WATERTOWN REUNION, March 7, 1872, p. 2:
The whole cost of the war to the Northern and Southern States from 1861 to 1865 is estimated as follows:
Lives, 1,000,000; property, be destruction, waste, etc., $9,000,000,000. The gross expenditures of the Untied States from June 1861 to July 1866 were $5,792,257,000. Of this the actual war expenses were about $5,352,237,000. The expense of States, counties, cities and towns in the Northern States not represented by funded debts have been estimated at $500,000,000. The increase of State debts on the war account was $123,000,000. The increase of city, town and county debts is estimated at $200,000,000. Total war expense of the loyal States and the National Government, $6,162,237,-000. The estimated direct expenditures of the Confederate States on account of the war were $2,000,000,000. Aggregate estimated expenses of the war to the country, North and South, $8,165,237,000.
Jefferson county 1863 Civil War Draft and Exemptions.
Jefferson county 1864 Draft
Harold Sanderson's Jefferson County Civil War Files
Lincoln on the Declaration of Independence
List of Deceased Civil War soldiers from LeRay and Pamelia:
Warren Maltby's Diary. Died while serving in Co. A, 10th Heavy Artillery
1885 GAR list of Civil War Burials in Jefferson County
A Brief History of the 94th Infantry Regiment
Casualties of the 94th in the Battle of Fredericksburg
Casualties of the 94th in the Second Battle of Bull Run
Material and information gleaned from Durant and Peirce's History of 1878
Including the Honor Roll of all known soldiers who served
From the first annual report of the Bureau of Military Statistics for the State of New York, which was issued in 1864, the following information was gathered for Jefferson County:
Total number of troops furnished for the first thirty-eight regiments (five towns reporting) 136; number furnished between that time and the President's call for 600,000 men, 139; number furnished under the call for 600,000, 371; total, 646. From the beginning of the war until the close of 1864 the county had paid according to the report of the Bureau for 1865, bounties in the amount of $333,475.16. The entire number of troops furnished by Jefferson County during the war numbered nearly 5,000. The names supplied in this tribute to the men who served, was copied from the muster-in rolls of the regiments, as published from the Office of the Adjutant General. It is probable that names which should appear in the list are not found, owing to the imperfect facilities for securing them.
A man's name may appear more than once in the rolls. Sometimes a company was so utterly destroyed that a few of the survivors were regrouped into other commands. Some of the casualties were returned to Jefferson County in plain pine boxes, when they could be identified. Others were never returned and may lie in unmarked or mass graves near or on some battlefield, or near a tent hospital where they died of their wounds. Some of those who did return were suffering from post traumatic shock syndrome, a condition that was only lately recognized from more current wars and casualties. The families did not understand why the man who went into battle returned as an almost-stranger. It is easier to understand their condition when reviewing the Civil War photos by Mathew Brady who captured so vividly the life and times of the period.
To the families of the men on the Jefferson County Rosters, for the men who served and returned and for those who did not, we remember you with this tribute.
Jefferson County NY Civil War Enrollment, Part 1 - Infantry
Jefferson County NY Civil War Enrollment, Part 2 - Cavalry
Jefferson County NY Civil War Enrollment, Part 3 - Artillery
Jefferson County NY Civil War Enrollment, Part 4 - Commissioned Officers
Civil War Enlistments
by Town
Adams | Alexandria | Antwerp | Brownville | Clayton |
Henderson | Hounsfield | LeRay | Lorraine | Lyme |
Orleans | Rutland | Worth |
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If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Nancy Dixon or
Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.