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This Month's Features

November 2018

Linnie Nell Joles Smith Hammond's Book of Death, A record of Deaths from 1901 to 1963 with notations. A work in progress

Diary of Warren Maltby added. He died in the Civil War, aged 20 years.

NNY SAR/DAR Joint Patriot Project updated with new list of Patriot Burials

October 2018


  1. William W. Hinds, 31 October 1859
  2. Charles Parmenter, 3 October 1859
  3. Elsey Norton, 7 November 1859

September 2018

Center of Population, 1881 Recipes, Jane Augusta Howe Guiteau in Tidbits Part 11

Still More Miscellaneous Obituaries from Here and There

Crossmon Hotel added to Town of Alexandria page

Fine View and Pine Grove Granges added to Grange Index

Section 11 added to Jefferson County Marriages

Tylerville added to 1866 Business Director

Joseph Maltby will added to Will Index

August 2018

Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887 finished.

July - Septeember added to Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887

May and June added to Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887

April added to Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887


  1. John Strictland, 2 July 1859
  2. Jonathan Selter, 11 July 1859
  3. Noadiah Hubbard, 15 August 1859

Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887

July 2018

Jurors May added to 1881

Watertown Re-Union BMD 1887 started

Errata April added to 1881


  1. Dexter Haven, 21 June 1859
  2. Marbery Corbin, 2 July 1859

Revolutionary War Miscellany added to Tidbits

Watertown Re-Union Errata for January-March 1881 added to Tidbits

June 2018

Jurors for 1887 added to Census

Clayton Miscellany, a collection of items from Clayton Newspaers

Migtations Part: 81: Adsit, Britain, Burch, Davis, Dix, Mathew, Probert, Sheley and Wyman

Notary Appointments: 1881, 1887 added to Census

Jurors 1881 with the addition of April

Watertown Herald BMD for 1886

Benjanin Sprauge added to Pioneers

Jurors for 1886 added to Census

Board of Supervisors for 1887 added to Census

Watertown Re-Union BMD for 1886


Watertown Re-Union Errata May-December 1880 added to Tidbits


  1. William W. Goulding, 7 May 1859
  2. Adriel Ely, 9 May 1859
  3. Manfred M. Tucker, 16 May 1859

Volumn A 1805-1885: Part D added to Deeds

Watertown Re-Union Errata January-April 1880 added to Tidbits

Link to Find a Military Grave added to Military Index page. Search for graves by state and city.

Jurors for 1880

November and December added to Jurors for 1880

Migrations Part: 80: Richland County, Wisconsin

Real Estate Transactions for September 1880

Added Real Estate Transactions for October 1880

April 2018

Watertown Re-Union 1885 September-December

Antwerp Liberal Literary Institute Officers and Students, May, 1861 to August, 1863 link added to Antwerp page

Watertown Re-Union BMD for May - August 1885

Solomon Calkins family, Migrations Part 14

Family Research for Ball, Curtis, Jackson, Simmons and Wheeler linked to Pioneers


  1. Parismus Gallea, 25 April 1859
  2. Lurancy Grannis, 25 April 1859
  3. Lotan Earle, 2 May 1859

Watertown Re-Union BMD for January-April 1885


  1. George W. McCumber, 29 March 1859
  2. Silas Kinney, 11 April 1859
  3. Orville Day, 18 April 1859

Migrations Part: 79: Iowa & Wiconsin

Jurors: 1885 added to Census

March 2018

Class Photos 1907-1970 for St. Joachim's Training School For Nurses, 1906-1926, Mercy Hospital Training School 1926-1938, Mercy Hospital School of Nursing 1939-1970

Migrations to Herkimer county

Mercy Hospital School of Nursing, 1970 Yearbook containing a list of graduates 1905-1970

Jury lists for 1880 added to Census

25 March 1880: Teacher's Institute at Hungerford Institude, Adams, NY.


  1. Francis Bichett, 14 March 1859
  2. George McGuin, 14 March 1859

1880 Federal Census Takers

List of Deceased Civil War soldiers from LeRay and Pamelia:


  1. Baker Massey, 28 February 1859
  2. Martin Happ, 7 March 1859
  3. Joseph Howard, 7 March 1859

Real Estate Transactions 1880


  1. Stephen Baker, 31 Jaumary 1859
  2. Thomas Mummery, 7 February 1859
  3. Asa Warren, 14 February 1859

February 2018

Coroner Reports November 1885 added to Vitals

Civil War Index with "The Price of the Rebellion"

Battle of 19 July 1812 added to 1812 General Index


  1. William Dawley, 7 January 1859
  2. Solomon Pratt, 19 January 1859
  3. Nabby Welch, 24 January 1859

Roswell Wheeler added to Pioneers


  1. George Farnham, 20 December 1858
  2. George Weaver of Philadelphia, 27 December 1858
  3. Margaret Dunning, 3 January, 1859


  1. Thomas Hastings, 30 November 1858
  2. William Roemain Osborn, 8 December 1858
  3. Jeremy Rogers, 13 December 1858

Watertown Re-Union BMD for 1884


  1. Ethen Green, 28 October 1958
  2. William Graham, 12 November 1858
  3. Daniel Spicer, 29 November 1858

January 2018

Henry Hatevil Fall Pioneer page by Tom Nelson of Toronto

John Dingman, of Chaumont, 1879 interview in Tidbits


  1. David Shepard, 2 October 1858
  2. Orlando Nellis, 5 October 1858
  3. Ruth Pennington, 11 October 1858

Juror lists for 1881, 1883 and 1884 added to Census page


  1. Sarah Henry, 25 August 1858
  2. Louis Briant, 30 August 1858
  3. Daniel Spencer, 1 Septembr 1858

Errata: 1879 from the Watertown Re-Union added to Tidbits


  1. Sarah A. Tower, 18 August 1858
  2. Luther R. Allen, 20 August 1858
  3. Remy P. Dezengremel, 25 August 1858

Cyrus Huntington remembers his time in Watertown, 1804 to 1883

Principal Events 1878


  1. David B. Swift, 2 August 1858
  2. David Crouch, 4 August 1858
  3. Sarah M. Wingate, 16 August 1858

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