These biographies and family sketches are copied exactly as found. Undoubtedly there will be minor variations found in later research.
ORIN E. TALLMAN was born in the town of Orleans, Jefferson county, February 10, 1859 and died in Philadelphia Tuesday, January 8, 1895. He was the son of Germain and Mary Tallman. His boyhood days were spent in school and on his father's farm. His education was furnished by the common schools, with the addition of a course at a Utica business college. At an early age he learned telegraphy, and for 11 years was in the employ of the Utica and Black River Railroad, as station agent at Orleans. While in the employ of the railroad company he began dealing in hay and grain. His pleasant ways and strict integrity soon built up an extensive trade, and he found it necessary to resign his position as station agent and devote his entire time to his private business, which then extended over several towns. In 1887, an account of the superior shipping facilities afforded, he removed to Philadelphia and continued in the hay business, being, at the time of his death, one of the largest shippers in the county.
In October, 1884, he was married to Miss Mary Brightweiser, a most estimable lady of his native town, who survives him. Her parents were Valentine and Catherine Brightweiser.
Mr. Tallman was held in high esteem because of his many sterling qualities. He possessed that rare and pleasing attribute which made him friends of all with whom he came in contact, and as a result he enjoyed the confidence of all his fellow citizens in a marked degree. He had held the office of village president, and was one of the trustees at the time of his death; he was chief of the Philadelphia fire department and an earnest worker for its welfare.
The funeral was held from his residence in Philadelphia January 10, and was the largest ever witnessed in that place. The floral tributes were profuse and elaborate. A special train conveyed the funeral party to LaFargeville, where interment took place.
Mr. Tallman was a member of quite a number of orders, and the brothers turned out largely to attend the last sad rites. He was an honored member of the following organizations: LaFargeville lodge, F. & A. M.; Theresa Chapter R.A.M.; Watertown Commandery, K.T.; Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Media Temple, Watertown; Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, Shiras Grotto, No. 8 of Antwerp; Court Philadelphia I.O.O.F.
Ever cheerful and happy, his whole life was governed by the rule of "charity for all, malice toward none." Truly he was "God's noblest work, an honest man."
Mr. Tallman left one brother and four sisters: Edwin J., Mrs. E. A. Wright, Miss Carrie and Miss Amanda, all of LaFargeville, and Mrs. John Kissel of Theresa. They are all useful and honored members of Society.
MR. MARTIN E. ALDRICH.--The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Rutland, Jefferson county, N. Y., March 23, 1837, on the same farm where his father, Lewis Aldrich, was born, and where his grandfather, Leonard Aldrich, settled on coming to this country from Vermont, in the early part of the present century. His mother, Mary Ellis, also came to this county with her parents from Massachusetts early in the century. Several of his ancestors on both his father's and mother's side served in the Revolutionary War. All of his early ancestors emigrated to the United States from England. Martin E. Aldrich was educated at Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, Eastman's Commercial College at Rochester, N. Y. He taught school for several years, and gave evidence of excellent training in this line of work. On December 29, 1863 he married Ann E., daughter of Erastus and Betsey (Chadwick) Whitney, who were pioneers in the town of Philadelphia, N. Y. Miss Whitney had been a student at the Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, and was a young lady of sweet Christian character. In March, 1866, they located in the village of Philadelphia, their present place of residence, on a street bearing their own name. Mr. Aldrich has been from his first settlement in Philadelphia engaged in the mercantile business, in which he he has been fairly successful . He has always borne a high reputation as a man of excellent character, and as a citizen he is greatly respected. Six sons and four daughters have blessed the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich, all having been born in Philadelphia, excepting Inie E., who first saw the light in the town of Rutland. This daughter graduated from the Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary in 1886, and is now an art student, having studied two years in the National Academy of Design in New York city. Their son, Llewellyn M., graduated in the same class with his sister, and afterwards engaged in business with his father until the fall of 1890, when he accepted a position the employ of the New York Life Insurance Company, being located at Denver, Colorado. In 1893 he returned to his native town, and later opened a music store there. In November, 1894, he located in the Flower Block, in Watertown, having purchased the music business or Mr. George R. Hanford.
OLIVER CHILD, third son of Cadwallader and Elizabeth (Rea) Child, was born in Philadelphia, N.Y., February 16, 1807. He taught school, and soon after attaining his majority entered the employ of Mr. LeRay, and was surveyor for that gentleman, doing duty for many years in this county and in Lewis county. He also purchased a tract in LeRay and Orleans, which he sold in parecls on his own account. Mr. Child married, July 27, 1830, Edith, daughter of John and Elizabeth Shaw, a native of Philadelphia city, and their children were Elizabeth and Lewis John, both of whom died in childhood, about 1837. Hamilton, born in LeRaysville. March 17, 1836, now a publisher, of Syracuse, N.Y., Mary Jane (Mrs. Edward J. Stannard) born at Carthage, August 6, 1838 , now living near Philadelphia city; and Lewis John, born August 12, 1840, who enlisted in Co. C 10th N. Y. H. A., in 1862, and served until his regiment was discharged. He married in 1867, Lydia M., daughter of John Wait of Philadelphia, and owns and occupies homestead farm. After his marriage Oliver Child settled in LeRaysville, where he remained until the land office was removed to Carthage, whither he went and lived till about 1841, when he removed to his farm at Philadelphia. His wife, Edith, died while on a visit to her friends in Pennsylvania in1842, and was buried in Doylestown. About this time Mr. Child was engaged by William H. Harrison, of New York city, to take the agency of his lands in St. Lawrence county, a position which he occupied with his headquarters and home at Morley. He married for his second wife Eliza Shepard, a native of Vermont, September 12, 1844. Mr. Child resigned the agency for Mr. Harrison and removed from Morley to Oswego, in 1850, to engage in the forwarding business in company with Charles Shepard, but the venture not proving profitable, it was abandoned and the same year he removed to his farm in Philadelphia, where he ever after resided, until his death. His widow survived till July 2, 1888, when she died, aged 90 years.
JAMES STERLING.--Few men in Jefferson county have acquired a reputation for pluck and business energy that led to remarkable success, beyond that accorded to James Sterling in the days when he was known as " the iron king of Northern New York." He was born in Norwich, Conn., January 25, 1800. His father, Daniel Sterling, married Mary Bradford, a lineal descendant of Governor William Bradford, of Puritanic stock, and in 1802 he moved with his family to the town of Antwerp, then a part of Brownville. The first, or one of the earliest, deeds recorded in Antwerp was to Mary Bradford, and is a part of the John R. Sterling property, situated north of Antwerp about one mile on the Gouverneur road. The early years of James Sterling were spent upon the farm, and at clearing land in the vicinity of Antwerp. Without the advantages even of a good common school education his mind expanded and demanded a larger field of operations. In 1836 he purchased the Hopestil Foster land, which contained afterwards and now famous Sterling iron ore mines, from which very many thousand tons of ore have been mined. In 1840 he organized the Philadelphia Iron Company and located a blast furnace at Sterlingville, which place was named after him. Here the famous cold-blast charcoal pig-iron was made, which for years was known in the market as " Sterling iron." In 1844 Mr. Sterling established the second blast furnace at Sterling Burg, about one, mile easterly from Antwerp village, and he soon after purchased the furnace property at Wegatchie, in St. Lawrence county. In 1852 he purchased of Isaac K. Lippencott the entire village and 4,500 acres of land in Lewis county, nearly 11 miles north of Carthage, known as Sterling Bush. His business had grown to be very extensive, his pay roll at his different works embracing the names of as many as 1,000 men. Mr. Sterling's physical stature was in proportion to his great intellect. Standing six foot three inches in height., his weight was, at his best 396 pounds. Of his 11 children seven are still living, namely: Mary B. (Sterling) Clark, so well known in this county as a zealous Christian woman, whose efforts have, among other things, resulted in the establishment of Trinity Chapel at Great Bend, and of the Mission Chapel of the Redeemer at Watertown; A. P. Sterling, James Sterling, Julia Sterling Mills, Antonette (Sterling) McKinly, who with her husband and children are living happily at their home in London, England; Rochester H. Sterling and Joseph Sterling. After many years of active life in this county, where the money he has paid out for labor had helped hundreds of farmers to pay for their land, James Sterling died at his residence in Sterlingville, July 23, 1863, at the age of 63 years.
WILLIAM O'HORA was born in Canada in 1847. He came to Jefferson county with his parents when three years of age. He enlisted in the Union army and served two years in the 44th New York Infantry, known as Ellsworth Avengers, and was transferred to the 146th N. Y. Infantry, being discharged with that regiment. He was at the battle of the Wilderness, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Five Forks, Hatcher's Run, Pegram Farm and Appomattox. He was wounded in one of the Wilderness engagements, and was sent to Douglas Hospital, Washington. He was also wounded at Five Forks. He married Ellen Coughlin, who died August 23, 1894, leaving two children. He is at the present time a pension agent. He resides at Sterlingville.
ARTHUR J. HOUSE, only son of Rufus and Betsey (Whiting) House, was born in the town of Antwerp in 1870. He was reared upon a farm, obtaining his education at the district school. In 1887 he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, engaging with his father as express deliverer and drayman. He was married in 1891 to Miss Jennie M. Snell of Antwerp. Mr. House has a pleasant way of doing business, which is much to the satisfaction of the public, for he is beyond question one of the few instances of the right man in the right place.
GEORGE E. TUCKER was born of Quaker parentage, October 3, 1831, and was a nephew of the late Miles Strickland. He was married October 1, 1863, to Mary G. Lamb, of Ogdensburg. He was supervisor of the town of Philadelphia for seven terms, and was justice of the peace for many years. He died March 28, 1893.
G. W. ROBERTS, oldest son of William Roberts, was born in Martinsburg, Lewis county, May 4,1861. He received his education at the Lowville Academy. In 1884 he married Miss Jessie Netta, the estimable and accomplished daughter of E. L. and Charlotte Parsons, of Leyden, Lewis county. In 1886 Mr. Roberts removed from Lowville to Philadelphia, in order to assist his father in .his various branches of business, and is now engaged in that capacity. He is vice-president and treasurer of the Indian River Chair Company. His kind and genial ways have won for him the respect and confidence of his fellow -citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have travelled from ocean to ocean, visiting all the large cities and places of note from New York to California.
ROBERT E. PURCELL was born at Sterlingville in 1845. His early life was spent upon the farm. At the age of 18 he enlisted in Robert F. Tallman's Company K, 14th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. This company garrisoned forts in New York Harbor until April 23, 1864, when it was ordered to the front and attached to Marshall's brigade, 1st Division of the 9th army corps, Army of the Potomac, and participated in all the engagements of that command. Mr. Purcell was wounded at Petersburg, June 7, 1864, and sent to Washington, D. C., then to Pennsylvania, and from there to Elmira, N. Y. He returned to his regiment at Petersburg, and was engaged at Fort Stedman, Va., March 25, 1865, and at the fall of Petersburg, April 2, 1865; was honorably discharged August 15, 1865, at the close of the war. He was appointed postmaster ot Philadelphia N. Y., August 5, 1893, by Grover Cleveland, which position he now holds. He was married July 5, 1873, to Sarah L. Rogers, and they have had four children born to them, two boys and two girls. Mr. Purcell is of Irish descent, and there is nothing he is so proud of as his nationality. James, his eldest son, is the able assistant in the postoffice. They are both very courteous and kind, serving the public in a manner that leaves no ground whatever for complaint.
CYRUS MOSHER was born in Stillwater, Saratoga county, N. Y., February 24, 1807, and was in his 89th year at the time of his death. He was a son of David and Esther Mosher, old-school Quakers. His parents removed to this neighborhood in 1819, and settled on what was known as the Post farm in Poagland. The journey was made with an ox team, and occupied several days. The son, Cyrus, stayed at home helping at farm work, for some time, but later chose the carpenter and joiner trade, which he followed all his life. Cyrus was a birth-right Quaker, and as such was expected to obey all the edicts of the church. But he was young and somewhat free of thought, and consequently charges were preferred against him in the Quaker church. It may be interesting in this day and age of the world to know of what those charges consisted. They were three in number, and were as follows: 1st--Paying attention to a young lady outside of the church, with intent to marry; 2d--Wearing a coat out of plainness. In other words wearing a coat such as other young men wore then, with a collar, as worn today; 3d--Paying a military fine. The young man, however, insisted on continuing his attention to the maiden outside of the church, and finally married her, thus severing his connection with the Quakers. The wife of his choice was Miss Melvina Corp, and four children were the result of the union. They are all living, and are as follows: Isaac, Henry, Imogene (wife of John Coon, living in Holly, Mich.), and Mrs. Milo Holkins. This wife was removed by death in 1839, and two years after Mr. Mosher married Miss Julia Ann Coon. Two children blessed this union, Mrs. W. J. York, of Philadelphia and Elijah Mosher, of Chicago. Mr. Mosher was a quiet man, modest, retiring; but withal firm in his convictions, and unwavering in his steadfastness to what he believed to be right. He died at Philadelphia, January 3, 1895, much regretted.
JOHN STRICKLAND was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1757. In 1806 he emigrated to Jefferson county and located in Philadelphia, then a part of LeRay. He was a member of the Society of Friends and was possessed of a genial and kindly disposition. He brought with him a sum exceeding $25,000, with which he purchased 5,000 acres of land in this town. During the War of 1812 he bought supplies for the American army, and at the termination of the war had a large quantity of supplies on hand for which he received less than half their original cost. He was obliged to dispose of a large portion of his land to pay his large indebtedness, after the accomplishment of which he had left of his vast estate only 220 acres. He died September 15, 1849, aged 92 years. At the age of 25 years he married Margaret Stout, of German descent with whom he resided 60 years. She died in 1853. Of their children, Elizabeth married Thomas Townsend, and died in 1864; John, Jr., married Rachel Townsend, and diied in 1859. Sarah married Ezra Comley, and died in Pennsylvania in 1855; Deborah died in infancy; Ann married Edmund Tucker, and died in 1863; Mahlon married Mary, daughter of James Rogers, and died in 1871; Margaret married Samuel Case, and died in Chicago in 1888, aged 91 years; Rachel married Samuel Rogers, and died in this town in 1863; Miles married Harriet A. Bronson (deceased); Martha married Robert Gray, and died in Wisconsin in 1875; Seth, who was born in 1808, married Jane, daughter of Thomas Bones, January 25, 1836. Of their children, Ellen (Mrs. Isaac Mosher) and William reside in this town, and John E. in Carthage. William Strickland was born October 15, 1839, and was reared upon the homestead farm which he inherited. He married Betsey J., daughter of Truman and Fanny (Allis) Oatman, of Philadelphia, December 29, 1862 by whom he has had two children Seth T., born March 12, 1866, who died May 7, 1871, and Anna Jane, born April 2, 1874. Mr. Strickland is a farmer and resides in the village
WILLIAM YORK was born in Galway, N. Y., in 1799, and was reared upon a farm. In 1815 he married Prudencia Danforth, and they had six children, namely: Stephen V., who died at the age of 17 years ; Frances D., who died in 1883; Mary, who married Harlow Frink, of this town; William, who resides in Philadelphia; Eliza Ann, who was born in 1836, and is now the wife of Daniel H. Scofield, of this town; and Eunice, who married Dexter Bennett, of this town. In 1815 William York located on Galway street (road 42), where he died at the age of 45 years. His wife died in 1883, aged 83 years
DANIEL H. SCOFIELD came with his parents to Philadelphia in 1841. He was educated in the district and select schools, and at the age of 16 years engaged as salesman in E. D. Woodward's store, where he remained four years, when he removed to Evans Mills and clerked for A. M. Cook. He was in business with W. G. Holmes & Bro. 18 years and with W. G. Holmes several years, when his son, William T., became associated with him. He built the Scofield block in 1886. January 4,1858, he married Eliza A , daughter of William and Prudence (Danforth) York, of Philadelphia, and they have one son and two daughters: Mary Eliza, born in 1860, who married Frank H. Brooks; William T., born April 18, 1862; and Martha Adell, born August 22, 1865. Mr. Scofield is a liberal supporter of the Congregational Church.
SAMUEL B. SCOFIELD married Fanny Elizabeth daughter of Daniel and Fanny (Taylor) Rogers, January 10, 1860, and their children were Nettie E., who was accidentally burned to death, Lewis W., Jennie E., who married Fred. H. Smith, Ruth Mayford and Thaddeus. Mr. Scofield is a carpenter and builder, and resides on Mill street, in Philadelphia.
ANDREW C. COMSTOCK was born May 16, 1847, was educated at the common schools, and at the age of 17 engaged as salesman in the store of Holmes & Scofield. He was also a clerk for Mosher & Tucker, and was subsequently engaged in mercantile business with G. Rouse. He was proprietor of a grist and saw-mill for two years, and in 1876 engaged in the hardware business. Mr. Comstock was postmaster from 1877 to 1884, was supervisor from 1880 until 1888, with the exception of 1881-82; was elected member of Assembly in 1887, and re-elected by a plurality of 810 in 1888. He married Mary M., daughter of Robert and Mary (Scott) Melrose, March 29, 1871, and they have had children as follows: Eddie M., Harry M., Grace M. and John N. Mr. Comstock is now engaged in the hardware trade in his block on Main street, which be built in 1886.
EARL L. COMSTOCK was born August 8, 1854. He married Jennie A , daughter of John L. and Ann J. (Terkinson) Thomson, December 27, 1878, and they have three children, namely: Fanny Florence, Anna May and Lewis E. Mr. Comstock bought the Comstock House, at the depot, in 1881, and occupied the same until 1887, when he engaged in the hardware business with his brother Andrew C. In 1889 he bought the Eagle Hotel.
DE WITT C. RODENHURST was born Jannary 26, 1855, was educated at Whitestown Seminary, studied medicine with Drs. Sturtevant and Kelsey at Theresa, graduated at Long Island College Hospital in 1879, and commenced practice at Ox Bow. January 10, 1884, he married Hattie H., daughter of Zalmon and Cyrena (Swan) Pool, of Theresa. In the fall of 1882 he located in Philadelphia village, where he has an extensive practice. He is the son of Mr. Richard Rodenhurst, a merchant of Theresa.
AZEL W. DANFORTH, son of Francis and Eunice (Warren) Danforth, was born in Albany County, where he married Mary Stickles, by whom he had three children, namely Mary, (Mrs. H. L. Curtis), of Watertown; Eunice W. (Mrs. Reuben Curtis), also of Watertown; and Warren, of Iowa. Mr. Danforth married, second, Sarah Stickles, and their children were Margaret, of Iowa, and James H., deceased. His third wife, Eliza Ann, daughter of Josiah Phillips, bore him three children, viz.: James H., of this town; Julia (Mrs. Edwin Bush), of Watertown; and Merrill, who died at the age of six years. Mr. Danforth served as supervisor, and was a member of the Assembly in 1844-46. He died in 1864, on the farm now occupied by his son James H.
JAMES H. DANFORTH was born in 1840. He married Julia E., daughter of Jonathan and Samantha (Shull) Marshall, in 1865, and they have a son, Warren, born in 1867. Their daughter, Grace Matilda, was born in 1873, and died in 1888. Mr. Danforth is a farmer, occupying the homestead on road 29.
CALEB ESSINGTON erected in 1839 a forge at Sterlingville, where he manufactured rolled and bar-iron for many years. He was an industrious, capable man. The forge has long been out of use.
BENJAMIN F. KENT, son of Benjamin and Emily (Stevens) Kent, was born in Clayton, January 17, 1853. He was reared upon a farm, and was educated in the district schools. He learned the jeweler's trade, and in 1876 engaged in business at Three Mile Bay, in the town of Lyme, where he continued until 1884, when he located in Philadelphia and in 1886 built the block where he now resides, and in which his jewelry and boot and shoe store is located. October 14, 1855, he married Jennie L., daughter of Louisa (Gunn) Putnam.
ELON G. GARDNER, son of Samuel, was born in Pinckney, N. Y., in 1819. He married Caroline, daughter of Chauncey and Asenath (White) Doane, and they had three sons and three daughters, namely: Henry O., Delia (Mrs. J. P. Grosvenor), Lucia A., Carrie A. (Mrs. C. O. Gardner), of Watertown; Fred. E., who married Josie St. Dennis and Adelbert N., a book-keeper. Henry O. Gardner spent his early life in Richville, and was reared upon a farm. He took a three-years' course in Oberlin (Ohio) College and for three years was engaged in trade with C. D Gardner, at Richville. August 25, 1880, he married Abbie V., daughter of Joseph E. and Margaret (Borland) Smith, and they have three sons: A. Dow, Joseph E. and Earl E. Mr. Gardner taught school in Indiana for a time, when he returned to Belleville and again engaged in trade. In 1888 he came to Philadelphia and organized the bank. In June, 1888, he bought A. N. Britton & Son's chair factory in Theresa, and organized a stock company, " A. N. Britton Manufacturing Company, Limited." He has a furniture and undertaking business in Philadelphia, in which his brother Fred E. is associated with him. H. O. Gardner resides in Theresa.
ERASMUS D. WOODWARD was born in the town of Lorraine in 1813. He was of English descent , one of four brothers, and the son of Dr. Cobb and Dorcas (Conant) Woodward. He was with his father in the drug store until his marriage in 1838. He married Eunice Crandall, of Herkimer county, and soon afterward engaged in the dry goods trade, and also general merchandise at Philadelphia, and was the leading merchant for many years. He held various positions of trust in the town. He and his wife were original members of the Baptist Church of Philadelphia, which was organized in their house. They reared seven children: Elon A., now in government employ in the War Department at Washington, which position he has held since before the war, and who also served in Company C, 1st N. Y. Artillery; Oscar D., of Leavenworth, Kas., who served in the same company with his brother; Mary L., widow of John C. Fulton, for many years a lawyer at Carthage; Herbert E., of Washington. D. C.; Ira C., who died in March, 1894, in Chicago; Chas. E., of Rochester, N. Y.; and Ida F., wife of John B. Haygoone, of New York city. Erasmus D. Woodward died in Philadelphia, N. Y., in 1858, and his wife in 1886, the latter aged 72 years. Mr. Woodward was a man of strict integrity, and took a deep interest in public matters, and was respected by all.
ARTHUR S. WOOD, son of Col. John D. Wood, was born in Denton, Orange county, N. Y., April 18, 1869. His education was obtained at a graded school in his native town. When quite young he learned telegraphy, and in 1883 engaged as operator for the N. Y., 0. & W. R. R., at Middletown, N. Y., remaining in the employ of that company until 1890. From 1890 to 1891 he was engaged as operator at Albany, N. Y. February, 1892, he was employed as train dispatcher at Watertown, N. Y., filling that position the remainder of that year. In May, 1892, he married Miss Emily Mapes, daughter of Mortimer L. Mapes, of Florida, N. Y. In October, 1893, he removed to Philadelphia N.Y. He look [sic] well after the interests of the railroad company, which is no small affair, considering that over 30 passenger trains stop at this station every day during the summer season, besides an unlimited number of freight trains.
WILLIAM ROBERTS, son of Owen and Mary Roberts, was born in Remsen, Oneida county, December 29, 1834. His earlier days were spent upon his father's farm, obtaining his education at the district school. In 1856 he married Miss Serepta Wilder, of Martinsburg. Two sons bless this union. In 1877 he located at Lowville, and engaged in lumbering. In 1882 he built. a saw-mill at Philadelphia, forming a partnership with Otis Brooks, the copartnership existing until 1886. Mr. Brooks retired from the business that same year. Mr. Roberts removed his family from Lowville to Philadelphia, and in 1890 he built a large chair factory, giving employment to over 50 people. The industry is now known as "The Indian River Chair Company." In 1891 Mr. Roberts erected a neat opera house, with a seating capacity of 500. In 1892 he built a flour and feed mill, also several dwelling houses. No man has done more for the village of Philadelphia. He is a kind and unassuming man, ever ready to assist in any good cause--never seeking notoriety nor taking any active part in politics. He is president of the Indian River Chair Company.
EDMUND G. TUCKER, son of the late Geo. E. Tucker, who died March 21, 1893, was born May 28, 1867. He received his education at the Poughkeepsie Business College and for several years was clerk in the Watertown National Bank. September 14, 1893, he married Miss Mary Field Boon, daughter of Maitland Boon, of Watertown. Mr. Tucker is now engaged at farming and fancy stock raising upon the old homestead in Philadelphia. Edmund Tucker, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was the first postmaster of this town, and the first building used for a postoffice now stands upon his farm. Edmund G.'s father was a highly respected citizen, and was supervisor of the town from 1873 to 1879, inclusive. He also held the office of justice of the peace for many years. He was an honest, upright, tender-hearted man, beloved by all who knew him and left a memory peculiarly wholesome.
GEORGE S. FISHER, proprietor of Fisher's Hotel near the depot, at Philadelphia, was born in the town of Turin, Lewis county, in the year 1855. His early days were spent on his father's farm, attending the district school until the age of 15, when he finished his education at a select school. When barely 17 years of age he engaged with the law firm of McCallister & Hough, of New York city, as clerk and bookkeeper, remaining with that firm three years. Returning to Lewis county, he found employment the Lamphere House, Lowville, where he remained nearly three years, acting as clerk and looking after the business of the house. From this hotel he went to the Kellogg House, as general manager, filling this capacity for eight years. In 1881 he married Miss Bridget Hanly, a much respected lady of Martinsburg. Three children have been born to them. In 1882 he was elected sheriff of Lewis county by the largest majority ever given a candidate in that locality. At the expiration of his term as was elected county clerk. He served three years as chairman of the Democratic County Committee. So efficiently did he serve the people while holding these offices that they earnestly asked of him to accept the nomination for Member of Assembly, but having other business that needed his entire attention, he retired from the political field with all the honors that were his due. In 1894 he purchased the hotel he now occupies. He has made several improvements about the same. Mr. Fisher's kind and genial ways have made for him a host of friends, who wish him success in his venture.
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