for the


from The Growth of a Century

by JOHN A. HADDOCK, 1895

These biographies and family sketches are copied exactly as found. Undoubtedly there will be minor variations found in later research.


Noadiah Hubbard, the pioneer settler of Jefferson county, New York, was born in Middletown, Connecticut, October 11, 1765. He was the son of Noadiah Hubbard and Phoebe Fairchild, his wife, of English ancestry; descended from George Hubbard, born in 1616, who emigrated to this country, and in 1640 married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Watts, of Hartford, Connecticut. In early colonial times the family settled in Middletown, and there are descendants still on the old homestead. The ancestral mansion, which is built of brick, is still standing, a land-mark, and so substantial that it is good for a thousand years if kept covered. The predilections of Noadiah Hubbard were for the sea, but after making several voyages to the West Indies he gave it up, in compliance with the wishes of his mother, who had lost her first husband and eldest son when on a voyage, and therefore could not endure the thought of another so dear to her being exposed to the same perils. He spent several winters very happily in Guilford. His opportunities for acquiring an education were limited, as were those of most young men of that period.

In May, 1791, he left the paternal roof to seek his fortune in the West. Previous to this he had been solicited by General Wadsworth to accompany his nephews to the Genesee country and aid them in forming a settlement there on the large tract of land he had purchased.

After exploring the country in various directions, he finally settled in the town of Steuben, Oneida county, and not far from the place selected by the Baron Steuben for his residence. They were neighbors for the short time the Baron survived, and he was once called upon when the Baron was seized with apoplexy, which soon proved so fatal, (1794.)

Noadiah Hubbard paid a visit to his native place in the winter, and on January 30, 1794, he married his early love, Eunice Ward, a beautiful maiden, and transported her to his forest home. But previous to this, in 1793, he was offered a contract for the construction of canal locks at Little Falls, which he accepted.

Mr. Hubbard spent several summers on his farm in Steuben, but in the autumn of 1797, Lemuel Storrs, a large landed proprietor, came there, and induced him to accompany him to what is now called the town of Champion, on a tour of exploration to the then unbroken wilderness.

Subsequently to this first visit, as an inducement to come to Champion and lead in the settlement of this new country, Mr. Storrs offered him 2,000 acres of land in any part of the township where he chose to locate, for the sum of $1.50 an acre, and the agency of all his lands. The common market price was $3.00, and for that was sold to the settlers. He accepted the offer, paid $500 down and selected his 2,000 acres in the center of Champion. Reserving enough for himself, he sold the remainder to various individuals. He made improvements and cleared many acres, but, before he moved his family, news came that Mr. Storrs had failed, and this led to a compromise by which he relinquished all the contracts for the land he had sold and what remained unsold, receiving a deed for 100 acres only for the $500 paid.

Mr. Hubbard continued to act as an agent of various other land-holders through a considerable part of his active business life, and was associated in every project for its improvement until incapacitated by age. An officer in the War of 1812; appointed judge in 1813; many times acting as supervisor; was deeply interested in the formation and subsequent sustentation of the Agricultural Society, the second one in this State.

He erected the first church edifice in the county of Jefferson, and at his own expense, expecting to be reimbursed by the sale of the pews; but he never received the first cost of the same. He also erected several schoolhouses, and built the plank-road from Great Bend to Copenhagen-eleven miles-when 84 years old, showing his indomitable energy and perseverance. His private business was extensive and various. He was one of a mercantile firm almost from the first settlement of the town, and kept a store for many years in company with his sons.

In 1815 he built the stone store, which stood, until within a few years, next to the hotel. In 1820 he erected the stone house Where Miss Georgie Hubbard now resides, the only direct descendant of Noadiah Hubbard remaining in the village of Champion. She is the daughter of Henry Ward Hubbard.

Hiram Hubbard, the eldest child of Noadiah Hubbard, was born in the town of Steuben, Oneida county, New York, October 30, 1794. He was one of three sons whom their parents brought part of the way on horseback to Champion in November, 1799. When still a youth, he was sent to Faifield academy, Herkimer county. It became necessary for Noadiah Hubbard to recall his son from school, young as he was, and place him in the store to conduct the business there. This, then, was the end of Hiram's scholastic education. The firm conducted a large and successful business, and, as was customary in those early days, they ran a large distillery and ashery, in connection with the dry-goods store.

February 13, 1823, Hiram Hubbard married Charille Matilda Sherwood, eldest daughter of Dr. Jonathan Sherwood, then of Champion. Hiram Hubbard died in Watertown, in 1888, aged 93, and his wife April 24, 1893, aged 90.

Ward Hubbard, son of Noadiah, was born in Oneida county in 1797, and came with his father to Champion in 1799. He was a prominent farmer, and held several town offices. He married Clarissa S. Fish. They reared seven children.

Frederick W. Hubbard was another son of Noadiah, an eminent lawyer and respected citizen. He rose to be one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State. Two of the daughters of Noadiah became the wives of Hon. Robert Lansing. Another daughter became the wife of Hon. George C. Sherman, a distinguished lawyer and a succesful man. Miss Parnell Hubbard, another daughter, is a lady of considerable literary ability, and resides in Watertown (1894). This has proven a very long-lived and distinguished family, Joel, Fairchild, Bela and Stephen Hubbard were brothers of Noadiah. Joel, one of the most distinguished of these, came to Champion either with or soon after Noadiah. The numerous descendants of these families have been distinguished for their business capacity and for the prosperity which has attended their efforts. Like the descendants of Noadiah, they have been noted for their longevity, which is indubitable evidence of the purity of the blood from which they sprang. They are a numerous progeny, and to trace out individually the several families would require the largest kind of an ancestral tree.

Joel Hubbard, with his brothers Noadiah, Fairchild, Bela and Stephen, came to Champion in 1799. Joel took up a wilderness farm and erected a log house, and with his wife (who was Mercy Austin), established a home in the new country. They were the parents of 13 children, four of whom died in infancy. The nine who lived to an advanced age are: Edward, Clement, Joel A., Charles, Wealthy, Phoebe, Julia Ann, Laura and Cherille, all of whom, except the latter married and raised families in the town of Champion. Two of this remarkable family survive. Wealthy (widow of the late R. K. Knowles, of West Carthage, who at the advanced age of 90 years, has a wonderful memory,) and Charille, a maiden lady, also of West Carthage.

Joel Austin Hubbard, who died in 1888, and J. Austin Hubbard, Jr., (a merchant at Black River,) have each in turn inherited the family name and the farm, which was deeded to Joel by Storrs and Champion, and has descended through three generations. The descendants of Joel are numerous, many of them prosperous farmers, and they have all remained near the localities where their ancestors first settled.


was born in Champion, January 2, 1818, son of Daniel Doud Merriam and Eunice Cady, who came from Connecticut in the year 1805, making a permanent residence in 1806. They settled near Champion Huddle. They were distant relatives of Clinton L. Merriam and General Merriam, the old stage proprietor. The father died at 77, and is buried in the Champion cemetery, leaving four sons and two daughters, viz: Zelotes, the subject of this sketch, Royal G. Merriam, John H. Merriam and Willis G. Merriam, Maria F. (Merriam) Hamblin, of Mich., and Mary P. (Merriam) Brown, of Baraboo, Wis. Royal, John and Mary are deceased. Zelotes was married Aug. 11th, 1840, to Lorinda Fitts, of Champion, who was the mother of Josephine, Mrs. Oscar Hopkins of Romeo, Mich. In 1855 he was again married to Adele Guyot, of Carthage, who has one son, Victor Z. Merriam, who inherits the genius of his ancestors on both sides, which enables him to take up almost any kind of mechanism. Zelotes had the benefit of the common schools of that era. He also early developed mechanical ingenuity, which manifested itself in manufacturing the various utensils used upon the farm, from a bob-sleigh to an ox-yoke. This mechanical capacity became an active force when he resolved to build wagons and carriages, a business he commenced with his brothers at Champion Huddle, and which broadened out into a large and remunerative enterprise, employing some dozen men manufacturing vehicles that found ready acceptance among the farmers far and near. This business the Merriams continued for 25 years, and it was sold out finally to two of their workmen, the Merriams retiring with a competency after developing quite a large business in the Western country, mainly in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. Mr. Merriam moved to the eastern portion of Champion in 1863, where he has continued to reside up to the present time. He is an honored and valued citizen, and though age is making encroachments, his mind is as clear as ever, and he promises to last a dozen years yet. He has held town offices, serving as poormaster for a long time; is an elder in the Church of the Disciples, and is universally esteemed for his estimable Christian character. He has declined more positions than he has ever accepted.

Mrs. Merriam, present wife of Zelotes D. Merriam, is the daughter of Bazille Guyot, who came to Carthage in 1816, having been induced to leave France at the solicitation of Mr. Le Ray, who was anxious to secure competent artizans and mechanics for the villages his enterprise and energy were planting upon his extended possessions. It was the 16th of June, 1816 when Mr. Guyot reached Carthage, and there were six inches of snow on the ground. That was the phenominally cold year, so frequently alluded to in history. Mr. Guyot proved the best kind of an acquisition to the young village, for he could turn his hand to anything, and he became successively the village miller, wagon builder and furniture manufacturer, not fearing to do a job at house-building, nor indeed failing in ability to carry forward any enterprise demanding mechanical skill and judgment, for he was an able workman in Paris before coming to America, and that city was then the center of art and mechanism for all Europe. His wife was Mary Francis Le Roux, a beautiful French woman, as is evidenced by her portrait, painted by the celebrated Madame De Ferret, and preserved in an enlarged form by her daughter.

The Guyots reared a large family, four boys and five girls, all of whom have filled honorable positions in society, their industry predominating over all other traits save their mechanical ability, which is their legitimate inheritance from their father. Bazille Guyot died in 1865, and his wife in 1843. His second wife, Margaret (Keyes) Guyot survives him at an advanced age.

The first store ever opened in Carthage, was kept in the dwelling of the Guyots on upper State street, by an Italian named Ormando.

The following well known natives of Carthage are brothers and sisters of Mrs. Merriam: Minor Guyot was the eldest son and was his father's assistant, until the latter's death. Minor Guyot at an early age, became identified with the business interests of Carthage and established a wool-carding mill, which, however, proved an unfortunate investment, for he was burned out twice in succession. He build the greater part of the plank-road from Carthage to Antwerp. He was one of the leading spirits in securing the village charter in 1841, and in the organization of a fire department the following year. He carried on a grist and saw-mill, on a site purchased of Le Ray de Chaumont. He was married March 31, 1857, to Maria, daughter of Dr. Eli West. Minor Guyot died December 30, 1893, aged 71 years, and Mrs. Guyot died December 14, 1883, aged 55 years.

Joseph Victor, the third son, has been for many years a citizen of Carthage, and is now the owner of the grist-mill on the east side of the river, on what is known as Guyot's island, on the site of his father's mill.

Harriet, the second daughter, is the wife of Dr. Seth French, the popular surgeon of the 35th N. Y. Volunteers. They are now residents of Flordia.

Sophia, the third daughter, became the wife of Mr. Zelotes Wood, and they now reside in Watertown.

Louise, the fourth daughter, is still a resident of Carthage, the wife of Christian Oberly, the jeweler.

Fred Guyot, the younger son, has been a life-long resident of Carthage and owns a furniture shop on Guyot's Island, and the fine carving he does evinces the ability which he possesses in no small degree, descended from his father, of whom he has but little recollection. They have been a numerous, respectable and industrious family.


JOHN L. GOLDSMIDT was born near London, England, in November 1789, of wealthy parents, and in youth entered the British army, with a commission as second lieutenant of cavalry, and was eventually promoted to lieutenant-colonel. He served in the war of the Spanish peninsula, under Sir John Moore, and acted as aid to Sir Arthur Wellesly (afterward Duke of Wellington). He had his arm broken at the battle of Vittoria, and was present at the battle of Salamanca, and was several times wounded in other engagements. He was knighted by John VI., then regent of Portugal, and served in the campaign of Waterloo, though at the time of the great battle he was on detached service. After the peace of 1815 he went to the East Indies. He was taken sick and sold his commission, and returned to England in 1821, when he was troubled with fever for eight years. He subsequently traveled for 10 years in various parts of the world. At his father's death he received $300,000, of which he lost half in French stocks, and. finally, in 1829, found himself in New York with barely $3,000. He removed thence to Champion, in Jefferson county, where he subsequently married, and a few years later removed to Watertown, where he resided until his death, December 8, 1853, aged 64 years.

SYLVESTER MIX, son of Joel, was born in 1795, and was four years of age when his parents located in Champion. He married Hannah, daughter of John Reed, of Lowville, and settled in Champion. He had five children, Mary, Nahar, George, David and Joel.

JOEL MIX was born March 27, 1830. In 1852 he married Abigail D., daughter of George and Lydia (Selleck) Fulton, and engaged in farming in Champion. He was one of the road commissioners of the town, and the author of the Carthage Grange. He was also prominently identified with the Carthage Agricultural Society. He died September 3, 1894, aged 64 years. He was a valued citizen, and honored by his neighbors as an upright man.

LEONARD HARRIS was born in Herkimer county in 1792, and when quite young came to Champion with his father. He married Miss Lucinda Thompson, of Champion, and resided in that town until his death, January 24, 1873. His children were as follows: Roena, Alfred, Rachel, Clarissa, Guilford, Lovicie, Erastus, Chester and Jane S. Mr. Harris was a soldier of the War of 1812 and a pensioner at the time of his death. Mrs. Harris died in August, 1831. He again married in 1833.

JAMES STEWART was one of the early settlers of the town of Champion. His children are: Rachel (Mrs. Dr. Eli West, of Carthage, deceased); Thomas, who married Lydia Sillick, of Champion, Alfred, who never married; Orson, who married Sophronia M. Clark, of Martin street, deceased; Sarah (Mrs. Ira Paddock), deceased, and Abner C., who married Clara McNeil, of Great Bend. Abner was born in 1821, and enlisted in August, 1862, serving in Co. C, 35th N. Y. Vol. Infantry. He was injured while going up the banks of Antietam Creek, on the way to the battle ground of Antietam, from the effects of which he has never recovered. He was discharged in 1863. Orson has been a life-long resident of the town of Champion, and now lives at Great Bend, at the age of 86 years. He has been considered good authority for years concerning historical facts and data.

EDSON SANDERS, son of Joseph, was born in Champion in 1807, but spent the most of his life in Wilna. He married Phoebe Ivory, and engaged in farming. He was in mercantile pursuits for 25 years, and served as assessor for several years. He had four children. His son, Roselle, was born in Wilna, April 27, 1840. He enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company D, 10th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and served until February 28, 1865. He was wounded in the right leg by a shell, in front of Petersburg, and again July 8, 1864, in the right ankle, from which he has since been disabled, and now draws a pension. He married, first, Louisa, daughter of William Lamb, of Wilna, by whom he had one son. He married, second, Sarah A., daughter of Joseph Hewitt, of Denmark, who died September 12, 1887. Roselle resides in West Carthage.

JACOB MCNEIL was born in Saratoga county. He was the son of Archibald McNeil, a teacher, and a highly-educated man. Jacob married Clara Scofield, of LeRay, and they raised 13 children. four of whom are now living. Mrs. Jacob McNeil died in 1859, in Champion, aged 70 years. Jacob was a farmer, and was drowned in Black river, between Great Bend and Carthage, in 1845.

JOSEPH PADDOCK was born in Dutchess county in 1771, and came to Champion in 1804. He married Diana Basley, and they had seven children. Ira F., their son, was born in the town of Champion in 1814. He resided in Watertown 17 years, and kept a grocery store and a candy manufactory in the basement of Clark Wilson's store. For the past 25 years he has lived in Great Bend, and was for several years a commercial traveller. In 1839 he married Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Stewart. She died in 1867, aged 63 years. Ira married the second time, Mary M. Main, of North Wilna. At the age of 80, Ira Paddock is an unusually intelligent man, reading the smallest print without glasses. He is one of the trustees of the Baptist Church.

VOLNEY WOOLWORTH, son of Chauncey Woolworth, was born in Denmark, Lewis county, in 1812. He married Betsey, daughter of Levi Moore, of Denmark, and in 1849 settled in Champion Huddle. He was a farmer and dealer in live stock, and well known throughout the county. He had four children: George G., John I. (both deceased), Seymour A. and Elijah M., of Champion. John married Helen S. Arthur, who survives him, and resides in Watertown. They have been blessed with four children, two of whom are deceased. John served as sergeant in Company I, 94th N. Y. Infantry. He died in Champion in 1887, aged 48 years. Elijah served in Company H, 186th Regt. N. Y. Volunteer Infantry. Seymour married Martha J., daughter of Col. Elias and Emily Sage, of Champion. He is an extensive farmer, with three daughters. George had six daughters, four of whom are married, and reside in the city of Watertown.

PHILIP HULL, son of William, was born in Norfolk, England, in 1829. He came to this country with his grandfather, William, in 1848, who settled in Oneida county, where he resided until his death. In 1852 Philip married Lucia L. Crosby, of Swan Creek, Ohio, and in 1866 located in the town of Rutland, and later in the town of Champion. In 1883 he became a resident of West Carthage, where he now resides. His children are William P., Ella M., who died young; George E., a physician, who died in Champion, in 1884, aged 25 years; Fred R., who died in 1882, aged 20 years, and Charles J., who graduated from the Eclectic College, in New York City, in 1881, and is now a practicing physician in West Carthage.

HON. GEORGE E. SPENCER, for two terms United State Senator from Alabama, was born in Champion in 1836. He was the son of Dr. Gordon Spencer, a distinguished physician and surgeon, long an active practitioner in Champion. He attended a medical college at Des Moines, Iowa, expecting to become a physician, like his father. But he was a natural born politician, and in that sphere all his future was to be cast. He was admitted to the bar after acting acting as secretary of the Iowa Senate in 1856. Having been instrumental in organizing a regiment for the Union army, he finally located in Alabama and became one of its most distinguished citizens. This was during the reconstruction era, and he was classed among the "carpet-baggers" an imputation he did not for a moment deserve, for he was an able and patriotic citizen and worked zealously for the interests of his adopted State. When Alabama concluded to return to its ante-bellum traditions and be represented by a pro-slavery Democrat, General Spencer's work was done in that State, and he removed to the mining region of Nevada, where he was extensively and favorably known. While on a visit to the city of Washington, he was stricken down with a fatal illness, dying in 1893. He left a wife and one son.

DANIEL C. CROOK was born in Oneida county and came to Champion in the early settlement of that town, and engaged in farming. He married Polly Gates, of Antwerp. His sons, Clark, Horace, Ambrose and Reed R., settled in Champion. Reed Crook has kept the hotel at Champion village for the most of the time during the past 20 years. He kept the large white hotel which stood opposite the Levis House in Carthage, and had just sold it when it was destroyed by fire. Reed Crook married Mary S., daughter of Orlo and Phoebe (Hubbard) Kilborn, of Champion. Mr. Reed Crook at one time kept the Harris House in Watertown.

SILAS FREEMAN was born in Connecticut, in 1806, and came to Champion when but three years of age. He was married to Nancy Colton, of Gouverneur, and their children are: George C., Silas A., Frances M., who married Rev. William Graves, of the town of Watertown, and William P., who resides on the homestead near Champion village. He is an intelligent farmer and lecturer of the Champion Grange. He takes an interest in politics, and his opinions in the newspapers on the issues of the day have been read with interest. He married Miss Lela Miller, of Albany county.

EZRA SAYRE was born in Essex county, New Jersey, in 1781. He married Elizabeth Ball, in 1806, and the same year moved to LeRay. In 1818 he settled about one mile east of Champion Huddle, and engaged in farming and the manufacturing of lime. His wife died in 1824. He moved to Newark, N. J., where he died in 1874, aged 66 years. His son, George Randolph, who was born in 1811, was the only child who remained in Champion, and succeeded his father in the lime business. George married Sarah Jane, daughter of William Rockwood, of Champion, and four children were born to them, two of whom survive: Miss Ellen, the solace of her invalid mother, and George Randolph Sayre, Jr., of Elizabeth, N. J. George Randolph, Sr., died August 22, 1888, aged 77 years. He was a member of the M. E. Church of Champion for over 40 years, and was a respected citizen.

MRS. RACHEL LOOMIS was spoken of for many years as the oldest resident of the town of Champion. She was the widow of Otis Loomis, an early settler, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Harris, who were originally from Connecticut, and resided on the road between Champion and Watertown. Asa Harris died in 1834 and his wife in 1848. Mrs. Rachel Loomis had many happy reunions of her birthday; when 93, there were present at the celebration 62 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She died in the autumn of 1889, at the advanced age of 95 years. The last years of her life she resided with her son, Sylvester Loomis, in the town of Champion.

SOLOMON HOPKINS was born February 17, 1778. He came from South Kensington, R. I., to Champion in 1803, and located on the farm on Martin Street, afterward owned and occupied by his son, Joel R. He took up a tract of 50 acres, to which he added by purchase. He was an upright and well-known citizen, was school commissioner several terms, and also assessor and highway commissioner. His second wife was Levina, sister of Capt. J. P. Rice, by whom he had eight children, five sons and three daughters, two of whom are living, viz: Hiram B. and David W., who reside in Rundells, Pa. Joel R. was born on the Martin Street farm April 9, 1819, where he died July 4, 1892. He married, first, Harriet C., daughter of Oren Brown, who died in 1851. He married, second, Prudence H., daughter of Peter Swinburne, of Denmark, N. Y., by whom he had four children, viz: J. S. D., a lawyer, who is engaged in mining in Colorado; J. S., a physician in New York city; J. L., also a physician in New York city, and J. L. (Mrs. W. S. McCollester)., of Carthage, N. Y. Mr. Hopkins was a school teacher in his younger days, but spent a greater part of his life time in farming. He was for many years a deacon in the First Baptist Church of Carthage.

MERRITT SMITH is a school trustee, and a respected citizen of Champion. He is the son of Lyman and Clarinda Smith, who came to Champion from Woodbridge, Conn., previous to 1812, and was called out to stand guard against the dreaded approach of the Indians, who were expected from the direction of Great Bend. He was a carpenter by trade, and had seven children: Noyes, Nancy (Mrs. Levi Kibby, of Connecticut); Dorothy (Mrs. George Woodruff, brother of Gilbert Woodruff); Betsey (Mrs. George Burr, of Watertown, who died in Texas); Jenette, who died at the age of 18, and Merritt, the subject of this sketch. He married Almeda M., daughter of Peter Ferguson, of LeRay. They have buried three children.

LEROY WOOD, one of the pioneers of the town of Champion, was born in Herkimer county in 1811, and lived on Martin street for 30 years. His life was one of integrity and strict frugality and honesty. He married Ann Eliza, daughter of James Mix, of Champion. He died November 23, 1830, and left two children, Miss May and William Wood.

ALONZO SHEDD is the postmaster at Champion village, and also keeps a general store. He was a soldier in the late war, serving three terms in the 10th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. He is one of nine children, and came to Champion when but 10 years of age. His parents, Simon and Roxanna (Wood) Shedd, came from Connecticut to this State about 1806, and settled in the town of Orleans, and later in the town of Champion. Alonzo married Helen Ellis, who died in 1887. Their children were: Charles C., Mabel M. and Aroline. He again married Amy C., widow of Walter Smith, who left her with four children.

CAPT. JOEL P. RICE was born in Greenfield, Mass., February 11, 1781, and died in Champion, May 7, 1876. When 21 he drove four oxen for his uncle Enos, from Greenfield to Champion in 20 days, stopping twice to re-shoe his sled. He was guided by marked trees from Lowville, and drove the first team ever driven on Martin street. He purchased soon after of his uncle, 83 1/2 acres of land, and raised a crop of potatoes. In 1807 he married Elizabeth Crowner. He served in the War of 1812, and was at the battle of Sackets Harbor. He was a member of the M. E. Church, and held several town offices.

JAMES MIX, one of the pioneer settlers of the town of Champion, was born in Wallingford, Conn., August 24, 1797. His parents were Joel and Eleanor (Merriam) Mix. James was the fourth child of a family of 10 children. Mrs. Sally Cutler, who resides on Martin street, is the only surviving member. Joel came from Connecticut to the Black River country as a surveyor, proceeding down the river on a raft, and nearly lost his life by drowning. He built a log house on the site of the William Coburn house in West Carthage, where Laura Mix, the first white child was born soon afterward. Being a carpenter, he also erected the first frame house in the town, on the Taskett farm, which has been recently taken down. Farming was his principal occupation. In early life he was a Whig, but afterward an ardent Democrat. He was a member of the Congregational Church of Champion. Joel died in Champion, January 28, 1813. James Mix married a granddaughter of Captain Martin, after whom Martin street was named. She died October 31, 1825. His second wife was Eliza, daughter of Asher Wilmot, who died March 4, 1847, leaving a family of four children: Mrs. LeRoy Wood, of Martin street; Mrs. Melvin Rice and Harrison Mix, of West Carthage, and Mrs. Edward Smith, of LeRay, who adopted 10 poor and friendless children. They constituted a most happy family, and truly called her "blessed." She died in 1886, and the scene at her funeral was most touching. This pioneer Mix family has always been highly respected. James kept for years a diary, which became of value to the historical student.

JOEL MANCHESTER has left many lasting monuments to his skillful workmanship in Carthage and the immediate vicinity. The old and substantial McCollum block, the foundation of which is built on the native rock, he built in company with Edward Metcalf, another experienced stone mason. They also laid the foundation of the Gallagher block. The old land office of Patrick Somerville Stewart, and several private residences, and the locks of the Black River canal show the work of his hands. Previous to coming to Jefferson county, Mr. Manchester worked on the State capitol at Montpelier, Vt. He was born in Caledonia county, Vt., in 1803, and married, in 1837, Sarah Gerry, the daughter of Ephriam Gerry, descendant of Elbridge Gerry, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Immediately afterward they came to Champion, and built a frame house at the Huddle, and, in 1848, the residence now occupied by Orrin Phillips, at the head of the Draper hill in Champion, where he died October 1, 1889. They reared two children, Immogene (Mrs. Harrison Mix), and Julia I. (Mrs. Orrin Phillips). The latter have two daughters and one son. Mrs. Manchester died in 1889.

PRESERVED PIERCE, the son of Nathaniel Pierce, one of the earliest settlers of the town of Rutland, was born January 14, 1798, in Halifax, Vt. In 1825 he married Lina Randall, of Lorraine, and settled in Rutland Hollow, where he resided until he came to Champion, in 1839. He served in the War of 1812. His children are: Benjamin (who died in 1859); Cordelia (wife of Hubbard Whitney, of Chicago); Obed ( who married Althea Babcock, of Champion, and resides in Champion village); and Nancy (Mrs. Judson Case, of Champion). The children of Obed Pierce are: Albert (who married Jennie Byrne, of New York, September 17, 1884), and Lina Pierce, who resides at home.

MERRILL COBURN was born in New Hampshire in 1792, and came to Jefferson county in 1816, and was married the following year. In 1822 he engaged in wool-carding and cloth manufacturing at Felts Mills, where he was justice of the peace for many years. He was also extensively interested in the lumber trade, and successful, as he was in everything he undertook. He was one of the first directors of the Union Bank of Watertown, and at one time its president, and a director of the Jefferson County Bank for 16 years. In 1851 he was a member of the Assembly. He was a just, respected and accommodating neighbor and citizen. He died in August, 1871. His children are: Mrs. Charles Follensbe, of Chicago; Mrs. Clancy, also of Chicago, and William Coburn, late of Carthage.

WILLIAM M. COBURN, son of Merrill Coburn, was born at Felts Mills, January 26, 1825. On reaching manhood he became a partner with his father in the lumber business at Felts Mills and at Huntingtonville. In 1860 he moved to Carthage, and owned and managed a saw-mill in West Carthage, which was afterwards swept away by high water. He was a director in the Carthage & Watertown Railroad; a director of the Jefferson County National Bank, and also in the National Union Bank. Mr. Coburn was eminently public spirited, and always an enterprising citizen. His first wife was Mary Middleton, who died before he took up his residence in Carthage. Mr. Coburn died in 1876. Mrs. Harriet Coburn, his widow, married Dr. Frank Bruce, a respected physician of Carthage. William Coburn's children are as follows: Fred W., a member of the firm of J. Rogers & Co.; and a director of the Carthage National Bank; John, a bookkeeper in the same store; Arthur, of Michigan; Marcia (Mrs. C. E. Follensbe, of Chicago), and Mabel (Mrs. Dr. Lord, of Carthage.)

WILLIAM HUTCHINSON was born in Hammond, St. Lawrence County, New York, in 1828. He attended the common schools of that period, academic education being much harder to obtain then than now. In 1838 he came to Natural Bridge, where he learned to be a miller. Remaining there six years, he removed to Watertown, finding employment in the Checkered mill. There he remained a year, removing thence to Copenhagen, where he was in charge for six years. At Deer River he purchased the first grist-mill he ever owned, and there he remained five years. Then he purchased the Carthage mills from Noyes Tuttle, in West Carthage, and has been in the milling business at Carthage continuously for 34 years. For the past 22 years, Mr. William Clark, or his son, C. J. Clark, has been in business with Mr. Hutchinson in the milling business. Mr. Hutchinson has been twice married. He has raised three children, and is a resident of West Carthage. He is respected for his business integrity and personal worth--a hard worker and a shrewd manager.

JEROME STEVENS, for several years a well-known resident of West Carthage, was the son of Norman and Sophia (Patten) Stevens, and was born in LeRay, February 2, 1826. He came to Wilna in 1849 and for 15 years conducted a grist-mill at Wood's Mills. He married Laura, daughter of Jonathan and Betsey (Davidson) Wood. Their only daughter, Rosalia, died in April, 1876, aged 25 years. For nearly six years she was preceptress of the Carthage Union Free School. After Mr. Stevens removed to Champion he was overseer of the poor and a prominent member of the M. E. Church at Carthage. He died in January, 1892, much respected as an honorable, intelligent and conscientious citizen. His widow survives him, residing at West Carthage.

WILLIAM JASON BENTLEY was the son of William Bentley, Jr., and Abiah Bakeman, who were born in Montgomery (now Fulton) county, New York. Their ancestry came from Rhode Island. William J. was born in Montgomery county, April 2, 1811. Losing both his parents when an infant, he was given over to the care of his grand parents, who raised him. He had the benefit of the common schools of that era, working upon his grand parents' farm until his marriage in 1831, to Lavina Hopkins, when he established himself at the head of his grandfather's establishment, and thenceforward he began his course as a successful farmer. He has been supervisor of Champion, and has held all the offices in that town. Now in his 83rd year, he is remarkably well preserved, his mind as bright as when 50, and bears his years with a courage that is almost sublime. He is probably one of the oldest persons in West Carthage.

RICHARD GIBBS was born in West Farnham, Lower Canada, in 1834; he came to this tate in 1860, and settled in Deer River in 1879, where he built his present residence. He is the son of Hiram Gibbs, who died in California in 1857, and grandson of Isaac Gibbs, who was a Revolutionary soldier and participated in the battle of Saratoga. Six brothers served under Washington and LaFayette. Richard Gibbs has been one of the leading business men of West Carthage for several years. He had a new shop nearly completed and ready for the machinery when the great fire of 1884 occurred. After being burned out, he again built on the site of the William Coburn grist-mill, in West Carthage, where the business is conducted by his son, Scott M. Gibbs, in manufacturing doors, blinds, mouldings, etc. He is also a heavy contractor and builder.

ROBERT WILSON was born in England, coming to America when a young man, and settled in the town of Vernon, Oneida county. He married Harriet King, who came from England but a short time previously. They had five children, James J., Lucy M., Matilda, Robert W. and Esther E. The two younger are deceased. James J. came to Jefferson county in 1874, settling near Carthage, and in 1879 married Miss Camillia M. Passenger, daughter of James Passenger, a prosperous farmer of Wilna. Mr. Wilson has two children, Robert E. and Carrie. Mr. Wilson is proprietor of a blacksmith shop in West Carthage, and is an upright, industrious young man, now in the prime of life, and of the sort from which our best citizens are made. His brother Robert served in the late civil war, was taken prisoner and died in prison.

HENRY G. POTTER, for many years a well-known and highly respected citizen of West Carthage, was born in Norway, Herkimer county, May 13, 1803, and was united in marriage February 17, 1833, to Thankful E., daughter of Nathan and Anna Potter, of Gloversville, N. Y. Soon after he came to Great Bend, where he kept a hotel for seven years; also a store. a grist-mill, a plow manufactory and a cheese-box factory during the 20 years he was closely identified with the business interests of that village. His wife died, leaving six children, Amelia M., widow of Edward Woodard, of Evans Mills; James G., of West Carthage; William H., of Chicago; Harriet C. (deceased); Emily T., of Evans Mills, and Mary R. (deceased). Henry G. Potter was married the second time May 29, 1849, to Susan C., daughter of Hannah and James Smith, of Carthage, and their family is as follows: Fannie S., wife of Jay A. Loomis; Eva S., wife of Fred A. Southwick, of Carthage; Fred A., who died at Whitesboro, aged 33 years, (after commencing a successful pastorate of the First Baptist Church of that place), and George W., a resident of Clayton, N. Y. Mr. Potter died September 21, 1882, aged 79 years, and his widow survives him, and is still a resident of Carthage.

JOHN A. POTTER, for many years the only merchant in West Carthage, was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, September 7, 1811. He was married February 22, 1842, to Miss Betsey Haze, of Champion, who died July 29, 1849. Their children were Daniel J. and Henry C., both of whom served in the late war. The latter lost an arm and died. Daniel died in Orange, N. J., in 1875, aged 31 years. John A. was again married to Miss Mary Green, of Carthage, who still survives him, a resident of Syracuse. Their family are: Almira R., wife of H. H. Mills, now of Syracuse, and Sara A., of Syracuse. George L. Potter, a son of Daniel J., has resided, since a small child, with his grand parents, and has been for several years a trusted employe of the Electric Light Company, of Carthage, and is the champion bicycle rider of Northern New York. John A. Potter died December 8, 1884.

NELSON RULISON was a widely known and respected citizen of Carthage. His birthplace was Florida, Montgomery county, whence he came to Jefferson county in 1819. For several years he taught school in Alexandria and LeRay, and in 1837 came to Carthage, being in the employ of LeRay de Chaumont, which position he held for more than a quarter of a century. For a time he was employed by the State in charge of the work upon the canal, and for a long time was United States assessor. He also represented his town for several terms as its supervisor. His marriage with Sophia Van Antwerp took place in 1830, and four sons and one daughter were born to them. One son, Rev. N. Somerville Rulison, is a distinguished clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and another son, Winchell D. V. Rulison, was for many years the trusted clerk in the county clerk's office, at Watertown, Nelson Rulison united with the M. E. Church in 1824, and held most of the offices of responsibility in the church of his choice. His death, in 1876, left a place in the community long to be remembered. With Christian fortitude he looked forward to a blessed immortality.

FRANK C. KNEPLER is of French descent, born in the Province of Lorraine, France, in 1857. He is the son of Peter and Anna (Nicholas) Knepler. His father was a cabinet-maker, and Frank learned the same trade. He came to America in 1880, and married Miss Emma Hanno, of New Bremen, Lewis county. They have reared one child. When he first came to Carthage he was in the employ of Smith & O'Keefe, and afterward in partnership with Charles Duffy in the manufacture of furniture, which enterprise did not prove a financial success. At present he is conducting a chair factory in West Carthage, occupying the saw-mill property, formerly owned by the late Lewis Earl.

WILLIAM SISSON was born in Herkimer county in 1806. He came to Jefferson county in 1868, and had married Aramintha Williams. They had five children: Charles H. (who was an extensive dealer in lumber, on the Pacific Coast, and was murdered 125 miles from Vancouver, leaving three children); Harriet and Mary (both deceased), Almeron and Orman. William Sisson, the father, died in August, 1886. Almeron married Esther M. Ricket, and adopted two children. Orman is unmarried. These two brothers have been in partnership for several years. In 1866-67-68 they conducted a saw-mill, shingle and lath factory on the Rawson place, near Carthage, removing to Carthage after the great fire of 1884, and where they took contracts for building houses. At present they conduct the grist-mill, wood-working and shingle mills owned by Chauncey H. Clark, at Great Bend, established in 1881.

CASPER ZAPF was born in Bavaria in 1824. He came to America and married Agnes Waibel in 1855. They had three children: Lewis, a cheese-maker in Theresa; Francis X. and Barbara, who married Edwin L. McNeil, in the employ of Rider & Fuller, of Watertown. Casper Zapf was a cheese manufacturer, and an extensive dealer in cheese. He died in the town of LeRay in 1878. Francis came to Great Bend in 1876, and was a cheese-maker for eight or nine years. He is the present secretary of the Great Bend Paper Company, and is sole trustee of the school district. He married Julia M. Dodge, and they have four children: Casper, Bertha J., Ethel N., Walter J. He is a member of Pisgah Lodge, No. 720, of Evans Mills, and universally respected.

ERASTUS B. FREEMAN was born in Wilna in 1809. He was the son of Alfred Freeman (who built the Checkered House), and one of 11 children, but one of whom survives, Charles, in Montana. Erastus B. came to Great Bend in 1851, and purchased a small hotel, to which he added and improved until finished, as it now appears, in 1873. For years the Freeman House has been a popular resort and equally so under the present management of his sons, John and George, who succeeded their father. Erastus married Abi, daughter of John Strickland, Jr., of Philadelphia, N. Y., and of their eight children but six are living, Harriet (wife of Sylvester Loomis of Champion), Helen M. (wife of Clark Loomis of Champion), Almira C (wife of Charles Roberts of Watertown), Martha A. (wife of Thomas B. Phelps, proprietor of Lowville Democrat), Charles E. (who married Adelaide, daughter of Sandford Lewis, of North Wilna, and died in 1875), John E. (who married Adelaide, widow of his brother Charles), and George E. (who married Miss Susan Merritt). Erastus Freeman died December 21, 1873, aged 64 years. His widow survives him, and at the age of 86, is a remarkably smart lady.

JOSEPH F. DODGE was born in Goshen, Litchfield county, Conn., October 21, 1832. He came with his parents to Wilna in 1839, where his father took up 200 acres land. He married Ann Maria, daughter of Brisband Brownell, in 1856. Seven children were born to them, five of whom are living: Oliver F., Julia M., Walter R., Nellie L. and Clinton B. Joseph moved with his family to Great Bend in 1867, and entered the employ of L. H. Mills. About two years later he engaged with the Great Bend Paper Company, where he remained until about four years since, when, his health failing, he was obliged to retire. His wife died in 1877. He is now in poor health and resides with his son Clinton, at Great Bend. Oliver F. Dodge is foreman of the Great Bend Paper Company, and is a justice of the peace.

FRANK A. FLETCHER, president of the Great Bend Paper and Pulp Company, was born in Mantrel, N. H., in February, 1836, and is the son of Lewis A. and Betsey M. Fletcher. He is one of seven children, and the only survivor. Frank came to Watertown in 1874, and engaged as manager for Knowlton Brothers, of Watertown, and in 1887 became identified with the paper company at Great Bend. He married Ida LaDue, of Newburg, N. Y., and they have four children. Frank enlisted May, 1861, in Co. G, 2nd N. H. Infantry, and served until June, 1864, when he was mustered out as sergeant. He was stationed on the Potomac, participated in the battles of the first and second Bull Run, Fredericksburg and Williamsburg--18 ar 19 battles in all. He was wounded at first Bull Run, and also at Gettysburg. He has always been a straightforward Republican and is a member of Spratt Post at Watertown.

JEWETT CLARK, a contractor on the Black River Canal, built, in 1842, the large stone hotel, the Jefferson House, which stands conspicuously in the center of the village of Great Bend--a monument to his enterprise. It was used for many years as a hotel, but is now a tenement house. It is most substantially put together, and the oldest inhabitants remember an incident connected with its construction. The rafters of the roof were being placed in position, when they suddenly gave way and three men were precipitated into the cellar, and, what is remarkable, none of the were seriously injured. Mr. Clark was drowned in Black River two years after. Mrs. Clark's maiden name was Mahala Ingalls; she survived her husband many years.



who is a merchant in West Carthage, was the son of George Bossuot, who was the first white child born in the village, afterwards called Carthage, the son of Jean Baptiste Bossuot, a native of Troyes, France. The family of this pioneer and earliest settler of Carthage, is an important and historical one. In 1798 he found at Carthage only a single Indian's hut--the forest coming down close to the river--a boundless wilderness. He died in Champion, July 26, 1847, aged 93 years. The children born to Jean Baptiste Bossuot were: George, Louis, Augustus, John Bonaparte, Peter, and a daughter named Julia, who died early. With the exception of Augustus, who died in Minnesota, all the rest of this numerous family resided in or near Carthage until their death. Jean Baptiste was accompanied to Carthage by his brother Louis, who also reared a numerous family: John, Louis, Joseph, Ellen, Margaret, Mary, Ann and Julia. The girls all married and raised families, and the boys emigrated West excepting John, who is now residing in Carthage.

Leander E. Bossuot, the grandson (as we have stated), of the original Jean Baptiste, is a respected citizen of West Carthage, and is clerk of the town of Champion. He enlisted in the 20th Cavalry in July, 1863, and served through with it until its final muster out. This regiment was the one which made the first entry into Richmond after its evacuation by the Confederates, and its colonel raised the first Union flag upon the State capital. It was a regiment full of veterans from the two-year service, and it is an honor to any man to have belonged to it. Its make-up may be judged of by remembering that Leander Bossuot served in it.

Mr. Bossuot is a Knight Templar, a member of Carthage Lodge No. 158, and the senior warden; is also a member of Carthage Chapter No. 259, of Watertown Commandery No. 11, and of Utica Council. He is also an Odd Fellow, and a member of the Mystic Shrine, a Masonic organization.

DR. ALBERT A. JOSLIN The subject of this sketch (the son of Philander D. Joslin and Philindia Van Dusen Joslin, Champion), was born in Wales, Erie county, N. Y.

While yet in his infancy, his parents removed from Erie county to Champion, Jefferson county, where he resided with them until the latter part of the summer of 1864, when he enlisted at the early age of 15, in Company H, 186th N. Y. Vol. Infantry. He was the youngest soldier in the regiment who carried a musket. The regiment rendezvoued at Sackets Harbor, where it was organized. On the examination of the recruits by the surgeons, young Joslin was at first rejected on account of his youth, but being persistent, and anxious to become a soldier, he succeeded by stating that he was 18 years of age, in securing a second examination, and was accepted.

The regiment was soon ordered to Virginia, where it joined the forces of General Grant, before Petersburg. There he served in the trenches, within rifle range of the enemy's lines throughout the siege. He participated in the movement of a portion of the army in an attempt to destroy the Southside Railroad. The attempt was unsuccessful, but the battle of Hatcher's Run was fought on October 27, 1864, in which the regiment was engaged.

On the night of December 10, 1864, the regiment, with other troops of the 9th corps, were withdrawn from the entrenchments, supplied with five days' rations and 80 rounds of ammunition, and made a forced march to Nottaway River at the crossing of the Weldon Railroad, to reinforce the 5th corps in the destruction of that road. This move was a success.

On April 2, 1865, in the final assault upon Petersburg, the regiment was in the charge upon Fort Mahone. In this battle young Joslin was captured by the rebels, and held a prisoner of war during the retreat of their army from Petersburg and Richmond to Appomattox Court House, where Lee surrendered, and he was recaptured. On this retreat the rebels were greatly harassed by the forces under Gens. Grant and Sheridan; and were obliged to make long and rapid marches each day, which were sometimes prolonged far into the night. No rations were issued to the prisoners for the period of one week, with the exception of four ears of corn and a small piece of bacon at one time. By reason of this and of the exhausting marches, Mr. Joslin suffered greatly from hunger and fatigue. He, with other prisoners, were compelled by hunger to search for kernels of corn where the horses and mules were fed, when the army halted at night.

About three years after the close of the war, he went to Litchfield county, Conn., and was there for three years. While in Connecticut, he commenced reading medicine, returning to Jefferson county and continued the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Ferguson. In 1879-80 he attended lectures at the University of the City of New York. In 1882 he entered the University of Vermont, at which institution he graduated, and commenced practice in 1882 at Greig, Lewis county, where he remained for several years. He then removed to Martinsburg, and there continued in practice several years.

He is a member of the Medical Society of Lewis county, of which society he was twice elected president. In 1885 he was elected a Fellow of the New York State Medical Association. He is a member of the executive board of said Society. He also has served a period of six years as coroner of Lewis county.


SNELL PARMENTER was born in Putnam, Windham county, Vermont, in 1808. He came to St. Lawrence county in 1825, settling in the town of Gouverneur. Having driven stage over the Green Mountains of Vermont, he naturally took up the same avocation on removing to Gouverneur. When only 15 years of age he drove a stage drawn by four horses from Brattleboro to Walpole. He married Mrs. Clarinda Burdslee, and they raised seven children. The fifth child was George W. Parmenter, long a resident of Carthage. He was born in Gouverneur in 1842. He had the benefit of a common-school education, and began to learn the carpenter's trade with Jacob Broxton, in Denmark, N. Y. He had not fully completed his trade when the civil war broke upon the country, and in August, 1862, he enlisted in the Fifth New York Heavy Artillery. He served through nearly three years with that regiment, participating in its engagements, and was mustered out with the regiment, receiving an honorable discharge. He was ordnance sergeant of his battalion during a part of his term of service.

On leaving the army he came to Carthage and finished his trade with Joseph H. Root. He soon began to learn architecture, and finally made designs for buildings, and now he is a builder and contractor.

In January, 1868, he married Miss Hattie A. Dunham, and since then they have been continuously residents of Carthage. Mr. Parmenter has been twice elected a trustee of Carthage, now serving his second term. He is a reliable, enterprising citizen, and his acts as trustee have been on the side of progress and improvement.


long a resident of Carthage and a soldier in the Union army, was born in Weston, near Bath, Somersetshire, England. He received a very limited education in the school of that country. He worked in a newspaper office in 1848 in the city of London, England and was a newspaper carrier on the London Times. In 1852, in his 15th year, he enlisted in the British army, at Tauplemore, in Tiperary, Ireland. He joined his regiment, the 55th foot, at Gibraltar. This was about the time the Crimean War began, and the 55th was ordered to that distant point, now celebrated in history.

Young Bennett served through that important war, and received the honorary good conduct medal, with three clasps, upon which are engraved, "The Alma, Balaklava and Sebastopol." He was one of the volunteers who carried the scaling ladders at the assault upon the Redan, September 8, 1855, and was otherwise distinguished as a good soldier.

He was a witness of the charge of the immortal six hundred at Balaklava, his regiment being held within supporting distance, but not engaged.

He came to the United States in 1857, beginning work as a farmer in the town of Lyme, N. Y. In 1863 he enlisted in the 10th New York Heavy Artillery, in Company I, Captain Gilmore. He served right through with this company, participating in its battles, terminating at the assault upon Petersburg and the wind-up at Appomattox.

In 1858 he married Miss Martha Whittier, whose father was a cousin of the eminent John G. Whittier, the Quaker poet. She is also related to the Morrel family, which has among its members the Hon. Lot Morrel, the distinguished Senator from Vermont.

Mr. Bennett is six feet two inches in height. He joined the G. A. R. in 1867, and has held every office in E. B. Steele Post at Carthage, and has been delegate three times to the State encampment. He is yet stalwart and able to get around readily. A good soldier and citizen. When mustered out he was 1st sergeant of his company.


of West Carthage, one of those shown in the composite soldier plate herewith, [see Pioneer Portrait Project]was a pensioner of the War of 1812. He was born in Savoy, Berkshire county, Mass., November 13, 1795, and was the son of Aaron and Delaney (Pierce) Fuller, and one of 10 children. At the age of seven years he came with his parents to Fairfield, Herkimer county, N. Y., where they engaged in farming. At the age of 19, William was called out with the militia to the defense of Sackets Harbor. Although not of an eligible age, he served the government as a private soldier, from an inclination to see something of the world. After six weeks' service, peace was declared and he returned to Fairfield. In 1820 he came to Turin, Lewis county, where he held many offices of trust.

In 1822 he married Miss Polly Hemstreet, daughter of Jacob Hemstreet, of Revolutionary ancestry. Her grandfather was at the surrender of Burgoyne at the battle of Saratoga, William Fuller's children are: Harriet, widow of Josiah Huckins, with whom he spent the closing years of his life; Perry Pierce Fuller, of Watertown, and William D. Fuller, of North Ridgeville, Ohio. In 1842 William Fuller went to Rutland, and while there united with the State street M. E. Church, of Watertown, in which year they were erecting their church edifice. He was a prime mover in building the church at Houseville, Lewis county, and afterward a steward in the M. E. Church at Carthage, where he became a resident in 1870, and held minor offices in West Carthage.

"Uncle Fuller" was a most genial, pleasant gentleman, who loved a joke and had a good laugh for every one. He could be stern and fearless in discharging the duties of an office. It is told that while he was justice of the peace in the town of Rutland, that a young lawyer of Watertown, who has since won distinction, sought to convince him by reading portions of the law. "Is that law?" Squire Fuller asked. "Yes, that is the law," was the reply. "Well, it is not common sense," and his decision was unchanged. He retained his faculties until stricken by paralysis, from the effects of which he died, April 20, 1888, aged 92 years.


was born in Salisbury, Litchfield county, Connecticut, April 29, 1789. He was the son of Eliphaz Spencer, who, with his two brothers, Thomas and Jared, were among the first settlers of Hartford, Conn. The father of Gordon P. Spencer was a farmer by occupation. His mother was the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Hall, of East Haddam, Conn. He received private instruction in early life under the supervision of Rev. Joseph Crossman and Ammi L. Robbins. He entered Williams College in 1807, and graduated from that institution with honors. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. North, of Goshen, obtaining his diploma from the Medical Society of New London in 1812.

This being the time of the breaking out of hostilities between Great Britain and the United States, he obtained a commission from the Secretary of War, and was ordered to report to the colonel of the Eleventh Infantry Regiment. He remained at his post with the regiment from that time until the close of the war.

After the army went into winter quarters, the Doctor was engaged in the hospital at Sackets Harbor. The news of peace was received, and Dr. Spencer, on his way to his native State, called to assist Dr. Durkee, of Champion, in attending a man who had his leg crushed, making arrangements with that gentleman for a partnership. Returning to Champion, he began an extended and important medical practice, of long duration and of most enduring success. He finally died in Watertown, where he had removed when too old to practice.

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