What's new starting in January 2005.
1918 Farm Maps
We have posted a table of contents for each issue of the Informer from its first issue in 1994
Town Histories from Ray's Place
(12 towns)
What's new starting in February 2005.
New Links
Hough's 1854 History of Jefferson County
Hough's History--Town of Champion
Hough's History--Town of Henderson
Hough's History--Town of Hounsfield
Hough's biography of Leray de Chaumont
Misc. Marriages, Town of Philadelphia
David Taylor's Will, Town of Rodman
Added Bits and Pieces to Tidbits
A new pioneer: SOPER, Augustus----THERESA
A new pioneer: WILBUR/WILBOR, Clark E.----LERAY
What's new starting in March 2005.
What's new starting in September 2005.
What's new starting in October 2005.
What's new starting in November 2005.
Return to Jefferson County What's New page
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If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Nancy Dixon or
Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.