December 2016

This Month's Features

Watertown Orphans Asylum Census: 1870

Addendum added to Pioneer Bates Family page.

Addendum added to Pioneer William A. Flint Family page.

New Migrations: 78, Hull, Ford Gardener, Bellinger & others.

1908 Marriages: Part 10

Jefferson county 1864 Draft

From Jefferson County Newspapers: Errata: 1850.

Yet even more Towns added to Jefferson county 1863 Civil War Exemptions.


  1. Henry Horton, 13 March 1857
  2. David L. Walsworth, 16 March 1857
  3. Henry Hatch, 21 March 1857
  4. Samuel Rider, 23 March 1857
  5. Norris M. Woodruff , 26 March 1857
  6. Hiram Watkins, 13 April 1857

Town of Watertown, Relief of the Poor: 1860

More Towns added to Jefferson county 1863 Civil War Exemptions.


  1. James McCunuff, 2 March 1857
  2. Otis P. Starkey, 9 March 1857
  3. Charlotte Worthington, 9 March 1857

NY Reformer BMD 1866: January - June ~ July - December

Jefferson county 1863 Civil War Draft and Exemptions.


  1. Alvah Hinman, 26 January 1857
  2. George Wilson, 9 February 1857
  3. Merit Sperry, 19 February 1857

Naturalization Records: (Barnicki - Bell)

Jefferson County Juror Lists: 1864, 1868.


  1. Stephen Cooley, 14 January 1857
  2. William Gill, 16 January 1857.
  3. Ira H. Corbin, 19 January 1857.

November 2016

This Month's Features

Town of Watertown Poor Aid 1866

Obituary of Revolutionary War Veteran John Pettengill added to Tidbit 50.

Census of Watertown Orphans Asylum 1865


  1. John L. Casler, 22 November 1856
  2. Cyrus Taylor, 22 December 1856
  3. Michael Walts, 12 January 1857

Migrations Part: 77: Peck

New York Reformer BMD: 1865


  1. Robert Merrick, 27 March 1861
  2. Perley G. Keyes, 5 December 1856
  3. Joseph Brunette, 6 December 1856

Watertown Re-Union BMD: 1868-70


  1. William Dexter, 13 October 1856
  2. Peter Fetterly, 28 October 1856
  3. Allen Powers, 24 November 1856
  4. Nathan Lake, 25 Nvember 1856

New York Reformer: 1864

Migrations Part 76: Ackley, Pond, Hollister

Probate Records Box: ~P~, ~S~, ~W~.

October 2016

This Month's Features

Frontier Patriot, formerly the Cape Vincent Gazette: 1862

DAR in Jefferson County: Real Daughters, Milwaukee, WI Links

Probate Records Box: ~H~, ~M~


  1. Daniel C. Rouse, 8 September 1856
  2. Chauncey Calhoun, 8 September 1856
  3. Frederick Woodruff, 12 September 1856
  4. Hopey Hale, 13 September 1856
  5. Temperance M. Chamberlain, 30 September 1856

Potter familes in Jefferson Co.


  1. Lebbeus Field, 14 August 1856
  2. Jesse Spencer, 18 August 1856
  3. James Riggs, 18 August 1856
  4. Deborah S. Lyttle, 25 August 1856
  5. Hannah Mead, 25 August 1856

Northern NY Journal BMD: 1865

Monroe County Newspapers with Jefferson County BMD

Canadian Marriages With Jefferson County Connection (01)


  1. John P. Phillips, 23 June 1856
  2. Hitty Goodell, 4 August 1856
  3. David Fulton, 11 August 1856
  4. Abram Ogsbury, 12 August 1856
  5. Benjamin Barnes, 13 August 1856

Naturalization Records: (Bal-Bar)

Jefferson County Migrations: 75: Potter, Penney, Smith, Payne, Edmunds.

Northern New York Journal BMD: 1864


  1. Edward Freeman, 21 April 1856
  2. John Eddy, 19 May 1856
  3. Albert P. Williams, 19 May 1856
  4. Alvah Grow, 30 May 1856
  5. Jonathan Treadway, 30 May 1856
  6. Giles Hall, 7 June 1856
  7. Christopher Walrath, 17 June 1856
  8. James Allen, 21 June 1856

September 2016

This Month's Features

Early Settler Comstock, Sackett in Pamelia

Probate Records Index added.

~G~ ~I~ ~J~ ~L~ ~N~ ~R~ ~T~ ~Z~

Jefferson County Marriages, 1908 Part (9).

NY Reformer: 1863

Northern NY Journal BMD: 1863

Canadian Marragies Update

  1. Napoleon Cole & Elizabeth Clark ( Vol: 12)
  2. Robert M. Clink & Mrs. Annie Parish, nee Brown ( Vol: 16)
  3. Jasper Larabee & Lucy Jerue (Vol: 16)
  4. John Taylor & Isabell A. Lawson (Vol: 16)

Early Jefferson County Deeds: Vol. A-C: Part 4

NY Reformer BMD; 1862

Cape Vincent Gazette BMD 1861


  1. John Visgar, 7 Appril 1856
  2. James Congden, 14 April 1856
  3. Tilton Pearce, 14 April 1856
  4. Betsey M. Cook, 14 April 1856
  5. Debby Witt, 19 May 1856

Update on Roswell Houghton Pioneer page for James Houghton.

NY Reformer, Watertown, NY, Business Advertisments: 1862

PROBATE RECORD INDEXES, 1805-1900 By Surname: ~F~, ~K~, ~O~, ~Q~, ~U~, ~V~, ~Y~

Jefferson County Marriages, From the Licenses, 1908, Part: (8)


  1. James H. Frink, 1 March1856
  2. Elisha Woodard, 10 March 1856
  3. Erastus Lacy, 26 March 1856
  4. Thomas Loomis, 31 March 1856
  5. Leander Steward, 2 April 1856
  6. Hervy Kellogg, 7 April 1856

Northern New York Journal BMD: 1862.

Cape Vincent Gazette BMD: 1860

Probate Index, 1805-1900: ~E~

Poor House Census: 1880

Russell Family Bible

Northern NY Journal 1861 BMD: Jul-Dec.

August 2016

1945 Index of Apartments and Blocks.

1861 Northern NY Journal:


  1. Benjamin Pool, 8 October 1855
  2. David Tyler, 7 November 1855
  3. Cyrus Hall, 20 November 1855
  4. Charles Hollister, 7 December 1855
  5. Joseph Wait, 5 December 1855
  6. George Weaver, 7 January 1856
  7. George Phibrook, 12 January 1856
  8. Asa Carter, 15 January 1856
  9. Betsey Lawrence, 15 January 1856
  10. Adam A. Grey, 16 January 1856
  11. Orin C. Utley, 23 January 1856
  12. Peter J. Casler, 28 June 1856
  13. Daniel Eames, 8 February 1856

New York Reformer 1861.

Naturalization Records: (Bab-Bal)

Northern NY Journal BMD: 1857, 1858, 1860

NNYSARDARJPP - A project to mark Patriot Graves in Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties.

NY Reformer BMD: 1860

Early Jefferson County Deeds: Vol. A-C: Part 2, Part 3

Northern New York Journal BMD: 1854, 1855


  1. Duncan Drummond, 13 August 1855
  2. Isah Pool, 16 August 1855
  3. Thomas Y. How, 20 August 1855
  4. Stephen Thrasher, 27 August 1855
  5. Chauncey H. Redway, 1 October 1855

Pioneer family of Henry Gordinier

NY Reformer BMD: 1859.

Northern NY Journal: 1852, 1853

1899-1924 Vol. M: (A-J), (K-Z) Letters of Administration.


  1. Elisha Scofield, 28 May 1860.
  2. David Ogsbury, 23 Jult 1855
  3. William W. Davis, 8 July 1855
  4. Wheaton Earl, 30 July 1855
  5. Amos Membery, 1 August 1855

July 2016

This Month's Features

1908 Jefferson County Marriages, Part: (7).

Northern New York Journal 1851.

NY Reformer BMD 1858 Jan-Jul and Jul-Dec.

Cape Vincent Gazette: 1859.

1850 Mortality Census added to Vitals page. Sorted by Town.

NY Reformer BMD 1857 Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec

Northern State Journal: BMD 1848


  1. Western W. Wager, 22 January 1855
  2. Jonathan Owens, 28 February 1855
  3. Ephraim Smith, 12 March 1855
  4. Lovina Cribs, 18 March 1855
  5. Lucinda Keyes, 17 March 1855
  6. Erastus Whitney, 19 March 1855
  7. Warren Spaulding, 20 March 1855
  8. Cyrus Parker, 16 April 1855
  9. Henry Green, 16 April 1855
  10. William L. Pool, 16 April 1855
  11. John Potter, 30 April 1855
  12. Pardon Williams, 7 May 1855
  13. Benjamin Sprague, 11 May 1855
  14. Robert H. Tozer, 16 May 1855
  15. John Hagedorn, 4 June 1855
  16. Joseph Mayo, 11 June 1855
  17. Cyril Harrington, 25 June 1855
  18. William Groat, 20 July 1855
  19. Elijah Walsworth, 16 July 1855
  20. Samuel S. Jackman, 16 July 1855

Letters Testamentary Vol. 2, (1865-1866), (1867-1868)

NY Reformer 1856 BMD Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec

1850 Hounsfield Mortality Census

NY Reformer 1855 BMD Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec

Facts Gleaned from the 1850 Census.


  1. Ellihu Ward, 6 January 1855.
  2. Eben Hodgkin, 8 January 1855
  3. Frederick Poff, 10 January 1855.
  4. Enos Baker, 19 January 1855.
  5. Mary Alley, 29 January 1855.
  6. Jacob Baum, 29 January 1855.
  7. Elnathan Sanderson, 5 February 1855.
  8. Sherebiah Gibbs, 12 February 1855.
  9. James W. Brown, 14 February 1855.
  10. Robert Ormeston, 19 Feruary 1855

Oakwood Cemetery Burial Index, 1885-1949, added to Town of Theresa Page. A huge project accomplished by Tom LaClair, Nan Dixon and Roberta Calhoun-Eagan.

John Fields added to Pioneer Familes

(Part: 6) added to the 1908 Marriages, from the licenses.

1849 added to Northern State Journal BMD.

1858 added to Cape Vincent Gazette BMD.

1850 added to Northern New York Journal BMD.

1852 Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec added to NY Reformer BMD

1890-1901 Vol. L: (A-J) and (K-Z) added to Letters of Administration Index.


  1. Samuel Clark, 27 July 1854
  2. Thomas Brennan, 5 July 1854
  3. David Wheeler, 4 September 1854
  4. Abigail Rugg, 19 September 1854
  5. Foster Lewis, 23 September 1854
  6. Reuben Scott, 2 June 1854
  7. Theophilus Redfield, 30 October 1854
  8. John Northup, 20 November 1854
  9. Harvey Mills, 4 December 1854
  10. Joseph Butterfield, 16 December 1854
  11. Francis Wolley, 18 December 1854
  12. Stephen Lewis, 2 December 1854

In time for the 4th of July, Lincoln on the Declaration of Independence.

1847 added to Northern State Journal on Vitals page.

(Ann-Az) added to Naturalization Records on Vitals page.

Family Facts submitted by friends added to People page.


  1. William Shannon, 13 June 1854
  2. John Rury, 13 June 1854
  3. Sarah Rury, 13 June 1854
  4. Schuyler Washburn, 19 June 1854
  5. William L. Payne, 23 June 1854
  6. Jane H. Canfield, 24 July 1854
  7. Margaret Irvine, 24 July 1854
  8. John Butler, 23 July 1854
  9. Riley Mills, 29 July 1854
  10. Roswell Gates, 31 July 1854

June 2016

This Month's Features

Biographies: 11 added to People Index.

Letters of Adinistration 1890-1901 Vol. K added to vitals page.

1908 Marriages, Part 5


  1. Eliakim Steele, 30 January 1854
  2. John W. Devendorf, 19 July 1857
  3. Nathan Taggart, 27 February 1854
  4. Dolson Morton, 13 March 1854
  5. Jonathan Fairbanks, 13 March 1854
  6. Asa Clark, 20 March 1854
  7. Patrick Walsworth, 27 March 1854
  8. SILAS GATES 10 March 1828
  9. Christopher Poor, 8 May 1854
  10. Joshua Moore, 4 March 1854
  11. Dexter Hungerford, 15 May 1854
  12. Joseph B. Gillingham, 20 May 1854
  13. Henry Brown, 30 May 1854
  14. Sylvia Potter, 24 May 1854

Biographies: 10 added to People Index.

New York Reformer for 1851 and 1858 added to Vitals page.

Probate records indexes, 1805-1900, INDEX D added to Vitals page.


  1. George White, 4 April 1838
  2. Joel Webb, 1 April 1847
  3. Martin Morison, 26 October 1852
  4. Ephraim Mick, 17 November 1851
  5. Godfrey Shew, 2 December 1845
  6. Oliver Brewster, 28 April 1853
  7. Samuel F. Greenleaf, 7 September 1853
  8. John Foster, 9 July 1853
  9. Phebe Lewis, 24 January 1850
  10. Stephen Gould, 29 September 1852
  11. Lewis Blodget, 29 July 1853
  12. Gilman George, 19 August 1853
  13. John L. Goldsmid, 25 July 1848
  14. Joel MIller, 10 December 1853

First Election in Jefferson County: 1826.

Added Poorhouse Census 1860 & 1870 to Census.


  1. Jacob A. Kilts, 12 October 1852
  2. Peter Pratt, 18 Aug 1852
  3. William J. Green , 7 May 1842
  4. Rufus Howland , 1 December 1852
  5. Frederick H. White , 11 January 1852.
  6. Preserved Gardner, 25 September 1848.
  7. Joseph Lawrence, 22 November 1841
  8. Nancy Gotham, 13 February 1853.
  9. Liberty Bates, 21 May 1852.
  10. Pontius Howard, 19 April 1852
  11. Stephen Richardson, 31 March 1851
  12. Job Peckham, 24 December 1852.
  13. Stephen Hicks, 1 July 1848
  14. Mary Tuttle, 10 July 1850
  15. Peter L. Harter, 13 April 1833
  16. Moses Miller, 30 October 1850.
  17. Isaac Wodell, 2 November 1846.
  18. Edwin H. Tanner, 31 March 1853.
  19. Havens Hall, 19 March 1853

Added Bios 8 and 9 to the Short Bios list.

Guardianship indexs added, A-Z

Naturalization Records: (Al-An)

1912 Watertown Common Council

1908 Marriages: Part 4

Clark Biddlecome Will, 10 April 1852

Obadiah Chamberlain Will, 6 June 1849

Mordecai F. Cook Will, 24 August 1852

Fleury Keith Will, 24 June 1850

Daniel Wilcox Will, 21 October 1851

Elijah Grant Will, 7 May 1852

Timothy Hunt Will, 26 September 1851

Michael Haden Will, 20 July 1852

Thomas Wilson Will 22 February 1852

Biographies: 7 abstracted from R. A. [Rensselaer Allston] Oakes' 1905 Genealogical and Family History of the County of Jefferson, New York, Volume II

May 2016

This Month's Features

Converse Johnson Will 4 March 1838

Alvin Dodge Will 4 September 1851

Elihu Jones Will 28 January 1841

Added Deeds to Vitals page.

Added to BMD Notices.

Sheriffs of Jefferson County. added to Census

Added Jefferson County Index to Naturalization in Vitals Index

Added BMD Notices to Vitals Index.

Added Naturalization to Vitals Index

Census of Childrens Home, Watertown, NY, by Year

1930 1940

1918 Party Committeemen.

1939 Compass System Map of Jefferson County.

Moses A Bunnel Will, 23 April 1849

Susannah Clark Will, 23 Feburary 1852

Ziba Drake Will, 2 June 1852

Christopher Edmunds Will, 1847

Warham Edwards Will, 15 March 1852.

William M. Winslow Will, 16 November 1849

Timothy Greenley Will, 17 February 1852.

Mary Lane Will, 4 December 1850

Richard Lewis Will, 8 January 1852

Henry Lyon Will, 23 April 1852.

William McKindley Will, 10 January 1852

Ambrose Moore Will, 24 March 1852

Timothy O'Conner Will, 11 March 1848

William Ogsbury Will, 3 April 1852

Martha Pullman Will, 13 April 1852

Emory Scott Will, 28 May 1852

James Shields, 17 April 1852

Gideon Smith Will, 8 November 1845

Margareth Sternberg Will, 24 May 1851

William Thompson, 8 July 1848

Alexander H Van Brocklin Will, 20 March 1852

St. Pat's Orphanage 1900 and 1930 Census.

Jefferson County Marriages, From the Licenses, by Year


1928 Grammar School Grads.

April 2016


New Item:

1913 Blue & Gray Gettysburg Reunion

Jefferson County Farm School, 1920

1929 Watertown Voter Registration, Ward 9, District 1.

Tidbits 50 updated

Biographical Sketches of Jefferson County NY People, Part 6

Biographical Sketches of Jefferson County NY People, Part 5

Past Presidents of the North Side Improvement League, with bios.

1925 NSIL Roster

1925 NSIL Auxiliary Roster.

1925 NSIL Memorial

Watertown High Grads 1865-1877

Watertown Class of 1878

Watertown Class of 1910.

Watertown Class of 1911

Roster 1866 Militia

Depauville Lodge 688, 1868 roster of Free and Accepted Masons.

1910 St. Patrick's Orphanage Census

1920 St. Patrick's Orphanage Census

1940 census, for St Patrick's Orphanage.


Will of Nathan Foster of Adams, NY

Will of Daniel Godard of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Mathius Haufler of Alexandria, NY

Will of William Ashby of Salem, Essex Co., MA

Will of Hezekiah Bushnell of Lorraine, NY

Will of John A. Wilder of Brownville, NY

Will of Azariah Way of Rutland, NY

Will of John N. Gunn of Clayton, NY

Will of Albert J. Bailley of Antwerp, NY

Will of Reuben Wilmott of Champion, NY

Will of Elias Clark of Rutland, NY

Will of Stephen Phyfer of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Sydney P. Johnson of Clayton, NY

Will of Thomas Bowlsby of Brownville, NY

Will of Samuel Potter of Champion, NY

Will of Lawrence timmerman of Clayton, NY

Will of Jesse Colman of Rodman, NY

Will of Dyer Huntington of Watertown, NY

Estate of Amelia Bain of Clayton, NY

March 2016



1865 Census, Poorhouse Residents - UPDATED with description of poorhouse in 1864

1850 Census, Poorhouse Residents

New Item:

Letters of Administration Vol J, Names Index (1882-1900)

Letters of Administration Vol I, Names Index (1882-1900)

March 6, 2016 Pension Update - Surnames K - M
March 4, 2016 Pension Update - Surnames J

Vital Records from War of 1812 Pension Applications

Letters of Administration Vol H, Part 2 (1874-1882)

Letters of Administration Vol H, Part 1 (1874-1882)

Letters of Administration Vol G (1871-1883)


Will of Asa Barnes of LeRay, NY

Will of Thomas S. Knap of Brownville, NY

Will of Alpheus Wilson of Watertown, NY

Will of Delia Loadwick of LeRay, NY

Will of Daniel W. Forman of Watertown, NY

Will of Clinton T. Brown of Pamelia and Watertown, NY

Will of Daniel Staplin of Rutland, NY

Will of William Bently or Bentley of LeRay, NY

Will of Oliver Bartholomew of Watertown, NY

Will of Joseph Sanders of Wilna, NY

Will of Samuel Hinckley of Cape Vincent, NY

Will of Cyrus Butterfield of Watertown, NY

Will of Obadiah Wilde or Wiley of Orleans, NY

Will of Jennet J. Bell of Henderson, NY

Will of Thomas Fetterly of Clayton, NY

Will of John Parish of Theresa, NY

Will of Henry H. Coffeen of Watertown, NY

Will of Mary Salisbury of Pamelia, NY

Will of Philip Ford of Wilna, NY

Will of Silas Corlis of Alexandria, NY

Will of Darius Grant of Henderson, NY

Will of Rhoda Everett of Watertown, NY

Will of Tirzah J. Harmon of Adams, NY

Will of Peter Bowman of LeRay, NY

Will of William Lawrence of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Conrad Shimmell of Pamelia, NY

Will of Oliver Wright of Clayton, NY

Will of Eliza Pearce of Watertown, NY

Will of William Ostrander of Pamelia, NY

Will of Peleg Burchard of Cape Vincent, NY

Will of Josiah Suts of Alexandria, NY

Will of William Cooper of LeRay, NY

Will of Richard A. Coughlan of Champion, NY

Will of John M. Canfield of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Solomon Livermore of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Philana Littlefield of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Jacques Duhaut of Lyme & Cape Vincent, NY

Will of Daniel McNiel of Henderson, NY

Will of Stephen Blanchard of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Elisha Allen of Lorraine, NY

Will of Betsey Belinda Post of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Harrison Spaulding of Adams, NY

Will of John C. Timerman of Pamelia, NY

Will of Reuben Wright of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Henry T. Gardner of Lorraine, NY

Will of Asa C. Bailey of Lorraine, NY

Estate of John Glass of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of Clark Gardner of Henderson, NY

Will of Ezekiel M. Gardiner of Lorraine, NY

Estate of Harvey P. Redway of Lorraine, NY

Estate of Azubah Redway of Adams, NY

Estate of Peter H. Ryther of Theresa, NY

Estate of Job C. Gardner of Adams, NY

Estate of Daniel Gardner of Clayton, NY

Estate of Franklin R. Graves of Antwerp, NY

Estate of Alvin A. Gibbs of Brownville, NY

Will of Joseph Sawyer of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Cornelius Becker of Lyme, NY

Will of Volney Ballard of Clayton, NY

Will of Joseph Northrup of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of James Overton of Adams, NY

Will of Patrick Wallace of Sackett's Harbor, NY

Will of Henry Welch of Brownville, NY

Will of Frederick Horey of Lyme, NY

Will of Foster Paddock of Watertown, NY

Estate of David Reed of Jefferson Co., NY

Will of Miles Ralph of Rodman, NY

Will of Timothy Brewster of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Oliver Ackley of Watertown, NY

Will of Jehoiada Mathers of Orleans, NY

Will of Mathew Hammond of Brownville, NY

Will of James Hammond of Adams, NY

Will of Clarissa Hammond of Adams, NY

Will of Jedediah Hammond of Philadelphia, NY

Will of William Hammond of Watertown, NY

Will of William Hammond of Adams, NY

Will of Lovina Hammond of Philadelphia, NY

Will of Hezekiah Hammond of Cape Vincent, NY

February 2016



1855 Census, Poorhouse Residents

New Item:

Letters of Administration Vol F (1867-1890)

Jefferson County Knights of Columbus Members in WWI

February 6, 2016 UPDATE - Surnames H & I

Vital Records from War of 1812 Pension Applications

February 5, 2016 UPDATE - Surnames G

Vital Records from War of 1812 Pension Applications

February 4, 2016 UPDATE - Surnames F

Vital Records from War of 1812 Pension Applications


Will of Roswell Davis of Henderson, NY

Will of John G. Walrath of LeRay, NY

Will of Nathan Chase of Wilna, NY

Will of Thomas Brophy of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Eli Wagoner of Wilna, NY

Will of Daniel Overton of Brownville, NY

Will of Alvan Clark of LeRay, NY

Will of Ebenezer Nash of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of William W. Howland of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Levi Sarvay of Wilna, NY

Will of John Rice of Wilna, NY

Will of Jonas Bartlett of Lyme, NY

Will of John Thomas of Henderson, NY

Will of Elias Bell of Antwerp, NY

Will of William Clark of Champion, NY

Will of Prior Scott of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of John Stewart of Pamelia, NY

Will of James Hewitt of Philadelphia, NY

Will of George Bettinger of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Timothy Picket of LeRay, NY

Will of Arba Strong of Brownsville, NY

Estate of Martha S. Peck of Champion, NY

Estate of Lottie A. Peck of Watertown, NY

Will of John A. Putman of Alexandria, NY

Estate of James Patrick of Hounsfield, NY

Estate of Thomas Parsons of Hounsfield, NY

Estate of Sarah E. Parker of Adams, NY

Estate of Esther C. Prentice of Watertown, NY

Estate of Elizur H. Pratt of Watertown, NY

Pension of John R. Phelps of Hounsfield, NY

Will of William Cole of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Roswell Earl of LeRay, NY

Will of Bailey Ormsby of Clayton, NY

Will of Benjamin Heath of Adams, NY

Will of Warren Loomis of Champion, NY

Will of Susan B. Snowden of Sackets Harbor, NY

Will of William Barlow of Orleans, NY

Will of Worden Payne of Hounsfield, NY

Will of Archibald Whitford of Watertown, NY

Estate of Elijah Sawyer of Watertown, NY

Estate of David Saunderson of Jefferson Co., NY

Estate of Elisha Satterlee of Adams, NY

Estate of Benjamin Saunders of Champion, NY

Will of Susan Salisbury of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of Calvin Skinner of Adams, NY

Will of Anson Smith of Rutland, NY

Will of Thankful Cowen of LeRay, NY

Will of Samuel Guthrie of Hounsfield, NY

Will of John Carncrose of Wilna, NY

Will of John Alley of Hamilton, Canada West

Will of Henry C. Strong of Rodman, NY

Will of Christopher Biddlecum of Watertown, NY

Will of James Willson of Rutland, NY

Will of Daniel Kinney of Rodman, NY

Will of John Dickson of Antwerp, NY

Will of Robert Middleton of Rutland, NY

Will of John Jenison of Hounsfield, NY

Will of William Spicer of Clayton, NY

Will of Elijah Harris of Adams, NY

Estate of Thomas Davis of Sutton, MA

Estate of Phebe Davis of Rodman, NY

Estate of Joseph Davis of Watertown, NY

January 2016


New Item:

January 8, 2016 UPDATE - Surnames E

Vital Records from War of 1812 Pension Applications

Biographical Sketches of Jefferson County NY People, Part 4


Will of Francis A. Wright of Clayton, NY

Will of Peter Castle of Wilna, NY

Will of Russell Randall of Lorraine, NY

Will of William Cole of Brownville, NY

Will of John Cotes of Rutland, NY

Will of Sylvia M. Williams of Lyme, NY

Will of James Shurtliff of Alexandria, NY

Will of Job Sawyer of Watertown, NY

Will of William York of Philadelphia, NY

Will of Daniel Harback of LeRay, NY

Will of Anthony Sigourney of Watertown, NY

Will of Joseph Washburn of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Charles Loomis of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of Zara Rose of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of Thomas W. Robinson of Adams, NY

Estate of Samuel R.Robinson of Champion, NY

Estate of Russel Robinson of Wilna, NY

Estate of Alford Robinson of LeRay, NY

Will of William Barbur of LeRay, NY

Will of Jason Merrick 2nd of Philadelphia, NY

Estate of Samuel L. Reed of Jefferson Co., NY

Estate of Lucy H. Reed of Henderson, NY

Will of Knight D. Reed of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of John Read of Rutland, NY

Will of John Reed of Lyme, NY

Will of John Reed / Read of Rodman, NY

Will of Amos Blodget of Brownville, NY

Will of William McNiel of Henderson, NY

Will of Joseph Maltby of Rutland, NY

Will of Richard Rogers of Orleans, NY

Will of George Doxtater of Ellisburgh, NY

Will of Aaron W. Porter of Rutland, NY

Will of Harry Hubbard of Ellisburgh, NY

Wil of Henry D. Sewall of Pamelia, NY

Will of Varanus Moore of Hounsfield, NY

Will of James Baxter of Orleans, NY

Will of Abel Potter of Ellisburgh, NY

Estate of Jesse Parsons of Wilna, NY

Will of Casper J. Lieb of Brownville, NY

Will of Wilson H. Harger of Pamelia, NY

Will of Thomas Post of Hounsfield, NY

Will of William Parkinson of Rutland, NY

Will of John Mortimer of Watertown, NY

Will of Alvin Eastman of Rodman, NY

Will of John Richey of Sacketts Harbor, NY

Will of Bradley Brown of Champion, NY

Will of Dorcas Curtis of Brownville, NY

Copyright 2016 Jefferson County NYGenWeb — a member of the NYGenWeb Project

If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact,
County Co-Coordinator Nancy Dixon or
Co-Coordinator Bruce Coyne.

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