where he located in 1860. Thomas P. Coolidge was born August 8, 1833. He married Joanna A., daughter of Adam and Augusta (Bolling) Ackert, May 28, 1863, and they have had two sons and two daughters, namely: Alfred F., born February 28, 1864, now of Colorado Springs; Mary who died at the age of four; Thomas J. Jr., born August 6,1878; and Eva Irene, born March 26,1883. In 1877 Mr. Coolidge bought the farm on road 13, which he now occupies. Alfred Coolidge is still living in Watertown.

Azel W. Danforth, son of Francis and Eunice [Warren] Danforth, was born in Albany County, where he married Mary Stickles, by whom he had three children, namely: Mary (Mrs. H.L. Curtis), of Watertown; Eunice W. (Mrs. Reuben Curtis), also of Watertown; and Warren, of Iowa. Mr. Danforth married, second, Sarah Stickles, and their children were Margaret, of Iowa, and James H., deceased. His third wife, Eliza Ann, daughter of Josiah Phillips, bore him three children, viz.: James H., of this town; Julia (Mrs. Edwin Bush), of Watertown; and Merrill, who died at the age of six years. Mr. Danforth served as supervisor, and was a member of the Assembly in 1844-46. He died in 1864, on the farm now occupied by his son James H. James H. Danforth was born in 1840. He married Julia E., daughter of Jotham and Samantha (Shull) Marshall, in 1865, and they have a son, Warren, born in 1867. Their daughter Grace Matilda was born in 1873, and died in 1888. Mr. Danforth is a farmer and occupies the homestead on road 29.

Joseph Essington, son of Joseph and Catherine (Kephart) Essington, was born in Pennsylvania, October 14, 1816. He married Mary, daughter of Robert and Mary A. (Hughs) Allen, in 1842. Their children were Robert A., who married Annis Sterling and resides in Brownville; Addison M., who was born December 18, 1845; Catherine, who married Rochester H. Sterling, by whom she had two children, Daniel R. and Mary Annis, Mary Ann, who married Frank P. Richardson and has two children, Harry J. and Fred A.; Henry C., who married Hattie Seamen and has an adopted daughter, Ruth M., and resides in Theresa; Addison, who married Elsie Berdew and has had four children, Frank, Ninna (deceased), Gertie, and Ruth M. Mrs. Essington died October 12, 1888. Joseph Essington located in Sterlingville in 1849, where he now resides. He is engaged in lumbering, and is an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Richard Estes was born in 1725. He married Mary Pierce and they had 11 children, of whom James, who was born 1776 and died in 1828, married Catherine Thorne, by whom he had 11 children, of whom Peter, who came to Jefferson County from the Mohawk valley, among the early settlers, was a ship builder. Peter married Sarah Leonard and they had two children, Delia (Mrs. S.C. Wilmot), of Auburn, and John P.W. The latter was born in 1825, and learned the carpenters' trade. He married Nancy, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Klock) Klock, and they have two sons and one daughter, namely: George W. and Mary M., deceased, and Grenville K., of this town. The latter was born March 16, 1848, and spent his early life upon a farm, subsequently sailing upon the lakes for several years. He married Ann E., daughter of Luke and Lena (Klock) Chamberlain, in 1876, and they have four sons, namely: Ward S., Harold G., Clare W., and Dorr C. Mr. Estes spent many years in the West. He is now employed as superintendent in the planing-mill in Philadelphia village.

Isaac Ford was born in 1752 and died in 1813. His first wife, Martha, was born in 1754, died in 1797. Their children were Mary, John, Elijah, Isaac, James, Naomi, Abel, Sils, Betsey, Lydia, Danile, Sylvia, Warren, Amos, and Patty. His second wife was Abigail Merry and they had four children--Major, Merry, Rhoda and Sylvia. Isaac Ford Jr. was born in Albany County, N.Y., in 1788, and was a carpenter by trade. He married Sally, daughter of Adin Hand, and they had three sons and six daughters, namely: William who died in Michigan in 1876; Betsey, who married Richard Wiggins and died in Michigan in 1840; Sarah who married Pliny Corbin and died in Michigan in 1865; Margaret, who married Samuel Wright, is a widow, and resides in Antwerp; Jane and Clare, who died in infancy; Silas, who resides in Philadelphia; Jane, 2d., who married William Lanfier and died in Michigan; and Daniel, who died in Detroit in 1849. Silas Ford was born in Duanesburgh, N.Y., October 4, 1815, and when 10 years of age located in Antwerp. He married Achsah R., daughter of Quartus and Julia (Gibbs) Brown, in 1842, and they had three sons and three daughters, namely: Orville, born June 4, 1843, who enlisted in Co. C, 10th N.Y.H.A., and who died in the service April 21, 1865, of disease; Henry D., who resides in Philadelphia; Sarah J., born in 1847, who married George Alton, in 1868, and has three children, Jane, George, and Silas; Martha born in 1849, who married Cyrus Mason, in 1874, and died in 1888; Eliza Ann, born in 1852, who married Frederick Howland, in 1883, and resides in Philadelphia; and Frank, born in 1859, who married Almira H. Conway, in 1878, and has two children, Orville B. and Idell B., and resides in Antwerp. Henry D. Ford was born August 4,1845, and was reared upon a farm. He married Mary J., daughter of William and Nancy [Carpenter] Kellogg, of Antwerp, in 1867, and they have a daughter, Mattie May, born in 1871. Mr Ford was a farmer in Antwerp until 1878, when he bought a half interest in the Philadelphia grist and flouring-mill, his successive partners being William McNiel, William J. York, and Solomon Howe, the latter of whom died in 1888. Mrs. Howe and son with Mr. Ford, now conduct the business. Mr. Ford resides on Mill street.

Elon G. Gardner, son of Samuel, was born in Pinckney, N.Y., in 1819. He married Caroline, daughter of Chauncey and Asenath (White) Doane, and they had three sons and three daughters, namely: Henry O., of Theresa; Delia (Mrs. J.P. Grosvenor), of Worcester, Mass.; Lucia A., of Richville; Carrie A. (Mrs. C.O. Gardner), of Watertown; Fred E., who married Josie St.Dennis, August 18, 1886, who died 1887; and Delbert N., a book-keeper in Theresa. Henry O. Gardner spent his early life in Richville, and was reared upon a farm. He took a three years' course in Oberlin (Ohio) College, and for three years was engaged in trade with C.D. Gardner, at Richville. August 25, 1880, he married Abbie V., daughter of Joseph E. and Margaret (Borland) Smith, and they have three sons, namely: A. Dow, born June 3, 1881; Joseph E., who died in infancy in 1882; and Earl E., born March 17, 1886. Mr. Gardner taught school in Indiana for a time, when he returned to Belleville and again engaged in the trade. March 15, 1888, he came to Philadelphia and organized the bank. In June, 1888, he bought A.N. Britton & Son's chair factory in Theresa, and organized a stock company, "A.N. Britton Manufacturing C., Limited." He has a furniture and undertaking business in Philadelphia, in which his brother Fred E. is associated with him. H.O. Gardner resides in Theresa.

James C. Graham, son of John and Mary (Carlisle) Graham, was born in Edinburg, Scotland, in 1855, and at the age of 10 years he was left an orphan. In 1865 he came to this country, landing in New York, where he lived with William B. Ogden and worked for his board for many years. He removed to Antwerp in 1871, attended Ives Seminary, and taught school winters, graduating in 1877. He studied medicine at the Oberlin [Ohio] College, graduated from Long Island College Hospital in 1881, and commenced practice in Spragueville, where he remained until 1884, when he located in Philadelphia, in which village he has since had a successful practice. September 3, 1884, he married Althea A., daughter of William and Ann (Campbell) Malterner, by whom he had a daughter, Eva A., in 1885. Mrs. Graham died July 14, 1885. Dr. Graham's office and residence are on Main street.

Chauncey Hall, son of Peletiah and Abulah (Crook) Hall, was born in Champion in 1815, and died in the village of Philadelphia in 1885. He married Cornelia, daughter of Peter and Abigail (Robinson) Kelner, of Champion, in 1840, and located in Antwerp and engaged in farming. They had five sons and three daughters, namely: Merritt A., born in 1841, who married Jennette Jones, and died in 1884; Clara M., born in 1884, who married William Plato, November 22,1885; Alvinza F., born in 1845, who married Hannah Corbet and died in Antwerp in 1873; Amelia C., born in 1847, who married James Nevel, of Antwerp; Charles W., born in 1849, now a resident of Watertown; Lewis C., born in 1851, who died in Antwerp in 1870; and Frances, who died in infancy. Charles W. Hall married Frances A., daughter of George and Abigail (Soper) Webster, December 17, 1876, and is a clerk of the Kirby House, in Watertown. Mrs. Cornelia Hall resides with her daughter, Mrs. Plato, on Antwerp street, in Philadelphia village.

Benjamin F. Kent, son of Benjamin and Emily (Stevens) Kent, was born in Clayton, January 17,1852. He was reared upon a farm and was educated in the district schools. He learned the jewelers' trade, and in 1876 engaged in business at Three Mile Bay, in the town of Lyme, where he continued until 1884, when he located in Philadelphia, and in 1886 built the block where he now resides, and in which his jewelry and boot and shoe store is located. October 14, 1855, he married Jennie L., daughter of Jacob and Louisa (Gunn) Putman.

Joseph P. Lawton, son of Benjamin and Betsey (Chase) Lawton, was born in Antwerp, May 23, 1833, and was reared upon a farm. October 28, 1855, he married Jane, daughter of James and Wealthy (Wilson) Wilson. He taught school several terms, and occupied the James Wilson farm several years, when he bought a farm of 147 acres on road 5. They have six sons and four daughters, born as follows, namely: James W., 1858, who has been twice married and has three children, Eddie, Joseph P., and John B.; Jay P., 1860, who is married and resides in Antwerp; Clark W., 1863, who married Jennie Hyde and has a daughter, Myrtle M.; Willie B. and Wealthy B. (twins), 1866; Fred E., 1868; Sarah Jane, 1871; Annis M., 1873; Charles E., 1875; and Ada Helen, 1877. In 1884 Mr., Lawton bought the Potter block in Philadelphia village, and engaged in the furniture and undertaking business. He was later a groceryman and is now a farmer.

Seeley B. Mather, son of Joshua and Peggy (Gusten) Mather, was born in Schuyler, Herkimer County, in 1802, and was reared upon a farm. He married Maria, daughter of George and Margaret (Wauful) Salisbury, and their children were Seth M., born in 1838, now of Clayton; George S., born 1843, now of Utica; and DeVillo J., born November 18, 1856. Mr. Mather died in Wilna in 1867. DeVillo J. Mather lived with his grandfather in Wilna, where he learned the carpenters' trade, subsequently residing in Utica. September 1, 1880, he married Della Lydia, daughter of William and Sarah (Smith) Fortune, of Newport, N.Y., and they have two children, Leslie M., born February 2, 1882, and Adaline, born June 17, 1883. Mr. Mather bought the Henry Brown farm of 206 acres, on road 19, in Philadelphia, where he now resides.

Jason Merrick, a native of Holland, came to America when young and located in Pennsylvania. In 1805 he removed to this county and located in Philadelphia, and settled on lot 675, containing 440 acres, upon which he built a log house. His children were Jason, David, Mary Ann (Mrs. Rev. James Cooper), Jean and Robert. David Merrick was born in 1803 and came to Philadelphia with his parents. He married Nancy, daughter of Tilton Pierce, in 1822, and they had two sons and one daughter, viz.: Mary Ann born in 1827, who married James Sharon and had four children--David, Charles, Alvin, and Carrie; Charles F. born in 1831, who married Polly Putney; and John R. The later was born in 1935, and was reared upon a farm. He marries Angeline E., daughter of Leonard and Betsy (Cleghorn) Higgins, of Antwerp, January 1, 1858, and they have two sons and three daughters, viz.: Jason E., who lives in Lowville, has been married twice and has one daughter, Myrtle C., Erwin L., who married May Anable in 1889; George E.; Annie Eugenie; and Bertha May, the youngest, born in 1875. Mr. Merrick lives on the homestead on road 37, where his father first settled.

Jonathan Miles, a native of Newport, R.I., came to Philadelphia when a young man. In 1812 he married Polly Elmore and located in Lorraine. Of his 10 children, Andrew B., born in 1818, was reared upon a farm, and at the age of 17 years located in Philadelphia and worked out among the farmers. He married Eliza A., daughter of Henry and Jane [Purvee] Stillson, in 1838, and their children were Henry, who was born in 1840 and lives in Le Ray; Sally J, who married William Nevils and has five children--Eddie W., Frank S., Sarah, Georgia, and Andrew W.; Eliza Ann, who married Milton Stewart and died in Missouri; Andrew B., Jr., Duane, and Baker, of this town; Deborah B., who married George W. Clark and has had four children--Horace, Libbie, Eliza and George. Andrew B. Miles, Jr., married Mary Emogene, daughter of F.H. and Clarissa (Harris) Dorwin, November 3, 1863, and they have a daughter, Alta Florence, who was born March 25,1885. Mr. Miles owns nearly 500 acres, and is a general dealer.

Robert H. W. Miles, son of Jonathan and Polly (Elmore) Miles, was born in Lorraine, February 4, 1830, and when six years of age came to Philadelphia with his parents. He was educated at Gouverneur and taught school many terms. He married Sarah, daughter of Elias and Leafy (Wilcox) Clark, April 4, 1858, and their children were William C., born in 1860; Mary E., born in 1861, who married, first, George W. Smith, by whom she had a daughter, Grace P., and second, Wendell Chrysler, by whom she has a son and resides in Theresa; Bryon J., born in 1863, who resides in Philadelphia; Annie A., born in 1863, who married Walton Blackmer, by whom she had a daughter, Minnie Maude, and resides in Clifton N.Y.; and William C., who married Rosie A. Blackmer. Mrs. Miles died April 10,1886. Mr. Miles occupies the homestead on road 4.

Matthias Ritter, a native of Herkimer County, located in Le Ray and engaged in farming early in the present century. He married Ruth Klock and reared a large family of children. Henry, son of Matthias, married Nancy Rickert, and they had two sons and a daughter, viz.: Hiram, who died in 1880; Absolom, of Philadelphia; and Margaret (Mrs. Jeremiah Snell), of Le Ray. Absolom Ritter was born in 1826, was reared upon a farm, and subsequently learned the carpenters' trade. He married Fanny, daughter of Henry and Mary (Foster) Klock, in 1853, and they have one son, Obed E., born February 19,1857. Obed E. is a farmer and station agent at Sterlingville, where he resides, on Main street.

Stephen Roberts was born in Erie County, Pa., and in the spring of 1806 came to Philadelphia and took up 440 acres just south of the present village. He was one of the original proprietors of the town. His wife, Jane, bore him five children, namely: Daniel, Elias, Hugh, Grace, and Elizabeth. Daniel Roberts was born in 1784, learned the carpenters' trade, and died in 1866. He married Sarah Winner, in 1811, and their children were Jane, who died in 1833; Stephen, of Le Raysville; Sarah, who married Brainard Tooker and died in 1888; Thomas who died in Virginia in 1856; Hugh, who lives in Indiana; Eliza, who died at the age of 15 years; Mary and Daniel, who died young; Charles, of Rutland; Mary Jane, of Oswego County; and Joshua. The latter was born January 30, 1832, and learned the wagonmakers' trade. He married, first, Mary Jane, daughter of Jason and Marilda (Paddock) Francis, in 1849, and they had two children--Alice Eliza (Mrs. Slade) and Albert Jr., who died in infancy. Mrs. Roberts died in 1852, and for his second wife he married Mary W., daughter of William and Betsey (Barber) Allis, in 1858. Mr. Roberts is a farmer and occupies the Allis homestead.

William Roberts, son of Owen and Mary (Roberts) Roberts, was born in Remsen, Oneida County, December 29, 1834, and was reared upon a farm. He located in Martinburg, and for a time was engaged in farming and furnishing supplies for the Black River Railroad. In 1877 he located in Lowville and engaged in lumbering. He built mills in Philadelphia in 1882 and formed a partnership with Otis Brooks, with whom he continued for four years. He married Serepta, daughter of Leonard S. and Sophia (Smith) Wilder, and they have two sons, George W. and Charles O. George Roberts was born May 4, 1861, and was educated at Lowville Academy. February 5, 1884, he married Jessie Nettie, daughter of Edwin L. and Charlotte (Manchester) Parsons, of Leyden, Lewis County. He is a salesman with his father. Charles O. Roberts was born August 22, 1864, was educated at Lowville Academy, and January 6, 1885, married Marie l., daughter of James B. Harries, of Antwerp, and they have two children, Ethel Mary, born December 2, 1885, and William, born December 21, 1886. He is a book-keeper for his father, and is supervisor of the town. Mr. Roberts is doing extensive business and resides on Sand street.

Richard Rodenhurst, son of Richard and Mary (Ashton) Rodenhurst, was born in Whitchurch, Shopshire, England, January 11, 1828 and when seven years of age came with his parents to America and located in Westmoreland, Oneida County, N.Y. He married Sarah Ann, daughter of Hiram and Sophia (Tousley) Knickbocker, of Eaton, Madison County, in 1853, and their children were DeWitt C., of Philadelphia, and Fred, of Theresa. His wife died March 12, 1867, and in 1868 he married Emma J. Fisk, by whom he had a daughter Belle I. Mr. Rodenhurst has been in trade in Theresa for more than 20 years. DeWitt C. Rodenhurst was born January 26, 1855, was educated at Whitestown Seminary, studied medicine with Drs. Sturtevant and Kelsey at Theresa, graduated at Long Island College Hospital in 1879, and commenced practice at OxBow. January 10, 1884, he married Mattie H., daughter of Zalmon and Cyrena [Swan] Pool, of Theresa. In the fall of 1882 he located in Philadelphia village, where he continues in practice.

Daniel Rogers, who was born in 1793, served in the war of 1812, at the battle of Sackets Harbor, and drew a pension and bounty land. He located in Watertown, and in 1816 married Fanny Taylor and reared a large family, of whom Charles, born in 1817, died in 1849; Lydia died in infancy; Anson died in 1887; Joel died in 1888; Daniel in 1860; Urana in infancy; Edith married William Clark and has three children, Brayton, George and Frankie; Urana, 2d, married H.H. Cross; James resides in Wisconsin; and Fanny Elizabeth married Samuel B. Scofield and resides in this town. Daniel Rogers was for many a hotel-keeper here.

James Rogers was a lineal descendant of John Rogers, the martyr, and was born in Marshfield, Mass., April 16, 1756. He married Deborah Smith, and they had three sons and four daughters, namely: Deborah, James, Rhoda, Mary, Samuel and Thomas. Samuel Rogers was born in 1797, and was a surveyor by occupation. In the fall of 1821 he came to Philadelphia and bought a farm at Strickland Corners, where he owned 350 acres. About 1838 he bought the mills in Philadelphia village, and there erected the homestead 1840. In 1824 he married Rachel, daughter of John and Margaret Strickland, and they had two sons and seven daughters, namely: Eliza, born in 1825, who married Hiram Sprague, and lives in Grand Rapids, Mich.; Deborah, who died in 1831; James who died in 1829; Cornelia, who died in 1831; Cordelia, born in 1833, who married Henry D. Brown, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Julia, born in 1835, who married Naylor Child, by whom she has three living children, W. Whitney, of Illinois; George H., born May 27,1840; Helena M. born in 1845, who married James C. Post, and lives in Rochester, NY. Mrs. Rogers died in 1863, aged 63 years. For his second wife Mr. Rogers married Eliza S., daughter of Benjamin Smith, and widow of Thomas Townsend, in 1866, and she died 1867. Mr. Rogers belonged to the Society of Friends, and was respected by all who knew him. He died March 9, 1884, in his 88th year. George H. Rogers was reared upon the farm, and was educated in the Friends' schools and Poughkeepsie Business School. January 14, 1875, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Roswell and Philinda (Davis) Miller, of Leyden, Lewis County. He is a farmer, and resides in his pleasant cottage on Sand street, in Philadelphia village.

Thaddeus Scofield, son of Henry, was born in Saratoga County, N.Y., in 1795. He married Mary, daughter of Daniel Wood, and they had four sons and four daughters, namely: Sally M. born in 1820, who died in 1831; Earl L., born in 1824, who was drowned in Indian River in 1841; Fanny J., born in 1822, who married J.H. Comstock; Serepta W., born in 1829, who married William Holmes, of Philadelphia; Willet, born in 1831, now a resident of the state of Washington; Daniel H., born February 17, 1834, and Samuel B., born June 22, 1837, who resides in this town; and Eliza A., born in 1840, who married Jonathan Wood, of Washington County, N.Y. Daniel H. Scofield came with his parents to Philadelphia in 1841. He was educated in the district and select schools, and at the age of 16 years engaged as salesman in E.D. Woodward's store, where he remained four years, when he removed to Evans Mills and clerked for A.M. Cooke. He was in business with W.G. Holmes & Bro. 18 years, and with W.G. Holmes several years, when his son William T. became associated with him. He built the Scofield block in 1886. January 4, 1858, he married Eliza A., daughter of William and Prudence (Danforth) York, of Philadelphia, and they have one son and two daughters, namely: Mary Eliza, born in 1860, who married Frank H. Brooks, by whom she had four children, Idella, Edith, William O. and Daniel H.; William T., born April 18, 1862, who married Grace S., daughter of Otis and Celestine (Ballard) Brooks, September 12, 1882; and Martha Adell, born August 22, 1865, who married Harlan U. McAfee, November 16, 1887, and resides in Gouverneur. Mr. Scofield is a liberal supporter of the Congregational church and resides on Antwerp street, in Philadelphia village. Samuel B. Scofield married Fanny Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Fanny (Taylor) Rogers, January 10, 1860, and their children were Nettie E., who was accidentally burned to death September 19,1886, aged five years; Lewis W., who died November 13, 1881; Jennie E., who married Fred H. Smith, October 24,1883, and had two children, Fanny E., born February 12, 1887, and Ruth Mayford, born July 17, 1884; Thaddens, born May 4, 1872. Mr. Scofield is a carpenter and builder, and resides on Mill street, in Philadelphia village.

Patrick Sharon was born in Ireland in 1783. He married Rosanna, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Kennedy) Martin, in 1814, and their children were born as follows; Mary, 1815; Thomas, 1816; Daniel, 1818; Joseph, 1820; James, 1822; William, 1824; Henry, 1829; and Luke, 1830. Mr. Sharon emigrated to America in 1821, landed at Quebec, whence he removed to Carthage village, in Wilna, where he worked at blacksmithing many years, subsequently locating upon a farm, where he died in 1835. His wife died in 1876. Of their children, Thomas married Mary Keon, had ten children, located in this town in 1830, and died in Sterlingville in 1871. James married Mary Ann Merrick, had four children, and died in 1882. John resides in Philadelphia and William in Wilna. Henry married Bridget Rowland and died in 1878. Luke married, first Eliza Swift, and second, Mary Strong, and died December 23,1888. Mary married Nathaniel Savage in 1837, and they had six children, namely: Elizabeth B., who married John Main; John A., a lawyer and real estate dealer in Montana; Thomas H., who is employed by the government as Indian agent; Amelia and Charlotte [deceased]; and Sarah J., who married John A.Bristol, and had three children, John, Peter and Louis. John Sharon was a farmer in Sterlingville for several years, was in the mercantile business with Luke and James Sharon for about eight years, and in the firm of Sharon and Swift for 10 years. He and his sister, Mrs. Savage, reside in Sterlingville, on Main street.

John Strickland was born in Bucks County, Pa., in 1757. In 1806 he immigrated to Jefferson County and located in Philadelphia, then a part of LeRay. e was a member of the Society of Friends, and was possessed of a genial and kindly disposition. He brought with him a sum exceeding $25,000, with which he purchased 5,000 acres of land in this town. During the War of 1812 he bought supplies for the American army, and at the termination of the war had a large quantity of supplies on hand, for which he received less than half their original cost. He was obliged to dispose of a large portion of his land to pay his indebtedness, after the accomplishment of which he had left of his vast estate only 220 acres. He died September 15, 1849, aged 92 years. At the age of 25 years he married Margaret Stout, of German descent, with whom he resided 60 years. She died in 1853. Of their children, Elizabeth married Thomas Townsend, and died in 1864; John Jr., married Rachel Townsend and died in 1859; Sarah married Ezra Comley and died in Pennsylvania in 1855; Deborah died in infancy; Ann married Edmund Tucker and died in 1863; Mahlon married Mary, daughter of James Rogers, and died in 1871; Margaret married Samuel Case and died in Chicago in 1888, aged 91 years; Rachel married Samuel Rogers and died in this town in 1863; Miles married Harriet A. Bronson (deceased); Martha married Robert Gray and died in Wisconsin in 1875; Seth, who was born in 1808, married Jane, daughter of Thomas Bones, January 25, 1835. Of their children, Ellen (Mrs. Isaac Mosher) and William reside in this town, and John E. in Carthage. William Stickland was born October 15, 1839, and was reared upon the homestead farm, which he inherited. He married Betsey J., daughter of Truman and Fanny (Allis) Oatman, of Philadelphia, December 29, 1862, by whom he has had two children, Seth T. born March 12, 1866, who died May 7, 1971, and Anna Jane, born April 2, 1874. Mr. Strickland is a farmer and resides in the village.

Richard Swift was born in Ireland, in 1807, and was reared upon a farm, and at the age of 16 years emigrated to America, landing at Quebec, where he remained one year, when he located in Watertown. In 1837 he married Margaret, daughter of James Kinney, and in the spring of 1838 located in Philadelphia, on a farm near Sterlingville, at the place known as Cattail Corners. His children were Mary Ann, who married Henry Gibbs, by whom she had eight children, and resides in Dakota; Richard, of this town; John A., who served three years in Co. C. 10th N.Y.H.A., and now lives in Dakota; James A, who married Essie Moore, of Plessis, and has four children, Berdie, Alice, Lizzie, and Essie; James H., of Wisconsin; Eliza Jane (Mrs. Luke Sharon), who died in 1869; and Margaret (Mrs. Christopher Cain), who has seven children and resides in Wilna. Richard Swift died in 1880, and his wife in 1870. Richard Swift, Jr., was born December 1, 1839, and spent his early life upon a farm. He learned the carpenters' trade, and for many years run [sic] a threshing machine. He bought a tract of land in Croghan, Lewis County, and manufactured large quantities of maple sugar. In 1874 he engaged in mercantile business in Sterlingville, in the firm of Sharon, Swift & Co., and continued about 10 years. He was also extensively engaged in lumbering and building. He owns several farms.

Edmund Tucker, whose parents were Quakers, was born in Granville, Washington County in 1793. He was left an orphan at an early age and went to live with his uncle Isaiah Dean. He was educated in the common schools, learned book-keeping and surveying, and contributed largely to the support of his mother and sisters Abigail and Hannah. In 1816 he removed to Le Ray and was employed in the land office of James de Le Ray as surveyor and book-keeper. He married Ann, daughter of Margaret and John Strickland, in 1819, and soon after located in the town of Philadelphia. They had six children, namely; Joseph, Hannah, John, Margaret, George E., and Matilda. John was drowned in Indian River in 1827, and Joseph and Hannah died the same year. Margaret married Elijah Coon, of Watertown, and Matilda married H.B. Mosher, of Watertown. George E. resides in Philadelphia. Mr. Tucker was the first postmaster in the town. He belonged to the Society of Friends, and was quiet and unassuming in his manners. He died January 6,1836, aged 42 years, greatly respected by all who knew him. His devoted widow, who died in 1863, kept the anniversary of his death with funeral solemnity as long as she lived. George E. Tucker was born October 13, 1832. He married Mary G., daughter of Israel and Elizabeth (Beckwith) Lamb, of Ogdensburg, October 1,1863, and they had three children namely: Anna E., born October 28, 1864, who was educated in the State Normal School at Albany; Edmund G., born May 28,1867, who was educated in Poughkeepsie Business College, and is now a clerk in the Watertown National Bank; and Margaret , born February 28, 1871, who is a student in Syracuse University. Mr. Tucker was supervisor of this town from 1873 to 1879, inclusive, and was a justice of the peace many terms. He was engaged in mercantile business from 1866 to 1872, and is now a prosperous farmer and resides on the homestead where he was born.

Isaac Warriner, son of Jacob, was born in Lee, Onedia County, in 1803, and when young located in Rodman. He married Laura Wilson in 1827, and they had four daughters, namely: Marcia Emeline (Mrs. James Clark), of this town; Mary E. (Mrs. Milton Wiggins), who died in 1887; Laura A. (Mrs. Benjamin Allen), of Philadelphia; and Helen M. (Mrs. Melvin Bryant), of LeRay. Mr. Warriner married, second, Sally Klock, in 1868. He was a prominent member of the Free Baptist Church and died in 1888. His widow resides in Philadelphia village, on Main street. Her daughter, Mrs. James Clark, occupies the homestead on road 22.

Russell Washburn, son of Nehemiah and Betsey (Edwards) Washburn, was born in Leyden, Mass., in 1807. When 18 years of age he came to Antwerp and learned the shoemakers' trade. In 1830 he married Amy, daughter of Thomas Weeks, and they had four sons, namely: Hiram, who died at the age of 21 years; Horace, who married Mary A. Carpenter and resides in Gouverneur; George, who resides in this town; and Henry, who married, had three children, and died in Antwerp in 1879. George Washburn was born in Antwerp in 1837,and was reared upon a farm. He married Mary J., daughter of Adam and Harriet (Southworth) Hoverman, November 9, 1876, and they have had two sons and four daughters, namely: Jennie May, born December 1869, who is a milliner and resides at home; G. Herbert, born March 9, 1873; Lena H., born April 6,1876; Pearly Blanche, born June 9,1879; Fanny, who died in 1885, aged two years; and Grover Cleveland, born October 16, 1884. Mr. Washburn was engaged in mining in California, Idaho, and Nevada for about six years, when he returned to this town, where, and in Antwerp, he has been engaged in hotel-keeping and farming. He resides on Mill street, in Philadelphia village.

Conrad Werner was born in Wachenheim, Germany, in 1831, and about 1860 emigrated to America, first locating in Buffalo, where he remained about a year, when he located in this town and engaged in the manufacture of Limburger cheese. December 20, 1863, he married Sarah Munroe, of this town, who died September 18, 1876. They had three children, namely: Mary Jessie and Hattie Marinda, who were educated in the Potsdam Normal School and are now engaged in teaching, and George P., born January 7, 1871, who is also a teacher. March 9, 1880, Mr. Werner married Annie, daughter of Richard and Delia [Noonan] Maloney, of Carthage, and they had a daughter, Ruth M., born March 5, 1882. Mr. Werner died February 10, 1887. He was a successful business man, pleasant and courteous in disposition, was a deacon of the Congregational Church, and at the time of his death owned a landed estate of 300 acres. Mrs. Werner and family occupy the pleasant homestead in Philadelphia.

Mason Whitney was born in 1765. He married Dolly Ransom and they had five children. Erastus Whitney, son of Mason, was born in Herkimer County in 1797. At the age of 18 years he bought his time from his father and came to this county, and engaged in clearing land in Theresa and Philadelphia. He married Mary, daughter of Moses Chadwick, of Philadelphia, in 1826, who died in 1872. He died in 1854, on the farm which he had settled. He had five sons and three daughters, namely; William M., Seymour M., Marion H. (deceased), Mason (deceased), Harriet M., Ann E. (Mrs. Aldrich), George E., and Duane L. (deceased).

James Wilson, son of George, was born in Windham N.H., in 1776, and in 1804 he married and settled in Rutland, N.Y., where he engaged in farming. He had five sons, namely: James Jr., of Philadelphia; Simson, who died in this town in 1878; John, who died in Rutland; Clark, who was lost at sea in 1868; and George A., of Fairport, N.Y. James Wilson Jr., was born in 1805, and was reared upon a farm. He married Wealthy, daughter of Thomas and Lois (Wilson) Wilson, in 1834, and their children were Jane (Mrs. Joseph P. Lawton) and Sarah (Mrs. Edwin Wilson), both of this town. James Wilson resides on road 6. His wife died in 1880. Henry Wilson, son of Samuel, who was a son of George and grandson of Alexander, was born in 1810, and was reared upon a farm. He married Nancy, daughter of Samuel Clark; in 1836, and their children were Cornelia (Mrs. Sidney S. Keyes), Charles P., Edwin, and Francis, all of this town, and Irving, of Atlanta, Ga. Edwin Wilson was born December 17, 1824, and was reared upon a farm. July 4, 1867, he married Sarah, daughter of James and Wealthy (Wilson) Wilson. Henry Wilson located in Philadelphia in 1836. His wife, Nancy, died in 1862, and for his second wife he married Sarah Ann Clark, a sister of his first wife Edwin Wilson is a farmer and occupies the homestead on road 6.

Anthony Wayne Wood, son of Joshua, a Revolutionary soldier, was born in Jaffrey, N.H., in 1802. In 1822 he located in Marcy, Oneida County, and in 1827 married Laura S., daughter of Abel and Lucinda (Miller) Sweet, by whom he had six children, namely: Mary E., who married James Sweet, and died in Buffalo; Henry C., who died at the age of 19; Laura L., who died at the age of 17; Rev, Abel S., now of Sidney, N.Y.; John W., who occupies the homestead; and Matilda R., who married Edward Wagner, of Whitesboro. Rev. Abel S. Wood was born in 1836, attended Whitestown and Winfield academies, graduated from Hamilton College in 1861, and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1865. He began his labors in the Congregational Church in Verona, and was subsequently located in Niagara Falls, Kokoma, Ind., St. Joseph, Mich., and Rensselaer Falls N.Y., removing to Philadelphia in May, 1886, and in 1889 to Sidney, N.Y. He married Sarah, daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Sarah (Frasier) Weeks, in 1867, and they have a son, Gardner W., born November 8, 1872.

William York was born in Galway,.N.Y., in 1799, and was reared upon a farm. In 1815 he married Prudencia Danforth, and they had six children, namely: Stephen V., who died at the age of 17 years; Frances D., who died in 1883; Mary, who married Harlow Frink, of this town; William who resides in Philadelphia; Eliza Ann, who was born in 1836 and is now the wife of Daniel H. Scofield, of this town; Eunice, who married Dexter Bennett, of this town. About 1815 William York located on Galway street (road 42), where he died at the age of 45 years. His wife died in 1883, aged 83 years.

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