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In 1878 when the history of Jefferson County was written by Durant and Peirce, much of the information about the county and residents was in fact obtained from people who lived in Jefferson County. Following is a list of persons who provided information about the Town of Clayton, their occupation, business location, where born, when settled in that location and their post office address. In a few instances, information was not provided by the contributor. Here "s" stands for "settled in Jefferson County."
ANGEL, JAS. F., retired farmer, b Otsego Co NY s 1817; po Clayton
AMES, W. W. , Ed. Independent, b Madison Co NY s 1872; po Clayton
ATWOOD, M. W., farmer/ex-inspector Port Clayton, b Jeff Co, s 1843; po Clayton
ANGEL, R. G., merchant/ret. Farmer, b Otsego Co, s 1832; po Clayton
BARKER, A. F. , banker/ship owner, b Caledonia Co VT, s 1837; po Clayton
BAIN, ALEX., dentist, b Marlborough, Canada, s 1868; po Clayton
BROWN, REV. M. J. pastor of Rom. Cath. Ch, b Franklin Co NY, s 1876, po Clayton
BABCOCK, JAS, prop. Chees mfg, est. 1875, b Jeff Co NY, s 1834; po Clayton
BAXTER, WILLIAM, farmer, b Jeff Co, s 1827; po Depauville
BROWN, LUTHER, ret. Farmer, b Hillsborough Co NH, s 1820; po Stone Mills
BROWN, SOPHRONIA, ret. Farmer, b Crown Point NY, s 1824; po Stone Mills
BALDWIN, C. G., farmer/teacher, b Jeff Co s 1851; po Stone Mills
BRIGHAM, GEORGE & SON, farmers/vet surgs, b Otsego Co NY s 1818; po Clayton
BRIGHAM, GEO & SON, farmers/vet surgs, b Jefferson Co NY, s 1833; po Clayton
BARKER, HENRY S., merchant, b Clayton, s 1845; po Clayton
COOK, ASHBEL, schooner Captain, b Jeff Co, s 1816; po Clayton
CARY, JNO, died 19 Nov. 1857 in Jeff Co; b Oneida Co NY s 1826
CARY, MRS. JNO, ret. Farmer, b Jeff Co, s 1822; po Clayton
COMINS, WM, ret. Farmer, b Jeff Co s 1812; po Clayton
CONSAUL, WM. H., farmer, b Jeff Co, s. 1840 po Clayton
CARTER, JERRY, farmer, b Berkshire Co MA, s 1820; po Depauvile
DORR, JOHN, farmer/shoemaker, b Germina, NY, s 1831; po LaFargeville
DORR, DAVID H., farmer, b Jeff Co, s 1856; po LaFargeville
DORR, PETER, died 18 April 1865; b Germina, NY s 1831
DORR, MARY, farmer, b Germina NY s 1836, po Depauville
DYE, WARREN A., carpenter/farmer, b Jeff Co, s 1834; po Clayton
ESSELSTYN, R. M., ex-collector customs/superv/magistrate; b Jeff Co s 1822; po Clayton
EDDY, LUTHER, lumber dealer/farmer/ b Winsor Co VT, s 1832; po Clayton
EVANS, F. T., attorney, b Oneida Co NY s 1872; po Clayton
EILAMS, MRS. E., millinery, b Jeff Co NY s 1847; po Clayton
ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, sailor, b Jeff Co s 1839; po Clayton
EDDY, AARON, ret farmer, b Franklin Co NY, s 1837; po Clayton
EDWARDS, O. A. farmer, b Saratoga Co NY, s 1827; po Depauville
FRAME, S. V., physician, b Jeff Co, s 1841; po Clayton
FRALEY, JOHN, farmer, b Jeff Co s 1843; po Clayton
FOX, ALFRED, ret. farmer/Just peace, s 1832; po Depauville
FOX, BYRON, merchant, b Jeff Co, s 1840; po Depauville
FRAME, L. E., phys/surgeon, b Herkimer Co NY, s 1822; po Depauville
FOX, MYRON, died 14 Mar. 1864; born Rome NY s 1823
FOX, MALVINA, ret. Farmer, b Warren NH, s 1833; po LaFargeville
FRY, ADAM, farmer/mechanic retiried, b Montgomery Co, NY, s 1821; po Depauville
FAIRE, THOS., farmer, b Ireland, s 1833; po Depauville
GILLETT, C. E. merchant, b St. Lawrence co NY s 1871; po Clayton
GLOYD, JAMES D., farmer, b Jericho VT, s 1822; po Clayton
HUBBARD, JAS T. propr Hubbard House, b Jeff Co, s 1839; po Clayton
HALPIN, MICHAEL, capt. And part owner of bark Burnside, b Limerick Ireland, s 1858; po Clayton
HUBBARD, J. B., died 16 July 1871; b Jeff Co, s 1824
HUBBARD, MRS. J. B., retired, b Orleans Co NY, s 1827; po Clayton
HUBBARD, GEO. H., prop of Livery/assessor, b Jeff Co, s 1842; po Clayton
HAAS, V. A., farmer, b Jeff Co s 1852; po Depauville
HAAS, GEO, farmer, b Germany s 1836; po Depauville
HALL, F. V., ret farmer, b Windham VT, s 1819; po Depauville
JOHNSTON, S. D., prop Walton House, b Sacket's Harbor, s 1820; po Clayton
JOHNSON, JAMES, product dealer, b Herkimer Co NY, s 1836; po Clayton
JOHNSON, JOHN, retired b Jeff Co, s 1816; po Clayton
JOHNSTON, S. G., ship builder, b Ottawa Canada, s 1832; po Clayton
KANALEY, JOHN, farmer, b Ireland, s 1849; po Clayton
LAYARE, WM, mfg wagons/carriages, b Jefferson s 1851; po Clayton
LINNELL, GEO D., farmer b Jefferson Co s 1832; po Clayton
LOWE, A. D., merchant, firm of Terry & Lowe, b Jeff Co. s 1850 po Depauville
LOWE, JNO, d 27 Sept 1876, b Lewis Co. s 1821
LOWE, EUNICE, farmer b Lewis Co. s 1823; po Stone Mill
LINNELL, CLARISSA L, farmer, b Jeff co., s 1819; po Clayton
McKINLEY, GEO H., merchant, b Jeff Co s 1851; po Clayton
MOUNT, H., harness maker b Jeff co, s 1843; po Clayton
McCARN, MICHAEL, farmer, b Montgomery co NY s 1834; po Clayton
McCARN, S. J., constable/farmer, b Jeff Co s 1850; po Clayton
MORSE, H. E., atty, b Jeff Co s 1831; po Clayton
McCARN, ELIJAH, farmer, b Montgomery Co s 1840; po Clayton
MORGAN, WM, ship carpenter/farmer, b South Wales, s 1832; po Clayton
McKINLEY, ARTHUR, farmer b Ireland s 1842; po Clayton
OTIS, AMOS, farmer, b Oneida Co, s 1839; po Depauville
OTIS, L. C., farmer/assessor, b Oneida Co s 1839; po Depauville
OSBORN, P. A., farmer b Oneida co s 1815; po Deapuville
ORMSBY, SUSAN, farmer, b Herkimer Co, s 1820; po Depauville
POTTER, AUGUSTIN, farmer, b Paris, France, s 1831; po Clayton
PUTNAM, PARLEY, farmer, b VT, s 1819; po Clayton
PATCH, ALLEN, farmer, b Jeff Co s 1846; po Clayton
PARISH, GILBERT R, farmer/ship carpenter, b Jeff, s 1831; po Clayton
PATCHIO, L, K., ret. Farmer, b Columbia Co NY s 1819; po Depauville
PATCHIN, ALBERT M., farmer, b Jefferson s 1846; po Depauville
PECK, E. J., farmer b Jeff s 1830; po Depauville
REES, THOS, lumberman/ship builder, b S. Wales, s 1832; po Clayton
REES, W. H., Dept. Col. Of Customs, b Jeff Co s 1844; po Clayton
REES, WM, sailor b S. Wales, s 1832; po Clayton
REES, DAVID S, sailor/farmer, b S. Wales, s 1832; po St. Lawrence
REED, S. D., farmer, b Jeff, s 1822; po Clayton
RASBACH, ANTHONY, grape/seedling grower/grape roots, b Herkimer Co NY, s 1856; po Clayton
SMITH, O. W., P. M. since 1859; b Chittenden Co VT, s 1817; po Clayton
SCOTT, NORTHROP, joiner, b St. Lawrence Co, s 1852; po Clayton
SOPER, S., farmer, b Oneida Co NY, s 1817; po Clayton
SWEETMAN, HENRY, boat builder, b Oneida co NY s 1840; po Clayton
SEBER, E. J., merchant, miller, b Jeff Co, s 1869; po Depauville
SNELL, GEO F., farmer, b Jeff, s 1849; po Clayton
SNELL, CALTHA ANN, farmer, retired, b Jeff Co s 1826; po Clayton
SNELL, ALBERT G. mfg limburger cheese/farmer, b Herkimer Co NY, s 1856; po Clayton
STERNBERG, R. G., farmer/hay dealer, b Jeff Co, s 1837; po Depauville
SYLVESTER, IRA, farmer, b Rutland VT, s 1833; po LaFargeville
THOMSON, DIANA, farmer, b Jeff, s 1824; po Depauville
VINCENT, LEONARD, farmer b Jeff co s 1824; po Depauville
WALT, M., hardware/tinner, b Jeff Co, s 1853; po Clayton
WALT, HENRY, carpenter/joiner/farmer, b Jeff Co, s 1806, po Clayton
WHITTIER, DAVID, farmer, b Jeff Co s 1821; po Depauville
WHEELER, MYRON, farmer, b Dutchess Co NY, s 1836; po Depauville
WRIGHT, M. W., farmer, b Otsego Co NY, s 1846, po Depauville
WILSON, G. T., blacksmith/carriage mfg, b Canada, s 1864; po Depauville
WRIGHT, ERASTUS, carpenter/joiner, b Herkimer co NY, s 1834; po Depauville
WINSLOW, E. M., farmer/teacher, b Jeff Co, s 1816; po Depauville
WOOLEDGE, WM. D., carriage mfg, b Rutland VT, s 1833; po Clayton
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