Jefferson County, NY Pioneers



1. ALPHEUS COMSTOCK was born 3 Nov. 1817 (in Canada) and died 30 Nov. 1867 in Alexandria Bay, NY. In 1977 his grave stone was still apparent at the Walton St. cemetery in Alexandria, but vandals had broken the stone at the base and it was propped against a wall. THOMAS COMSTOCK (brother to Alpheus above) was born 1826 in NY and died 24 May 1897 at [age] 72 (Ref. Church Records) and was buried in Alexandria Bay.

PHILENA A.(COMSTOCK) HOADLEY, sister to Alpheus Comstock above was bc. 1813/14 in Canada d. 25 Aug 1881 age 67 yrs 4 mos (Ref Church Rec.) She married JOHN HOADLEY born c1809 and died 20 Oct 1874 age 65 (both buried in Alexandria Bay)

RUTH E. RUSSELL, daughter of Hull Russell, born 1791 Dartmouth MA. His parents: Joseph Russell and Phebe Devol who were married at Dartmouth in 1790. RUTH E. RUSSELL was born 28 March 1828 at French Creek, NY, baptised 3 Aug 1851 at the Reformed Church of the Thousand Isles, Alexandria Bay. She died 4 March 1914 at Sturgeon Bay, Door Co., WI. She married (2) a widower, Charles Cofren, on 4 July 1869 in Calumet Co., WI (widow's pension). Charles Cofren was a Civil War veteran. Ruth Russell Comstock Cofren is burried next to Charles Cofren in the Brockhausen Cemetery near Forrestville, WI, next to Charles Cofren. In her widow's pension, there was an affidavit from THOMAS COMSTOCK, brother of ALPHEUS, who swore that he was at his brother's death and attended the funeral and that RUTH was the wife of his brother, ALPHEUS, at the time of death.

Known children of ALPHEUS and RUTH (RUSSELL) COMSTOCK, born in Alexandria Bay:

2    i      WILLIAM COMSTOCK, bc 1843, bapt. 3 Aug 1851 (Reformed Church Alexandria Bay)

3    ii      PHEBE ANN COMSTOCK, bc 1846 bapt. 3 Aug 1851

4    iii     JOSEPH COMSTOCK, JOSEPH b 18 Jan 1849, bapt. 3 Aug 1851 married HATTY KENSLER on 1 July 1883 at Forrestville, WI 

5    iv     MARTHA COMSTOCK b 5 Nov 1850 (Town of Alexandria Records) bapt. 3 Aug 1851 

6    v     RICHARDSON COMSTOCK bc 1852 bapt bapt. 17 Oct 1852 

7    vi     WILLARD COMSTOCK b 13 Nov 1858 (tombstone record) bc 1854 bapt. 21 May 1854, d 28 Nov 1875 in Wisconsin and buried near Hayton mill in Calumet Co, WI 

8    vii     COMSTOCK child b October 1855 and died shortly thereafter (Ref. Ch. records) 

9    viii     SARAH COMSTOCK b 10 Dec 1856 bapt. 13 Mar 1858 d 25 Nov 1914 at Birnamwood, Shawano Co, WI m. as his second wife, Bartholomew Jewson, Sr., on 14 Nov. 1873 at Chilton, Calumet Co. WI (Witnesses were Ruth E. Cofren and Sarah Ann Miles) 

10    ix      DANIEL S. COMSTOCK b. 9 Mar 1859 d 7 Oct. 1921 in Harvey, Michigan.

COMSTOCK, WILLIAM bc 1791/92 in Canada d. 24 August 1850, a resident of Wells Island. Death from Reformed Church of the Thousand Isles, Alexandria Bay. Probably buried on Wells Island. Wife's name may have been Mary______.
For further information, contact:
Marilyn Sapienza
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